Category / RKE development framework

Artificial Intelligence – RKEDF Workshop on Thursday, 29th June

If you are interested in exploring ways in which AI could be utilised to deliver new or enhanced ways of working,

then put 29 June 2023 in your diary



AI is pervasive and will – for better or worse – hugely impact the nature of business, as well as society at large.

BU will be hosting a workshop where you can connect with expert colleagues at Bournemouth University who are involved in a range of AI research projects. There will also be a chance to find out about major funding opportunities connected with AI, build connections, and hear about support that you can access when applying for funding.


  • Learning more about AI research at BU
  • Building connections with Businesses working in AI
  • Meeting with BU colleagues doing AI research
  • Learning about AI research funding opportunities
  • Learning about support available for research applications

The event will take place on 29th June 2023, from 08.30 to 13:30 at Lansdowne Campus and catering will be available.

To book a place for the BU Artificial Intelligence Workshop, please complete the Booking Form.

For any queries regarding the content of this session, please email Zarak Afzal or Finn Morgan

Anatomy of an impact case study online workshop – 7th June

If you’re hoping to write an impact case study in the future, or developing one for the next REF, or you would just like to know more about REF impact case studies, this session is for you.

This two-hour workshop will:

  • look in detail at the different sections and what is required for each one
  • examine impact case studies from REF2021 to establish what the panels are looking for
  • help you think about what you need to do to start building your own impact case study

By the end of the session you will be familiar with the structure of an impact case study, understand what makes an excellent one and what you need to start building an impact case study from your own research.

Please note this session is now taking place online via MS Teams.

Book your place here



An exciting opportunity to be an Early Career Researcher Network (ECRN) representative 

An exciting opportunity to be an Early Career Researcher Network (ECRN) representative 

The BU Early Career Researcher Network (ECRN) is designed to support early career researchers (ECR’s) and PGRs at BU, offering general advice, support and tailored workshops for skills training and career development. The network also provides an opportunity to form connections – creating a community in which expertise can be shared, and collaborative working encouraged as well as a range of opportunities linked with the  British Academy Early Career Researcher Network.

The ECRN is currently seeking a network ECR Rep. ECR reps are drawn from across the University and are recruited on a voluntary basis. An ECR rep is appointed via an expressions of interest process that is open to all eligible research staff. Eligible research staff are those on fixed-term or open-ended employment contracts (not PTHP/casual contracts) who have at least one year remaining on their contract at the time of recruitment. The Rep would contribute to the strategic direction of the ECRN, advising on content, liaising with members and the leads, and representing the network at BU and external events where appropriate.


If you are interested in this role, please supply approx. 200 words to demonstrate your interest and suitability in relation to the position to by the 15/06/2023.

If you have any queries or seek further detail, please contact the ECRN academic leads, Professor Sam Goodman (FMC) and Professor Ann Hemingway (HSS)

Here is what is coming in June for RKEDF


The following training events are coming up in June.

Please book now!


Wednesday 7th June 2023, 13:00-15:00 Talbot Campus

Anatomy of an Impact Case Study

This workshop is aimed at researchers who would like to learn what an excellent REF impact case study looks like and how to start building your own case study from scratch.


Thursday, 8th June 2023, 11:00 – 13:00 Online

ESRC New Investigator

·     Understanding of the ESRC.

·     Knowledge of the requirements for the scheme.

·     Draft plan for developing an application.

Wednesday, 14th June 2023, 16:00-17:00 Hybrid session

ECRN – Imposter Syndrome

The session will offer a space to discuss this growing issue as well as offer advice, guidance and support on how to manage, avoid and overcome such feelings. At the end of the session attendees will have achieved greater confidence in developing their career and profile.

Wednesday, 14th June, 10:00 – 16:00

BU Research Conference 2023: Embracing Failure, Building Success

The BU Research Conference is back for 2023 and this year’s event will explore the concept of ‘failure’ in academia and building the resilience to overcome obstacles that may be in your path



Writing Academy 2023

Wednesday, 21st June 2023, 10.00 – 16.00 Online

Thursday, 22nd June 2023, 08.55 – 16.45 Online

Friday, 23rd June 2023, 08.45 – 16.45 Talbot Campus

This workshop covers strategies for academic writing: writing to prompts, targeting a journal/specific criteria, types of prompt for academic writing, ‘snack writing’, goal-setting for writing, motivation, freewriting, generative writing, analysing academic writing, drafting and revising an abstract/summary, constructing a ‘contribution’ argument, using prompts in series, outlining, productive writing behaviours, wellbeing, writing groups, micro-groups and retreats.

Wednesday, 21st June, 14:00-16:00, Online

RKEDF – Real World Examples of Public Engagement

·     Useful knowledge into how successful public engagement are planned and delivered.

·     Skills in critically analysing public engagement with research projects.

·     Inspiring ideas that would translate into their own work and share with others

·     Confidence that public engagement is approachable and practical to deliver.

Friday, 23rd June, 10:00-16:30

Engaging with Parliament for Impact

It will cover multiple ‘Common Routes to Influence’, including Government consultations, Select Committees, All Party Parliamentary Groups, think tanks etc. and the best ways to approach them. You will have an opportunity for stakeholder mapping and to plan your approach.

Thursday, 29th June, 13:00-15:00, Online

The Way of the Productivity Ninja

In this practical, engaging, interactive and fun 2-hour online workshop you’ll learn how to utilize the mindset and tactics of the 9 Characteristics of the Productivity Ninja.


To book a place please complete the booking form

If you have any queries please contact


Research Staff Association (RSA) is organised a Writing Day for Researchers

Do you have a piece of writing to do or an article to finish up,

but can never seem to find the time to do it? This event is for you!


This Writing Day aims to provide a dedicated space and time away from our usual hectic schedules, to enable us as researchers to get our heads down and… write!

We’ll begin with some introductions – a chance to meet other researchers, make friends and support each other.

Then we’ll get down to business… writing!

Tuesday 13 June, 9am to 5pm 

Green House Hotel, BH1 3AX 

There will be tea and coffee available throughout the day, plus pastries on arrival, a buffet lunch and an afternoon snack.

Plenty of food and drink to fuel your writing!

After the day finishes at 5pm, we’ll stick around and go for drinks in the hotel bar, so please join us for more networking then if you’d like to.


Please sign up to attend via our EventBrite page here.

We only have 15 places available, so please sign up ASAP!


Please note that this event is organised by BU’s Research Staff Association – an association run by BU researchers from all faculties who want to make BU a great place to work and do research. We aim to ensure that researchers are supported to realise their full potential and to develop and produce research of the highest quality.

For queries regarding the content of this session, please email Raf Nicholson

Writing Academy 2023: 3-Day Workshop

This 3-Day workshop covers strategies for academic writing: writing to prompts, targeting a journal/specific criteria, types of prompt for academic writing, ‘snack writing’, goal-setting for writing, motivation, freewriting, generative writing, analysing academic writing, drafting and revising an abstract/summary, constructing a ‘contribution’ argument, using prompts in series, outlining, productive writing behaviours, wellbeing, writing groups, micro-groups and retreats. Many of these can be used in preparing for a concentrated spell of writing at a writing retreat.

This is a practical workshop. The aim of the writing activities in this workshop is to let you try these strategies and consider how/if/where they can fit in your writing practice. We also discuss how they can be used for writing theses, articles and other writing. They also let you start/work on your writing project during the workshop.

The online version of this course involves several short writing activities, all designed to help you develop your paper/chapter/thesis and use productive, healthy writing habits. By signing up to this course you agree to do the writing tasks and to talk about your writing in online small-group discussions, to give and receive feedback on this writing and to discuss your writing plans and goals.

You can find the programme here


Workshop Date Time Location
Writing Academy: Day 1 Wednesday, 21st June 2023 10.00 – 16.00 Online
Writing Academy: Day 2 Thursday, 22nd June 2023 08.55 – 16.45 Online
Writing Academy: Day 3 Friday, 23rd June 2023 08.45 – 16.45 Talbot Campus


Please note, participants are required to attend all three days of the Writing Academy sessions.

To book a place on this workshop please complete the Booking Form.


For any specific queries regarding this workshop please email Pengpeng Hatch:

Publishing Strategy Lunchbyte

Photo by Corinne Kutz on Unsplash

Publishing Strategy Lunchbyte – Developing a Fusion-led Publishing Strategy workshop

We will examine how knowledge can be translated to a range of stakeholders, with a particular emphasis on the value of publishing in non-academic sources as a pathway to developing societal impact.


Workshop Date Time Location
Publishing Strategy Lunchbyte – Developing a Fusion-led Publishing Strategy Thursday, 4th May 2023 10.30 – 11.30 Online


This workshop aimed at all Academic staff and facilitated by Prof John Oliver

To book a place on this workshop please complete the Booking Form.


For queries regarding the content of this session, please contact: Pengpeng or


Writing Academy 2023- 3 Day Workshop

Online education Flat isometric vector concept of online education, e-learning, webinar, training academic publishing stock illustrationsThis 3 Day workshop covers strategies for academic writing: writing to prompts, targeting a journal/specific criteria, types of prompt for academic writing, ‘snack writing’, goal-setting for writing, motivation, freewriting, generative writing, analysing academic writing, drafting and revising an abstract/summary, constructing a ‘contribution’ argument, using prompts in series, outlining, productive writing behaviours, wellbeing, writing groups, micro-groups and retreats. Many of these can be used in preparing for a concentrated spell of writing at a writing retreat.

This is a practical workshop. The aim of the writing activities in this workshop is to let you try these strategies and consider how/if/where they can fit in your writing practice. We also discuss how they can be used for writing theses, articles and other writing. They also let you start/work on your writing project during the workshop.

The online version of this course involves several short writing activities, all designed to help you develop your paper/chapter/thesis and use productive, healthy writing habits. By signing up to this course you agree to do the writing tasks and to talk about your writing in online small-group discussions, to give and receive feedback on this writing and to discuss your writing plans and goals.

You can find the programme here


Workshop Date Time Location
Writing Academy: Day 1 Wednesday, 21st June 2023 10.00 – 16.00 Online
Writing Academy: Day 2 Thursday, 22nd June 2023 08.55 – 16.45 Online
Writing Academy: Day 3 Friday, 23rd June 2023 08.45 – 16.45 Talbot Campus


Please note, participants are required to attend all three days of the Writing Academy sessions.

To book a place on this workshop please complete the Booking Form.


For any specific queries regarding this workshop please email Pengpeng Hatch: