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Committee inquiries: open calls for evidence

Below is a list of committee inquiries with current open calls for evidence. Please contact Emma Bambury-Whitton if you would like to discuss submitting evidence.

Commons Select Committee inquiries

Joint Committee inquiries

HE Policy Update

HE & Research Bill

A second reading of the higher education and research bill followed by progression to the committee stage is expected before the summer recess. The government has two windows of opportunity to achieve this: one of seven working days between 6 June and 14 June; and another of 19 working days between 27 June and 21 July.

International Students

The Financial Times has reported on the latest ONS migration statistics which show that tighter post-study visa rules have led to a 6% drop this past year in the number of people outside the EU applying for student visas. Migration Statistics Quarterly Report: May 2016. (ONS).

Student Loans

A petition to protest at the government’s retrospective changes in the terms and conditions of student loans has reached 100,000 signatures in the past three days. The high level of support means that parliament must consider debating the issue. Student loan payback petition tops 100,000 signatures (BBC News).

Teaching and Research

Jane Forster has written a blog on Wonkhe about the future of linking teaching and research. You can view the blog here.

Fee Caps

The Minister of State for Universities and Science has announced that the rate of inflation applying to maximum fees for institutions demonstrating high quality teaching will be 2.8 per cent in 2017-18. However in order to charge the maximum fee, universities must resubmit the access agreements that they have with the Office for Fair Access. Fee caps and inflationary increases for 2017-18 (OFFA).

Sutton Trust

A report published by the Sutton Trust finds that by year 9, almost 65% of girls thought it was ‘very important’ to go to university, compared with 58% of boys. You can view the report here.


A report for Sense about Science has found that the government has no central record of how it spends around £2.5 billion a year in research for policy. Only 4 out of 24 government departments maintain a database of research they have commissioned. You can view the report here.

We have recently signed up to daily policy alerts from Wonkhe. Our subscription allows for a limited number of internal staff to also receive these alerts. If you would like to receive these daily emails, please let me know as soon as possible.

BU represented at WHOSE SHOES? workshop in London

I am Alice Ladur, PhD student in the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences. My research topic is on uptake of health facility delivery by women in developing countries.

I attended a WHOSE SHOES workshop initiated by Professor Vanora Hundley and later met with Gill Phillips, the brain behind this great innovative approach at University College London Hospital. WHOSE SHOES is a tool designed to enhance intuitive discussions on how to improve maternity services. Different hierarchies of people are brought together round a board game in a relaxed environment to share views and experiences in a respectful manner.

From our discussions around the table, one can only highlight the importance of not just having the end user in mind but service providers who are at the forefront of delivering care to women and families. Our intended outcomes can only be as good as the people delivering the services!

It was a well-timed meeting since am in the initial stages of developing an intervention to increase uptake of skilled birth attendance as part of my PHD project. The workshop provided an essential boost to explore innovative ways in engaging with service providers and communities to improve maternity services. After the workshop, I left thinking about two things; the need to own up to our part of the bargain whilst moving away from the `blame game` characteristic of maternity services in Uganda(similar to some developing countries) and  pledge to do better!

To find out more about WHOSE SHOES and Gill Phillips:  http://nutshellcomms.co.uk/

Funding opportunity – Developing impact through innovation (HEIF)

andrew archery

Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF): money available to support your business engagement and knowledge exchange ideas – call to open soon

HEFCE provide funding for knowledge exchange –  Higher Education Innovation Funding (HEIF) to support and develop a broad range of knowledge-based interactions between universities and colleges and the wider world, which result in economic and social benefit to the UK. The current round of funding is referred to is HEIF 5+1+1 and runs until 31st July 2017.

BU has a proven track record with this funding stream and our success continues. Currently there are 13 live projects funded from HEIF 5+1. Examples of current projects can be found on the project pages on the BU research website and include:

Interim funding has been made available to run from 1 August 2016 to 31 July 2017. This is known as HEIF 5+1+1. (Funds cannot be carried over.)

A call will open soon and circulated internally inviting colleagues to bid for funds to run a 12 month HEIF 5+1+1 project.  (These innovative projects can be new or build on existing activity that may strengthen and/or facilitate future funding applications.)

These projects will need to reflect our interim strategy sent to HEFCE (as below):

“BU will continue to invest in innovation themes with a strong focus on network creation, with a particular focus on digital and creative industries, health and wellbeing, and regional development. The additional year of funding will enable BU to continue to develop our existing area in addition to investment to develop new innovations. This will allow BU to create innovations in key areas, whilst developing closer links with regional initiatives to enhance local development opportunities, working with the Dorset LEP and other organisations. We will also consider the use of HEIF funds to invest in effective mechanisms for engaging with business/industry. Our core strategy of investing in sector-specific themes with a strong focus on network creation remains; what has changed in light of emerging opportunities is the nature of the themes in which we will invest and the mechanisms through which we will engage with the region.”

Themes could include but are not exclusive to:

  • Biodiversity, Natural and Cultural Assets (e.g. environmental sciences, archaeology,)
  • Global Security
  • Healthcare technologies (e.g. sensors, robotics, virtual reality, augmented reality, gamification, mobile apps)
  • Economic growth and innovation.

Interdisciplinary working will need to be evident in successful proposals. Project boards including academics and external organisations will also need to be identified as part of the proposal.

If you are considering an application for HEIF funding you may find it helpful  to speak to the current HEIF project leads (HEIF 5+1: 01/08/15 – 31/07/16) to identify how best to develop your proposal and consider existing HEIF project activity where relevant.  More information is listed below:


PI PI email PI ext Title of proposal
Adrian Newton anewton@bournemouth.ac.uk 65670 Development of a toolkit for modelling natural capital
Alison McConnell amcconnell@bournemouth.ac.uk 62313 Final stage development and validation of a mobile device App to reduce blood pressure
Genoveva Esteban gesteban@bournemouth.ac.uk 68936 The Dorset Coast Digital Archive (DCDA)
Heather Hartwell hhartwell@bournemouth.ac.uk 61712 FoodSMART (proof of concept)
Hongnian Yu yuh@bournemouth.ac.uk 66150 Sensor-Integrated Urometer for measuring real-time urine output
Jian Chang jchang@bournemouth.ac.uk 61881 Virtual Prototyping of New Lifeboat Launching System with Unmanned Vehicles to Enhance Safety
Kathy Hodder khodder@bournemouth.ac.uk 66784 Enhancing Urban Green Space for Pollinators – Decision Making Hub
Kevin McGhee kmcghee@bournemouth.ac.uk 68189 Psychiatric Genetic Counselling for Healthcare Professionals (PGC4HP): First UK pilot study, regional knowledge exchange and global impact.
Mark Brisbane mbrisbane@bournemouth.ac.uk 65166 Building Roman Britain: Innovative investigations of Roman building material and knowledge exchange through museum interpretation and learning.
Richard Stillman rstillman@bournemouth.ac.uk 66782 Simply communicating complex research to inform environmental decision-making
Sarah Bate sbate@bournemouth.ac.uk 61918 Superior Face Recognition: Generating Knowledge Exchange with the Police Force
Stephen Jukes sjukes@bournemouth.ac.uk 65630 Hazardous environment training for journalists: a mobile training platform
Wen Tang wtang@bournemouth.ac.uk 62498 “PLUS” Knowledge Exchange Partnership Building with Regional Police Forces on Developing  New Police Training Methodologies Using Role-playing Games Technology

Keep an eye out on the staff intranet, research blog and other staff communication channels for updates as deadlines will be short. For more information on HEIF and other knowledge exchange opportunities, please contact Jayne Codling Knowledge Exchange Adviser (RKEO).

Announcement BU Humanisation Conference 2016

BU Humanisation Conference     21st June 2016

Venue: Room EB708, Executive Business Centre, 89 Holdenhurst Road, BH8 8EB


Please find the Programme for the Humanisation conference on the 21st June 2016 attached.

Please feel free to pass the information on to others internal and external to the university (academic and practice) who you feel may be interested

The conference is being run at no cost and so you need to make your own arrangements for lunch.  Let Dr. Caroline Ellis-Hill  ( cehill@bournemouth.ac.uk ) know by the 15th June if you wish to attend .

If you only want to attend for part of the day, please state which part of the day you’d like to attend.


9.30 Registration  
10.00 Dr Caroline Ellis-Hill Welcome
10.10 Anne Quinney Humanisation of the BU Generic Student Assessment Criteria.
10.30 Dr Sean Beer Perceptions of the authenticity of food: a study of residents in Dorset (UK)
10.50 Prof Ann Hemingway Innovative routes to Wellbeing: Equine Assisted interventions
11.10 Coffee  
11.30 Jane Fry Sharing human concerns: utilising an embodied interpretative approach to convey findings from a descriptive phenomenological study
11.50 Dr Carole Pound Humanising care: translating theory into practice in stroke care
12.10 Rutherford and Dr. Emer Forde The Rutherford Introspective Photography: Promoting self-reflection and wellbeing of GP trainees through photography.
12.30 Free time   Please see information about local venues for lunch
2.00 Dr Vanessa Heaslip How phenomenology enables insight into the Human lives of Gypsy Roma Travellers’
2.20 Mevalyn Cross Experiencing the Humanisation Framework together
2.40 Dr Jan Mosja Chaplaincy at the bedside. Learning from Buddhist chaplains and their contributions to the humanisation of health care.
3.00 Sally Lee Humanising and the Care Act well-being principle
3.20 Dr Mary Grant and Dr Catherine Lamont Robinson HeART of Stroke: feasibility study of an Art & Health intervention following a stroke
3.40 Thanks, Tea and Close  


**** Speaker Spotlight **** Interdisciplinary Research HE Sector Day on 21/6/16


BU is hosting a Interdisciplinary Research HE Sector Day on 21st June 2016, dedicated to exploring the benefits and challenges of interdisciplinary research.

The Academics’ Perspective will be provided by three speakers – Prof. Adele Ladkin (BU), Dr. David Hutchinson (Portsmouth) and Dr. Justine McConnell (TORCH, University of Oxford).

Prof. Adele Ladkin is currently working on a multidisciplinary research project ‘Family Rituals 2.0’ funded by the EPSRC, exploring the evolving nature of family rituals in the digital age and the use of technology to support the work-life balance of mobile workers.

Dr. David Hutchinson recently began a new role as Innovation and Impact Development Manager for the Faculty of Technology at the University of Portsmouth. Until the end of May, he was manager of the University of Portsmouth Environment Network, having joined the University in 2010 to help establish this network. UPEN now represents the skills and expertise of over 250 academics from across the University that relate to Sustainability and Environment.

Dr. Justin McConnell is a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at TORCH, working on contemporary African, Caribbean, and ancient Greek poetics. After degrees at Cambridge, Bristol, and London, she was a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at Northwestern University in Chicago, before coming to Oxford as a Leverhulme Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama (APGRD), where she worked on the ‘Performing Epic’ project.


Other presentations include:

Key Note address – Dr. Louise Mansfield (Deputy Director of the Brunel Centre for Sport, Health and Wellbeing and member of the What Works Centre for Wellbeing research team)

The Funders’ Perspective – Charlotte Lester (HEFCE), Dan Licari (Innovate UK / KTN Creative, Digital & Design) and Ben Sharman (EU NCP – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies)

Supporting Interdisciplinary Working – Prof. Alan Lester and Debbie Foy-Everett (Sussex), Jordan Graham and Ehsan Masood (Research Professional) and Christopher Ferguson (Piirus)

Facilitated networking session – How can I contribute?

Please see the Speakers’ Biographies for further information on our contributors.

The event will take place in BU’s Executive Business Centre. It will be opened BU’s Prof. Michael Wilmore (Executive Dean – Faculty of Media and Communication and  the closing remarks will be made by BU’s Vice-Chancellor, Prof. John Vinney. To find out more about BU’s Research, why not register to receive updates from our award winning Research Blog.

Please see the Provisional Interdisciplinary Research HE Sector Day Schedule for more information. Key to the programme, as well as inspirational speakers, there will be plenty of time to network with colleagues and participate in exploring your own relationship with interdisciplinary research.

This event, is free and open to academics and research support staff throughout the UK.

Places are limited, so book now via Eventbrite.

CQR Members Delight Norwegian Visitors—“a very memorable experience”

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Norwegian visitors and CQR Members share results of arts-based research efforts at HSS. (Photos: Anne Quinney)

Five Members of BU’s Centre for Qualitative Research (Lee-Ann Fenge; Caroline Ellis-Hill; Maggie Hutchings; Michele Board; Anne Quinney) wowed recent visitors to FHSS from Sogn og Jordane University College in Norway. The College is based in the Sogn og Fjordane University College (Førde, Norway) which is currently situated on two campuses in Forde and Songdal on the west of Norway and on the longest and deepest Fjord in the world.

Each CQR member took a turn in presenting a short and sharp ten-minute demonstration by means of sharing the outputs of an arts-based qualitative project. These included:

  1. Ephemera workshop—sharing life stories via personal objects
  2. Seen but Seldom Heard –short video screening of a poetry project with disabled youth
  3. HeART of Stroke Project—sharing of a painting project for Stroke patients
  4. Meaning of Home photo project – sharing of photo book of baby boomers’ recollections of home
  5. Methods to Diversity—sharing and distribution of Method Deck of cards to encourage LGBT and ageing awareness

Various arts-based projects shared with Norwegian visitors. (Photos: Anne Quinney)

A screening of the award-winning, research-based short film, RUFUS STONE, then followed the five short presentations. The visiting scholars remarked that they were very moved by the film. Overall, they appreciated the nuances in the use of arts-based approaches to create as well as disseminate research projects.

CQR is known internationally as a hub of excellence in Performative Social Science, a theoretically based approach to using tools from the arts and humanities in researching and/or disseminating a wide variety of health and social science topics.

One team member remarked, “On reflection, many of the messages from the six presentations overlapped, and so we created a very coherent and deep forum by means of hands-on sharing of objects”.

Another said, “There was a real buzz in the room and the event proved a great showcase for focusing on the strengths, power, magic, beauty, depth, richness of the many and varied CQR activities”.

Elizabeth Rosser, HSS’ Deputy Dean for Education and Professional Practice, who organised the three day visit to BU, summed up the Norwegians’ response: “They were MOST impressed and felt they gained considerably from the meeting with the Centre for Qualitative Research members”.

Visitors from Norway:

  1. Dr Anne-Grethe Halding: Associate Professor, Head of Department of Health Studies
  2. Professor Maj-Britt Raholm: Professor of Nursing
  3. Dr Anne Marie Sandvoll: Head of Postgraduate Education, Faculty of Health Studies
  4. Dr Aud Marie Øien: Research lead, Faculty of Health Studies
  5. Dr Eli Natvik: Early Career researcher and academic recently commenced at the University College from clinical practice as a physiotherapist.

Stay in touch with CQR on:

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/54608373386/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BUQualitative

CQR website: https://research.bournemouth.ac.uk/centre/centre-for-qualitative-research/


Orcid Identifiers now live in Je-S (RCUK)

orcid-logoThe Je-S System (RCUK account and project management system) announced the following changes in relation to the Orcid identifiers which are being implemented.

The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) provides a free registry to obtain a unique digital identifier for researchers and scholars and allows them to manage a record of their research activities.

For researchers, an ORCID identifier supports automated linkages between them and their professional activities to ensure their work is properly recognised. ORCID records hold information such as name, email, organisation and research activities. Individuals control how their data is shared through managing data privacy settings within their ORCID account.

The ORCID identifiers will now be collected in the Je-S System to allow the Research Councils to link and share information across systems more easily

Within the Je-S ‘Account Creation’ and ‘Personal Details’ screen, there will now be the option to allow Je-S users to add their ORCID identifier (and create an identifier if they do not already have one). This will re-direct the user to the ORCID website where they will be required to give consent for Je-S to access their ORCID identifier, before returning them back to Je-S.

Users creating an Account for the first time will see;

jes orcid 1



Existing Je-S Users can add an ORCID identifier by updating their Personal Information;

orcid in Je-S_2






You will then be directed to the ORCID website.


Please contact the Je-S Helpdesk if you require any further information about the System release or if you experience any issues with the Je-S System.

Email: JeSHelp@rcuk.ac.uk Phone: +44 (0) 1793 44 4164


other relevant Blog articles:





Eating and Drinking Well: Supporting People Living with Dementia – BUDI Research Seminar

You are cordially invited to a BUDI research seminar which is open to all students and staff.

Please feel free to bring your lunch.


Eating and Drinking Well: Supporting People Living with Dementia

 By Dr Jane Murphy and Joanne Holmes

 Tuesday 14 June 2016

13.00 – 13.50pm

EB203, Executive Business Centre

 Dr Jane Murphy with co-investigator Joanne Holmes will present their findings from research, funded by The Burdett Trust for Nursing to understand how to improve nutrition for people living with dementia in care homes. Ensuring appropriate food and nutrition is a vital part in delivering dignity in care for people with dementia. Eating and drinking becomes increasingly difficult as a result of the disease that puts people at increased risk of severe malnutrition (under nutrition) and weight loss. Worryingly there have been no standardised ways to maintain adequate nutrition in people with dementia as the challenges of meeting appropriate nutrition and hydration continue to be reported.

Using a blend of qualitative and quantitative research methods, the research has:

  • Identified best practice for delivering excellence in nutrition and dignity in dementia care. Working with local care-homes, it has gathered information on nutrition-related care from everyone involved in the care of the person with dementia.
  • Established high quality education and learning. The research has informed the development of a high quality learning to equip front-line nurses and care home staff with the skills needed to improve the delivery of nutrition for people living with dementia in the community achieved through evidence-based learning in nutrition and empowered leadership.

Working in partnership with stakeholders, including care homes, charities, informal carers, Partners in Care and the Borough of Poole Council the work has  provided new insights into the issue, as well as excellent examples of best practice.

After the initial research was carried out, the team worked together with local partners to create training film and workbook, which have formed the central part of the dissemination process.

The toolkits have been widely disseminated via conferences, events, the project website, blogs and through their partner organisations, which is leading to their ideas being implemented in care homes across the country. The application and impact of the resources are currently been evaluated and how they influence training programmes across the country, as well as on local and national policy.

We hope you can join us.

Research Professional – all you need to know

Research-Professional-logoEvery BU academic has a Research Professional account which delivers weekly emails detailing funding opportunities in their broad subject area. To really make the most of your Research Professional account, you should tailor it further by establishing additional alerts based on your specific area of expertise. The Funding Development Team Officers can assist you with this, if required.

Research Professional have created several guides to help introduce users to ResearchProfessional. These can be downloaded here.

Quick Start Guide: Explains to users their first steps with the website, from creating an account to searching for content and setting up email alerts, all in the space of a single page.

User Guide: More detailed information covering all the key aspects of using ResearchProfessional.

Administrator Guide: A detailed description of the administrator functionality.

In addition to the above, there are a set of 2-3 minute videos online, designed to take a user through all the key features of ResearchProfessional. To access the videos, please use the following link: http://www.youtube.com/researchprofessional

Research Professional are running a series of online training broadcasts aimed at introducing users to the basics of creating and configuring their accounts on ResearchProfessional. They are holding monthly sessions, covering everything you need to get started with ResearchProfessional. The broadcast sessions will run for no more than 60 minutes, with the opportunity to ask questions via text chat. Each session will cover:

  • Self registration and logging in
  • Building searches
  • Setting personalised alerts
  • Saving and bookmarking items
  • Subscribing to news alerts
  • Configuring your personal profile

Each session will run between 10.00am and 11.00am (UK) on the fourth Tuesday of each month. You can register here for your preferred date:

28th June 2016

These are free and comprehensive training sessions and so this is a good opportunity to get to grips with how Research Professional can work for you.

All scientific papers to be free by 2020 under EU proposals


All publicly funded scientific papers published in Europe could be made free to access by 2020, under a “life-changing” reform ordered by the European Union’s science chief, Carlos Moedas.

The Competitiveness Council, a gathering of ministers of science, innovation, trade and industry, agreed on the target following a two-day meeting in Brussels last week.

The move means publications of the results of research supported by public and public-private funds would be freely available to and reusable by anyone. It could affect the paid-for subscription model used by many scientific journals, and undermine the common practice of releasing reports under embargo.

At present the results of some publicly funded research are not accessible to people outside universities and similar institutions without one-off payments, which means that many teachers, doctors, entrepreneurs and others do not have access to the latest scientific insights. In the UK, funding bodies generally require that researchers publish under open access terms, with open access publishing fees paid from the researcher’s grant.

The council said this data must be made accessible unless there were well-founded reasons for not doing so, such as intellectual property rights or security or privacy issues.

The changes are part of a broader set of recommendations in support of Open Science, a concept that also includes improved storage of and access to research data, Science magazine reports.

Open Science has been heavily lobbied for by the Dutch government, which currently holds the presidency of the Council of the EU, as well as by Moedas, the European commissioner for research and innovation.

Moedas told a press conference: “We probably don’t realise it yet, but what the Dutch presidency has achieved is unique and huge. The commission is totally committed to help move this forward.”

“To achieve that, Europe must be as attractive as possible for researchers and startups to locate here and for companies to invest. That calls for knowledge to be freely shared. The time for talking about open access is now past. With these agreements, we are going to achieve it in practice.”

The League of European Research Universities called the decision “a major boost for the transition towards and Open Science system”.

But while the council has called for immediate open access “without embargoes or with as short as possible embargoes”, some said the 2020 target was unrealistic.

A spokesperson for the council told Science magazine that it “may not be an easy task”, but spoke of the council’s resolve. “This is not a law, but it’s a political orientation for the 28 governments. The important thing is that there is a consensus.”

Original article published here – https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/may/28/eu-ministers-2020-target-free-access-scientific-papers

Memories of Nursing

In 2009, Professor Francis Biley in HSS launched a project to capture the voices and stories of a little heard group, those of elderly, retired nurses. A group of interested academics started to carry out interviews in 2009-10, mainly taking place at the Retired Nurses National Home (RNNH) in Bournemouth.

When Fran sadly passed away, the project faltered for a while until Professor Gail Thomas supported Eileen Richardson, then a trustee at the RNNH and previously a staff member in HSS, to bid for funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund. In 2015 the project received £10,000 of HLF support; interviews were started once again (some conducted by volunteers, some by Sarah Keeley and Professor Elizabeth Rosser from HSS), transcriptions took place, an exhibition was hosted at the Bournemouth Library in January 2016 and now a website has been developed to share the project widely.

The website has considerable contextual information about the project, the RNNH (a very special home) including historic documents and a video made in the 1990s, oral history research, the history of nursing and midwifery, details of nurse education in the past in Dorset and Salisbury area and, importantly, audio clips from the participants themselves presented under key themes (more will be added as the final interviews are analysed).  There are also links to many other useful sites.

We hope that you will take advantage of this interesting resource to learn more about the lives of nurses, many who practised in World War Two and who were nursing when the NHS was introduced. The accounts are fascinating and this approach to sharing the outcomes of research is innovative and will helpfully ensure these stories are shared widely.

For more details, please visit memoriesofnursing.uk.

Professor Gail Thomas

Emotion, Power and Politics in Richard III, 8 July, 6.30pm, BU at the Freud Museum – Tickets now available

‘The Psycho-Cultural Dynamics of

Emotion, Power and Politics in

Richard III’


Friday 8th July 2016,



The Freud Museum, 20 Maresfield Gardens, London NW3 5SX




The Freud Museum in association with Bournemouth University and the Media and Inner World research network present a special panel discussion on the themes of Shakespeare’s Richard III and the motivations of its characters and the play’s relevance for contemporary understandings of emotion and politics. The event includes the performance of some key speeches from the play as performed by actors from the award-winning theatre ensemble, The Faction.

Panel speakers include:

Michael Rustin (University of East London), Margaret Rustin (Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust), Rachel Valentine Smith and Mark Leipacher (The Faction) Chair: Candida Yates (Bournemouth University).


Followed by a drinks reception 8-9pm

& celebration of Candida Yates’ latest book,

The Play of Political Culture, Emotion and Identity, Palgrave Macmillan



New paper BU PhD student Sheetal Sharma

Plos ONE Sheetal 2016Congratulations to FHSS PhD student Sheetal Sharma on her latest paper [1].  The paper ‘Measuring What Works: An impact evaluation of women’s groups on maternal health uptake in rural Nepal’ appeared this week in the journal PLOS One.  Sheetal’s innovative mixed-methods approach was applied to a long-running maternity intervention in rural Nepal.  The paper concludes that community-based health promotion in Sheetal’s study had a greater affect on the uptake of antenatal care and less so on delivery care. Other factors not easily resolved through health promotion interventions may influence these outcomes, such as costs or geographical constraints. The evaluation has implications for policy and practice in public health, especially maternal health promotion.


  1. Sharma, S., van Teijlingen, E., Belizán, J.M., Hundley, V., Simkhada, P., Sicuri, E. (2016) Measuring What Works: An impact evaluation of women’s groups on maternal health uptake in rural Nepal, PLOS One 11(5): e0155144 http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0155144

Latest Funding Opportunities


The following funding opportunities have been announced. Please follow the links for more information.


Surrey Archaeological Society, Archaeology and History Grants

Surrey Archaeological Society welcomes applications which will assist archaeological and historical research within the county. Applicants will be expected to demonstrate in what ways the proposed research will further understanding of the County’s archaeology and history. It is anticipated that some form of Project Design will be submitted (as long or short as the occasion demands, but essentially to say what the project is about, why it should be done, how it will be done, by whom, how much it will cost, and when and how it will be archived, written up and the results disseminated.)

Deadline- none

Amount of grant- £2000


Society for the study of Addiction_ Bursary Scheme

The aim of the Bursary scheme is to facilitate training in the addictions field for individuals experiencing difficulty in funding a course of study.

The Society’s Trustees make SSA funds available to individuals who:

  • have been offered a place on a UK University-validated, UK-based programme in specialist addiction studies;
  • have a demonstrable commitment to working in the addictions field;
  • have not participated in a substantial event of this nature in the one year prior to that for which they have applied (unless the latter is a follow-up course for which they cannot obtain funding).

Amount of bursary: £1000 per annum standard award (or less if the fees are below this amount) for an individual course of study in any one financial year; or a maximum of £1,500 when taking courses consisting of more than a single module.

Deadline- none


The Wellcome Trust

This scheme is for small-scale humanities and social science research projects, scoping exercises or meetings in any area of human or animal health, including projects relating to research resources.

The normal maximum that can be applied for is £5,000. If funding is intended for international meetings, or to attract international speakers, up to £10,000 may be requested.

Amount: £5000 and if funding is intended for international meetings: £10000

Deadline: none


Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award

The scheme provides universities with additional support to enable them to recruit or retain respected scientists of outstanding achievement and potential to the UK. It provides a salary enhancement which is paid by the university in addition to the basic salary.

The scheme covers all areas of the life and physical sciences, including engineering, but excluding clinical medicine.

The scheme is jointly funded by the Wolfson Foundation and the Royal Society.

Applicants can be of any nationality and must hold a permanent post at a university in the UK or have received a firm offer to take effect from the start of the award as well as having their basic salary wholly funded by the university.

The eligibility of the application must be discussed between the Vice Chancellor of the university or their elected representative (e.g. Head of Department) and the Royal Society Grants Office before an application can be made.

Interested applicants must let RKEO know at first instance and we will contact the Funder about this scheme, after which a security code can be obtained for the nominated researcher to begin the application on e-GAP.

Before applying, please ensure that you meet all the eligibility requirements, which are explained in the scheme notes.

The scheme provides up to 5 years’ funding after which the award holder continues with the permanent post at the host university.

The focus of the award is a salary enhancement, usually in the range of £10,000 to £30,000 per annum.

It is the responsibility of the host university to pay the basic salary. It is also the responsibility of the host university to meet the employer’s contributions towards pensions and National Insurance for both the basic salary and salary enhancement.

Deadline for applications: 4th July 2016


Innovate UK- Funding competition: manufacturing and materials

Innovate UK is to invest up to £15 million in innovation projects in manufacturing and/or materials. These projects will focus on identified technical or commercial challenges. It will fund projects that aim to lead to increased UK SME productivity, competitiveness and growth.

Projects need to be led by a business and must involve at least one SME. They can be carried out by an SME working alone or in collaboration with other organisations. Projects with costs of £100,000 or more must involve working with other partners

The funder is looking for projects which focus on any of the technical feasibility, industrial research or experimental development research categories.

Projects should last between 6 months and 3 years. They should range from total costs of £50,000 to £2 million.

Deadline for registrations by noon: 6th July2016

Deadline for applications by noon: 13th July 2016


Innovate UK_ Connected digital additive manufacturing

Innovate UK is investing up to £4.5 million in collaborative industrial research projects that stimulate innovation in additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing.

The aim of this competition is to help companies overcome barriers to business growth in additive manufacturing. It will also encourage them to explore and develop their wider digital manufacturing capability. This will help them secure a more productive and competitive business proposition in the future.

Projects must range in size from total costs of £500,000 to £1.5 million.

A business must lead this project. You must collaborate with at least one other business. You can invite research organisations to work with you on this project.

Deadline for registrations before noon: 20 July 2016.

Deadline for applications before noon: 27 July 2016.


BBSRC_Foundation Awards for Global Agriculture and Food Systems

The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) is a new 5-year £1.5Bn resource funding stream, announced as part of the 2015 spending review, to ensure that UK research takes a leading role in addressing the problems faced by developing countries. The GCRF will deploy the UK’s world-class research capability to address the challenges faced by the developing world. The funding is protected science spend and the Research Councils are primary delivery partners. The GCRF is also part of the UK Government’s pledge to allocate 0.7% of Gross National Income to Official Development Assistance, promoting the welfare and economic development of developing countries. With the GCRF focus on global challenges, research investments are expected to span disciplines including the biological sciences, environmental sciences, medicine, engineering and physical sciences, the social sciences and the arts and humanities.

BBSRC, MRC, ESRC, AHRC and NERC are working in a co-funding partnership to support multidisciplinary Foundation Awards for Global Agriculture and Food Systems. Foundation awards aim to be flexible, moderately sized, short to medium-term investments targeted towards novel research objectives – that address the challenges faced by the developing world. Up to £16.3M is available based on the quality of proposals received. BBSRC is leading and manging the call on behalf of the other funders with an anticipated BBSRC budget in the region of £12M and funding support from MRC, ESRC, AHRC and NERC.

This BBSRC-led call complements the MRC-led Foundation Awards strategies in Global Health Science – Beyond Infections, and Global Infections – Vision and Strategy; these other calls are also being co-funded substantially by BBSRC, and also by ESRC, AHRC and NERC.

Applications must be submitted by UK Research Organisations that are eligible to receive funding from BBSRC. Information about eligible organisations is available on the RCUK website (see external links). Non-eligible partners (including those from overseas organisations) may be included, as described in section two of our grants guide, under ‘Collaborative Research Grants’.


There is a two stage application and assessment process: outline and full proposals.

BBSRC is leading on the administration of this call, on behalf of all the funders. Applicants should refer to the BBSRC grants guide and Je-S help text for further information.

Deadline for outline applications via Je-S by 4pm: 22 June 2016


Technical and scientific support in relation to the implementation of the 92/43/EEC Habitats and 2009/147/EC Birds Directives

The Directorate-General for Education and Culture has opened a call for tenders, to provide technical and scientific input to the Commission in 3 areas which are of key importance for the implementation of EU nature legislation (Birds Directive 2009/147/EC and Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC): analysis of legal cases or EU-funded projects and programmes to verify conformity with the requirements of EU nature legislation; drafting of guidance documents and technical notes to promote coherent implementation of the Directives; and evaluation of information submitted by Member States under reporting obligations of the Directives.

The contract is worth €1.8 million over 36 months.

Deadline for receipt of tender 16:00: 22 June 2016.

ESRC_Tackling antimicrobial resistance: behaviour within and beyond the healthcare setting

The ESRC, in partnership with the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Medical Research Council (MRC), the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) are pleased to invite applications for cross disciplinary proposals on the topic of behaviour relating to antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

This call will address theme 4 of the cross-Research Council initiative (MRC website) on AMR: ‘Behaviour within and beyond the health care setting’. Through this call, we aim to expand understanding of how the behaviour of public, professionals and organisations impacts on AMR: how it can enhance or control the spread of AMR; how it is affected by social, psychological and organisational context, cultures and history; and how it can be influenced to create different future scenarios.

The funder will accept two types of proposal:

  • Small scale pump priming grants – maximum of £250,000 at 100 per cent FEC for up to 24 months. These grants will be primarily for research relevant to the needs of Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs).
  • Large scale collaborative grants – maximum of £2 million at 100 per cent FEC for up to 48 months. These grants will be open to proposals focusing on the UK or global settings.

All proposals should be highly collaborative and have a strong focus on real world impact. Research proposals relevant to humans or animals are welcomed. This call includes a significant proportion of funding from the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). GCRF forms part of the UK’s Official Development Assistance commitment, and will be awarded in a manner that fits with Official ODA guidelines.


Pump priming proposals: 16.00 on 20 July 2016

Collaborative grants: 16.00 on 8 September 2016

If planning to apply for a large scale collaborative grant submit an expression of interest (EoI), using the short online form by 27 July 2016. 

ESRC_GCRF Secondary Data Analysis Initiative highlight notice

Expected to open by the 10th June, ESRC is planning to announce a Secondary Data Analysis Initiative (SDAI) highlight call as part of its contribution to the new Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). GCRF is a £1.5 billion fund to support cutting-edge research which addresses the challenges faced by developing countries. The fund will address global challenges through disciplinary and interdisciplinary research and will strengthen capability for research and innovation within both UK and developing countries, providing an agile response to emergencies where there is an urgent research need.

The aims of this highlight notice will be to:

  • utilise existing data resources to produce high-quality, impactful research on developing countries
  • improve the capacity and methods for secondary data research in and on developing countries
  • co-produce substantive and innovative data research in readiness for future GCRF calls
  • provide insight into existing data resources which can be used to conduct research on developing countries
  • Thematically, the highlight will encourage focus on the five core areas ESRC has initially identified in its GCRF contribution:
  • Building effective institutions in conflict-affected and fragile states
  • Migration, mobility and development
  • Dynamics of inequalities
  • Innovation and inclusive economic growth
  • Shocks, security, risks and resilience

All proposals will have to make a clear case for how they comply with Official Development Assistance (ODA) guidelines.

All projects will be required to commence by January 2017. The funder aims to fund around seven projects, with a total budget of £1 million allocated to this call.

Deadline for proposals: 11 July 2016


EC_2016 Call for proposals for LIFE Grants

The LIFE (the Financial Instrument for the Environment) Regulation, which was published on 20 December 2013, sets a budget for the next funding period, 2014–2020, of €3.4 billion in current prices.

Current traditional open calls span from Climate Change Action, Environment and resource Efficiency, Nature and Biodiversity and Environmental Governance and Information.

Deadlines: 7-15 September 2016























Cross-Research Council Interdisciplinary Funding Opportunity

The Government Spending Review on 25 November 2015 announced “a new £1.5 billion Global Challenges Fund, to ensure UK science takes the lead in addressing the problems faced by developing countries, whilst developing our ability to deliver cutting-edge research”. It operates across a number of partners, including the Research Councils, National Academies, UK Space Agency and HEFCE. The RCUK GCRF represents the largest portion of this Fund and is a strategic fund spanning all seven Research Councils.

The Research Councils have each received directly allocated portions of the GCRF and the MRC, AHRC, BBSRC, ESRC and NERC are drawing on their allocations to support this opportunity.

Foundation Awards are expected to vary in scale, as appropriate to the specific needs of each foundation case. The total funding requested is not normally expected to exceed £600k. Possible uses of Foundation Awards include but are not limited to the following, innovative approaches are encouraged:

  • Early phase discovery and translation research
  • Extending scope of existing research to wider global settings
  • Population studies, sample/data collection, data integration
  • New research tools and techniques
  • Development of collaborations, partnerships, teams
  • Creating pathways to impact in LMICs.

Submission Deadline: 22 June 2016

For more information, you can refer to the MRC call details page or the BBSRC call details page.

If you are interested in applying, please contact your Funding Development Officer no later than 3 June.

NERC_ Oil and gas decommissioning brokerage event

As part of the Oil and Gas Innovation Programme, NERC invites applicants to participate in a one-day interactive brokerage event on decommissioning and its environmental management, with the ultimate aim of funding research translation projects which address industry challenges related to:

  • Development of environmental baselines and innovative monitoring techniques and approaches.
  • Data management, sharing, access and collaboration.
  • Impact of man-made structures on the natural environment and options for decommissioning.

Following the event, £850k will be available for research translation projects. Participants will have the opportunity to develop and submit a research translation project proposal through Je-S. Proposals will only be accepted from those who have participated in the brokerage event.

Further information is included in the announcement of opportunity below:

Announcement of opportunity (PDF, 763KB)

Deadline for applications Monday 6th June at 16:00