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NEW workshops for January 2013 – PGR Development Framework Programme

I’m pleased to announce new workshops for January 2013.  All bookings should be made via gsbookings@bournemouth.ac.uk

PGR induction (Repeat workshop)
Outline: Introduction to BU’s academic and professional support for your research degree.  The session will also include an introduction to the Research Development Framework and how to map your personal development
Date: Wednesday 9 January 2013
Time: 10:00 – 13:00
Room: PG22 – Poole House – Talbot Campus
Facilitator: Graduate School
Booking: gsbookings@bournemouth.ac.uk

NVivo Training – please note change of date
Outline: The morning session will provide an introduction to Nvivo  – why use a computer for qualitative analysis?  The afternoon will look at building your database and coding your data
Date: Thursday 24 January 2013
Time: 09:00 – 17:00
Room: S102 – Studland House – Lansdowne Campus
Facilitator: Ben Meehan – External Consultant from QDATRAINING PLC
Booking: gsbookings@bournemouth.ac.uk

Finding information and Using Researcher Tools (Repeat workshop)Outline: The session will include an introduction to advanced searching skills, using citations smartly and analytical tools
Date: Wednesday 16 January 2013
Time: 10:00 – 12:00
Room: DLG31 – The Sir Michael Cobham Library – Talbot Campus
Facilitator: Emma Crowley
Booking: gsbookings@bournemouth.ac.uk

Managing your citations using Endnote and Endnote Web (Repeat workshop)
Outline: The session will include an introduction to Endnote and Endnote Web, exporting from databases, Cite While You Write tool
Date: Wednesday 16 January 2013
Time: 14:00 – 16:00
Room: DLG31 – The Sir Michael Cobham Library – Talbot Campus
Facilitator: Emma Crowley
Booking: gsbookings@bournemouth.ac.uk

Writing for Marketing
Outline: The aim of the workshop is to learn how to write for marketing purposes – useful for public engagement activities
Date: Wednesday 23 January 2013
Time: 14:00 – 16:00
Room: S102 – Studland House – Lansdowne Campus
Facilitator: Mike O’Sullivan
Booking: gsbookings@bournemouth.ac.uk

Critical Thinking
Outline: The aim of the workshop is to give you the tools to make critical use of evidence from research to inform complex judgements and decisions
Date: Wednesday 30 January 2013
Time: 09:30 – 11:30
Room: PG22 – Poole House – Lansdowne Campus
Facilitator: Dr Jenny Moon
Booking: gsbookings@bournemouth.ac.uk  

The Transfer Process
Outline: The aim of the workshop is to prepare students for the process of the transfer from MPhil/PhD to PhD. All students who register for a research degree have the choice to proceed in their studies towards an MPhil award or to transfer onto a doctoral route that leads to a PhD.
Date: Wednesday 30 January 2013
Time: 13:00 – 15:00
Room: PG22 – Poole House – Talbot Campus
Facilitator: Professor Anthea Innes
Booking: gsbookings@bournemouth.ac.uk


How to win British Academy funding

On 21st November, Dr Ken Emond (Head of Research Awards) and Kate Kenyon (International Officer) from the British Academy are coming to BU.  

What will they be doing?  

  • Giving participants an understanding of the British Academy and its range of activities
  • Increasing awareness of the Academy’s research funding opportunities
  • Giving some insight into evaluation criteria and what assessors are looking for in funding applications.

Why should you attend?

  • The second round of the BA Small Research Grants competition will be opened in February 2013 (deadline April 2013).   If you are thinking of applying you should definately come along, and find out what the BA is looking for
  • The BA may fund your research:  their remit is broad – covering the humanities and social sciences
  • Ask specific questions about your research and BA funding

Important info:

  • Day: Wednesday, 21st November
  • Time: 1pm – 2pm
  • Place:  TAG22, Tolpuddle Annex, Talbot campus
  • How to book:  Please click here to book your place.


Speaker profiles:

Dr Emond is the Head of Research Awards at the British Academy. Ken is a graduate of the University of St Andrews with a doctorate in Scottish History, for a thesis on the Minority of King James V, 1513-1528. After working in the Department of Transport, Ken joined the Academy in 1992. As Head of Research Awards since 2008, Ken is responsible for the administration of all of the Academy’s UK grants and fellowship schemes, and he has extensive experience in advising on research funding matters.

Kate Kenyon is an International Officer within the International Department of the British Academy. Kate is a Modern Languages graduate of University College London, and joined the Academy in 2011 following periods at the Italian Chamber of Commerce and the London Deanery. Kate is responsible for the administration of the International Department’s International Partnership and Mobility Scheme and the Academy’s involvement in the Tier 1 Exceptional Talent visa route.  

Information about funding opportunities with the British Academy:  http://www.britac.ac.uk/funding/index.cfm

For more information please contact Caroline O’Kane

Intellectual Property Office 2013 Fast Forward Competition

£750,000 competition launched for innovative university-industry projects

2013 Fast Forward LogoThe Intellectual Property Office (IPO) launched its annual Fast Forward competition on 22 October 2012, to encourage universities and public sector research establishments to collaborate with businesses and local communities on innovative projects that benefit UK society and can help grow the economy.

Now in its third year, Fast Forward has so far provided £1.25 million in prizes to 23 winning projects in diverse areas, ranging from the creative industries to medical research and social enterprises.

The total prize fund available for this year’s competition is £750,000, which will be awarded to around a dozen projects in individual awards of between £10,000 and £100,000.  More details can be found here: 2013 Fast Forward Competition

The IPO‘s Chief Executive, Sean Dennehey said:

“UK universities lead the world as seats of learning, but they are also hubs of innovation, creating and harnessing intellectual property to fuel market competitiveness and economic growth.

“Fast Forward recognises and rewards projects that demonstrate innovative approaches to university-industry collaborations, providing funding that can help create new companies and services which benefit the UK economy and society.”

 The RKE Operations team can help you with your application. Please direct any enquiries to RKE Ops in the first instance.  Details of how to enter can be found here.  The closing date for entries (electronic and paper) is 17:00 on Friday 14 December 2012.

AHRC: UnBox researcher fellowships

The Arts and Humanities Research Council, in collaboration with the British Council and the Science and Innovation Network, invites applications for its UnBox researcher fellowships.

These short-term fellowships are for researchers to work on relevant challenges with one of a variety of hosts in India in the run-up to the 2013 UnBox festival, held from 6-10 February 2013 in Delhi.

The fellowships cover travel between the UK and Delhi, flights within India, visa, accommodation, any research and production costs incurred as part of the fellowship, and the UnBox conference fee. A basic subsistence of INR800 per day will also be provided to cover meals and local transport.


Prior to the UnBox Festival, researcher fellowships will be awarded to five selected applicants, each of whom will work at one of five separate India-based host organisations. Fellowships will provide the opportunity to be immersed in selected themes and team-based projects with a clear research dimension.  Each of the fellowships will be 3-4 weeks in length.

Fellowships will take place at one of five different hosts.  Each host has different foci and suggested research themes.  The title of each fellowship is listed below and further information can be found on the Fellowship details webpage:

  • unVEIL: Film and Digital Media for Open-governance
  • unTILL: Augmenting Agriculture with New Technologies
  • unPLAY: Gaming for Social Innovation
  • unMAP: Culture and Heritage Preservation
  • unBUILD: Sustainable Lifestyles

The closing date is 26/11/12.  The RKE Operations team can help you with your application. Please direct any enquiries to RKE Ops in the first instance

Research Professional

Every BU academic has a Research Professional account which delivers weekly emails detailing funding opportunities in their broad subject area. To really make the most of your Research Professional account, you should tailor it further by establishing additional alerts based on your specific area of expertise.

Research Professional have created several guides to help introduce users to ResearchProfessional. These can be downloaded here.

Quick Start Guide: Explains to users their first steps with the website, from creating an account to searching for content and setting up email alerts, all in the space of a single page.

User Guide: More detailed information covering all the key aspects of using ResearchProfessional.

Administrator Guide: A detailed description of the administrator functionality.

In addition to the above, there are a set of 2-3 minute videos online, designed to take a user through all the key features of ResearchProfessional.  To access the videos, please use the following link: http://www.youtube.com/researchprofessional 

Research Professional are running a series of online training broadcasts aimed at introducing users to the basics of creating and configuring their accounts on ResearchProfessional.  They are holding monthly sessions, covering everything you need to get started with ResearchProfessional.  The broadcast sessions will run for no more than 60 minutes, with the opportunity to ask questions via text chat.  Each session will cover:

  • Self registration and logging in
  • Building searches
  • Setting personalised alerts
  • Saving and bookmarking items
  • Subscribing to news alerts
  • Configuring your personal profile

Each session will run between 10.00am and 11.00am (UK) on the fourth Tuesday of each month.  You can register here for your preferred date:

27th November 2012: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/326491841

22nd January 2013: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/637298448 

26th February 2013: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/267446504 

26th March 2013: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/518275168 

23rd April 2013: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/255287520 

28th May 2013: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/806064201 

25th June 2013: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/492839664 

23rd July 2013: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/771246561 

27th August 2013: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/398714217 

24th September 2013: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/882372120 

These are free and comprehensive training sessions and so this is a good opportunity to get to grips with how Research Professional can work for you.

Want to know how YOU can get some EU funding?

We all know the importance of getting involved in EU funding as national funds dwindle, greater importance is placed on international collaborations and of BUs strategic focus on internationalisation. The EU showcase event will celebrate our successful EU award holders who will share their tips for engaging in EU funding.

We have presentations on schemes to help you start your EU career (Christos Gatzidis on the Leonardo scheme of the Lifelong Learning Programme and Bogdan Gabrys and Rob Britton on Marie Curie schemes) and schemes for those already engaged (Anthea Innes on applying for an FP7 grant and Adrian Newton on being a Partner in an FP7 consortium). We also have top tips on how to network effectively to become involved in EU funding (from the very experienced Dimitrios Buhalis and Cornelius Ncube). Finally I will be launching 3 very exciting internal EU focused funding competitions at this event to help you engage in EU funding and we have presentations from those who won funding through 2 of these schemes last year.

The informal and informative event will be opened by Matthew Bennett in Kimmeridge House  on 14th November. Plenty of coffee, tea, lunch and cake provided and due to the restriction of room size, registration is essential. This takes only 10 seconds on the Staff Development website.

The event will be finished in plenty of time for you to drive/ catch the uni bus to the Executive Business Centre (EBC) to hear the Inaugural Lecture Dementia: personal journey to policy priority by HSC’s Prof. Anthea Innes.

BUDI to benefit from successful £3,834 Fusion Investment Fund bid


Following a successful fusion bid application I am going to Canada later this month. One of the aims of the trip is to promote the growing Bournemouth University Dementia Institute (BUDI), as well as develop new and existing relationships BUDI already has with our Canadian colleagues.

Rural dementia service provision is a growing strand of research work in BUDI (Bournemouth University Dementia Institute). GRIID is an international group exploring rural service provision led by Anthea Innes along with Debra Morgan (Canada) David Edvardsson (Sweden), Amit Dias (India) and Peter Birkett (Australia). The on-going collaboration received seed corn funding from HSC QR and is currently being written up for publication.  The trip to Canada will enable me to explore further activities to conduct under the GRIID consortia as part of the 5 year work plan of this international group.

It will also enable BUDI to continue to build on the existing links with Professor Morgan at the University of Saskatchewan, established by Professor Anthea Innes 5 years ago. During the trip I will have the opportunity to attend and present a key note lecture at the Annual Summit of the Knowledge Network in Rural and Remote Dementia Care. This annual Summit brings together around 50 province based policy makers, decision makers, practitioners and researchers who are eager to work collaboratively with the university to identify research opportunities and will provide a model to explore for the ongoing collaborative ways of working BUDI is establishing.  

Professor Morgan developed and leads a unique and highly esteemed memory clinic (Morgan et al 2011. Evaluation of Telehealth for Preclinic Assessment and Follow-Up in an Interprofessional Rural and Remote Memory Clinic. Journal of Applied Gerontology 30: 304-33) at the University of Saskatchewan and I will be visiting this clinic whilst I am there. The visit will not only develop my own practice, but will provide the opportunity to disseminate and share knowledge with the Dorset memory service teams on my return.

In Toronto I plan to visit Dr Pia Kontos at Toronto University. Her research on person centred care reinforces the focus in the programmes we deliver to undergraduate and post graduate students. Sharing her experiences of a more creative dissemination of research, compliments my PhD thesis which has used a visual methodology. A visit to another existing collaborator of Anthea, the director of the Canadian Alzheimer’s Association Education team, in Toronto, will allow us to explore potential educational work between BUDI and our Canadian Alzheimer Association colleagues.

So the week in Canada promises to be busy and I am sure fulfilling!

New wave of PhD students in the Psychology Research Centre

The postgraduate research community in Psychology has been growing over recent years in line with our expansion of staff and undergraduate students. We now have 17 PhD students in the research centre as we recently welcomed seven new students. We are pleased that our new PhD students have all received either studentships or scholarships to fund their work. These new research projects represent the disciplines of the psychology of health, cognition, and education, and highlight the varied application of psychology to advance both science and issues encountered in everyday life. We are really pleased to have these students join us and add to the research going on in Psychology. We have listed the students and their research interests below in case other members of staff have interests in common. If you do, and would like to find out more, please do contact the students or their supervisors.



Student Supervisors Funding Title
Natalia Adamczewska Dr Samuel Nyman

Prof Jonathan Parker (HSC)

Prof Peter Coleman (University of Southampton)


BU Vice-Chancellor fee-waive scholarship Psychological adjustment to accidental falls.
Anna Bobak Dr Sarah Bate

Dr Ben Parris

BU fully-funded studentship Face facts: Why face processing skills should be improved in forensic and national security settings. 
Simon Ferneyhough Dr Jane Elsley

Dr Andy Johnson

BU fully-funded studentship How does our ability to integrate objects and events change as we age?  
Abbey Laishley  Dr Julie Kirkby

Prof Simon Liversedge



BU fully-funded studentship Quantifying the role of working memory in efficient classroom performance 
Jessica Miller Dr Jan Wiener

Prof Siné McDougall


BU Vice-Chancellor fee-waive scholarship & funding from Army of Angels PTSD and Navigation.
Sophie Nicholls Dr Sarah Bate

Dr Ben Parris

BU Vice-Chancellor fee-waive scholarship Effects of Stochastic Sub-sensory Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation on Speed and Accuracy of Face Recognition: An Application to National Security and Forensic Settings. 
Michele Salvagno A/Prof Jacqui Taylor

Dr Milena Bobeva (BS)

Dr Maggie Hutchings (HSC)

BU fully-funded studentship (online education) The Highs and Lows of Ubiquitous Mobile Connectivity: towards a model for pedagogical delivery that supports the well-being of learners 


Secondment Opportunities

The BU Dementia Institute (BUDI) is the fastest growing research and knowledge exchange opportunity within BU.  A cross disciplinary institute committed to making a difference in the community in which we live.  Most of us have been touched by Dementia in some way through family or friends and it is one of the most important societal themes that current challenge us.

There are huge opportunities for BU staff to get involved in research and knowledge exchange bids and activity.  It is very much of its moment and growing BUDI fast enough to cope with the demand is a challenge.  BUDI needs staff from across BU to get involved and urgently.  You don’t have to be a health care specialist to particpate, they need psychologists, education experts, marketing and media experts, business and leadership professionals, economists, engineers, data analysts, project managers and computer scientists.  It is truly cross-disciplinary and an ideal way for staff to gain experience of research and knowledge exchange bids.

In support of BUDI I am pleased to announce on before of the Study Leave Committee (Fusion Investment Fund) five dedicated secondment opportunities for BU staff to get involved with BUDI.  Five opportunities for staff to be bought out of their current roles for up to 6 months to get involved directly with BUDI, to lead and contribute to research and knowledge exchange bids which will make a real difference in society.  Potential applicants are encouraged to contact the Director of BUDI Professor Anthea Innes and can apply at any time via the Fusion Investment Fund application form details of which can be found on the staff portal.  Why not get involved and make a difference?





New look BRIAN

BRIAN was successfully upgraded last week and the eagle eyed amongst you will have noticed that your home page looks different.  Please see the BRIAN Upgrade notes, which gives a short explanation of what everything is.

The majority of the functionality remains the same but there are some new features that will enhance your interaction with BRIAN.

Make this month, your Royal Society month!

To celebrate the ‘Open Access Week’, the Royal Society Publishing content will be free for all to access until the 29th November 2012!!

So if there is an article you have been meaning to read, now is the time to read it; if you have recently published an article in a Royal Society journal, now is the time to share that research with your peers.

The Royal Society is a Fellowship of the world’s most eminent scientists and is the oldest scientific academy in continuous existence. Apart from promoting science and its benefits, recognising excellence in science and supporting outstanding science, their other priorities include providing scientific advice for policy, fostering international and global cooperation and education and public engagement, clearly spanning their collective scope wider than just science.

The Royal Society publishes nine journals covering the broad spectrum of the life sciences, physical sciences and cross-disciplinary sciences. These journals have great impact and are becoming increasingly powerful within the sector.

So make full use of this month and get as much as you can by visiting these journals.

1. Open Biology

2. Biology Letters

3. Journal of the Royal Society Interface

4. Interface Focus

5. Notes and Records

6. Proceedings A

7. Proceedings B

8. Philosophical Transactions A

9. Philosophical Transactions B

BUDI introduces two new dementia PhD studies

The Bournemouth University Dementia Institute (BUDI) would like to introduce two new dementia PhD studies by Clare Cutler and Ben Hicks.

Clare Cutler, a research assistant in BUDI, has recently started a PhD in the field of dementia. The PhD looks to investigate how experiences of war impact on living with dementia and how understanding such experiences may enhance improvements in knowledge, awareness, care and wellbeing. As experiences of war extend far beyond the battle field, the study aims to look at groups other than veterans and prisoners of war. This is particularly relevant as it will increase understanding and insight into how traumatic experiences affect people with dementia and may help to provide reasons to promote personal and therapeutic care. Clare’s academic background in history and archaeology along with working in the field of dementia provides an interesting collaboration between the two subject areas. For more information on this project please contact Clare on 01202 965163.

Ben Hicks has recently joined the BUDI team to undertake a PhD in collaboration with AgeUK Dorset. Previously he worked as a researcher at the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) where he was a member of the health and well-being team. Before moving to BUDI, he managed a research project for the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) which informed the development of guidance documentation for carers wishing to implement and use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to improve the well-being of people with dementia.  The current PhD looks to draw upon and advance this work, by exploring the use of computer game technology as a care intervention to improve the well-being of men with dementia in rural areas of Dorset.

Working closely with AgeUK Dorset and other dementia care providers in the local area, Ben will lead consultation groups with dementia experts, care practitioners, men with dementia and their family members to ascertain the most appropriate gaming technology to introduce; this could include the Xbox Kinnect, Nintendo Wii or the Nintendo DS. Having established the technology to be used, he will run a series of care interventions with men with dementia each lasting three months. He will determine the success and sustainability of these interventions by collecting qualitative and quantitative data prior to their introduction, immediately after their conclusion and three months post intervention.

The consultation period is due to commence in early 2013, with the care intervention phase likely to run through late 2013 to early/mid 2014 and the final results and guidance documentation to be published in 2015. For further information on the project please contact Ben on bhicks@bournemouth.ac.uk

Notes from ESRC ARMA WORKSHOP 2012 on challenges and opportunities for the social sciences in the current economic climate

BU’s Teresa Coffin and Eva Papadopoulou (Research and Knowledge Exchange Operations) attended a training day hosted by the ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) aimed at discussing the challenges and opportunities for the social sciences in the current climate. The focus of the event included presentations from the main Department Heads who outlined their internal workings, grant application framework and advice for successful applications. They also discussed their amended research agenda, funding opportunities, various partnerships and current strategic priorities. Notes from the day can be found here:

ARMA Notes

Voice your concens about EU research budget cuts

The next summit of the European Union is on November 22nd. It is at this summit the EU research budget for the next seven years will be determined.  Several Member States are demanding severe cuts on the total EU budget and research will have to compete with other policy priorities.

An open letter signed by European Nobel laureates has been published in top European newspapers and a mobilization of the national scientific communities is underway to object to these cuts. To help contribute to this, an online petition coordinated by the Initiative for Science in Europe has been launched which you can sign.

PGR Development Framework Programme – Additional November workshop

Additional workshops for November:

Social Media Workshop:  Introduction to Twitter, Blogging and LinkedIn
This workshop will introduce you to the use of Social Media and answer questions such as “Why Twitter?” and how to use it to engage and grow audiences.  The workshop will include practical exercises such as setting up your profile.  The session will also include a look at LinkedIn and blogging
Date: Wednesday 28 November 2012
Time: 14:00 – 16:00
Room: S102, Studland House – Lansdowne
Facilitator: Paul Hughes
Booking: gsbookings@bournemouth.ac.uk

NEW Online Ethics Checklist Launches TODAY!!

I’m pleased to announce that the new online ethics checklist is live! Click HERE to access the online ethics checklist. Please keep in mind that if you submit a checklist, the person you indicated as you supervisor will receive an email notifying them of your submission.

Our IT developers have done a fantastic job creating an easy, collapsible, web-based form to replace our current paper checklist; the best part is that the form is collapsible, so it is entirely researcher specific. Not only will this online form streamline the submission process across the University, it will also provide a central repository for all approved checklists to facilitate the improvement of compliance within the Schools. The new online ethics checklist will soft launchs today for two months of beta testing and will fully launch on 1 January 2013. This two month period will give us time to beta test the checklist with a handful of student groups across BU to ensure all the technical bugs are sorted out.

Would you like to be involved in the beta testing? If so, please get in touch with me and we’ll set everything up! I’ve already had a handful of volunteers to test the checklist, but please let me know if you’d like to get involved. Additionally, please let me know if you’d like a sneak peek of the online checklist – I’m more than happy to give you a quick tutorial.

The link to the new checklist will be made available on the Research Ethics website.