Tagged / Networking event

BA ECRN: online connection and inspiration for ECRs each month


Tuesday 11th February 1200 – 1300 GMT  Online, Zoom


The British Academy Early Career Researcher Network – South West & South Wales cluster invites you to an online gathering on the 2nd Tuesday of each month where we get to know each other and exchange knowledge, support and inspiration. Each month, the first half of the meeting has a theme, often including a presentation and discussion. Then there is ample time for networking, fostering new connections and collaborations across the region. Our intention is the topics and format of the events are ECR-driven.

Feel free to bring your lunch or coffee. This is an informal space to connect.


For more information about these events, and to feedback, please email Linda Lanyon.

Tuesday 11th February Programme

1200 – 1205: Welcome and objectives for this new series of events – Dr Linda Lanyon, BA ECRN SWSW Project Officer

1205 – 1230: Outcomes from the ECR workshop at Bath Spa University in October & discussion about next steps – Dr Sanja Djerasimovic, University of Exeter / all.

1230 – 1300: Networking & discussion – all

The British Academy Early Career Researcher Network brings together ECRs across the humanities and social sciences disciplines, regardless of their funding source or background.

To book a ticket to attend this event you must be a member of the British Academy ECR Network. Please see the BA website for more information on eligibility and how to sign up. For membership enquiries, please email ecr_network@thebritishacademy.ac.uk.


‘How we can contribute to a collaborative society that embraces diversity’ 11:00 8th March 2022 is on the way! #BreakTheBias #International Women’s Day

We will have an online event in hourner of the Internaitonal Women’s Day on the 8th March 2022.

This event is open to all.







11:00-11:10 Opening remarks & Agenda of today  Dr Hiroko Oe & Dr Khurshid Djalilov

11:10-11:30 Keynote Dr Angela Turner-Wilson ‘Respect for cultural values and differences’, Faculty of Health & Social  Sciences

<<Round tables>>

11:35-12:00 PGR forum: Nanret Dawuk; Sitsada Sartamorn; Gideon Adu-Gyamf

12:00-12:15 Next generation: Rajshree Talukdar and Tarun Chandrashekar

12:15-12:30 Collaborative testimonials from MBA students; Kayoko Hainsworth, Chrissie Hillyer, and Sharon Kajotoni

12:30-12:40 Comments Associate Professor, Dr Marta Głowacka (Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Poland) Panel leader

12:40-12:50 Supporting messages

– Ms Nicola Bennet, a policy maker (Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and  ommunications, Australia)

– Ms Suzuko Ohki, a former director of Ministry of Education, ex Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan

12:50-12:55 Future plan proposal from Dr Hiroko Oe

12:55-13:00 Closing remark and messages to the ECRs and PGRs (Helen O’Sullivan, DHOD, MS&I, the Business School


it is online by ZOOM. Please contact for details: hoe@bournemouth.ac.uk

*New* Rapid Collaboration Networking Events: starting 23/3/22

Are you, your company, or not-for-profit organisation looking to grow with a wider network?

This event is a chance for industry of all sizes to meet BU/BCP colleagues that may have access to information and expertise that can bring impactful changes to your organisation.

The session is an open networking event with attendees invited to speak around a theme, for around two minutes.

Theme slots. – To aid collaboration, those speaking will be asked to say who they are, what they do, and what they are looking for in collaborators. Don’t worry if you are feeling a little shy, there will be plenty of time for networking.

The programme will be as follows:

23/3/22    Rapid Collaboration Networking: Animation, Simulation & Visualisation

27/4/22    Rapid Collaboration Networking: Sustainability & Technology

25/5/22    Rapid Collaboration Networking: Assistive Technology

22/6/22    Rapid Collaboration Networking: Medical Science

Why attend?

This networking is open to all looking to meet new people from different sectors. Attendees will include a mixture of academics from universities, as well as representatives from industry and other sectors.

There will be a short expert talk, and a quick highlight made of the many types of collaborations that can occur from the relationships that can be formed (e.g. collaborative research, to knowledge exchanges and student placements).

If you have ever been curious about working with a University, this is a relaxed opportunity to find out more. The majority of government funding for R&D goes to collaborations.

There is limited availability, but if you have any queries, please contact Ehren Milner, (emilner@bournemouth.ac.uk) Research Facilitator, for Bournemouth University.

Cross research council mental health networking event

Location: London Date: 31 October 2017 Time: 09:00 – 17:00

Ahead of a planned cross-disciplinary research call on mental health, the research councils are holding an informal networking event at the Imperial War Museum in London on 31 October 2017. The aim of this event is for potential applicants to learn more about our expectations of the successful network plus awards, as well as meeting potential collaborators.

Attendance at this event will be capped at 100 spaces. In the event of oversubscription they will limit the number of attendees per organisation, and also by discipline to allow for even representation across the remits of the research councils. Therefore attendees will be expected to represent the wider interests of their organisation as well as their individual interests. Due to the cross-disciplinary nature of these awards, the aim is for attendees at the networking event to span the remits of the research councils.

They welcome attendance from potential applicants and collaborators representing academia and also charities, service providers, businesses, clinicians etc.

Registration will close at 16:00 on 12 October 2017.  For further information on how to register please see the ESRC website

Building resilience to natural disasters using financial instruments – Networking Event &Funding Call

Call closes: 16:00 on 26 September 2017

ESRC and UK Aid (DFID) logoNERC, the Department for International Development, and the Economic & Social Research Council invite proposals to address the topic building resilience to natural disasters using financial instruments. Funding is available to apply existing environmental and social science research to inform the design, development, refinement and validation of financing instruments to help developing countries respond and recover from extreme weather and natural disasters.

The overarching goal of these projects is to have impact on the developing world. To achieve this, projects must work with practitioner project partners who have a role in the design, development and application of innovative financing mechanisms for developing countries (eg non-governmental organisations, policymakers, disaster risk management actors, insurance companies).

NERC funding for this call will form part of the UK’s official development assistance (ODA) commitment, and proposals should demonstrate their primary purpose is to promote the economic development and welfare of countries on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development’s Development Assistance Committee list of ODA recipients.

The programme will support both:

  • feasibility studies of up to £100,000 (at 100% full economic cost) and up to six months in duration
  • longer projects of up to £350,000 (at 100% full economic cost) and up to 24 months in duration.

Successful projects are expected to start no later than 1 January 2018.

If you are interested in applying to this call then please contact your RKEO Funding Development Officer in the first instance.

Networking and brokerage event

In order to bring together academics and potential project partners, a one-day networking event will be held at the Radisson Blu Portman Hotel in London on 28 July 2017. For further information and details of how to register your interest in attending this event, please see the networking event page.

Please note that attendance at this networking event is not a pre-requisite for the submission of proposals to this call.

Further information

Further information on this call and details of how to submit a proposal will be available to download shortly.


Lisa Bettington
Programme Manager – Innovation
01793 411630