Tagged / UK-India

Expanding BU’s India links

Dr. Pramod Regmi and Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen (both in the Faculty of Health & Social Sciences) have been invited to join the scientific committee of the International Conference on Mixed Methods Research [ICMMR-2019].  This year’s ICMMR conference will be held in the School of Behavioural Sciences at the Mahatma Gandhi University in Kottayam (India) on February 22-24, 2019.  The two BU academics will run an online panel discussion session on academic publishing under the heading “Meet the editors.”  The advantage of such online session is that BU academic don’t have to travel to India saving time and money as well as the environment.  This has benefits for their own work-live balance as well as their carbon footprint. 

BU focuses its global collaborations on three geographical areas, one of these is the Indian sub-continent.  Connect India is BU’s strategic Hub of Practice for the Indian sub-continent, bringing together a community of researchers, educators, practitioners and students at Bournemouth University to collaborate with colleagues in India and Nepal.


Newton – funding update

Further to the November post outlining the Newton Funding opportunities, two new calls have been announced for China and India.  Please note the closing dates:


UK-China Research and Innovation Partnership Fund (deadline: 27/02/2015)

Newton-Bhabha PhD Placements Programme (deadline: 15/01/2015)

India-UK Collaborative Industrial R&D Programme (deadline: 15/04/2015)

Further information and application guidance available on the website.

If you wish to apply, please contact your RKEO Officer as soon as possible.

EPSRC call for UK and India Partnership in Advanced Manufacturing Research Challenges


Twenty-first century manufacturing is an increasingly global endeavour, driven by the rapid pace of technological change. High-value manufacturing processes are increasingly moving towards flexible, intelligent production systems that involve the inter-play of novel technologies, advanced materials, in-line analysis and ICT, dual working of people and automated systems, and precision engineered products and systems. Vital to all industrial sectors, modern manufacturing is more than merely production – it encompasses R&D, design, prototyping, production, distribution, service and support provision, and end-of-life repair, recycle or reuse.

Manufacturing is a top priority in both UK and Indian plans for economic growth. In 2011, India launched a National Manufacturing Policy that aims to increase manufacturing activity from a current 16% GDP to 25% by 2022. This equates to a growth rate of 12 14% per year, and aims to generate 100 million new jobs. The UK’s coalition government has also placed manufacturing at the heart of the economic recovery, and has published a series of policy announcements and reviews on the subject.

EPSRC and the Department of Science & Technology (DST) expect to commit up to £3M (Rs 23 crore) each on research programmes of up to three years in length. The funded programmes are expected to vary in size according to the demands of the proposed research, up to a maximum of £1M total, and will involve both UK and Indian researchers. This call invites applicants to submit a proposal for funding.

The proposal will be assessed by expert postal peer review, and those that are sufficiently supported will be advanced to a funding decision panel in February 2013. Funding decisions are expected to be made in March 2013.

Key dates

Activity Date
India and UK announcement date          02 July 2012
Call opens in Je-S for proposals 2 July 2012
Closing date for proposals 27 September 2012
UK (Je-S submission) deadline 16:00 GMT
India (DST receipt) deadline 20:30 Indian time
Postal peer review Early October 2012
Prioritisation panel for proposals February 2013
Grants announced March 2013
Funded projects to start January 2014 onwards

Documents to download

The RKE Operations team can help you with your application.

UK-India Education & Research Initiative – funding opportunities

UKIERI (UK-India Education & Research Initiative) is now accepting proposals for the following strand activities:

Strand 2: Innovation Partnerships
a) UKIERI Thematic Partnerships:
The sub-strand will strengthen engagement and encourage future potential collaborations between the Indian and UK higher education institutions by facilitating collaborations along with promoting and assisting registered PhD students and post-docs in India and the UK to undertake short-term visits to work on research projects. All Indian HEIs which are recognised under the Section 2(f) and 12 B of the UGC Act) can apply.Click here to download the Application form, Guidelines, Financial Sheet and Work Plan.

Deadline: 15 March 2012

 b) DST-UKIERI Thematic Partnerships:
The sub-strand will strengthen engagement and encourage future potential collaborations between the Indian and UK higher education institutions by facilitating collaborations along with promoting and assisting registered PhD students and post-docs in India and the UK to undertake short-term visits to work on research projects. The partnerships will be for Science & Technology projects jointly funded by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India and UKIERI under the 5 key subject areas of:

  1. Stem Cell Research and Animal Biotechnology
  2. Next Generation Networks in Telecommunication
  3. Advanced Materials including Nanotechnology
  4. Weather Science and Climate Change
  5. New Energy Technologies including Hydrogen

Click here to download the Application Form, Guidelines, Financial Sheet and Work Plan.

Deadline: 15 March 2012

 c) Trilateral Research In Partnership:
The sub-strand aims to support the development of mutually beneficial partnerships between higher education institutions in the UK, US and India. The funds will support the strengthening of PhD students and post-docs in all three countries in developing international team work, problem solving and innovation in research and increasing mobility of PhD students and post-docs between India, the UK and the US.Click here to download the Application Form, Guidelines and Financial Sheet.

Deadline: 13 April 2012


Strand 4: Enhancing Mobility
a) UKIERI India UK Staff Exchange Programme
The programme will promote staff exchanges between Higher Education Institutions /Schools/Further Education institutions across India and the UK. The exchanges are valid for up to 4 weeks and should aim to share and deliver best practices on curriculum and pedagogy and learn from each others systems.Click here to download the Application Form and Guidelines.

Deadline: 15 March 2012

b) UKIERI India UK Study Missions
This sub strand activity will enhance mobility of students in the two countries through collaborations between UK and Indian Higher Education/Further Education institutions. Joint partnerships will work towards developing, facilitating and managing study tours for students at undergraduate and post graduate level.Click here to download the Application Form, Guidelines, Financial Sheet and Work Plan.

Deadline: 15 March 2012

c) Study India Programme
The sub-strand aims to foster mobility of UK students to India to encourage them to undertake further study, work placements or pursue other opportunities in India. Through these student mobility programmes students would gain experience and a greater understanding of culture, education and economy of both countries. The strand also aims to strengthen cultural links between India and the UK by creating mutual opportunities for student mobility.The Study India Programme is supported by Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). The programme enables school leavers, students from UK universities and colleges to visit India for three / four weeks to gain experience of Indian culture, way of life, people, arts, politics, economy and language which sign post to and may open up opportunities for further study or work in India. The three / four week programme includes a one-week work placement or internship.

Click here to download the TORs

Deadline: 15 March 2012


For further details, see the UKIERI website – http://www.ukieri.com/call_for_bids.html

For support in submitting a proposal, contact the RKE Operations team – http://blogs.bournemouth.ac.uk/research/contact/rke-operations/.

Call for bids: UK-India Education and Research Initiative Phase Two

The first call for bids for Phase Two of UKIERI has been launched and has confirmed funding from the UK and Indian Governments of £5 million annually over the next three years.
Phase two of the programme concentrates on four key areas: leadership from school to universities; innovation partnerships between higher and further education institutions in UK and India; skills development; and the mobility of students and qualifications. The first round closes on 5 August 2011.