Category / BU research

RKEDF: Principal Investigation – Post Award for RKE

Principal Investigation – Post Award for RKE – Wednesday 8th May – 14:00 – 15:00

This session is aimed at any researcher who is, who plans to be, a Principal Investigator for an externally funded research or knowledge exchange project. Topics covered include:

• What is post award?
• Roles and responsibilities
• Systems
• Key policies
• Starting your awarded project
• Making changes to your project and reporting
• Hints and tips

By the end of the session, attendees will have a strong foundation of what to expect when being responsible for their awarded projects.

Book your place here – under “Principal Investigation – Post Award for RKE – 08/05/2024 – in the drop-down menu

For any queries regarding this workshop, please contact Alex Morrison, Post Award Programme Manager RDS

RKEDF: ECRN – Drop in session – May

Early Career Researchers Network (ECRN) Surgeries – Wednesday 8th May – 13:00-14:00

This is an open session for all BU ECRs and PGRs, to discuss any issues around career development, or the ECR experience with the peer network, and receive advice and guidance from the network’s academic leads.


Book your place here – under “ECRN Surgeries” in the drop-down menu

For any queries regarding this workshop, please contact RKE Development Framework

Health Innovation Wessex and UoS Intellectual Property Event

Understanding Intellectual Property to Create Health Impact (in-person)

Hosted by Health Innovation Wessex and University of Southampton

Axis Centre, Southampton Science Park, SO16 7NP

9am – 5pm

Friday 17 May 2024

Book your place here

Join us for a whole day in-person free event discussing Intellectual Property (IP) and applying it to health and medtech researchers. Expert speakers will explore how to protect IP and how to discuss inventions with unprotected IP. They will also cover implications for entrepreneurs and how to work within organisational requirements and the local support available.

Teaching will include tailored workshops. The event is funded by University of Southampton and organised by Health Innovation Wessex, and is open to:

  • Academic staff and researchers
  • Clinical staff, operational leads, and researchers from healthcare organisations within Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Dorset, who either hold or whose work may result in creation of IP.

Book your place here

Any further questions, please contact

Article Processing Charges

Keywords: APC, Open access, REF, Repositories, Journals, Outputs.

APC and subscription-based models have their specific yet intersecting merits. Here in the UK, several aspects of publications have been repositioned during the last REF2021 census period. Lord Stern review led to several key changes, especially in terms of reporting research. Although the costs of APCs are high, HEIs have ringfenced QR funding to support outputs in quartile two and above through an internal review process. Similarly, publishers have institutional partnerships where partial or full waivers are offered. Several reputable publishers have introduced incentives to waive or partially waive APCs, for example, by contributing to the review process, participating as editors, and recommending high-quality manuscripts in terms of originality, significance, and academic depth.

APC route, for example, Creative Commons CC BY, offers many benefits to researchers, academics, and especially early career researchers in terms of flexibility of literature use as compared to traditional publication processes, such as the complexity and costs associated with permission to use or reuse infographics, including authors’ own results and images where copyright transfer has occurred. On the other hand, APCs provide an opportunity for wider availability of research to be read, used, and applied within research contexts where funding for subscription-based models is not generous or sometimes limited. Making preprint peer-reviewed and accepted author version manuscripts available on institutional repositories is a better alternative to APCs.

Traditional and legacy practices could benefit from dialogue and consideration; publishers’ subscription models could be diversified for greater inclusivity by offering variations in subscription fees based on certain metrics such as a country’s GDP or RPI. Revenues generated from both subscription and APCs should be more transparent, with figures available to public and open to stakeholders feedback. Profits should be reinvested in discounted subscription fees for HEIs, funding research through RC UK initiatives and similar programmes, and supporting early and mid-career researchers.

Another aspect which is not usually discussed is that traditionally, journals editorial teams, especially editors and chief editors, serve in their roles for prolonged periods. Although unintended, this inadvertently limits opportunities for diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunities for a diverse community of researchers worldwide. New thinking is needed to change the structure of publishers’ journal editorial teams to meet twenty-first-century needs. Some initial measures could include: (i) open calls for expressions of interest in editorial team roles, including editors and chief editors, (ii) transparent recruitment based on person specifications, and (iii) a maximum two-year tenure in the role. Subscription fees and APC revenue, combined with alternative grants from research councils and charities, could be used to incentivise engagement with the publishing process, from editorial board participation to contributing to the review process.

Zulfiqar A Khan
Professor of Design, Engineering & Computing
NanoCorr, Energy & Modelling (NCEM) Research Group Lead

Bid-generating Sandpit: Interdisciplinary Research towards Sustainable Development Goals

Illustration of a lightbulb with a group of people inside around a circular table, with computers and papers. They are clearly working together.

Register here

Calling early career researchers (including practice-led) for two days of sparking ideas, discovering new project partners, and developing interdisciplinary funding bids!

30 April – 1 May 2024


Day 1 begins at 1230, Day 2 finishes at 1630, to enable travel from external universities.

The British Academy Early Career Researcher Network and Bournemouth University’s Centre for the Study of Conflict, Emotion, and Social Justice invite applicants for a two-day research collaboration, networking, and grant development event.

Participate in dynamic and interactive sessions to develop innovative research concepts addressing any of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), leading to funding bids across institutions and disciplines. Your goal is to form an interdisciplinary project team and build a funding proposal in only two days.

This two-day sandpit will be supplemented with two online follow-up sessions (summer and autumn 2024) to share your project progress and experiences.

We welcome any South West-based early career (as you choose to define it) researcher, artist, practitioner or anyone with a general interest in sustainability and emerging interdisciplinary projects. You must be based at one of the South West Cluster Universities. You should be keen to work in a multidisciplinary team, and willing to commit to attending the full sandpit, on both days. No prior experience of research funding is required.

To secure your spot in the Sandpit, please complete and submit the following application – note that all participants must commit to attending both full days:


The event is facilitated by Dr. Catalin Brylla and Dr. Lyle Skains, with advisors to be drawn from senior Bournemouth University staff based on participant disciplines and interests.

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants

The call for the next round of BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants will be opening soon, expected 10th April.

We are welcoming your proposals for the upcoming BA/Leverhulme Small grants call.

To ensure that the pre-award team can provide all interested academics with optimal support we are inviting you to participate to  RDS British Academy Guidance session


Wed 28th Feb 2024, 10:00-12:00 at Talbot campus

  • Join us to review the guidance and then start work on your application
  • Slides will be available after the session on Brightspace.

Work on your proposals, submit your ITB as soon as you are ready and work with your allocated officer on your budget. The earlier you send in your ITB, the sooner you can progress with your budget support.

To book onto this session, please complete the Booking Form under “British Academy Small Grants Guidance session – 28/02/2024” in the drop down menu.

Please find details on the process to be followed and deadlines here.

If you have any queries, please contact Eva Papadopoulou or your Funding Development Officer.

Fully-Funded PhD Studentship Competition

To support the growth of our PGR community, we are delighted to announce up to 10 fully-funded PhD studentships for candidates starting in April 2024 (Funded PhD & MRes studentships | Bournemouth University). The focus of these awards will be on research excellence as we look to REF2029.

The studentships will be awarded via a competitive process to the best candidates who identify a supervisory team and develop research projects which align to one or more of the BU research themes:

  • Helping people to live better for longer
  • Helping protect and preserve a sustainable environment
  • Preparing for and recovery from crisis
  • Challenging marginalisation, misinformation and under-representation
  • Helping creative industries and cultural heritage to thrive
  • Using our expertise to be a catalyst for growth, boosting skills and advancing the region.

With this student focussed funding approach, we aim to develop the excellence of our research culture by attracting high calibre candidates with a passion for research and a strong desire to contribute to BU’s research environment. The allocative process, which is aligned to those adopted for external UKRI fully-funded opportunities, will be overseen by the Interim Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor Research and Knowledge Exchange and administered by the Doctoral College.

Full details can be found in the Fully Funded Studentship Policy. Applicants will be asked to complete a bespoke application form (also available in word here) and attach this to their online application.

Cross-university Multidisciplinary Research

In December, I had the pleasure of participating in an expert panel addressing AI testing at the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence at Peterhouse College, at the University of Cambridge. You might be wondering what brought a cybersecurity researcher to an AI-centric event. I had the same scepticism when my multi-university research group decided we conduct AI-related research; what would my contribution be?

Our work has focused on defining meta-data for AI provenance, contributing to advancements in various facets of AI, including testing and auditability. Specifically, my focus lies on evaluating the dimensions of risk and trust within this context. Given the widespread impact of AI across diverse domains, there is a compelling opportunity for multidisciplinary research, consecutively, our group, has diverse expertise ranging from machine learning to psychology.

An initial publication on our work can be found here.

Author Dr Andrew M’manga

Media coverage BU’s kidney research in Nepal

This week Bournemouth University organised two dissemination events for our risk of kidney disease study in Nepalese migrant workers in the Middle East and Malaysia.  A previous blog reported on the first event in the capital Kathmandu (see details here!) .  These dissemination events have generated a loads of media coverage in Nepal, both in Nepali and in English. 

The study was led by Bournemouth University and a charity in Nepal which whom we have been collaborating for two decades, called Green Tara Nepal.  This important study, the first of its kind, was conducted among the Nepalese migrant workers and a comparison group of non-migrants from the same community.  This study was funded by The Colt Foundation, based in the UK. In the field it was supported by the Madhes Province Public Health Laboratory, the United Nations’ International Organization for Migration and University College London (UCL).

Dr Pramod Raj Regmi (Principal Academic in International Health in Bournemouth University’s Department of Nursing Sciences) is the lead researcher and our team further comprises researchers Dr Nirmal Aryal and Prof Edwin van Teijlingen (both from BU’s Faculty of Health & Social Sciences), and in Nepal clinicians: Prof Dr Arun Sedhai, Dr Radheshyam KC and Dr Shrawan Kumar Mishra.




Prof Edwin van Teijlingen

Centre for Midwifery & Women’s Health

Wellcome trust ECR award

The Wellcome trust ECR award is for researchers from any discipline with up to 3 years post-doctoral experience doing research that has the potential to improve human life, health and wellbeing. This session is aimed at research leads, Early Career Researchers and mentors.

The scheme has three rounds per year and so the session is also open to those interested in applying in future rounds.

Professor Sam Goodman will be sharing his experience of being on Wellcome’s Early Career advisory group in Medical Humanities, and in reviewing applications for the ECR award.

Professor Goodman has also successfully received funding from Wellcome.

Please check eligibility for the scheme:

Friday 22nd September 2023

at Lansdowne Campus, from 11.00 – 12:00


To book a place on this workshop, please complete the Booking Form.

For any information about the content of this session, please contact Kate Percival – Research Facilitator