Category / Funding opportunities

Funding Opportunity – Interdisciplinary Assessment College

UKRI have announced call for applications for a new Interdisciplinary Assessment College to support the new cross research council responsive mode pilot scheme.

This unique opportunity is to be part of an important new approach to funding interdisciplinary research. The college will support the new cross research council responsive mode pilot scheme, which is designed to support new interdisciplinary ideas emerging from the research community outside current disciplinary boundaries.

Major details :

  • closing date – 20 June 2023
  • number of positions available – 200
  • length of term – two years
  • time commitment – four to eight days per year

You can find more details on UKRI call page.

Horizon Europe MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships – Internal Deadline

As announced earlier, The 2023 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF) Call is now open on the Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal, with a deadline of 13 September 2023.

We have now set BU internal deadline for submission of Intention to Bid form – 17 July 2023. Please not that ItBs submitted after the deadline will not be accepted, although we encourage academics to submit their ItB as soon as possible. If you do it well in advance, complete budget table is not mandatory (completed budget table will be required by 17 July).

You can find ItB form here.

The UK Research Office (UKRO) will hold information webinar series for those interested in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 call in early June (three different sessions on 6, 8 & 9 June). These sessions will provide attendees with all the information needed to submit a successful application to this call, including the eligibility criteria, the available budget, submission and evaluation criteria, and practical advice on proposal writing.

Please note that individual support for BU academics will be provided as usual, however there will not be specific workshops organised at BU. For UKRO webinars, please refer to their webinar web page.

To access UKRO training sessions, login details may be required. BU is one of UKRO service subscribers and receives training as part of our subscription benefits. If you still have not registered, there are more details how BU academics can register.

With queries related to MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 Call please contact Research Facilitator International Ainar Blaudums.

Funding Development Briefings and UKRO visit

UKRO visit to BU

Before going to remining funding development briefings for the rest of this academic year, I would like to remind about UKRO Session for BU academics on 26 April 2023 at 12:30.

All BU staff are invited to participate. You can find more details, including agenda, in my previous blog; Zoom link to join the event has been sent to Heads of Departments. If for any reason you cannot get the link, please email me directly and I will send it over to you.

You can still book short individual meeting with BU European Advisor (subject to availability) until Monday mid-day.

Funding Development Briefings

After Easter break, we are making some changes related to weekly funding briefing sessions.

From now on, RDS funding briefing sessions will take place fortnightly. Every second briefing will include academic drop-in sessions for academics willing to ask specific questions to pre-award team members or simply to meet people and have a conversation with those providing bidding support. We will also welcome ideas about how to better organise briefing-like sessions for the next academic year.

Funding spotlights, as part of briefing sessions, will be organised once per month. There are many recordings and presentations from previous briefing sessions available on Brightspace and briefings’ Teams channel. We aim to update pre-award Brightspace content to make it more user friendly in terms of finding exactly what academics are looking for.

Please note – briefing session on 26/04/23 (UKRO annual visit) starts at 12:30 and will be held using Zoom.

We will evaluate results of this approach and analyse feedback from academics to design briefing sessions for the new academic year starting in September 2023. The last briefing session of this academic year will be held on 19 July. Here is the schedule of remaining briefing sessions:

26/04/23 – briefing + spotlight: UKRO annual visit (starting at 12:30)
10/05/23 — briefing + academic drop-in session
24/05/23 – briefing + spotlight: AHRC (subject to availability of AHRC presenter)
07/06/23 – briefing + academic drop-in session
21/06/23 – briefing + spotlight: Marie Curie Fellowships
05/07/23 – briefing + academic drop-in session
19/07/23 – briefing + spotlight: Royal Society

Here is the link for joining remaining briefing sessions (except 26/04/23): Click here to join the meeting

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023

​The 2023 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF) Call is now open on the Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal, with a deadline of 13 September 2023. The Guide for Applicants and other guidance documentation can be found on the call page as well as on the “MSCA How to Apply” website. There is also some useful information about this call on UKRO webpage.

Due to continuous uncertainty around UK’s accession to the Horizon Europe programme, BU internal deadline for submission of eItB forms is not set yet, however it’s expected to be no later than mid-July if UK entities are eligible for funding.

We would appreciate if  potential BU supervisors inform their Funding Development Officers or Research Facilitator International about their intention to submit an application as soon as possible. As usual, we will have very busy period in August-September supporting your applications, so we need to plan resources to provide appropriate support.

Where necessary, we will provide individual support to BU academics starting from June. In addition, UKRO, in its capacity as UK National Contact Point for the MSCA, will hold information webinars for prospective applicants. More information will be provided as soon as it becomes available. UKRO sessions will cover all aspects of application, so specific BU-hosted training sessions will not be organised.

To access UKRO training sessions, login details will be required. BU is one of UKRO service subscribers and receives training as part of our subscription benefits. If you still have not registered, there are more details how BU academics can register.

With queries related to MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 Call please contact Research Facilitator International Ainar Blaudums.

UKRO Session for Bournemouth University – 26 April 2023

UKRO annual visit to BU

As advertised earlier, RDS will host the annual UK Research Office (UKRO) visit to BU on 26 April 2023. This will be online event (Zoom) with an option to meet our UKRO European Advisor Malgorzata Czerwiec individually after general sessions. Event will start on Wednesday at 12:30.

All academic and professional staff interested in Horizon Europe framework programme and EU funding in general, either experienced or new to it, are invited to attend this session.


12:30-13:15     Update on UK participation in Horizon Europe, with Q&A time (UK eligibility, how to include UK in HE proposals, the UK Horizon Europe Guarantee and statistics)

13:15-13:30     UKRO services and NCPs support for UK applicants to Horizon Europe (signposting to open HE call opportunities, webinars and support)

13:30-13:45     Break

13:45-14:45     Introduction to COST opportunities, with Q&A time

15:00-17:00    Bookable 1-2-1 meetings (each slot 15 minutes)

Instructions for joining

Registration is not mandatory, although I would appreciate if you email Research Facilitator International about your intention to participate. In return, I will forward you Zoom link. Link will also be sent to your Heads of Departments for information.

Those willing to speak with our European Advisor individually will have to email me by the end of Friday 21 April to receive individual Zoom link for their session. Please indicate in your email the topic you would like to discuss and if there are any specific questions you would expect to be answered during the meeting.


Based in Brussels, UKRO are a UKRI team supporting the UK’s involvement in the EU’s key research and innovation programme – Horizon Europe. UKRO team works with partners across the UK government and stakeholders to maximise UK engagement in Horizon Europe.

In addition to offering a subscription-based service for UK universities and research organisations, UKRO also provide free advice on the European Research Council, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions and Widening Participation parts of Horizon Europe, as well as COST. The latter is a new area UKRO is covering for their subscribers and we have included this topic in this year’s annual meeting.

As part of UKRO services, BU members of staff may sign up to receive personalised email alerts and get early access to the EU funding related publications on UKRO portal. More about UKRO services you can find here.

Wishing you all Happy Easter,

Here is what is coming in April for RKEDF

BA Mid-career Fellowship and BA Leverhulme Senior Fellowship

Successful business group happy, Business people standing clapping at the meeting happily. stock photo

Wednesday, 12th April, 11:00-13:00

The session will cover the requirements for the two Fellowship schemes. Beginning with a general overview of the British Academy in terms of what they like to fund and their priorities, the session will then cover the guidance and the structure of the applications.

We will discuss the development of the research project, and participants will have time to develop a draft plan for the research for a fellowship.


  • Understanding of the British Academy;
  • Knowledge of scheme requirements;
  • Draft plan for the research in preparation for applying for a fellowship.


To book a place on this Online workshop please complete the Booking Form.


For any queries regarding the content of this session, please email                                                                Eva Papadopoulou:


GoodBye JeS, Hello TFS




UK Research and Innovation’s (UKRI) Simpler and Better Funding (SBF) programme has been creating a funding service that is easy to use and supports everyone involved in research funding.

The new Funding Service is designed to be simpler and more intuitive to use. It will provide consistent information requirements and assessment criteria, making it simpler for applicants and assessors.

Guidance on the application process will be supplied within the service, reducing the need to look for additional information in multiple places.

UKRI will continue to operate the existing system (Je-S) for application and award management. When applying for an opportunity on the UKRI funding finder, you will be taken directly to the correct application system.

Over time, opportunities will be transitioned to the new service. For the details of each council transitioning from JeS have a look at this page.

If you have projects in planning stage get in touch with RDS and we can help you with any queries about transitioning to the new service and calls affected by the move.

If you have not used the Funding Service before, the first step is to create an account. The process is straightforward and quick, so you can get started on your application as soon as possible.

RDS will continue to support you as before from your bid preparation stage and approvals before submissions to award management in the new service.

Updated Intention to Bid form – March 2023

Since the introduction of the new electronic ITB form on 24 January 2022, there have been incremental updates and the current e-ITB form is now available.

The e-ITB form continues to give a better user experience, creates a more efficient administrative control process for Research Development and Support (RDS) and provides accurate reporting outcomes for management.


Updated ITB form: The  Intention to Bid (ITB) form and the updated Research Costings Request Sheet are both available now in the Policies & Procedures/Research/Pre-award section of the intranet under Research > Pre-award. Please complete the Research Costings Request Sheet and attach it to the e-ITB form for completion. PDF copies of all submissions can be printed or saved but there are limitations to editing a form once it has been submitted.

Please send RDS the completed e-ITB form and Costing Request Sheet by the latest 4 weeks before the deadline.


Bid Enquiry Process: If you have more than 4 weeks to the submission deadline and need advice or support regarding a bid, please access the same form link and select ‘Enquiry/Advice on Bidding’. This ensures that the pre-award team will see your Enquiry, rather than emailing a sole officer who may not be available at the time.


As a service, RDS is committed to delivering service excellence to enable BU’s academic community to deliver and grow world-leading research for societal benefit. The program of work continues to look at processes to enhance the user experience.


Changes include improvements to the pre- and post-award support being offered. Building on the delivery of a new Principal Investigator report which is currently in the final stages of being rolled out, and continuing our collaboration with the Transformation Team.

UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships Round 8 – Internal Process Launched

Deadline for expression of interest: 12pm on Thursday 30th March 2023.

The UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships will grow the strong supply of talented individuals needed to ensure a vibrant environment for research and innovation in the UK. The scheme is open to researchers and innovators from across business, universities, and other organisations and from around the world.

This scheme is looking for early career researchers and innovators who are either:

  • looking to establish or transition to independence
  • developing their own original and ambitious plans within a commercial setting.

UKRI are offering funding to support ambitious research or innovation programmes across UKRI’s remit. You must be based at, and have the support of, an eligible academic or non-academic institution.

There is no minimum or maximum award value.

Your project can last for up to four years, with the option to apply to renew for a further three years.

The external deadline for this call is 4th July 2023.


BU internal competition:

​For Round 8 we are running an internal process at BU to ensure we support and encourage submissions from the highest standard of candidates. For this round, BU is capped at a maximum of 3 applications.

The focus is to ensure candidates are eligible and have a high chance of success, providing them with comprehensive advice and support, to develop a high-quality programme of research and proposal for submission. Applications are welcome from internal academics (both as prospective fellows and/or mentors of prospective fellows) and external academics to be hosted by BU.

Prospective applicants should complete an Expression of Interest and send to Research Development by 12pm on 30th March 2023. A panel of subject experts, DDRPPs and SIA Conveners will review each EoI and selected applicants will be notified by end of day on 21st April 2023.  All documents relating to this internal competition are available on the I Drive here: I:\RDS\Public\FLF Round 8 July 2023

Selected applicants will then be supported to progress with their application and receive internal and external support as required.

A briefing on this call will be held on 1st March 2023 at 12 noon, including an overview of the scheme and a Q&A session. You can access the meeting here. For those who cannot attend on the day, the briefing will be recorded and shared on Brightspace.

Process for selecting applications timeline:

Date Action
23rd February 2023 Internal Launch of Call
1st March 2023 Future Leaders Briefing and Q&A for Fellows and mentors – at the Funding Development Briefing.
30th March 2023 Noon EoI deadline
30th March 2023 5pm Applications sent to reviewers
w/c 17th April 2023 Panel Meeting
21st April 2023 Notify successful FLF/s

Please contact Lisa Andrews, RDS Research Facilitator for further information on this scheme.

Save the Date – 26 April 2023 – UKRO Annual Meeting with BU Academics

RDS will host the annual UK Research Office virtual visit to BU on 26 April 2023. This will be organised as part of funding briefing series but will start at 12:30.

Please make a note in your diaries – all academic staff interested in Horizon Europe framework programme and EU funding in general, either experienced or new to it, are invited to attend this session. The session will be hosted by RDS and led by our UKRO European Advisor Ms Malgorzata Czerwiec from Brussels.

Meeting agenda and instructions how to join the meeting will follow. However, it’s definite that the main discussion will be about UK’s association to Horizon Europe. Later in March or April this year it may be clear if we associate or go for government’s plan B. The agenda will be adjusted accordingly.

For now, I still would like to encourage our academic colleagues to apply for Horizon Europe funding. So far, we have been really successful with 6 awarded Horizon Europe grants – three in 2022 and other three just now in the beginning of 2023, including highly prestigious European Research Council’s Consolidator Grant.

UKRO delivers subscription-based advisory service for research organisations and provides Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) and European Research Council (ERC) National Contact Point services in the UK. As part of UKRO services, BU members of staff may sign up to receive personalised email alerts and get early access to the EU funding related publications on UKRO portal. More about UKRO services you can find here.

Please contact Research Facilitator International Ainar Blaudums if you have further questions.


BA/Leverhulme Small Grants 31st May 2023 – date update-

BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants

The call for the next round of BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants will be opening soon.

We will be welcoming your proposals for the upcoming BA/Leverhulme Small grants call!

The below deadlines will be in place to ensure that the pre-award team can provide all interested academics with optimal support in a timely manner.

Please see below our timelines and the updated process.



Wed 22nd Feb 2023



Wed 22nd Feb 2023- 5th April

RDS British Academy Guidance session 

Join us to review the guidance and then start work on your application; Slides and proposal form will be available after the session on Brightspace.


Work on your proposal and once ready, forward to RDS.

5th April 2023 Call Opens – latest date to send your proposal to RDS for peer review.
5th April- 17th April 2023 Proposal reviews, RDS  will inform you of your peer review results and advice on next steps.
24th April 2023 Intention to bid form latest date to be submitted, only for peer reviewed applications that have been advised to progress.

Remember to advise your referee that you will be sending them your completed application on FlexiGrant and they will need to provide their supporting statement by 26th May.

24th April 2023 If you are Grade 8 or below and you wish to use the support of an External Application Reviewer (EAR), you must submit your draft application to RDS by this date.
24th May 2023 Nominated referee supporting statement to be completed via FlexiGrant

Note that the earlier you complete you application on FlexiGrant, the more time the referee will have to review your bid and provide the supporting statement.

24th May May 2023 Your final application must be submitted on FlexiGrant by this date at the latest.

Click ‘submit’ and the form will be sent to BU’s account for RDS checks.

24th – 31st May  2023 Institutional checks to take place by RDS

RDS will work with you to ensure compliance with all funder’s requirements.


If you have any queries, please contact Eva Papadopoulou or your Funding Development Officer. 

COST Information and Networking Event

A while ago I published a blog about opportunities to join COST | European Cooperation in Science and Technology actions, you can read the article here.

The University of Leeds, in collaboration with the COST Association, will host an in-person COST Information Day & Networking Event on Thursday, 23 March 2023 from 9:30 to 14:00.

This event will provide researchers with information on COST Actions and how to submit a COST proposal. It will also outline the impact of participating in COST Actions on researchers’ careers, highlighting specific opportunities for young researchers.

Speakers will include a representative from the COST Association, who will present the COST Programme, and Leeds researchers, who will share their experiences from participation in COST actions. There will be an opportunity to ask questions in a dedicated Q&A session, and to network with other attendees.

The event will be recorded and the video will be published on the University of Leeds events page.

Further information, including the full agenda and the registration link, can be found on the event registration webpage.

Please note that those interested to participate in person will have to seek options for covering travel costs in their faculties; event itself is free of charge.

If you plan to get involved in a COST Action, please get in touch with your RDS Funding Development Officer.

Funding Development Briefing 08/02/23 Spotlight on: BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants

What are Funding Development Briefings?

Each session will cover the latest major funding opportunities, followed by a brief Q&A session. Sessions will also include a spotlight on a particular funding opportunity of strategic importance to BU. Sessions will be on Wednesdays, from 12 pm for half-an-hour. The same link can be used each week to join here.
Next Weds 08 February 12:00-12:30, we will cover the BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants

Research Professional – all you need to know.

Every BU academic has a Research Professional account which delivers weekly emails detailing funding opportunities in their broad subject area. To really make the most of your Research Professional account, you should tailor it further by establishing additional alerts based on your specific area of expertise. The Funding Development Team Officers can assist you with this, if required.

Research Professional have created several guides to help introduce users to Research Professional. These can be downloaded here.

Quick Start Guide: Explains to users their first steps with the website, from creating an account to searching for content and setting up email alerts, all in the space of a single page.

User Guide: More detailed information covering all the key aspects of using Research Professional.

Administrator Guide: A detailed description of the administrator functionality.

In addition to the above, there are a set of 2-3 minute videos online, designed to take a user through all the key features of Research Professional. To access the videos, please use the following link:

Research Professional are running a series of online training broadcasts aimed at introducing users to the basics of creating and configuring their accounts on Research Professional. They are holding two monthly sessions, covering everything you need to get started with Research Professional. The broadcast sessions will run for no more than 60 minutes, with the opportunity to ask questions via text chat. Each session will cover:

  • Self registration and logging in
  • Building searches
  • Setting personalised alerts
  • Saving and bookmarking items
  • Subscribing to news alerts
  • Configuring your personal profile

Each session will run between 10.00am and 11.00am (UK) on the second Tuesday of the month. You can register here for your preferred date:

9th May 2023

These are free and comprehensive training sessions and so this is a good opportunity to get to grips with how Research Professional can work for you. Previous recordings can be found here if you can’t attend a session.

Have you noticed the pink box on the BU Research Blog homepage?

By clicking on this box, on the left of the Research Blog home page just under the text ‘Funding Opportunities‘, you access a Research Professional real-time search of the calls announced by the Major UK Funders. Use this feature to stay up to date with funding calls. Please note that you will have to be on campus or connecting to your desktop via our VPN to fully access this service.

Funding Development Briefing 01/02/23 Spotlight on: KTPs – with Business Engagement and Knowledge Exchange Managers_re-scheduled!

What are Funding Development Briefings?

Each session will cover the latest major funding opportunities, followed by a brief Q&A session. Sessions will also include a spotlight on a particular funding opportunity of strategic importance to BU. Sessions will be on Wednesdays, from 12 pm for half-an-hour. The same link can be used each week to join here.
Next Weds 01 February 12:00-12:30, we will cover the Knowledge Exchange Partnerships (KTP) and we will have the pleasure of having the Business Engagement and Knowledge Exchange Managers along to talk to us about the KTP process and tips about getting partnerships together.
Sessions will be recorded and made available after the session for those who cannot attend.

Funding Development Briefing 25/1/23 Spotlight on: Horizon Europe Guarantee

What are Funding Development Briefings?

Each session will cover the latest major funding opportunities, followed by a brief Q&A session. Sessions will also include a spotlight on a particular funding opportunity of strategic importance to BU. Sessions will be on Wednesdays, from 12 pm for half-an-hour. The same link can be used each week to join here.
Next Weds 25 January 12:00-12:30, we will cover the Horizon Europe Guarantee.

Sessions will be recorded and made available after the session for those who cannot attend.