Category / Funding opportunities

Funding Opportunity: The International Partnership and Mobility Scheme

The International Partnership and Mobility Scheme aims to support the development of partnerships between the UK and other areas of the world where research excellence would be strengthened by new and innovative initiatives and links.

In this round the Scheme is open to three-year and one-year awards for research partnerships between scholars in the UK and scholars in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, Eurasia, South Asia, East and South-East Asia.  Please note that  applicants must be of postdoctoral or equivalent status. Research must be in the field of the humanities or social sciences.

 Both a principal applicant and co-applicant are required for this scheme. The principal applicant must be ‘ordinarily resident’ in the United Kingdom, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands and must be able to demonstrate that they will be based at their present employing research-active institution in the UK for the duration of the award.  The co-applicant must be an academic based in a research-active institution in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, Eurasia, South Asia, East or South-East Asia and must also be able to demonstrate that they will be based at their present employing institution for the duration of the award.

 The 2015 round is now open for applications. The deadline for applying will be Wednesday, 11 February 2015 (17:00 pm UK time).

Applications must be submitted via e-GAP2, the Academy’s electronic grant application system, but please note that preliminary enquiries should be directed through the RKEO Funding Development Team.

Applicants are asked to read the International Partnership and Mobility Scheme Notes before beginning an application.  For further information about the scheme, please follow the link.


EUADS: Deadline tomorrow!

The EU Academic Development Scheme (EUADS) is a unique scheme developed to kick start your career in EU research, and is open to all BU academic staff.  The scheme will help you work towards making a submission by providing unlimited 1-2-1 support from an expert EU bid writer, group mentoring and unlimited assistance in actually writing your application over a 12 month period.  In addition to the training, the EUADS scheme also includes an individual fund. Each successful participant will have access to grants up to £3ooo to spend on activities supporting bid development, such as:
• Travel with the intent of networking
• Conference attendance with the intent of networking
• Pilot research work
• Fieldwork
• Attendance at external networking events leading to collaborative research proposals
• Meetings with external organisations to establish collaborations
• Preparation of specialist material or data
• Replacement teaching 

You can read more on this scheme in the EUADS Policy Document  and make a submission using the  EUADS Application Form.   

The deadline for applications is Friday 19th December 2014.  Applications and any questions should be submitted to the Funding Development Coordinator, Giles Ashton,

How to use the Participant Portal to find relevant EU funding

The easiest way to find Horizon 2020 EU funding opportunities is to search the Participant Portal (the place to go for all things EU funding related).

How to search:

  • Click on Funding Opportunities
  • If you know your topic, click on Search Topics
  • To browse all calls, click on Calls and use the filters – for example, use the radio buttons to select Open and Deadline Date to see a chronological list of all calls closing in the coming months
  • Further filter by type of call, for example, you may want to see Excellent Science only

This is the page you will see following a search:


You can then click on the relevant box to access all the information about that call:

From here you can find all the documents related to the call.

You can also subscribe to RSS feeds from the Participant Portal.

If you are looking for non-Horizon 2020, EU funding, some are listed on the Portal, but you may need additional help in locating some schemes.

If you need any further help in using the Participant Portal, please contact your Officer in the Funding Development Team, Paul Lynch or Emily Cieciura – all listed under our team’s page.


Bidding opportunity for Fair Access Projects

BU’s Fair Access Agreement includes a project fund to support fair access and widening participation projects. Faculties and Professional Services are invited to bid for these funds up to £5,000 for specific and targeted projects which will be monitored and evaluated to form part of the growing evidence base on Fair Access and Widening Participation work.

The aims of these projects are to generate interest in widening participation communities in going into higher education and to support the equality and diversity agenda.

More information can be found on this document: Final Fair Access Project Proposal Grant Application under £5000 

Please contact Lukasz via e-mail or 01202 961031 if you are unsure about aims or targeting or if you have questions about filling out this form.

EUADS: 1 week left to apply!

The EU Academic Development Scheme (EUADS) is a unique scheme developed to kick start your career in EU research, and is open to all BU academic staff.  The scheme will help you work towards making a submission by providing unlimited 1-2-1 support from an expert EU bid writer, group mentoring and unlimited assistance in actually writing your application over a 12 month period.  In addition to the training, the EUADS scheme also includes an individual fund. Each successful participant will have access to grants up to £3ooo to spend on activities supporting bid development, such as:
• Travel with the intent of networking
• Conference attendance with the intent of networking
• Pilot research work
• Fieldwork
• Attendance at external networking events leading to collaborative research proposals
• Meetings with external organisations to establish collaborations
• Preparation of specialist material or data
• Replacement teaching 

You can read more on this scheme in the EUADS Policy Document  and make a submission using the  EUADS Application Form.   

The deadline for applications is Friday 19th December 2014.  Applications and any questions should be submitted to the Funding Development Coordinator, Giles Ashton,

Micheal Faraday Prize-For excellence in communicating science to UK Audiences.

The Royal Society’s medals, awards and prize lectureships provide an opportunity to celebrate outstanding achievement.


Nominations for the Michael Faraday Prize are now open. This prize lecture is given by a scientist or engineer whose expertise in communicating scientific ideas in lay terms is exemplary.


Previous winners have included Professor Brian Cox and Professor Frank Close.


The winner will receive a medal, a personal prize of £2,500 and will get to deliver a lecture at the Royal Society.


Nominate a colleague for this lecture


To download the nomination form and for further details please see


The deadline for nominations is Friday 30 January 2015.


To contact us for further information please email



For more information on our many other awards available for nomination please visit


Stay in touch:

Email newsletters







The Royal Society, 6-9 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AG Registered Charity No 207043


Research Professional upgrade

Please note that Research Professional are updating their site with a new version of the Rodman Indes, which is the discipline thesaurus that they use.  This may mean that the site is unavailable between 9am and 11am on Wednesday, 10th December.

All of the old discipline terms have been mapped to the new Rodman Index, and all of your pre-existing funding searches will be transitioned to the new terms.

British Academy Funding Opportunity: BARSEAs 2015




The British Academy has launched an exciting new funding opportunity for early career researchers working in Humanities and Social Sciences

The British Academy Rising Star Engagement Awards (BARSEAs) provide a means for early career researchers to develop their skills and further career progression through organising events, training and mentoring activities for other early career researchers. Please note though that this is not a funding opportunity to undertake research. 

Applications are invited from early career scholars within 10 years of the award of their doctorate, and ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom. In order to be eligible for this programme, candidates must also be able to demonstrate their academic credentials to be leaders in research through suitable marks of esteem awarded prior to the submission of the application.

 Level of award: up to £15,000.

 BU Internal deadline for submission to RKEO: 14 January 2015

 Deadline for submission of applications: 21 January 2015 at 5pm 

 Deadline for Institutional Approval of applications: 22 January 2015 at 5pm .  Results are expected late February 2015

Awards available for starting date: not earlier than 1 March 2015 and not later than 31 March 2015

For more information on what activities are intended to be supported through this scheme, detailed guidance on what can and cannot be applied for and clarification on eligibility, please see the scheme notes which can be found via e-GAP.

Enquiries related to this scheme can be made to but please note that interested parties should register interest through the RKEO Funding Development Team who can provide further details in the first instance.

EUADS: deadline for applications is approaching!

The EU Academic Development Scheme (EUADS) is a unique scheme developed to kick start your career in EU research, and is open to all BU academic staff.  The scheme will help you work towards making a submission by providing unlimited 1-2-1 support from an expert EU bid writer, group mentoring and unlimited assistance in actually writing your application over a 12 month period.  In addition to the training, the EUADS scheme also includes an individual fund. Each successful participant will have access to grants up to £3ooo to spend on activities supporting bid development, such as:
• Travel with the intent of networking
• Conference attendance with the intent of networking
• Pilot research work
• Fieldwork
• Attendance at external networking events leading to collaborative research proposals
• Meetings with external organisations to establish collaborations
• Preparation of specialist material or data
• Replacement teaching 

You can read more on this scheme in the EUADS Policy Document  and make a submission using the  EUADS Application Form.   

The deadline for applications is Friday 19th December 2014.  Applications and any questions should be submitted to the Funding Development Coordinator, Giles Ashton,

Funding Development Opportunities:Travel Fellowships

The British Council in Israel and the Science and Innovation Network have launched three travel fellowships: BIRAX Regenerative Medical Fellowships, Inaugural UK-Israel Science Fellowships, and Inaugural UK-Israel Science Lectureships. The schemes are designed to further research experience, establish or strengthen research links and develop scientific collaborations.  The deadline for these opportunities is 12 January 2015

The Executive Committee of HUCBMS has established two annual Fellowship Travel Awards to encourage collaboration in biomedical sciences teaching and research between UK-based and overseas universities.  The closing date for applications is 16 January 2015

For more information on these opportunities, visit the British Council website 


Newton – funding update

Further to the November post outlining the Newton Funding opportunities, two new calls have been announced for China and India.  Please note the closing dates:


UK-China Research and Innovation Partnership Fund (deadline: 27/02/2015)

Newton-Bhabha PhD Placements Programme (deadline: 15/01/2015)

India-UK Collaborative Industrial R&D Programme (deadline: 15/04/2015)

Further information and application guidance available on the website.

If you wish to apply, please contact your RKEO Officer as soon as possible.

Digital Business Briefing – December 2014


Now available for December, the Digital Business Briefing is compiled by the Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) in partnership with Innovate UK, Catapults, Tech City, Nesta, and Horizon2020. The briefing highlights funding, support, events and training relevant to those working in the digital industries.

Sign up to receive regular updates “Join the creative industries community”

Project funding available to support vulnerable, marginalised and deprived communities in order to address health inequalities which exist in Dorset


The Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Local Authorities, supported by the Public Health team, are very keen to build on the success of the 2012 Olympics in Dorset and have developed a legacy fund to provide a significant resource for investment in innovative and evidence based local projects in Dorset, Bournemouth and Poole.


The aim of the legacy fund is to create a legacy and inspire communities by investing in projects that focus on the particularly vulnerable, marginalised and deprived communities in order to address health inequalities which exist in Dorset.


Projects will:

  • Target vulnerable people or marginalised communities
  • Tackle identified health inequalities
  • Inspire people towards a healthier lifestyle
  • Have a lasting legacy

The next round of funding is now open and closes on 30 January 2015.

For more information click here.

(BUDI were successful in round 1 with 2 projects awarded through this fund  – Bournemouth Symphony Orchestera and Dorset Fire & Rescue Service. Click here for funded awards to date project reference 36 & 43 – PDF at the bottom of the page.)

Are you working with companies in an agri-food, space or user experience arena? Then this pot of funding may be of interest to you!

Have you heard about Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP)?  Or wanted to work on one?

Introduction to KTP

KTP is a part-funded government scheme to encourage collaboration on innovative projects between academia and business.  KTP is managed by Innovate UK (formerly the Technology Strategy Board) and further information can be found here.

Themed Calls

Innovate UK has a number of funding priorities which they highlight through dedicated competitions throughout the year.  Currently there are 3 competitions where extra funding has been allocated for projects relating to agri-food, space and user experience.


The reason for this call is to improve the competitiveness, resilience and responsiveness of the agri-food supply chain – from primary production, including aquaculture, through to retail.

  • Call closes on 11th February 2015


All projects must use expertise from outside the space sector.  “Upstream” projects need to be generally aligned with the National Space Technology Strategy and “downstream” projects need to link to a defined market/end product.

  • Call closes on 11th February 2015

User experience

The aim of this call is to encourage new, enhanced forms of interaction between computing systems and the people who use them.  Proposals may address technologies that contribute to these new forms such as sensing information about the user or those that improve specific type of experience, such as mobile and wearable devices.

  • Call closes on 15th April 2015

To find out more about KTP or further information on these calls, please contact Rachel Clarke, Knowledge Exchange Adviser (KTP) on 61347 or email

Latest Major Funding Opportunities

The following funding opportunities have been announced. Please follow the links for more information:

Arts and Humanities Research Council

International Placement Scheme: Shanghai Theatre Academy, for early career researchers, post-doctoral research assistants and AHRC-funded doctoral students to undertake a three to four month funded fellowship at the Shanghai Theatre Academy. Shanghai Theatre Academy IPS fellows receive a contribution of £600 towards their flights costs, their visa costs paid, plus a monthly allowance of £1200. Closing Date: 15/1/15

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

Modular Training Partnerships (MTPs) fund the development of industrially-relevant short training courses at Masters level. Training should be developed in close collaboration with industry, and evidence of industrial demand is a key requirement for funding. Closing Date: 4/2/15

FLexible Interchange Programme(FLIP) supports the movement of people from one environment to a different one to exchange knowledge/technology/skills, developing bioscience research/researchers and addressing our strategic priorities. The award may be for up to 24 months and cost up to £150,000. Closing Date: 4/2/15

Economic and Social Research Council

ESRC/DFID Joint Fund for Poverty Alleviation Research Outline Research Grants Call 2014-15. The purpose of the scheme is to provide a more robust conceptual and empirical basis for development and to enhance the quality and impact of social science research on poverty reduction. Scheme-funded research will have high potential for impact on policy and practice in low-income countries through the use of the new knowledge created. Awards will be between £100,000 and £500,000 from a minimum duration of one year up to a maximum of three years. Closing Date: 22/1/15 at 16:00

Urban Transformations Research Call. The ESRC invites innovative and ambitious proposals to support new research which adds significant value to the broad portfolio of cites and urban transformations research currently supported by the ESRC and other research funders. High quality proposals are sought which fill clearly identified gaps in the current funding landscape. Grants will be for a maximum of three years and between £750,000 and £1 million. Closing Date: 5/2/15

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

EPSRC Centres for Mathematical Sciences in Healthcare, will be awarding up to £6 million to support the creation of Multidisciplinary Research Centres, bringing together researchers working in the Mathematical Sciences with academics and stakeholders within the Healthcare Technologies space. Closing Date: 29/1/15 at 16:00


The third call in the area of animal healths and welfare has opened. There are 20 funding organisations involved from 16 countries and a total budget of €10 million available. Closing Date: 12/2/15


Longitude Prize 2014 is a challenge with a £10 million prize fund to help solve the problem of global antibiotic resistance. Closing Date: Applications can be submitted at any time

Wellcome Trust

Development Awards, worth up to £10,000 for a maximum of one year, are available to support the development of TV, radio, games or film projects that engage (as a whole or in part) with biomedical science and its impact on our lives in an innovative, entertaining and accessible way. Closing Date: Applications may be submitted at any time during the year.

Investigator Award, small or large (up to £3 million) and lasting up to seven years, provide flexible support at a level and length appropriate to enable researchers to address the most important questions of relevance to human and animal health and disease. Closing Date: 20/2/15

Investigator Award in Medical Humanties, in the range of £100,000 to £200,000 per year for up to five years, provide flexible support at a level and length to enable recipients to explore health, wellbeing or biomedical science in the contexts of the humanities. Closing Date: 23/1/15

Investigator Awards in Society and Ethics, in the range of £100,000 to £200,000 per year for up to five years, provide flexible support at a level and length to enable recipients to explore health, wellbeing or biomedical science in their social or ethical contexts. Closing Date: 23/1/15

Pathfinder Awards kick-start pilot projects that have significant potential to help develop innovative new products that address an unmet need in healthcare and offer a potential new solution. Pathfinder Awards fund innovative discrete pilot studies to develop assets and de-risk future development. Projects may last up to 18 months and the average award amount is envisaged to be in the region of £100,000, but up to £350,000 will be considered in exceptional circumstances. Closing Date: 6/2/15

Sustaining Excellence Awards, typically be in the range of £90,000 to £1,000,000 spread across three to five years, supports the enhanced delivery of existing outstanding public engagement projects and models of working, alongside strategic planning and organisational development and resilience. It aims to reduce the level of repeat project-based applications to other Engaging Science schemes, in particular People, Society and Arts awards, in favour of a longer-term approach to support. Closing Date: 18/2/15

Please note that some funders specify a time for submission as well as a date. Please confirm this with your RKEO Support Officer.

You can set up your own personalised alerts on Research Professional. If you need help setting these up, just ask your School’s/Faculty’s Funding Development Officer in RKEO or view the recent blog post here.

If thinking of applying, why not add notification of your interest on Research Professional’s record of the bid so that BU colleagues can see your intention to bid and contact you to collaborate.