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Marie Curie Actions Conference 2012

The EC will be holding a Marie Curie Actions Conference in Dublin on 10-11 July 2012.

The conference will provide participants with some training in areas that can be critical for any researcher such as ‘intellectual property rights’, ‘getting your name in the newspaper’, ‘exploiting social media’, ‘how to draft applications to EU calls’ and ‘speaking confidently to a non-scientific audience’.  The conference will also provide participants with some insights on the future Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions under Horizon 2020. Registration to the Marie Curie Actions Conference also includes entry to the main Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF) held in Dublin on 11-15 July, where participants can meet Nobel Prize winners and specialists in their research field – what a great opportunity!

The R & KE Operations Team Are Moving!

 Space at Talbot Campus is scarce, so to make room for more student focused activities the R & KE Operations Team will be moving to Melbury House at the end of July.

We are confirming availability of hotdesks in each school to ensure members of the team will continue to be as accessible to Talbot Campus colleagues as possible, we are also incorporating hotdesks in our office in Melbury House which colleagues will be welcome to use.

The move itself will take place between Thursday 26th and Monday 30th July. Access to the team will be limited during this time, so please bear this in mind if you have any pending application deadlines or project needs and make provisions for support in advance where possible.

Many thanks,

The R & KE Operations Team




BRIAN – Full text articles

The functionality to upload full text articles is available in BRIAN.  However, the import from BURO is still taking place and so your existing full text articles will not yet show in BRIAN.  Please do not upload any full text articles just yet as this information may be populated once BURO and BRIAN have finished the upload.

Once this import has been completed, I will provide details on how to upload full text articles.

Thank you for your patience.

BRIAN – Edited Chapters

Any edited chapters that were previously input into BURO will have been imported into BRIAN.

If you have edited chapters that are new or were not previously in BURO then these will need to be manually input into BRIAN as online databases do not currently offer this service.  Google Books may be able to find some meta data for the book itself, but not completely for chapters.  Therefore, if you only have a few edited chapters then it would be appreciated if you could manually input these into BRIAN.  Click on ‘Add new Chapter’ and then ‘Skip this step and go straight to manual entry’.  You will then need to input the details of the edited chapter and remember to save.

If you have more than a few edited chapters that were not previously in BURO then RDU will manually input these into BRIAN for you during this launch period.  If you require RDU to input your edited chapters, please supply the following information:

  • Relationship type: ‘Author’, ‘Editor’, or ‘Translator’
  • Title
  • Authors last name and initials
  • Editors last name and initials
  • Chapter number

There are a number of other fields that you can view following the instructions above.  If you have the information for these fields and can provide them to RDU then we will also input these.  Please send your edited chapter information to BRIAN@bournemouth.ac.uk and mark the subject field as ‘Edited Chapters’.

BRIAN continues to develop functionality to search other online databases so the ability to search for chapters may be forthcoming in the future.

BRIAN User Guides

The BRIAN full user guide is available once you have logged on to BRIAN and will shortly be available through the staff intranet.

There are two other helpful guides available on BRIAN.  The quick start guide will help you get started and the trouble-shooting guide will help you refine your search setting:

BRIAN – Quick Start Guide v1 – this has been updated with further information about publication management.

BRIAN – Trouble-shooting Guide for Search Settings

There is a short guide to the staff external web pages, which can be found here: BU Staff External Web Pages

Fusion Investment Fund – It is almost time to submit applications

Good morning!

This week I have received enquiries from colleagues trying to locate the Fusion Investment Fund application form.

The FIF application form is available here, please remember to submit your applications by 2:00pm on Sunday 1st July.

I would also like to clarify that the only costings which should be on the forms are salaries and research costs – not any overheads, as this is a BU-funded scheme.

For clarification please see the Fusion Investment Fund FAQs V4. 

Best of luck!

Sam Furr

Active Ageing Conference

NET4SOCIETY, the network of National Contact Points for research in the field of Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in FP7, is hosting an Active Ageing Conference  in Dublin on 9th-11th July 2012.

The event will be themed around the 2012 European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations and will focus on the human and social aspects and implications of active ageing. Key note speakers include Anne-Sophie Parent, Secretary General of the AGE Platform Europe network and Lenia Samuel from the European Commission’s Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.

Thematic sessions will be based on four key topics:

  • Employment;
  • Social participation;
  • Intergenerational solidarity; and
  • Economy and innovation.

This is a great opportunity to meet potential new partners!

Rufus Stone featuring in this year’s FLICKERS: Rhode Island International Film Festival

BU’s Kip Jones, Executive Producer and Author of the short film based on his research findings, “Rufus Stone” has just been notified that the film has been selected for acceptance by the judges for exhibition during this year’s FLICKERS: Rhode Island International Film Festival  August 7-12, 2012. The event is the largest public film festival in New England and an Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences qualifying event.

In 2002, Flickers was notified by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) that it had elected to recognize the Rhode Island International Film Festival as a qualifying festival for the Short Films category for the Annual Academy Awards. With more than 7,000 film festivals worldwide, only 65 have this recognition “One of the top 10 Short Film Festivals and Top 10 International Film Festivals in the United States” – Chris Gore, author of The Ultimate Film Festival Survival Guide, 2nd edition.

Well done and good luck Kip!

BRIAN – External Profile

BU External Staff Web Pages

The BU external staff web pages can be found here: http://staffprofiles.bournemouth.ac.uk   Clicking on this link will take you to the home page. 

You do not need to log in and so please ignore the ‘log in’ at the top of the screen.

Input a surname in full into the ‘Search’ box and click on ‘Search’.  You will then be presented with matches for that surname and you should select the one you want.

The profile for the selected person will appear.  All information presented has been imported from BRIAN (Bournemouth Research Information and Networking) and so you cannot amend information here.  If you wish to make changes to the information within your profile then the majority of this will be done through BRIAN.  Any changes that are made on BRIAN will be uploaded overnight.

If you wish to amend your name then this must be done through HR.  You can request a change through ‘Update your contact details’ on the staff intranet home page.

There are a number of graphs and charts automatically populated within the external staff web pages.  The publications chart is based solely on your publications entered into BRIAN.  The ‘co-author network’ and ‘Map of Science’ are currently being reviewed to see how useful these may be.

Your previous staff profile can be found either through your academic school pages or by typing in the following address and writing your username at the end.  These will be available to you for the next three weeks only.  All external queries on the BU web site will be directed to your new profile page.


More information will follow on how best to present your publications.

FP7 ICT UK Information Event

This is a reminder that an information event for those planning to participate in the final round of calls under the Information Communication Technologies (ICT) theme in FP7 is being held in London on 18 July. The event, called ‘ICT – The Future of EU Collaborative R&D’ is being jointly hosted by the ICT Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN), the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and the Technology Strategy Board (TSB). With speakers from the European Commission, BIS and the TSB, the sessions will provide an overview of opportunities both in the final round of ICT calls under FP7 and give insight into ICT research under Horizon 2020. The event runs from 10am until 4pm and will be held at the Royal Academy of Engineering. It is free to attend but delegates must register. Info days are a fantastic way to not only hear more detail about a call and its requirements but are a fantastic way to network!

Funding opportunities on Coastal Vulnerability and Freshwater Security: Belmont Forum and G8 Research Councils Initiative

The Belmont Forum and G8 Research Councils Initiatives on Multilateral Research Funding International Opportunities Fund have announced a funding call for approximately €20 million.

Specifically, the International Opportunities fund is aimed at supporting research on Coastal Vulnerability and Freshwater Security.

For full details, please click here.

Please note the key dates:

Closing date for submission of pre-proposals: 20th July 2012

Notification for submission of full-proposals: 20th September 2012

Closing date for submission of full full-proposals: 20th December 2012

BRIAN is here

BRIAN has worked hard all weekend and has now imported all data that we hold, as well as information for external data sources.  We will switch on the email alerts at 10.15am today and so the majority of you will receive an alert to tell you that you have publications pending.  There are a few things to note and so please read the rest of this Blog.

Can I ask that you all take the time to read through the user guides available on BRIAN?  These can be found in BRIAN and by clicking the ‘help’ button at the top right-hand side of the screen.  Ideally, you should read the full guide before using BRIAN but there is a ‘Quick start guide’ for those with limited time.  Whilst it might seem easier to just send me a quick email, when 300 of you do it, I won’t be able to send you a quick answer.  The user guides are straightforward and should answer all of your questions.

The Grants are still being imported from RED and should be completed this week.  Therefore, you do not need to manually add any BU grants.  However, if you wish to input grants received at previous institutions then you can do this.  Instructions are available in the full user guide.

You can input your keywords into BRIAN.  These aren’t yet linked to the external profile pages but will be resolved shortly.

RDU circulated an email last week to all those who did not have a photo on their academic profile page, and asked these staff to submit a photo if they wanted one to appear on their new profile page.  If you would like to change your existing photo, please ensure that it is between 250 x 250 and 350 x 350 pixels in size and be saved as username.thumbnail.jpg  For consistency these need to be a head and shoulders shot please.  Photos should be sent to BRIAN@bournemouth.ac.uk

The external profile pages can be found here: http://staffprofiles.bournemouth.ac.uk/  Please note that you do not have to log in.  Just enter your surname (this must be spelt out in full) in the ‘search’ box and press ‘search’.  All graduate students will have a profile on here and so should follow the same instructions as above.  You do not need to click on the ‘graduate student’ link as we have not connected this up yet.

There will be more useful information coming out about BRIAN this week and so keep reading the Blog for the latest news.

Partnerships for Lifelong Learning in Europe Funding Opportunity

Cedefop, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, has published a call for tenders for partnerships for lifelong learning in Europe. The purpose of the contract is to understand and analyse how (initial) vocational education and training (VET) providers co-operate and develop partnerships within and beyond their own sector so as to support smooth individual learning progression and permeability at system level.  Reviewing the development of new governance patterns, the research also addresses how education and training actors are organising themselves and co-operating with different categories of stakeholders to develop lifelong learning.

Fusion Investment Fund – It is almost time to submit applications – 1st July Deadline!

Criteria for the Fusion Investment Fund have now been compiled

Good Morning! The last few weeks have been a flurry of activity; Friday saw the last Fusion Investment Fund Telephone surgery, with the opportunity for applicants to review their drafts with Matthew before they submit proposals.

I also published the FAQs for the Fusion Investment Fund on Tuesday and do hope you have had the opportunity to review these.  The Criteria by which committee groups will judge the applications is included so it is an essential read if you plan to apply to the fund.  Click the link to see the FAQs FIF V3.

The final thing for me to say is I really look forward to receiving your applications and want to remind you that the deadline is the 1st July (This Sunday) we will not be extending the deadline.

Best of Luck!


To apply to the fund please your application forms to FusionFund@bournemouth.ac.uk.

Virtual conference and film making: two of the projects being looked at within the Leisure and Recreation Theme

Further to a meeting of colleagues interested in the Leisure and Recreation Theme in May an agenda for collaboration is gradually developing around a series of ideas.  These include: 

  • Organizing 2 academic/professional conferences,
  • Bidding for an ESRC Seminar series,
  • Exploring policy areas relating to healthy leisure, developing a Healthy Leisure, Healthy Living Research Group (and possibly others),
  • Running an internal seminar series next academic year
  • Developing events for the festival of learning
  • Holding an Internal Research conference looking specifically at Leisure and Recreation, highlighting work across university.
  • Creating a virtual poster conference for students and staff
  • Organizing a joint Workshop with the Centre for Qualitative Research featuring Robert Mugerauer, from the University of Washington.
  • Developing a short film project that will equip colleagues with the skills to produce short films to help disseminate research to students and the broader public. 

For more information on these and other ideas, to include yourself in the e-mail circulation list or to suggest ideas of your own please contact Sean Beer (sbeer@bournemouth.ac.uk)