Category / BU research

Creative Health Nepal

Wednesday saw the opening of the exhibition ‘Creative Health Nepal’ in Kathmandu.  Creative Health Nepal reflects our interdisciplinary public health work, for the website click here!  Our work on alcohol in Nepal’s society, which resulted in the paper ‘Participatory asset mapping and photovoice interviews to scope cultural and community resources to reduce alcohol harm in Chitwan, Nepal’ was represented in the exhibition.

Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen


Dhital R, Yoeli H, Adhikari A, et al. Participatory asset mapping and photovoice interviews to scope cultural and community resources to reduce alcohol harm in Chitwan, Nepal. Perspectives in Public Health. 2024;144(5):312-323. doi:10.1177/17579139231180744

December Digest

Book now for RKEDF training in December 2024

Click on the titles to find further details and book your place

RKEDF: ECRN – Surgery 

For one final time in 2024, join this drop-in session 1pm-2pm on Wednesday 4 December, online. This is an open session for all BU ECRs and PGRs, to discuss any issues around career development, or the ECR experience with the peer network, and receive advice and guidance from the network’s academic leads.

The Leverhulme Trust

Meet The Leverhulme Trust, at 1pm on Wednesday 4 December (online). The Trust has been funding research for almost 100 years supporting fundamental and higher-risk research.  You will hear from the Director of Leverhulme about the funding schemes they offer, advice for applicants, Strategy and Looking into the future. Please send Eva Papadopoulou your questions in advance.

REDCap basic training – Book here 

On 4 December, 9am until 1pm, in person at BGB – learn from REDCap expert, Will Crocombe, about data collection and management best practices in research and why REDCap is better that MS Excel or Qualtrics for almost every type of data collection, either through online surveys or direct entry into a database.

Advanced REDCap training Book here 

On 5 December, 9am until 4pm, in person at BGB – this advanced, one-day, course for those with some REDCap knowledge will be led by our external REDCap expert, Will Crocombe, and will cover:

  • Data management – data workflow, queries and audit trail, site management
  • Simple randomisation – stratified lists
  • Electronic consent – design and setup
  • Longitudinal data collection – events and repeating forms
  • Surveys – patient data collection
  • Mobile data collection – using the REDCap mobile app

Journeys through Research Book here 

On Wednesday 11 December 2024,10:00-14:00, in person at Talbot campus –  hear from BU academics about their journeys, the challenges they’ve overcome and the role the Research Development and Support (RDS) team has played in their success. Spaces are limited, so don’t miss out! If you’re interested, please be sure to book your ticket — and if you can’t make it, kindly let us know so someone else can take your spot. For further information on this event please contact

KTP Development – Strategic planning: Aligning & communicating ambition 

This Knowledge Transfer Partnership development session is in person, at Talbot campus, on Wednesday,18 December at 1pm.  It will cover the tools needed to ensure systematic design capture, to encourage engagement and promote co-formulation of the project.

Please help us in avoiding any waste of resources; make sure you can attend or cancel your booking prior to the session. For any further information, please contact

Keynote: the Brave New World of Education and AI 4.0

Professor Debbie Holley was privileged to be able to give a keynote opening at the inaugural Digital Education and AI in the 21st Century conference last week. Working with the  FLIE Learning Technology team, my keynote included a ‘Virtual’ visit to the Antarctic, illustrating how we can create ‘deep learning moments’ for students       using lo-tech as well as hi-tec solutions.

Link to slides

The FLIE report:

FLIE joined colleagues from BU and Imperial College  to present at the NK Fusion conference on Digital Education and AI in the 21st Century. We talked about the creation of our AI Literacy resources for staff and students and showcased some of the innovative practice of BU academics who have worked with us employing digital tools such as 360 cameras, immersive films and H5P interactive learning objects. It was a really interesting day with some really thought-provoking speakers.

Further information email Debbie Holley:

a wonky image of Brave New World generated by AI

The Brave New World by Chat CBT

















A research event: “How do we improve secure care? Exploring international perspectives and learning from practice.”

Children and Young People's Centre for Justice

On October 7th, 2024, professionals, researchers, and stakeholders gathered at The Social Hub in Glasgow for an event titled,How do we improve secure care? Exploring international perspectives and learning from practice. This event was funded by the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences at Bournemouth University (BU) and represents an example of the use of faculty funding to support positive and impactful research. It was organised by staff from the Research Centre for Seldom Heard Voices at BU – Dr Stefan Kleipoedszus and Dr Caroline Andow – in collaboration with colleagues from the Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice (CYCJ) in Scotland – particularly Donna McEwan – along with Dan Johnson, Forensic Psychologist and Clinical Director at Kibble Education and Care Centre Scotland, and our international partners Caroline Vink (Netherlands Youth Insitute) and Dr Kate Crowe (Honorary Fellow at the University of Melbourne).

The event was designed to explore critical questions in developing secure care for children, offering national and global perspectives. Secure care, in its traditional form, is locked institutional care for children aged 10 to 17. Children can enter secure care either on criminal justice grounds, when aspects of their behaviour are considered to pose a risk of harm to others, or on welfare grounds, when the risk of harm is to themselves, though there is often an overlap. Our workshop aimed to explore how the continuum of services, including secure care could evolve to better meet the needs of the children, and young people who may require such responses and often come from challenging backgrounds, with experiences of childhood trauma and poly-victimisation. The event’s target audience included practitioners, managers, and stakeholders who are involved with secure care for children.

To start with the most important bit, the food at the venue – which itself was very cool – was incredible. The day started with freshly baked pastries, followed by cakes mid-morning, a delicious grazing platter for lunch (with some accidental haggis consumption by one member of our party!), and an unexpected, yet very much enjoyed, basket of pittas, olives and homemade houmous in the afternoon. If nothing else, our attendees went home full, but we have a feeling they took away much more than satisfied taste buds.

Kicking off the day, three experts provided insightful presentations to secure care in their respective jurisdictions. First, Donna McEwan and Dan Johnson presented the recently released CYCJ Re-Imagining Secure Care report. Donna detailed key questions that need to be asked when we think about what the future of secure care could look like, including:

  • How do we hold the risk of harm in the community?
  • How do we deprive liberty for the least possible time with minimal intervention?
  • How do we group children together (for example in terms of harmed/risk of harm, and different gender identities?

The second presentation, by Eva Mulder (Professor by Special Appointment at the University of Amsterdam), was particularly impressive as Eva and her colleagues had spent the night standing on the street following a fire alarm at their hotel, and Eva had not had any sleep. Hats off to Eva! Eva described her research exploring how secure institutions can be made to look and feel like home, using young people’s photographs of home. It was interesting to hear how ‘home’ was conceptualised in terms of feelings – for example, home is somewhere where there are people you know, you feel like you belong, you can be alone when you want to be, there is food that you like, and you feel free. Eva encouraged us to contrast these ideas with how institutional buildings make children feel. Eva described new small-scale residences for children in the Netherlands, without locked doors, where there is continuity with a small team of staff and integration with the community. Research in these places revealed that staff feel that they can develop better relationships with the young people, and the young people want to make more of an effort with the staff and their treatment, and parents feel more included. Eva ended by describing how there is a campaign in the Netherlands to end secure care completely, and how this requires a solution within the community that can keep children safe.

Last, but by no means least, Dr Kate Crowe took to the stage. Kate was awarded a Churchill Fellowship in 2022 to investigate alternatives to secure care in Hawaii, Canada, Scotland and the Netherlands. In 2023 she was awarded a Creswick Fellowship and she travelled to Iceland, Finland and Scotland to investigate the position and design of secure care in light of Australian jurisdictions raising the minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR). Kate prompted the audience to consider how models of secure care might need to change as the MACR increases. She also posed the perennial question in this area – should children on welfare placements be placed alongside children deprived of their liberty on criminal justice grounds? Along with other details from her travels, the audience were very intrigued to find out from Kate that all secure facilities in Finland have saunas!

With these thought-provoking presentations in mind, participants were divided into six focus groups. Discussions between the group members were audio recorded so that they could be captured as research data. Participants explored critical questions, such as:

  • How can we best meet the needs of children who meet the criteria for secure care?
  • What are the key challenges to reforming secure care systems?
  • What solutions can be developed to address these challenges using solution sketchpads?

At the end, participants explored three core questions that aim to lead to calls for action in the participant’s respective spheres of influence:

  • What can be done now in secure care?
  • What can be done now in the community?
  • What can be done at the interface between secure care and community services?

Several preliminary findings emerged from the discussions:

  • There is strong interest in reshaping secure care for children, with innovative ideas around embedding secure care within local communities.
  • Greater collaboration is needed between secure care providers and other agencies to ensure holistic care for children.
  • For practical application, the need to embed mental health professionals, such as psychologists and education support staff, more deeply within secure children’s homes is a critical step forward.

This event was about exchanging information, but it also aimed at suggesting meaningful options for further development. The participants shared creative ideas, and the discussions showed a willingness to push for progress to improve care for arguably the most vulnerable children in out-of-home care.

One of the most interesting ideas was to embed secure care services more closely in local communities. This would promote closer cooperation among providers, mental health services, and educational support systems.

At the end of the event, it became clear that this seminar was a stepping stone towards future progressive developments in secure care. Participants identified critical areas for immediate action, both within secure care settings and in the broader community and at the intersection between these two worlds. This is crucial for building a system that protects children and communities and supports their long-term rehabilitation and reintegration.

This workshop was a success because it allowed participants to share knowledge, discuss challenges, and develop actionable solutions for the future of secure care. It is an essential reminder of how far we have come—and how much further we want and need to go—to ensure that secure care can continue to meet the needs of children and young people who meet the criteria for secure care. This event provided an excellent opportunity to reflect on the challenges in secure care and consider future development options.

This event also acts as a reminder of how much can be achieved when a group of like-minded people with a common goal come together. We feel privileged to be working with our national and international partners, and we look forward to our next event, wherever in the world that might be. Our thanks go out to our Faculty at Bournemouth University who funded this event.



RKEDF: ECRN – Surgery

RKEDF: ECRN – Surgery – online drop in session

Wednesday 4 December 2024 at 13.00-14.00

This is an open session for all BU ECRs and PGRs, to discuss any issues around career development, or the ECR experience with the peer network, and receive advice and guidance from the network’s academic leads.

Book your place here

For further information on this event please contact

BU leading economist Professor received exclusive preview for top new EBRD transition report release and same day launch invite

BU Economics professor received intriguing email – Read the report then watch the launch of our latest Transition Report live!

Special Invite From: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Watch the launch live online! Navigating Industrial Policy EBRD Transition Report 2024/2025 broadcast from 16.00 – 1730, Canary Wharf, London (26 November) with over 150 participants attending the prestigious launch event live online link up.

The EBRD transition reports are one of the leading rigorous gold standard sources that are well read reporting tools for financial economists, investment market, media, economic departments, universities, researchers and policy makers worldwide.

The launch discussion was moderated by Richard Porter, EBRD Managing Director of Communications, featured:
Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel laureate in economics and Professor at Columbia University. USA link up.
Rana Foroohar, global business columnist and associate editor at the Financial Times
Jeromin Zettelmeyer, Director of Bruegel, the European Union’s economic think tank
Beata Javorcik, EBRD Chief Economist

“In a world of rapid geopolitical and economic shifts, the discussion on industrial policy has never been more critical. This report takes an extensive look at industrial policies in the EBRD regions and beyond. Such policies, which are aimed at changing the sectoral composition of production in an economy, have seen a resurgence in recent years, seeking to address increasingly pressing market failures such as environmental degradation.” EBRD 2024

“Their track record is mixed, with their growing popularity being shaped primarily by domestic political economy considerations and rising geopolitical tensions. While industrial policies are typically employed by higher-income economies, they are also being seen more frequently in economies with less administrative and fiscal capacity to implement them.” EBRD 2024

Other attendance highlights included discussions on: implications of the president-elect Trump of USA and his concerning new tarifs to hike imports into USA from rest of world, with implications for costs, trade wars and economic growth, likely to impact economic growth especially for large exporters to USA such as Canada, China, parts of Europe like UK; that sustainability should include the word environment; furthermore that since GFC 2008/9 majority of special economic zones had seen flattening of exports, FDI and productivity (especially related to manufacturing sector), whereas some areas in south east Europe/Asia borders had seen an upturn and what factors determine achieving this?

Professor Dr Jens Hölscher has published in over 140 academic publications and is a leading economist and spokesperson for Bournemouth University for multi-media, media interviews and broadcasts on Economic and Finance matter e.g. Bank of England comment

Corruption and Financial Constraints, SME Firm Productivity Growth in European Economic Crisis and Conflict by BU EACES PKES Member

To address these topical themes, I am truly proud and feel honoured to be part of BU’s visionary impactful research contributions and I have personally actioned:1A) an abstract poster presentation for the BU Conference [27 November] in person attendance all warmly welcomed, BU Talbot Campus, Fusion FG06 Posters on show viewing and Share theatre (oral presentations), 9-4pm and incorporated into it: 1B) my own very original topical preprint article [12 November] ii) attended (after last year see my RDS Blog ‘BU live with USA, Germany and Kyiv’) the 3rd International IZA/OECD online workshop [21 November] of top international themes alongside 101 zoom participants from USA, UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, France and more.

1A) poster abstract presentation (BU Conference and Researchgate link)

Poster and Abstract – Fiona Vidler

Financial Constraints and Bribery Impact upon SME Firm Productivity in Economic Crisis and Conflict

Do economic destabilisation factors link to conflict even war? Only now in the explosive mid2020s are finance economists breaking the silence, raising this critical question. The author proposed early 2022, a ‘turning point’ notion of 2019 – thirty years after the Berlin Wall fell, seventy years after NATO formed; pre-covid 2020; before ‘Zeitenwende’ 240222 – seeking missing descriptive and empirical regression evidence beyond speculation for predictive indicators: financial constraint and bribery incidence within financialisation, competitivity and corruption. Findings demonstrate significant negative heterogenous effects across 27 Eastern European countries upon SME firm productivity outcomes with co-operative alliances adding business transformation value.

1B) Preprint Abstract and Article Download

Preprint Abstract and Article Download – Fiona Vidler

Vidler, Fiona,
Keynes World War, Prophecies And Productivity Growth In Economic Crisis -A Critical Review (November 12, 2024).
. A review style paper that links current relevant themes in a novel readable socio-economic scholarly critique relating to a resurgent interest in Keynes’ original work and finishing with elements of the author’s own original research – so debating Keynes’ own predictive words even prophecies with words from a hundred years ago in 1919 to a 2019 proposed ‘turning point,’ leading into consequences for the current 2020s and future. Available at Elsevier SSRN: or

Also available on research gate with poster and abstract files (note preprint article first available 13 November 2024 although categorised 2024 on Researchgate itself). Also, already additionally early listings (featured) so far early days in other more general ejournals- European Economics: Macroeconomics & Monetary Economics eJournal and Development Economics: Microeconomic Issues in Developing Economies eJournal with interest from The Journal of Research Development.

ii) 3rd OECD/IZA Workshop

3rd OECD/IZA International Workshop

Link to IZA/OECD program with group photo shot (BU top right corner of image), where it was a great opportunity to this time, listen participate seek first to understand and find out what the IMF (International Monetary Fund), OECD, ILO United Nations, IZA (Institute of Labour Economics, HQ Germany – with its links to EACES) latest news is and more – where researchers linked face to face with policy makers on the 21 November.
Furthermore, to ask one’s own question related to productivity and received an answer too. A lateral one as hot topics were related to productivity intrinsic factors ‘within firms’; a consideration different but relevant to my own theme considering 10,000 SME firms as entities and their extrinsic productivity outcomes in measures of output per worker in SME firms. Intriguingly, 2019 was also a turning point down turn found by IMF researchers in Europe beyond relative prosperity of 2015-2018.

On the theme of publishing research that makes a difference and gaining inspiration to keep writing further articles (how does one do it one may ask): A leading publications ranked world class esteemed BU Professor (Marketing Strategy Innovation and Tourism), Dimitrios Buhalis, far greater than myself, recently circulated for reflection by colleagues: 'the attributes of distinguished scholars' (McKercher, 2024) where consensus was that inquisitiveness, insights, passion were top criteria, followed by other criteria including: connections, taking a risk with a joined up 'whom, what, how, why' strategy for truly original research with relevant impactful publications that make a difference or reach the target audiences – linking themes of topical current real interest in an intellectual scholarly manner often with practitioner or policy maker relevance, on the leading edge, meeting needs, connections, collaborations, often interdisciplinary considerations to expand thinking – inspiring and enabling memorable research publications as opposed to churning or common mediocre scholarly research which is common.
Making a (real) difference in the world with recognition in many fields is one of BU's themes and forte in the 2020s. I personally find these criteria inspiring for researchers publishing, would also add return on investment or with relevance or benefits with solutions towards solving issues in the economy/economies (from a finance economic perspective of the world is a reality of how we live today, where sustainability the flipside of economic destabilisation is the golden elixir matrix required). So gratitude and thank you so much for reading as always.

So Let us All be NICE = Noteworthy Inspiring Connecting Energising for yourself, others, and the world!

Fiona ‘Stewart’ Vidler MBA MSc MLIBF
Former MIPR (media) and financial advisor, Decision-Making Business Strategy (Corporate and SME Director roles) and Financial Times Business Winner
Corruption and Financial Constraints Impacts upon SME Firm Productivity – European Transition Economies in Crisis (Finance Economics – Advanced Researcher and British Author)

Bournemouth University Business School (BUBS) – Catalyst Growth Fusion 2022-26
MSc Green Economy – Bournemouth University, UK, 2021-2022
MBA Finance Macroeconomics (One of best dissertations 2020 – joint Oxford Magna Carta/New Bucks. Universities)
PLUS Level 7 – Accounting, Auditing, Strategic Financial Management and Investment Strategies
Driver Award – Highest Achiever (Faculty) Cognitive Psychology (RHUL,UK)
Financial Times Business Award Winner
– ‘ROI + media publishing success made us stand out win’
Previously Senior Researcher (over decade experience), RHUL, Defra (as prior MAFF), DSTL (as prior MOD), International Crisis Management Researcher (Burson-Marsteller A-team) and Director Education/ Marketing/ Research /Media/Conference/Round-table programs for professors leading lights networks creation and bidding team budgets writing programs £10K to £3M.

ADRC are presenting a research seminar on Veterans and Dementia: A Collaborative Research Project

We’re thrilled to invite you to the first online seminar in the new ADRC series on Wednesday 4 December, 3pm-4pm. This session will feature Dr. Michele Board from Bournemouth University, presenting on the topic: Veterans and Dementia: A Collaborative Research Project.

The Ageing and Dementia Research Centre (ADRC) at Bournemouth University, with funding from Dementia Research UK, launched a 2023/4 project focused on ex-military veterans—a typically underserved group in dementia research. The project explores veterans’ experiences through collaborative creative workshops, culminating in a documentary-style short film that amplifies their voices and personal stories. During this seminar we will share our film, highlight implications for practice and discuss the next stages of our project.

The seminar is open to all Bournemouth University staff, students, community organisations, and anyone interested in the topic.
Please keep an eye out for upcoming seminars throughout the new year!

Key Details:
• Date: Wednesday 4 December 2024
• Time: 3pm -4pm
• Topic: Veterans and Dementia: A Collaborative Research Project
• Speaker: Dr. Michele Board, Associate Professor Nursing Older People and Co-Lead Ageing and Dementia Research Centre ADRC
See you there!

Microsoft Teams 
Scan the QR code below or click on this link:

Meeting ID: 364 666 916 013
Passcode: wJyC7U


The 16th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference is approaching!

Last chance to register for the 16th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference 2024. We are so excited to welcome you on Wednesday 27 November!

This conference is a celebration of the incredible work being carried out by our postgraduate researchers, and we are proud to provide this platform for sharing knowledge, fostering collaboration and building connections. Whether you are presenting, exhibiting, or attending, this is a wonderful opportunity to network with fellow PGRs, colleagues from across the university and external visitors.

Registrations close at 10:00 Tuesday 26 November, so don’t miss your chance to book! Lunch will be provided.

This conference is open to external participants, please share this invite with companies and organisations you are cooperating with.

Register to attend

Poster and oral presenters do not need to register as their participation has already been confirmed. 

Click here to view the conference brochure

We look forward to meeting you on Wednesday 27 November. Don’t miss this opportunity to celebrate research and collaboration!

Best wishes,
The PGR Conference Team

Enrica Conrotto – Doctoral College Programme Manager
Arabella Moyse – Doctoral College Marketing & Events Coordinator
Zoe Leonard – Postgraduate Research Administrator

Applications are now open for 2025 ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowships!

The ESRC invites applications for postdoctoral fellowships (PDF) to be based at the SWDTP institutions of University of Bath, University of Bristol, University of Exeter, Plymouth University, University of West of England, Bath Spa University, Bournemouth University and Plymouth Marjon University.

Fellowships are aimed at providing a development opportunity for social science researchers in the immediate postdoctoral stage of their career, to consolidate their PhD through developing publications, their networks, and their research and professional skills.

At Bournemouth University, we run a dual stage application process. Candidates must be aligned to one of the pathways to which BU belong. For BU, this means that we would be able to support applicants in one of three pathways:

In the first instance we ask potential candidates to complete an Expression of Interest (EOI) and an Equal Opportunities form. The deadline for submitting the EOI & Equal Opportunities forms is January 31 2025. Both forms are available from the pathway leads.

Prior to submission of your EOI it is a good idea to have identified a mentor who will support you to develop your application. If you are uncertain on how to identify a mentor, then please contact one of the pathway leads listed above.

Following review of all EOI received, we will nominate successful applicants and support the development of a full application to the ESRC (via the SWDTP). The full application is due on 25 May, 2025. Only nominated applicants are able to complete this second stage.

For further information, please take a look at the SWDTP web pages dedicated to the postdoctoral fellowships award. Note that this includes important Eligibility criteria.

Please also note that you can register for an online information event hosted by the SWDTP. This takes place at 2-3 pm on Wednesday 20 November 2024. Register here. (A recording will be available from 25 November).


New midwifery publication

Congratulations to Ph.D. student Joanne Rack on the publication today of her paper ‘Understanding perceptions and communication of risk in advanced maternal age: a scoping review (protocol) on women’s engagement with health care services’  [1].   Joanne is currently doing a Clinical Doctorate in the Centre for Midwifery & Women’s Health (CMWH) focusing on personalised care for women of advanced maternal age.  Her doctoral study is matched-funded by University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust and Bournemouth University [BU].  Her PhD is supervised and supported by Profs. Vanora Hundley, Ann Luce and Edwin van Teijlingen at BU and Dr. Latha Vinayakarao in Poole Maternity Hospital.

Well done!



  1. Rack, J., Hundley, V., van Teijlingen, E., Luce, A., Vinayakarao. L. (2024) Understanding perceptions and communication of risk in advanced maternal age: a scoping review (protocol) on women’s engagement with health care services, MIDIRS Midwifery Digest, 34(3): 201-204.