Tagged / PGR Conference

Call for Abstracts Now Open – 10th Annual Postgraduate Conference

The Annual Postgraduate Conference showcases some of Bournemouth University’s best postgraduate research, providing PGRs the opportunity to present and disseminate their research to their peers, colleagues and the wider BU community.

Applications Now Open

Abstracts are invited for oral, poster and photograph presentations. To submit an abstract, download and complete the Application Form following the How to Apply Guidance.

Please note the selection process is competitive. Oral abstracts will be shortlisted by an academic panel and you will be advised if you have been successful after the closing date.

Call for abstracts is now open and closes at midnight, Thursday 4 January 2018.

Email your fully completed application form to: pgconference@bournemouth.ac.uk

BU 9th Postgraduate Conference 2017 – Call for Abstracts

pg-conference-2017The BU Postgraduate Annual Conference, Wednesday 8 March 2017  showcases the best of BU’s postgraduate research. It provides a unique opportunity for Postgraduate researchers and Masters’ students to present their work.

Call for Abstracts is open from 24 October 2016 Closes: midnight, 24 November 2016

Abstracts are invited for oral, poster and photography presentations from Postgraduate Research and Taught students at any stage of their degree. Please download and complete the Abstract Form with reference to the guidance notes for Oral, Poster and Photography presentations. Visit www.bournemouth.ac.uk/pg-conference for further information.

Please note, the number of oral presentations is limited and therefore the selection process is competitive – abstracts will be shortlisted by a Faculty academic panel and you will be advised if your abstract has been successful 2 weeks after the deadline date.

2014 sees a surge in engagement with eBU

Through immediate internal publication and open peer review, eBU is ideally placed to support the developmental needs of authors at any career stage, and I’m pleased to say that, so far, the 2014 issue has seen a levels of engagement from across the career spectrum. eBU has had two working paper submissions so far in 2014 (and there are plenty more in the archived 2013 issue!).

Firstly, under the Lifelong Health and Wellbeing theme, Sheetal Sharma (HSC) and colleagues submitted a paper titled Eliciting Nepali women’s views on childbirth and the newborn. A full text file of this paper has been openly reviewed and can be viewed here – http://ebu/index.php/ebu/article/view/17.  I understand Sheetal has just submitted this paper to an external journal, so best of luck and we await with great excitement to hear the outcome!

Secondly, under the Education, Learning and Practice theme, Jonathan Williams (again HSC) has submitted a paper titled Is student knowledge of anatomy affected by a Problem-Based Learning approach? A full text file of this paper can be read here – http://ebu/index.php/ebu/article/view/24.

eBU was also delighted to be able to support outputs from the 2014 PGR conference, and a number of PGRs have decided to use eBU to showcase their work. Why not take a look at the following abstracts and posters:

Business, Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth

Alice Bonasio – PGR Conf 2014 Abstract: Customer Engagement Through Crowd-Funding and Social Mediahttp://ebu/index.php/ebu/article/view/21

Lifelong Health and Wellbeing

Ben Hicks – PGR Conf 2014 Abstract: Using commercial computer game technology to benefit men with dementia residing in rural areas of Dorsethttp://ebu/index.php/ebu/article/view/19

Sheetal Sharma – PGR Conf 2014 Abstract: Pregnant and ‘dirty’ for 40 days: A qualitative study of childbirth practice, beliefs and myths in Nepalhttp://ebu/index.php/ebu/article/view/20

Jonny Branney – PGR Conf 2014 Abstract: Is spinal manipulation associated with changes in cervical inter-vertebral motion?http://ebu/index.php/ebu/article/view/23

Research Methods and Practice

Jenny Roddis – PGR Conf 2014 Poster: Experience of interviewing: face-to-face vs. telephonehttp://ebu/index.php/ebu/article/view/22

Technology & Design

Manuel Salvador – PGR Conf 2014 Poster: Automating Data Pre-processing for Online and Dynamic Processes in the Chemical Industry: http://ebu/index.php/ebu/article/view/18

HSC wins at PGR conference!


HSC was well represented at the BU 6th Annual Postgraduate Conference 2014 with talks under the themes Lifelong Health and Wellbeing and Ageing, Society and Dementia by:

Jonathan Branney :“Is spinal manipulation associated with changes in cervical inter-vertebral motion”

Ashley Mitchell: “Can we fix it?!: Understanding the impact of children’s hospices on parental relationships of life-limited and life-threatened children and young people”.

Ben Hicks: “Using commercial computer game technology to benefit men with dementia residing in rural areas of Dorset”

Mevalyn Cross (HSC) won a prize for best xxx oral presentation with her work with Les Todres on “The delivery of humanly sensitive care in an older person’s hospital setting: A phenomenological and action research study”.

Also winning a prize for her photo, Sheetal poster, photo and oral presentations on “Pregnant and dirty: A qualitative study of childbirth practice, beliefs and myths in Nepal”. The paper is currently under review by eBU. eBU editor Andrew Harding, PGR, HSC was present and encouraged conference attendees to submit to eBU, as their abstracts will be published in eBU.

Also present was first year Clare Farrance part of the organising committee with Ashley and a chair. And a theme Leader: Professor Edwin van Teijlingen, Professor of Reproductive Health Research who spoke of student engagement with their profile pages, blogging and publishing endeavours.

Highlights included a keynote presentation by Professor Kevin Warwick, Professor of Cybernetics, from the University of Reading who twice has had implants which permitted manipulation as part of robot learning and appears in the 2013 edition of the Guinness World Records Book for the first direct electronic communication between two nervous systems with his wife Irena. His work centers on artificial intelligence, biomedical engineering and control systems.

Definitely a conference with something for everyone and a opportunity to engage with other schools.

Other presentations from HSC included:

Photos presentations:

Jib Acharya: “The Raute: An Ethnic and Nomadic Group (the hunters and gatherers) estimated from 900 years ago and few remaining only in South Asia”

Clare Farrance: “Keeping your fingers crossed for a health old age”

Posters included:

Jib Acharya: “A Comparative study on Nutritional Problems in Preschool aged children of the Kaski District of Nepal”

Jennifer Roddis: “Experience of interviewing: Face-to-face-v-Telephone”.

 Thank you to Vanora Hundley and Jen Lemmon for their feedback.

5th Annual PGR Conference @ BU – REMINDER

A Celebration of BU PGR Research

Our annual conference is designed to showcase the best of BU’s postgraduate research and to provide a unique opportunity for you as PGRs to present your work within a safe learning environment. Our multi-disciplinary conference will allow for cross-school interaction as well as opportunities for collaboration, where appropriate.

The 2013 conference will build on the great success of the previous PGR Conferences held in 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2012.

Call for Abstracts

We are inviting abstracts for oral, poster presentations AND new for 2013, a photography presentation – no matter at what stage you are in your Research Project. Presentations may focus on:

  • Research area
  • Specific methodological approach
  • Initial findings
  • Experience of your research journey e.g. transfer

There will be prizes for the best poster, oral and photography presentations. Please be aware that there are limited number of oral presentation slots.

We are also looking for volunteers to help chair sessions, so if you are interested please email the Graduate School.


Please see

How to Register

You will all need to register, whether you are contributing or just attending.  Please complete the booking form (conference booking form) and send via email to: graduateschool@bournemouth.ac.uk


For submitting abstracts: Monday 25 March 2013
For attending the conference: Friday 12th April 2013

4th Annual PGR Conference – Thursday 28 June 2012

A Celebration of BU PGR Research

This annual conference is designed to showcase the best of BU’s postgraduate research and to provide a unique opportunity for PGRs to present their work within a learning environment. Our multi-disciplinary conference will allow for cross-school interaction as well as opportunities for collaboration, where appropriate.

The 2012 conference will build on the great success of the previous PGR Conferences in 2008, 2009 and 2011.

Call for Abstracts

We are inviting abstracts for oral and poster presentations from Post Graduate Research students at any stage of their research degree. Presentations may focus on:

  • Research area
  • Specific methodological approach
  • Initial findings
  • Experience of your research journey e.g. transfer

There will be prizes for the best poster and oral presentations. Please be aware that the sessions for oral presentations are fully subscribed now but we continue to welcome abstracts for poster presentations before the extended deadline (see below).

We are also looking for volunteers to help organise the conference and chair sessions. If you are interested please email the Graduate School.

How to Register

All conference attendees, including contributors, will need to complete the booking form (Conference booking form (Word doc 83 Kb)) and send via email to:graduateschool@bournemouth.ac.uk


For submitting abstracts for poster presentations: Thursday 7 June
For attending the conference: Monday 14 June

Further details on presentation formats and programmes from previous conferences are available here.

4th Annual PGR Conference – Thursday 28 June 2012

A Celebration of BU PGR Research

This annual conference is designed to showcase the best of BU’s postgraduate research and to provide a unique opportunity for PGRs to present their work within a learning environment. Our multi-disciplinary conference will allow for cross-school interaction as well as opportunities for collaboration, where appropriate.

The 2012 conference will build on the great success of the previous PGR Conferences in 2008, 2009 and 2011.

Call for Abstracts

We are inviting abstracts for oral and poster presentations from Post Graduate Research students at any stage of their research degree. Presentations may focus on:

  • Research area
  • Specific methodological approach
  • Initial findings
  • Experience of your research journey e.g. transfer

There will be prizes for the best poster and oral presentations. Please be aware that there are limited number of oral presentation slots.

We are also looking for volunteers to help organise the conference and chair sessions. If you are interested please email the Graduate School.

How to Register

All conference attendees, including contributors, will need to complete the booking form (Conference booking form (Word doc 83 Kb)) and send via email to:graduateschool@bournemouth.ac.uk


For submitting abstracts: Monday 21st May
For attending the conference: Monday 11th June

Further details on presentation formats and programmes from previous conferences are available here.