Tagged / BRIAN

Would you like to learn more about Scopus and BRIAN? Then come along to one of our workshops!

The aim of these workshops is to support academic colleagues to learn more about Scopus and BRIAN, and how they can use these systems to monitor their publication impact, identify where to publish, identify potential collaborators and also to help them to ensure their Scopus and BRIAN profiles are up to date and optimised.  Matthew Bennett will do an initial presentation about the two systems and this will be followed with the opportunity for participants to look through their own Scopus and BRIAN profiles together with Library and RKEDO (formerly RDU) staff.

They will take place on both the Lansdowne and Talbot Campuses on the following dates:

 15 October 10am – 11am CG21 Talbot Campus

23 October 2:30pm – 3:30pm S102 Lansdowne Campus

31 October 9am – 10am S102 Lansdowne Campus

 Please book a place if you would like to attend by following this link

Changes to the external Staff Profile Pages

After helpful feedback from staff, we have agreed to temporarily remove the charts that appear on your external staff profile pages.  These were a snapsnot of your publications, co-author network (which only showed current BU staff), and map of science (which isn’t clear as to what it shows).  We will consider re-activating the available charts when they have been improved and become more meaningful.

The staff profile pages are currently not mapping across all ‘Authors’ listed within BRIAN for publications.  Therefore, the staff profile pages have been amended so that publications now have an author title of ‘Authors at BU’.  Development is underway for a complete list of authors to be shown and this will be provided shortly.

BRIAN Changes

BRIAN and the external staff profile pages have been amended so that they now only show your first name and surname.  If you have a ‘known as’ name within the HR database then this will be displayed instead of your first name.  If you would prefer a ‘known as’ name to be displayed then you will need to contact HR through HREnquiries@bournemouth.ac.uk to request a change to your ‘known as’ name.

Within the external staff profile pages the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) link on individual publications is now active as a hyperlink and will open the publication.  Also, when searching for a staff member the URL displayed at the top of the staff profile pages has been shortened to ‘http://staffprofiles.bournemouth.ac.uk/display/username’  and this address will also appear in the ‘link’ icon displayed under that persons photo.

The Professional Activity ‘Job Title’ has been removed from BRIAN as this information is pulled through from the ‘staff details changer’.  All job titles that were added into BRIAN have been updated in the staff details changer to ensure that your correct job title is displayed.

Would you like to learn more about Scopus and BRIAN? Then come along to one of our workshops!

The aim of these workshops is to support academic colleagues to learn more about Scopus and BRIAN, and how they can use these systems to monitor their publication impact, identify where to publish, identify potential collaborators and also to help them to ensure their Scopus and BRIAN profiles are up to date and optimised.  Matthew Bennett will do an initial presentation about the two systems and this will be followed with the opportunity for participants to look through their own Scopus and BRIAN profiles together with Library and RKEDO (formerly RDU) staff.

They will take place on both the Lansdowne and Talbot Campuses on the following dates:

1 October 10am – 11am CG21 Talbot Campus

10 October 2:30pm – 3:30pm S102 Lansdowne Campus

15 October 10am – 11am CG21 Talbot Campus

23 October 2:30pm – 3:30pm S102 Lansdowne Campus

31 October 9am – 10am S102 Lansdowne Campus

Please book a place if you would like to attend by following this link

BURO Stats – who’s downloading your open access research?

What’s your impact?  Did you know that you can access statistics for your open access research outputs in BURO?

Simply go to BURO, browse your items by author and view a variety of statistics about your individual full text research outputs, including:-

  • Number of full text downloads (daily and monthly)
  • Top ten search terms that led people to your research
  • Number of unique visitors

To run a variety of other searches on your research outputs use the BURO IRStats Dashboard

Remember – to add your full text items to BURO you need to submit them via BRIAN.



BRIAN latest

Now that the summer has been (did you notice?) and gone, many of you are now turning your attention to your external profiles and how to make them look as impressive as possible to the outside world.  This has meant an increase in queries about how to use BRIAN and so I have created a list of answers to FAQ’s and these can be found in the link below.  Before I get on to this though, have you read the Blog article advertising the ‘Scopus and BRIAN Workshops’ that Matthew Bennett will be running shortly?  If not, click here for more details.


There are a number of developments that are underway to improve BRIAN and so keep your eye on the Blog for more updates.

Would you like to learn more about Scopus and BRIAN? Then come along to one of our workshops!

The aim of these workshops is to support academic colleagues to learn more about Scopus and BRIAN, and how they can use these systems to monitor their publication impact, identify where to publish, identify potential collaborators and also to help them to ensure their Scopus and BRIAN profiles are up to date and optimised.  Matthew Bennett will do an initial presentation about the two systems and this will be followed with the opportunity for participants to look through their own Scopus and BRIAN profiles together with Library and RKEDO (formerly RDU) staff.

They will take place on both the Lansdowne and Talbot Campuses on the following dates:

1 October 10am – 11am CG21 Talbot Campus

10 October 2:30pm – 3:30pm S102 Lansdowne Campus

15 October 10am – 11am CG21 Talbot Campus

23 October 2:30pm – 3:30pm S102 Lansdowne Campus

31 October 9am – 10am S102 Lansdowne Campus

Please book a place if you would like to attend by following this link

External Staff Profile Page to be updated

The BU External Staff Profile pages are being updated on Thursday, 6th September and will be unavailable from 16.00 to 22.00 hours.

The URL links for individual staff pages will be shortened and will reflect the ‘link’ icon within a staff page.  The ‘link’ icon will then become active.

External Profile Pages

The external staff profile pages that existed before BRIAN will be removed from the BU web site on Monday, 3rd September.  These have only been available internally for the last two months.  External visitors to the web site have been directed to the new staff profile pages since the introduction of BRIAN.

To find out how to improve your external profile page, please visit the guidance available for using BRIAN and how this populates your external profile page.  You can find user guides and short videos here.

BRIAN – more reliable than the British summer

BU launched its new publications management system, BRIAN (Bournemouth Research Information and Networking), this week.  Over 300 of you have already logged in and input information.  BRIAN provides a facility to quickly and easily update your research activity in one place, which enables research information to be used in multiple places.

For those of you who have been inputting your information into BRIAN, you should now see your external profile pages taking shape.  Your profile pages will allow you to promote yourself for potential research collaborations, research grants and enterprise opportunities.  It will also provide a search function for staff to find out about potential collaborative opportunities with colleagues from across BU, and so the more staff update their profiles, the greater the opportunity for collaboration and seeing the benefits of BRIAN.

Don’t forget to look at the user guides in my earlier blogs.  Also, there is help available in the RDU for all things BRIAN related: BRIAN@bournemouth.ac.uk

Some of the features soon to be added to BRIAN: Grants; REF; improved PhD Student information – watch this space!

BRIAN – Full Text items in BURO now accessible

All full text articles in BURO can now be accessed via BRIAN.  You can view these via the ‘Full Text’ tab within your BRIAN publications screen.  Where there is a full text article for a publication, a number will appear on the tab, i.e. ‘Full Text (1)’.

In order to comply with BU’s Academic Publications Policy on Open Access, academics are responsible for uploading their research outputs, including full text articles. See page 5 of BRIAN – Quick Start Guide v1 to see how to deposit full text articles into BURO via BRIAN.  For further information on the publications policy, please contact the BURO staff.


BRIAN is popular

I’m pleased to announce that 278 staff have logged into BRIAN in the first three days of it going live.

RDU have offered support to staff for uploading photos and edited chapters.  We have additional support available in the office now and so please do send through your information whilst this support is available.  It will also improve your external profile quickly.  All requests should go to BRIAN@bournemouth.ac.uk

Yesterday, I made available a BU specific BRIAN – Quick Start Guide v1,  BRIAN – Trouble-shooting Guide for Search Settings and BU Staff External Web Pages.  A read through of these should answer the majority of your questions but if they don’t then please contact BRIAN@bournemouth.ac.uk.  Short videos on some of the more frequent functions of BRIAN will soon be available.

BRIAN – Full text articles

The functionality to upload full text articles is available in BRIAN.  However, the import from BURO is still taking place and so your existing full text articles will not yet show in BRIAN.  Please do not upload any full text articles just yet as this information may be populated once BURO and BRIAN have finished the upload.

Once this import has been completed, I will provide details on how to upload full text articles.

Thank you for your patience.

BRIAN – Edited Chapters

Any edited chapters that were previously input into BURO will have been imported into BRIAN.

If you have edited chapters that are new or were not previously in BURO then these will need to be manually input into BRIAN as online databases do not currently offer this service.  Google Books may be able to find some meta data for the book itself, but not completely for chapters.  Therefore, if you only have a few edited chapters then it would be appreciated if you could manually input these into BRIAN.  Click on ‘Add new Chapter’ and then ‘Skip this step and go straight to manual entry’.  You will then need to input the details of the edited chapter and remember to save.

If you have more than a few edited chapters that were not previously in BURO then RDU will manually input these into BRIAN for you during this launch period.  If you require RDU to input your edited chapters, please supply the following information:

  • Relationship type: ‘Author’, ‘Editor’, or ‘Translator’
  • Title
  • Authors last name and initials
  • Editors last name and initials
  • Chapter number

There are a number of other fields that you can view following the instructions above.  If you have the information for these fields and can provide them to RDU then we will also input these.  Please send your edited chapter information to BRIAN@bournemouth.ac.uk and mark the subject field as ‘Edited Chapters’.

BRIAN continues to develop functionality to search other online databases so the ability to search for chapters may be forthcoming in the future.

BRIAN User Guides

The BRIAN full user guide is available once you have logged on to BRIAN and will shortly be available through the staff intranet.

There are two other helpful guides available on BRIAN.  The quick start guide will help you get started and the trouble-shooting guide will help you refine your search setting:

BRIAN – Quick Start Guide v1 – this has been updated with further information about publication management.

BRIAN – Trouble-shooting Guide for Search Settings

There is a short guide to the staff external web pages, which can be found here: BU Staff External Web Pages

BRIAN – External Profile

BU External Staff Web Pages

The BU external staff web pages can be found here: http://staffprofiles.bournemouth.ac.uk   Clicking on this link will take you to the home page. 

You do not need to log in and so please ignore the ‘log in’ at the top of the screen.

Input a surname in full into the ‘Search’ box and click on ‘Search’.  You will then be presented with matches for that surname and you should select the one you want.

The profile for the selected person will appear.  All information presented has been imported from BRIAN (Bournemouth Research Information and Networking) and so you cannot amend information here.  If you wish to make changes to the information within your profile then the majority of this will be done through BRIAN.  Any changes that are made on BRIAN will be uploaded overnight.

If you wish to amend your name then this must be done through HR.  You can request a change through ‘Update your contact details’ on the staff intranet home page.

There are a number of graphs and charts automatically populated within the external staff web pages.  The publications chart is based solely on your publications entered into BRIAN.  The ‘co-author network’ and ‘Map of Science’ are currently being reviewed to see how useful these may be.

Your previous staff profile can be found either through your academic school pages or by typing in the following address and writing your username at the end.  These will be available to you for the next three weeks only.  All external queries on the BU web site will be directed to your new profile page.


More information will follow on how best to present your publications.

BRIAN is here

BRIAN has worked hard all weekend and has now imported all data that we hold, as well as information for external data sources.  We will switch on the email alerts at 10.15am today and so the majority of you will receive an alert to tell you that you have publications pending.  There are a few things to note and so please read the rest of this Blog.

Can I ask that you all take the time to read through the user guides available on BRIAN?  These can be found in BRIAN and by clicking the ‘help’ button at the top right-hand side of the screen.  Ideally, you should read the full guide before using BRIAN but there is a ‘Quick start guide’ for those with limited time.  Whilst it might seem easier to just send me a quick email, when 300 of you do it, I won’t be able to send you a quick answer.  The user guides are straightforward and should answer all of your questions.

The Grants are still being imported from RED and should be completed this week.  Therefore, you do not need to manually add any BU grants.  However, if you wish to input grants received at previous institutions then you can do this.  Instructions are available in the full user guide.

You can input your keywords into BRIAN.  These aren’t yet linked to the external profile pages but will be resolved shortly.

RDU circulated an email last week to all those who did not have a photo on their academic profile page, and asked these staff to submit a photo if they wanted one to appear on their new profile page.  If you would like to change your existing photo, please ensure that it is between 250 x 250 and 350 x 350 pixels in size and be saved as username.thumbnail.jpg  For consistency these need to be a head and shoulders shot please.  Photos should be sent to BRIAN@bournemouth.ac.uk

The external profile pages can be found here: http://staffprofiles.bournemouth.ac.uk/  Please note that you do not have to log in.  Just enter your surname (this must be spelt out in full) in the ‘search’ box and press ‘search’.  All graduate students will have a profile on here and so should follow the same instructions as above.  You do not need to click on the ‘graduate student’ link as we have not connected this up yet.

There will be more useful information coming out about BRIAN this week and so keep reading the Blog for the latest news.