This scheme allows universities to attract outstanding research staff by providing support for up to five years, after which time the award holder takes up a guaranteed permanent post in the university.
A monograph and other substantial publications are expected to result from an award, so teaching and other non-research commitments are expected to be minimal during the period of full Wellcome Trust support.
Up to five years’ support is available, providing your full salary for three years, 50 per cent in the fourth year and 25 per cent in the fifth year.
Travel expenses to attend meetings are provided for five years, but research expenses are provided for the first three years of the award only.
You must be nominated by your prospective head of department and have an undertaking from the head of the institution, vice-chancellor, principal or dean that your personal support will be taken over by the institution at the end of the award.
Support is normally available only at lecturer level, although in exceptional cases awards to senior-lecturer level may be possible.
Initial enquiries about the scheme may be made by you (the potential candidate) or a department in an institution.
These enquiries should be followed by a preliminary application from you by e-mail or post including
- an explicit statement from the head of the institution, vice-chancellor or dean demonstrating the institution’s commitment to the history of medicine field, and a statement confirming that the institution will provide 50 per cent salary costs in year four, 75 per cent in year five and full salary thereafter
- CV and full publication list
- an outline of no more than two pages of the proposed project
- a letter of support from the head of department, including a statement on your expected teaching/administrative load for the five-year period (this can be sent by separate cover)
- the approximate cost of the proposal, broken down into your salary, equipment and project running costs.
If successful, you will be invited to submit a full application.
A preliminary application must be submitted before a full application is invited.
Preliminary application deadlines are:
20 June (with a full application deadline of 1 August)
1 December (with a full application deadline of 1 February)
Contact: Grants Management – Medical History and Humanities
Wellcome Trust
Gibbs Building
215 Euston Road
London NW1 2BE, UK
T +44 (0)20 7611 8499
The RKE Operations team can help you with your application.