Tagged / RKE development framework

The Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE) Development Framework: Skills

dev_frameworkThe Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE) Development Framework,  ‘Skills‘ pathway targets academics, experienced or new to a wide range of skills which are needed to enhance your research activities at BU. Workshop titles include ‘Meet BRIAN’  (Bournemouth Research Information And Networking)- BU’s publication management system, ‘Searching for research funding using Research Professional’, ‘Developing an effective search strategy’, and ‘Managing your citations using Endnote Desktop and Online’.


More topics are to be added as awareness and demand grows.

We’ll be populating the the OD website with more information and the booking link over the coming weeks. We’ll also be providing a timetable of all events as soon as possible. In the meantime, updates will be posted on the BU Research Blog and the Faculty blogs.

The Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE) Development Framework: Academic Publishing

dev_frameworkThe Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE) Development Framework,  ‘Academic Publishing‘ pathway targets academics, experienced or new to academic publishing. Workshop titles include ‘Open Access, BRIAN and the Impact Module’, ‘Writing a good abstract’, ‘Dealing with editors’, ‘Writing an academic paper’, ‘Targeting high quality journals’, ‘Writing Academy’ and ‘How to update your Staff Profile Pages using BRIAN’.

We’ll be populating the the OD website with more information and the booking link over the coming weeks. We’ll also be providing a timetable of all events as soon as possible. In the meantime, updates will be posted on the BU Research Blog and the Faculty blogs.

The Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE) Development Framework: Returning to Academia after a break

dev_frameworkThe Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE) Development Framework,  ‘Returning to Academia‘ pathway targets those academics who may be returning to academia following a break for any reason.  Workshops will focus on topics such as finding research funding for those returning to academia and ‘Building resilience in research and knowledge exchange’.

We’ll be populating the the OD website with more information and the booking link over the coming weeks. We’ll also be providing a timetable of all events as soon as possible. In the meantime, updates will be posted on the BU Research Blog and the Faculty blogs.

Launch Date of the *new* RKE Development Framework- 20th September 2016

dev_frameworkThe new Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE) Development framework will launch on September 20th.

Come join us at our information stands on launch day at the EBC Ground Floor (Lansdowne Campus) or in the Poole House Courtyard (Talbot Campus) between 9am-5pm on September 20th, 2016.

The Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE) Development Framework offers a range of opportunities for academics at all career stages to develop their skills, knowledge and capabilities in relation to research and knowledge exchange.

How to use the framework
• For further information and to book, please go to:
• Review the pathways available
• Discuss the pathways with your line manager as
part of your professional development planning
• Determine which pathways or individual sessions
are relevant to you.


Introduction to the Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Framework

We are delighted to announce that the Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE) development framework will launch in October 2016! launching soon pic

The RKE development framework will offer a new range of opportunities for BU academics  to develop their skills, knowledge and capabilities in relation to research and knowledge exchange.

Consultation with academic colleagues has been key to its development, to ensure that the opportunities to be made available match their needs and wishes. We have created an agile and flexible Framework which we trust will appeal to colleagues undertaking research and knowledge exchange activities across the University.

Look out for more information coming each week on the research blog.

Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Framework – building a team

teamworkWe have previously posted about the Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE) Development Framework. Here we introduce another of the pathways: that dedicated to building a team.

The ‘building a team’ pathway will take into consideration the many types of team which can be required for research and knowledge exchange. There will be sessions on working with stakeholders, and external facilitators will be brought in to deliver events based around building a team and networking for research and knowledge exchange. We will run several sandpits, each based around a grand challenge, with a view to bringing together interdisciplinary and inter-sector teams to address a major research problem.

We’ll be populating the the OD website with more information and the booking link over the coming weeks. We’ll also be providing a timetable of all events as soon as possible. In the meantime, updates will be posted on the BU research blog and the Faculty blogs.

Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Framework – funding from NIHR

We have previously posted about the Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE) Development Framework. Here we introduce another of the pathways: that dedicated to funding from the UK’s National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). National Institute for Health Research

There will be a range of sessions relating to this funder, including an introduction to the different types of funding offered, a session concerning NIHR Fellowships, and another on the Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) scheme. This will include some examples of academics’ experiences of these schemes. We will also be inviting one of the team from the Central Commissioning Facility to deliver a session on Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in NIHR grants.

We’ll be populating the the OD website with more information and the booking link over the coming weeks. We’ll also be providing a timetable of all events as soon as possible. In the meantime, updates will be posted on the BU research blog and the Faculty blogs.

Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Framework – funding from the major charities

We have previously posted about the Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE) Development Framework. Here we introduce another of the pathways: that dedicated to funding from the major charities, including Leverhulme Trust and Wellcome Trust.

There will be a range of sessions relating to the charities, including introductions to the Leverhulme Trust and Wellcome Trust. We’ll provide some hints and tips for applying to major charities, and run bid writing retreats for those planning to submit applications to the Wellcome Trust, and for a Leverhulme Trust Fellowship. We’ll also be running a session giving information and examples relating to building partnerships and working with stakeholders. More events will be added to this pathway in 2017-18 as well.

We’ll be populating the the OD website with more information and the booking link over the coming weeks. We’ll also be providing a timetable of all events as soon as possible. In the meantime, updates will be posted on the BU research blog and the Faculty blogs.

Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Framework – funding from the academies

We have previously posted about the Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE) Development Framework. Here we introduce another of the pathways: that dedicated to funding from the UK academies (British Academy and Royal Society).

British Academy logoThere will be a range of sessions relating to the academies, including online introductions to the Royal Society and British Academy, and a bid writing retreat for those applying to the British Academy small grants scheme. We plan to invite the funders in to present to BU academic colleagues about their organisation and their schemes, and we’ll also be running a session giving information and examples relating to building partnerships and working with stakeholders. More events will be added to this pathway in 2017-18 as well.

Royal SocietyWe’ll be populating the the OD website with more information and the booking link over the coming weeks. We’ll also be providing a timetable of all events as soon as possible. In the meantime, updates will be posted on the BU research blog and the Faculty blogs.

Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Framework – Research Council funding

RCUK logoWe have previously posted about the Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE) Development Framework. Here we introduce the first of the pathways: that dedicated to funding from the UK Research Councils.

There will be a wide range of sessions relating to RC applications, including an online introduction to the UK Research Councils for those new to the funders, or to the UK funding landscape. There will be an event led by an external facilitator where you’ll have the opportunity to get you thinking about different ways of approaching the Case for Support, including time to write the document and gain feedback. We’ll run a session giving information and examples relating to building partnerships and working with stakeholders and another concerning the Pathways to Impact statement. We’ll also provide another online session to support you in writing the Justification of Resources.

We’ll be populating the the OD website with more information and the booking link over the coming weeks. We’ll also be providing a timetable of all events as soon as possible. In the meantime, updates will be posted on the BU research blog and the Faculty blogs.

Introduction to the Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Framework

We are delighted to announce that the Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE) development framework will launch in October 2016! launching soon pic

The RKE development framework will offer a new range of opportunities for BU academics  to develop their skills, knowledge and capabilities in relation to research and knowledge exchange.

Consultation with academic colleagues has been key to its development, to ensure that the opportunities to be made available match their needs and wishes. We have created an agile and flexible Framework which we trust will appeal to colleagues undertaking research and knowledge exchange activities across the University.

Look out for more information coming each week on the research blog.

Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Framework and your appraisal

We posted a couple of weeks ago about the new Research and Knowlege Exchange (RKE) Development Framework. With appraisals looming, we’ll be going along to discuss the framework with line managers across the Faculties, but you may wish to start thinking about the pathways or sessions you may wish to join in order to progress your career and research and knowledge exchange plans. Presented below are a list of the pathways confirmed at this point, and indicative content for each. We are working hard to confirm further sessions and to provide more detail as soon as possible on the OD webpages.

Pathway Indicative Content
Research Council funding An introduction to the UK Research Councils, some key principles to consider, working with stakeholders, pathways to impact statements, approaching the Case for Support and writing the Justification for Resources
EU Funding An introduction to Horizon 2020 and other EU funding schemes, some key principles to consider, IPR for EU projects, and call-specific Bid Writing Retreats
Funding from the Academies An introduction to the British Academy and the Royal Society, working with stakeholders and Bid Writing Retreats
Funding from Major Charities An introduction to Wellcome and Leverhulme Trusts, working with stakeholders, hints and tips for applications to charities and Bid Writing Retreats
National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) An introduction to funding schemes, applying to NIHR calls and Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)
International Funding An introduction to selected international funding schemes
Pre-Award at BU Getting started, financial and legal considerations, BU processes and using Research Professional to locate funding
Building a Team Working with stakeholders, networking, team building, Sandpits and Interdisciplinary Research.
Working with Business Introductions to knowledge exchange including Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs), and IP and commercialisation
Returning to Academia after a break Specific funding opportunities for those returning to academia and building resilience in research and knowledge exchange
Planning for and communicating research Engaging with policymakers, public engagement, social media for impact and digital communication
Skills Development BRIAN, RED, BURO, Using the Library, Je-S, eGAP, eRA Commons, IPR, Contracts and BU procedures, and Ethics



Research and Knowledge Exchange development framework – introduction to the pathways

Last week we announced the imminent launch of the Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE) development framework (see here if you missed the post). Here we provide a bit more information about how the framework will be organised.launching soon pic

The framework will be divided into pathways. These are a series of sessions, combining some face-to-face delivery with online materials, which are linked by a topic. Some of the sessions will be targeted towards those with less experience in engaging with research and knowledge exchange, whilst others will be useful for academics with a wide range of experience. You may wish to sign up for the sessions on an entire pathway, come along to the first event to explore whether that pathway is right for you, or simply join in with a small number of sessions such as the bid writing retreats.

An overview of the pathways confirmed to date is provided below: we’ll be adding more pathways and confirming events over the next few weeks.

Research Council funding

Indicative Content: introduction to the UK Research Councils, working with stakeholders, pathways to impact statements, approaching the Case for Support and writing the Justification for Resources.

Funding from the Academies

Indicative Content: Introduction to the British Academy and the Royal Society, working with stakeholders and Bid Writing Retreats.

Funding from Major Charities

Indicative Content: Introduction to Wellcome and Leverhulme Trusts, working with stakeholders, hints and tips for applications to charities and Bid Writing Retreats.

National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)

Indicative Content: Introduction to funding schemes, applying to NIHR calls and Patient and Public Involvement (PPI).

Pre-Award at BU

Indicative Content: Getting started, financial and legal considerations, BU processes, using Research Professional to locate funding.

Building a Team

Indicative Content: Working with stakeholders, networking, team building, Sandpits and Interdisciplinary Research.

Working with Business

Indicative Content: Introductions to knowledge exchange and Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) and IP and commercialisation

Returning to Academia after a break

Indicative Content: Specific funding opportunities for those retuning to academia and building resilience in research and knowledge exchange

Planning for and communicating research

Indicative content: Engaging with policymakers, public engagement, social media for impact and digital communication

EU Funding

Indicative Content: Introduction to Horizon 2020 and other EU funding schemes, some key principles to consider, IPR for EU projects, and call-specific Bid Writing Retreats.

International Funding

Indicative Content: Introduction to selected international funding schemes


A new webpage has been created for the framework through Organisational Development and up-to-date information can be found at staffintranet.bournemouth.ac.uk/RKEDevelopmentFramework/. We will also be continuing to provide information through the University blogs.

Introducing the Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Framework!

We are delighted to announce that the Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE) development framework will launch in October 2016! launching soon pic

The RKE development framework will offer a new range of opportunities for BU academics  to develop their skills, knowledge and capabilities in relation to research and knowledge exchange.

Consultation with academic colleagues has been key to its development, to ensure that the opportunities to be made available match their needs and wishes. We have created an agile and flexible Framework which we trust will appeal to colleagues undertaking research and knowledge exchange activities across the University.

Look out for more information coming each week on the research blog.