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World Menopause Day 18th October

Let’s start talking about the menopause and sharing stories. There is much to celebrate with the great work happening in this area. We can recognise that each journey through the menopause is individual in relation to how we feel and how long it lasts. For some the changes felt may almost go unnoticed for others the effects are life changing. The more we understand about the menopause the more we may be able to support each other and work out when to seek specialist care.

Many institutions have set up a menopause group and are providing support to work colleagues to improve understanding. Earlier this year local experts Rosie Harper and Dr Emma Thurston at Bournemouth University led a discussion on the menopause to raise public awareness   

Bournemouth University is working in collaboration with NHS Dorset, Dorset Women CIC, and Health Innovation Wessex and many other key partners as part of the Dorset Women’s Health Programme. One of the projects is to focus on menopause support led by Dr Tim Hillard and we have been working closely with women to understand their needs and to work with GPs and their teams to ensure specialist support is available.

On the 20th November, 2024  Bournemouth University will also be holding a Menopause Symposium  to Spotlight the Menopause as a Centre for Midwifery and Women’s Health  event. Book your place now:

Women’s Health Symposium – Spotlight on the Menopause Tickets, Wed 20 Nov 2024 at 17:00 | Eventbrite


KTP Development Sessions with KTA, Stephen Woodhouse

A series of developmental sessions for academics and businesses wishing to further their understanding of KTPs will be taking place monthly Moving between Talbot and Lansdowne Campus.

Sometimes organisations can see an opportunity for growth, something that will supercharge their business, but they don’t quite know where or how to start. That’s when a Knowledge Transfer Partnership could help.

Imagine having a specialist graduate, post-graduate or PhD student working closely with an expert academic, focused solely on bringing your idea to life. And having the UK Government fund a large proportion of that work. Often heralded as the World’s best kept secret, Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) turn 50 this year. That makes them the UK government’s longest running and most successful innovation funding programme, investing £50m each year in R&D projects across a full range of sectors and business sizes. And companies that participate in a KTP programme are shown to grow at an exponential rate.

As part of ongoing work to grow our KTP numbers and to coincide with their milestone birthday, we are hosting a series of developmental sessions for staff (and businesses) to debunk myths, provide insights, and forge connections. These will take place once a month between October 2024 and May 2025 on Wednesday afternoons.

With 1 – 1 bookable sessions afterwards with faculty Business Engagement and Knowledge Exchange Managers and KTA, Stephen Woodhouse:

Rachel Clarke (BUBS): rclarke@bournemouth.ac.uk

Finn Morgan (SciTech): fmorgan@bournemouth.ac.uk

Matt Desmier (FMC): mdesmier@bournemouht.ac.uk

Mary-Ann Robertson (HSS): mrobertson@bournemouth.ac.uk


Wednesday 23rd October, 1.00pm to 2.00pm, PG22 (Ground Floor Poole House)

Industrial Engagement – Finding partner businesses and growing your portfolio



Wednesday 20th  November, 1.00pm to 2.00pm, BG315 (Bournemouth Gateway Building)

Telling a compelling story: Developing a coherent and convincing KTP application



Wednesday 18th December, 1.00 to 2.00pm, FG04 (Fusion)

Strategic planning: Aligning & communicating ambition – tools to ensure systematic design capture, encourage engagement and promote co-formulation of the project



Wednesday 22nd January, 1.00pm to 2.00pm, F305 (Fusion)

Developing an evidence-led business case: Co-formulation of financial forecasts, risk analysis of differentiated growth, and identification of impact – persuading assessors



Wednesday 19th February, 1.00pm to 2.00pm,  BG315 (Bournemouth Gateway Building)

Public sector KTPs: Developing the ‘business case’ – Providing persuasive evidence of impact



Wednesday 19th March, 1.00pm to 2.00pm, F105 (Fusion)

Fiduciary responsibility – Evaluation of company accounts, demonstration of financial strength, suitability of company finances & eligibility for KTP scheme



Wednesday 23rd April, 1.00pm to 2.00pm, BG315 (Bournemouth Gateway Building)

Developing successful applications: Driving-up your success rate – Why some applications fail – examination of Competition assessments and feedback, Moderation Panels and results



Wednesday 21st May, 10.00am to 11.00am, BG306 (Bournemouth Gateway Building)

The SHAPE of KTPs: Social sciences, Humanities and Arts for People and the Economy



Wednesday 21st May, 1.00pm to 2.00pm, FG04 (Fusion)

The SHAPE of KTPs: Social sciences, Humanities and Arts for People and the Economy





ADRC attend the ‘On Track’ event at the Bovington Tank Museum

Assoc Prof Dr Michele Board and Rebecca Dew were delighted to attend the “On Track” event at the Bovington Tank Museum at the start of October to present their team’s latest work with veterans living with dementia which was funded by Dementia Research UK.

Following three inspiring talks during the morning session given by ex-military personnel around resilience and mental health, Assoc Prof Michele Board was pleased to introduce and share the documentary film Veterans Living with Dementia, which demonstrates their team’s latest work with veterans living with dementia and exploring their experiences. More information on the project, as well as the film link, can be accessed via the project page on following link: https://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/research/projects/creative-workshops-veterans-dementia Please note the documentary film is approximately 10mins long.
Following the presentation, both Michele and Becky represented the ADRC during the lunchtime stalls and had many interesting conversations about the project and people’s experiences of being in the military, living with dementia or knowing someone with dementia, as well as raising awareness for this important subject and work amongst other participating organisations and charities.
Working with Dementia Research UK, the team hopes to continue disseminating the film and building on this initial work and to raise awareness for this subject.
Research project team: Dr Michele Board, Rebecca Dew, Helen Aldridge, Ryan Muldoon, Emma Lucas, Emma Hall, Vikki Tweedy
Documentary creation and editing: Dr Brad Gyori and Benjamin Obojememe

Research Connect Seminar Recap: October Highlights

In this month’s Research Connect seminar, organized by the Department of Marketing, Strategy, and Innovation, we had the pleasure of hearing two fascinating research presentations. Associate Professor Elvira Bolat and a PGR student Chris Styles led discussions on two very interesting topics. 

Dr. Elvira’s presentation, Children and Young People’s Exposure to Gambling via Influencers: A Scoping Review and Content Analysis of Social Media Practices, explored the growing concern of youth exposure to gambling content on social media. Whereas Chris (who has just started his PhD journey) introduced his PhD topic about managing  the entrepreneurial journey more effectively. 

The seminar was well-attended by colleagues and sparked an engaging discussion on both topics. The lively research conversations even continued after the seminar at Dylan’s, where a few colleagues gathered for informal chats. 

Our next seminar of this monthly series will take place on 13th November 2024, 4-5pm in F108.

If you would also like to present your research at our upcoming research connect seminar,  feel free to reach out to me at sashraf@bournemouth.ac.uk.


Special Edition of IJPADM ‘From Telepresence to Teletrust’ edited by Emerge

We are pleased to announce that a special issue Volume 20 Issue 2, of the International Journal of Performance Art and Digital Media  -entitled  From Telepresence to Teletrust has just been published by Taylor and Francis. This affiliated edition stems from a symposium with the same name, that was organised by the Emerge research group as we came out of lockdown in July 2021. The articles address a range of histories of telepresence and considerations of ways of being present at a distance with a focus on the lived-experience of qualities such as touch, trust and empathy rather than solution-based technological approaches. It features work of Emerge members past and present as well as many eminent authors in the field. All the articles are open access and we encourage you to have a read.

Professor Jens Hölscher speaks at the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies conference

At the bi-annual conference of the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES) in Belgrade, Jens Hölscher took part in a panel commemorating the writings of Mario Nuti as an invited speaker.

Nuti’s writings are published in Palgrave/Macmillan’s book series ‘Studies in Economic Transition’, which Jens has been co-editing for many years.

He also presented a paper ‘The Determinants of EU Membership on the Performance of Firms,’ co-authored by Peter Howard-Jones, who once won the EACES prize for the best doctoral dissertation.

As a former EACES president Jens also participated in the EACES board meeting as advisor.

BU does well in offering Open Access publications

The latest online CWTS Leiden Ranking Open Edition lists Bournemouth University (BU) high among European universities when it comes to making academic papers easily available through Open Access.  For all sciences combined BU ranks 15th out of 491 European universities when it comes to hybrid Open Access publications.  BU ranks 12th out of 487 universities for the category ‘Biomedical & Health Sciences’ and 14th out of 475 universities in Europe for ‘Social Sciences & Humanities’.

The University of Leiden in the Netherlands compiles the CWTS Leiden Ranking Open Edition, and  offers fully transparent information about the scientific performance of over 1500 major universities worldwide.



Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen

Research Culture Champion in the Faculty of Health & Social Sciences


Conversation article: Ancient humans were so good at surviving the last ice age they didn’t have to migrate like other species

Professor John Stewart co-authors this article for The Conversation about a new BU study into the survival strategy of humans during the last ice age…


John Stewart, Bournemouth University and Jeremy Searle, Cornell University

Humans seem to have been adapted to the last ice age in similar ways to wolves and bears, according to our recent study, challenging longstanding theories about how and where our ancestors lived during this glacial period.

Previous studies have supported the view of most archaeologists that modern humans retreated into southern Europe during the height of the last ice age and expanded during the later increase in global temperatures. But our study is the first to use genetic data to show that at least some humans stayed in central Europe, unlike many other animals and despite our species having evolved in the much warmer climate of Africa.

Scientists have known since the 19th century that the distributions of animals and plants across the world may fluctuate with the climate. But the climate crisis has made it more important than ever to understand these fluctuations.

Populations of the same species that live in different places often have different genetics to each other. More recently scientists have studied how climate change has altered the distribution of these genetically distinct populations of species.

Most of the studies in this field focus on individual species of animal or plant. They have shown that many species, including humans, expanded their geographical ranges since the height of the last ice age, approximately 20,000 years ago.

At this time, European ice sheets reached Denmark and south Wales. Europe was cold but mostly unglaciated, probably much like Alaska or Siberia today.

Our team’s new study, led by Oxala García-Rodríguez at Bournemouth University, took a different approach and reviewed the genetic history of 23 common mammals in Europe. In addition to humans, these included rodents such as bank voles and red squirrels, insectivores like shrews and hedgehogs, ungulates like red deer and wild boar, and carnivores like brown bears and weasels.

An important metric in our study was where the greatest diversity is today across Europe. This is because areas of high genetic variation are likely to be the areas of longest occupation by species.

These areas, known as refugia, are locations where species retreated to survive during periods when environmental conditions were unfavourable elsewhere. For the mammals we studied, these refugia would have been occupied since the height of the last glaciation, at least. These refugia were probably the warmest areas or places where it was easiest for the animals to find food.

The genetic patterns we found include cases where some mammals (such as red foxes and roe deer) were restricted to glacial refugia in southern areas such as Iberia and Italy, and that they expanded from these areas as global temperatures warmed following the ice age. Other mammals (such as beavers and lynx) expanded from glacial refugia to the east of Europe only to spread west.

Species such as pygmy shrew and common vole had been restricted to sheltered areas such as deep valleys in northern Europe, small enclaves in otherwise inhospitable glacial landscapes. These patterns have previously been documented by other scientists.

But we found a fourth pattern. Our study indicated some species (such as brown bears and wolves) were already widely distributed across Europe during the height of the last glaciation with either no discernible refugia or with refugia both to the north and south.

Brown bear with two cubs looking out of shelter
Humans seem to have followed the same distribution pattern as brown bears in the last ice age.
Volodymyr Burdiak/Shutterstock

This pattern includes Homo sapiens too. Neanderthals had already been extinct for around 20,000 years by this point.

It’s not clear why ancient humans and other animals in this group lived in this seemingly harsh climate rather than explore more hospitable places. But they seemed able to tolerate the ice age conditions while other animals withdrew to refugia.

Perhaps most important of all is that among the species that seem to conform to this pattern, where little or no geographical contraction in population took place at the height of the last ice age, are modern humans. It is particularly surprising that humans are in this group as our ancestors originated in Africa and it may seem unlikely that they were resilient to cold climates.

It is unclear whether these humans relied on ecological adaptation, for example the fact that they were omnivorous meant they could eat many different things, or whether they survived due to technology. For instance, it is well established that humans had clothing, built dwellings and controlled fire during the cold conditions of the last ice age.

This new pattern, and the inclusion of humans within it, could cause rethink of climate change and biogeography among scientists, especially for those studying human distribution changes. It could mean that some areas may be habitable for longer than expected as the climate changes.The Conversation

John Stewart, Professor of Evolutionary Palaeoecology, Bournemouth University and Jeremy Searle, Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Research Skills Toolkit – On demand online modules

We are pleased to inform you that there have been some updates to our Epigeum Research Skills Toolkit modules.

  • Becoming a Researcher: Comprising of three courses (Working With Your Supervisors, Effective Management of Doctoral and Master’s Research and IP in the Research Context), the programme was recently given a content refresh.
  • Disseminating Your Research and Beyond Research are in line for updates in 2025 – watch this space for further information in due course!

Online modules within this Research Skills Toolkit include the following:

  • Becoming a Researcher: Effective management of Doctoral and Master’s research, Intellectual property in the research context, Working with your supervisors.
  • Research Methods: Undertaking a literature review, Principles of research methods, Research methods in practice: Arts and humanities, Research methods in practice: Social sciences, Research methods in practice: STEM.
  • Ethical Research: Becoming an ethical researcher, Research ethics in practice
  • Disseminating your Research: Communicating your Research with Impact, Getting Published.
  • Beyond Research: Innovation and entrepreneurship, Career planning.

See brochure

All modules as part of the Research Skills Toolkit are available to ALL STAFF using your @bournemouth.ac.uk email address.

You will need to follow these steps to set up an account:

  1. Go to: https://courses.epigeum.com/register.
    Use token 678a512f when completing the form.
  2. An activation link will be sent to your e-mail. Please also check your JUNK mail.
  3. Once registration is complete, log in with this different link: https://courses.epigeum.com/login.

Adding the Research Ethics Modules:

  1. Once you have set up your account and logged in, click the person icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
  2. Select ‘Enter Token’.
    Use token 02d34ae8.

If you already have an account:

If you already have an account set up, you will then need to follow these steps.

  1. Log into your account: https://courses.epigeum.com/login.
  2. Click the person icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
  3. Depending on what you are missing either add token 678a512f (for the wider Research Skills Toolkit modules) or 02d34ae8 (for the Research Ethics Modules).

Viewing your modules:

To start viewing and working through your chosen modules, click back on the person icon, and select Full Catalogue.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch:

Enrica Conrotto – pgrskillsdevelopment@bournemouth.ac.uk

Sarah Bell (Ethics modules) – researchethics@bournemouth.ac.uk


Three grant applications rejected this month

The start of October has not been good for me in terms of grant applications.  On the first day of October the NIHR informed us that our application to the call for a research programme for social care was unsuccessful.  The reason given by the NIHR panel was that our proposal was not competitive enough, this was a BU-led proposal working with colleagues based in Dorset.

Four days later another application to the NIHR, this time to another different funding stream, was rejected by Global Health Research Programme Funding Committees. This second failed grant application was written by an international interdisciplinary team led by the Canterbury Christ Church University.  It was a follow-up of our successful study ‘The impact of federalisation on Nepal’s health system: a longitudinal analysis’, which was funded by the UK Health Systems Research Initiative, itself a collaboration of the MRC/FCDO/Wellcome Trust/ESRC; Grant ref. MR/T023554/1.

To rub salt in the wounds, an international funding body, a joint initiative of the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR; France), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; Germany), the Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC; UK) and the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council (SSHRC; Canada). The secretariat emailed us a few days ago than our application was not short-listed in this very competitive call, where 90% of applications were rejected.

Some of these proposals can, and will be, revamped and resubmitted to other funding bodies.


Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen

Centre for Midwifery & Women’s Health

2025 Bid Generating Sandpit Invitation to Participate

Illustration of a lightbulb with a group of people inside around a circular table, with computers and papers. They are clearly working together.
Funded by the British Academy Early Career Researcher Network and organised by the Centre for the Study of Conflict, Emotion, and Social Justice, we are inviting applications for the:
2025 Bid-generating Sandpit: Interdisciplinary Research towards Sustainable Development Goals
26 – 27 March 2025
Bournemouth University, Executive Business Centre (TBC)
Participate in dynamic and interactive sessions to develop innovative research concepts addressing any of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), leading to funding bids across institutions and disciplines. Your goal is to form an interdisciplinary project team and build a funding proposal in only two days. You will then be allocated a mentor and have two online follow-up sessions to share your project progress and experiences.
We welcome early career (as you choose to define it) researchers, artists, practitioners or anyone with a general interest in sustainability and emerging interdisciplinary projects. You must be based at one of the South West Cluster Universities (which includes Bournemouth University). You should be keen to work in a multidisciplinary team, and willing to commit to attending the full sandpit, on both days. No prior experience of research funding is required.
To secure your spot in the Sandpit, please complete and submit the following application by 29 November 2024 – note that all participants must commit to attending both full days in person:
The event is facilitated by Dr. Catalin Brylla and Dr. Lyle Skains, with advisors and mentors to be drawn from senior Bournemouth University staff based on participant disciplines and interests.
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

BU policy influence digest newsletter – 09/10/2024

Read the latest edition of the BU policy influence digest newsletter. It is drawn from several sources including directly from UK central and devolved administrations, newsletters from Parliament Knowledge Exchange Unit, UPEN and others.

Items this week include;

  • New consultations and inquiries for policy impact – 08/10/2024
    • New opportunities to respond to consultations and inquiries from the UK and globally
  • Behind the scenes of the government’s areas for research interest
    • Who’s using the government’s new ARI database, and how are different government departments engaging with the researchers who get in touch?
  • Ten things we heard at the Labour Party Conference – HEPI
    • At the Labour Party Conference, higher education was highlighted as essential for addressing economic growth, skills development, and widening participation, with a strong focus on funding, partnerships, and embracing AI in education.
  • Research Professional – Five things we learned from the Labour conference
    • And the big question that universities are still waiting to have answered
  • How evidence-informed policymaking works in a Union of 27 states
    • This event will shed light on the work of The Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM) and how the European policymaking process works.
  • A Policymaker’s Perspective: The Value of Arts and Humanities Research in the Policy Landscape
    • From UPEN – In this blog, Dr Domonique Davies, University of Reading reflects on the value of arts and humanities research on policy and shares insights from policy makers actively looking for researchers to engage with them.

If you’d like to receive future editions of this digest by email, sign up in two clicks (BU login required).

The Innovation Common Room returns to FG04 on Wednesday 9 October 1-3:30pm

The Innovation Common Room offers researchers the opportunity to connect, exchange ideas, and provide mentorship in a casual environment over coffee.

Academics are welcome to invite their Post-Graduate Students

Please contact Wendelin Morrison, BU Knowledge Exchange Manager, if you would like more information: wmorrison@bournemouth.ac.uk