The EC announced at the high-level EU Sustainable Energy for All summit a new EU energy initiative which will provide access to sustainable energy for an additional 500 million people in developing countries by 2030.
The proposed EU Technical Assistance Facility will provide EU expertise in the sustainable energy field. This will promote sustainable development and inclusive growth and will include a new EU Technical Assistance Facility, worth EUR 50 million over the next two years.
Tagged / EC
The future of EU Energy funding

Forthcoming info days and key networking conferences…
FP7 Information Day on The Ocean of Tomorrow
Brussels, 6th June
The European Commission will be holding an information day on “The Ocean of Tomorrow 2013” call on 6 June 2012 in Brussels. The information day will be aimed at those interested in the applying to “The Ocean of Tomorrow 2013” cross-thematic call. The event is the day before the information day for the 2013 Environment calls, which will allow people to attend both information days, if desired.
Registration is not open yet; more information is available on this leaflet.
2012 European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative Conference
Brussels, 5th June
The aim of the conference is to make the EIBI better known to the various biofuels stakeholders. Stakeholders along the whole biofuels value chains will be invited to attend the conference. Details will be published on the EBTP website as soon as they are available. Registration will begin in early May.
Conference on Energy Efficient Buildings and Districts: Research to Accelerate Innovation
Brussels, 15th May
The Energy Efficient Buildings Association (E2BA) is promoting an industry driven research, demonstration and innovation (RDI) programme for energy-efficient buildings and districts, with the ambitious vision that all European buildings and districts will be designed, built or renovated to high energy efficiency standards by 2050. Its 150 members come from industry, research organisations, SMEs, public promoters and agencies. E2BA is currently developing a new Roadmap for RDI priorities in the energy efficient built environment field for the period 2014-2020 and beyond.
Seventh European Photovoltaic Technology Platform
Amsterdam, 19th June
The conference will zoom into the challenges and opportunities of the European photovoltaic (PV) industry sector related to manufacturing as well as large-scale deployment. It will show how PV can continue to contribute to innovation and economic development in Europe when supported by adequate policies and measures.Innovation approaches, transition from incentive-driven to self-sustained markets for PV as well as long term scenarios will be analysed by selected representatives of the European Parliament, the Dutch government and world leading players of the PV industry.
EU funding available in the hard sciences for research, networking, visits and conference attendance
FP7 Artemis call for proposals: Funding supports industry-driven research projects in the field of embedded computing systems which aim to design, develop and deploy interoperable, cost-effective, powerful safe and secure electronics and software systems. The budget for this call is approximately €138.73 million and the financial contribution of the programme will be 16.7 per cent of eligible costs. Projects are expected to last for up to three years. Closing date 06.09.12
ESF Research conferences scheme: Grants support high-level research conferences lasting for three to four days in ESF member organisation countries. Closing date 15.09.12
ESF Earthtime – the European contribution short visit and exchange grants: Grants should foster collaboration between European researchers working on topics relevant to geochronology and stratigraphy. Short visit grants provide €85 per day over a maximum of two weeks. Exchange grants provide €400 per week over a maximum of three months. Both awards provide actual travel expenses, worth up to €500. No deadline.
Intelligent Energy Europe free online support session next week
The excellent service providers Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) will be holding online support sessions on Wednesday 25th April at 2.30pm and Friday 27th April at 2.30pm.
The session on Wednesday 25th April will be on the subject of Costing your IEE Proposal and the session on Friday 27th April will be on the IEE Award Criteria – and how to address them effectively.
If you would like to join one or both of these sessions please email indicating which session/s you would like to join and you will be sent the telephone conference call dial in details and the weblink where you will be able to view the slides.
The online support sessions will provide you with a comprehensive and interactive presentation on key aspects of the IEE proposal preparation and submission process and an opportunity to ask questions. The feedback from those that have taken part in the sessions has been very positive and it only takes a small amount of time away from your proposal preparation work which should save you time in the long run. They will be referring to the material from these sessions when they undertake the proposal review process so it is recommended that you take part in the sessions in order to understand the messages fully.
Please contact the EU Energy Focus team with your questions on IEE and refer to the IEE factsheets on subjects including costing your IEE proposal and impact.
Want to help direct the topic of future EC funding? Then get involved in consultations
The European Commission has recently launched various consultations on a range of topics including policy options to safeguard Europe’s waters; interoperability of digital products and services state aid for films and other audiovisual work; protecting the EU’s financial interest and enhancing prosecutions; financial support for energy efficiency in buildings; and on gender imbalance in corporate boards.
The Consultation on Environment Policy Priorities for 2020, Consultation on Future Network Technologies and Consultation on Blue Growth – Sustainable Growth from the Oceans, Seas and Coasts are all directly related to deciding funding priorities for Horizon 2020.
This is your chance to get involved and start shaping the future of EU funded research. Have a look on the Your Voice website and get your voice heard.
FP7 Health: Virtual Match Making Event

FP7 Transport Information Day and Networking Event for the 2013 Work Programme Calls

EC funding for the ‘Development of Knowledge Alliances’

Knowledge Alliances are structured partnerships aimed at stimulating innovation by bringing together businesses and higher education institutions. Knowledge Alliances should foster the role of Higher Education institutions as engines of innovation, through the flow and active exchange of knowledge between higher education and business, in turn leading to the development of long-term strategic partnerships between Higher Education Institutions and companies. These partnerships should support companies in providing new approaches to the professional development of their staff. Knowledge Alliances should also provide incentives to try out new and innovative teaching methods, to promote entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial mindsets, to foster the generation of new ideas and interdisciplinarity through co-operation. The deadline is June 28th.
UKRO have also released an article giving further detail on the call and the application process which you can access here.
International partnering event for research and innovation in health and agrofood
An international partnering event for research projects in the FP7 Health and Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnologies (FAFB, also known as Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy or KBBE) themes will take place in Basel, Switzerland, on 26 and 27 June 2012. The partnering event offers an opportunity for UK researchers to meet potential European partners in order to set up projects and build consortia for the final FP7 Health and KBBE calls (which are expected to be published in around mid-July 2012).
Participants can register on the event website and submit a profile describing an offer or request, then all the participants’ profiles will be assessed and published on the site. The online catalogue can then be consulted and meetings booked with other participants. Prior to the event, each participant will receive an individual meeting schedule.
The programme includes company visits, a networking dinner plenary session on research and innovation issues in the life sciences, parallel pitch presentation of companies in health and agro-food and pre-arranged partnering meetings. The event is organised by the Euresearch organisation in Switzerland, along with the Fit for Health and BIO-Net networks and the Enterprise Europe Network.
EU funding for ‘Youth in the World’

Its objectives are as follows:
- to improve the mobility of young people and youth workers, as well as youth employability;
- to promote youth empowerment and active participation;
- to foster capacity-building for youth organisations and structures in order to contribute to civil society development;
- to promote co-operation and the exchange of experience and good practice in the field of youth and non-formal education;
- to contribute to the development of youth policies, youth work and the voluntary sector; and
- to develop sustainable partnerships and networks between youth organisations.
Projects must start between 1 September 2012 and 31 December 2012, with a minimum duration of six months and a maximum duration of 12 months. The deadline is May 15th and all the documentation you need is on the EACEA website.
URGENT! Your chance to get involved in EC policy (and therefore funding priority) setting!

The call for expressions of interest is targeted at researchers of all ages, nationalities and disciplines and it is hoped that 20 candidates will be appointed to advise on policy issues such as:
- Defining the researchers’ role and contribution to global societal challenges;
- Improving the career prospects and working conditions of researchers in Europe;
- Strengthening the social prestige and recognition of researchers; and
- Developing new, interactive communication channels between researchers and the Commission.
Selected candidates will be invited to a brainstorming session on 23 April 2012. This is an excellent opportunity for researchers to provide input into future policy. To apply you have to answer 4 questions with no more than a 150 word answer for each in an online expression of interest , but the deadline is Thursday (15th March) so be quick!
Looking for FP7 Health partners or attending an infoday? Then this is unmissable!
Fit for Health and Health-NCP-Net are organising a partnering event in Brussels on 30.05.12 for the next FP7 Health Call for Proposals, due to be published in July 2012.
The main aim of the event is to facilitate consortium building for future bids to the FP7 Health Theme. The day will mainly consist of bilateral meetings which will be arranged between groups interested in the same topics of the forthcoming FP7 Health Call for Proposals.
The European Commission will also hold an infoday on the Call the day before the brokerage event on 29.05.12 which is essential for finding out more about the Call and meeting potential partners.
Interested in Media or IT? Then these new Calls for Proposals may be of interest…
MEDIA 2007: The EC has launched a call for proposals for the provision of training under the MEDIA 2007 Programme. One of the measures to be implemented under this Decision involves improving the continuous vocational training of professionals in the audiovisual sector, so as to give them the know-how and skills needed to create competitive products on the European and other markets. The call for proposals EACEA/5/12 is the last continuous training call to be launched under MEDIA 2007 and offers a two-year framework partnership agreement. The deadline is 16 April 2012.
CIP-ICT PSP: The EC has launched the 2012 CIP-ICT PSP call under the Information and Communication Technologies Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) which is part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (2007 to 2013). There are a number of funding opportunities available including pilot work and thematic networks. The deadline is 15.05.12 and the indicative budget is 127m Euros.
New EC website with listings of current projects
The EC has set up a new page on its Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) website with an overview of projects funded under the Framework Programme.
The new webpage shows which projects have been funded both under FP7 and previous Framework programmes and will provide a broader range of material to a wider audience. The new depository will include:
- project details such as description, funding, programme;
- project results such as documents, reports, summaries;
- links;
- publications;
- multimedia; and
- information and details on project participants.
This will be a key resource for you to find future collaborators – take a look at who has been funded before and get in contact with them 🙂
Marie Curie deadline dates for 2012 & 2013
I am delighted so many of you found our workshop on submitting a Marie Curie proposal today so useful; the feedback I have already received has been great. I wanted to remind you of the deadline for 2012 calls under this scheme and to prewarn you about call dates anticipated for next year.
- Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways: 19.04.12 & 15.01.13
- Intra-European Fellowships: 16.08.12 & 14.08.13
- International Incoming Fellowships: 16.08.12 & 14.08.13
- International Outgoing Fellowships: 16.08.12 & 14.08.13
- COFUND: 05.12.12
- International Research Staff Exchange Scheme: 17.01.13
- Career Integration Grants: 18.09.12 & 07.03.13 & 05.09.13
- Initial Training Networks: 22.11.13
- Researchers’ Night: 10.01.13
For details about all of these schemes, please consult your Simple Guide to EC Funding (and get in touch with me if you haven’t received your copy). Remember to all of you who attended Martin’s Marie Curie training workshop last week, you are entitled to have him review your submission for this on one occasion. He is in very high demand so to ensure you don’t miss out on this great offer, get your draft to him early and let him know you will be contacting him for a review as early as possible.
Also, as we have had several successes with Marie Curie Fellowships at BU, we will be hosting a special RPRS review service for you, so make sure you take full advantage of all the services we can offer you to help you be successful.
New EC Justice website and funding
DG Justice has a new and improved websitewhich now has two particularly useful new pages: one containing an oversight of its 6 funding programmes, and one summarising open calls for grant proposals.
There are also separate web pages giving details of each of the funding programmes, including Daphne III, the Civil Justice Programme, the Criminal Justice Programme and the Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme. Currently open calls with forthcoming deadlines are:
- Daphne III Operating Grants (deadline: 15 February 2012, 12:00 Brussels time);
- Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Action Grants (deadline: 13 March 2012, 12:00 Brussels time);
- Criminal Justice Action Grants (deadline: 20 March 2012, 12:00 Brussels time);
- Daphne III Action Grants (deadline: 29 March 2012, 12:00 Brussels time);
- Civil Justice Action Grants (deadline: 3 April 2012, 12:00 Brussels time)
Linked to Horizon 2020 changes, the 6 Programmes within DG Justice will be condensed to just two:
- Justice Programme: concerned with judicial co-operation in civil and criminal matters (€472m budget)
- Rights & Citizenship Programme concerned with the development of an area of freedom, security and justice, by promoting and supporting the effective implementation of a Europe of rights (€439m budget)
To complement this, DG Home Affairs are replacing their current schemes with an Asylum & Migration Fund (worth €3.9b) and a Internal Security Fund (worth €4.65b).
DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion are launching a Programme for Social Change and Innovation . This contains three Programmes: Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity (worth €574m), European Employment Services (worth €143.7m) and European Progress Microfinance Facility (worth €191.6m).
Why not take a few minutes to have a peek…?
EC funding for anti-corruption network
The Directorate-General for Home Affairs invites proposals for the provision of technical assistance and support for establishing and coordinating a network of local research correspondents on corruption. The tenderer will coordinate the collection and processing of up-to-date, objective and reliable relevant information within the network and the analyses regarding the state of play of anti-corruption policies in EU member states. Funding is worth approximately €4 million over 48 months. For more info see their website.