Category / Fusion themes

Unlocking the data dungeons of higher education

Unlocking the data dungeons of higher education
Authors: Kitchenham, A., Holley, D. and Biggins, D.

Conference: International Technology, Education and Development Conference 2025

Dates: 3-5 March 2025

Higher Education in the UK operates under a regulatory framework, the Office for Students (OfS). The university sector needd to report on a series of data metrics, where education has been quantified into measurable outcomes. These are focused on continuation and completion of studies, as well as readiness and ability to secure professional work. However, recent literature has documented the complexity of computing metrics in an environment in which universities are in constant transition and adaptation, and how these adaptive processes impact student transitions, including from university to graduate work. Thus collecting data with precision and fair statistical assessment of outcomes across the sector remain a challenge for the government and the sector alike.
Learning analytics is a highly contested field which is implemented and used in very different ways across the sector. In some cases, the collection of data places greater emphasis on institutional compliance for reputational protection and as a tool for data driven narrative creation. At its most effective, it places the learner at the centre of the process and as the primary audience for its output. Emerging trends point to how it is increasingly embedded within day-to-day activities that encompass learners, educators and the institution. Our research indicates that it is most impactful when it supports data-informed pedagogic interventions.
Our research suggests three broad responses to data collection, collation and interpretations, where the institutional data gathered is actioned through very different strategic lenses. Best practice seeks to use this data to inform strategic and operational decisions; and to focus on the student experience, with a clear pedagogic rationale underpinning the sharing of data, that genuinely moves the student learning journey forward. The use and role of data can be characterised as a tool to defend the institution from external scrutiny; an intrinsic tool to inform course development or as instigator for dialogue (including self dialogue) by the learner. The learning design that frames and encompasses learning analytics impacts significantly on the user. It can be cold, dehumanising and context free with the data stored in what we terms as a ‘data dungeon’. It can be interpreted as a ‘data engine room’ driving forward the curricula and learning agenda; it can, we argue, at its cutting edge frame ‘data dialogue’; shining the light into the data dungeon. This paper will draw upon these themes and suggest a maturity model to ensure the data collected has meaning, use and value and contributes to a greater understanding of the measurement and understanding of learning gain.

Free Research Event – Wednesday 26th February – A Celebration of Sustainable Consumption Related Research

BU Research Centre CSSRC is celebrating its interdisciplinary and intersectoral research around Sustainable Consumption on Wednesday 26th February 2025, 3.15-5.00pm.

The Centre for Sustainable & Socially Responsible Consumption (CSSRC) invites you to attend its research event on Wednesday 26th February 2025 to celebrate its interdisciplinary and intersectoral research around sustainable consumption. After a welcome refreshment this interesting and informative event will comprise of two topical presentation sessions, each lead by a member of CSSRC, as outlined below. Opportunity for discussions and networking over refreshments after the talks will round off the event.

Session 1: Sustainability, Place Brands and congruence- how important are they in student choice? 

Professor of Societal Marketing, Chris Chapleo will discuss his current research in relation to two core projects: the first of these concerns the role of sustainability in university communications and branding, and whether sustainability league tables really matter to key stakeholders. He is also looking at sustainable city brands and how this links to universities in these cities. This is a joint project between BU and Pannonia, Hungary.  The second, related project is looking at how students choose a university and their ‘congruence’ with city/ university brands. This project is a collaboration between Bournemouth University, University of the West of England, and University of Plymouth.

Session 2: Understanding and encouraging the consumption of pulses

Professor of Psychology Katherine Appleton will present this session and introduce her work in this area. Pulses, including beans, chickpeas and lentils, are healthy, sustainable, low-cost foods, but consumption is low and increased consumption would benefit the health of the population and the planet. I have a programme of work looking at trying to understand why pulse consumption is low, and how we can increase this. I will speak about two studies that were completed last year looking at barriers and facilitators to pulse consumption, with specific foci on the use of recipes, enjoyment and cooking skills in increasing consumption. I will finish by considering our current ongoing study, and where we might be going next.

Provisional Timetable:

3.15-3.30pm – Welcome refreshment

3.30-4.30pm – Presentation sessions

4.30-5.00pm – Discussion, networking and refreshments

This is a free event, but you must register to attend via Eventbrite:


The Centre for Sustainable & Socially Responsible Consumption (CSSRC) aims to promote and advance the understanding of sustainable consumption and socially responsible consumption through developing and delivering internationally renowned research. It provides a hub to explore and address topics that are currently globally relevant, through utilising a strong interdisciplinary focus. Webpage:

Research seminar and tech showcase 12.02.25: ICONIC (Intergenerational Co-design Of Novel technologies In Coastal communities) project

The Ageing and Dementia Research Centre are welcoming colleagues from Plymouth University to talk about the ICONIC project (see more details below) and showcase some of the technologies they have created.

 The team are interested in talking to any BU colleagues who work on co-design/digital health or immersive technologies and AI so please do come along (and let Michelle know if would like to give a short presentation about your research).

 12th February 2025

11-1pm (presentations will be first and then tech showcase)

P222, Poole House, Talbot Campus

ICONIC Project

The ICONIC (Intergenerational Co-design Of Novel technologies In Coastal communities) project is exploring how co-design of novel technologies can support digital inclusion in Cornwall and Devon. The project recruited 99 participants to join intergenerational co-design workshops to create technologies that support access to environment, heritage, and community resources. The technologies include a social game, immersive heritage and underwater experiences, and a voice AI system accessed via a telephone call. The research team will be sharing their insights from the co-design process for each technology and discuss the effects of participation on digital inclusion.

  • Dr Rory Baxter is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Health Technology, University of Plymouth, working on the EPSRC funded Intergenerational Codesign Of Novel technologies In Coastal communities (ICONIC) project to address digital exclusion in Cornwall and Devon. The project involves the intergenerational co-design of technologies for supporting access to heritage, environment, and community resources. His previous work includes the ESRC funded GOALD and ERDF funded EPIC projects, which focused on digital health innovation co-design and evaluation to support healthy ageing. Prior to that he completed an EPSRC funded iCASE PhD, exploring human navigation and search behaviour, during which Rory developed VR-based experimental tasks using Unity, which were adapted for online platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Dr Oksana Hagen earned a BSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering from NCTU (Taiwan), MSc in Computer Vision and Robotics through the Erasmus Mundus ViBOT program, and a PhD in Computing at the University of Plymouth. After a brief period in industry, Oksana joined Aldebaran AI Lab (France) under a Marie Curie Fellowship to focus on research in machine learning. She subsequently contributed to social robotics research for AgeIn project at the University of Plymouth. Currently, she is part of the ICONIC project, developing VoiceAI and underwater telepresence applications through co-design. Her research interests include machine learning, robotics and HCI.
  • Dr Marius Varga’s expertise sits at the intersection of game technology and user experience, with a focus on serious games and immersive experiences. Currently, a Research Fellow part of the ICONIC project, using a co-design approach, Marius leads the development of a multiplayer Social Game focused on seagrass conservation and for Extended Reality (XR), he is developing an immersive heritage experience in partnership with National Trust. Marius is also involved in digital health projects such part of Bridging project – focused on using XR training with autistic employees and employers and Glider project – addressing challenges in frailty through robotics, play and immersive technology.
  • Dr Linan Zhang holds an MA in East Asian Studies (Japanese) and an MSc in International Development from the University of Edinburgh. She later earned a PhD with Transtechnology Research at the University of Plymouth, where she developed a philosophical framework to ease the paradigm conflicts in knowledge sharing, drawing inspiration from an international health collaboration, a global health crisis, and the development discourse. She is currently an Associate Lecturer for i-DAT, a Research Fellow in Orbital Science, and the Media and Admin officer for the ICONIC Project at the University of Plymouth. Additionally, she serves as an Associate Editor for Leonardo Review.

Digital dementia care: How social media is shaping experiences of dementia

We’re thrilled to invite you to the second online seminar in the new ADRC series. This session will feature Dr. Catherine Talbot from Bournemouth University, presenting: Digital dementia care: How social media is shaping experiences of dementia.

With a rapidly growing population of people affected by dementia and increasing global emphasis being placed on early and timely diagnosis, it is vital to explore creative ways of supporting those affected. Social media has potential to mitigate some of the challenges associated with dementia, by facilitating social connectivity and access to information. Despite these possibilities, research in this area is scarce, and social media platforms are not designed with the specific needs of people with dementia or their carers in mind. In this talk, Dr Catherine Talbot will present the findings from her British Academy funded research, which aimed to explore the attitudes of people with dementia and their carers towards engaging with social media. She will also discuss how educational and technological initiatives can empower people with dementia to use social media safely and effectively.

The seminar is open to all Bournemouth University staff, students, community organisations, and anyone interested in the topic.
Please keep an eye out for upcoming seminars throughout 2025!
See you there!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 881 0618 6753
Passcode: $30@u6Af

BU organised a very successful Theoretical Archaeology Group meeting last weekend

A stand at the TAG meetingLast week we saw over 220 archaeologists from all over the world gather on Talbot Campus for the 45th annual meeting of the Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG), organised by Department of Archaeology and Anthropology staff and students. Over two and a half days, 25 separate sessions with over 230 research papers were presented, mostly in the Fusion Building.

Two keynote lectures were delivered by Prof Ian Hodder on “Archaeological Theory since 1984 and the Politics of Human Displacement” and Gill Hay on “Mrs Thatcher and the privatisation of knowledge: the evolution of archaeological practice in Britain since 1990”.

In addition, key stakeholders such as the Council for British Archaeology and the Chartered Institute for Archaeology, Butser Ancient Farm, BU’s The Sanctuary heritage, craft and wellbeing group, as well as academic publishers and other heritage-related vendors held stalls.

People stood behind a table BU continued the recent TAG tradition of awarding prizes. This year’s TAG Prize for outstanding theoretical contribution was awarded to Dr Rachel Crellin of Leicester University. The Don Henson prize for best student debut paper went to Heather Ford of the University of Glasgow, with three commendable mentions also awarded – one of which went to BU’s postgraduate researcher Ingrid O’Donnell.

Written by Dr Fabio Silva

New research published on Artificial Empathy in the Metaverse

Dimitrios Buhalis new research published on Artificial Empathy in the Metaverse

Assiouras, I., Laserer; C., Buhalis, D., 2025, The Evolution of Artificial Empathy in the Hospitality Metaverse Era, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Volume 126, April 2025, 104063


  • Artificial empathy of intelligent agents can be strengthened in the metaverse.
  • The experimental nature can hinder the development of artificial empathy.
  • The interoperability is critical for the development of artificial empathy.
  • Enhanced empathy of AI agents in metaverse will improve customers’ reactions.
  • Opportunities and challenges arise in the development of human empathy.


As hospitality enters the metaverse era, artificial empathy becomes essential for developing artificial intelligence (AI) agents. Using the empathy cycle model, computational empathy frameworks and interdisciplinary research, this conceptual paper proposes a model explaining how artificial empathy will evolve in the hospitality metaverse era. The paper also addresses customer empathy and responses towards AI agents and other human actors within the hospitality context. It explores how metaverse characteristics such as immersiveness, sociability, experiential nature, interoperability, blended virtual and physical environments as well as environmental fidelity will shape computational models and the evolution of artificial empathy. Findings suggest that the metaverse enables AI agents to form a seamless cycle of detection, resonation, and response to consumers’ affective states, facilitating the evolution of artificial empathy. Additionally, the paper outlines conditions under which the artificial empathy cycle may be disrupted and proposes future research questions that can advance our understanding of artificial empathy.




AWE: Augmented Wildlife Experiences – Gaining traction

We’re excited to share updates about our groundbreaking Augmented Wildlife Experiences (AWE) project created by a team of academics from the Department of Life and Environmental Science. The project uses digital technology to create immersive experiences along walking trails, helping people connect with nature in new and meaningful ways while supporting their well-being. Wildlife sounds, camera trap footage, and educational information are accessible on our custom-built website,

BU HEIF funding allowed us to complete our proof-of-concept trail at Holton Lee, owned by Shaftesbury Millie College – by Livability. Over the past months, we have actively shared our work and built connections with diverse audiences. Various organisations have asked us to develop an AWE trail on their lands to enhance their public engagement activities.

Sharing Our Vision

On the 11th of November, Amanda Korstjens and Anastasia Vayona presented AWE for BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, titled: “Augmented Wildlife Experiences (AWE) trails to support nature connection”. The talk reflected on the challenges faced during the setup of the first trail at Holton Lee, located on private land with restricted access owned by Shaftesbury Millie College – by Livability, compared to the unique opportunities and issues anticipated with new trails being established on public land. We also discussed how AWE can be a tool to allow less mobile people to immerse themselves in local nature online.

Join us for more public events:

January 14th 2025 Webinar for Bournemouth Natural Sciences Society: “Using IT to make wildlife trails more interesting and accessible – Augmented Wildlife Experiences ( AWE) trails to support nature connection”.

In February, 14-23rd 2025, as part of “A Heathland Celebration” exhibition at the Gallery Upstairs in Upton Country Park (led by Julia Jennings), we will hold a panel discussion.

June 3rd, 2025, we will showcase AWE at Café Scientifique with Bournemouth University’s Public Engagement team. In a relaxed setting, we’ll explore how AWE merges conservation with technology.

Building Momentum

  • Anastasia Vayona submitted a British Academy small grants proposal, seeking to test the effectiveness of AWE enhancements in promoting nature connectedness.
  • AWE now proudly includes six talented students from diverse disciplines, whose fresh perspectives and skills are driving the project forward. This SERT (Student Environmental Research Team) started planning and shaping our second trail in November 2024 (funded by departmental QR funding). The Talbot Woods trail is a collaboration with Martha Searle from Talbot Village Trust. Get in touch if you would like to contribute.

AWE is a collaborative multi-disciplinary project led by BU academics working with local organisations Dorset Electrical Solutions, Shaftesbury Millie College, and Talbot Village Trust.

With these activities and accomplishments, AWE is paving the way for a future where technology and conservation work hand in hand.

Stay tuned for more updates and join us at

BU PhD Candidate Shares Transportation Expertise at Dorset COP 24

🌍🚗 Thrilled to Have Participated in Dorset COP 24! 🚗🌍

Today, I had the incredible opportunity to contribute to the “Future Transport System in Dorset” workshop at Dorset COP 24. As an expert speaker, I joined Dorset and BCP Council representatives, local Transport Action Groups, the General Manager of More Bus, the Lead Director of Great British Railways and engaged community members to reimagine what Dorset’s transport landscape could look like over the next decade—and how we can achieve these changes sustainably.

During the session, I presented my research on complex urban road networks and traffic congestion spread, sparking insightful conversations on innovative, eco-friendly strategies that could reshape our local transport systems. After a dynamic Q&A with experts, I was invited to share my findings with the BCP Council’s Transportation Team and the Dorchester Transport Action Group in their upcoming meetings—a fantastic opportunity to see these ideas reach even wider audiences!

I’m feeling inspired and energized by the collaboration, insights, and shared commitment to a greener future for Dorset. Thank you, Lois Betts (BU Sustainability Manager), Joseph McMullen (BU Lecturer) for the invitation and support. Let’s keep pushing for sustainable progress! 🌱

Assemgul, PhD candidate, SciTech, Computing Department. Research title: “Complex Urban Road Networks: Static Structures and Dynamic Processes.”

SUNRISE for sustainability research event – Wednesday 23rd October

Join us on Wednesday for the SUNRISE event, the final and largest event of a series of interactive hybrid events designed to celebrate sustainability research.

The SUNRISE project is a collaborative initiative between BU and Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), funded by The British Council. The project aims to enhance UK-Malaysian Higher Education cooperation by fostering innovation, research collaboration and sustainable mobility.

The event will run from 8:30-11am on Wednesday 23rd October in F104 and on Zoom, with a light breakfast provided for those joining in person.

The main focus of the event is around enhancing research capacity. We will begin by celebrating the sustainability projects of BU PGR and USM, as they present their innovative work.

In addition, attendees will participate in discussion panels, sharing what inspires them about sustainability, reflecting on their experiences, and exploring potential opportunities to connect and collaborate with fellow students and colleagues.

We welcome those doing sustainability-focused research and anyone else who is passionate about sustainability: faculty members, students of all levels, alumni, and individuals from diverse professional and educational backgrounds.

The session will culminate with the launch of the SUNRISE Sustainability Champion Award introduced by the BU Sustainability team to recognise and celebrate students’ contributions to sustainability within their BU experience.

Please complete the registration form or scan the QR code below to reserve your place at the event.

BU does well in offering Open Access publications

The latest online CWTS Leiden Ranking Open Edition lists Bournemouth University (BU) high among European universities when it comes to making academic papers easily available through Open Access.  For all sciences combined BU ranks 15th out of 491 European universities when it comes to hybrid Open Access publications.  BU ranks 12th out of 487 universities for the category ‘Biomedical & Health Sciences’ and 14th out of 475 universities in Europe for ‘Social Sciences & Humanities’.

The University of Leiden in the Netherlands compiles the CWTS Leiden Ranking Open Edition, and  offers fully transparent information about the scientific performance of over 1500 major universities worldwide.



Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen

Research Culture Champion in the Faculty of Health & Social Sciences