Category / Funding opportunities

AHRC-MRC Global Public Health: Global Challenge Research Fund Partnership Awards Call 2

The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) offers a unique opportunity for the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the MRC to launch a global public health initiative that responds to the challenge of bringing together expertise in medical science and health interventions in developing countries, with arts and humanities research bringing an understanding of local knowledge and history, cultural and historical contexts and dynamics, community engagement, and trust.

The aim of this activity is to build inter-disciplinary research capacity and capability and to support research innovation across the MRC and AHRC communities. Successful applications will build and strengthen UK and international research collaboration and partnerships for global public health benefit. In order not to limit the potential for inter-disciplinary innovation under this call the call is open to proposals addressing any global public health issue affecting low and middle income countries.

The total funding available for this call from MRC and AHRC is £2million

Closing Date: 26/10/2017

For further details, please click here

New Royal Academy of Engineering Funding Opportunities

The Royal Academy of Engineering has recently released 2 funding opportunities:

Distinguished Visiting Fellowships

The scheme provides funding so that an engineering department at a UK university can host a Distinguished Visiting Fellow from an overseas academic centre of excellence for visits lasting up to one month, aiming to strengthen UK capacity and international standing, and promote new international collaborations.

Award Value – £6,000

Deadline – Monday 30 October 2017

Website –

Distinguished Visiting Fellowships & Missions – Turkey (Newton Fund)

Part of the Newton Fund, the scheme provides funding so that an engineering department at a Turkish university can host a Distinguished Visitor or group of Distinguished Visitors from a UK academic centre of excellence for a visit lasting up to one month. The scheme aims to build Turkey’s research and teaching capacity in key areas such as health, energy, agriculture, food and manufacturing to promote Turkey’s economic development and social welfare.


Award Value – £6,000 – £30,000

Deadline –  Wednesday 25 October 2017


If you are interested in submitting to any of the above calls you must contact your  RKEO Funding Development Officer with adequate notice before the deadline, preferably 3 weeks before the submission deadline. 

For more funding opportunities that are most relevant to you, you can set up your own personalised alerts on Research Professional. If you need help setting these up, just ask your School’s/Faculty’s Funding Development Officer in  RKEO or view the recent blog post here.


Real-time Research Professional Updates at the click of a button

Have you noticed this box on the BU Research Blog?

By clicking on this box, on the left of the Research Blog home page just under the text ‘Funding Opportunities‘, you access a Research Professional real-time search of the calls announced by the Major UK Funders. Use this feature to stay up to date with funding calls. Please note that you will have to be on campus or connecting to your desktop via our VPN to fully access this service.

Alternatively, receive regular alerts by signing up to as many groups as you want by clicking on ‘Bournemouth University‘ on the Research Professional home screen and selecting relevant searches that have been set up to locate funding calls. Just find the ones which suit your needs, click on the name of the group and select ‘Join this Group’.  You can also modify a shared search to save into your own alerts area by clicking on the padlock symbol.



You can find out more about Research Professional from the RKEO monthly updates which give further details of this service and the help available to BU staff. Just search ‘Research Professional or click on Research Professional tag at the bottom of this post to see all our posts about this subscribed service for BU staff.

We will still continue to blog about specific calls of note as usual.

If you need further assistance with using Research Professional, please contact your Funding Development Officer.

Cross research council mental health networking event

Location: London Date: 31 October 2017 Time: 09:00 – 17:00

Ahead of a planned cross-disciplinary research call on mental health, the research councils are holding an informal networking event at the Imperial War Museum in London on 31 October 2017. The aim of this event is for potential applicants to learn more about our expectations of the successful network plus awards, as well as meeting potential collaborators.

Attendance at this event will be capped at 100 spaces. In the event of oversubscription they will limit the number of attendees per organisation, and also by discipline to allow for even representation across the remits of the research councils. Therefore attendees will be expected to represent the wider interests of their organisation as well as their individual interests. Due to the cross-disciplinary nature of these awards, the aim is for attendees at the networking event to span the remits of the research councils.

They welcome attendance from potential applicants and collaborators representing academia and also charities, service providers, businesses, clinicians etc.

Registration will close at 16:00 on 12 October 2017.  For further information on how to register please see the ESRC website

Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future – 18/10/17 – Places still available

Don’t miss out – some places are still available at this event:

On Wednesday, 18th October 2017, the National Contact Points for two of the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges will be visiting BU.

Topics will include:

  • Mobility for Growth
  • Autonomous Road Transport
  • Green Vehicles
  • Sustainable Food Security
  • Rural Renaissance
  • Blue Growth

Arrival will be 10:00 for 10:15 and the event is scheduled to close at 16:15. The venue will be at the Lansdowne Campus, Bournemouth, with the room location confirmed after booking.

The day is open to all within both the academic and non-academic sectors, with an interest in applying for calls forthcoming in Horizon 2020, with a particular emphasis on those from the South East and South West.

To book your place – BU staff and external attendees should contact Dianne Goodman via our RKEDF email account. To ensure a balanced audience, registrations will be assessed and places confirmed by 11th October 2017.

About the National Contact Points:

Ian Holmes is the National Contact Point for Societal Challenge 2:  Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy

Louise Mothersole is the Horizon 2020 UK National Contact Point for Societal Challenge 4: Smart, Green and Integrated Transport

Helen Fairbairn is the National Contact Point for Societal Challenge 3Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy    (N.B. Helen is unable to attend this event but is providing materials for attendees and is happy to be contacted by attendees wishing to apply for SC3 calls).

National Contact Points (NCPs) provide impartial advice regarding EU Funding within their specialist area of Horizon 2020. The advice is free and confidential and tailored to your needs.  This is an excellent service for drawing on the experience and knowledge of someone who deals exclusively with a particular scheme or work programme.  If you are interested in testing out project ideas, checking scheme eligibility, discussing the direction of travel of a particular funding stream or just asking some questions on the practicalities of applications they are a great source of help. You can find all of them listed here along with their contact details.

Interreg: Cross-Border Event on Natural & Cultural Heritage on 11th October 2017

Don’t miss out – some places are still available at this event:

BU is proud to announce that the The Interreg France (Channel) England Programme is holding their cross-border event, to support applicants who are interested in applying for EU funding under the Programme’s specific objective 3.1 on natural and cultural heritage, at Bournemouth University. This event will take place in BU’s Executive Business Centre on Wednesday, 11th October 2017. Booking is essential.

The event is a fantastic opportunity to:

  • Understand how to apply for EU funding under the Programme’s specific objective on natural and cultural heritage
  • Hear from experts working in the heritage industry
  • Find out what heritage needs and priorities have been identified in the Channel area
  • Hear from heritage projects already approved by the Programme
  • Network with applicants and project partners from both France and the UK

We look forward to welcoming guests from both France and the UK at this event.

Freshwater Taxonomy success!

Last week (11-15 September 2017) saw the successful delivery of the NERC-funded Advanced Training Course Freshwater Taxonomy and Field Identification Skills, awarded to Professor Genoveva F. Esteban (SciTech, Department of Life and Environmental Sciences) in collaboration with the Freshwater Biological Association (  The course is free for PhD students and early-career researchers.  With a strong emphasis on training excellence and practical hands-on experience this short course offers expert tuition in freshwater fieldwork, taxonomy, and freshwater science. The course provided in-depth training on the well-established use of macro-invertebrates as the core component of freshwater bio-assessment and also included specific training in field and laboratory methods for investigating and identifying microscopic organisms like diatoms, meiofauna and protists. The participants’ feedback was outstanding; Davina Hill from the University of Cumbria tweeted “Thanks for a fascinating and inspiring course in Freshwater Taxonomy. Recommended!”

The course will also be delivered in 2018 (dates to be confirmed). Please contact Genoveva F. Esteban for further information. Photograph courtesy of Hai Luu.

The importance of justifying yourself! Writing a Justification of Resources Session 12th October 2017 – last chance to book!

Many people see the ‘Justification of Resources’ document as another thing to quickly pull together and tick off the list, after having already completed a 70+ page funding application. As a result, it often doesn’t get the prior consideration needed to write a good one – even though applications are often rejected due to insufficient justification of resources.

As part of the Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Framework, RKEO are holding a session on ‘Writing a Justification of Resources’. The session will provide an overview of the Justification of Resources document, and will offer tips for writing this section of the application form. Examples of effective Justifications of Resources will be provided.

Date: Thursday 12th October

Time: 09:30-11:00

Venue: Lansdowne Campus

Book your space via the RKE Development Framework page for this event.

For further information, please contact Lisa Gale-Andrews, RKEO Research Facilitator.

UK Info day on Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 5 – funding for cities, climate change

European Union - Horizon 2020When: 26th of September 2017 from 9.30 am – 6.30 pm

Where: Glaziers Hall, SE1 9DD London

Why attend: 
This event is a unique opportunity for SMEs, research organisations and cities interested in working on projects relating to sustainable cities, nature-based solutions, water and cultural heritage. You will hear directly from the European Commission on the background and content of the opportunities. The UK National Contact Point, Enterprise Europe Network, Knowledge Transfer Network and Future Cities Catapult will provide information on the help available and new ways in which we can support UK organisations. Case study speakers will give further hints and tips on how to become successful applicants.

This event is free of charge however places are limited so we advise early booking.

Event Agenda:

Morning Session (9.30am – 1pm) – Information on European funding opportunities and UK support tools available.

  • European policy and priorities: Cities, nature-based solution and cultural heritage – Dr Ugo Guarnacci, European Commission, DG RTD
  • European priorities: Water – Ewa Bloch, Innovate UK
  • UK Case study: An innovative city – Manchester Climate Change Agency and GROW GREEN project, Dr Jonathan Sadler
  • Insights into H2020: Participation conditions, Brexit clarifications – Ewa Bloch, Innovate UK
  • Support in the UK – including announcement on travel grants available for organisations
  • Introduction to Enterprise Europe Network, the Knowledge Transfer Network and Future Cities Catapult
  • UK Case study: What’s in it for an SME
Afternoon session (1pm – 4pm) – Interactive session with experts providing guidance on proposal development and requirements for the relevant calls and consortia building.

Drinks Reception (4pm – 6.30pm) – Networking with international organisations to develop partnerships.

Click on the ‘OK’ button of this page to register.

AHRC-HERA_Public Spaces: Culture and Integration in Europe (HERA JRP PS)

Following the AHRC webinar yesterday, we would like to remind you that the Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) Network has launched a new Joint Research Programme under the theme “Public Spaces: Culture and Integration in Europe” (HERA JRP PS) in collaboration and following AHRC rules as the National Contact Point.

This is a two stage call; the first stage calls for an outline proposal of 2000 words, as well as budget details. The Project Leader of the consortium must register as a user in Isaac.

We recommend that you get in touch with the RKEO team and also registering with the Isaac system as soon as possible. Outline Proposals must be submitted electronically via the HERA website by Tuesday 24 October 2017, 15:00 Greenwich UK time.

If you are interested in applying, please read through the guidelines relating to the theme specification and guidelines for applicants below. You will need to let the relevant RKEO Officer of your Faculty know of your intention to bid for this call by the 27th of September– internal deadline.


Interreg: Cross-Border Event on Natural & Cultural Heritage on 11th October 2017

BU is proud to announce that the The Interreg France (Channel) England Programme is holding their cross-border event, to support applicants who are interested in applying for EU funding under the Programme’s specific objective 3.1 on natural and cultural heritage, at Bournemouth University. This event will take place in BU’s Executive Business Centre on 11th October 2017. Booking is essential.

The event is a fantastic opportunity to:

  • Understand how to apply for EU funding under the Programme’s specific objective on natural and cultural heritage
  • Hear from experts working in the heritage industry
  • Find out what heritage needs and priorities have been identified in the Channel area
  • Hear from heritage projects already approved by the Programme
  • Network with applicants and project partners from both France and the UK

Find out more and reserve your place.

Research funding for behavioural insights in health care – New call from the Health Foundation

The Health Foundation are inviting researchers to submit ideas rooted in ‘behavioural insights’ or ‘nudge theory’ that have the potential to increase efficiency and reduce waste within health care services in the UK.

There is £1.8 million available for up to eight multidisciplinary research teams to generate new knowledge of what can motivate people to act in more efficient and less wasteful ways in health care services.

Each project will receive between £150,000 and £350,000 for research completed over two to three years.

The three priority areas of focus for this programme include:

  • patient pathways: eg improving patient flow within the system, improving coordination and transfer of care, expediting discharge
  • procurement, pharmacy and medicines optimisation: eg minimising cost and waste in procurement and prescribing, improving medication adherence
  • care best practice: eg encouraging attendance, uptake of screening and health promotion, reducing unnecessary or ineffective care, better demand management, reducing harms.

The closing date for applications is 12:00, Friday 20 October 2017.

Find out more here.

RCUK Mental Health webinar

Date: 20 September 2017;  Time: 14:30 – 15:30

This cross Research Council organised webinar is open to participants from across the remits of the Councils. It will provide further detail regarding the recently published Cross-disciplinary Mental Health Research Agenda (PDF on RCUK website), which was collectively developed by the Research Councils in consultation with a wider audience.

It will also provide details about a soon to be announced Cross-disciplinary Network Plus call, which will be led by the ESRC on behalf of the Research Councils, and will be open to applications from across the remits of the Research Councils. Participants will have the opportunity to take part in a Q&A session towards the end of the webinar.


Participants will need to register in advance by emailing Please include the following information within your email:

  • Full name
  • Institution
  • Country you will be dialing in from

Once your place has been confirmed you will receive a confirmation email giving you the details needed in order to participate in the webinar.

The deadline for registration is 15 September 2017. Please note that places are limited and will be allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis within each Research Councils remit.

RKEO Calendar – want one and have you been missed?

Hopefully most of you will have received by now one of our fabulous new RKEO calendars – however if you have been missed please don’t fret or despair!

If you are based on Talbot Campus we have left some spare copies in The Staff Centre and whilst there check out our display of other materials relating to RKEO activities and our RKEDF. If you are based at Lansdowne we have left some in the Wellbeing Centre.

Otherwise please contact me Dianne Goodman and I’ll get one sent out to you asap.

The calendar starts now from September 2017 through to July 2018 (no August entry as we all need a well-deserved rest).  It props up nicely to stand alone on your desk.  The calendar contains many images from the BU Research Photography annual competitions and highlights the dates of:

**Make sure you don’t miss out – check you have your copy today!

Last Spaces remaining- British Academy Bid Writing retreat 7/9/17

The BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants scheme opens on the 6th of September 2017.

A workshop, the “Bid Writing retreat- British Academy small grant” will be held Thursday September 7th, 2017 (9:30-16:30). The workshop will offer helpful tips from past British Academy Small Grant winners as well as focused support from team members of the Research & Knowledge Exchange Office.  Participants are asked to have a draft application for the British Academy Small Grant in preparation in advance of this workshop that they can develop during the day.  Workshop places are limited so please book your place here.

Members of BU interested in discussing this workshop opportunity please contact Alexandra Pekalski, Research Facilitator (