Research Councils UK (RCUK) has welcomed the findings of the Hargreaves Review of Intellectual Property and Growth, published on 18th May.
The review looks at how the Intellectual Property Framework contributes to growth and identifies barriers; RCUK believes that the implementation of the review’s recommendations will help to remove potential barriers to innovation and, by contributing to the UK’s attractiveness as a base for scientific discovery, will enable UK Research to further contribute to growth, prosperity and wellbeing of the UK.
RCUK welcomes the recommendations that will allow greater mass digitisation which will allow digital preservation of our cultural and scientific output, and enable researchers to use data and text mining to deliver new discoveries in medicine and other areas of research.
/ Full archive
REF Impact Observations
Shortly we will learn the REF panel criteria and guidance submissions due to be published in July. At BU we have engaged with some excellent initiatives such as the recent REF event to help focus our approach to the impact case studies. The measurement of benefit that UK research has on society is an opportunity to understand the value of our work. Already it is well documented that the concept of research impact has for the moment protected some sources of external funding at least for the next few years. As academics concerned with the REF we now need to consider delivering the evidence of our research impact from 2008 resulting from good BU research. This research could have happened almost as far back as 1993.
Impact is a difficult concept and not easy to measure in terms of the REF. From an engineering viewpoint impact is difficult to quantify as like the REF it involves knowledge of time in addition to the force. Engineering impact force increases as time decreases. This view of time relates to the general research impact debate. We now have the opportunity to look back and review BU research almost over the lifetime of the University.
Dr Andy Mayers has been formally appointed Patron for Bournemouth and District Samaritans
Dr. Andy Mayers, School of Design, Engineering and Computing, has been formally appointed Patron for Bournemouth & District Samaritans. This represents an opportunity not only to increase and enhance student experience via volunteer placements, but also to benefit the wider community through development of a night-line and crisis centre for the Samaritans based at Bournemouth University. Additionally, Andy will be part of the ‘wellness at work‘ initiative that is being developed within HSC (physical health and stress), counselling services, pastoral care (with Bill Merrington), and mental health (including sleep). In his new role, Andy will be the ‘public face’ of the Samaritans for Bournemouth and surrounding towns.
Dr Zulfiqar Khan is elected as Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Dr Zulfiqar Khan, School of Design, Engineering and Computing, has achieved the status of Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (FIMechE).
The title is the highest elected grade of membership within the IMechE. Fellowship is awarded to members who have demonstrated significant individual responsibility, sustained achievement and exceptional professionalism during their careers.
This is an excellent achievement – congratulations Zulfiqar! 😀
Opportunity for Placement Fellowships with the AHRC and ESRC
As part of their Placement Fellowship Scheme the AHRC and ESRC welcomes applications from academics interested in working in a research capacity with the British Council. The scheme encourages arts and humanities researchers to spend time within a partner organisation to undertake policy relevant research and to develop the research skills of partner employees.
Placement fellowships are available with 1) British Council, 2) Museums Association and 3) Welsh Government. Donwload the call information and guidelines here:
The deadline is 28 June 2011.
If you are interested in submitting a bid then please contact the CRE Operations team who will guide you through the submission process.
Investigating Academic Impact event at LSE on 13 June
The LSE Public Policy Group is running a free one day event on evidencing the impact of research.
Date: Monday 13 June 2011
Time: 10-5pm
Venue: New Academic Building, LSE, London
Academics are increasingly being pressed to provide evidence of impact from their research on the world outside academia. And universities will have to provide evidence of impact as part of the new Research Excellence Framework. But there is confusion about the different definitions of impact that exist amongst funding bodies and research councils, and also about methods of measuring impact.
This one day conference will look at a range of issues surrounding the impact of academic work on government, business, communities and public debate. We will discuss what impact is, how impacts happen and innovative ways that academics can communicate their work. Practical sessions will look at how academic work has impact among policymaking and business communities. Also how academic communication can be improved and how individual academics can easily start to asses their own impact.
Research Impact and the REF
Professor Rick Rylance (Chief Executive, Arts and Humanities Research Council)
David Sweeney (Director of Research, Innovation and Skills, HEFCE)
Professor Paul Wiles (Panel Chair, social work and social policy panel, REF impact pilot)
Current Thinking in Assessing Impact
Professor Patrick Dunleavy (Impact of Social Sciences project, London School of Economics)
Professor Alan Hughes (Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge)
Tomas Ulrichsen (Public and Corporate Economic Associates)
Innovative Methods for Impact and Engagement
Professor Stephen Curry (blogger, Imperial College London)
Martyn Lawrence (Senior Publisher, Emerald Insight)
Paul Manners (Director, National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement, UWE)
Mike Peel (Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics / Wikimedia UK)
Academic impact on policy-making
Maria O’Beirne (Analysis and Innovation Directorate, Department for Communities and Local Government)
Jill Rutter (Better Policy Making Programme Director, Institute for Government)
Knowledge transfer and the role of research mediators
Nick Pearce (Director, IPPR)
Professor Judy Sebba (University of Sussex)
Academic impacts on industry and business
James John (Director of Strategy, director of strategy, civil government, HP)
A ‘how to’ guide to measuring your own academic impact
Jane Tinkler (Impact of Social Sciences project, London School of Economics)
Improving academic communication
Professor Patrick Dunleavy (Impact of Social Sciences project, London School of Economics)
Chris Gilson (Managing Editor, British Politics and Policy blog, London School of Economics)
This event is free and open to all but pre-registration is required. For more information phone and email the PPG team on 020 7955 6064 or 020 7955 6731 or by email on|. You can find more information on the Investigating Academic Impact website.
FP7 Ocean of Tomorrow 2012 Information Day – relevant for food, agri, biotch, energy, enviro & transport
The European Commission is organising an Information Day for the 2012 Ocean of Tomorrow co-ordinated topics, which will be included in the 2012 Work Programmes of the FP7 Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnologies (FAFB), Energy, Environment and Transport themes. The event will take place in Brussels but will also be webstreamed live.
its official – the arts & humanities make a significant contribution to the UK economy
New research shows that the arts and humanities make a significant contribution to the UK economy in part thanks to researchers being so highly connected with UK businesses. Commissioned by the AHRC and undertaken by the Centre for Business Research (CBR) at the University of Cambridge the report, Hidden Connections: Knowledge exchange between the arts and humanities and the private, public and third sectors, has surveyed over 3500 academics in the Arts and Humanities as well as over 2,500 businesses in all sectors of the UK economy as part of the study.
BU Research Impact event is a success!
Last Friday BU held an internal Research Impact event to share the success of the excellent research that has been undertaken by BU academics. The focus of the event was on how this research has had an impact outside of academia, for example an impact on society, the economy, quality of life, culture, policy, etc.

For the forthcoming REF2014 BU will be required to include a number of research impact case studies as part of the submission. This is a new element to the REF (previously the RAE) and the HE sector has been grappling with the concept of impact for a number of years now.

The event, attended by over 75 BU staff, opened with a presentation from Prof Matthew Bennett (Pro Vice Chancellor – Research, Enterprise and Internationalisation) on BU’s future research strategy, planning for the REF, and how to develop and evidence research impact.
Part of the presentation focused on the BU Research Themes which are currently being identified and defined through academic consultation via the Research Blog. This is still in the early stages but Matthew presented the ten draft themes that are emerging. You can comment on the emerging themes here.

There were 35 impact case studies presented in total with most units of assessment (UOAs) presenting three case studies. At the end of each presentation members of the audience critiqued the case study and offered advice as to how the strengthen and maximise the impact claim.
Attendees were encouraged to go to impact case study presentations from different UOAs/Schools to find out about research that is undertaken in different areas of the University. Stronger impact case studies can also be developed with input from different disciplines.
The event was also attended by key staff from Marketing & Communications who will be working with UOA Leaders to develop and enhance impact case studies between now and the REF submission in autumn 2013.
There has been much positive feedback received from attendees and we are considering whether this should now be an annual event, celebrating the success of BU research and its benefit to society.
Many thanks to all the presenters and attendees, and everyone who supported the event and made it such a success! 😀
We are now seeking feedback on the impact case studies presented. These are all available on the I-drive (I:\CRKT\Public\RDU\REF\REF event May 2011\impact case study presentations). Please could you email your feedback to Anita Somner in the Research Development Unit by Friday 3 June. Anita will then anonymise and collate the feedback and share it with the UOA Leaders.
For further information on impact see the impact pages on the HEFCE website or our previous BU Research Blog posts on impact.
Eggs-citing new research engine and funding competition launched – CRACK-IT
CRACK-IT®, is a new research engine and funding competition being launched by the NC3Rs this year to connect academic and industrial researchers in solving global scientific challenges associated with animal models in the biosciences – focusing on improving efficiency and translation and minimising reliance on in vivo research.
A number of regional roadshows to launch CRACK-IT® and highlight the range of funding opportunities . A range of industry speakers will discuss the current challenges in pharmaceutical and chemical development and the move towards open innovation and new mechanisms for collaboration. See CRACK-IT® for further details .
Global Poverty Action Fund Open for Applications
The Department for International Development has announced that the innovation strand of the Global Poverty Action Fund (GPAF) is now open for applications. Funding of up to £250,000 is availalble for innovative projects that reduce poverty in specific countries within the developing world. Deadline 23.06.11
Neantherthal Man: not such a different hunter after all
Scientists supported by NERC have found that our cousins the Neanderthal employed sophisticated hunting strategies similar to the tactics used much later by modern humans. The new findings come from the analysis of subtle chemical variations in reindeer teeth. Read more on this project on the NERC website .
BU research-based film to be directed by Josh Appignanesi
Rufus Stone, a film by Josh Appignanesi
A film about love, sexual awakening and treachery, set in the bucolic countryside of south west England, and viewed through the lens of growing older.
Josh Appignanesi, London-based filmmaker, script writer and director, has been chosen to direct a short film based on three years of research at Bournemouth University. The film, Rufus Stone, will tell the story of being gay and growing older in the British countryside.
Appignanesi recently directed and script edited the comedy feature film, The Infidel, written by David Baddiel and starring Omid Djalili and Richard Schiff, was released internationally in Spring 2010. He has written and directed several short films, most notably Ex Memoria (2006) which stars Nathalie Press and Sara Kestelman in a study of a woman with Alzheimer’s disease, funded by the Wellcome Trust; and Nine 1/2 Minutes (2003), a romantic comedy starring David Tennant.
Rufus Stone is to be produced as the key output of the three-year research project, “Gay and Pleasant Land? – a study about positioning, ageing and gay life in rural South West England and Wales “. The Project is a work package in the New Dynamics of Ageing Project, “Grey and Pleasant Land?: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of the Connectivity of Older People in Rural Civic Society” and funded by the British Research Councils.
Dr Kip Jones, Reader at the School of Health & Social Care and the Media School, who is the project’s Principal Investigator and Executive Director of Rufus Stone said, ‘We are very fortunate to secure Appignanesi’s involvement in this important output resulting from our three year’s of research efforts. Our hope is that the film will dispel many of the myths surrounding ageing, being gay and life in British rural settings. By engaging Appignanesi, the film and the results of this important, in-depth research will have significant impact on a wide variety of audiences’.
Upcoming Missenden Centre workshops – book your place now!

The Missenden Centre still has places available on two excellent workshops in June. The Research Development Unit has some funds available to support academics and research support staff to attend. If you are interested please contact Julie Northam in the first instance.
Successful bidding: second of our day clinics
2nd June
Woburn House, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9HQ
Tutor: John Wakeford
Bring a draft or previously unsuccessful application for advice on how to turn it into an award-winning form.
Bidding for research funding: pathways to success
15/16 June for academics and
16/17 June for research support staff
With Sarah Andrew, Dean of Applied and Health Sciences, University of Chester
Robert Crawshaw, Faculty of Arts and Social Science, Lancaster University
‘The course was excellent. I think it will probably change my entire approach to writing grant proposals and will most wholeheartedly recommend it to my colleagues. So, once again, many thanks.’ Dr. Miriam V. Dwek, Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry, University of Westminster.
Book your place now!
Technology and Design (Mark Hadfield)
Author: Mark Hadfield (Design, Engineering and Computing)
Alternative name suggestion: Engineering and Design
Brief theme summary: This covers most of the activity from UOA 15 General Engineering and hence the alternative title suggestion. In view of the national STEM agenda it is important that research within this area is also aligned with current and future education strategies and also with industrial engagement. Academics associated with this theme will be mostly from the School of DEC currently located within the Design simulation, Sustainable Design research and Smart Technology (Biomedical engineering). Alternative theme encompasses our portfolio of engineering in mechanical, material, bio-medical and sustainable design research activities.
Structure is terms of linkages – see mission statements recently posted on the I drive from the relevant research centres within DEC. (I:\DEC\Private\Research\Business Plans\Centre Vision Statements)
Scope of theme: what is included?
Please see vision statements from the I Drive for DSRC, SDRC and STRC
Areas include:
- Simulated Design Analysis
- Creative Design
- Virtual Manufacturing Processes
- Design modelling using finite elements, Boundary elements, Computational stress analysis methodology.
- Vibration and Noise experimentation and theoretical analysis
- Theories and experimentation of tribology
- Sustainable Design
- STEM, General Engineering, Design Education
- Advanced materials
- Materials evaluation and characterisation
- Biomedical engineering (FES)
- Applied AI
- Tribology across general engineering sectors
- Corrosion and Fretting
- Surface engineering
New future opportunities such as the Space technology and economy should be embraced given the new EU Space Centre is based in Oxford.
Scope of theme: what is excluded?
Large engineering laboratory studies due to space/equipment limitations i.e.
- Engine lab for thermodynamic and energy studies
- Fluid mechanics
- Controlled noise measurements
- Large/heavy manufacturing studies
Materials fabrication and development
Which big societal questions are addressed by this theme?
- Hydrogen economy
- Low carbon energy
- Quality of life issues such as environment and high value services
- Strategic advancements for SME’s
- Governmental vision and strategy of industrial support
- Energy efficiency
How do these link to the priorities of the major funding bodies? The nature of funding linked to this research theme depends on industrial collaboration for most income streams. Generally enhancing academic relationships with industry such as business breakfast events, short courses etc provides the foundation of opportunities listed below.
Direct industrial collaboration.
EU grants: people exchange (Madam Curie). Project grants including, technology (robotics), energy – energy savings, sustainable development, industry and industrial – manufacture, materials, research in practice – measurement methods, nano-technology, transport and construction – aerospace and space technology.
EPSRC including CASE studentship, areas include: Materials, mechanical and medical engineering,Process, environment & sustainability programme funding plan, platform grants and networks
Royal Academy of Engineering: staff mobility grants include the areas of robotics, sustainable design, complex systems
AHRC including Science and Heritage linkages
Medical Engineering:
Welcome Trust
Leverhulme Trust – high profile, impact general research
TSB – industry joint funding for design prototype etc
KTP – Advanced materials, nanotechnology, electronics, high value manufacturing, energy generation, healthcare, transport, Space.
How does this theme interlink with the other BU themes currently under consideration? Health and Wellbeing: through biomedical engineering research such a muscle stimulation, prosthesis design and modelling, environmental design, design of products/services at the health sector.
Recreation and leisure: links to sports design analysis such as swimmers acceleration monitoring (PhD student), Olympic ethics on Paralympics runners.
Society and social Change: human interaction use of technology.
Environmental change and biodiversity: environmental impact study of products and services.
Green economy and sustainability: Product innovation, green technology such as micro CHP, efficiency use of product and services such as RNLI.
Aging: Innovation of products to improve the quality of life of the elderly.
Learning and public engagement: sustainable design and education.
Entrepreneurship and economic growth: Commercialisation of products and as the pop-up tent, flood barrier. Patents from research projects e.g. Robotics and biomedical engineering.
HEFCE and RCUK work together on open access publishing
HEFCE and Research Council UK (RCUK) have today committed to work together to make open access to published research a reality.
Open access publishing turns the traditional publishing route (readers paying subscriptions to publishers) on its head as researchers pay a fee to the publisher to publish their research and in turn the publisher makes the article available free of charge to readers immediately on publication. This enables research findings to be shared with a wider public audience thus increasing the visibility and potential impact/influence of the research findings.
Read the full story here –
BU has recently launched the BU Open Access Publication Fund. For further information read our previous post on the new fund.
Earlier this week SAS launched a short survey on attitudes towards open access publishing. Read more and take part in the survey here.
The excellent HEFCE REF event at BU!
Developing and Assessing Impact for the REF
Last week BU hosted a HEFCE-supported event for universities in the south of England outlining recent changes in how the quality of research in higher education is assessed.
The event, attended by over 150 delegates from 39 institutions, outlined the new Research Excellence Framework (REF) which includes a new assessment element focusing on research impact.
As Chris Taylor, Deputy REF Manager for HEFCE, explained: “REF will provide accountability for public investment in research and demonstrate its benefits.” He continued:
“Impact is defined as any contribution the research makes outside of academia. It is the higher education sector’s opportunity to shout about what it contributes to society.”
Professor Peter Taylor-Gooby (University of Kent), Professor Roy Harrison (University of Birmingham), Professor James Goodwin (Age UK), Dr Kathryn Monk (Environment Agency Wales) and Dr Mari Williams (RCUK) presented their experiences of assessing impact case studies in the REF pilot exercise. Professor Jim Griffiths (University of Plymouth) presented his experience of identifying and submitting impact case studies to the pilot exercise in the hope that others would learn from his experience.
Prevalent themes emerging from the pilot included the importance of a demonstrable chain of evidence from impact claim through to outcome, high quality research underpinning the impact claim and fostering the crucial relationship between academic and user.
Professor James Goodwin explained how research can change society for people’s benefit, stessing the importance of “converting research into a message that will influence people’s thinking”. He gave the recent removal of the default retirement age as an example of how this can influence policy.
The event closed with a Q&A session with all speakers, giving delegates the chance to obtain further clarity on the REF that will undoubtedly change the future of higher education research.
Matthew Bennett (BU’s PVC for Research, Enterprise and Internationalisation) said: “There has been sector-wide concern about how impact will be defined, collated and assessed in the REF, and this event provided excellent advice and guidance for academic staff likely to be submitting to the REF and those leading the submissions.”
The deadline for submitting submissions is November 2013 and the assesment will be made in 2014.
We will be adding further posts to the Research Blog focusing on the good practice shared at the event (such as defining impact, what makes a strong impact case study, etc) over the next few weeks.
Ageing (Sarah Hean)
Authors: Sarah Hean (School of Health and Social Care) on behalf of the Older Person, Children and Diverse Groups Programme (OPCD) of the Centre of Wellbeing and Quality of Life (CeWQoL)
Alternative name suggestion: Wellbeing and Quality of Life of Older People OR Wellbeing and Quality of Life across the Life Span
Brief theme summary: The theme focuses on intergroup communication as a means of enhancing older people’s quality of life. Two dimensions are highlighted specifically: social and mental wellbeing.
Social wellbeing: The theme focuses on reducing social isolation by enhancing older people’s communication with peers, community, health/social care professionals and other service providers (we view service providers as all professionals that may enhance the QOL of Older People and do not confine this to health and social care professionals alone), in order that their voice is heard in social policy. Professionals, working in multiprofessional, interagency environments, and who offer client-centred services, need to effectively communicate with each other and the client to ensure the quality of life of the older person. This theme explores how these processes can be better streamlined, understood and developed.
Mental well being: The mental/cognitive well being of older people is also a theme focus, considering particularly the experiences of older people living with dementia and the associated concepts of vulnerability.
We promote a humanistic approach that puts an emphasis on the lived experience of the older person, embodying their life goals and values. Hereby, older people, form part of interprofessional, interdisciplinary or interagency teams rather than the passive recipient of their actions. The theme therefore also focuses on developing these interprofessional teams through exploring and developing Interprofessional training that promotes an understanding of the value maps of both other professionals/agencies and the older person themselves.
Scope of theme: what is included? Research is often related to applied social science type research and service evaluations.
Developing rigorous theoretical models to guide research and practice in the theme is central.
Quantitative research: secondary data analysis of service records and cross sectional and longitudinal surveys.
Qualitative research: a range of perspectives (phenomenology, grounded theory etc) through focus groups, interviews and practice observations. Practice development/service enhancement methodologies are also relevant.
Members of our OPCD programme apply their expertise in user involvement, social capital, social isolation, social networks, working with vulnerable groups, mental health, Dementia, Complementary Therapies, Interprofessional working and Education to this theme. We focussing these skills on improving:
- the outcome of Wellbeing and Quality of life
- the population group of Older People.
To give a flavour of the types of project that fit under this theme, see below:
Previously funded Projects in Programme
- Evaluation of the Mid Essex Memory Assessment and Support Service Care (Programme themes: Dementia, Older people) (Funder: NHS)
- Evaluation of a Women worker in Criminal Justice System ((Programme themes: mental health, intergroup communication) (CoFunders: NHS/Criminal Justice System)
- Evaluation of the South West Mental Health Assessment, Advice and Reports in Court Proceedings Pilot ((Programme themes: mental health/ intergroup communication)(CoFunders: NHS/CJS)
- Evolving theory in interprofessional education seminar series CROSS INSTITUTIONAL (Programme themes: Intergroup communication; Funder: ESRC)
Current Funded Projects in Programme
- Exploring the impact of friendship clubs on social isolation for the older age group” – commissioned by. 2008-2011; (Programme themes: Older People, social wellbeing) (Funder: Brendon care)
- Knowledge Transfer Partnership: Building a business/social enterprise model to support older people self funding their own care (CROSS SCHOOL: HSC-BS))(Programme themes: Older people, intergroup communication) (Funder: ESRC/ HTB)
- Exploring older people’s experiences of wellbeing and financial literacy during an Economic Down Turn (CROSS SCHOOL: HSC-BS) (Programme theme: Older people, quality of life, intergroup communication) (Joint Funders Institute of chartered accountants Scotland, Bournemouth Foundation)
Bids submitted
- Interagency working London: evaluation of Focus teams liaising between Medium Secure Unit and CMHTs: (Short listed tender interview completed, Awaiting outcome: Programme theme: (Mental health, intergroup communication) (Funder: NHS)
- Economic impact of social organisations: SW form: shortlisted for interview: Sarah Hean, John Fletcher, Charlie Monkcom (CAB) Presentation July 2011 CROSS SCHOOL (HSC-Tourism)(Programme theme: Older people, quality of life, Mental health, intergroup communication)(Funder: Big Lotttery. SW Forum)(Awaiting outcome)
Bids planned for term ahead:
- Dementia bid: mapping the care pathway from the perspective of the patient: CROSS INSTITUIONAL (Programme theme: Older people, dementia) (Funder ESRC)
Scope of theme: what is excluded? Drug control trials or laboratory trials are out of our remit.
Which big societal questions are addressed by this theme? The Big Society promotes a move away from state support for social action to an increased reliance on community involvement and support of these activities. This places particular pressure on third/voluntary sector organisations to fill the gap left by the with drawl of state funding and services. These organisations are finding it increasingly important to be accountable for the social and financial impact of any state funding they do still receive and they need to develop their organisations financially to be increasingly independent of state funding. In an increasingly ageing population, those third sector organisations supporting older people are particularly vulnerable.
This theme explores both the social impact (specifically on the quality of life of older people) and financial implications of these services. We anticipate that novel interagency partnerships between the private, public and third sector will be key to the way the Big Society is managed and that the theme will contribute to this by developing an understanding of these opportunities and how they work.
How do these link to the priorities of the major funding bodies? The theme is congruent with the RCUK, cross council theme of Ageing: Lifelong Health and Wellbeing: realising economic, social and health gains of healthy ageing while reducing dependency, costs and inequities later in life.
By way of example, the funded project exploring the quality of life during and economic downturn and financial literacy in older people highlights the economic gains of health and wellbeing in older populations.
The currently funded KTP is developing a business model for older people self funding their own care. This is particularly relevant to reducing dependency and costs in the older population
The evaluations/tenders that fall under this theme are increasingly being asked to address the links between cost effectiveness and social impact. Our tenders on the a) economic impact of social organisations b) interagency working: London respond to this trend through a focus on cost effectiveness of wellbeing interventions, the financial impact of social interventions and the social impact of financial investment.
The research councils, the ESRC, specifically emphasises the importance of interdisciplinary working. Thematically and operationally our bids to date are interdisciplinary: crossing school, professional, academic discipline, academic institution and public/private/third sector boundaries.
How does this theme interlink with the other BU themes currently under consideration? Links with the Health and Wellbeing theme.