Category / RKE development framework

Enhance your Impact in Preparation for the REF

The Research and Knowledge Exchange Office (RKEO) through the Research & Knowledge Exchange Development Framework (RKEDF) has a number of workshops in the coming months to assist you in developing and enhancing the impact that you can make with your research, with particular reference to the REF.

Please follow the links above to find out more and to book. You will then receive a meeting request giving the room location. Many of these events have input from external presenters; please ensure that you are in the room and ready to commence at the given start time.

If you would like to discuss impact outside these workshops, please contact the RKEO Knowledge and Impact Team.

Would you attend a workshop on Writing and Presenting for Non-academic Audiences?

Calling BU’s Early Career Researchers and Post Doc Research Assistants!

RKEO are gauging interest for a proposed externally-facilitated workshop. Please let us know if you would attend a workshop that will:

  • Consider the various audiences for your research
  • How best to write to engage them
  • Increase your the impact for your research outside the academic environment.

Please let us know by Friday, 11th May, via this email. If we have positive replies, we would look to run this one-day event in mid to late June (TBC).





Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship Interview Training – Book Now

Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship Interview Training

Monday, 14th May 2018 – 09:30-16:00

Reserve your place now!

This workshop is aimed primarily at ECRs but may be of benefit to academics and researchers wishing to apply for RAE fellowships that require an interview. This intensive event will introduce the Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship scheme and go through eligibility, requirements and assessment criteria.

Attendees will think about how they fulfil these criteria, start to plot ideas for a proposal and consider whether the Fellowship is right for them. There will even be a chance to practice interview skills so you’ll get an insight into every step of the application process.


For the future, there will also be a similar workshop for the Royal Society on 5th July 2018. You can book now for that event too.




Enhance your Impact in Preparation for the REF

The Research and Knowledge Exchange Office (RKEO) through the Research & Knowledge Exchange Development Framework (RKEDF) has a number of workshops in the coming months to assist you in developing and enhancing the impact that you can make with your research, with particular reference to the REF.

Please follow the links above to find out more and to book. You will then receive a meeting request giving the room location. Many of these events have input from external presenters; please ensure that you are in the room and ready to commence at the given start time.

If you would like to discuss impact outside these workshops, please contact the RKEO Knowledge and Impact Team.

Board the Pre-Award Omnibus on 18th April 2018

Do you wonder how best to engage with pre-award processes at BU?

Are research application finances a bit of a mystery?

Does the costing side of your research application deter you from applying?

Are you not quite sure where to start?

If so, then come along to these sessions on Wednesday, 18th April at Talbot Campus:

Please follow the links above to reserve your place at as many of these events as you are able to attend. You will then receive a meeting request confirming the location of each session.

If you need help outside these workshops, please contact relevant member of the Funding Development Team in the Research & Knowledge Exchange Office.

Enhance your Impact in Preparation for the REF

The Research and Knowledge Exchange Office (RKEO) through the Research & Knowledge Exchange Development Framework (RKEDF) have a number of workshops in the coming months to assist you in developing and enhancing the impact that you can make with your research, with particular reference to the REF.

Please follow the links above to find out more and to book. You will then receive a meeting request giving the room location. Many of these events have input from external presenters; please ensure that you are in the room and ready to commence at the given start time.

If you would like to discuss impact outside these workshops, please contact the RKEO Knowledge and Impact Team.

Make your meetings magical

None of us can avoid meetings…

Then think how magnificent it would be if every single one was purposeful and powerful – sharing information, making decisions, identifying actions – but just without there being so many of them, or them taking so long!

In this session, we’ll use the 9 Characteristics of the Productivity Ninja™ to inspire change in your meeting skills, and you’ll identify specific ways your team can implement each of them, providing the opportunity to think about what makes effective, productive and fun meetings, and gives you the ideas and tools to make that happen.

Find out more and book your place now for the afternoon of Wednesday, 18th April 2018. This session, for BU Staff, will be at the Lansdowne Campus, with the location given in your booking confirmation.

Please also take a look at the external facilitator’s video, which introduces this workshop.

Find out about further events from the RKEDF and other Organisational Development workshops on the Staff Development & Engagement Events Calendar.


Board the Pre-Award Omnibus on 18th April 2018

Do you wonder how best to engage with pre-award processes at BU?

Are research application finances a bit of a mystery?

Does the costing side of your research application deter you from applying?

Are you not quite sure where to start?

If so, then come along to these sessions on Wednesday, 18th April at Talbot Campus:

Please follow the links above to reserve your place at as many of these events as you are able to attend. You will then receive a meeting request confirming the location of each session.

If you need help outside these workshops, please contact relevant member of the Funding Development Team in the Research & Knowledge Exchange Office.

Spaces available at upcoming RKEDF sessions

There are still some spaces remaining at the following Research & Knowledge Exchange Development Framework events in the next three weeks. Book now, using the links below:

Find out about further events from the RKEDF and other Organisational Development workshops on the Staff Development & Engagement Events Calendar.

Enhance your Impact in Preparation for the REF

The Research and Knowledge Exchange Office (RKEO) through the Research & Knowledge Exchange Development Framework (RKEDF) have a number of workshops in the coming months to assist you in developing and enhancing the impact that you can make with your research, with particular reference to the REF.

Please follow the links above to find out more and to book. You will then receive a meeting request giving the room location. Many of these events have input from external presenters; please ensure that you are in the room and ready to commence at the given start time.

If you would like to discuss impact outside these workshops, please contact the RKEO Knowledge and Impact Team.

Enhance your Impact in Preparation for the REF

The Research and Knowledge Exchange Office (RKEO) through the Research & Knowledge Exchange Development Framework (RKEDF) has a number of workshops in the coming months to assist you in developing and enhancing the impact that you can make with your research, with particular reference to the REF.

Please follow the links above to find out more and to book. You will then receive a meeting request giving the room location. Many of these events have input from external presenters; please ensure that you are in the room and ready to commence at the given start time.

If you would like to discuss impact outside these workshops, please contact the RKEO Knowledge and Impact Team.

Board the Pre-Award Omnibus on 18th April 2018

Do you wonder how best to engage with pre-award processes at BU?

Are research application finances a bit of a mystery?

Does the costing side of your research application deter you from applying?

Are you not quite sure where to start?

If so, then come along to these sessions on Wednesday, 18th April at Talbot Campus:

Please follow the links above to reserve your place at as many of these events as you are able to attend. You will then receive a meeting request confirming the location of each session.

If you need help outside these workshops, please contact relevant member of the Funding Development Team in the Research & Knowledge Exchange Office.


Last chance to book: US Funding Event

The Research and Knowledge Exchange Office is delighted to announce that US funding expert, Robert Porter, PhD, of Grant-Winners Seminars, will be delivering four US Funding sessions this week on 8th and 9th March.

Limited spaces are still available  – please reserve your place now for as many sessions as you can attend:

Thursday, 8th March:

US funding opportunities for international researchers – This session will focus on the eligibility requirements, funding levels, proposal development guides and submission deadlines for key US funders.

Strategies for success in sponsored research – In addition to developing their writing skills, grant seekers must focus on the relational issues that are key to success. This session will address these contextual challenges

Friday, 9th March:

Grants in the Humanities & Social Sciences 

Building the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grant Proposal

Find out more about each session and book.

There is a networking lunch between the morning and afternoon sessions. When booking, please advise if you will require lunch and any dietary requirements


If you want to develop your international research portfolio, please contact your faculty Research Facilitator.

US Funding Event – Book your places now!

The Research and Knowledge Exchange Office is delighted to announce that US funding expert, Robert Porter, PhD, of Grant-Winners Seminars, will be delivering four US Funding sessions to BU Academics on 8th and 9th March.

Bookings are now open  to faculty academic and researchers, in the first instance – please reserve your place now for as many sessions as you can attend:

Thursday, 8th March:

US funding opportunities for international researchers – This session will focus on the eligibility requirements, funding levels, proposal development guides and submission deadlines for key US funders.

Strategies for success in sponsored research – In addition to developing their writing skills, grant seekers must focus on the relational issues that are key to success. This session will address these contextual challenges

Friday, 9th March:

Grants in the Humanities & Social Sciences 

Building the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grant Proposal

Find out more about each session and book.

There is a networking lunch between the morning and afternoon sessions. When booking, please advise if you will require lunch and any dietary requirements

If space allows, attendance will be opened to PGRs after 28/2/18.

If you want to  develop your international research portfolio, please contact your faculty Research Facilitator.