Tagged / workshops

Organisational Development workshops – 17 – 21 April

Please see below for the links to next week’s Organisational Development workshops.

Monday 17th April Line Manager Immigration Clinic
Tuesday 18th April Using Parabilis
Tuesday 18th April Management Essentials: Managing Change
Tuesday 18th April Pay Progression and Promotion Processes For Academics
Wednesday 19th April Management Essentials: Managing Absence
Wednesday 19th April Articulating Excellence in Pay Progression for Professional Support
Wednesday 19th April Pay Progression and Promotion Processes For Academics Women only session
Friday 21st April New Managers @ BU

Upcoming Research Impact Workshops – book now!

We have five RKEDF Impact-related workshops coming up over the next month; please use the links below to book onto them via OD:

Impact and Funding Applications: 16th February at 15:00 

Influencing Policy – with Professor Mark Reed: 1st March at 13:00

Getting started with research Impact: what is it?: 8th March at 14:00

Inspirational Impact – a lunchtime seminar with Professor Zulfiqar Khan: 24th March at 13:00

Evidencing Impact – with Saskia Gent: 29th March at 9:30

We’d be delighted to see you there!

If you have any questions, please contact the Impact Advisors – Amanda Lazar or Beth Steiner


AHRC Next Generation Design Workshops – open for booking

Led by Professor Paul Rodgers, the AHRC’s Design Leadership Fellow, the Next Generation Design Research workshops have been created to help you to understand what funding the AHRC currently offers and how to best prepare your AHRC funding application.

On the day, there will be opportunities to meet with past and present AHRC design research award holders and network with other Early Career Researchers.
AHRC’s Next Generation Design Research workshops are half-day workshops that will explore the processes involved in applying for an AHRC grant. See below for upcoming workshops around the country.




Manchester Metropolitan University

Lecture Theatre 5

Geoffrey Manton Building


M15 6LL

Wed 31 January 2018

13:00 – 17:00 GMT

Book Now


The University of Edinburgh

Project Room 1.06

50 George Square



Mon 12 February 2018

13:00 – 17:00 GMT

Book Now



The Art School

20 Scott Street


G3 6PE

Wed 14 February 2018

13:00 – 17:00 GMT

Book Now

EPSRC Building a Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing Community workshop

EPSRC is holding a two-day workshop on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. The workshop will be highly multidisciplinary as well as bringing together those who are developing platforms and standards with researchers deploying and evaluating in real world environments.

In the Balancing Capability exercise, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing was selected as an area to grow. While this is likely to happen due to the increasing economic and social influence of the Internet of Things and related technologies, EPSRC believe that some effort is required at this stage to ensure a balanced portfolio of funded research by the end of the delivery plan period.

Moreover, while they believe this field has a key role to play in contributing to the achievement of their cross-ICT priorities, they think that to achieve the objectives described in the priorities: People at the Heart of ICT, Safe and Secure ICT and Cross-Disciplinarity and Co-Creation a mature community discussion will be required.

Further information about EPSRC‘s portfolio and strategies, see our website.

What is Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing?

Put broadly, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (PUC) is the fundamental and applied research that aims achieve the integration of computing into any device in any location that interacts with our lives.

Research in this area is necessarily multi-disciplinary and in order to achieve success will draw-on and synthesise ideas at the boundary of numerous other strands of research. This includes:

  • Context awareness and affective computing in mobile systems and fundamental research into smart devices.
  • Communication and information management between trillions of devices as well as new forms of distributed data handling and processing at scale.
  • Research into the software or hardware of devices that have mobility as a unique aspect of their application. This includes the solutions to challenges of building systems on a grand scale such as interoperability, reliability and scalability.

Research into new forms of interaction with pervasive computer systems and related research into trust, privacy and security. This will require novel computer science and engineering while incorporating research from the social sciences, humanities and law.

How to apply

Those wishing to attend the workshop should complete the short Expression of Interest (EoI) form on this page.

This is a fantastic opportunity for BU academics as a lot of our research would be classed as ‘Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing’.  If you do get a place, please can you let your RKEO representative know as we are interested in how this area will grow and what calls may come out of it.

EPSRC Physical Sciences Early Career Researchers workshops

EPSRC is holding two one-day workshops for Early Career Researchers who work in the area of Physical Sciences.  This is a great opportunity for BU ECRs (especially those who are new to funding) in these areas to get a first hand insight to strategies and policy changes, and to network with peers and funders.

The workshops will be held in:

  • Glasgow – 06 March 2018
  • Nottingham – 14 March 2018

The workshops will provide an update to EPSRC and Physical Sciences strategies and will communicate recent and upcoming policy changes, such as the New Investigator Awards. The workshops will be attended by a number of EPSRC staff but also by experienced academics and current or previous Early Career Fellowship holders from across the Physical Sciences portfolio who will provide guidance and mentoring. The workshops will also include opportunities for networking with other ECR colleagues.

EPSRC anticipate this event will be of greatest interest to Physical Sciences researchers who are eligible to hold an EPSRC grant and hold few or no grants as a Principal Investigator.

The aims of the workshops are to:

  • To develop early career researchers understanding of EPSRC, including strategic priorities and funding mechanisms.
  • To develop relationships with Early Career researchers who will become future advocates for EPSRC.

Those wishing to attend the workshop should complete the Expression of Interest (EoI) form on this page. This will be used to select participants based on their justification of attendance as described in their EoI submission and will take into account how their research aligns to the EPSRC Physical Sciences remit and research areas. In addition, EPSRC will also ensure a balanced representation of organisation, research area, expertise and career stage.

Places are limited and the number of participants from a given organisation may have to be restricted in the event of multiple applications. Selection will primarily be based on the justification of attendance and completion of the survey is not a guarantee of attendance.

The EoI will close at 17:00 on 31 January 2018.

If you do get a place, please let your RKEO contact know as we are interested in what information will be shared, particularly if there are new initiatives for ECRs.

Newton Fund latest calls and British Council workshops

The British Council have announced that the latest calls available under the Newton Fund are now open:

  • Newton Fund Researcher Links Workshop Grants – the workshops are for early career researchers but the applicants must be leading/established researchers.  Bilateral workshops can be proposed between the UK and Brazil, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.
  • Newton Fund Researcher Links Travel Grants – These are for early career researchers (awarded their PhD not more than 10 years prior to applying) to either visit Thailand or for those residing in Thailand to visit the UK.  A visit can be 1-6 months but must take place between 1/2/18 and 31/1/19.
  • Newton Fund Institutional Links Grants – Applications can be submitted for collaborations between the UK and Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines and Thailand.

The submission deadline for all the above calls is 16:00 UK time on 13 June 2017.

If you are interested in applying to any of these calls then please contact your RKEO Funding Development Officer in the first instance.

The British Council also provide information on a number of national and international workshops that you can participate in.  If you are an early career researcher you can apply through the British Council for funding to the international workshops.  Current workshops on offer are:

  • Energy conservation techniques for buildings (Coventry);
  • Widening success in HE (South Africa);
  • Promoting and responding to maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health (South Africa);
  • Offshore wind and wave energy for Turkey (Turkey);
  • Is poverty a by-product or a building block for prosperity – trends in economic development from Brazil and the UK (Brazil);
  • Information and communications technologies in homes and cities for the health and well-being of older people (Bradford)
  • Geological disaster monitoring based on sensor networks (China);
  • Socially inclusive WM&RE in supply chains (Brazil): and
  • Re-naturing cities: Theories, strategies and methodologies (Brazil).

EURAXESS – November Newsletter

As notified in the November EURAXESS Newsletter, there are a number of research workshops open for registration under Researcher Links and the Newton Fund. The workshops give researchers the opportunity to form new international connections and Early Career Researchers may apply for grants in order to participate.
Some of the opportunities are:

Further opportunities are listed on the British Council website.

Why not sign up for the EURAXESS Newsletter so that these and further opportunities are delivered direct to your own inbox?Euraxess

Euraxess UK is a British Council hub, which aids researchers in their career development, supporting mobility and acting as a support mechanism for researchers moving abroad or moving to the UK. Their services include:


NERC – Academic Workshops in Oil and Gas..

NERC, in collaboration with the Knowledge Transfer Network, are going to be hosting a series of events during 2014 which will investigate solutions to the top challenges facing the sector in the UK.

As the UK pursues a long-term strategy to decarbonise our society, there will be a continuing need for hydrocarbon exploration to bridge the gap to low emission power generation in future. Britain’s energy security and long-term economic performance will benefit hugely from maintaining the health of this key industrial sector. With this in mind, NERC is keen to establish where research activities might support the sector.

Please find details of the upcoming events below:

Unconventional hydrocarbons. Unconventional oil and gas (e.g. shale oil and gas resources) are playing an increasingly important part of the energy mix. Producing these resources effectively and with minimal environmental impact requires innovative science and technology.

Date: 24/09/2014
Time: 09:00 – 16:30

Exploitation in challenging environments. The petroleum industry has successfully extracted a large proportion of the ‘easy to get’ oil and gas. Large resources are still present in environments in which exploration, appraisal and production are difficult and where conventional technologies are inadequate (eg ultra high temperature-high pressure reservoirs, deep-water environments, subsalt, sub-basalt, Arctic). This theme also includes the identification and assessment of risks from environmental hazards to offshore infrastructure.

Date: 17/10/2014
Time: 09:00 – 16:30

Extending the life of mature basins. Mature basins such as the UK’s North Sea contain very significant amounts of unrecovered hydrocarbons. Identifying new resources, and producing this resource in a cost-effective and environmentally sensitive way is technically challenging but will extend field life and help reduce UK reliance on imported energy in the medium term. This theme could include novel approaches to data analysis and interpretation as well as areas such as enhanced oil recovery (EOR).

Date: 26/11/2014
Time: 09:00 – 16:30

Environmental impact and management. Reducing the environmental impact of oil and gas extraction is a key priority for the sector. Improvements in the scientific understanding and technology used during hydrocarbon resource extraction will result in lower levels of environmental impact and will directly influence UK oil and gas industry regulations. Another key challenge for the sector is the environmental impacts of offshore infrastructure, including the assessment of decommissioning options. Note this is a cross-cutting theme which could be included in any of the above themes.

Date: 03/12/2014
Time: 09:00 – 16:30

To find out more information about the events, please visit the connect website.

An Introduction to the BRAD Framework and Development Sessions

Calling all BU Researcher Staff,

We invite you to: An Introduction to the BRAD Framework and Development Sessions– Wednesday the 18th of September 2-3.30pm (location to be confirmed).

The University has created Bournemouth Researcher/Academic Development-BRAD. BRAD is a tailor designed research development framework with supporting development sessions, for BU’s Research/Academic staff. The aims and objectives of BRAD are aligned to the Universities Strategic Plan 2012-2018, our Visions & Values-BU 2018, and Vitae’s researcher development framework. BU is providing professional and personal development sessions and online courses throughout the next academic year 2013-2014, which are all free to attend. The development sessions will cover a range of topics, from statistics, NVivo, personal effectiveness, research management and publishing in journals and books.


Please email Bridie at: bapplebygunnill@bournemouth.ac.uk to confirm your attendance to the Introduction to BRAD Session

Would you like to learn more about Scopus and BRIAN? Then come along to one of our workshops!

The aim of these workshops is to support academic colleagues to learn more about Scopus and BRIAN, and how they can use these systems to monitor their publication impact, identify where to publish, identify potential collaborators and also to help them to ensure their Scopus and BRIAN profiles are up to date and optimised.  Matthew Bennett will do an initial presentation about the two systems and this will be followed with the opportunity for participants to look through their own Scopus and BRIAN profiles together with Library and RKEDO (formerly RDU) staff.

They will take place on both the Lansdowne and Talbot Campuses on the following dates:

1 October 10am – 11am CG21 Talbot Campus

10 October 2:30pm – 3:30pm S102 Lansdowne Campus

15 October 10am – 11am CG21 Talbot Campus

23 October 2:30pm – 3:30pm S102 Lansdowne Campus

31 October 9am – 10am S102 Lansdowne Campus

Please book a place if you would like to attend by following this link

BRIAN latest

Now that the summer has been (did you notice?) and gone, many of you are now turning your attention to your external profiles and how to make them look as impressive as possible to the outside world.  This has meant an increase in queries about how to use BRIAN and so I have created a list of answers to FAQ’s and these can be found in the link below.  Before I get on to this though, have you read the Blog article advertising the ‘Scopus and BRIAN Workshops’ that Matthew Bennett will be running shortly?  If not, click here for more details.


There are a number of developments that are underway to improve BRIAN and so keep your eye on the Blog for more updates.

HEA Workshop and Seminar Series Thematic seminars, 2012-13

The Higher Education Academy is inviting HEIs to host thematic workshops and seminars that disseminate findings from research or evaluation work, or share evidence-informed policy and/or practice. A grant of £750 is available from the HEA to support each workshop run by the HEI.   This is an excellent opportunity to disseminate outcomes from your Education Excellence projects.

The next call for proposals for workshops in 2012/13 opens 01 October 2012 and closes 29 October 2012.  Workshops or seminars should be held during the spring and summer (February – July 2013).

The three thematic areas for this call are:

•  Employability – includes integrating work experience; addressing employer perspectives.

•  Flexible learning – includes using technology to support flexibility in the pace or place of delivery; engagement with employers to promote flexibility of pace, place or mode of delivery.

•  Internationalisation – includes student mobility; internationalising the curriculum; integration of home and international students; promoting intercultural understanding. 

Further details, a proposal form and details of past workshops are here: http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/seminar-series#themes

 The RKE Operations team can help you with your application.

PGR Workshops: January 2012

Sessions for the BU Researcher Development Programme in  January 2012 are below.  Booking is essential as places are limited, details of how to book are listed under each session.

PGR Induction Dr Fiona Knight

Introduction to BU’s academic and professional support for your research degree

Can social media enhance my research profile? Susan Dowdle

Using Twitter, blogs, social citation to raise your research profile.  Discussion on how to use Web 2.0 technologies professionally and some top tips on making connections and raising your profile.

Introduction to Education Practice: for Postgraduate Research Students (PGRs) Linda Byles

This 3 day event is designed to prepare Post-Graduate Research students to undertake their teaching responsibilities

Grant Writing Workshop for Early Career Researchers Martin Pickard (external)

This workshop is aimed at early career researchers and phd students in the mid to late stages of their phd, starting to think about grant writing.  More details on the event can be found in this blog post.

  • Date: 26 January
  • Time: 9:30 – 17:00
  • Room: K103, Kimmeridge House
  • Booking:  All bookings for this event are via Susan Dowdle

Introduction to Mixed Methods Research Dr Carol Bond

These sessions are primarily aimed at new PGRs however all PGRs and ECRs are welcome.

Academic Writing Workshop 13th December

Have you a paper to write?  Do you want to write it well?  Do you need space to focus on developing academic writing skills?  This full-day course is designed for staff at an early stage of their academic careers who write papers or reports as part of their research work. The course consists of intensive tuition and gives participants immediate, useable methods of improving style, developing arguments, strengthening organisation and avoiding common errors, all with the aim of producing succinct and informative prose in a well-organised academic framework. 

The day itself involves instruction, group exercises and discussion, all designed to enable participants to increase the quality of their writing and to develop their confidence and critical thinking.  In addition, there is advice on how to successfully communicate the subject matter.  You can view an outline of the day.

This will be a full day workshop taking place on Tuesday 13th December.  If you would like to attend please email Susan Dowdle asap as there are only a few places remaining.

PGR Training Workshops – Dec 2011

Sessions for the BU Researcher Development Programme in  December 2011 are as follows:

Research Ethics Professor Holger Schutkowski

  • Date: Wednesday 7 December
  • Time: 10:30-12:30
  • Room: PG22
  • Prior booking essential by emailing graduateschool@bournemouth.ac.uk
  • Please include one line about your research ethics issues or concerns

 Researchers must Write Professor Matthew Bennett

  • Date: Wednesday 7 December
  • Time: 14:00 – 15:30
  • Room: PG22
  • Prior booking essential by emailing graduateschool@bournemouth.ac.uk
  • Basic introduction to the importance of writing in research

Academic Writing Sue Mitchell (external)

  • Date: Both the Tuesday and Wednesday sessions are now full
  • Time: 09:oo  – 17:00
  • Room: PG22
  • Prior booking essential by emailing graduateschool@bournemouth.ac.uk
  • Academic Writing Skills: improving your publications; grants

These sessions are primarily aimed at new PGRs however all PGRs and ECRs are welcome.  Prior booking is essential on some sessions where places are limited.

Upcoming Missenden Centre workshops – funding available for BU staff to attend

The Missenden Centre still has places available on a number excellent workshops this autumn/winter.

The Research Development Unit has some funds available to support academics and research support staff to attend. If you are interested please contact Julie Northam in the first instance.

Bidding for research funding: pathways to success

9/10 November for academics

10/11 November for research support staff

With Sarah Andrew, Dean of Applied and Health Sciences, University of Chester

Robert Crawshaw, Faculty of Arts and Social Science, Lancaster University

‘The course was excellent. I think it will probably change my entire approach to writing grant proposals and will most wholeheartedly recommend it to my colleagues. So, once again, many thanks.’ Dr. Miriam V. Dwek, Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry, University of Westminster.



Successful bidding: third of our day clinics

18 November

With: John Wakeford

Bring a draft or previously unsuccessful application for advice on how to turn it into an award-winning form.



Effective supervision

12/13 January

Our unique preparation for supervisors and those with responsibilities for training them.



Speak to the Research Development Unit and book your place now!