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BU Researcher Development Programme – April/May/June 2012


Sessions for the BU Researcher Development Programme from April to June 2012 are below. Booking is essential as places are limited – details of how to book are listed under each session.

Statistics Surgeries: Individual statistics advice with Dr John Beavis

 Time Management

  • Outline: During this workshop we will identify the major drains on your time or energies and explore different tools to structure your use of time and resources.  We will consider different ways to assess priorities, to deal with timewasters and with deadlines.  The course will also allow participates to develop their own work-life balance and to reflect on how they choose to spend their time.
  • Date: Wednesday 2 May 2012
  • Time: 09.30 am – 12.30 pm
  • Room: PG22, Talbot Campus
  • Facilitator: Margaret Collins (external visitor)
  • Booking: graduateschool@bournemouth.ac.uk  There are limited places available for this workshop, so book early to avoid disappointment!

Time Management

  • Outline: As Above
  • Date: Wednesday 2 May 2012
  • Time: 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm
  • Room: PG22, Talbot
  • Facilitator: Margaret Collins (external visitor)
  • Booking: graduateschool@bournemouth.ac.uk There are limited places available for this workshop, so book early to avoid disappointment!

 Manage, Influence and Motivate!

  • Outline: This workshop will outline the principles of behavioural communication styles. Behavioural traits influence how we communicate, how we behave, what motivates us and what makes us turn on our heels and go home!  We will explore basic components of communication including listening skills and the power of body language.  These principles will support teambuilding and facilitate skills for developing and motivating staff appropriately.
  • Date: Thursday 3  May 2012
  • Time: 09.30 am  – 4.30 pm (lunch will be provided!)
  • Room: TAG22, Talbot Annex, Talbot Campus
  • Facilitator: Margaret Collins (external visitor)
  • Booking: graduateschool@bournemouth.ac.uk There are limited places available for this workshop, so book early to avoid disappointment!

Preparing for your Viva

  • Outline: Getting yourself prepared for your viva voce?
  • Date: Wednesday 16 May 2012
  • Time: 09:30 – 11:30 am
  • Room: PG22 Poole House, Talbot Campus
  • Facilitator: Dr Heather Hartwell
  • Booking: graduateschool@bournemouth.ac.uk

Public Engagement Workshop

  • Outline:  The workshop will look at What Public Engagement is; Why does it matter?; How to do it: Engagement in practice; Internal support for creating a supportive environment for engagement
  • Date: Wednesday 23 May 2012
  • Time: 9.30 am – 11.30 am
  • Room: PG22
  • Facilitator: Dr Rebecca Edwards
  • Booking: graduateschool@bournemouth.ac.uk

Practice-Led Research

  • Outline: What are the fundamentals of practice-led research?
  • Date: Wednesday 23 May 2012
  • Time: 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
  • Room: PG22 Poole House, Talbot Campus
  • Facilitator: Dr Stephen Bell and Associate Professor Neal White
  • Booking: graduateschool@bournemouth.ac.uk

 Academic Writing Skills Course

  • Outline: This workshop covers essential good practice in writing, editing techniques and methods of improving organisation
  • Date: Monday 18 June 2012
  • Time: 09.30 am – 4.30 pm (lunch will be provided)
  • Room: P401, Poole House, Talbot Campus
  • Facilitator: Sue Mitchell (external visitor)
  • Booking: graduateschool@bournemouth.ac.uk  There are limited places available for this workshop, so book early to avoid disappointment!

Academic Writing Skills Course

  • Outline: This workshop covers essential good practice in writing, editing techniques and methods of improving organisation
  • Date: Tuesday 19 June 2012
  • Time: 09.30 am – 4.30 pm (lunch will be provided)
  • Room: EBC704, Executive Business Centre, Lansdowne Campus
  • Facilitator: Sue Mitchell (external visitor)
  • Booking: graduateschool@bournemouth.ac.uk There are limited places available for this workshop, so book early to avoid disappointment!

Details of further workshops coming soon!

Details will be published on the BU Research Blog, so subscribe today to the BU Research Blog to keep in touch with current events to avoid the disappointment of missing out!

BU’s Professor Keith Brown announced as speaker at first National MCA/DOLS Conference

Professor Keith Brown, Director of the Centre for Post Qualifying Social Work at BU, has been added to the list of speakers at the Mental Capacity Act Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (MCA/DOLS) conference.

The national conference, which is the first of its kind, will focus on the current industry after MCA and DOLS legislation has been put in place.

Professor Keith BrownExhibitions from agencies and organisations will be displayed at the conference to further contribute to the knowledge of attendees. The day will be filled with presentations and various discussion groups around relevant topical issues.

Discussions will focus on whether the legislation has made a difference, the issues people are still experiencing and what still needs to be done to raise awareness and get people thinking about MCA/ DOLS.

The conference will be held on Tuesday 28 February 2012 at Inmarsat Conference Centre, London.

For more information or to book a place, please contact Denise Whickman at denise.whickman@sept.nhs.uk

Be Bold – Host an Event or Conference at BU!

Professor Alan Fyall, Deputy Dean Research & Enterprise in the School of Tourism encourages staff to consider hosting an event.

In recent weeks the School of Tourism has hosted a number of events including the Seventh International Conference on Culinary Arts and Science, the Third Conference of the International Association for Tourism Economics and a workshop on Context-Based Services led by PhD students from the John Kent Institute of Tourism. Although such events are hard work, require much planning and last-minute stress, they represent a valuable opportunity to attract academics from across the UK and beyond to BU. If you have not considered hosting such an event, think again as BU provides a good level of support, something that was not the case a few years back. Why not ……………

  • Start small with a one-day workshop or similar event with staff who have undertaken an event before
  • Build up to a two-day event or conference with extended abstracts and/or external speakers, possibly in association with other universities or external bodies
  • Graduate to a fully-refereed academic conference, possibly with sponsorship from other universities, professional bodies or research councils, with publishers and journal editors present
  • Start an international association, as happened with the International Association for Tourism Economics which formalises what in reality are loose informal gatherings of like-minded academics with a passion for their subject

If you do decide to take the plunge and host one of the above, from experience I can assure you that Bournemouth has much to offer as a conference destination. We often tend to mock our own location and imagine that everybody else does it better. Simply not true! In addition, we have the distinct advantage of being geographically close to all the major publishers in Oxford so invite them, look after them and work with them in expanding the publication opportunities for you and your colleagues. Not only does their appearance guarantee additional delegates, especially from overseas, but it serves to raise the quality threshold of what you are trying to achieve from your event through association with leading international organisations. Also, always plan what outputs you are seeking in the early stages of your event planning as, for example, editors of journals are always seeking new themes for special issues! Finally, although they are hard work, events are great fun and can serve as the platform for new friendships, writing relationships and the foundations for future research grant applications ….. and funding, for that next conference!

Lecture Series – Reminder “Saving the Sound – Spreading the Word”

A reminder that Professor Sean Street will be holding a lecture “Saving the Sound – Spreading the Word” on Wednesday 8 June with registration from 5 pm at the EBC.

Despite the fact that the recording of sound and image is a relatively young science, the capacity and potential for electronic media to act as both chronicle and witness to our lives is enormous. The Centre for Broadcasting History Research in the Media School at Bournemouth University, has been working to save, preserve and digitise archives in a wide variety of forms, as well acquiring  paper collections relating to media regulation and history, for more than 10 years. In this lecture I want to argue that these are the new historical documents of our time, as important in their own way as the precious texts and artefacts preserved in our national archives, museums and libraries.

 There remains however in some cases the issue of making these valuable collections more widely available; matters relating to intellectual property rights restrict how much and how widely we can ‘spread the word’. There will come a time when such access is easier than it is today; in the meantime, it is important that we concentrate on preservation, and continue to enhance our teaching and learning as much as possible with these precious recordings. It is our responsibility as custodians on behalf of future generations, to ensure that the voice of the yesterday and today is saved securely, in order that it can provide a vital witness for tomorrow’s educational experience at every level.

Further details can also be found on the Research Blog’s Upcoming Events and the University’s Lecture Series Webpage