We have been waiting for this announcement all year and I am delighted it is finally here! All calls can be found now, in their final versions, on the EC webpages!
Tagged / horizon 2020
Get involved with EU Joint Technology Initiatives to get more funding and partners
The EC has published proposals for Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in the form of Joint Technology Initiatives. As these PPPs have academics, industry and other key stakeholders involved, they are a great way to get into EU funding. Linking up with those involved in JTIs will also help you set the direction of future funding calls. It is anticipated that calls will be made in Spring 2014 and the Joint Technology Initiatives are below.
- Aeronautics and Air Transport (Clean Sky 2): focuses on developing a new generation of aircraft with noise reduction and lower emissions.
- Innovative Medicines: focuses on developing the next generation of vaccines, medicines and treatments.
- Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2: focuses on significantly reducing the cost of fuel cell systems for transport and increase efficiency of fuel cells for power production.
- Electronic Components and Systems for EU Leadership: focuses on securing the supply of key technologies underpinning innovation in all sectors of the EUs economy and ensuring the best use of such technologies to accelerate economic growth.
- Bio-Based Industry: focuses on developing new high value bio-based end products from raw materials.
- Single EU Sky ATM research: focuses on modernising air traffic management in Europe, overcoming current fragmentation.
Wondering where your favourite EC funding scheme has gone…?
Well wonder no more! Research Professional has produced this very handy map to show you where your favourite scheme under FP7 now sits under Horizon 2020.
Become an evaluator for Horizon 2020
Horizon 2020 is now seeking Evaluators. Don’t worry, they don’t expect you to be an expert in the calls or even to have won funding. Just to be an expert in your subject area.
Registering to be an expert has lots of value – you could get paid to evaluate and monitor projects or evaluate calls for proposals under the schemes. Indeed, becoming an EC evaluator is a fantastic experience; it not only helps you learn what the EC are looking for in proposals, but also enables you to travel to Brussels and network with other reviewers to start forming collaborations yourself.
It’s really simple to sign up, you just pop your details in the form (which isn’t very long) and when an appropriate call or proposal comes up, they will ask if you can review it. If you can’t, you simply let them know and you are not obliged to. You also get until December 2020 to sign up to be a reviewer if you aren’t quite ready yet!
You will get paid a day rate to do the review plus travel and subsistence and you can also still apply for the funding scheme if you are registered as a reviewer (although for a specific call you apply to, you would have to declare a conflict of interest).
More info can be found here
Draft Work Programmes on Horizon 2020 now officially available!

Get the dates for H2020 calls all this week!
Another reason I am very grateful BU subscribes to Research Professional is that they really listen to what universities need. Starting this week, they will publish the Horizon 2020 calls on their database, based on the draft proposals. Make sure you don’t miss a single one, by customising your account – its takes one minute and you will receive one email a week. If you get stuck when trying to customise it, just give your RKE Operations Officer or Jo Garrad a call and we will talk you through it.
Horizon 2020 info days are here!
As you any of you regular EU section readers will know, attending the info days for EU funding is essential. Not only do you get the insider knowledge on what’s coming up, but you get to mingle with the National Contact Points and other useful source of information and help but also you get to network with loads of other people with similar research interests!
There are a few info days coming up and I recommend that if you are thinking of submitting to any of the related themes, that you dedicate the time to going.
Horizon 2020 Climate Action calls and info day slides!
The orientation paper for Societal Challenge 5: Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials call has been published!
If you work in this area, reading this document will provide you with the expected main topics of the 2014 work programme so is a key resource at this early stage! The presentations from the info day which recently took place in Brussels are also available for anyone who couldn’t make it.
EC Info Days – Interested in EC Climate and Environment Work Programme for 2014?
Interested in EC Climate and Environment Work Programme for 2014?
An InfoDay for those interested in the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 5: Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials is happening on 12th November 2013. The event aims to highlight the novelties of the 2014-2015 Work Programme and will provide guidance on the preparation and submission of proposals. This InfoDay covers only 2014 topics. A seperate InfoDay for 2015 topics will be organised at a later stage.
Although registration to attend the event is closed you can still watch this event online. Please see the agenda at the link below as there are various sessions addressing specific elements of the forthcoming Work Programme.
Further details:
Last Minute 1-2-1 Appointments Available Today with Martin Pickard – 24th October!

If you feel you would benefit from a ‘face to face’ meeting with Martin in relation to any bid/proposal you are currently working on please contact me Dianne Goodman Today!
Martin currently has the following appointments available on the 24th of October at the following times at Lansdowne Campus:
- 10:45am – 11:30am
- 14:45pm – 15:30pm
Appointments are approx 45 minutes long
- Martin Pickard
With a career background in both Academia and Industry Dr. Martin Pickard of Grantcraft is a specialist in writing and supporting research grant applications and tenders as well as providing administrative and management support services for ongoing projects. During the last 20 years Martin has worked extensively across Europe with a large number of universities, and research institutes as well as industrial firms, ranging from small SME’s to major international companies.
Martin is providing individual 1-2-1 surgeries with any BU academic staff member and works individually and confidentiality with each Principal Investigator as the project is structured and prepared in order to optimize the application documentation from every aspect of the Funders perspective; guiding, steering and showing how to optimize the application throughout the bid process.
Academics at BU who have undertaken his guidance have stated:
‘his support and direction was invaluable – Martin gave me some pragmatic suggestions which really helped to shape the bid. His eye for detail made the document much easier to read and the message much clearer. I was very grateful for his input’ Assoc. Prof Heather Hartwell School of Tourism.
The process, although labour intensive, works; with a proven historical average success rates of close to 1 in 2 against norms of (1 in 8 to 1 in 10)
Book Now through me Dianne Goodman – Martin’s appointments are always popular.
Energy related funding in Horizon 2020 – webinars to tell you all!
EU Energy Focus are hosting some free webinars to provide further info on energy related calls in Horizon 2020. As its only 8 weeks til the calls are released, these are a fantastic opportunity to learn more about what’s coming up: The webinar programme is as follows:
1. Energy in Horizon 2020 Introduction to Horizon 2020 and the Energy funding priorities www.eventsforce.net/h2020-1 | Wednesday 23rd October 1pm |
2. Energy Efficiency Buildings and Consumers, Heating and Cooling www.eventsforce.net/h2020-2 | Tuesday 5th November 12.30pm |
3. Energy Efficiency Heating and Cooling, Industry and Products www.eventsforce.net/h2020-3 | Friday 8th November 12.30pm |
4. Energy Efficiency Finance for Sustainable Energy www.eventsforce.net/h2020-4 | Tuesday 12th November 12.30pm |
5. Low Carbon Energy Research and demonstration for renewables plus market uptake, innovation and Coordination and Support Actions www.eventsforce.net/h2020-5 | Thursday 14th November 12.30pm |
6. Low Carbon Energy Research and demonstration for grids, storage, biofuels, CCS plus market uptake, innovation and Coordination and Support Actions www.eventsforce.net/h2020-6 | Wednesday 20th November 12.30pm |
7. Smart Cities and Communities www.eventsforce.net/h2020-7 | Friday 22nd November 12.30pm |
October is still EU-tastic!!
EU funding remains a bit of an enigma for most people and this month I have organised some sessions to help demystify this for you, especially as the calls are due to be released on December 11th! Two have already been held and the slides from these can be found on our I drive.
Health in Horizon 2020: The European Commission National Contact Point for Health – Dr Octavio Pernas made a special trip to BU on October 7th to inform anyone interested in health research (from nursing care models to medical devices) of what to look out for under Horizon 2020 and expanding on other complementary funding programmes. The session detailed how you can make the most of the National Contact Points to help with your application. Slides from this presentation are available here: I:\R&KEO\Public\RDU\European Related\Horizon 2020\Health in H2020 Presentation.
All things Horizon 2020: Bournemouth subscribes to information services from the fabulous UK Research Office (UKRO) and for many years they have been providing us with the latest EU information on funding calls, policy and providing advice on how to make a great application. Their visit on October 9th told us in simple terms what is coming up in Horizon 2020 and how we can make the most of their subscription services. Slides from this presentation are available here: I:\R&KEO\Public\RDU\European Related\Horizon 2020\UKRO H2020 presentation
Our remaining two sessions tell you how to write a successful grant – there are a couple of spaces left on each session, so if you are interested please do book on quickly to be guaranteed a place.
1. All things Marie Curie
You can’t fail to have heard me saying how wonderful these fellowships are and how pleased I am that they will feature in Horizon 2020. These grants are absolutely the best way to kick start your EU career and you only need one non-UK partner to apply. You can either apply to have an academic come to the university from another country or you can go to another country as part of the fellowship scheme. You can have a fellowship with an academic or with an industrial partner and you can even apply for entire departments to be involved in exchanges. I’m proud of how engaged BU colleagues are with Marie Curie and the grants we already hold from this scheme. The session is divided into two parts with both being held on October 16th. The first is a brief intro to the schemes and the second is a more detailed session on how to approach and structure your bid. You can book your place for either session here.
2. The tricks of writing a winning Horizon 2020 proposal
Having already had sessions providing you with an overview of the various funding opportunities within Horizon 2020, you need to know the tricks of writing a winning bid. Writing bids for the European Commission is quite a different skill to writing for UK funders and this session on October 17th will guide you through the journey. We’ve had some fantastic feedback from this session in the past and attending will help get you on the right path to create your proposal. You can book your place for the information session here.
Horizon 2020 is coming early!
The EC has announced an indicative timetable for Horizon 2020, with the adoption of the work programme and publication of the first calls for proposals on the 11th December 2013. If all goes to plan, the European Council and the Parliament will formally approve the H2020 legislative package in November/December, allowing the adoption of H2020’s work programmes and publication of the first calls.
Don’t forget that we still have spaces on our EU training sessions this month to help you identify funding and write a super application!
We also have indicators of calls coming up in Horizon 2020 placed on our I drive as this is strictly confidential and not to be circulated outside of BU – I:\R&KEO\Public\RDU\European Related\Horizon 2020\Draft Work Programmes 2013
October is EU-tastic! The four sessions which give you all the EU funding info you need!
EU funding remains a bit of an enigma for most people. I remember how overwhelming I found it when I first began to unpick the tangle of the different funding strands, rules of participation, deadlines and conditions.Thankfully you don’t need to suffer in the same way. Horizon 2020 will be released soon (the replacement for FP7 and worth tens of billions of Euros) and I am here to guide you through it. As well as a Simple Guide to Horizon 2020 funding which I will release in early 2014 to demystify the funding schemes for you, I have arranged for four sessions to be held at BU in October to give you all the resources you need for your EU journey.
The European Commission National Contact Point for Health – Dr Octavio Pernas madea special trip to BU on October 7th to inform anyone interested in health research (from nursing care models to medical devices) of what to look out for under Horizon 2020 and expanding on other complementary funding programmes. The session detailed how you can make the most of the National Contact Points to help with your application. Slides from this presentation are available here: I:\R&KEO\Public\RDU\European Related\Horizon 2020\Health in H2020 Presentation.
2. All things Horizon 2020 and 1-2-1s with UKRO
Bournemouth subscribes to information services from the fabulous UK Research Office (UKRO) and for many years they have been providing us with the latest EU information on funding calls, policy and providing advice on how to make a great application.
They will be visiting on October 9th to tell you in simple terms what Horizon 2020 is, the areas which will be funded within it and how you can make the most of UKRO by help with finding partners and gathering key bits of information. The two hour session will be followed by 1-2-1 appointments where you can get advice on your specific area of expertise and ask anything you want about EU policy making or funding. You can book your place for the information session here and for the 1-2-1s by emailing Dianne Goodman.
You can’t fail to have heard me banging on about how wonderful these fellowships are and how pleased I am that they will feature in Horizon 2020. These grants are absolutely the best way to kick start your EU career and you only need one non-UK partner to apply. You can either apply to have an academic come to the university from another country or you can go to another country as part of the fellowship scheme. You can have a fellowship with an academic or with an industrial partner and you can even apply for entire departments to be involved in exchanges. I’m proud of how engaged BU colleagues are with Marie Curie and the grants we already hold from this scheme.
The session is divided into two parts with both being held on October 16th. The first is a brief intro to the schemes and the second is a more detailed session on how to approach and structure your bid. You can book your place for either session here.
4. The tricks of writing a winning Horizon 2020 proposal
Having already had sessions providing you with an overview of the various funding opportunities within Horizon 2020, you need to know the tricks of writing a winning bid. Writing bids for the European Commission is quite a different skill to writing for UK funders and this session on October 17th will guide you through the journey. We’ve had some fantastic feedback from this session in the past and attending will help get you on the right path to create your proposal. You can book your place for the information session here.
What’s coming up in Horizon 2020?
Now is the time activity around Horizon 2020 is really picking up. To help you start to prepare and get a flavour as to what is coming up I have placed some resources on the I drive for you.
There is a folder detailing what we anticipate to be calls for proposals, details on the Erasmus and Life programmes and also a list of websites where the new Programme info can be found (these resources are not for circulation beyond BU). I:\R&KEO\Public\RDU\European Related\Horizon 2020 . While nothing is set in stone as yet, these really are a good indicator as to what will be coming up.
There is also an info day on the new Erasmus programme we will be attending next month and we will keep you posted as to the latest developments.
Free event on ICT in Horizon 2020!
Any information at this early stage as to what is coming up in Horizon 2020 is very useful and any events where you can meet with others in your field to build relationships and potential collaborations is invaluable. You can combine both of these by attending an ICT in Horizon 2020 half day event in Bristol on October 7th.
In partnership with the ICT Knowledge Transfer Network, the ICT National Contact Point and Deloitte UK, the completely free information event will provide an introduction and update on funding support for R&D in the ICT sector under Horizon 2020. You will to receive an overview of the proposed ICT Work Programme for 2014 and hear from speakers with extensive experience in EU funding participation so this looks to be a super event! You can find out more and book your place by clicking here.
MRC to deliver talk at BU on Healthcare funding in Horizon 2020!
I am thrilled that the MRC will be making a special trip to BU to inform us of what will be released under the Health programme in Horizon 2020 on October 7th!
The session (10- 12:30) will provide you with the opportunity to hear the latest developments in Horizon 2020 and complementary funding programmes which are most relevant for healthcare researchers, businesses and SMEs, together with a landscape of the UK based support systems and networks for SMEs and industrial engagement.
As the programme is looking for specific academia-SME collaboration we have also invited a number of SMEs to this event. A networking lunch will be followed by several 30min one-to-one sessions (from 1:30)with the MRC representative.
Places are limited – you can reserve your space and book a one-to-one by emailing Dianne Goodman before October 1st.
Innovation-Business-Research Event for Horizon 2020 open for bookings
The Industry and Parliament Trust is hosting a unique two day programme of EU training, orientation and network building in Brussels for Academics involved in Horizon 2020 projects (18-19th September, Brussels).
Over the course of the two days attendees will gain a comprehensive overview of engaging with the EU and the Horizon 2020 programme. Sessions will be held at institutions across Brussels, from the European Parliament to the offices of the UK Representation to the European Union. You will also have the opportunity to spend time with speakers and delegates informally over dinners and lunch. Guest speakers include:
- Richard Corbett – Member of the Cabinet of the President of European Council,
- David Wilkinson – Director of Scientific Policy and Stakeholder Relations Joint Research Centre, European Commission
- Christina Miller – Director, UK Research office (UKRO)
- Jonathan Hill – Deputy Head of Cabinet of Commissioner Vassiliou
For full details on of the programme please email NaomiAlderson@ipt.org.uk