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Tagged / BRIAN

BRIAN drop-in surgery, 11th March.

Do you have a question about BRIAN or your staff profile page? Then come along to the next BRIAN drop-in surgery!

  • Date: Tuesday 11th March
  • Time: 14:00-16:00
  • Location: F203, Talbot Campus

Come along to this informal 2-hour drop-in surgery with questions or issues relating to BRIAN, or if you need a refresher on how to update your profile.

No booking is required, just bring your laptop and questions!

Deposit function in BRIAN unavailable 11-12th February 2025

Please be aware that there will be a planned upgrade to BURO taking place 11-12th February. During this time, authors will not be able to deposit outputs into BURO via BRIAN.

Please do plan your use of the outputs deposit function in BRIAN accordingly to take this period of disrupted functionality into account.

For all BURO and BRIAN related queries, please email and respectively.

BRIAN unavailable 4-6th September 2024

Please be aware that there will be a planned upgrade to BRIAN taking place 4-6th September, during which time BRIAN will be unavailable for use.  We are hoping for BRIAN to resume running again by 9th September 2024, if not earlier.

Please do plan your BRIAN usage accordingly to take this period of inaccessibility into account. For all BRIAN related queries, please email

RKEDF workshop: Introduction to BRIAN

Introduction to BRIAN – Monday 29th April, 10.00-11.00 Talbot campus

BRIAN (Bournemouth Research Information And Networking) is BU’s publication management system.

This introductory session is aimed at those who are new to BU, or have not updated their staff profile for a while. It will cover the basics of BRIAN, including how to use BRIAN to manage your research outputs, biography and research interests, professional activities and more.

By the end of the session, attendees will have an understanding of BRIAN and how it relates to Staff Profile Pages, how to create and update items and activities, how to claim/create/import publications, as well as how to upload full text articles to BURO (Bournemouth University Research Online).

Book your place here by selecting ‘Introduction to BRIAN – 29/04/24’ in the drop down menu.  Please note, attendees will need to bring their laptops.

For any queries regarding this workshop, please contact

See all RKEDF events

RKEDF training opportunities coming up in December

We’re excited to share … 

some great RKEDF training opportunities coming up in December 

Please, click on the post titles to see details and book your place on to upcoming events.

By the end of the session, attendees will have an understanding of BRIAN and how it relates to Staff Profile Pages, how to create and update items and activities, how to claim/create/import publications, as well as how to upload full text articles to BURO (Bournemouth University Research Online). 

  • Online RSA Drop-In meeting Wednesday 6th  December, 10:30-11:00

Meet your RSA reps, hear updates on how BU is implementing the Research Concordat and give feedback or raise concerns that will help to develop and support the research community at BU

This session will provide an overview of the REF, it’s purpose and how it is carried out, as well as looking ahead to the next REF2028 assessment.

This is an opportunity to have a guided tour of the Konfer platform and its full functionality, enabling you to create and connect to the UK research collaborations with other universities and businesses.

By the end of this session, you will be familiar with the structure of an impact case study, what makes an excellent case study and what you will need in order to start building an impact case study from your own research.

By the end of this session, attendees will have a strong foundation of what to expect when being responsible for their awarded projects.

This session is aimed at all academics to provide an overview of the Research & Enterprise Database, including how to access the system, the information available to view, budget management via RED.


Please make sure you inform us in advance if you cannot attend an event that you have already booked onto, at 

Introduction to BRIAN-BU’s publication management system

BRIAN (Bournemouth Research Information And Networking) is BU’s publication management system.

This introductory session is aimed at those who are new to BU, or have not updated their staff profile for a while. It will cover the basics of BRIAN, including how to use BRIAN to manage your research outputs, biography and research interests, professional activities and more.

By the end of the session, attendees will have an understanding of BRIAN and how it relates to Staff Profile Pages, how to create and update items and activities, how to claim/create/import publications, as well as how to upload full text articles to BURO (Bournemouth University Research Online).

Wednesday 6th December, 10:00 – 11:00 at Talbot Campus

To book onto this session, please complete the Booking Form under “Introduction to BRIAN – 06/12/2023”


For any queries regarding this workshop, please contact Claire Fenton, REF Manager,


UN SDGs now on BRIAN and Staff Profile Pages

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all.

BRIAN, Bournemouth Research Information and Networking system now allows you to record up to 4 of the most relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals which your work contributes towards. This information from BRIAN will also be displayed on your staff profile page and it will look like this –

To record this information on BRIAN, log into your BRIAN account and choose to add a new “Professional activity”,

Once you have clicked on “+add new”, you will be presented with a menu box. Choose “UN Sustainable Development Goals” as highlighted –

On the next page, you are then given the option to select from the drop down menu, up to 4 UN Sustainable Development Goals which your work contributes towards. Don’t forget to click “save” when you have finished.

To have this newly added information displayed on your staff profile page, you can either choose to wait for the overnight auto-refresh process for the information to be drawn from BRIAN to populate the staff profile page; or you can instantly refresh your staff profile page manually by scrolling to the bottom of your profile page and click on “Refresh now”

For more help and information, please email

BRIAN is unavailable for use this week

Under construction image

Please be aware that there will be a planned upgrade to BRIAN taking place this week, starting 19th April, during which time BRIAN will be unavailable for use. The planned upgrade is expected to take place all week, therefore we are hoping for BRIAN to resume running again by 25th April 2022 (if not earlier).

For all BRIAN related queries, please email

BRIAN upgrade feature – add new items

Similar to the current system, after BRIAN has been upgraded, you can add new items for each different element by clicking on the “add” button under each tile –

This function is also similar for the “Grants” and “Records of Impact” tiles.

There will be a planned upgrade to BRIAN taking place beginning the week commencing 19th April, during which time BRIAN will be unavailable for use. The planned upgrade is expected to take place all week, therefore we are hoping for BRIAN to resume running again by 25th April 2022 (if not earlier).

For all BRIAN related queries, please email

BRIAN upgrade feature – the publications tile

As mentioned last week, after the BRIAN upgrade, you can look forward to seeing the different elements within your BRIAN account represented by its own ’tile’ on the homepage –

Let’s now take a closer look at the “Publications” tile –

By default, your “Publications” tile shows you a condensed summary list view of your publications within your BRIAN account.

When you click on the right arrow key, you will then get to see the ‘graph’ view instead –

Clicking on the left arrow key will take you back to the list view. As mentioned, the publication “list” view is the default setting within your account; however, you can change the default view to “graph” if you wish, by clicking on the “configure homepage” option within the drop-down menu underneath your profile –

And by clicking on “graph” as shown below –

There will be a planned upgrade to BRIAN taking place beginning the week commencing 19th April, during which time BRIAN will be unavailable for use. The planned upgrade is expected to take place all week, therefore we are hoping for BRIAN to resume running again by 25th April 2022 (if not earlier).

Do stay tuned for more exciting new features from the BRIAN upgrade!

For all BRIAN related queries, please email

BRIAN upgrade feature – the homepage

As mentioned last week, after the BRIAN upgrade, you can look forward to seeing a much more consistent and a “cleaner” feel to the overall look of the homepage –

The tiles for each core elements of “publications”, “professional activities”, “grants” and “records of impact” are now in the same shape and size and they are neatly arranged. If you refer to a previous post about this particular feature, you can also find out how you can customise this homepage.

If you look closely at the top right corner of the “Publications” and “Grants” tiles, you will also notice a feature that will allow you to quickly clear any “pending” or “rejected” publications –

There will be a planned upgrade to BRIAN taking place beginning the week commencing 19th April, during which time BRIAN will be unavailable for use. The planned upgrade is expected to take place all week, therefore we are hoping for BRIAN to resume running again by 25th April 2022 (if not earlier).

Do stay tuned for more exciting new features from the BRIAN upgrade!

For all BRIAN related queries, please email

BRIAN upgrade feature – My Actions summary box

When you first log into BRIAN after the upgrade, similar to the current version, you will notice the “My Actions” box at the top, next to your profile picture. The functionality which has been retained is the ability to switch the actions to either a “carousel” or “list” view by clicking on the three dots to the top right corner –

If you switch it to the list view, it will look like this –

The advantage of the “list” view is that it allows you to have an overview of all the pending actions, and for you to act on them quickly and easily.

There will be a planned upgrade to BRIAN taking place beginning the week commencing 19th April, during which time BRIAN will be unavailable for use. The planned upgrade is expected to take place all week, therefore we are hoping for BRIAN to resume running again by 25th April 2022 (if not earlier).

Do stay tuned for more exciting new features from the BRIAN upgrade!

For all BRIAN related queries, please email

BRIAN upgrade feature – customising your homepage

There will be a planned upgrade to BRIAN taking place beginning the week commencing 19th April, during which time BRIAN will be unavailable for use. The planned upgrade is expected to take place all week, therefore we are hoping for BRIAN to resume running again by 25th April 2022 (if not earlier).

When you first log into BRIAN, you will notice that the “homepage” has completely been revamped. However, upon close inspection, you will discover that all functionalities remain the same. One notable improvement about the homepage from this upgrade is that it allows you to customise your own homepage, as circled –


The customisation functionality allows you to rearrange the “tiles” as how you would like them to appear on your BRIAN homepage; it will also allow you to hide certain “tiles” if you do not wish for them to be visible on your homepage –

Do stay tuned tomorrow for more exciting new features from the BRIAN upgrade!

For all BRIAN related queries, please email

BRIAN is getting a new look!

In approximately less than three weeks, we can all look forward to BRIAN getting a brand new look! 

There will be a planned upgrade to BRIAN taking place beginning the week commencing 19th April, during which time BRIAN will be unavailable for use. The planned upgrade is expected to take place all week, therefore we are hoping for BRIAN to resume running again by 25th April 2022 (if not earlier).

In the next few days, there will be a feature post on BRIAN on each day, showcasing the changes that you can expect from this upgrade. Today, we will start by showing you the “Homepage” when you first log into BRIAN –

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s feature post where you can see how you can customise this homepage!

For any questions or queries you have regarding BRIAN, please email


BRIAN unavailable due to upgrade – 2nd & 3rd August!

Just a reminder that BRIAN will be unavailable to users today and tomorrow, Monday, 2nd August and Tuesday, 3rd August for a scheduled upgrade.

If you need any help using the new system or if you encounter any problems after the upgrade, please do send an email to and a member of staff will be able to assist you.

In the meantime, if you do have general queries relating to the upgrade, please get in touch with

Further information will be available once BRIAN is up and running again following the scheduled upgrade.