Tagged / community engagement

BU Research Conference 2024: Powerful partnerships – book your place

Collaboration is at the heart of excellent research – whether it’s building relationships with international partners, co-creating research with communities, or working across disciplines to find fresh perspectives.

The BU Research Conference is back for 2024 and this year’s event will explore the power of partnerships, showcasing how working with others can enhance your research.

It will take place in the Fusion Building (Talbot Campus) on Wednesday 26th June, with a mix of speakers, panel sessions, and practical workshops.

The conference will run from 9.30am to 1.15pm, with refreshments included. It will be followed by a networking lunch to help start conversations and build new connections.

The keynote speaker for the conference will be Isabella Pereira, Head of the Institute for Community Studies – a research institute with people at its heart. Engaging with people across the UK, they work to influence societal change, bridging the gap between communities, evidence, and policymaking.

Following this will be the Building partnerships panel, with academics from across BU talking about their experiences of working with partners regionally, nationally, and internationally – as well as across different sectors and disciplines – and sharing their insights and advice on effective research collaboration.

We’ll also have a range of practical workshops, covering topics including working with business, building international partnerships, and public involvement in research.

The conference is open to all researchers and those involved in research across BU and other universities in Dorset.

Book your place via Eventbrite

Community-Based Research Event – register your interest

An exciting opportunity to attend a workshop, please see below for further details –

‘A team from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) are working on a project looking at how we recruit research study participants from commercial High Street health care providers (e.g. Boots, SpecSavers etc), or organisations that support health in some way (e.g. gyms, slimming clubs etc).

The project is titled Community-Based Research and we are looking to answer two specific questions:

  1. How can people with known health issues being seen only ‘on the high street’ access research?
  2. How can people with known health risk factors, who are pre-disease diagnosis, access research?

These two groups could miss out on research opportunities currently because they don’t come into the standard health system until they are either considered to be too severe for High Street treatment (in the case of group 1) or they already have a health problem (in the case of group 2).  We are looking to develop a process by which we can actively recruit participants at scale for trials before they need to access the health service, thus enabling better recruitment of milder disease and pre-disease phenotypes.  We are aware that research is happening in these two groups and would like to pull together researchers who have this experience in order to learn from their successes and challenges.

To support this ETI we are running a workshop on January 31st, 10.30-3.30, at The Wesley Euston Hotel & Conference Venue, London, which will bring together the research community to discuss:

a)      Examples of how we currently recruit from these settings, identifying successes and challenges

b)      Based on these, identifying the key elements of a recruitment strategy that the Clinical Research Network could use

We would like to invite researchers to attend if this would be of interest. Please could nominated representatives complete this Eventbrite registration page (https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/nihr-crn-community-based-research-event-tickets-83954384825) including indicating which Specialty they are representing.’

Community-Based Research Event – register your interest

An exciting opportunity to attend a workshop, please see below for further details –

‘A team from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) are working on a project looking at how we recruit research study participants from commercial High Street health care providers (e.g. Boots, SpecSavers etc), or organisations that support health in some way (e.g. gyms, slimming clubs etc).

The project is titled Community-Based Research and we are looking to answer two specific questions:

  1. How can people with known health issues being seen only ‘on the high street’ access research?
  2. How can people with known health risk factors, who are pre-disease diagnosis, access research?

These two groups could miss out on research opportunities currently because they don’t come into the standard health system until they are either considered to be too severe for High Street treatment (in the case of group 1) or they already have a health problem (in the case of group 2).  We are looking to develop a process by which we can actively recruit participants at scale for trials before they need to access the health service, thus enabling better recruitment of milder disease and pre-disease phenotypes.  We are aware that research is happening in these two groups and would like to pull together researchers who have this experience in order to learn from their successes and challenges.

To support this ETI we are running a workshop on January 31st, 10.30-3.30, at The Wesley Euston Hotel & Conference Venue, London, which will bring together the research community to discuss:

a)      Examples of how we currently recruit from these settings, identifying successes and challenges

b)      Based on these, identifying the key elements of a recruitment strategy that the Clinical Research Network could use

We would like to invite researchers to attend if this would be of interest. Please could nominated representatives complete this Eventbrite registration page (https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/nihr-crn-community-based-research-event-tickets-83954384825) including indicating which Specialty they are representing.’

Join a community event to raise awareness of routes through Higher Education

Southern Universities Network logoThe Southern Universities Network, in conjunction with the 11-19 team at Bournemouth Borough Council and Bournemouth and Poole College, are hosting a family day to raise awareness and reduce negative views on students staying in education through F.E. to H.E.

They are looking for local providers and employers to attend the event to host small interactive activity stands – where rolling, practical tasks can be completed by all members of the family, to raise awareness of various types of educational pathways. This could involve you representing your area of work and the university as a whole. You may then talk to the families about various routes offered to stay in education through the university.

The event will be advertised within schools and their websites, on social media, through the 11-19 team mailing list and via flyers and handouts in local schools and community centres.

As part of the afternoon they are hiring the centre’s soft play facility to ensure all the family can attend and there will be refreshments available for all attendees. There will also be a fun family cycling activity and those who attend will be issued with a goody bag of local information and offers for the leisure centre.

Local services such as the Department for Working Pensions and youth services will attend, to answer any questions parents may have.

The day is planned to be fun with an educational twist, aimed at getting the support of families and the community when young people are looking at their future training and education.


Saturday 30 March
Set up from 1.00pm, students and families arriving 2.00pm, end 5.00pm.


Rossmore Leisure Centre, Poole.

How to apply

Complete the booking form and return to Helen Lewis at Bournemouth Borough Council by Friday 1 March.

New projects in the Student Project Bank!

There are new projects in the SPB for dissertations, unit work or extra-curricular experience. Projects are available to all undergraduate and postgraduate students at BU and can be used for dissertations, assignments, unit, or group work.

SPB105: Broadstone Pantomime Productions website re-development

Broadstone Pantomime Productions is looking to overhaul their web presence to enable them to better market their productions and provide more information about the company to those who would like to be involved. Work with Broadstone Pantomime Productions to evaluate their current website, establish their needs and re-design their website.

SPB106: Broadstone Pantomime Productions re-branding exercise

Broadstone Pantomime Productions is looking to update their brand. Work with them to evaluate their needs and establish and update brand including look and feel, marketing strategy and advertising.

SPB108: BChangemakers Campaign: video series

The Fable Bureau has been commissioned by Bournemouth Churches Housing Association (BCHA) to run their BChangemakers Campaign. It celebrates 50 years of providing services to vulnerable people across the South of England. Over the next 12 months they will be publishing stories on the campaign website of inspiring change makers in order to inspire others to make similar changes.

This project aims to generate up to 15 2-2.5 minute films celebrating people that have made changes in their lives in order to inspire others to make similar changes in their own lives. These films will be posted on the BChangemakers website. Fable Bureau is open to discussion about the number of films. This opportunity is open to multiple groups of students.

SPB110: Algilez Artificial Language mobile app redevelopment

Algilez is an artificial language. The intention is that it could be used both for international communication and also within those countries which have a large number of local languages and whose development is held back by a lack of easy communication. In order to further promote the language we would like to provide a good quality mobile phone app to enable more convenient individual learning, as an alternative to conventional classroom learning.  The app has already been created, but it needs improvement and some additional features.

Research the best practice of existing online language learning apps to see what features could be incorporated into a mobile app and assist with the re-development.

SPB111: The Shine Project health and wellbeing event promotional video

The Shine Project is a local registered charity working with young teenage girls in Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch primarily in economically deprived areas. For the last 10 years Shine has impacted over 1220 young lives by running 8-week health and mental wellbeing courses. Their mission is to provide a friendly, non-judgemental, safe environment where overlooked teenage girls are able to connect with others, be active, keep learning and engage in mindful activities enabling the development of healthy physical and mental wellbeing.  Every teenage girl deserves to recognise her value and potential. The Shine Project ran their first Health and Wellbeing Event in June 2017. The aim of the event was to inspire girls to think positively about themselves and encourage good physical and mental health. Over 200 girls from 12 schools attended, and 99% said they would go again.

The Shine Project would like to run the event again in February 2019. Create a promotional video to encourage schools to send girls to the event.

Apply now:

Send us an email to request a project brief and application form.

Student Project Bank call for projects

The Student Project Bank is open for new project ideas!

Do you work with an organisation in the community that wants to expand the work they do with our students?  If you do, please circulate this call for projects.

The Student Project Bank is a mutually beneficial collaboration between external organisations and our students. As part of their studies, our students get to work on a live project with the potential for real-world impact and external organisations get the opportunity to benefit from their knowledge, skills and creativity whilst gaining valuable insights into their specific project area.

Projects are available to all undergraduate and postgraduate students at BU and can be used for dissertations, assignments, unit, or group work.

Send us an email to find out more.


New projects in the Student Project Bank!

There are new projects in the SPB for dissertations, unit work or extra-curricular experience.

SPB089: Animated reconstruction of WWII bombing decoy for RAF Hurn and RAF Ibsley

At the commencement of War World II the Air Ministry formed a secret department to oversee ways to fool the German Luftwaffe by using decoys and other means of deception. There was a decoy airfield on Lower Common, Three Legged Cross that simulated the flare path lighting of the local RAF Hurn & RAF Ibsley fighter stations as a lure to encourage attack by night bombers and intruder aircraft. Create an animation to help visitors visualise the decoy in operation at night and gain an understanding of how it was operated. The animation will be displayed in the Moors Valley Country Park visitor centre and online on their website and social media channels with the aim of encouraging members of the public to engage with history and heritage of park. It will also be the basis of an augmented reality app (see project SPB098).

SPB094: Bournemouth in Bloom website re-design

Bournemouth in Bloom is a voluntary group that encourages the residents of Bournemouth to take care of and have pride in their community. By improving our environment, we aim to make Bournemouth one of the most beautiful towns in the UK. Build upon the existing WordPress site to expand it into a resource for the local community that connects schools, Bournemouth in Bloom groups and partners in the community.

SPB95: Public Perceptions of Homelessness

Investigate the causes of homelessness in Bournemouth and how this affects those who experience it. Highlight all definitions of homelessness. Carry out qualitative and quantitative research via surveys and interviews and compile a report on your findings. There is the possibility of interviewing people who are liaising with local agencies and charities under the supervision of Citizen’s Advice. The aim of this project is to provide a fair representation of the experience of homelessness in Bournemouth. It will give a voice to one of the most vulnerable social groups, highlight local issues in the private rental sector and challenge stereotypes of homeless people. The results of this project will be used to inform the general public of the issues faced by vulnerable groups in society and to support Bournemouth Borough Council in working with these groups.

SPB97: Evaluate the impact of a programme to support people who suffer long term health issues to return to work

Tomorrow’s People is in partnership with Borough of Poole, Health Education England and JP Morgan to support patients with physical or mental health symptoms which have prevented them from engaging with education, training, volunteering or employment. Referrals to the programme come direct from GPs and other local agencies across Poole, with no charge for participating organisations. Agencies such as Social Services, PCVS, Job Hubs and Jobcentre Plus use the service to offer additional impartial support in a ‘trusted’ environment, as part of a more tailored one-to-one approach. The programme has reduced the demand on Primary Care Services and at the same time has helped long term unemployed people to return to work. Produce a methodology and conduct an evaluation of the programme in the Bournemouth area. Provide a report of your findings.

SPB098: Augmented reality app for the reconstruction of WWII bombing decoy for RAF Ibsley and RAF Hurn

At the commencement of War World II the Air Ministry formed a secret department to oversee ways to fool the German Luftwaffe by using decoys and other means of deception. There was a decoy airfield on Lower Common, Three Legged Cross that simulated the flare path lighting of the local RAF Hurn & RAF Ibsley fighter stations as a lure to encourage attack by night bombers and intruder aircraft. Create an augmented reality app that will help visitors visualise the decoy in operation at night and gain an understanding of how it was operated. The app will utilise an animation of the decoy in action created for project SPB089.

SPB99: Enriching Lives – assessing the impact of intergenerational activities

‘Enriching Lives’ is a project that aims to bring together nursery and primary school children and McCarthy & Stone homeowners to participate in a variety of activities. The Enriching Lives project is intended to contribute to the debate about the benefits of intergenerational living, and to assist local and national government to formulate their plans for a more cohesive community and social fabric, whilst enriching the lives of McCarthy & Stone homeowners and children in the local area. Design and implement a strategy to assess the impact of the project on the McCarthy & Stone homeowners and the school children. The results of this study will be used by McCarthy & Stone in the process of deciding to roll out the Enriching Lives project across their properties.

SPB100: Eat Fit, Keep Fit media package for St. Mark’s Primary School

The Sports Ambassadors at St Mark’s Primary School want to create a media package (video presentation, advert) promoting how to live a healthy lifestyle. This includes showing what exercises could be done, how to prepare and eat healthy food and to generally promote healthy living. The children want to produce a package which would not only go on the school website but that could be sent out to other schools. Work with the Sports Ambassadors to create a video presentation and advert promoting healthy living.

SPB102: Website review and redevelopment for Wessex Entrepreneurs

Wessex Entrepreneurs support, mentor and, if needed, raise funding for many types of enterprises through a substantial network. Assess the Wessex Entrepreneurs website and propose improvements to update the website. Present your proposal to members of Wessex Entrepreneurs and implement the agreed updates.

SPB103: Social media marketing plan for Wessex Entrepreneurs

Wessex Entrepreneurs support, mentor and, if needed, raise funding for many types of enterprises through a substantial network. Wessex Entrepreneurs are looking to expand their membership base and raise awareness of the events they run via social media. Design a social media campaign that Wessex Entrepreneurs can utilise to achieve this.

Apply now:

Projects are available to all undergraduate and postgraduate students at BU and can be used for dissertations, assignments, unit, or group work. Send us an email to request a project brief and application form.

New projects in the Student Project Bank

Here is a roundup of the latest projects submitted to the SPB:

SPB085: Website redevelopment for a national healthcare society

The current website has limited functionality, is unattractive and paid members get limited benefits for their money. Benefits for paid members such as access to a confidential discussion forum and free webinars are underused. Carry out a baseline assessment of the organisation and members’ needs in order to make recommendations for adjustments to the website. Propose and implement changes to the website based on this assessment.

SPB086: Internal communication strategy to increase the use of a national healthcare society’s website by its members

The organisation is looking to encourage members to more effectively utilise the online content provided with their membership. Benefits for paid members include access to a confidential discussion forum and free webinars. Create an internal marketing strategy to increase the usage of the website by their members. This project can be undertaken in conjunction with SPB087: Marketing plan for a national healthcare society.

SPB087: Marketing plan for a national healthcare society

The organisation is looking to increase the usage of their website by non-members. Create a marketing strategy to increase the usage of the website and raise awareness of the organisation. This project can be undertaken in conjunction with SPB086: Internal communication strategy for a national healthcare society.

SPB088: Online marketing plan for a local charity

Based in Poole, Dorset, Harbour Challenge Outdoor Adventure Centre is a registered charity offering affordable access to a wide range of land and water based outdoor adventure activities to people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds. As a charity, the organisation relies on income from the activities they provide. Identify social media marketing opportunities to enable the charity to reach a wider audience and maximise their internet presence. Provide a list of recommendations on how this can be achieved as well as relevant marketing materials.

SPB90: Marketing plan for a local charity

The Leonardo Trust is a registered charity set up to make life a little easier for those who care full-time for others. Presently, The Leonardo Trust benefits 250 carers in Dorset per year. Their aim is to double this reach through paid advertising and marketing. Develop a marketing strategy to expand the reach of The Leonardo Trust to increase community engagement.

SPB91: Explore funding opportunities for The Happiness Course

The Happiness Course is an 8 hour course based on positive psychology and delivered over 2 or 4 weeks (or a weekend). Explore ways The Happiness Course can raise fund or attract investors in order to be able to offer the course to those who need it for a low cost.

SPB92: Marketing plan for The Happiness Course

The Happiness Course is an 8 hour course based on positive psychology and delivered over 2 or 4 weeks (or a weekend). Compile a low-cost marketing plan to enable The Happiness Course to reach a wider audience in the local area. Include recommendations on how to implement the plan.

SPB93: Promotional videos for a digital print company 

RPM Digital Print was started in 1991 and has grown into a fully integrated print and multi-channel marketing communications service provider. Create two short videos (2 minutes each) to showcase the work of the company. The first video will introduce the company, their location and printing products. The second video will be based around their marketing technology. These videos will be featured on the website and on social media.

Apply now:

Projects are available to all undergraduate and postgraduate students at BU and can be used for dissertations, assignments, unit, or group work. Send us an email to request a project brief and application form.

Media and communications projects available!

Are you or your students looking for media and communications projects? The following projects are available in the Student Project Bank:

SPB009: Using social media platforms as a promotional tool for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

Evaluate how a small business could use social media platforms to achieve growth.

SPB034: Video series to raise awareness of addiction and The Recovery Course

Create a series of short videos to educate people around addiction and to promote St Swithuns Recovery Course. There will be the opportunity to work with the recovery ministry head, observe the course and to interview some members of the recovery course. These videos will be used as part of a national marketing and promotion campaign.

SPB039: Social media marketing plan for QuietSphere Student Mentoring

Description: Create a social media strategy aimed at university students and parents of university aged children/ university students in order to raise the profile of QuietSphere Student Mentoring.

SPB045: Social media marketing and management plan for a local charity

Help connect millions of people to the help they need when they need it and allow millions to offer their help to those less fortunate or in need. Help-in is a charity that aims to create a new social media platform designed to increase volunteering both hands on and virtually. Design a social media marketing plan for a crowdfunding campaign and create a management plan for the marketing plan.

SPB060: Rebrand of workplace health and wellbeing company

Midlands Workplace Wellbeing Ltd works with employers to create happy and healthy employees through consultancy, training and health activities. Help Midlands Workplace Wellbeing Ltd rebrand the business as Mindful Workplace Wellbeing. They are looking to find a new identity that has impact whilst still remaining professional in order to increase their client base.

SPB061: “I didn’t know that” – Good End of Life Care educational video for staff at Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Create a short video about good End of Life Care for healthcare professionals at Poole Hospital. Good End of Life Care should focus on helping people who may be approaching end of life to Live Well. The true definition of End of Life Care is “all of the care received in the last year of life” (recognising that this could extend to more than a year, or be shorter). By simply educating healthcare professionals in the definition of End of Life Care and highlighting that everyone who works in healthcare is in part responsible for delivering end of life care, we can improve care across Dorset. The video must be informative, but delivered in a very imaginative and fun way.

SPB068: Raising the Profile of Bradford Abbas Village

The aim of this project is to provide better information about the village for visitors and members of the community. The information is to be both historical and current; i.e. an ‘interpretation board’ that explains the history, people and places associated with the village; and the ‘village plan statement’ located on the Parish Council website. This project will involve working with Bradford Abbas Parish Council and Bradford Abbas History Society.

SPB083: The Shine Project health and wellbeing event

The Shine Project ran their first Health and Wellbeing Event in June 2017. The aim of the event was to inspire girls to think positively about themselves and encourage good physical and mental health. The event was held at Bournemouth Pavilion and had exhibition stands from 22 different organisations including local charities, youth services and businesses. In addition to the stands, the girls were encouraged to take part in one of the many different timetabled workshops such as drama, dance, music or mindfulness. Over the course of the day over 200 girls from 12 different schools attended and 99% of the girls said that they would do it again.

The Shine Project would like to run the event again in February 2019. There are a variety of opportunities available including event management, marketing and communication, media production and audio visual.

SPB084: Stop Plastic Seas petition promotion

Stop Plastic Seas is petitioning the UK Government to introduce a national awareness day against the plastic in our seas. This is spearheaded by member of the local community who became concerned about the amount of plastic encountered in the sea when they went swimming.  The project aims to raise public awareness and increase education around this problem in the local and national community. A national awareness day about plastics in the sea will provide an annual focus where all organisations and individuals against plastics in our seas can come together to raise awareness and collaborate. Formulate a plan to promote this petition so it receives more than 100,000 signatures by April 2018.

Apply now:

Projects are available to all undergraduate and postgraduate students at BU and can be used for dissertations, assignments, unit, or group work. Send us an email to request a project brief and application form.

Health and social care project available!

Are you or your students looking for health and social care projects? The following project is available in the Student Project Bank:

SPB038: Benefits of Assistance Dogs for Children with Autism and Down’s Syndrome

Research and document the benefits an assistance dog can provide to a child with Autism/Down’s Syndrome and provide theories as to why the benefits occur, financial benefits for the NHS, Education Authorities and Social Services. The objectives of the project are to increase understanding of why benefits occur, to document benefits achieved through the provision of an assistance dog, potential financial benefits for local communities and promoting greater understanding and inclusion of Autism and Down’s Syndrome.

Apply now:

Projects are available to all undergraduate and postgraduate students at BU and can be used for dissertations, assignments, unit, or group work. Send us an email to request a project brief and application form.

Tourism, hospitality and events project available!

Are you or your students looking for tourism, hospitality and events projects? The following project is available in the Student Project Bank:

SPB083: The Shine Project health and wellbeing event

The Shine Project ran their first Health and Wellbeing Event in June 2017. The aim of the event was to inspire girls to think positively about themselves and encourage good physical and mental health. The event was held at Bournemouth Pavilion and had exhibition stands from 22 different organisations including local charities, youth services and businesses. In addition to the stands, the girls were encouraged to take part in one of the many different timetabled workshops such as drama, dance, music or mindfulness. Over the course of the day over 200 girls from 12 different schools attended and 99% of the girls said that they would do it again.

The Shine Project would like to run the event again in February 2019. There are a variety of opportunities available including event management, marketing and communication, media production and audio visual.

Apply now:

Projects are available to all undergraduate and postgraduate students at BU and can be used for dissertations, assignments, unit, or group work. Send us an email to request a project brief and application form.


Sciences project available!

Are you or your students looking for projects in the sciences? The following project is available in the Student Project Bank:

SPB037: Evaluate the effects of companion planting of Brassicas with Mint and/or Nasturtium

Set up and monitor a field trial exploring the effectiveness of companion planting of Brassica species with a mixed regime of Brassica and Mint and/or Nasturtium in reducing pest-related crop damage. Produce a report on your findings.

Apply now:

Projects are available to all undergraduate and postgraduate students at BU and can be used for dissertations, assignments, unit, or group work. Send us an email to request a project brief and application form.

Computer animation and visual effects projects available!

Are you or your students looking for computer animation and visual effects projects? The following projects are available in the Student Project Bank:

SPB048: Animation to raise awareness of the support available to adult children of alcoholics

Create a 2-3 minute animation that highlights the key characteristics of adult children of alcoholics (ACOA) and conveys a message that they aren’t alone and that change is possible.

SPB063: Shelley’s Heart: Digital Research Animator

Shelley’s Heart will be a downloadable app is set in St. Peter’s churchyard in Bournemouth town centre and features modern alter egos of Mary Shelley and the Romantic poets. As a Digital Research Animator you will be responsible for researching, designing, and developing 16 animated gifs (2-5 seconds in duration) to enhance the audio narrative. These are based on Photoshop illustrations that have been mocked up for the design document/script. Given the desired interactive element, you will be encouraged to research novel animation technologies including snapchat animations, augmented reality, and geo-location tracking. A design document will be provided however, you will have a role in refining the animation design.

SPB082: Life in My Shoes animation

Produce a series of 2 minute animated films, each one based on the audio recording of a person’s story who has struggled with being HIV+. Each person will be from a different part of the world (Delhi, Boston, Pretoria etc.) for the Life In My Shoes (LIMS) international project. The people in these stories can’t show their faces because of the devastating stigma that still surrounds HIV. We are looking for an animator to realise the story in a creative and innovative ways, either by creating a character than doesn’t look like the interviewee, or finding some other creative way to tell the story.

Apply now:

Projects are available to all undergraduate and postgraduate students at BU and can be used for dissertations, assignments, unit, or group work. Send us an email to request a project brief and application form.

Computing and information technology projects available!

Are you or your students looking for computing and information technology projects? The following projects are available in the Student Project Bank:

SPB047: Social media platform prototype development for Help-in

Help connect millions of people to the help they need when they need it and allow millions to offer their help to those less fortunate or in need. Help-in is a charity that aims to create a new social media platform designed to increase volunteering both hands on and virtually. Work with Help-in to develop the above social media platform. All aspects must be scalable to cope with additions to details, projects, tick boxes and ultimately users. The Platform will be global, so there is a need to search for companies or project types in any part of the world.

SPB073: Mapping of signing up user journey for financial products

Harmoney is a not-for-profit organisation with a mission to help people to manage their money better, particularly so that it doesn’t cause worry, stress, or mental distress. Their initial service is providing advice on welfare benefits and debt problems. This project involved mapping the signing up user journeys of existing online current account and budgeting products, particularly those built for smartphones (like Monzo) and new innovative services (like Squirrel). You will be looking for similarities between the maps and assessing what works well and what doesn’t. These findings will be used to make recommendations for our product.

SPB074: Mapping of user journey of financial products

Harmoney is a not-for-profit organisation with a mission to help people to manage their money better, particularly so that it doesn’t cause worry, stress, or mental distress. Their initial service is providing advice on welfare benefits and debt problems. This purpose of this project is to map the user journeys of existing online current account and budgeting products, to undertake tasks such as setting up regular payments, making transfers, checking balance. You will be looking for similarities between the maps and assessing what works well and what doesn’t. These findings will be used to make recommendations for our product.

SPB075: Harmoney cyber security

Harmoney is a not-for-profit organisation with a mission to help people to manage their money better, particularly so that it doesn’t cause worry, stress, or mental distress. Their initial service is providing advice on welfare benefits and debt problems. Map out security methods used by existing services of online current account products. What are the options? What direction might these tools be going in in relation to security? Are costs considered? What is the user preference? These findings will be used to make recommendations for our product.

SPB081: Cherry Tree Nursery Website Revamp

Cherry Tree Nursery is part of the Sheltered Work Opportunities project, a registered charity based in Bournemouth serving the local Community. We were set up to address the great need for meaningful occupation, in a supportive and pressure free environment, for adults with severe and enduring mental illness. Cherry Tree Nursery’s website is out dated and needs a revamp to bring it in line with modern website design and to attract new visitors to the charity.

Apply now:

Projects are available to all undergraduate and postgraduate students at BU and can be used for dissertations, assignments, unit, or group work. Send us an email to request a project brief and application form.

Business, management and marketing projects available!

Are you or your students looking for business, management and marketing projects? The following projects are available in the Student Project Bank:

SPB007: Investigate fund raising for small business development through the utilisation of crowdfunding

Investigate fund raising to support the development of a small business through crowdfunding. Examine current crowdfunding platforms and the feasibility of a low-cost DIY approach which does not involve a host platform.

SPB008: Product licensing for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

Research product licensing and discuss practical approaches, from initial contact to developing joint ventures. Make a list of recommendations.

SPB009: Using social media platforms as a promotional tool for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

Evaluate how a small business could use social media platforms to achieve growth.

SPB036: Employee Engagement Globally: A research project based on Merlin Entertainments

Employee Engagement Globally: What engages different people globally, from different geographic regions to different personas and job types. How do they want to be recognised, and what does recognition mean to them? Research trends in engagement DRIVERs per geographic region, job role and persona, as well as recognition recommendations for different groups.

SPB039: Social media marketing plan for QuietSphere Student Mentoring

Create a social media strategy aimed at university students and parents of university aged children/ university students in order to raise the profile of QuietSphere Student Mentoring.

SPB044: Crowdfunding feasibility study and campaign design for charities

Help connect millions of people to the help they need when they need it and allow millions to offer their help to those less fortunate or in need. Help-in is a charity that aims to create a new social media platform designed to increase volunteering both hands on and virtually. Carry out a feasibility study into crowdfunding models for charitable organisations and use your findings to design a three week campaign with a soft launch. There will be the opportunity to implement the campaign if desired.

SPB045: Social media marketing and management plan for a local charity

Help connect millions of people to the help they need when they need it and allow millions to offer their help to those less fortunate or in need. Help-in is a charity that aims to create a new social media platform designed to increase volunteering both hands on and virtually. Design a social media marketing plan for a crowdfunding campaign and create a management plan for the marketing plan.

SPB046: Brand development for Help-in

Help connect millions of people to the help they need when they need it and allow millions to offer their help to those less fortunate or in need. Help-in is a charity that aims to create a new social media platform designed to increase volunteering both hands on and virtually. Work with Help-in to develop their brand. This will be used to influence the look and feel of their platform and across social media, the website and any printed materials.

SPB044: Crowdfunding feasibility study and campaign design for charities

Help connect millions of people to the help they need when they need it and allow millions to offer their help to those less fortunate or in need. Help-in is a charity that aims to create a new social media platform designed to increase volunteering both hands on and virtually. Carry out a feasibility study into crowdfunding models for charitable organisations and use your findings to design a three week campaign with a soft launch. There will be the opportunity to implement the campaign if desired.

SPB045: Social media marketing and management plan for a local charity

Help connect millions of people to the help they need when they need it and allow millions to offer their help to those less fortunate or in need. Help-in is a charity that aims to create a new social media platform designed to increase volunteering both hands on and virtually. Design a social media marketing plan for a crowdfunding campaign and create a management plan for the marketing plan.

SPB046: Brand development for Help-in

Help connect millions of people to the help they need when they need it and allow millions to offer their help to those less fortunate or in need. Help-in is a charity that aims to create a new social media platform designed to increase volunteering both hands on and virtually. Work with Help-in to develop their brand. This will be used to influence the look and feel of their platform and across social media, the website and any printed materials.

SPB060: Rebrand of workplace health and wellbeing company

Midlands Workplace Wellbeing Ltd works with employers to create happy and healthy employees through consultancy, training and health activities. Help Midlands Workplace Wellbeing Ltd rebrand the business as Mindful Workplace Wellbeing. They are looking to find a new identity that has impact whilst still remaining professional in order to increase their client base.

SPB068: Raising the Profile of Bradford Abbas Village

The aim of this project is to provide better information about the village for visitors and members of the community. The information is to be both historical and current; i.e. an ‘interpretation board’ that explains the history, people and places associated with the village; and the ‘village plan statement’ located on the Parish Council website. This project will involve working with Bradford Abbas Parish Council and Bradford Abbas History Society.

Apply now:

Projects are available to all undergraduate and postgraduate students at BU and can be used for dissertations, assignments, unit, or group work. Send us an email to request a project brief and application form.


Student Project Bank call for projects

The Student Project Bank is open for new project ideas!

Do you work with an organisation in the community that wants to expand the work they do with our students to a different subject area?  If you do, please send them a link to this blog post, or this call for projects.

We are open to projects in all subject areas relevant to BU courses, but are specifically interested in receiving project ideas in the following areas:

  • Accounting, finance and economics
  • Business management, leadership and strategy
  • Computing
  • Computer animation
  • Health
  • History
  • Psychology
  • Social sciences

The call is included below:

Do you have an idea that could benefit society, and could use help to make it a reality?

We are inviting community organisations, charities, not-for-profit organisations and corporate partners to submit projects to the Student Project Bank.

The more ideas we have, the greater our impact on society.

Why get involved with Student Project Bank?

The Student Project Bank is a mutually beneficial collaboration between you and our students. As part of their studies, they get to work on a live project with the potential for real-world impact and you get the opportunity to benefit from their knowledge, skills and creativity whilst gaining valuable insights into your specific project area.

How it works:

  1. You tell us about your idea and how we can help. We’ll work with you to develop your idea into an exciting project brief.
  2. We’ll then match your project requirements to our students’ skill sets.
  3. We’ll monitor your project progress and keep you up to date.
  4. The project results will be shared with you and we will ask for feedback on how it has had an impact on your organisation.

Contact us:

To find out more visit our website or email spb@bournemouth.ac.uk