We are absolutely delighted to organise a fantastic event, Digital Families Symposium 2021, that many of you will benefit from professionally and personally. Today by choice or not we are operating digitally. In the family settings, many of us have distinct and shared points of digital connection developing complex maps of digital family and household footprints. Children and young adults are online, gaming, connecting, learning and just ‘living’ overall. Digital resilience is an important development characteristic we are to build and possess if we are to consider ourselves responsible citizens of the modern world. When it comes to children developing digital resilience, parents and schools are to play a critical role in awareness, education, and establishing critical thinking amongst children and young adults. Our event’s aim is to support parents, educators and people who work in education, technology, family and children support sectors with advice on digital parenting and support.

In 2021 Children Mental Health Week (1-7 February) is focusing on children embracing themselves and learning to express themselves. Bournemouth University are excited to celebrate Children Mental Health Week and welcome you to the Digital Families Symposium 2021 event. Our virtual event’s theme is “Social media influencing. Express yourself and learn in a safe way”. We note that social media influencing as an element of digital consumption is not fully unpacked and integrated into the current version of the UK Digital Resilience framework. Our fantastic line-up of speakers is a point to NOTE, HIGHLIGHT & a No1 REASON FOR YOU TO BOOK YOUR TICKET! Few insights to help you with the decision:
- One of the speakers, Dr. Elizabeth Milavidov, is an internationally renowned digital parenting expert, who is frequently asked to run corporate workshops for all employees who have parenting responsibilities already or might have in the future – pandemic increased the need for this. For our event we secured an opportunity where Dr. Milavidov will share her tips for free – this is an incredible opportunity.
- Another interesting guest speaker – child vlogger and performer – Sapphire who will talk about online bullying from the child, child-influencer perspective.
- Overall, we have speakers from the influencer industry and the CEO of Parent Zone, the UK’s digital family expert.
This symposium will provide:
- High-level keynotes from leading experts
- Best practice on how to adapt e-safety plans to account for challenges associated with consuming social media influencing content
- Networking opportunities with speakers and other attendees.
Delegates* who will have an interest in this event will be people who are parents and who work in the Education, Family and Children Support, and Digital and Technology Sectors.
*This Conference is open to General Public (Parents) and Public, Private and Third Sectors.
Join us to hear the latest updates and guidance on the influencer industry, parental and educators’ engagement, and online safeguarding. Experts in influencer marketing, digital resilience and safeguarding, digital parenting will provide insights into how educators, schools, local authorities, and parents can address social media influencers’ impact on children’s and families’ online activities and developing strategies to ensure the protection of the most vulnerable. Become the master of your digital genie!
Book via the event’s website or Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/digital-families-symposium-2021-tickets-131583304205
- Date: 4th February 2021
- Time: 16:00-18:30 (UK time)
- Event type: virtual
Follow us on Twitter @DigFamilyBU
Email us at digitalfamily@bournemouth.ac.uk
Project and event coordinators: Dr. Elvira Bolat (BU Business School) and Dr. Constantine Panourgia (Faculty of Science and Technology)