Category / BRIAN

BRIAN will be unavailable due to upgrade – 2nd & 3rd August 2021

BRIAN will be unavailable to users next week on Monday, 2nd August and Tuesday, 3rd August for a scheduled upgrade.

If you need any help using the new system or if you encounter any problems after the upgrade, please do send an email to and a member of staff will be able to assist you.

In the meantime, if you do have general queries relating to the upgrade, please get in touch with

Further information will be available once BRIAN is up and running again following the scheduled upgrade.

Open Access @ BU – An overview

Open Access

Open access is a broad international movement that seeks to grant free and open online access to academic information, such as publications and data. A publication is defined ‘open access’ when there are no financial, legal or technical barriers to accessing it – that is to say when anyone can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search for and search within the information, or use it in education or in any other way within the legal agreements. 

Open Access Funding @BU

Bournemouth University is unfortunately not a current recipient of the UKRI Open Access block grant. However, there is a small centralised BU Open Access Fund that BU authors can get access to on a competitive basis. Due to a very limited budget, application for funding is extremely competitive, and the selection criteria are stringent. In the past years, through the centralised open access fund, Bournemouth University has been able to support open access outputs from various impactful key research, including Epibentic and mobile species colonisation of a geo textile artificial sur reef on the south coast of England, Dignity and respect during pregnancy and childbirth: A survey of the experience of disabled women, Seven Characteristics Defining Online News Formats, Applied screening tests for the detection of superior face recognition, and many more!

Open Access Funding through Transformative Deals

Through the UK JISC Agreements, Bournemouth University currently has Read and Publish open access transformative deals with publishers such as BMJ, SAGE, Springer and Wiley, which means that BU authors can publish open access for free in the journal titles covered under the deals, subject to their terms and conditions. Each transformative deal and what it covers varies from one another. For example, the BMJ transformative deal only covers original research articles from research funded by UKRI, British Hearth Foundation, Blood Cancer UK, Cancer Research UK, Parkinsons UK, Versus Arthritis or the Wellcome Trust. As for the SAGE transformative deal, there is no such restrictions; however, you can only publish open access for free under a select list of journal titles.

In order to ensure that you get the maximum benefit from these transformative deals, do head over to the Bournemouth University Library and Learning Support guide for more details and information!

Green Open Access @ BU

Green Open Access, also referred to as self-archiving, is the practice of placing a version of an author’s manuscript into a repository, making it freely accessible for everyone. The version that can be deposited into a repository is dependent on the funder or publisher. You can make use of the Sherpa Romeo online resource to check the copyright policies of your target journal or publisher. At Bournemouth University, the self-archiving process is done through our current research and information system called BRIAN (Bournemouth Research Information and Networking); and all successfully reviewed and deposited manuscripts will be housed in our institutional repository called BURO (Bournemouth University Research Online).

Stay tuned for the next segment where we’ll be talking more about “Open Access @ BU & how it works!”

Collaborating with an International Business: Fusing Education and Professional Practice

Applying theory to Practice- Hayley Group Project developed with the support of Hayley Group- Member of Dexis Europe


As part of their integrated marketing communications unit, the MSc Marketing and User Experience students have successfully completed their consultancy project with Hayley Andover, one of Hayley Group’s 50 branches located in south UK.

The project began with a brief from Hayley Andover based on which the students developed a marketing communications plan. Starting from the theories and concepts they learned during the lectures and seminars, and supported by the team from Hayley and myself, the students made steady progress in their learning journey.

A team from Hayley Group has very kindly supported our students during the ten weeks. They have patiently listened to them, gave them feedback and valuable comments and attended their presentations. Additionally, the Hayley team allowed a budget for the student to use for this project.

Two groups of students competed together under the umbrella of two fictitious marketing agencies: Cherry Brandy and Buzz, to provide two sound LinkedIn campaigns that were implemented by Hayley Andover. Also, the students had the opportunity to evaluate initial attainments of those campaigns using appropriate metrics.

For us as academics, it is gratifying to see our students’ confidence and motivation grow into a passion towards learning and avidity for achievements. Whilst this teaching method has paved the path for a more exciting learning journey and gave our students exposure to the real work environment, it has given more relevance to our role as academics facilitating learning.

I have always championed the real-life case study method because it is a unique teaching method for its potential to develop students’ engagement, motivation and learning. My students’ achievements during this term has strengthened my position and further support my views about this method as a process of learning co-creation involving multiple stakeholders for the benefit of the wider community. More interestingly, this year’s project revealed how students’ engagement with theory, concepts and the real-life case study, is influenced by students’ background, specifically, their previous professional experience.

You can see below testimonies from Hayley group as well as from students:

“Both groups provided credible real-world solutions that were relevant to the branch that had a particular set of challenges. The methodology underpinned by academic teachings was critical to providing a more relevant and advanced approach to our challenges. Without insider knowledge the teams created an approach that was highly credible and on point with our own trail of thought concerning marketing and corporate communications strategy utilising social media. Many of the points and areas raised we are currently reviewing with a scope to integrating within our own plans for 2021. Having undertaken an MA in Marketing myself I would endorse this hands-on approach to bring a purely theoretical and hypothetical approach into something that would add value to the student in future employment.”

Craig Bastable, Hayley Group Marketing Manager

“I was impressed with the work that was put in by both the Cherry Brandy and Buzz teams – they all committed to the strategy that was discussed, and many of the proposals I would hope could be used in future marketing campaigns at Hayley Andover. Personally I really enjoyed working with the groups -and I hope that the collaboration between Bournemouth University and Hayley can developed in to the future. I would like to again thank everyone involved for their hard work in making this a success.”

Dave John, Regional Sales Manager, Hayley Andover

“The Integrated Marketing Communication unit has provided me with an opportunity to learn and explore new concepts and ideas. It gave me a chance to design, implement and evaluate an integrated marketing communication plan while working with a real client. Despite the seminars being online, they were extremely engaging as we communicated and worked directly with the client company and class discussions were extremely active. I learnt how to work as a team and function as a marketing agency which provided great exposure and confidence along with the experience of how it is like to work with a real client as a professional.”

Taalia Nadeem, MSc Marketing and User Experience, Cherry Brandy

“Although organising a group project through zoom calls has shown to be very challenging, this project has taught me one very big underlining thing: Communication is key. I believe this project encouraged me to step up and have a leading voice within the group which is usually very unlike me and honestly caught me by surprise. But it’s just made me even more proud of the outcome of our presentation. Also, working with an actual company (Hayley Group Andover) has been a very insightful experience! In addition, Kaouther was very responsive and helpful throughout the entire project which, I believe I can speak for everyone in the class, we were very grateful for!”

                                                                                Jenny Schulze, MSc Marketing and User Experience, Buzz


“The interaction we had with a real-life client for this project and relationship we built early on with them really helped us to have a successful project outcome. I feel our group thrived throughout the project, allowing us to demonstrate our abilities and build our knowledge up further by merging the practical side of the project with the theory from the unit.”

Emma Calder, MSc Marketing and User Experience, Cherry Brandy


I would like to express my deep gratitude to Craig Bastable (Hayley Group’s Marketing Manager), Josh Crampton (Marketing Communication Executive), Sam Godden (Office Manager) and Dave John (Regional Account Manager). Their input in this project has immensely contributed to the learning experience of our students.

Looking forward for more collaboration with Hayley Group.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.


Dr Kaouther Kooli

Principal Lecturer in Marketing

Bournemouth University, Business School

Making your research count: how research impact is measured and what it means for you.


The library is offering a workshop on 16th November on Enhancing your Research Impact: understanding and navigating bibliometrics. 

This will provide an opportunity to understand both what bibliometrics are, and how research impact is measured. We will also discuss how to look after your researcher profile and the various ways impact is measured across different disciplines, as well as exploring Altmetrics and how your research can be viewed through social media posts and downloads.  

You can sign up for this workshop on the staff intranet, and you can explore the information in the guide below to find out more. 

Image sourced from:

Altmetric 2015. Altmetric logo with black text [png]. London: Altmetric. Available from: [accessed 29th October 2020].



Interested in Marketing Attribution? and big data analytics? 

Interested in Marketing Attribution? and big data analytics?
New Paper published: Buhalis, D., Volchek, K., 2020,
International Journal of Information Management [IF= 8.2 Citescore=14.1]
Abstract: The integration of technology in business strategy increases the complexity of marketing communications and urges the need for advanced marketing performance analytics. Rapid advancements in marketing attribution methods created gaps in the systematic description of the methods and explanation of their capabilities. This paper contrasts theoretically elaborated facilitators and the capabilities of data-driven analytics against the empirically identified classes of marketing attribution. It proposes a novel taxonomy, which serves as a tool for systematic naming and describing marketing attribution methods. The findings allow to reflect on the contemporary attribution methods’ capabilities to account for the specifics of the customer journey, thereby, creating currently lacking theoretical backbone for advancing the accuracy of value attribution. Use Email Finder service from ZeroBounce to automate the list and find professional email addresses for potential consumers.

500 citations!

I have recently checked my Google Scholar profile and I was delighted to see that one of my papers has received a landmark number of citations – 500.

The paper was published in 2014 in co-authorship with Professors Scott Cohen (formerly at BU and now at the University of Surrey, UK) and Girish Prayag (University of Canterbury, NZ).

Focusing on a review of the literature of one of the most, if not the most researched topic in tourism – consumer behaviour -, and published in a high ranked Journal, I always felt the paper could do well, but never imagined that it could get so much traction.

The paper is scheduled to be part of the forthcoming REF submission.

Preprints, what do we know about them?


A preprint is a version of a research manuscript published before peer review.  Normally, these are published electronically and made freely available on large databases or preprint servers.  Some of the popular preprint servers include arXiv, PeerJ, The Open Science Framework, OSF Preprints. Preprint servers provide a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to enable you to link to your work and version control to curate the different versions as you make changes to your manuscript. Publishing a preprint can speed up the process of disseminating your research and avoiding any delays caused by the publication process.

Preprints achieve many of the goals of journal publishing, but within a much shorter time frame. The biggest benefits fall into 3 areas: creditfeedback, and visibility.

Credit – When you post a preprint with your research results, you can firmly stake a claim to the work you’ve done. If there is any subsequent discussion of who found a particular result first, you can point to the preprint as a public, conclusive record of your data. Most preprints are assigned a digital object identifier (DOI), which allows your work to become a permanent part of the scholarly record – one that can be referenced in any dispute over who discovered something first.

Feedback – In the traditional system, a submitted manuscript receives feedback from 2 or 3 peer reviewers before publication. With a preprint, other researchers can discover your work sooner, potentially pointing out critical flaws or errors, suggest new studies or data that strengthen your argument or even recommend a collaboration that could lead to publication in a more prestigious journal.

Visibility – Preprints are not the final form of a research paper for most authors. Thankfully, preprints and infrastructure providers like Crossref link to the final published article whenever possible, meaning that your preprint can serve to bring new readers to your published paper. A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association saw notable increases in citations and Altmetric scores when authors had posted their work first as a preprint.

Normally journal publishers will not accept work that is published or submitted elsewhere.  Journal publishers in subjects where preprints are widely used will accept research that has been previously released as a preprint.   As preprints emerge as a normal part of the publishing process in new subject areas, questions about whether preprints are regarded as previously published are still being worked through.  It would be prudent to check the policies of publishers who may be the ultimate publishers of your research if you choose to publish your research as a preprint.

Journal publishers encourage the publication of preprints after a paper has been accepted. This is the Green Route to Open Access publication.  It is important that the publisher’s policies on preprints after publication / submission are checked on the SherpaRoMEO database.

In recent developments (2017) research funders The Welcome Trust, the Medical Research Council and others have accepted the inclusion of references to preprints in grant applications as evidence of current research activity.

However, there are some crucial points to consider, before you submit your preprint to a server. The preprint guidelines below from Wiley provide some useful points to consider:

  • Posting of a preprint may violate the copyright agreement or understanding held with a publisher. When you submit an article to a journal you are doing so with the implicit understanding that an accepted article will be published and the copyright for that article then transferred to the publisher. It is ethically wrong to post a preprint that has benefitted from the resources of a publishing house (revision after peer review, copy editing, publication on Wiley Online Library, etc.); especially where the revised, accepted article, and final published versions of a paper are concerned.
  • A preprint service provider may ask authors to sign an agreement that prevents publication of the work in a journal later. On ChemRxiv, authors may control the usage rights for their posted preprint with one of three CC BY attribution licenses. When posting on a preprint server, such as ChemRxiv, we recommend that authors retain the rights to their work through use of a non-exclusive license to distribute interim research products (e.g., with a CC-BY-NC-ND or no reuse license), so that their publication options are not limited in any way later on. If an author posts a preprint under one of these licenses, the author can grant the publisher rights to use in a commercial and/or derivative manner because the author has retained those rights.
  • Failure to declare the preprint(s) associated with submission to a journal may be non-compliant with the journal′s Notice to Authors and could be grounds for rejection of a submitted manuscript.
  • Publicity of preprints through media coverage (e.g., press releases) is not advised when publication of the work in a journal is envisaged. Authors run the risk of attracting media attention to the work before it has undergone a thorough peer-review process.

As mentioned above, different publishers have different policies regarding preprints so do check each publisher policy on the SherpaRoMEO database for accurate information.

For more information on preprints, please visit the links below:

BRIAN Training

Nominating your outputs for the REF mock exercise

Thursday 27th February 14:00 -15:00 Talbot

BRIAN (Bournemouth Research Information And Networking) is BU’s publication management system.

BRIAN is also used to capture information regarding outputs to be submitted to the REF2021, and to the mock exercises related to REF2021.

This usage of BRIAN is the focus of this training session.

See here to book. Contact if you have any queries.


Nominate your outputs now for the BU REF Mock exercise 2020

The BU REF Mock Exercise 2020 has just been launched on BRIAN.

Please select up to 5 of your research outputs for inclusion in the exercise by 8th March. Instructions on how to do this would have been disseminated to you via email.

Selected outputs should:

  • Embody original research. For the purposes of the REF, research is defined as a process of investigation leading to new insights, effectively shared. See Guidance on Submissions – Annex C, p.90;
  • Have been published after 1 January 2014;
  • Have been accepted for publication as a minimum and due to be published before 31 December 2020.

In some cases, additional supporting information will be needed to accompany your submission. Supporting information can be supplied either via the relevant textbox in BRIAN or, if preferred, uploaded as an attachment to your output, e.g. Word document or PDF. UOA-specific details of the REF requirements for supporting information are included in the guidance attached. See also Panel Criteria and Working Methods, Annex B, pp.90-92 and the related sections indicated.

For information on the REF2021 Submission process at Bournemouth University, please refer to the REF 2021 Code of Practice.

If you have queries about selecting outputs please feel free to contact (especially if it is a technical/BRIAN query) or a member of the UOA team who will be happy to help.

BRIAN is unavailable today and tomorrow

BRIAN is being upgraded and will be unavailable for use on Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th January.

The main improvements from this upgrade include:

  • New Assessment module for REF2021 functionality
  • More User Friendly Navigation

The new and improved features will make BRIAN easier and simplier to use for everyone, whilst also providing a valuable tool to academics helping them record the impact of their research.

We will communicate on the blog as soon as BRIAN is up and running again.

BRIAN will be unavailable due to upgrade – 28th & 29th January 2020

BRIAN will be unavailable to users next week on Tuesday 28th January and Wednesday 29th January for a scheduled upgrade.

If you need any help using the new system or if you encounter any problems after the upgrade, please do send an email to and a member of staff will be able to assist you.

Staff are reminded that the REF Mock Exercise 2020 author outputs nomination on BRIAN will take place between 24 Feb and 8th March. For more information and guidance, please get in touch with

In the meantime, if you do have general queries relating to the upgrade, please get in touch with

Further information will be available once BRIAN is up and running again following the scheduled upgrade.