Category / Funding opportunities

Research Professional – all you need to know

Every BU academic has a Research Professional account which delivers weekly emails detailing funding opportunities in their broad subject area. To really make the most of your Research Professional account, you should tailor it further by establishing additional alerts based on your specific area of expertise.

Research Professional have created several guides to help introduce users to ResearchProfessional. These can be downloaded here.

Quick Start Guide: Explains to users their first steps with the website, from creating an account to searching for content and setting up email alerts, all in the space of a single page.

User Guide: More detailed information covering all the key aspects of using ResearchProfessional.

Administrator Guide: A detailed description of the administrator functionality.

In addition to the above, there are a set of 2-3 minute videos online, designed to take a user through all the key features of ResearchProfessional.  To access the videos, please use the following link: 

Research Professional are running a series of online training broadcasts aimed at introducing users to the basics of creating and configuring their accounts on ResearchProfessional.  They are holding monthly sessions, covering everything you need to get started with ResearchProfessional.  The broadcast sessions will run for no more than 60 minutes, with the opportunity to ask questions via text chat.  Each session will cover:

  • Self registration and logging in
  • Building searches
  • Setting personalised alerts
  • Saving and bookmarking items
  • Subscribing to news alerts
  • Configuring your personal profile

Each session will run between 10.00am and 11.00am (UK) on the fourth Tuesday of each month.  You can register here for your preferred date:

25 November 2014

These are free and comprehensive training sessions and so this is a good opportunity to get to grips with how Research Professional can work for you.

ESRC Transformative Research Call: internal competition

The ESRC expects universities to exercise demand management for the ESRC Transformative Research Call and therefore a special panel has been convened.Therefore, colleagues wishing to submit an application to this call should adhere to the following time scale:

You can find further information here: ESRC Transformative Research Call

The aim of this call is to provide a stimulus for genuinely transformative research ideas at the frontiers of the social sciences, enabling research which challenges current thinking to be supported and developed. Transformative research is an involving pioneering theoretical and methodological innovation. The expectation is that the transformative research call will encourage novel developments of social science enquiry, and support research activity that entails an element of risk.

If you have a queries please contact  Alexandra Pekalski

New SBRI Competition Inclusive Technology Prize

Are you working with start-ups, micro and or SMEs? Please encourage them to consider if they have any concepts or technology that could be applied to this challenge.

Designers, makers and entrepreneurs are being challenged to apply for the chance to gain a contract worth £50k and to develop the next generation of products, services and technologies that will make a real difference to the 1 in 6 of us living with limiting long term illness or disability in the UK.

The UK’s innovation foundation, Nesta, is working with the Office for Disability Issues, Innovate UK, Business Innovation and Skills and Irwin Mitchell to champion the issue of assistive technology through the Inclusive Technology Prize. The challenge will encourage innovation through co-creation with disabled people, meeting needs as defined by the users themselves and challenging people to use lived experiences of disability to develop life changing technology. 

 The competition is using the SBRI competition process, (Small Business Research Initiative) which offers opportunities for businesses, especially early-stage and SMEs to develop and demonstrate technology to public sector funded challenges.

 Interested organisations and individuals should visit to apply. The deadline for applications is 16 January 2015


£2.5m funding available – SBRI Healthcare Autumn 2014

SBRI Healthcare Autumn 2014

The National Health Service England and the NHS Academic Health Science Networks have opened multiple new SBRI competitions with a total of £2.5m funding available in Phase 1 to develop technologies and innovative solutions that can provide better health outcomes in the areas of:

  • Innovation in child & adolescent mental health
  • Improving care of diabetic foot ulcer
  • Medical imaging
  • Improving efficiency & experience of outpatient services
  • Brain injury healthcare

Phase 1 is intended to show the technical feasibility of the proposed concept. Development contracts will be awarded for a maximum of 6 months and £100,000 (inc VAT) per project.  Projects that have completed Phase 1 successfully will be eligible for Phase 2 later in the year. Phase 2 contracts are intended to develop and evaluate prototypes or demonstration units from the more promising technologies in Phase 1.

More information including briefs for the challenges can be found on the website.

Application process

For further details, including the application process click here. The deadline for applications is 9 December 2014




Making connections to improve your EU bidding

You can add an extra edge to your EU funding applications by understanding the background to the call or by being part of a network – sometimes it is not just what you know but also who you know….

The European Documentation Centre (Cardiff EDC) provides information on their website so that you can find the policies that may impact upon your research. Linking your research bid to the funder’s policies is always a good idea! You can also sign up to email alerts so that you receive documentation tailored to your information needs direct to your inbox. 

There are a number of email discussion lists on Linked In, including many for Horizon 2020. Some are for finding collaborative partners but also provide general information, an indication of trends and the opportunity for your to network with colleagues in the same field. Lists include Horizon 2020, Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Group, Horizon 2020 Society & Culture – Societal Challenges, Horizon 2020 Information and Communication Technologies – Industrial Leadership and Horizon 2020 Marie-Curie – Excellent Science. Why not make use of these groups?

You may find others in your field making use of the internet and you can join them. For example, a Linked In post took me to a site Health (IT) Space, where I found links relevant to the use of ICT in Health Care. Although you have to use discernment when signing up to any service, it is an example of what fellow researchers are doing. Join them? Emulate them in your field?

You can sign up to relevant email lists on JISCmail. Once such list is EUROtalk but there are many others aimed at the research community in the UK. Please make sure that you check the instructions for signing up (and unsubscribing) carefully.

There are, of course, more formal ways to enhance your presence within the EU. Make use of briefing and training events and consider signing up to be an EU Expert. Participating in this scheme will give you an insight into how the EU funding works, facilitate networking and allow you to make a positive contribution to the funding process.

Last, but not least, is the European Commission website, where you can find out about policies, calls, tenders and priorities. You can follow the EU via Linked In, Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms.

These are just a few of the connections that you can make. Yes, part of bidding is about conveying your research to the funder, but it is also about knowing the funder, their context and how your research fits with their aims and objectives.

To find out more about how the Funding Development Team can help you with your bidding, please get in touch! Keep watching the Research Blog for further help.



Tomorrow is deadline day for Fusion Investment Fund applications

If you would like to apply to either strand of the Fusion Investment Fund, please make sure you submit your application by the deadline which is 12pm tomorrow!

No exception will be made to this deadline.

For all the strand policy documents, Fund FAQs and information about applying, please visit the FIF intranet pages.


Please direct all initial enquiries to the Fusion Investment Fund Co-ordinator, Sue Townrow, at Fusion Fund.

The Fusion Investment Fund is managed by Samantha Leahy-Harland.

Communicate 2014, will you grasp this opportunity?








This November 4th and 5th, get down to At-Bristol, located in Bristol city which will play host to this year’s eagerly anticipated Communicate 2014. Communicate is the UK’s leading conference for environmental communicators, bringing together over 150 delegates each year to debate and share the latest challenges and emerging best practice for engaging people with the natural world.

 Communicate can boast of bringing together over 80 organisations, including NGO’s, local and national government, media, academia, visitor attractions and green businesses, providing participants with an excellent opportunity to engage with practitioners. This is an opportunity that cannot be missed as these organisations represent Communicate annually and since 2003, more than 800 delegates from over 300 organisations have attended the conference. The conference is highly stimulating and thought provoking and it is a great opportunity to meet people involved across a wide variety of sectors.

 There is funding available for NERC funded PhD students and early career researchers thanks to the support from the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). Bursaries will be awarded through a competitive application process. Applications for the second round of bursaries must be received by 9am on Monday 20th October. Click here to start your application. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity.

 Click here to see the latest line-up of some of Britain’s most effective speakers that will be there to make this experience one you will never forget.

£1 million call for research proposals – affordable space capability






Affordable Space Capability

MOD’s Centre for Defence Enterprise (CDE) are launching  this competition  to fund exploratory studies and demonstrations to develop concepts and technologies required for delivering a UK space-based military capability. A smaller number of successful projects will be taken forward for further development.

Areas of particular interest include:

  • technologies providing wide-area surveillance combined with ways of detecting small objects of interest
  • technologies providing very frequent or persistent coverage to observe short-lived events
  • methods for detecting concealed objects
  • technologies to provide secure communications using hand-held terminals from hard-to-reach locations
  • secure use of existing commercial space infrastructures

The MOD are also interested in reducing build and operating costs. Cost reduction should be achieved without reducing reliability or assurance of systems. Proposals are particularly welcome which investigate the use of:

  • novel platform technologies, including on-orbit propulsion and power systems, but excluding launch
  • novel payload technologies, including deployable structures

This competition will be briefed at the CDE Innovation Network event on Tuesday 18 November 2014 – registration will open around 6 weeks before the event.

Further details are available via the website.




Horizon 2020 – Innovate UK Webinars

The Knowledge Transfer Network invite you to H2020
Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020) – in addition to the private investment that this money will attract. It promises more breakthroughs, discoveries and world-firsts by taking great ideas from the lab to the market. The Knowledge Transfer Network in partnership with Innovate UK, is hosting a series of support workshops and events to assist business in accessing, partnering for, and understanding the opportunities presented by Horizon 2020. 
Webinars Announced…
15th Oct; H2020 Webinar: Energy Efficient Buildings Calls (EeB) 2015
21st Oct; H2020 Webinar: 2015 Calls for Proposals for Low Carbon Energy projects including renewable electricity, renewable heat, smart grids and energy storage
22nd Oct; H2020 Webinar: 2015 Calls for Proposals for Energy Efficiency projects
 23rd Oct; H2020 Webinar: 2015 Calls for Proposals for Smart Cities and Communities projects
20th-21st Nov, London; Pilot Live event: H2020 International Proposal Exercise on Built Environment Calls (EeB and EE)
Past Events 
European Funding for the Materials & Nanotechnology, Chemistry & Manufacturing Communities – Presentations available here.
Sustainable Value Chains – European funding for innovation in sustainable use and supply of resources – Presentations available here.
Get in Touch


Support for a wide variety of business applying to H2020
The Knowledge Transfer Network events will provide support to a wide spectrum of businesses through a combination of information, networking, pitching, drop in surgeries & consortia building events.
Dates have been announced for a series of webinars covering Energy Efficient Buildings, Low Carbon Energy, Energy Efficiency and Smart Cities  & Communities. Details can be found below.Get involved

Which EU Internet of Things Large Scale Pilots? Consultation and Invitation for Commitment: This is your chance to influence what goes into the work programme – and show some willing, if you are so inclined. Participate here.

15th October; H2020 Webinar: Energy Efficient Buildings Calls (EeB) 2015
The webinar  will present the current Horizon 2020 Call for Proposals for Energy Efficient Buildings projects. The current Call for Proposals has a budget of 72M€ and includes topics on design tools for refurbishment of buildings, buildings design for new highly energy performing buildings and integrated approaches to retrofitting of residential buildings.
More >>
 21st October; H2020 Webinar: 2015 Calls for Proposals for Low Carbon Energy projects including renewable electricity, renewable heat, smart grids and energy storage
This webinar will highlight the forthcoming opportunities in Horizon 2020 Energy within the Low Carbon Energy Call topics. 
More >>
22nd October; H2020 Webinar: 2015 Calls for Proposals for Energy Efficiency projects
This webinar will highlight the forthcoming opportunities in Horizon 2020 Energy within the Energy Efficiency Call topics. 
More >>
23rd October; H2020 Webinar: 2015 Calls for Proposals for Smart Cities and Communities projects    
This webinar will highlight the forthcoming opportunities in Horizon 2020 Energy within the Smart Cities and Communities Call topics. 
More >>
20th-21st November, London; H2020 International Proposal Exercise on Built Environment Calls (EeB and EE)
The aim of this event is to facilitate the creation of potential consortia and smart proposals for 2015 around the EeB calls (Industrial Leadership) and the EE (societal challenge). The event is open only to 60 delegates with a max of 40 from UK and max of 20 from Europe. Please note that your registration is subject to approval by the Knowledge Transfer Network.

More >>


For even more information, please go to the KTN website and register on _connect, Innovate UK’s information portal, to receive personal updates relevant to you.

Free money! Free money! Fusion Investment Fund closes soon.

Okay so it’s not exactly free….you will have to do something for it but what if I told you that you will be hailed within BU, and who knows, maybe the world, as a researcher/support staff member extraordinaire! Your peers will bow down in the corridors in your honour, you will be met with applause when you enter the atrium.*

I know what you’re thinking….’This sounds brilliant! Where can I find out more?’ Just point your mouse here, my friend, and all will be revealed.

Applications close at 12pm this Friday 17th October, so don’t delay!


*This may not actually happen.


Please direct all initial enquiries to the Fusion Investment Fund Co-ordinator, Sue Townrow, at Fusion Fund.

The Fusion Investment Fund is managed by Samantha Leahy-Harland.

Want some money?

I thought that might get your attention! The latest call of FIF (or the ‘Fusion Investment Fund’ for those of you who haven’t yet added this acronym to your vocabulary) closes in less than 2 weeks so if you haven’t applied yet or haven’t seen my previous blog post, let me give you the highlights:

So basically you could be given a pile of cash to enable you to do what you love! Pursue that dream of undertaking world-leading research or travel across the pond to work collaboratively with experts in your field. Become a hero and take your rightful place on that pedestal that your peers and students will put you on.*

Sound good? Find out more.


*BU cannot guarantee this.


Please direct all initial enquiries to the Fusion Investment Fund Co-ordinator, Sue Townrow, at Fusion Fund.

The Fusion Investment Fund is managed by Samantha Leahy-Harland.

When telling tales is good!

The RCUK Digital Economy Theme ‘Telling Tales of Engagement’ Competition 2014

The RCUK Digital Economy Theme is running a competition designed to help capture and promote the impact that your digital economy research is having. Three prizes of £10,000 are available to support researchers to further tell the story of your research impact in an interesting and engaging way to a wider audience.

Key Dates

Activity Date 
Call for EoIs launched 05 September 2014
Deadline for EoIs 19 November 2014
Panel and Funding decision 06 December 2014
Award duration From January 2015

The RCUK Digital Economy Theme (DET) is running a competition designed to help capture and promote the impact that your digital economy research is having. Three prizes of £10,000 are available to support researchers to further tell the story of research impact in an interesting and engaging way to a wider audience. The competition, which has been co-developed with the National Centre for Universities and Business (NCUB), is designed to produce very informative case study exemplars which can be used to help the wider research community develop understanding of the nature of a pathway to impact. It aims to encourage applicants to tell a story to describe the pathway to impact which actually occurred. This should be even more informative because understanding how impact arises is key to planning for future impact pathways. They want the stories to portray impact as including what capability has changed outside the institutions, and what benefits that exercising this capability change has then delivered. Each “Tale of Engagement” should show how the actual impact arises and the evidence of the impact itself and will thereby show clearly the link between the impact and the research. Choosing how to tell the story should reflect the nature of the story itself. The story should stimulate thinking on a more imaginative and illustrative ways to tell the tale of engagement and the resulting impact.

How to Apply
Please complete the form at the main call page (, addressing the questions raised in “Scope of Competition” section and taking into account the “Guidance on completing proforma” notes below. Please ensure you include a single PowerPoint slide which summarises your entry in an interesting and engaging way.

DEADLINE: 12:00 (noon) on Wednesday 19 November 2014.

You can find further information here: TellingTalesOfEngagementCall

If you have any questions, then please do contact:
Dr John Baird 01793 444 047
Mrs Ruth Slade 01793 444 261

Research Professional – all you need to know

Every BU academic has a Research Professional account which delivers weekly emails detailing funding opportunities in their broad subject area. To really make the most of your Research Professional account, you should tailor it further by establishing additional alerts based on your specific area of expertise.

Research Professional have created several guides to help introduce users to ResearchProfessional. These can be downloaded here.

Quick Start Guide: Explains to users their first steps with the website, from creating an account to searching for content and setting up email alerts, all in the space of a single page.

User Guide: More detailed information covering all the key aspects of using ResearchProfessional.

Administrator Guide: A detailed description of the administrator functionality.

In addition to the above, there are a set of 2-3 minute videos online, designed to take a user through all the key features of ResearchProfessional.  To access the videos, please use the following link: 

Research Professional are running a series of online training broadcasts aimed at introducing users to the basics of creating and configuring their accounts on ResearchProfessional.  They are holding monthly sessions, covering everything you need to get started with ResearchProfessional.  The broadcast sessions will run for no more than 60 minutes, with the opportunity to ask questions via text chat.  Each session will cover:

  • Self registration and logging in
  • Building searches
  • Setting personalised alerts
  • Saving and bookmarking items
  • Subscribing to news alerts
  • Configuring your personal profile

Each session will run between 10.00am and 11.00am (UK) on the fourth Tuesday of each month.  You can register here for your preferred date:


28 October 2014

25 November 2014

These are free and comprehensive training sessions and so this is a good opportunity to get to grips with how Research Professional can work for you.

Latest major funding opportunities

The following funding opportunities have been announced. Please follow the links for more information:

AHRC. Digital Transformations Small Grants.Funding for projects up to a value of £50k is available for a maximum duration of 12 months  in relation to the Digital Transformations in the Arts and Humanities Theme. Closing date: 27/11/2014 at 16:00

BBSRC. Follow-on Funding.  A Follow-On Grant enables researchers who have a sound understanding of the market opportunity for their intellectual assets to execute a defined programme of work of up to two years in length for under £250k.  Follow-On Fund projects must draw substantially on previous research funding by BBSRC. Closing date: 4/2/15


Bridging the Gaps between the Engineering and Physical Sciences and Antimicrobial Resistance. Up to £5M is available to support institutional Bridging the Gap awards to enable institutions to undertake a range of people-focused activities to facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations following the AMR research agenda. Closing date: 2/12/14 at 16:00

Fresh Ideas Fund. Bids are welcome from those with fresh ideas for platforms in innovative Class III, musculoskeletal medical device manufacturing.  Awards are limited to a maximum value of £50K. Closing Date: 19/12/14

Future Manufacturing Research Hubs. EPSRC is inviting outline applications for a number of large-scale, multidisciplinary research Hubs to address major, long-term challenges facing manufacturing industries, as well as capture opportunities from emerging research areas.  A total of £20 million is available to support two Hubs for seven years, which will each have a programme of innovative research in the engineering and physical sciences, related to the challenges in commercialising early stage research. The Hubs will feature high quality, multidisciplinary research, strong engagement with relevant manufacturing industries, and will take a leadership role in their national network. Closing date: 11/11/14 at 16:00

Transforming approaches to improving hearing aid technology.  Transforming approaches to improving hearing aid technology. Proposals are invited to support multidisciplinary research collaborations, which are academically led and focussed primarily on the following research challenges: 1) Optimising hearing aid devices for individuals 2) Speech-in-noise performance in hearing aid devices 3) New methods of signal transduction.  EPSRC expects to allocate between £3million and £5million through this call to innovative, multidisciplinary research projects.  Closing date: 27/11/14 at 16:00


Celebrating Impact Prize 2015. The prize celebrates outstanding ESRC research and success in collaborative working, partnerships, engagement and knowledge exchange activities that have led to significant impact. There are £90,000 of prizes to be won. Closing date: 20/11/14

Innovate UK

Building UK’s leadership in aerospace technology. Innovate UK is to invest up to £25m in collaborative research and development that supports the delivery of the priorities set out in the joint industry and Government industrial strategy for aerospace. Closing date: 28/1/15

Improving food supply chain efficiency. An investment of up to £11m in business projects to improve the resource efficiency and resilience of the food and drink supply chain will be made. Registration closing date: 26/11/14

 Medical Research Council

Career Development Award (CDA).  The CDA supports outstanding post-doctoral researchers who are not clinically active to consolidate their research skills and make the transition from post-doctoral researcher to independent investigator.  Awards are made under the full economic costing framework (FEC)opens in new window. There is no limit to the funding that can be requested under the scheme, but requests should be appropriate to the project. Closing date: 28/04/2015

Senior non-clinical fellowship (SNCF). Applicants should hold a PhD (or equivalent) and have at least six years’ post-doctoral research experience at the time of application closing date. The SNCF provides full personal salary costs, together with support for research staff, consumables expenses, travel costs and capital equipment appropriate for the research project. Closing date: 28/04/2015


Standard Grants. This is an open competition for curiosity-motivated basic, strategic or applied research.  The minimum that can be requested per complete proposal and per component is £65,000 (100% Full Economic Cost) and the maximum for the complete proposal is £1·2m (100% Full Economic Cost). Closing date: 20/1/15

Follow-on Fund. This fund picks up where research programme and discovery science (responsive mode) grants leave off and enables those research outputs to be further developed so their commercial potential can be realised. As a pilot, for the autumn call there is the opportunity to apply for up to £250k. Closing date: 18/12/2014

Innovation Projects call. The call will support projects that are likely to generate little or no commercial return, but which will deliver impact. Activities can include products, models, tools, internships or secondments.  Closing Date: 18/12/14

Programme coordination: environmental risks to infrastructure innovation programme.  Tenders are welcome from teams or individual or to support and coordinate the delivery of and Innovation Programme working with leading infrastructure owners, operators and engineering consultancies to translate science into tangible benefit to the UK economy.  Closing Date: 29/10/2014

Toshiba Fellowship Programme. The Toshiba Fellowship Programme (TFP) offers outstanding scientists an opportunity to apply to join Toshiba’s research and development laboratories in Japan, initially for one year, on a Research Fellowship Contract. Closing date: 5/12/14

 Please note that some funders specify a time for submission as well as a date. Please confirm this with your RKE Support Officer.

You can set up your own personalised alerts on ResearchProfessional. If you need help setting these up, just ask your School’s RKE Officer in RKE Operations or see the recent post on this topic, which includes forthcoming training dates up to November 2014.

If thinking of applying, why not add notification of your interest on ResearchProfessional’s record of the bid so that BU colleagues can see your intention to bid and contact you to collaborate.

€80M Funding Available for Web Entrepreneurs, SMEs and Start-ups through the EC’s FIWARE Accelerator Programme!

The European Commission is now launching a massive call for web entrepreneurs, SMEs and start-ups. 80 Million Euros will be distributed across Europe.

There is a huge demand for new Internet applications and services across all industry sectors. There are plenty of people with strong skills, eager to materialize their ideas…they just need the right ecosystem to help them grow! The FIWARE Accelerator Programme aims to bring together traditional industries (manufacturing, automotive, cultural sector, etc.) with highly innovative ICT web entrepreneurs, SMEs and start-ups to enhance growth in their regions.


FIWARE seeks to provide a truly open, public and royalty-free architecture and a set of open specifications that will allow developers, service providers, enterprises and other organizations to develop products that satisfy their needs while still being open and innovative. FIWARE will dramatically increase Europe’s ICT competitiveness by introducing an innovative infrastructure that enables cost-effective creation and delivery of versatile digital services, high quality of service and security guarantees.


The FIWARE Accelerator Programme aims to help web entrepreneurs, SMEs and start-ups to capture the opportunities coming from a new wave of digitization by creating a sustainable ecosystem where entrepreneurs, domain stakeholders and technology providers fulfil their needs. This is a massive opportunity for all European start-ups that need help during the first stages of business development. All across Europe, accelerators specialized in different sectors will provide direct funding (equity-free), mentoring, coaching, support and networking.

The FIWARE Accelerator Programme supports 8 sectors:

  1. Smart Cities
  2. eHealth
  3. Transport
  4. Energy & Environment
  5. Agrifood
  6. Media & Content
  7. Manufacturing & Logisticts
  8. Social & learning

There are 16 FIWARE Accelerators ready to support innovative ideas. Some of the Accelerators currently have open calls while others will open their funding applications in the coming weeks/months.

For more information on the FIWARE Accelerator Programme, check out this YouTube video.


While the FIWARE Accelerator Programme is aimed specifically at web entrepreneurs, SMEs and start-ups, there is potential scope for university support on funding applications as sub-contractors/knowledge brokers. In fact, several Accelerators mentioned they’d prefer to see university involvement on applications for funding. Therefore, if you know any web entrepreneurs, SMEs or start-ups that you think fit the bill for the FIWARE Accelerator Programme, check out the website. Additionally, feel free to contact the Bournemouth University Cyber Security Unit (BUCSU), as we attended the 2nd annual European Conference on the Future Internet (ECFI), which launched the FIWARE Accelerator Programme. We’re more than happy to chat with you about this funding opportunity!

Seed corn funding HSC-Student staff research collaboration

Seed corn funding enabled academics from the physiotherapy programme to collaborate with undergraduates and new graduands  to conduct a research project. The aim of this project was to engage students in the research process from data collection to data analysis and dissemination and to gain feedback about this unique learning experience.

This small grant has enabled us to:

  • Actively engage BSc students in primary research (not otherwise covered in the course curriculum)
  • Bring together students from different disciplines and universities
  • Facilitate peer learning and teaching
  • Deliver a presentation on research methods to students from Bournemouth University International College
  • Produce two manuscripts for publication

Student feedback has highlighted that this project additionally served to: increase undergraduate student’s abilities in statistical analysis, increase their understanding of study design and methodology and improve their academic writing skills.

This project has encouraged staff-student collaborative learning and interprofessional understanding within HSC.

Project supervisors were: Dr Jon Williams and Dr Carol Clark

Space themed call for KTP has been launched!

Pun intended.

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board) has launched a new specialised Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) call for space.

This targeted call will support 10 to 12 KTP projects which are in line with the UK’s Space Innovation and Growth Strategy (IGS).

Key points of this targeted call are:

  • ‘Upstream’ projects in satellite and satellite instrument manufacture need to be generally aligned with the National Space Technology Strategy
  • ‘Downstream’ projects need to link to a defined market/end product
  • All projects must use expertise from outside of the space sector
  • There is a bursary fund available for a number of KTP associates to attend the International Space University summer school

This call is now open and closes on 11th February 2015.

For complete information on this call, please visit the Innovate UK website.

If you would like to discuss this call and potential KTP ideas around this call, please do contact me: Rachel Clarke, Knowledge Exchange Adviser (KTP) – 01202 961347 –