Category / Funding opportunities

Future Leader Fellows UKRI Round 9

Deadline for expression of interest: 12pm on Friday 1st March 2024.




The UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships will grow the strong supply of talented individuals needed to ensure a vibrant environment for research and innovation in the UK. The scheme is open to researchers and innovators from across business, universities, and other organisations and from around the world.

This scheme is looking for early career researchers and innovators who are either:

  • looking to establish or transition to independence
  • developing their own original and ambitious plans within a commercial setting.

UKRI are offering funding to support ambitious research or innovation programmes across UKRI’s remit. You must be based at, and have the support of, an eligible academic or non-academic institution.

There is no minimum or maximum award value.

Your project can last for up to four years, with the option to apply to renew for a further three years.

The external deadline for this call is 18th June 2024.


BU internal competition:

​For Round 9 we are running an internal process at BU to ensure we support and encourage submissions from the highest standard of candidates. For this round, BU is capped at a maximum of 3 applications.

The focus is to ensure candidates are eligible and have a high chance of success, providing them with comprehensive advice and support, to develop a high-quality programme of research and proposal for submission. Applications are welcome from internal academics (both as prospective fellows and/or mentors of prospective fellows) and external academics to be hosted by BU.

Prospective applicants should complete an Expression of Interest UKRI FLF R9_EOI and send to Research Development by 12pm on 1st March 2024. A panel of subject experts and Deputy Deans of Research will review each EoI and selected applicants will be notified by end of day on 8th April 2024.  All documents relating to this internal competition are available on the I Drive here: I:\RDS\Public\FLF Round 9 June 2024

Selected applicants will then be supported to progress with their application and receive internal and external support as required.

A briefing on this call will be held on  7th February 2024 at 12 noon, including an overview of the scheme and a Q&A session. For those who cannot attend on the day, the briefing will be recorded and shared on Brightspace. Please contact us to receive the link.

Process for selecting applications timeline:

Date Action
15th January 2024  Internal Launch of Call
 7th February 2024 Future Leaders Briefing and Q&A for Fellows and mentors – at the Funding Development Briefing.
 29th February 2024 Call opens 
1st March 2024 Noon EoI deadline
4th March 2024  Applications sent to reviewers
w/c 1st April 2024 Panel Meeting
8th April 2024 Notify successful FLF/s

Please contact Eva Papadopoulou or Kate Percival with any queries on the above.

Reminder – MSCA Staff Exchanges 2023 Call Info Session

This is a reminder that the European Research Executive Agency invites those interested in applying for the next call to join the online info session on 8 December 2023 (9 am UK time) and learn more about MSCA Staff Exchanges.

The 2023 call of the Horizon Europe Staff Exchanges action is open for new proposal applications until 28 February 2024.

Please note that this is a 2023 Work Programme call. If a proposal is successful, UK institutions will not be eligible to coordinate the project and funding will be provided from the UK government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee. To claim this funding from UKRI, UK applicants must apply for funding from the EU as beneficiaries and not as Associated Partners.

You can download the agenda from the dedicated webpage library or navigate directly to the streaming page.

In the meantime, the European Commission has announced the submission rates for the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Networks 2023 call, which closed on 28 November 2023. The European Research Executive Agency received 1066 proposals, which is an increase compared to the 946 applications received in the previous call.

Standard Doctoral Networks received 920 proposals, two of which are with BU academics participating – good luck to our colleagues!

MSCA Staff Exchanges 2023 Call Info Session

BU has been a successful participant in the Horizon Europe Staff Exchanges  (previously Horizon 2020 RISE) actions.

The 2023 call of the Horizon Europe Staff Exchanges action is open for new proposal applications until 28 February 2024.

European Research Executive Agency invites those interested in applying for the next call to join the online info session on 8 December 2023 (9 am UK time) and learn more about MSCA Staff Exchanges.

The info session will be the occasion to learn more about this innovative programme, which offers unique opportunities for public and private organisations and their staff in terms of R&I, transferable skills and competencies, as well as intersectoral and international exposure. You can download the agenda from the dedicated webpage library or navigate directly to the streaming page.

Please note that this is a 2023 Work Programme call, so UK organisations will still not be eligible to coordinate the project if the grant is awarded. It will be implemented under the transitional measures and the funding will be provided by the Government Guarantee scheme.

British Academy Development Fund-Rolling call

We are excited to announce that theDevelopment fund from the British Academy Early Career Research Network in the South West is now open.

Development fund: This fund provides the opportunity for ECRs to hold an event, roundtable, meeting or training activity, which promotes networking, collaboration, knowledge sharing or develops skills throughout the region, and can be extended to the wider ECR network if appropriate.

ECRs can claim a total of £3000 towards their activities which will need to be paid for by their institution and then expensed back to the BA.

BA Seed Fund is a rolling call and you can apply at any time.

BA Seed Fund bids will need a  e-ITB to be completed 4 weeks before your desired submission date so the relevant FDO can open a RED ID, prep a costing and send off the approval request to the Faculty, before the PI can submit.

Please be aware that to be eligible to apply for these you will need to sign up to the  British Academy Early Career Rersearcher Network via this link


If you have any questions, please contact: or Eva Papadopoulou, Research Facilitator,

RDS Pre-Award Drop-In Sessions (Funding Briefings)

We hope everyone has had good rest before start of the new academic year.

As promised, after return of all RDS Research Facilitators, we resume funding briefing sessions to be held as usual – every Wednesday at 12pm except during half term dates.

For this academic year, we have made some changes both regarding format and content of these sessions.

Firstly, we will be sending weekly email with newest funding opportunities in advance, so academics may join and ask specific questions regarding those new opportunities they are interested in.

Secondly, briefings this academic year will be organised as drop-in sessions, so you are welcome to join the session at any time between 12 and 12:30pm.

To allow more flexibility, spotlight sessions are not planned in advance. For example, as soon as important funding call is announced, one of the facilitators will present more details. The first spotlight presentation will be related to Horizon Europe on 1 November 2023. Until then, stay tuned and follow the news related to Horizon Europe association on Research Blog.

Please save the following link in your records for joining briefing sessions until 25 October: click here to join the meeting (after 25 October new link will be provided).

Just as a reminder, our Research Facilitators are funder focussed and these are their expertise areas:

Kate Percival – Life Sciences (NIHR: National Institute for Health and Care Research, Medical Research Council (MRC – UKRI), Natural Environment Research Council (NERC – UKRI), and Wellcome Trust)

Eva Papadopoulou – Social Sciences and Humanities (Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC – UKRI), Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC – UKRI), The British Academy, The Leverhulme Trust, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) central funding)

Zarak Afzal – Innovation and Infrastructure (Innovate UK, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC – UKRI), The Royal Society, Research England (UKRI), Major infrastructure funds)

Ainar – EU & international (European Union – Horizon Europe (including European Research Council and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions), National Institutes of Health (NIH – US), other international funding opportunities)

If you are not sure whom you would like to contact with your specific question, forward your enquiry to Funding Development Team mailbox and we will sort it out.

And once again, here is the link to drop-in sessions.

On behalf of the whole pre-award team, let me wish you good and exciting academic year!

Wellcome trust ECR award

The Wellcome trust ECR award is for researchers from any discipline with up to 3 years post-doctoral experience doing research that has the potential to improve human life, health and wellbeing. This session is aimed at research leads, Early Career Researchers and mentors.

The scheme has three rounds per year and so the session is also open to those interested in applying in future rounds.

Professor Sam Goodman will be sharing his experience of being on Wellcome’s Early Career advisory group in Medical Humanities, and in reviewing applications for the ECR award.

Professor Goodman has also successfully received funding from Wellcome.

Please check eligibility for the scheme:

Friday 22nd September 2023

at Lansdowne Campus, from 11.00 – 12:00


To book a place on this workshop, please complete the Booking Form.

For any information about the content of this session, please contact Kate Percival – Research Facilitator

British Academy Small Grants Workshop

British Academy Small Grants Workshop aimed at all staff with Research Council bids in development.

The attendees will have the chance to discuss their proposal with a Research Facilitator and a Funding Development Officer will also be on hand to answer any questions relating to budget and processes.

The call for the next round of BA/Leverhulme Small Grants opens on 6th September 2023 and closes on Wednesday 8th November 2023.

This guidance session is for academics who are interested in submitting an application.

Wednesday 6th September 10.00-12.00, Talbot Campus

To book on to a session, or be added to the waiting list, please complete the Booking Form. 

For further information please contact:

Development fund from the British Academy ECRN

We are excited to announce that theDevelopment fund from the British Academy Early Career Research Network in the South West is now open.

Development fund (rolling call): This fund provides the opportunity for ECRs to hold an event, roundtable, meeting or training activity, which promotes networking, collaboration, knowledge sharing or develops skills throughout the region, and can be extended to the wider ECR network if appropriate.

ECRs can claim a total of £3000 towards their activities which will need to be paid for by their institution and then expensed back to the BA.


Please be aware that to be eligible to apply for these you will need to sign up to the  British Academy Early Career Rersearcher Network via this link

If you have any questions, please contact:

BA Seed funding call NOW OPEN

This year’s BA ECRN seed funding and development fund call is now live.

We are pleased to announce of the next round of seed funding for ECRs in the South West. The aim of this scheme will be to create and support new cross-sector research partnerships and offer the funding to support ECR career development.

These small awards (of up to £3K) will support the direct costs associated with activities that support new research, the development of new stakeholder relationships, broadening knowledge of a sector, future career options or accessing resources and facilities.

British Academy Seed Fund SW Hub bids will need a  e-ITB to be completed 4 weeks before the deadline so the relevant FDO can open a RED ID, prep a costing and send off the approval request to the Faculty, before the PI can submit.

The e-ITB can be found here: Intention to Bid Form  2023 (

This needs to be done by 30 August 2023 to meet the BA deadline of 27th September 2023.

Please be aware that to be eligible to apply for these you will need to sign up to the  British Academy Early Career Rersearcher Network via this link


If you have any questions, please contact:

The call for the next round of BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants will be opening soon.

Call opens: 6 September 2023 
Expected deadline: 8 November 2023

We will be welcoming your proposals for the upcoming BA/Leverhulme Small grants call!

The below deadlines will be in place to ensure that the pre-award team can provide all interested academics with optimal support in a timely manner.

Please see below our timelines and the updated process.

6th September 2023

6th September till  25th September 

RDS British Academy Guidance session 

Join us to review the guidance and then start work on your application; Slides and proposal form will be available after the session on Brightspace.

Work on your proposal and once your draft is ready, forward to RDS.

6th September 2023 Call Opens
29th September  
Intention to bid form latest date to be submitted
Remember to advise your referee that you will be sending them your completed application on FlexiGrant and they will need to provide their supporting statement by 1st November. 
 29th September If you are Grade 8 or below and you wish to use the support of an External Application Reviewer (EAR), you must submit your draft application to RDS by this date.
01/11/2023 at the latest  Nominated referee supporting statement to be completed via FlexiGrant

Note that the earlier you complete you application on FlexiGrant, the more time the referee will have to review your bid and provide the supporting statement.

02/11/23 at the latest.  Your final application must be submitted on FlexiGrant by this date at the latest.

Click ‘submit’ and the form will be sent to BU’s account for RDS checks.

 02-08th November Institutional checks to take place by RDS

RDS will work with you to ensure compliance with all funder’s requirements.

British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship- Scheme to open 5th July

The British Academy is inviting proposals from early career researchers in the humanities and social sciences wishing to pursue an independent research project, towards the completion of a significant piece of publishable research. Applicants must be of Early Career Status, meaning they must apply within three years from the date of their successful viva voce examination.
The applicant must already be of postdoctoral status at the time when the Research Awards Committee meets. Scheme to open 5th July 2023 with an expected deadline of 4 October 2023.

The British Academy runs a two stage application process each year, with the deadline for outline applications falling in early October and for the second stage in February or early March the following year, for Fellowships to be taken up at the beginning of the following academic year.

If interested to apply for this call, please get in touch with Eva Papadopoulou.

RIPEN Hub Funding Calls Live

The RIPEN Hub will receive £250,000 per annum from the BBSRC (Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council) – Diet and Health Open Innovation Research Club to fund research across three streams. The three streams are:

Feasibility Award, each with a maximum value of £100,000 with match funding from industrial partner

Mobility Award, each with a maximum value of £100,000

Progression Award, each with a maximum value of £50,000

Project applications should align with the 2023/24 priority areas listed below: 

a.     Food structure (matrix effects, bioavailability)

b.     Food processing (degree and type of processing)

c.      Chemical constituents in foods (fibre, vitamins, additives, sweeteners)

d.     Alternative food sources (plants, insects, algae)

e.     Targeted nutrition (individual/grouped)

To be able to apply, you have to be a member of the RIPEN Hub.

Join the RIPEN Hub:

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 Call Information Webinars

As announced earlier, BU internal deadline for submission of Intention to Bid form for MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships scheme is 17 July 2023. RDS Funding Development Team will start active support of this year’s applications from 5 June.

We have already received some Intention to Bid forms and really appreciate that. Those willing to apply, please start submitting yours, you can find ItB form here.

Please note that individual support for BU academics will be provided as usual, however there will not be specific workshops organised at BU. The UK Research Office (UKRO) will hold information webinar series for those interested in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 call. These sessions will provide attendees with all the information needed to submit a successful application to this call, including the eligibility criteria, the available budget, submission and evaluation criteria, and practical advice on proposal writing.

Here is the schedule of UKRO information webinars (registration for participation required):

  • Session 1: Overview and Eligibility Rules – 6 June 2023 at 10:00 to 11:30 UK time
  • Session 2: Practical Matters – 8 June 2023 at 10:00 to 11:30 UK time
  • Session 3: Process for Submission and Evaluation – 9 June 2023 at 10:00 to 11:30 UK time

To register for and access UKRO training sessions, login details may be required. BU is one of UKRO service subscribers and receives training as part of our subscription benefits. If you still have not registered, there are more details how BU academics can register.

With queries related to MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 Call please contact Funding Development Officer Sara Mundy or Research Facilitator International Ainar Blaudums

RDS Funding Development Briefings- AHRC focus 24th May 2023

We are back next week, 24th May at 12:00 and discussing the latest news from AHRC, the new funding system (TFS) that is replacing JeS and the requirements.

To remind you that the briefings are slightly changing, will now take place fortnightly. Every second briefing will include academic drop-in sessions for academics willing to ask specific questions to pre-award team members or simply to meet people and have a conversation with those providing bidding support. We will also welcome ideas about how to better organise briefing-like sessions for the next academic year.

Funding spotlights, as part of briefing sessions, will be organised once per month. There are many recordings and presentations from previous briefing sessions available on Brightspace and briefings’ Teams channel. We aim to update pre-award Brightspace content to make it more user friendly in terms of finding exactly what academics are looking for.

24/05/23 – briefing + spotlight: AHRC
07/06/23 – briefing + academic drop-in session
21/06/23 – briefing + spotlight: Marie Curie Fellowships
05/07/23 – briefing + academic drop-in session
19/07/23 – briefing + spotlight: Royal Society

Here is the link for joining remaining briefing sessions (except 26/04/23):  Click here to join the meeting