Tagged / funding opportunities

ESRC-DFID Education and development: Raising learning outcomes in education systems programme – 2015 pre-call announcement


ESRC and DFID  will be inviting applications to a second call under the Raising Learning Outcomes in Education Systems programme in March 2015. The aim is to provide policymakers and practitioners with concrete ideas on how to improve learning, and understanding of how these will translate to their specific contexts and institutions.

The 2015 call will focus on the theme of ‘challenging contexts’ – where education systems face particular challenges, what enables or inhibits the raising of learning outcomes. An overview of the thematic focus and scope of call two, and eligibility and application requirements, are set out in the documents below. This pre-call announcement is being made to enable interested researchers to begin discussions with potential research partners and research users in advance of the formal call for proposals.

The deadline for proposals will be in May 2015 and further information can be found here.

Latest Major Funding Opportunities

The following funding opportunities have been announced. Please follow the links for more information:


The Animal Welfare Research Network call aims to foster multidisciplinary collaborations that add benefit to animal welfare research by creating links between animal welfare researchers and the broader academic community. The focus is on research that contributes to the welfare of managed animals, including farmed, laboratory and companion animals, as well as on both vertebrates and relevant invertebrates, such as bees. The network encourages links to researchers working on non-managed species.

Maximum award: Unspecified.  Closing date: 24/03/15


EPSRC invites proposals for its Fellowships in Manufacturing. The Fellowship will support those who have the potential to be future research leaders in their field in Manufacturing research; either academics who have recently moved from industry, or people in industry, involved in innovation, looking to move into academia. The aim is to offer up to five years of support for suitable candidates who not only have an appropriate background but can also articulate their vision for utilising their industrial experience to inform their future research direction.

Maximum award: Unspecified. Mandatory registration: 31/03/15. Closing date: 14/05/15.


EPSRC invites submissions of intent for its network and multidisciplinary research consortia call under the towards engineering grand challenges scheme. This supports multidisciplinary research consortia that can further advance engineering grand challenges in the following areas: Sustainable engineering solutions to provide water for all; Future Cities: engineering approaches that restore the balance between engineered and natural systems; Engineering across length scales, from atoms to applications. This call will support three consortia.

Maximum award: Approximately £12 million is available for three consortia for up to five years. Mandatory submissions of intent: 26/03/15.  Full proposals: 28/04/15.


The EPSRC, under its themes of engineering, manufacturing the future and physical sciences, invites expressions of interest for its call on the future formulation of complex products. Supporting a series of projects addressing challenges in formulation science, the goal is to develop and improve manufacturing processes for the production of complex structured products, based on interdisciplinary research in fundamental and applied science.

Maximum award: Unspecified. Closing date: 23/04/15

 Wellcome Trust/Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, GB

The Wellcome Trust, in collaboration with the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, invites applications for its Fellowship in Society and Ethics. This scheme enables a Wellcome Trust-funded PhD student or junior fellow to undertake a three-month fellowship. It is intended to help the Fellow develop an awareness of policy environments and processes, and to raise an issue relevant to the Trust’s Society and Ethics programme among a parliamentary audience.

Maximum award: Fully funded three-month minimum extension to your PhD or fellowship award. Closing date: 02/04/15

Wellcome Trust, GB

The Wellcome Trust invites proposals for its intermediate fellowships for researchers in India. This is a five year fellowship supporting excellent scientists who wish to undertake high-quality research and to establish themselves as independent researchers in an academic institution in India.

Maximum award: Unspecified. Closing date: Preliminary applications due 02/04/15

Please note that some funding bodies specify a time for submission as well as a date. Please confirm this with your  RKEO Funding Development Officer

You can set up your own personalised alerts on Research Professional. If you need help setting these up, just ask your School’s/Faculty’s Funding Development Officer in  RKEO or view the recent blog post here.

If thinking of applying, why not add notification of your interest on Research Professional’s record of the bid so that BU colleagues can see your intention to bid and contact you to collaborate.

Latest Major Funding Opportunities

Latest Major Funding Opportunities

The following funding opportunities have been announced. Please follow the links for more information:

BBSRC Enterprise Fellowships – Royal Society of Edinburgh, UK

The Enterprise Fellowships are designed to enable an individual to advance the commercialisation of existing research results or technological developments and are tenable for a period of one year.  The Fellowships enable the holder to concentrate on developing the commercial potential of their research, whilst also receiving formal training in relevant business skills.

Award max: Unspecified  
Closing date: 27/04/2015

Industry Fellowships – Royal Society, UK

This scheme is for academic scientists who want to work on a collaborative project with industry and for scientists in industry who want to work on a collaborative project with an academic organisation.

The scheme provides a basic salary for the researcher and a contribution towards research costs.

Award max: Basic salary & research expenses up to £2000/year
Closing Date: 26/03/2015

Biotechnology Young Entrepreneurs Scheme – BBSRC

Participants enter as teams and develop a business plan for a company based on a hypothetical but plausible idea based on real markets over the course of a three day residential workshop. The workshop encompasses presentations and mentoring sessions from leading figures in industry and culminates in the presentation of the business plans to a panel of ‘equity investors’ drawn from industry and academia. Up to three teams for each workshop are selected to progress to the final in London.

Award max: Prize fund of £5000, including first prize of £2,500, trip to USA, invite to BIA Gala Dinner
Closing Date: 29/05/2015

Brian Mercer Award for Innovation – Royal Society

This scheme is for scientists who wish to develop an already proven concept or prototype into a near-market product ready for commercial exploitation. The scheme covers natural sciences, excluding medical devices.

Award max: £250,000
Closing date: 23/04/2015

Please note that some funding bodies specify a time for submission as well as a date. Please confirm this with your  RKEO Funding Development Officer

You can set up your own personalised alerts on Research Professional. If you need help setting these up, just ask your School’s/Faculty’s Funding Development Officer in  RKEO or view the recent blog post here.

If thinking of applying, why not add notification of your interest on Research Professional’s record of the bid so that BU colleagues can see your intention to bid and contact you to collaborate.

Funding Opportunities

The following funding opportunities have been announced. Please follow the links for more information:

Medical Research Council, GB

Biomedical catalyst – developmental pathway funding scheme

The Medical Research Council invites outline proposals for its developmental pathway funding scheme, under the biomedical catalyst programme. This supports projects aiming to improve prevention, diagnosis, prognosis or treatment of significant health needs, or projects that focus on research tools which increase the efficiency of developing interventions.

Award amount: not specified Closing date 25/03/15


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, GB

Towards engineering grand challenges – network and multidisciplinary research consortia call 

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council will shortly be inviting applications for its network and multidisciplinary research consortia call under its towards engineering grand challenges scheme.

This call supports multidisciplinary research consortia that can further advance the following engineering grand challenges:

•engineering solutions to sustainably provide water for all;

•future cities – engineering approaches that restore the balance between engineered and natural systems;

•engineering across length scales, from atoms to applications;

•identifying risk and building in resilience into engineered systems, with consideration given only to network plus proposals.

Approximately three awards are available.

Award amount: Not specified Closing date: 28 Apr 15

Wellcome Trust, GB

Medical humanities research bursaries

The Wellcome Trust invites applications for its medical humanities research bursaries. These support small and medium-scale research projects based on library or archive collections supported by the trust. Projects must focus either on Wellcome library holdings or on any collection supported by a previous research resources grant, but they need not be historically grounded.

Applicants must be based in, or travelling to, the UK or Republic of Ireland. Applications are not limited to academic researchers and may be submitted by conservators, artists, performers, broadcasters, writers, public engagement practitioners and others working in the creative arts.

Bursaries are usually worth between £5,000 and £25,000, depending on the duration of research, and may contribute towards travel, accommodation, subsistence and photocopying costs.

Award amount between £5K and £25K: Closing date: 01/04/15 or later round 01/10/15

Economic and Social Research Council, GB

UK in a changing Europe initiative commissioning fund  

The Economic and Social Research Council invites applications for its UK in a changing Europe initiative commissioning fund. This aims to promote high quality social scientific research into the nature of the relationship between the UK and the EU, with a particular emphasis on making the findings of this research easily available to non-academic stakeholders. Activities covered under this programme include, but are not limited to;

•synthesising existing research findings;

•producing policy briefs presenting the findings of academic research;

•holding briefings or workshops bringing together academics and non-academic stakeholders.

UK-based researchers from eligible research organisations may apply.

Award amount max: Grants are worth up to £10,000 each. Closing date 28/03/15

Centre for evaluating complexity across the energy, environment and food nexus

The ESRC, in partnership with the NERC, DEFRA, the Department of Energy and Climate Change, the Environment Agency and the Food Standards Agency, invites outline proposals for its centre for evaluating complexity across the energy, environment and food nexus. The centre aims to pioneer, test and promote innovative and inclusive methods to address the challenges of evaluating this complexity across energy, water, environment and food research. The core features of the centre are leadership, methodology development, methods applications and capacity building. Methods must contribute to the generation of evaluation evidence which can help to ensure that policy and practices are effective, and that the best use is made of public money.

Applications are open to any academics, policymakers and local practitioners provided the principal investigator is based at a UK higher education institution or independent research organisation that is eligible for ESRC funding.

Award amount: Max £2,900,000 Closing date 18/03/15

Natural Environment Research Council – NERC, GB

Standard Research Grants

The Natural Environment Research Council invites applications for its standard research grants. This is an open competition for curiosity-motivated basic, strategic or applied research. There are two calls under this programme: standard grants and standard grants for new investigators. Eligibility for the new investigator call is restricted to researchers within three years of becoming eligible for NERC funding as a principal investigator, and who have not received funding as a PI from any source. The PI must reside in the UK and be employed by an eligible UK research organisation.

Grants are worth a min of £65,000 to a max of £800,000 Closing date 21/07/15 

Please note that some funders specify a time for submission as well as a date. Please confirm this with your  RKEO Funding Development Officer

You can set up your own personalised alerts on Research Professional. If you need help setting these up, just ask your School’s/Faculty’s Funding Development Officer in  RKEO or view the recent blog post here.

If thinking of applying, why not add notification of your interest on Research Professional’s record of the bid so that BU colleagues can see your intention to bid and contact you to collaborate.

Reminder: British Academy Visit – reserve your place now!

The British Academy is returning to BU on 11 February 2015.  This is an invaluable opportunity to find out more about the international and domestic funding available through the organisation.  For those of you who are not familiar with the British Academy, it is the UK’s leading independent body for the humanities and social sciences, promoting funding, knowledge exchange and providing independent advice within the humanities. 

The session will last approximately 2 hours (12-2pm) and will comprise a presentation focussing on international and domestic funding opportunities along with an overview of the British Academy, followed by a Q&A session

Representatives of the British Academy will be available to answer any individual queries not covered in the presentation or Q&A session, and members of the Research and Knowledge Exchange Office will be on hand should you wish to discuss BU’s processes for bidding to the organisation.

Places for the event can be reserved through Organisational Development.  Anybody interested in finding out more should contact Giles Ashton (Funding Development Coordinator): gashton@bournemouth.ac.uk 

Please feel free to bring lunch with you as catering will not be provided.


Applications for the L’Oréal-UNESCO UK and Ireland Fellowships For Women In Science will open on 2nd February 2015. Four outstanding female post-doctoral scientists in the UK or Ireland will be granted a fellowship worth £15,000 each. The finalists will be selected by a panel of eminent scientists chaired by Professor Pratibha Gai, including Professor John Pethica FRS andProfessor Anne Glover. Entries can be made at www.womeninscience.co.uk.

The L’Oréal-UNESCO UK and Ireland Fellowships For Women In Science were launched in 2007 and provide flexible and practical help to female post-doctoral researchers. The winners may choose to spend their fellowship grants in any way that is helpful to them in furthering their research, from buying lab equipment, to hiring an assistant or paying for childcare costs.

Professor Pratibha Gai of the University of York and the 2013 L’Oréal-UNESCO International For Women In Science European Laureate will Chair the 2015 UK and Ireland awards. Prof Gai commented, “I am excited to be chairing this year’s judging panel. I am passionate about giving young women every opportunity to excel in their science research. These highly prestigious awards not only recognise the extraordinary range and quality of research being carried out by female scientists in the UK and Ireland today, but are unique in their flexibility for early career female researchers.”

The 2015 awards will be adjudicated by a panel of eminent scientists. Katriona Methven, Scientific Director at L’Oréal UK & Ireland said: “The For Women in Science programme in the UK and Ireland provides essential support for women at a vital stage in their career. Now in its 17th year internationally, the global initiative promotes women in science as important role models to inspire a new generation of young scientists.”

The closing date for applications to the 2015 L’Oréal-UNESCO UK and Ireland Fellowships For Women In Science is Friday 13th March 2015. For further information and to apply, please visit: www.womeninscience.co.uk

The programme is run in partnership with the UK National Commission for UNESCO and the Irish National Commission for UNESCO, with the support of the Royal Society.

For more information from the funder, please contact:

Katy Gandon/ katy.gandon@loreal.com

0208 762 4136/ 07825 119 568

If you are thinking of applying, please contact your  RKEO Funding Development Officer who will help you through the process.

Latest Funding Opportunities

The following funding opportunities have been announced. Please follow the links for more information:

Medical Research Council, GB

Neurodegenerative disease research (JPND)

Spanning biomedical, healthcare and social science research, JPND aims to increase coordinated investment between participating countries in research aimed at finding causes, developing cures, and identifying appropriate ways to care for those with neurodegenerative diseases. MRC is leading on JPND activity for the UK and has EU funding of £2 million to support such research activity in the UK. 

Award amount max: Unspecified Closing date: 10/03/2015

Academy of Medical Sciences, GB

Starter Grants for Clinical Lecturers offer funding of up to £30,000 to cover the cost of research consumables. The grants allow research-active Clinical Lecturers to gather data to strengthen their bids for longer-term fellowships and funding.

Award amount max: £30,000 Closing date: 16/03/2015


Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, GB

The BBSRC’s new pathfinder schemeenables potential follow-on funding applicants to secure small amounts of funding to carry out preliminary commercial activities.These activities will help to:

  • Develop a clearer understanding of the commercial potential of the outputs of a research grant
  • Assist with the development of a full follow-on funding application

Award amount max: £10,000 Closing date: No deadline

Wellcome Trust, GB

Seed awards in Society & Ethics, Medical Humanities

Seed Awards in Society & Ethics and Medical Humanities provide flexible, responsive funding, enabling researchers to develop a novel idea to a position where they could be competitive for a larger award from the Wellcome Trust or another funder.

The exploratory nature of Seed Awards gives scope for the use of bold or innovative methodologies, and a broad range of possible activities: from pilot and scoping studies to planning sessions and meetings of collaborative networks. The Trust encourages applicants who wish to use the grant to develop new approaches and collaborations.

Seed Awards support research in any field society and ethics that can enrich understanding of health, medicine and disease.

Award amount max: £50,000 Closing date: 27/02/2015

Translation Fund

The aim of Translation Awards is to develop innovative and ground breaking new technologies in the biomedical area.

Projects must have already demonstrated proof of principle, supported by experimental data. Applications should bridge the funding gap in commercialisation of new technologies in the biomedical area and must plan to take the product, technology or intervention to a stage at which it is sufficiently developed to be attractive to another party.

Award amount max: Unspecified Closing date 15/04/15

Economic & Social Research Council – ESRC, GB

The ESRC is pleased to announce the call for the third round of the ESRC Transformative Research Call. The aim of this call is to provide a stimulus for genuinely transformative research ideas at the frontiers of the social sciences, enabling research which challenges current thinking to be supported and developed.

The Council regards transformative research as that which involves, for example, pioneering theoretical and methodological innovation. The expectation is that the transformative research call will encourage novel developments of social science enquiry, and support research activity that entails an element of risk.

Award amount max: £250,000 Closing date 19/02/15

Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council – EPSRC, GB

The EPSRC’s Information and technologies (ICT) team would like to encourage researchers to pursue an immersive experience in other disciplines and user environments.

Discipline Hopping Awards will provide short-term support to allow researchers from core ICT fields with other disciplines and/or user fields. The aim of this is to foster new interactions, bringing a multidisciplinary and user-driven focus to research. Alternatively, non ICT specialists can apply for funds to bring a technological perspective to their home discipline.

Award amount: Unspecified Closing date: no deadline

Please note that some funders specify a time for submission as well as a date. Please confirm this with your  RKEO Funding Development Officer

You can set up your own personalised alerts on Research Professional. If you need help setting these up, just ask your School’s/Faculty’s Funding Development Officer in  RKEO or view the recent blog post here.

If thinking of applying, why not add notification of your interest on Research Professional’s record of the bid so that BU colleagues can see your intention to bid and contact you to collaborate.

Latest Funding Opportunities

The following funding opportunities have been announced. Please follow the links for more information:




Medical Research Council, GB

Molecular and cellular medicine – Research grants

The Medical Research Council invites applications for its research grants in molecular and cellular medicine. These are suitable for focused research projects that may be short- or long-term in nature. In addition, they can be used to support method development and continuation of research facilities and may involve more than one research group or institution.

Award amount – up to £1,000,000. Closing date 06/05/2015

Computational genomics analysis and training call for collaborative projects

The Medical Research Council’s computational genomics analysis and training programme invites applications for its call for collaborative projects. This is for collaborative projects that involve next-generation sequencing datasets to address important questions in biomedical science, aligning with MRC research priorities.

Applicants should be UK-based experimental and clinical groups with novel experimental designs or existing datasets making use of high-throughput sequencing methods. No experience in using next-generation sequencing methods is required.

Applicants may benefit from CGAT analytical capacity and expertise. In exceptional circumstances CGAT may also contribute funds for sequencing.

Award amount: not specified Closing date 30/01/15

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, GB

These support investigator- led research  activities addressing any topic within the council’s remit. Grants may be used for research projects, technology development, equipment or use of existing facilities, new facilities or infrastructure provision, research networks and coordination, and summer schools. Grants are tenable for up to five years.

Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 28 Apr 15

Wellcome Trust, GB

The Wellcome Trust will shortly be inviting applications for phase two partnership grants of its Science Learning+ programme. The closing date is expected to fall in the last quarter of 2015 however application information has not yet been confirmed. The following call details are subject to change.

These grants support partnerships involving partners both in the US and in the UK or Republic of Ireland that aim to improve the knowledge base and practice of informal science experiences to better understand, strengthen and coordinate their vital role in science engagement and learning. Research should align with the following categories

Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: unknown

The Royal Society, GB

Newton mobility grants

The Royal Society offers Newton International Exchanges as mobility grants to provide international researchers with funding towards travel, subsistence and research expenses for either a one-off short visit to explore opportunities for building lasting networks or for bilateral visits to strengthen emerging collaborations.

Award amount: max £12,000 Closing date 19/02/15

Standard programme – Colin Pillinger International Exchanges award

This stimulates new collaborations within the natural sciences between scientists in the UK and overseas. Grants are worth up to £12,000 over a maximum period of two years. Researchers may also receive the Colin Pillinger international exchanges award of £10,000 to communicate their research to the general public.

Award amount: max £13,000 Closing date 17/02/15

AHRC/Cheltenham Festivals call for events at the science and literature festivals

To mark its tenth anniversary in 2015, the AHRC is looking to extend its partnership with Cheltenham Festivals by inviting applications from researchers to present their research at one of a series of four engaging public events at the Times Cheltenham Science Festival and the Times and The Sunday Times Cheltenham Literature Festival in 2015. One event will run at the Science Festival, and three at the Literature Festival.

Award amount: not specified Closing date 09/02/15

Natural Environment Research Council – NERC, GB

Atmospheric pollution and human health in a developing megacity

The NERC and the Medical Research Council (MRC) in the UK (with input from the Newton Fund) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) are investing in a strategic research programme on urban air pollution in the megacity Beijing and impacts on health. NERC, MRC and NSFC are inviting Expression of Interest applications for a call under this programme.

The programme is split into four themes:

  • sources and emissions of urban atmospheric pollution
  • processes affecting urban atmospheric pollution
  • exposure science and impacts on health
  • interventions and solutions.

All applications must be collaborations between UK and Chinese researchers.

Award amount max: Not specified Closing date: 06/03/15

Urgency Grants

The Natural Environment Research Council invites proposals for its urgency grants. These allow scientists to respond rapidly to unexpected and transient events affecting the environment. Proposals must fall within NERC’s scientific remit.

Award amount: max £52,000 Closing date no deadline

Arctic research station

Researchers from the UK and their international collaborators may carry out environmental research relevant to the NERC remit at the Ny-Ålesund station on the Svalbard archipelago.

Award amount: not specified: Closing date 31/03/15


Please note that some funders specify a time for submission as well as a date. Please confirm this with your  RKEO Funding Development Officer

You can set up your own personalised alerts on Research Professional. If you need help setting these up, just ask your School’s/Faculty’s Funding Development Officer in  RKEO or view the recent blog post here.

If thinking of applying, why not add notification of your interest on Research Professional’s record of the bid so that BU colleagues can see your intention to bid and contact you to collaborate.

ESRC turns 50!

The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) is the UK’s largest organisation for funding on economic social issues. 

This year ESRC celebrates its 50th anniversary and will be holding a variety of exciting activities and events, such as a writing competition for ESRC-funded PhD students (May 2015), a look at 50 Years of Population Change (June 2015) and the ESRC Festival of Social Science (31 October to 7 November 2015).  For further details of events that they intend to hold as part of their anniversary celebration, along with details of potential funding opportunities, please follow the link.

Latest Major Funding Opportunities

The following funding opportunities have been announced. Please follow the links for more information:

Arts and Humanities Research Council

Applications are being can be made to the International Placement Scheme for  short term fellowships to the Yale Center for British ArtThe Huntington Library, The Smithsonian Institution, The Harry Ransom CenterNational Institutes for the Humanities Japan, The Library of Congress and the Shanghai Theatre Academy. Scholars receive a contribution of up to towards their travel, their visa costs paid,  plus a monthly allowance. Closing Date: 15/01/15 at 16:00

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

BBSRC/EMBRAPA joint wheat call – pump-priming awards. Together with the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation ( Embrapa) a joint call for collaborative research proposals in wheat research. Up to £75k over a maximum duration of 12 months will be provided to the UK partners. Closing Date: 24/2/15

Economic and Social Research Council

There will be up to six fellowships available as part of the UK in a Changing Europe Senior Fellowships. The aim of the Fellowship programme is to provide evidence and analysis across the broad range of issues and policy areas affected by the UK’s position in a changing European Union (EU). The maximum amount available for each Fellowship is £200,000.  Closing Date: 22/1/15

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

The SUPERGEN WIND CHALLENGE 2015 invites proposals for collaborative research projects to undertake fundamental research that will underpin the development of Wind Energy technologies.  Up to £3m will be available and anyone intending to submit a proposal must register their intent by e-mail.  Registration of intent: 20/1/15 at 16:00; Closing Date: 26/2/15 at 16:00

European Union

Transnational SOLAR-ERA.NET. The objective of the SEII is to boost the development of the PV and CSP sector beyond “business-as-usual” in the areas of Research and Development, Demonstration and Deployment with €12M available between 17 countries.   Closing Date: 27/3/15 at 17:00 CET

Innovate UK

Agri-Tech Catalyst – round 4. The Agri-Tech Catalyst, run by Innovate UK and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, offers funding to innovative businesses and researchers to develop solutions to global agricultural challenges.  Early and Late Stage Projects will have a typical project size between £150K and £500K. Closing Date: 17/6/15

The Industrial research awards for the Agri-Tech Catalyst fund can have a duration up to three years and a budget up to £3M.  Closing Date: 1/4/15

Building whole-life performance. There are funds of £4M for collaborative R&D projects that can lead to better whole-life performance of buildings. Closing Date 1/4/15

Integrated supply chains for energy systems. Investment up to £9.5m in innovations that will address the need for a diverse mix of energy sources and systems over the next three decades and beyond. Closing Date: 11/2/15

Natural Environment Research Council

Sustaining Water Resources for Food, Energy & Ecosystem Services in India- Scoping workshop. NERC is inviting applications from UK scientists to attend a jointly organised workshop with the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), in India on 11-12 March 2015. Applications from researchers working in the fields of water security, ecosystem services, hydrological processes, hydrogeology, freshwater ecology, water quality and related disciplines are welcome. Closing Date: 12/1/15 at 16:00

Royal Society

International Exchanges Scheme. This scheme is for scientists in the UK who want to stimulate new collaborations with leading scientists overseas through either a one-off visit or bilateral travel with up to £12000 available. Closing Dates: 10/2/15 (cost-share round with Russia/RFBR) or 17/2/15 (standard round).

Wellcome Trust

Principal Research Fellowships are available for seven years in the first instance, and provide both a personal salary and research programme funding in full. Closing Date: Open

Research Resources grant,s forming part of the Medical Humanities grants portfolio, are available between £10 000 and £100 000. Small grants of up to £10 000 may be awarded to assess the content, condition and research potential of collections in preparation for a full application. Closing Date: 15/4/15

Please note that some funding bodies specify a time for submission as well as a date. Please confirm this with your  RKEO Funding Development Officer

You can set up your own personalised alerts on Research Professional. If you need help setting these up, just ask your School’s/Faculty’s Funding Development Officer in  RKEO or view the recent blog post here.

If thinking of applying, why not add notification of your interest on Research Professional’s record of the bid so that BU colleagues can see your intention to bid and contact you to collaborate.

Latest Funding Opportunities



The following funding opportunities have been announced. Please follow the links for more information:



Medical Research Council GB – Tackling antimicrobial resistance theme one: understanding resistant bacteria in context of the host – Innovation grants

Innovative Medicines Initiative invites proposals for its call on The Medical Research Council and partners have delayed the expected opening and closing date for proposals for their innovation grants within the theme tackling antimicrobial resistance – understanding resistant bacteria in context of the host. The expected opening date has been delayed from 3 November 2014 to 19 January 2015, and the expected closing date has been delayed from 13 January to 17 March 2015. Award amount – up to £250,000. Closing date 17/03/2015

Natural Environment Research Council – NERC – Large Grants

Large Grants replaced the consortium grant scheme in 2012.

They support adventurous, large-scale and complex research tackling big science questions that cannot be addressed through other NERC funding opportunities.

The minimum funding level for large grant proposals is £1·2m. The maximum funding level for large grant proposals is £3·7m, with a duration of up to five years. Closing date for outline proposals is 10/03/15

Innovate UK, GB – Urban Living – integrated products and services

Innovate UK is to invest up to £7m in collaborative R&D projects that develop products and services from integrated data generated by cities.

The aim of this competition is to stimulate innovations that can help cities meet the challenges of achieving sustainable growth and other pressures.

Ultimately, the goal is to make the lives of the people who live and work in them happier, healthier and more harmonious.

They are seeking proposals to prototype, develop and evaluate products and services. Specifically, these will need to use data from an integrated city management system to solve problems around the management and operation of cities.

They expect to fund projects of £350k to £700k. Closing dates – please note this is a two-stage competition that opens for applicants on 15 December 2014. The deadline for registration is at noon on 4 February 2015 and the deadline for expressions of interest is at noon on 11 February 2015.


British Academy, GB – International Partnership and Mobility Scheme

Wellcome Trust, GB The International Partnership and Mobility Scheme aims to support the development of partnerships between the UK and other areas of the world where research excellence would be strengthened by new, innovative initiatives and links.

The Scheme intends to strengthen research capacity/capability, with all partners gaining from the collaboration, and to initiate the development of long-term, links between the UK and overseas scholars whilst also encouraging an intra-regional exchange of expertise and knowledge sharing.

In this round the Scheme is open to three-year and one-year awards for research partnerships between scholars in the UK and scholars in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, Eurasia, South Asia, East and South-East Asia. Grants are offered up to a maximum of £10,000 per year for a period of one year or three years (£30,000) Closing date 11/02/2015


The Wellcome Trust, GB – Senior research fellowships in basic biomedical science

The Wellcome Trust invites applications for its senior research fellowships in basic biomedical science These support outstanding postdoctoral scientists based in academic institutions in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Fellowships are tenable for five years in the first instance, and provide a basic salary, normally of up to £55,000 per year, with an additional trust supplement of £12,500 per year.

Closing date 08/05/2015

The Wellcome Trust, GB – Senior research fellowships in clinical science

This scheme provides support for clinical investigators to further develop their research potential and to establish themselves as leading investigators in clinical science

The fellowship is for five years in the first instance, and provides:

  • a basic salary, as determined by the host institution
  • research expenses essential to the research programme
  • provision for public engagement costs.

Closing date 08/05/2015

Leverhulme Trust, GB – Philip Leverhulme Prizes

Philip Leverhulme Prizes recognise the achievement of outstanding researchers whose work has already attracted international recognition and whose future career is exceptionally promising. The prize scheme makes up to thirty awards of £100,000 a year, across a range of academic disciplines. The 2015 round opens on 5 January 2015 and closes to nominations on 14 May 2015

Please note that some funders specify a time for submission as well as a date. Please confirm this with your  RKEO Funding Development Officer

You can set up your own personalised alerts on Research Professional. If you need help setting these up, just ask your School’s/Faculty’s Funding Development Officer in  RKEO or view the recent blog post here.

If thinking of applying, why not add notification of your interest on Research Professional’s record of the bid so that BU colleagues can see your intention to bid and contact you to collaborate.


Funding Opportunity: The International Partnership and Mobility Scheme

The International Partnership and Mobility Scheme aims to support the development of partnerships between the UK and other areas of the world where research excellence would be strengthened by new and innovative initiatives and links.

In this round the Scheme is open to three-year and one-year awards for research partnerships between scholars in the UK and scholars in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, Eurasia, South Asia, East and South-East Asia.  Please note that  applicants must be of postdoctoral or equivalent status. Research must be in the field of the humanities or social sciences.

 Both a principal applicant and co-applicant are required for this scheme. The principal applicant must be ‘ordinarily resident’ in the United Kingdom, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands and must be able to demonstrate that they will be based at their present employing research-active institution in the UK for the duration of the award.  The co-applicant must be an academic based in a research-active institution in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, Eurasia, South Asia, East or South-East Asia and must also be able to demonstrate that they will be based at their present employing institution for the duration of the award.

 The 2015 round is now open for applications. The deadline for applying will be Wednesday, 11 February 2015 (17:00 pm UK time).

Applications must be submitted via e-GAP2, the Academy’s electronic grant application system, but please note that preliminary enquiries should be directed through the RKEO Funding Development Team.

Applicants are asked to read the International Partnership and Mobility Scheme Notes before beginning an application.  For further information about the scheme, please follow the link.


EUADS: Deadline tomorrow!

The EU Academic Development Scheme (EUADS) is a unique scheme developed to kick start your career in EU research, and is open to all BU academic staff.  The scheme will help you work towards making a submission by providing unlimited 1-2-1 support from an expert EU bid writer, group mentoring and unlimited assistance in actually writing your application over a 12 month period.  In addition to the training, the EUADS scheme also includes an individual fund. Each successful participant will have access to grants up to £3ooo to spend on activities supporting bid development, such as:
• Travel with the intent of networking
• Conference attendance with the intent of networking
• Pilot research work
• Fieldwork
• Attendance at external networking events leading to collaborative research proposals
• Meetings with external organisations to establish collaborations
• Preparation of specialist material or data
• Replacement teaching 

You can read more on this scheme in the EUADS Policy Document  and make a submission using the  EUADS Application Form.   

The deadline for applications is Friday 19th December 2014.  Applications and any questions should be submitted to the Funding Development Coordinator, Giles Ashton, gashton@bournemouth.ac.uk

EUADS: 1 week left to apply!

The EU Academic Development Scheme (EUADS) is a unique scheme developed to kick start your career in EU research, and is open to all BU academic staff.  The scheme will help you work towards making a submission by providing unlimited 1-2-1 support from an expert EU bid writer, group mentoring and unlimited assistance in actually writing your application over a 12 month period.  In addition to the training, the EUADS scheme also includes an individual fund. Each successful participant will have access to grants up to £3ooo to spend on activities supporting bid development, such as:
• Travel with the intent of networking
• Conference attendance with the intent of networking
• Pilot research work
• Fieldwork
• Attendance at external networking events leading to collaborative research proposals
• Meetings with external organisations to establish collaborations
• Preparation of specialist material or data
• Replacement teaching 

You can read more on this scheme in the EUADS Policy Document  and make a submission using the  EUADS Application Form.   

The deadline for applications is Friday 19th December 2014.  Applications and any questions should be submitted to the Funding Development Coordinator, Giles Ashton, gashton@bournemouth.ac.uk