Category / Fusion themes

BU Sonic Arts concert featuring Jonty Harrison

You are warmly invited to the first BU Sonic Arts concert of 2023/24. Come and experience the magic of immersive, spatial music and sound!

We are delighted to welcome composer Jonty Harrsion, an inspirational and acclaimed figure in electroacoustic music. This is a rare opportunity to hear Harrison’s work projected on our multichannel loudspeaker system, here in Bournemouth University’s Screening Room, Poole Gateway Building, Talbot Campus. The programme will be a historical retrospective, charting his evolving compositional practice, moving from stereo to 8-channel, to extensive multichannel, and then to ambisonic sound. Jonty is Emeritus Professor of Composition and Electroacousitc Music at University of Birmingham.

Date: Thursday 7th December 2023
Time: 17:30-19:30
Location: Screening Room PG217, 2nd Floor, Poole Gateway Building, Talbot Campus
Admission is free but please book a ticket :

Match funded PhD in wellbeing, water sports and marginalisation

The Department of Sport and Event Management is advertising a match-funded PhD opportunity titled ‘Understanding marginalisation and experiences of Blue Spaces and water sports.’ This PhD is supported by the Royal Yachting Association, the UK’s national body for all forms of boating and watercraft. Additionally, it receives support from the Andrew Simpson Foundation, a charity committed to fostering inclusivity and accessibility in watersports, placing an emphasis on utilising the challenges inherent in watersports to develop young people. The deadline for applications is 22/01/2024. We kindly request staff to share this opportunity with interested networks.

Questions related to the project should be directed to Dr Ellie Gennings and the full project details are available online.

The aims of this PhD are broad as the potential candidate should identify how they would approach the topic and how this might link to them as an individual or to their experiences and expertise. The project will:

Two people in a sail boat
  • Explore the experiences and relationship with Blue Spaces among social groups/communities experiencing overlapping forms of marginalisation;
  • Engage with community groups and policy actors to co-create toolkits/guidelines and inform programmes that can support and enhance access to and engagement with Blue Spaces;
  • Critically evaluate issues of access and relationship with Blue Spaces as vehicles for innovation in physical activity participation policy and identify the socio-cultural and policy shifts needed to successfully implement change.

Social Capital in Crises: Waves in Climate Change, Oil, Economic Shocks and Migrations – Local Economic Development Impacts in Europe

A talk by BUBS Professor Dr Davide Parrilli, member of BU University Senate and the external editorial board on “European Planning Studies.” Hosted at the Committee Room, Fifth Floor, Poole House, BU Talbot Campus, Fernbarrow, 2-3pm, Wednesday, 22 November, 2023. This important cross-disciplinary seminar welcomes all, being of high relevance to current global news.

“Local Economic Development and the Challenge of Critical Social Transformations”

“Local economic/production systems have been a focus of actions and discussion for many years across Europe. Within an evolutionary perspective, these systems change and adapt to respond to new changing scenarios, challenges and demands of the wider social and economic community. It is the case of the challenges raised by climate change and 2016 Paris Agreement or the recent COP27 in Sharm-el-Sheikh, or by exogenous shocks to supply and demand due to present international crises. In this presentation the discussion centres around the evolution of local economic systems and identifies a specific challenge and gap that could and should be addressed soon both theoretically and from a development policy perspective. This is the social capital linked to the important migration waves that have modified the social spectrum of European socio-economies and are producing a strong impact on the way local economic development works. Open discussions and dynamic and comprehensive actions are required to address these important transformations, whilst recognising the “social embeddedness of economic action” and promoting the social capital that ignites the competitive capacity of these local economic systems.”
Best wishes,

M. Davide Parrilli, PhD (Birmingham), MPhil (Sussex), SFHEA, FeRSA
Professor of Regional Economic Development
BUBS PhD Programme Coordinator
BUBS Output Champion
Professorial Member of University Senate
Bournemouth University Business School
AACSB Accredited; SBC Accredited; EFMD Member
& Associate Editor/Editorial Board of “European Planning Studies”

Posted by Fiona Vidler MBA MSc MLIBF – Note: For any further information or RSVP this Free Event, please do contact direct the esteemed BU Professor Dr Davide Parrilli

Research by BU academic on NFTs, Blockchain and IP law cited in Parliamentary Report

A report on ‘NFTs and the Blockchain: the risks to sport and culture’ recently published by the Parliamentary Culture, Media and Sport Committee (CMSC) cites research by Bournemouth University’s (BU’s) Professor Dinusha Mendis.

The report follows the consultation that was conducted by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) in November 2022 and outlines how Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and blockchains should be tackled in the future, particularly in relation to art and culture; professional sport and advertising.

In relation to intellectual property rights (IPRs), the report cites copyright infringement, limited recourse and redress (for consumers and creators), the scale of infringement, consumer confusion and the inflexibility of transferring IP as the main issues that needs consideration.

In responding to these issues, the report cites the research by Prof. Mendis calling for more protection for consumers and creators as a result of rising IP infringements, scams and frauds. The report also identifies the unique nature of NFTs and blockchains and cites Prof. Mendis’ research in demonstrating how current laws – such as ‘notice and takedown’ or ‘the right to be forgotten’ – which apply in other circumstances relating to piracy and counterfeiting, may not necessarily apply to online marketplaces. As such, the report recommends a code of conduct to be adopted by online platforms dealing with NFTs.

The hype surrounding NFTs was short-lived and in mid-2022, investors saw a collapse in the NFT market. However, as the report states, “cryptoassets such as NFTs continue to have advocates … [and] even if NFTs never again reach the peak they achieved over the last few years, areas of concern [in relation to regulation] remain”.

As such, based on the research presented in this report relating to intellectual property, the CMSC recommends that the “Government engages with NFT marketplaces to address the scale of infringement and enable copyright holders to enforce their rights”. In relation to sports, the report identifies the financial risks and harm which NFTs present to fans and the reputational harm it presents to clubs and recommends that “any measurement of fan engagement in sports, including in the forthcoming regulation of football, should explicitly exclude the use of fan tokens”.

Finally, in relation to advertising, and once again citing the research by Prof. Mendis, the report recommends that the Government respond to misleading and/or fraudulent advertising for NFTs.

For further information and for the full report, please see here:

Stories of childbirth: participants needed

Interview participants needed! Are you:

  • Female aged 18-49
  • Active social media user
  • Resident in the UK
  • Not yet had children

A HEIF (Higher Education Innovation Funding) backed project led by Dr Julia Hibbert (BUBs) is exploring how women aged 18-49 understand stories of homebirth found on social media and the potential effect this may have on future decisions linked to childbirth.

We are looking for people to take part in online interviews lasting approximately 1 hour; we will reimburse your time with a £40 Amazon voucher.  If you meet the above criteria and would be interested in taking part in an interview, please contact Dr Rachel Arnold or Anna Marsh by email for further information.

[BU research ethics ID: 44223]

*Please feel free to share this post and spread the word



Talk: ‘The Cost of Sanctions’ by Associate Professor Anna Hillingdon – Thursday 12th October

Join us for a talk by Associate Professor Anna Hillingdon:

How Does the Presence of a Duopoly of Regional Rivalries Reduce the Cost of Sanctions for the Sender? 

‘Sanctions are costly. The sender has absolute advantages and sanctions increase their bargaining power by transferring their cost to the rival. We define this transfer as intended collateral damage.’

The talk takes place from 2-3pm on Thursday 12 October in PG22 (Poole House). The talk is open to BU staff and students.

Dr Anna Hillingdon has given numerous media interviews worldwide and has previously led projects for UNWTO and NATO on hybrid threats, presented to a Parliamentary Committee and has acted as a Washington World Bank consultant on post-conflict resilience.

If you are interested in attending, please confirm your attendance to Davide Parrilli (Professor AFE Research Lead/Seminars, BU Business School) at

International Composer Residencies for BU academic

I was recently selected for two composer residencies in Sweden, first at Elektronmusik Studion (EMS), Stockholm (June 2023), and then at Studio Alpha, Visby International Centre for Composers (VICC), Visby, Sweden (September 2023). Both studios feature immersive multichannel surround sound systems of extremely high quality, enabling me to explore in-depth the compositional possibilities of spatial audio. 

Studio 2 at EMS Stockholm

Studio Alpha at Visby International Centre for Composers

During these residencies I was able to focus on the use of ambisonic sound. Ambisonic sound is used in many areas of the creative industries, such as music and sound recording, music creation, cinema and TV sound design, and game audio. The format allows for spatial audio ‘environments’ to be created within a virtual listening space using computer software, positioning and moving individual sounds around the listening area. Most significantly, this spatial audio can then be decoded for any playback system – from binaural for earbuds, conventional stereo, and on to immersive audio systems of 64 loudspeakers or more, yet always retaining the composed spatial image.

This scalability of ambisonic sound makes it extremely flexible when presenting immersive audio work in different venues of different sizes, and with different loudspeaker layouts. At EMS, I was able to work using their 15.1 Genelec sound system, which features an array of ceiling loudspeakers, as shown in the photo.

These residencies gave me fantastic opportunities to commence composing new electroacoustic work whilst exploring the ambisonic technique in-depth, using a variety of software tools in different music studio environments.

Ambrose Seddon, Department of Creative Technology and EMERGE


The Evolving Landscape and Future Prospects of Mechanical Engineering Education in the UK


Mechanical engineering education in the United Kingdom has undergone significant transformation in recent years to meet evolving societal needs and strategic priorities. As the educational landscape adapts, mechanical engineering programs have emerged as catalysts for innovation, sustainability, and societal advancement.

The UK has a rich heritage of engineering achievements, making engineering education an intrinsic part of the nation’s academic fabric. Traditionally, mechanical engineering has been at the forefront of this endeavour, contributing to the country’s industrial prowess. Today, this legacy continues, with mechanical engineering playing a pivotal role in shaping the future.

Mechanical engineering education in the UK is intimately connected to national priorities:

Energy Sustainability: The global concern for energy sustainability is reflected in the curriculum. Mechanical engineering programs focus on energy technology development, equipping students to address pressing issues in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable power generation.

Health-Related Technologies: Mechanical engineers are at the forefront of healthcare innovation. They contribute to the development of health-related technologies, such as medical devices and healthcare robotics, bridging the gap between engineering and medicine to improve patient care.

Longevity of Structures: Ensuring the longevity of critical structures and infrastructures is paramount. Mechanical engineers learn to design and maintain durable and resilient structures, contributing to economic stability and public safety.

Wider Sustainability Context: Mechanical engineering education has broadened to encompass sustainability principles. Graduates are well-versed in sustainable design, circular economy concepts, and eco-friendly manufacturing processes, addressing sustainability challenges effectively.

In a pioneering move, Professor Zulfiqar Khan worked closely with the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) on their accredited Further Learning Programme (FLP). He assumed the role of scheme coordinator and integrated Bournemouth University’s existing educational and enterprise provisions into the IMechE FLP. This collaboration achieved IMechE accreditation in July 2011 as a Further Learning Programme, marking a significant milestone for academic year 2012-13. This was a historic achievement as it marked the first IMechE accredited program in an English Higher Education Institution (HEI).

Recognising the need for lifelong learning and professional development in engineering, Professor Khan championed the creation of a flexible learning degree tailored for industry professionals. This innovative program allows working engineers to obtain academic qualifications while continuing their careers. It enables industry professionals to achieve academic qualifications required for professional recognition as incorporated or chartered engineers, further contributing to the engineering workforce’s expertise and professionalism.

Building on the success of the IMechE FLP accreditation, Professor Khan played a pivotal role in establishing a successful mechanical engineering course at Bournemouth University. This course, with its industry-relevant curriculum and strong ties to the IMechE, quickly gained recognition and attracted students enthusiastic about pursuing careers in mechanical engineering.

Central to the success of these programs is the fusion of research-informed education with a strong industry and professional interface. By aligning educational provisions with the latest research and industry needs, students benefit from a dynamic learning experience that is both academically rigorous and practical. This approach enhances their employability, as graduates are well-prepared to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios.

Moreover, research-informed education underpinned by industry applications also yields significant societal impacts. Graduates are equipped to address environmental challenges through sustainable design practices, contribute to social well-being through healthcare innovations, and drive economic growth by applying their skills in industry sectors.

Professor Zulfiqar Khan’s impact extended beyond the classroom and curriculum. He used the successful accreditation of the IMechE FLP program as evidence to support the repositioning of Research Excellence Framework (REF) Unit of Assessment 15 to UoA 12. This strategic move was initiated well before the launch of the Lord Stern review of the REF in 2015. It sought to ensure that research in mechanical engineering received appropriate recognition and support within the REF framework.

The Lord Stern Review of the REF was officially launched in 2015, led by Lord Nicholas Stern. Its objective was to assess the role and operation of the REF and make recommendations for the future, including how research excellence and impact are evaluated, funded, and rewarded.

Professor Zulfiqar Khan’s contributions to mechanical engineering education in the UK extend beyond the classroom. His vision, dedication, and collaboration with industry and professional bodies have not only led to the establishment of successful academic programmes but have also influenced the strategic positioning of research in mechanical engineering within the REF framework. As mechanical engineering continues to evolve, such contributions are pivotal in shaping its future impact and significance, fostering a dynamic and impactful fusion of education, research, and industry interface.

Acknowledgment. This article is researched, produced and written in collaboration with GAI.

SPARC Seminar: Cities of (physical) culture 25/09/23

Cities of (physical) culture

 “Green” Urban Infrastructures, Physical Activity Promotion, and their Margins


Amid a worldwide growth in urban populations and an increasing policy focus on creating “smart”, “sustainable” and “wellness” cities, the relationship between cities and physical activity has been changing from the end of the 20th century.

Previously confined in specific urban areas, the pursuit of active physicality has been progressively seen as contributing to a range of urban functions (from health promotion to social cohesion) in the city itself. This has been particularly relevant for urban leaderships facing the need to regenerate dismissed industrial areas and to promote urban diversity and citizenship in increasingly unequal cities.

Yet, as urban initiatives aim to build “the city of the future” including by changing how urban residents move within it, what forms of urban citizenship these interventions envision, and what hierarchies of belonging and deservingness do they (re)produce? How are these processes lived and negotiated by urban dwellers differently positioned at the social and spatial margins of the city?

This seminar draws on research conducted in Italy (Turin) and Brazil (Sao Paulo) to explore how “sustainable” urban policies and the urban spaces and infrastructures they create shape the ways in which urban inequalities are manifested and negotiated through leisure and physical activities in contemporary cities.

This seminar will be held on Monday 25th September

from 14:00-15:00 at F109 Fusion, Talbot Campus

For more information, please contact:

Sport and Physical Activity Centre (

Nicola De Martini Ugolotti, Senior Lecturer In Sport,

Alessandra Bueno, Visiting fellow BUBS

A catalyst for knowledge exchange at the CBI

The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) acts as the catalyst between industry and government to drive positive change in the UK economy. As such, they were an ideal partner to host an Executive Round Table event that examined the role of ‘leadership and strategic communications as twin pillars of business resilience’.

The HEIF project was run by Prof John Oliver (FMC) with nearly 30 senior executives attending the event from sectors of the UK economy that included aerospace, defence, management consulting, strategic communications, journalism,governance and policy.

Keynote presentations were given by Professor Lucy Kung, Strategic Advisor & Senior Research Associate, Oxford University, Professor John Oliver (BU), James Gater and Tom Sharpe OBE (Special Project Partners Ltd) and Juliet Eccleston (Chair, CBI Sharing Economy Council).

Professor Oliver said “many thanks the CBI for hosting our Executive Round Table discussion, the keynote speakers and an enthusiastic group of senior executives” whilst James Gater of commented that the “eclectic group made for a brilliant and thought-provoking discussion on leadership, nurturing the right culture as well as overcoming chronic underperformance through effective communications”.