Category / Guidance

Quick guides have been updated

Help and support signpostWithin the Research Toolkit (see menu link above), we have several quick guides for applying to various funders and for certain activities.  These have been updated this week and so do check them out.  Added to them are useful links to BU processes, which are only available on our staff intranet.  These are:

These are all essential reading if you are thinking of applying for external funding to carry out your research and knowledge exchange activities.

RKEO Drop-in session – 20th April

GreatnessA couple of months ago, RKEO introduced monthly drop-in sessions for academics to turn up and ask us anything, knowing that members of RKEO would be on hand to help. Unfortunately, despite lots of advertising, no one has taken up the opportunity to attend the first two drop-in sessions. Therefore, operating a three strikes and we’re out policy, if no one attends the next drop-in session then we will cancel those organised for the rest of this year.

The next drop-in session is scheduled for 20th April, between 2-4pm in the Talbot Atrium cafe.

The following RKEO staff will be available for the session:

Ehren Milner – Funding Development Officer for Management

Eva Papadopoulou – Funding Development Officer for Media and Communication

Kerri Jones – Funding Development Officer for SciTech

Philip Leahy-Harland – Project Delivery Officer for Management

Nimisha Prajapati and Sara Mundy – Project Delivery Officers for SciTech

Jenny Roddis – Research Facilitator for HSS and SciTech

You don’t need to be from these faculties as staff will help with any queries you have and if they’re not able to answer your query then and there, they’ll ensure you receive a timely response from RKEO. Basically, come along and have a chat. These are also great opportunities for us to gather feedback from you on the service that we deliver to you. Come and find out about upcoming calls such as the British Academy’s small grants scheme, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, and how we can support you in your research career.

RKEO look forward to seeing you.

RKEO Drop-in session – 20th April

flyingA couple of months ago, RKEO introduced monthly drop-in sessions for academics to turn up and ask us anything, knowing that members of RKEO would be on hand to help. Unfortunately, despite lots of advertising, no one has taken up the opportunity to attend the first two drop-in sessions. Therefore, operating a three strikes and we’re out policy, if no one attends the next drop-in session then we will cancel those organised for the rest of this year.

The next drop-in session is scheduled for 20th April, between 2-4pm in the Talbot Atrium cafe.

The following RKEO staff will be available for the session:

Ehren Milner – Funding Development Officer for Management

Eva Papadopoulou – Funding Development Officer for Media and Communication

Kerri Jones – Funding Development Officer for SciTech

Philip Leahy-Harland – Project Delivery Officer for Management

Nimisha Prajapati and Sara Mundy – Project Delivery Officers for SciTech

Jenny Roddis – Research Facilitator for HSS and SciTech

You don’t need to be from these faculties as staff will help with any queries you have and if they’re not able to answer your query then and there, they’ll ensure you receive a timely response from RKEO. Basically, come along and have a chat. These are also great opportunities for us to gather feedback from you on the service that we deliver to you. Come and find out about upcoming calls such as the British Academy’s small grants scheme, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, and how we can support you in your research career.

RKEO look forward to seeing you.

Congratulations to Prof. Hundley on her latest systematic review paper

This week Professor Vanora Hundley in the Centre for Midwifery, Maternal & Perinatal Health (CMMPH) published a systematic review form with her international collaborators working on early labour.   The paper is called ‘Diagnosing onset of labor: A systematic review of definitions in the research literature‘ and can be found it the Open Access journal BMC Pregnancy & Childbirth. [1]


Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen



  1. Hanley GE, Munro S, Greyson D, Gross MM, Hundley V, Spiby H and Janssen PA (2016) Diagnosing onset of labor: A systematic review of definitions in the research literature. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 16: 71


Open Access Drop-in Sessions

Thinking about the next REF?

On 11th, 12th and 13th of April, RKEO will team up with the Library to provide Open Access Drop-in sessions. Please do pop in to get some hands on support and advice on making your research open access to comply with the HEFCE post-REF2014 Open Access Policy.

Monday, 11th April – 12.30pm to 1.30pm – S117, Studland House

Tuesday, 12th April – 12.30pm to 1.30pm – S117, Studland House

Wednesday, 13th April – 12.30pm to 1.30pm – S117, Studland House

RKEO Drop-in sessions

flyingIn response to positive feedback from academics about how much you benefit from face-to-face meetings with staff from RKEO, we have set up drop-in sessions for 2016.

These sessions will be held on a monthly basis and anyone can attend with any queries for RKEO. RKEO staff will be available for two hours each session and so come along and have a chat. These are also great opportunities for us to gather feedback from you on the service that we deliver for you.

The planned sessions for this year are as follows:

Date Time Where
Wed. 20/04/2016 2-4pm Talbot – Atrium café
Tues. 17/05/2016 2-4pm Bournemouth House café
Wed. 15/06/2016 2-4pm Talbot – Atrium café
Thurs. 14/07/2016 2-4pm Bournemouth House café
Wed. 10/08/2016 2-4pm Talbot – Atrium café
Thurs. 08/09/2016 2-4pm Talbot – Atrium café
Wed. 05/10/2016 2-4pm Bournemouth House café
Thurs. 03/11/2016 2-4pm Talbot – Atrium café
Wed. 07/12/2016 2-4pm Talbot – Atrium café

Blog posts will be issued for each session, reminding you of the date, time and place and also informing you of who will be at the session from RKEO. If there is a specific member of RKEO that you would like to meet with at the sessions then please contact them in advance and see if they are available for a chat.

RKEO look forward to seeing you.

Drop-in sessions – use them or lose them

research lifecycleA couple of months ago, RKEO introduced monthly drop-in sessions for academics to turn up and ask us anything, knowing that members of RKEO would be on hand to help.  Unfortunately, despite lots of advertising, no one has taken up the opportunity to attend at the first two drop-in sessions.  Therefore, operating a three strikes and we’re out policy, if no one attends the next drop-in session then we will cancel those organised for the rest of this year.

The next drop-in session is scheduled for 20th April, between 2-4pm in the Talbot Atrium cafe.

The following RKEO staff will be available for the session:

Ehren Milner – Funding Development Officer for Management

Eva Papadopoulou – Funding Development Officer for Media and Communication

Kerri Jones – Funding Development Officer for SciTech

Philip Leahy-Harland – Project Delivery Officer for Management

Nimisha Prajapati and Sara Mundy – Project Delivery Officers for SciTech

PengPeng Hatch – Research Outputs Advisor

Jenny Roddis – Research Facilitator for HSS and SciTech

You don’t need to be from these faculties as staff will help with any queries you have and if they’re not able to answer your query then and there, they’ll ensure you receive a timely response from RKEO. Basically, come along and have a chat. These are also great opportunities for us to gather feedback from you on the service that we deliver to you.  Come and find out about upcoming calls such as the British Academy’s small grants scheme, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, find out about Open Access, and how we can support you in your research career.

RKEO look forward to seeing you.

Standard calls for funding opportunities

map of scienceAbout six months ago, RKEO created a page on the Research blog of standard calls from the major external funders’.  The closing dates have recently been updated and the page can be found on the Research Toolkit under the Research Funders’ Guide here.

Have a look to see what calls are coming up in the research councils, the EC, NIHR, British Academy, Royal Society, Leverhulme Trust, Wellcome Trust, and Innovate UK.  If you’re unfamiliar with some of these funders’ then you can find their strategic and delivery plans, what they fund, success rate data, impact guidance, call deadlines and much more in the Research Funders’ Guide.

Finally, don’t forget to look at the Research Lifecycle to see how RKEO can support you with your research activities.

Research culture at BU

cultureI have recently read a couple of interesting reports on research cultures within universities and what makes a high-performing research unit.

The first of these is a King’s College London report commissioned by HEFCE issued in November 2015 ‘Characteristics of high-performing research units‘ and the second is a BIS report issued in 2014 ‘Economic Insight: Growing the best and the brightest‘.

Both analysis identify the following:

  • High-performing research units (HPRUs) have more staff with PhDs, professorial postitions, international experience and externally funded salaries (mainly from external research funding agencies);
  • HPRUs focus on recruiting the best and retaining them;
  • HPRUs provide training and mentorship programmes to develop staff;
  • Activities supporting the recruitment, development and motivation of researchers are critical drivers of research excellence;
  • Staff within HPRUs display a distinct ethos of social and ethical values;
  • Leaders of HPRUs have earned ‘accountable autonomy’;
  • HPRUs receive more income per researcher than the average research unit;
  • HPRUs enable and encourage researchers to initiate collaborations organically as opposed to a top down approach;
  • Activities relating to collaborating with others, creating and implementing research strategies, securing a mix of funding and responding to competitive pressure are important;
  • ‘On-the-ground’ or ‘day-to-day’ initiatives by individual researchers can be at least as important as the ‘high-level strategic’ initiatives instigated by institutions.

Please do read the documents above if you would like more information on how the key factors were determined.

RKEO’s Delivery Plan is currently being finalised with UET.  The plan identifies that research funding is crucial for building a sustainable research base and enhancing the vitality and sustainability of the research environment.  We will be working with the Faculties to support the development of high-performing research teams and to support BU with mechanisms and requirements for building a successful research culture.  This will also be supported by the new and improved RKE Development Framework (to be launched this summer). A variety of opportunities will be available, which will include greater access to targeted bid writers, proof-reading services, and stronger direction to strategically important funding options. We will organise activities to facilitate collaboration and networking both internally and externally with academic and non-academic partners. Keep an eye on the research blog for further information.

In the meantime, don’t forget it is BRAD week next week.  Click here to see what training and development opportunities are available to you.Research



RKEO Academic and Researcher Induction

The Research and Knowledge Exchange Office (RKEO) invite all ‘new to BU’ academics and researchers to an induction.

Signpost with the words Help, Support, Advice, Guidance and Assistance on the direction arrows, against a bright blue cloudy sky.This event provides an overview of all the practical information staff need to begin developing their research plans at BU, using both internal and external networks; to develop and disseminate research outcomes; and maximising the available funding opportunities.

The primary aim of this event is to raise participants’ awareness of how to get started in research at BU or, for more established staff, how to take their research to the next level. The induction will also provide participants with essential, practical information and orientation in key stages and processes of research and knowledge exchange at BU

The fourth induction will be held on 5th April 2016 on the 4th floor of Melbury House. The format of the day is as follows:

9.00-9.15 – Coffee/tea and cake/fruit will be available on arrival

9.15 – RKEO academic induction (with a break at 10.45)

11.25 – Organisational Development upcoming development opportunities

11.30 – Opportunity for one to one interaction with RKEO staff

12.00 – Close

There will also be literature and information packs available.

If you would like to attend the induction then please book your place through Organisational Development here. We will directly contact those who have started at BU in the last five months.

We hope you can make it and look forward to seeing you.


The RKEO team


RKEO Academic and Researcher induction

The Research and Knowledge Exchange Office (RKEO) invite all ‘new to BU’ academics and researchers to an induction.

Signpost with the words Help, Support, Advice, Guidance and Assistance on the direction arrows, against a bright blue cloudy sky.This event provides an overview of all the practical information staff need to begin developing their research plans at BU, using both internal and external networks; to develop and disseminate research outcomes; and maximising the available funding opportunities.

The primary aim of this event is to raise participants’ awareness of how to get started in research at BU or, for more established staff, how to take their research to the next level. The induction will also provide participants with essential, practical information and orientation in key stages and processes of research and knowledge exchange at BU

The fourth induction will be held on 5th April 2016 on the 4th floor of Melbury House. The format of the day is as follows:

9.00-9.15 – Coffee/tea and cake/fruit will be available on arrival

9.15 – RKEO academic induction (with a break at 10.45)

11.25 – Organisational Development upcoming development opportunities

11.30 – Opportunity for one to one interaction with RKEO staff

12.00 – Close

There will also be literature and information packs available.

If you would like to attend the induction then please book your place through Organisational Development here. We will directly contact those who have started at BU in the last five months.

We hope you can make it and look forward to seeing you.


The RKEO team


RKEO Drop-in session tomorrow

As previously posted, RKEO will be holding monthly drop-in sessions throughout 2016. The full schedule of sessions can be found here. research lifecycleresearch lifecycle

The second session will be held on 23 March 2016 between 2-4pm in the Atrium Cafe on Talbot. Anyone can attend with any queries for RKEO. Come and find out about upcoming calls such as the British Academy’s small grants scheme, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, KTPs, and the upcoming Festival of Learning and all the other public engagement activities that are available. The following RKEO staff will be available for the session:

Ehren Milner – Funding Development Officer for Management

Kerri Jones and Alice Brown– Funding Development Officers for SciTech

Philip Leahy-Harland – Project Delivery Officer for Management

Nimisha Prajapati and Sara Mundy – Project Delivery Officers for Health and Social Sciences

Rachel Clarke – Knowledge Exchange Advisor

Naomi Kay – Public Engagement Officer

You don’t need to be from these faculties as staff will help with any queries you have and if they’re not able to answer your query then and there, they’ll ensure you receive a timely response from RKEO. Basically, come along and have a chat. These are also great opportunities for us to gather feedback from you on the service that we deliver to you.

RKEO look forward to seeing you.

Thinking about the next REF?

153px-Open_Access_logo_PLoS.svgHEFCE’s policy for open access states that all new peer-reviewed journal articles and papers from published conference proceedings (with ISSN) should be deposited in our institutional repository BURO (through BRIAN), in full text form. Full compliance with this policy is now crucial, as HEFCE’s requirements for the next REF include the condition that outputs can only be submitted to the REF if they are published as open access at the point of acceptance.

All researchers need to follow these three steps, to ensure that all your articles can be considered for the next REF.

1. Keep your Authors’ Accepted Manuscript1

  • Keep this version for journal articles and conference proceedings (with an ISSN).  This is not necessary for books, chapters or other output types.
  • This is necessary even if the publisher will make the article Open Access on publication.
  • Whether you are the sole author, a co-author, a postgraduate or a professor, you need to keep this version of your paper.


2. Upload the Authors’ Accepted Manuscript to BRIAN as soon as it is accepted for publication2

  • When your publisher sends you an acceptance notification, log into BRIAN to add the basic publication details and upload the document.
  • The Library will ensure compliance with any embargo date.
  • You are now compliant!


3. Contact the BRIAN or BURO team for help or advice

All researchers must follow this for their work to be considered for the REF, in line with the HEFCE’s policy for open access. A comprehensive list of FAQs on the policy is available.

RKEO and the Library will be available to provide relevant support during these drop-in sessions:

11 April – 12.30pm to 1.30pm – S117, Studland House

12 April – 12.30pm to 1.30pm – S117, Studland House

13 April – 12.30pm to 1.30pm – S117, Studland House

No booking is necessary, just turn up!

1 Authors’ Accepted Manuscript – this is the final peer-reviewed manuscript, before the proof reading starts for the published version.  It is often a Word document, publisher template, LaTeX file or PDF.

2 This is when the publisher confirms to you that your article has been accepted.

(Post adapted from University of Bath, Library resources)

RKEO Drop-in session 23rd March 2016

As previously posted, RKEO will be holding monthly drop-in sessions throughout 2016. The full schedule of sessions can be found here. research lifecycle

The second session will be held on 23 March 2016 between 2-4pm in the Atrium Cafe on Talbot. Anyone can attend with any queries for RKEO.  Come and find out about upcoming calls such as the British Academy’s small grants scheme, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, KTPs, and the upcoming Festival of Learning and all the other public engagement activities that are available.  The following RKEO staff will be available for the session:

Ehren Milner – Funding Development Officer for Management

Kerri Jones and Alice Brown– Funding Development Officers for SciTech

Philip Leahy-Harland – Project Delivery Officer for Management

Nimisha Prajapati and Sara Mundy – Project Delivery Officers for Health and Social Sciences

Rachel Clarke – Knowledge Exchange Advisor

Naomi Kay – Public Engagement Officer

You don’t need to be from these faculties as staff will help with any queries you have and if they’re not able to answer your query then and there, they’ll ensure you receive a timely response from RKEO. Basically, come along and have a chat. These are also great opportunities for us to gather feedback from you on the service that we deliver to you.

RKEO look forward to seeing you.

Join RKEO and Fundraising and Alumni for coffee and cake (and fruit) tomorrow

cupcakeRKEO have teamed up with Fundraising and Alumni to hold a joint coffee morning which will be taking place on Thursday, 10th March. Members of the RKEO and Fundraising and Alumni will be in the Retreat, Talbot Campus from 9.30 to 10.30am.

Come along and find out what Fundraising and Alumni do and how they can help you, and/or discuss your research plans with the RKEO team and check out how they can support you through the whole research funding process from applying through to successful project management and delivery. We can help with public engagement, knowledge transfer opportunities and much, much more…

Do pop in for a chat with us and see how we can help you, or just pop by and enjoy a coffee and a cake (and fruit).  As it’s Fairtrade Fortnight, all tea, coffee, sugar and chocolate will be Fairtrade, as will most of the fruit.  Why not go for breakfast in the Atrium beforehand for the Sit down for breakfast, Stand up for farmers event and come along to see us afterwards?

We look forward to seeing you!

RKEO Drop-in Session 23rd March

As previously posted, RKEO will be holding monthly drop-in sessions throughout 2016. The full schedule of sessions can be found here.research lifecycle

The second session will be held on 23 March 2016 between 2-4pm in the Atrium Cafe on Talbot. Anyone can attend with any queries for RKEO. The following RKEO staff will be available for the session:

You don’t need to be from these faculties as staff will help with any queries they have and if they’re not able to answer your query then and there, they’ll ensure you receive a timely response from RKEO. Basically, come along and have a chat. These are also great opportunities for us to gather feedback from you on the service that we deliver to you.

RKEO look forward to seeing you.

Join RKEO and Fundraising and Alumni for coffee and cake (and fruit)

cupcakeRKEO have teamed up with Fundraising and Alumni to hold a joint coffee morning which will be taking place on Thursday, 10th March. Members of the RKEO and Fundraising and Alumni will be in the Retreat, Talbot Campus from 9.30 to 10.30am.

Come along and find out what Fundraising and Alumni do and how they can help you, and/or discuss your research plans with the RKEO team and check out how they can support you through the whole research funding process from applying through to successful project management and delivery. We can help with public engagement, knowledge transfer opportunities and much, much more…

Do pop in for a chat with us and see how we can help you, or just pop by and enjoy a coffee and a cake (and fruit).

We look forward to seeing you!

Good week for FHSS publications!

Hundley Cochrane 2016This first week of March has been a good week for FHSS publications.  On March 1st CMMPH Prof. Vanora Hundley published her collaborative paper  ‘Do Cochrane summaries help student midwives understand the findings of Cochrane systematic reviews: the BRIEF randomised trial’.[1]  With colleagues based across the UK and Ireland she surveyed over 800 midwifery students at nine universities.  This results of the study can be found in the journal Systematic Reviews. This is a Gold Open Access journals, hence the paper is freely available for anybody to read across the globe.  To read this paper click here!

PH curious 2016The second FHSS publication is a chapter in a Kindle book on the Importance of public health in low- and middle- income countries, written by Dr. Puspa Raj Pant,CMMPH’s Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen, and BU Visiting Faculty Prof. Padam Simkhada.[2]  Padam Simkhada is Professor of International Public Health and Associate Dean (Global Engagement) for the Faculty of Education, Health and Community at Liverpool John Moores University.  The chapter is part of the Kindle book  with the long title: Public Health for the Curious: Why Study Public Health? (A Decision-Making Guide to College Major, Research & Scholarships, and Career Success for the College Students and Their Parents) edited by Richard Lee Skolnik from Yale University, USA.

The third paper is by FHSS PhD student Clare Farrance with her supervisors Dr. Fotini Tsofliou and Dr. Carol Clark.  This systematic review ‘Adherence to community based group exercise interventions for older people: A mixed-methods systematic review’ assessed the views and adherence of older participants attending community-based exercise programmes of over six-months duration.  Reporting that evidence is still very limited, although the preliminary limited evidence is positive regarding long-term adherence rates.  This paper is also Open Access, funded by BU’s Open Access fund.Farrance 2016


Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen





  1. Alderdice, F., McNeill, J., Lasserson, T.,Beller, E., Carrol, M., Hundley, V., et al. (2016) Do Cochrane summaries help student midwives understand the findings of Cochrane systematic reviews: the BRIEF randomised trial. Systematic Reviews 5:40
  2. Pant, P.R., van Teijlingen, E., Simkhada, P. (2016)  Importance of public health in low- and middle- income countries, In:  Skolnik, R.L. (ed.) Public Health for the Curious: Why Study Public Health? (A Decision-Making Guide to College Major, Research & Scholarships, and Career Success for the College Students and Their Parents) Kindle Edition (for more details click here!) 
  3. Farrance, C., Tsofliou, F., Clark, C. (2016) Adherence to community based group exercise interventions for older people: A mixed-methods systematic review To be published. Preventive Medicine (forthcoming)