Tagged / interdisciplinary research

**** Speaker Spotlight **** Interdisciplinary Research HE Sector Day on 21/6/16

BU is hosting a Interdisciplinary Research HE Sector Day on 21st June 2016, dedicated to exploring the benefits and challenges of interdisciplinary research.

The Supporting Interdisciplinary Working Academics’ Perspective will be provided by – Prof. Alan Lester and Debbie Foy-Everett (Sussex), Jordan Graham and Ehsan Masood (Research Professional) and Christopher Ferguson (Piirus).

Prof. Alan Lester and Debbie Foy-Everett will present their talk entitled ‘Opportunities and challenges of managing internal interdisciplinary research initiatives: Sussex Research’. As director of Interdisciplinary Research at Sussex, together with Professional Services counterpart, Debbie Foy-Everett,  Alan leads a unit within tjheir Research and Enterprise division called Sussex Research, which facilitates interdisciplinary and other kinds of research initiative primarily through internally funded schemes of various kinds.

Jordan Graham and Ehsan Masood will outline the services offered by Research Professional in facilitating interdisciplinary research.

Christopher Ferguson, Piirus Social Media Correspondent, will discuss how to ‘connect and collaborate with researchers worldwide’.

Other presentations include:

Key Note address – Dr. Louise Mansfield (Deputy Director of the Brunel Centre for Sport, Health and Wellbeing and member of the What Works Centre for Wellbeing research team)

The Funders’ Perspective – Charlotte Lester (HEFCE), Dan Licari (Innovate UK / KTN Creative, Digital & Design) and Ben Sharman (EU NCP – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies) Spotlight post to follow.

The Academics’ Perspective – Prof. Adele Ladkin (BU), Dr. David Hutchinson (Portsmouth) and Dr. Justine McConnell (TORCH, University of Oxford)

Facilitated networking session – How can I contribute?

Please see the Speakers’ Biographies for further information on our contributors.

The event will take place in BU’s Executive Business Centre. It will be opened BU’s Professor Michael Wilmore (Executive Dean – Faculty of Media and Communication and  the closing remarks will be made by BU’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor John Vinney. To find out more about BU’s Research, why not register to receive updates from our award winning Research Blog.

Please see the Provisional Interdisciplinary Research HE Sector Day Schedule for more information. Key to the programme, as well as inspirational speakers, there will be plenty of time to network with colleagues and participate in exploring your own relationship with interdisciplinary research.

This event, is free and open to academics and research support staff throughout the UK.

Places are limited, so book now via Eventbrite.

**** Speaker Spotlight **** Interdisciplinary Research HE Sector Day on 21/6/16


BU is hosting a Interdisciplinary Research HE Sector Day on 21st June 2016, dedicated to exploring the benefits and challenges of interdisciplinary research.

The Academics’ Perspective will be provided by three speakers – Prof. Adele Ladkin (BU), Dr. David Hutchinson (Portsmouth) and Dr. Justine McConnell (TORCH, University of Oxford).

Prof. Adele Ladkin is currently working on a multidisciplinary research project ‘Family Rituals 2.0’ funded by the EPSRC, exploring the evolving nature of family rituals in the digital age and the use of technology to support the work-life balance of mobile workers.

Dr. David Hutchinson recently began a new role as Innovation and Impact Development Manager for the Faculty of Technology at the University of Portsmouth. Until the end of May, he was manager of the University of Portsmouth Environment Network, having joined the University in 2010 to help establish this network. UPEN now represents the skills and expertise of over 250 academics from across the University that relate to Sustainability and Environment.

Dr. Justin McConnell is a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at TORCH, working on contemporary African, Caribbean, and ancient Greek poetics. After degrees at Cambridge, Bristol, and London, she was a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at Northwestern University in Chicago, before coming to Oxford as a Leverhulme Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama (APGRD), where she worked on the ‘Performing Epic’ project.


Other presentations include:

Key Note address – Dr. Louise Mansfield (Deputy Director of the Brunel Centre for Sport, Health and Wellbeing and member of the What Works Centre for Wellbeing research team)

The Funders’ Perspective – Charlotte Lester (HEFCE), Dan Licari (Innovate UK / KTN Creative, Digital & Design) and Ben Sharman (EU NCP – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies)

Supporting Interdisciplinary Working – Prof. Alan Lester and Debbie Foy-Everett (Sussex), Jordan Graham and Ehsan Masood (Research Professional) and Christopher Ferguson (Piirus)

Facilitated networking session – How can I contribute?

Please see the Speakers’ Biographies for further information on our contributors.

The event will take place in BU’s Executive Business Centre. It will be opened BU’s Prof. Michael Wilmore (Executive Dean – Faculty of Media and Communication and  the closing remarks will be made by BU’s Vice-Chancellor, Prof. John Vinney. To find out more about BU’s Research, why not register to receive updates from our award winning Research Blog.

Please see the Provisional Interdisciplinary Research HE Sector Day Schedule for more information. Key to the programme, as well as inspirational speakers, there will be plenty of time to network with colleagues and participate in exploring your own relationship with interdisciplinary research.

This event, is free and open to academics and research support staff throughout the UK.

Places are limited, so book now via Eventbrite.

**** Speaker Spotlight **** Interdisciplinary Research HE Sector Day on 21/6/16



BU is hosting a Interdisciplinary Research HE Sector Day on 21st June 2016, dedicated to exploring the benefits and challenges of interdisciplinary research.

The Key Note address will be given by Dr. Louise Mansfield.

Dr. Louise Mansfield is Deputy Director of the Brunel Centre for Sport, Health and Wellbeing (BC.SHaW) in the College of Health and Life Sciences. Her research focuses on gendered inequalities in sport, physical activity and fitness across the lifespan. The health and well-being aspect of her research dovetails with projects she has managed exploring the physical activity and health legacies of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Dr. Mansfield is also a member of the What Works Centre for Wellbeing research team.

Other presentations include:

The Funders’ Perspective – Charlotte Lester (HEFCE), Dan Licari (Innovate UK / KTN Creative, Digital & Design) and Ben Sharman (EU NCP – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies)

Supporting Interdisciplinary Working – Prof. Alan Lester and Debbie Foy-Everett (Sussex), Jordan Graham and Ehsan Masood (Research Professional) and Christopher Ferguson (Piirus)

The Academics’ Perspective – Prof. Adele Ladkin (BU), Dr. David Hutchinson (Portsmouth) and Dr. Justine McConnell (TORCH, University of Oxford)

Facilitated networking session – How can I contribute?

Please see the Speakers’ Biographies for further information on our contributors.

The event will take place in BU’s Executive Business Centre. It will be opened BU’s Prof. Michael Wilmore (Executive Dean – Faculty of Media and Communication and  the closing remarks will be made by BU’s Vice-Chancellor, Prof. John Vinney. To find out more about BU’s Research, why not register to receive updates from our award winning Research Blog.

Please see the Provisional Interdisciplinary Research HE Sector Day Schedule for more information. Key to the programme, as well as inspirational speakers, there will be plenty of time to network with colleagues and participate in exploring your own relationship with interdisciplinary research.

This event, is free and open to academics and research support staff throughout the UK.

Places are limited, so book now via Eventbrite.

Interdisciplinary Research HE Sector Day 21st June 2016 – more speakers confirmed

Please see all the details of BU’s Interdisciplinary Research HE Sector Day on 21st June 2016, dedicated to exploring the benefits and challenges of interdisciplinary research.

With the majority of speakers now confirmed, this is shaping up to be a busy and inspirational day.

Don’t miss out – book now via Eventbrite.

Innovation awards – Partnership for Conflict, Crime and Security Research (PaCCS) – new call to be announced

esrc logo


Innovation awards under PaCCS focusing on Conflict and International Development

The ESRC and AHRC will shortly be launching a further call for interdisciplinary innovation awards under the Partnership for Conflict, Crime and Security Research (PaCCS) focusing on Conflict and International Development. (Pre-call.)

Find out more information including the proposed call timescale here.

AHRC information.

If you are interested in submitting to this call you must contact your  RKEO Funding Development Officer with adequate notice before the deadline.

For more funding opportunities that are most relevant to you, you can set up your own personalised alerts on Research Professional. If you need help setting these up, just ask your School’s/Faculty’s Funding Development Officer in  RKEO or view the recent blog post here.

If thinking of applying, why not add notification of your interest on Research Professional’s record of the bid so that BU colleagues can see your intention to bid and contact you to collaborate.

Register now – Interdisciplinary Research HE Sector Day 21st June 2016

Registration is now open! 

Places are limited, so book now via Eventbrite.

BU is hosting an Interdisciplinary Research HE Sector Day on 21st June 2016, dedicated to exploring the benefits and challenges of interdisciplinary research.

Presentations include:

Key Note Address – Dr. Louise Mansfield (What Works Centre for Wellbeing / Brunel University London)

The Funders’ Perspective – Charlotte Lester (HEFCE),  Dan Licari (Innovate UK / KTN Creative, Digital & Design) and Ben Sharman (UK National Contact Point – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies)

Supporting Interdisciplinary Working – Prof. Alan Lester and Debbie Foy-Everett (Sussex), Luke George (Research Professional) and Christopher Ferguson (Piirus)

Research Professional and Piirus

The Academics’ Perspective – Prof. Adele Ladkin (BU), Dr. David Hutchinson (Portsmouth) and Dr. Justine McConnell (TORCH, University of Oxford)

Facilitated networking session – How can I contribute?


The event will take place in BU’s Executive Business Centre.

Please see the Event webpage for the full programme and speakers’ biographies. Key to the programme, as well as inspirational speakers, there will be plenty of time to network with colleagues and participate in exploring your own relationship with interdisciplinary research.

This event is free and open to academics and research support staff throughout the UK.


Places are limited, so book now via Eventbrite.




Save the Date! Interdisciplinary Research HE Sector Day – 21st June 2016

See more recent blog post for updated information. 

Save the date for REKO’s forthcoming Interdisciplinary Research Sector Day!

interdisciplinary-1It will take place on Tuesday, 21st June 2016 in the Executive Business Centre.

There will be speakers from BU and other organisations plus plenty of opportunity to network with academic and professional research administration colleagues from other universities. Already confirmed are speakers from HEFCE, Sussex, Brunel and BU.

The event will be advertised to colleagues in other institutions so, if you would like to help promote this event to people in your professional network, keep an eye on this blog for further information in the coming weeks. Academic and Research Support staff from the Higher Education research community are welcome to attend this free event. Please share this link with others in your professional network.

For more information before the programme and booking instructions are published, please contact Emily Cieciura in REKO.

Interdisciplinary Research Sector Day – 21st June 2016

Save the date for REKO’s forthcoming Interdisciplinary Research Sector Day!

interdisciplinary-1It will take place on Tuesday, 21st June 2016 in the Executive Business Centre.

There will be speakers from BU and other organisations plus plenty of opportunity to network with academic and professional research administration colleagues from other universities. Already confirmed are speakers from HEFCE, Sussex and BU.

The event will be advertised to colleagues in other institutions so, if you would like to help promote this event to people in your professional network, keep an eye on this blog for further information in the coming weeks.

If you or someone in your network would like to contribute on the day, please contact Emily Cieciura in REKO to discuss this further.

What will Marty McFly need in 25 years? 

Or, to put it another way, how do we realise the transformational impact of digital technologies on aspects of community life, cultural experiences, future society and the economy’?

On 26th and 27th January 2016,  RKEO will be hosting a sandpit workshop to facilitate exploration of this topic to:

  • Raise awareness –  interdisciplinary approaches are an integral element of research successclock
  • Provide a space to explore ideas
  • Provide a mechanism for continual peer review
  • Support proposal development
  • Stimulate research proposals in promising areas of research for the University

The Research Sandpit process comprises:

  • Defining the scope of the issue
  • Sharing understanding of the problem domain, and the expertise brought by the participants to the sandpit
  • Taking part in break-out sessions focused on the problem domain, using creative and innovative thinking techniques
  • Capturing the outputs in the form of a research project

To take part in this exciting opportunity, BU academic staff should complete the Sandpit Application Form and return this to Dianne Goodman by Tuesday 5th January. Places are strictly limited.

By applying, you agree to attend for the full duration of the event – full day 26th January and half day 27th January.

This event is part of BU’s Interdisciplinary Research Week.

Global Food Security – new programme of research to be announced

 Chicken and globe

The Global Food Security (GFS) Programme will soon be announcing a new five-year interdisciplinary programme of research.

The programme has been co-designed by BBSRC, ESRC, NERC, Defra and FSA, in partnership with wider stakeholders, and will address a major food security challenge: Resilience of the UK Food System in a Global Context

For more information click here

What do Fishbone, Amusement Park and Apigee have in common?

They are all tools for digital storytelling. On Thursday May 14th, the Fusion-funded, inter-faculty BU Datalabs team presented at Interdisciplinary Research Week. Guests from across the University and beyond came to learn about digital storytelling and how visual data stories can better communicate the significance of research findings to policy-makers and the public.

Weathering the rain, the event kicked off with a reflective exercise called ‘Analogue Twitter.’ Participants were asked to write down a story of their research in 140 characters or less. From sports management to midwifery, research stories spanned the disciplines.

To get things going, Senior Lecturer in Digital Storytelling, Dr. Brad Gyori brought his expertise in interactive media, and his experience as the Head Writer of the Emmy award winning show Talk Soup, to introduce the audience to the many storytelling patterns that have emerged with the rise and innovation of digital platforms. Digital storytelling can range from Fishbone narratives that have one main linear narrative with suggested diversions, to the Amusement Park that offers loosely clustered, different perspectives with no central hub, as we see in Highrise: Out of my Window.

Next up, Dr. Anna Feigenbaum, a Senior Lecturer from the Faculty of Media and Communications, introduced the audience to the power of storytelling with maps and infographics. Drawing from her own tear gas project and others’ expertise, she explored how visuals can act as ‘infobait’, drive curiosity, and interrupt dominant narratives.

After lunch, BU Datalabs project partner Malachy Browne from the social media journalism outfit reportedly shared insights and strategies for using online tools to do investigative research, share your findings, and dig deeper into social data. From apigee for APIs to mine social media data, to wolframalpha that can return the weather from any date in history, Browne made connections between the tools of his trade and the possibilities for expanding our digital methods in academia.

For more information on the BU Datalabs project, email: afeigenbaum@bournemouth.ac.uk  If you would like to get involved, we will be hosting a meeting open to all staff and students in early July. Details to follow.