Tagged / Royal Academy of Engineering

Royal Academy of Engineering visit Bournemouth University on 15th May 2019

The Faculty of Science and Technology and Research Development and Support were pleased to welcome Programme Managers, Dr Chung-Chin Kao and Keir Bonnar from the Royal Academy of Engineering on Wednesday, 15th May 2019.

The Royal Academy of Engineering provides a wealth of information regarding their support for engineering as the UK’s national academy for engineering and technology, where engineering is taken in its broadest sense, underpinning our daily lives, driving economic growth, playing a critical role in addressing major societal challenges and helping ensure our readiness for the future, from providing a sustainable supply of food, water and clean energy, to advancing healthcare, and keeping us safe and secure, with alignment to the BU2025 vision. Read more about what they do.

The visit commenced with a tour of the Faculty of Science and Technology’s Innovation Centre, lead by BU’s Dr Philip Sewell, Head of Department – Design & Engineering, where staff and students were seen in action, including those preparing for the forthcoming BU Festival of Design & Engineering. Following discussions with senior faculty academics, Chung-Chin and Keir provided an overview of the funding schemes available to BU staff, stressing the importance of working with industrial partners. Schemes are available to support research at all career levels.

For those in academia, the Royal Academy of Engineering supports schemes for undergraduates, and postgraduates, exchanges between academia and industryresearchers, international collaborative research, public engagement and entrepreneurial activity.  The events calendar is also worth watching with more events to be added to increase engagement with the Academy.

In addition, materials for HE are promoted on their dedicated HE Focus website. This includes:

If you were unable to attend today’s event, the slides are available to BU staff. To make sure that you stay up to date, sign up to receive updates or follow on social media


Royal Academy of Engineering – visiting BU on 15th May 2019

Research Development and Support are pleased to announce that representatives from the Royal Academy of Engineering will be visiting BU on Wednesday, 15th May 2019.

As the UK’s national academy for engineering and technology, the Royal Academy of Engineering brings together the most talented and successful engineers – their Fellows – to advance and promote excellence in engineering for the benefit of society. The Academy runs a broad programme of grants and prizes to support and celebrate the pursuit of engineering activities and to enable closer contact between academia and industry.

Book to attend and increase your awareness in terms of:

  • Who they are
  • Their remit
  • Types of funding offered
  • Their decision-making processes
  • Time frames and planning a Royal Academy of Engineering application

Find out more and book.

Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship Interview Training – Book Now

Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship Interview Training

Monday, 14th May 2018 – 09:30-16:00

Reserve your place now!

This workshop is aimed primarily at ECRs but may be of benefit to academics and researchers wishing to apply for RAE fellowships that require an interview. This intensive event will introduce the Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship scheme and go through eligibility, requirements and assessment criteria.

Attendees will think about how they fulfil these criteria, start to plot ideas for a proposal and consider whether the Fellowship is right for them. There will even be a chance to practice interview skills so you’ll get an insight into every step of the application process.


For the future, there will also be a similar workshop for the Royal Society on 5th July 2018. You can book now for that event too.




Royal Academy of Engineering: Industry-academia partnerships

The Royal Academy of Engineering have announced a number of partnership schemes that support Industry-Academia linkages with a number of countries. The Royal Academy of Engineering wish to embed strategic links between industry and universities to foster long-term innovation in both countries in a partnership.

Open Schemes are available for:

  • India (Status: Open. Deadline: 9AM on 27/11/17)
  • Thailand (Status: Open. Deadline 9AM on 27/11/17)
  • Columbia (Status: Open. Deadline 9AM on 27/11/17)
  • Indonesia (Status: Open. Deadline 9AM on 27/11/17)
  • South Africa (Status: Open. Deadline 9AM on 27/11/17)

Schemes are also available for the following countries:

If you are interested in applying for these schemes, please contact your faculty Funding Development Officer.  For any queries in relation to funding for working with industry please contact Ehren Milner (emilner@bournemouth.ac.uk). For finding out about other schemes which may support engineering research please contact Lisa Gale-Andrews (lgaleandrews@bournemouth.ac.uk).


Academies launch fund for interdisciplinary research

APEX Awards In partnership with the British Academy, the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Society (‘the Academies’) and with generous support from the Leverhulme Trust, the APEX award (Academies Partnership in Supporting Excellence in Cross-disciplinary research award) scheme offers established independent researchers, with a strong track record in their respective area, an exciting opportunity to pursue genuine interdisciplinary and curiosity-driven research to benefit wider society.
  • support outstanding interdisciplinary research which is unlikely to be supported through conventional funding programmes
  • promote collaboration across disciplines, with a particular emphasis on the boundary between science and engineering and the social sciences and humanities
  • support researchers with an outstanding track record, in developing their research in a new direction through collaboration with partners from other disciplines
  • enable outstanding researchers to focus on advancing their innovative research through seed funding

Am I eligible to apply?

Applications should be within the remit of more than one of the Academies.

You can apply for this scheme if you are:

  • an exceptional researcher with a strong track record as an established independent researcher (this can include engineering researchers, humanities and social sciences scholars and scientists)
  • based at a UK University or not-for-profit research institution for at least the duration of the project
  • applicants will be expected to collaborate with a research partner from a different discipline from their own or a different university in the UK

Before applying, please ensure that you meet all the eligibility requirements, which are explained in the scheme notes. Please also refer to the FAQ for further guidance.

What is the scheme’s value and duration?

This scheme provides:

  • an award of up to £100,000 to fund staff costs of which no more than 25% may be used for associated research costs.
  • this can include consumables, equipment, collaborative travel expenses
  • costs of a teaching replacement to relieve the applicant and/or collaborator from some of their teaching and administrative duties
  • grants can be held for up to 24 months

Note, requests for any other salary costs e.g. for research assistants, post-docs or studentships etc. cannot be included in the application. Note that awards under this scheme will not pay indirect and estate costs.  All awards must start between 01 September 2017 and 01 November 2017.

What is the application process?

Applications should be submitted through the Royal Society’s electronic grant application system (e-GAP2). Applications will be peer-reviewed and assessed by a cross-disciplinary panel with broad ranging expertise drawn from the fellowship of all three Academies.

Further details about the award, including information on how to apply and the assessment criteria, can be found in the scheme notes.

If you are interested in applying then please contact your RKEO Funding Development Officer.

The Royal Academy of Engineering Enterprise Fellowships – funding available for post docs and recent graduates

money and cogs

The Royal Academy of Engineering Enterprise Fellowships scheme is now open for applications. The scheme supports both post-doctoral academics and recent graduates.

Enterprise Fellowships stimulate excellence and encourage creativity and innovation in engineering by supporting the founders and leaders of tomorrow’s high-tech companies, be they spin outs or start-ups. The awards provide money-can’t-buy bespoke support and one-to-one mentoring from the Academy’s Fellowship, which is composed of some of the country’s most successful engineers from across academia and industry. Support is provided to both university-based academics wishing to spin-out a company, and also to recent graduates wishing to create a company.

Prior experience of commercialisation activities is not required, the desire and capability to succeed is more important and we will equip you with the necessary skills through a programme of training and mentoring.

Awardees receive up to £60,000 funding, 12 months expert mentoring from successful entrepreneurs, bespoke training and membership of the Enterprise Hub.

The Academy is a charity and does not take any equity stake in the companies formed.

So if you are a postdoctoral researcher at a UK-based university with an innovation or technology you wish to develop through a spin-out, or you have graduated within the last five years and are seeking to run a startup in the UK, then this scheme will be of interest to you.

The application deadline is Monday 17 October, and more details are available on the website, or contact the enterprise team.

Funding launched to encourage entrepreneurs in engineering or technology

Royal Academy Engineering

The Royal Academy of Engineering invites applications for its launchpad competition. Funding aims to encourage young entrepreneurs to start a new business based on their innovation in engineering or technology, with engineering defined in its broadest sense. The competition aims to:

•improve the skills of the awardee:

•develop role models of entrepreneurship;

•bring engineering innovations to market for a wider public benefit.

Applications are open to individuals or small teams. The lead applicant must be UK-based and aged between 16 and 25. They should have a viable and commercial business proposition with a large market opportunity, and be planning to set up a business within the 18 months following the application deadline. The feasibility of the initial product or service must have been proven preferably with a basic prototype.

The winner receives the JG Gammon award, which includes a cash prize of £15,000 and a year’s membership of the enterprise hub. This provides mentoring, training and networking opportunities with UK entrepreneurs and investors. Up to two other individuals or teams may be chosen as runners up.

Click here for more information on support for entrepreneurs.

Click here for more information on the launchpad competition – now live !

Newton Fund – Call for Applications.

The Newton Fund is an initiative with the aim of developing the long-term sustainable growth and welfare of partner countries through building research and innovation capacity. It forms part of the UK’s Official Development Assistance commitment. The Newton Fund Partner Countries are: Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, the Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam.

Newton Advanced Fellowships

The Academy of Medical Sciences, British Academy and Royal Society are inviting applications to the first round of the Newton Advanced Fellowships as part of the Newton Fund. Newton Advanced Fellowships provide established researchers with an opportunity to develop the research strengths and capabilities of their research group or network through training, collaboration and reciprocal visits with a partner in the UK. Awards last for up to three years and are available to support researchers across the natural sciences including engineering, clinical or patient-oriented research, social sciences and humanities. Up to £37,000 is available each year for:

  • A salary top up (maximum £5,000) for the group or network leader from the partner country.
  • Research support (up to £15,000) to cover costs for studentships, staff, consumables or equipment.
  • Travel and subsistence (up to £12,000) to cover travel costs of the UK partner to the international partner and/or travel of the international partner to the UK.
  • Training (up to £5,000) to support the career development of the applicant and their research group or network.
The closing date for applications is 17:00, 22/10/2014. 
For further information, please visit the funder’s websites:
The Academy of Medical Sciences – www.acmedsci.ac.uk/newton-advanced

Newton Mobility Grants

The British Academy, Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Society are inviting applications to the first round of the Newton Mobility Grants as part of the Newton Fund.
This scheme helps strengthen the research and innovation capacity of researchers from Partner Countries by facilitating exchanges of researchers. Applicants should be researchers from academic establishments or government-funded research institutes. Awards last for up to two years and are available to support researchers across the natural sciences, engineering, social sciences and humanities. Applications must include a researcher from the UK and a researcher from an eligible partner country. Awards will cover costs for travel, subsistence and research expenses. The grant must be based around a joint research project.

  • The British Academy programme is known as Newton Mobility Grants. Grants are offered up to a maximum of £10,000 for a period of one year.
  • The Royal Academy of Engineering programme is known as the Newton Research Collaboration Programme. Awards provide funding at a flat rate of £2,000 per month of exchange visit (up to £24,000 for twelve months total exchange visit/s).
  • The Royal Society programme is known as Newton International Exchanges. Awards last from between three months and up to two years, and up to £12,000 is available dependent upon the length of the visit.
The closing date for applications to the British Academy and Royal Society is 17:00, 22/10/2014. 
The closing date for applications to the Royal Academy of Engineering is 16:00, 24/10/2014. 
For further information, please visit the funder’s websites:
The British Academy – www.britac.ac.uk/newtonfund/
Royal Academy of Engineering – www.raeng.org.uk/NewtonFund/
Royal Society –  https://royalsociety.org/grants/schemes/newton-mobility-grants/

Engineering Research Exchanges with China and India – funding available now!

The Royal Academy of Engineering have announced their next round of Research Exchanges with China and India scheme funding. The scheme promotes collaboration between high quality engineering researchers in the UK and China/India and facilitates the expansion of networks of excellence in engineering research between the UK and China/India. It enables academic engineering researchers at Universities to travel to a Chinese or Indian academic Institution, and for China/India-based academic researchers to spend between 3 and 12 months at a UK Institution. Visits should be part of longer-term efforts to build UK-China/India relationships and to advance joint research. Funding of up to £24,000 per annum is provided (or part thereof for shorter visits). The deadline for applications is 12 October 2012.

DEC are awarded funding for an industry visiting professor from the Royal Academy of Engineering!

Dr Tania Humphries-Smith has successfully bid to the Royal Academy of Engineering for an industry visiting professor. This  project will fund a Visiting Professor in Employer Engagement (£80K)  and will last for four years. The RAE Visiting Professor is Simon Vaitkevicius, an engineer with over 15 years of experience working globally for Nokia. The VP will be an important element in enabling the Design and Engineering group with the School of DEC to develop exceptional levels of real-world learning opportunities.

The role of the VP will be comprised of a number of activities:

  • Broker relationships between BU and new industrial enterprises for the purpose of – providing ‘live’ undergraduate projects both for 1st and 2nd year entire cohort project briefs and for final year individual project briefs; providing potential masters level ‘live’ research projects and for developing proposals for match funded PhD projects.
  • Deliver lectures and presentations to undergraduate and postgraduate students on current industrial practice particularly with respect to the innovation process and developing a better understanding of innovation and the process of taking a product to market.
  • Broker relationships with industrial enterprises for the purpose of engaging external industry based speakers for undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
  • Help identify potential research and consultancy services needed by local SMEs.
  • Provide input from an industrial practice perspective, particularly with respect to ensuring currency of practice for the review of all courses in the Design and Engineering group scheduled for academic year 2013/14.
  • Provide business guidance and support for students seeking to exploit innovative ideas, including, promoting and mentoring undergraduate and postgraduate students for the Innovation Hothouse http://theinnovationhothouse.net/.

This is fantastic news and will significantly support the Design and Engineering group to achieve Fusion between education, research and professional practice. Congratulations, Tania!