Tagged / EU

EURAXESS – new video released

Further to the recent blog post outlining the information available via EURAXESS, there is now a new video providing an introduction to the service available. Other videos are available on the EURAXESS You Tube channel, including case studies, where researchers have benefited from the services offered by EURAXESS.

Find out more about how EURAXESS can help your career development or locate the best researchers for your team!

If you would like to discuss using EURAXESS as a researcher,  in order to promote BU’s research activity, supporting incoming researchers to BU or other related purpose, please contact Emily Cieciura, RKEO’s Research Facilitator: EU & International and BU’s EURAXESS Institutional Contact.

EURAXESS is also included as one of the highlighted resources within the Research Toolkit > Research Staff pages on this blog.


MSCA IF 2017

As the European Commission celebrates the support of over 100,000 researchers through Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, RKEO are pleased to confirm our arrangements for supporting this high profile call in 2017.



As this is a highly popular call, RKEO need to carefully manage the flow of work within RKEO but also for all your colleagues, who work together, to ensure that each application is approved and submitted correctly.

The call will open on 11/04/17, when further information will be posted on this blog.

Please ensure that the Intention to Bid is submitted to RKEO by 30/06/17. You can, of course, let us know earlier than this date that you intend to apply, so that we can provide you, and your potential fellow, with as much support as possible, right up to the closing date of 14/09/17. It is expected that early drafts will be sent to RKEO at the beginning of August, allowing time for all those involved to manage their workloads.


Once we know that you are thinking of applying, even before submitting the Intention to Bid, we can keep you up to date with announcements from the funder and other sources of help and support.

If you are considering applying and would like to receive updates, please contact Dianne Goodman, RKEO’s Funding Development Team Co-ordinator, so that we can register your interest and provide useful information, such as  the indicative timetable for actions prior to submission. If you are ready to submit your Intention to Bid, you can do this now, via Dianne. The allocated Funding Development Officer can then contact you.

If you have any queries or comments about this  scheme, please contact Emily Cieciura, RKEO’s Research Facilitator: EU & International

Creative Europe – Current Calls

Through the Creative Europe programme, the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency is promoting the following calls and their closing dates:
Distribution – selective support, MEDIA, Creative Europe Open 01/12/2016 – 12:00 (CET/CEST, midday Brussels time), 14/06/2017 – 12:00 (CET/CEST, midday Brussels time) EACEA/19/2016
MEDIA, Film Festivals, Creative Europe Open 24/11/2016 – 12:00 (CET/CEST, midday Brussels time), 27/04/2017 – 12:00 (CET/CEST, midday Brussels time) EACEA 16/2016
MEDIA, Distribution – support to sales agents, Creative Europe Open 16/06/2016 – 12:00 (CET/CEST, midday Brussels time), 03/10/2017 – 12:00 (CET/CEST, midday Brussels time) EACEA/01/2016
MEDIA, Development single projects + slate funding, Creative Europe Open 17/11/2016 – 12:00 (CET/CEST, midday Brussels time), 20/04/2017 – 12:00 (CET/CEST, midday Brussels time) EACEA 20/2016
Distribution – automatic support Open 29/04/2016 – 12:00 (CET/CEST, midday Brussels time), 01/08/2017 – 12:00 (CET/CEST, midday Brussels time) EACEA/09/2016
Distribution – automatic support, MEDIA, Creative Europe Open 28/04/2017 – 12:00 (CET/CEST, midday Brussels time), 01/08/2018 – 12:00 (CET/CEST, midday Brussels time) EACEA/18/2016
Promotion of European audiovisual works online Open 06/04/2017 – 12:00 (CET/CEST, midday Brussels time) EACEA 26/2016
MEDIA, TV programming Open 24/11/2016 – 12:00 (CET/CEST, midday Brussels time), 30/05/2017 – 12:00 (CET/CEST, midday Brussels time) EACEA 23/2016
European platforms Open 06/04/2017 – 12:00 (CET/CEST, midday Brussels time) EACEA/06/2017
If you are interested in applying for any of these calls, please contact Emily Cieciura, REKO’s Research Facilitator: EU & International, in the first instance.


UKRO logoThrough BU’s subscription to UKRO, we have been advised of the following news items, which represent a ‘mere taster’ of all the updates provided by UKRO to their members.


To make full use of BU’s subscription to this service, why not register now?

  • Science With And For Society (SWAFS) Brokerage Event Presentations and Video are now available on the UKRO website.
  • The public consultation on the mid-term evaluation of the Erasmus+ programme is now open
  • The RISE Coordinators’ Day FAQ and Presentations are now available on the UKRO website
  • The White PaperFuture of Europe: Reflections and scenarios for the EU27 by 2025 has been published by the European Commission
  • Improve your public engagement using the EU Guide to Science Communication
  • eHealth Week 2017 will have the theme Data for Health: the key to personalised sustainable careRegister for this event in Malta, 10-12 May.
  • Draft documentation for Secure Societies future calls is available to UKRO subscribers.

Please note: You will need to sign in or register as a BU staff member to access many of these items, as part of BU’s UKRO subscription. Links have only been given to resources in the public domain.

If considering applying to EU calls, please contact Emily Cieciura, RKEO’s Research Facilitator: EU & International, to access further support.

Opportunity: Publish your European Project in the Research*eu Results Magazine

CORDIS research euThe research*eu results magazine published by the Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) is looking for European projects to feature in its publications. Research*eu results is published 10 times a year, featuring results from the most successful EU-funded research and development projects. The magazine covers projects in Biology and Medicine, Social Sciences and Humanities, Energy and transport, Environment and society, IT and telecommunications, Industrial technologies, and Space.

If you have a completed EU-funded project and would like to get your results published please contact the CORDIS editorial team at editorial@cordis.europa.eu. Priority is given to those projects which have resulted in the development of a new technology with potential for commercialisation over the next few years, or in potentially game-changing research for a specific field of science.

Interreg Visit Next Week: Last chance to sign up!


Tuesday 21st February, 10.30-16.00 at the EBC

Next week Interreg are coming to BU to run sessions on their funding application process and how to develop a successful application.

Interreg is an economic development programme that funds research and innovation, social inclusion, employment, climate change and resource efficiency projects which take place across EU countries and regions. These projects aim to find common solutions to common problems which exist in multiple countries. BU has been awarded and is involved in projects from the Channel, 2 Seas and Atlantic schemes.

The event will include a number of sessions including;

  • An Introduction to Interreg: The Interreg programmes, how they are different from each other and from other EU funds. This will also cover the types of project that are funded.
  • Tips on How to Develop a Good Interreg Project: Lessons from the selection process by Sallyann Stephen from The Department for Communities and Local Government, based on her experience on the Interreg project selection panel.
  • How to Apply: the two stage process going through the selection criteria and the key documents involved.
  • The opportunity to discuss your own ideas and get advice on how to develop them.

This event is open to staff from other universities and company’s across the south, if you have a network or partner that you think would be interested please invite them to book onto the event.

For further information on this event please contact: RKEDevFramework@bournemouth.ac.uk

Interreg visit BU on 21st February, sign up now


There’s still time to sign up for the Interreg visit on Tuesday the 21st February 2017 10.30-16.00 at the EBC.

If you are unsure about Interreg here are a few reasons why you should come along to find out more.

  1. It funds coastal regions in Europe with Bournemouth eligible for several schemes. Regional funding means BU can be a participant for funding that other UK universities can’t.
  2. If you have networks or partners (academic or industrial), in coastal areas of the UK, France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal or Ireland, your research could be eligible for funding.
  3. If you have potential partners who are strongly placed to strategically lead a regional consortium, in which BU can play the role of academic expert, you could invite these partners along.
  4. BU has been awarded funding as the academic participant/non-Lead Partner for projects from the Channel, 2 Seas and Atlantic schemes.
  5. Interreg funds projects on all the following areas;
  • Research and Innovation
  • Competitiveness of SMEs
  • Employment and mobility
  • Better education and training
  • Low-Carbon economy
  • Combating climate change
  • Environment and resource efficiency
  • Sustainable transport
  • Social inclusion
  • Information and Communication Technologies

After Brexit we may not have this opportunity so get it before it’s gone!

This day has the rare opportunity to ask advice from experts that sit on the decision panel. Book now so you don’t miss out.

For more information about what the day involves, click here.

Erasmus+ Key Action 2 – Online Info Day on 16th Febraury

If you are interested in finding out more and applying to the Erasmus+ Key Action 2: “Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices” – Sector Skills Alliances (SSA) call, theerasmusn why not sign up to this online info day?

This INFODAY will focus on:

  • Sector Skills Alliances for Skills needs identification (Lot 1)
  • Sector Skills Alliances for Design and delivery of VET (Lot 2)
  • Sector Skills Alliances for Implementing a new strategic approach  a “Blueprint” for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills” (Lot 3)

Find out more about this call. Registration will soon be opened on the event webpage.

Introduction to IP – European IPR Helpdesk Webinar

The European IPR Helpdesk is running a number of webinars over the next few months and RKEO are registering and promoting those relevant to BU’s activities.

The next webinar Introduction to IP will be next Wednesday:

dev_framework08/2/17     9:30 AM     Location:  Fusion Building F106

Duration: 60 minutes (presentation) + 15 minutes (Q&As)

Please arrive at 9:15am for a prompt 9:30 start with the webinar duration being one hour. We have the room booked for a longer time so that we can have a post-webinar discussion afterwards, if appropriate. Please only register on the European IPR Helpdesk link if you will be joining the webinar from your own desk rather than joining us.

You can also check the European IPR Helpdesk Calendar for all their events. RKEO will be attempting to secure one of the limited webinar slots for each one which is relevant to BU – details of future webinars, where BU is registered, will be posted on this blog. In the meantime, please find out more about the work of the European IPR Helpdesk.

If you would like to attend this event, please do so via the Organisation Development page for this event.

Catering is not provided, but do feel free to arrive coffee in hand.rkeo-rke-working-with-business

The event is delivered as part of the RKE Development Framework.


Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships briefing session

Logo_Marie-CurieDo you want to invite the best of the best to work with you at BU?

Are you at that point in your career where an international fellowship will enhance your options?

Then, take a look at the MSCA Individual Fellowship scheme!

You are invited to come along to next week’s session introducing the MSCA Fellowships. The session will cover:

  • Where these fit within the Horizon 2020 landscape
  • Your options (incoming and outgoing)
  • Eligibility and structure of the call
  • The basics of putting together your application

You can book on the OD webpage for this event, taking place on Thursday, 2nd February from 10-12 at the Lansdowne Campus.

Additionally, the next MSCA IF Bid Writing Retreat is taking place on 18th and 19th April, which will review and expand on the topics covered in next week’s short introductory session, with a structured programme and supported writing time designed to support your bid writing. Booking is already open.

This event is part of the Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Framework



Interreg Visit BU 21st February


On Tuesday the 21st February 2017 Interreg will be visiting BU 10.30-16.00 at the EBC.

Interreg is an economic development programme that funds innovation, low carbon, climate change and resource efficiency projects which take place across EU countries and regions. These projects aim to find common solutions to common problems which exist in multiple countries. BU has been awarded and is involved in projects from the Channel, 2 Seas and Atlantic schemes.

The event will be split into two parts.

The first part will include;

  • An introduction to Interreg: The Interreg programmes, how they are different from each other and from other EU funds. This will also cover the types of project that are funded.
  • Tips on how to develop a good Interreg project: Lessons from the selection process by Sallyann Stephen from The Department for Communities and Local Government, based on her experience on the Interreg project selection panel.
  • How to apply: the two stage process going through the selection criteria and the key documents involved.

The second part will have a more informal set up aimed to get you thinking, collaborating and developing project ideas.

Throughout the afternoon there will also be one to one appointments on specific project ideas with one of the Interreg facilitators. This is an excellent opportunity to develop a project and get feedback from the experts. If you would like to book a one to one session you will need to email Dianne Goodman at dgoodman@bournemouth.ac.uk. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis, if you have specific preferences on the time we recommend contact as soon as possible so your request can be accommodated.

Please note that to attend the one to one session you are required to send a 1 page project summary to Paula MacLachlan, 2 Seas Territorial Facilitator p.maclachlan@interreg2seas.eu no later than 14th February. Apologies, without this ahead of time they will be unable to prepare adequately for your personal one to one session.

We have also invited the the M3 group, which includes: AUB, Bournemouth, Brighton, Portsmouth, Reading, Southampton, Southampton Solent, Surrey, Sussex and Winchester. BU will host a networking lunch for all attendees. This is a great opportunity to learn about Interreg and how you can strengthen your applications for funding. If you would like to attend, then please book through Eventbrite.

For further information on this event please contact: RKEDevFramework@bournemouth.ac.uk

Interreg Visit BU


On Tuesday the 21st February 2017 Interreg will be visiting BU 10.30-16.00 at the EBC.

Interreg is an economic development programme that funds innovation, low carbon, climate change and resource efficiency projects which take place across EU countries and regions. These projects aim to find common solutions to common problems which exist in multiple countries. BU has been awarded and is involved in projects from the Channel, 2 Seas and Atlantic schemes.

This event is aimed at people in the Dorset, Hampshire, Wiltshire and Isle of Wight areas and nearby cities that are new to the Interreg programme, who are confused about which programme is which, or who are just beginning to develop a project idea.

For people who are drafting an application, or who want feedback on an application they have submitted, the programmes offer other workshops. For example the 2Seas cross border programme will run a Step 1 applicants’ workshop on 27th January 2017 in Bristol, and a step 2 applicants’ workshop on 13th February, also in Bristol. These are open to all applicants in the eligible area. See www.interreg2seas.eu for further information.

Our event will be split into two parts.

The first part will include;

  • An introduction to Interreg: The Interreg programmes, how they are different from each other and from other EU funds. This will also cover the types of project that are funded.
  • Tips on how to develop a good Interreg project: Lessons from the selection process by Sallyann Stephen from The Department for Communities and Local Government, based on her experience on the Interreg project selection panel.
  • How to apply: the two stage process going through the selection criteria and the key documents involved.

The second part will have a more informal set up with interactive exercises to get you thinking, collaborating and developing project ideas.

Throughout the afternoon there will also be one to one appointments on specific project ideas with one of the Interreg facilitators. This is an excellent opportunity to develop a project and get feedback from the experts. If you would like to book a one to one session you will need to email Dianne Goodman at dgoodman@bournemouth.ac.uk. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis, if you have specific preferences on the time we recommend you contact Dianne as soon as possible so your request can be accommodated.

Please note that to attend the one to one session you are required to send a 1 page project summary to Paula MacLachlan, 2 Seas Territorial Facilitator p.maclachlan@interreg2seas.eu no later than 14th February. Apologies, without this ahead of time they will be unable to prepare adequately for your personal one to one session.

The presentation is open also to the regional university network, known as the M3 group, which includes: AUB, Bournemouth, Brighton, Portsmouth, Reading, Southampton, Southampton Solent, Surrey, Sussex and Winchester. All academics and research offices are welcome to attend. BU will host a networking lunch for all attendees. This is a great opportunity to learn about Interreg and how you can strengthen your applications for funding. If you would like to attend, then please book through Eventbrite.

For further information on this event please contact: RKEDevFramework@bournemouth.ac.uk

*Please note as Interreg programmes operate in set geographical areas you must check the programme websites to ensure eligibility.

Will you be applying to the ERC in 2017?

ercAre you at the right stage in your career to apply for a European Research Council Grant?

The indicative deadline dates for 2017 are:

Consolidator Grant – 9th February 2017 (see recent press release for the results of the last round)

Advanced Grant –  31st August 2017 (call expected to open on 16th May 2017)

Proof of Concept Grant – 19th January 2017, 25th April 2017 and 5th September 2017

To find out more about these opportunties, which fund the best of the best researchers in Europe, please take a look at the ERC website and the  2017 ERC Work Programme.

The ERC is celebrating 10 years in 2017 – it has funded almost 7,000 researchers and thereby has supported more than 40,000 team members.

If you are considering applying, please contact Emily Cieciura, RKEO’s Research Facilitator; EU & International, to discuss your plans and arrange support.

research*eu – latest update

EveryCORDIS research eu month the European Commission publishes research*eu, their round-up of the latest news from research projects funded by their various schemes.

The following highlights will be of interest to academics at BU:

October 2016 (Special feature: What we can learn from insects?)

November 2016 (Special feature: Shaping the future of offshore wind)

By taking a look at these items and the many others reported in research*eu, you may find potential partners or spark ideas for future research collaboration. In addition, CORDIS, the European Commission’s primary portal for results of EU-funded research projects, provides a wealth of information to assist you when building a new project.

If you are considering applying for EU funding, please contact Emily Cieciura, RKEO’s Research Facilitator: EU & International, to discuss your ideas!