Category / conferences

What do we know about back pain? The Society for Back Pain Research AGM Bournemouth 2015


SBPR logo

I was delighted to attend and represent BU at The Society for Back Pain Research (SBPR) Annual General Meeting 5-6 November 2015 which was conveniently held in Bournemouth, at Anglo-European College of Chiropractic, a partner college of BU. SBPR was formed in 1971 to promote the study of all clinical and scientific aspects of spinal pain, including the neck (my area of interest), and to encourage research into its causes, treatment and prevention. There are now over 200 members of the Society, from a wide range of disciplines including all sorts of healthcare professionals and scientists. Suffice to say if there is anything about back pain this audience does not know it is probably not worth knowing! Having said that, attending this meeting reminded me just how much about back pain is still unknown…

Biological Factors in Non-Specific Back Pain

The title of this year’s meeting was ‘Biological Factors in Non-Specific Back Pain’ to place an emphasis on the ‘biological’. It has been over 25 years since the biopsychosocial model was applied to back pain but lately research has tended to be more concerned with psychosocial aspects, such as fear-avoidance behaviour or depression; research into physical findings to diagnose back pain has sadly not been very fruitful. [An important point was made by Professor Maurits van Tulder, that research has actually been largely focused on psychological factors, to the expense of social factors]. While psychosocial factors do seem to be important in influencing patients’ recovery, they don’t get us much closer to a diagnosis, to finding out what is producing and driving the patient’s pain.
However, one of the presentations at SBPR hinted at where the research focus as regards imaging (and MRI specifically) could perhaps go. One of Associate Professor Mark Hancock’s suggestions was that we need studies that focus on changes on MRI, in response to treatment (or no treatment). But how do we best measure such changes? Which treatments and for whom? Could findings on MRI in a person without back pain predict back pain in the future?

Want to know more? For a longer version of this blog, click here.

Many thanks to the Professional Practice Development community, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, for making my attendance possible.

Dr Jonny Branney

Invitation to the 20th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (KES2016)


20th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems

Welcome to the 20th Year of KES Conferences!

We are pleased to invite participation in the 20th International Conference on Knowledge Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, KES2016 organised by KES International in the historic city of York in the United Kingdom.

The conference will consist of keynote talks, oral and poster presentations, invited sessions and workshops, on the applications and theory of intelligent systems and related areas.

The conference proceedings will be published in Elsevier’s Procedia Computer Science open access journal, available in ScienceDirect and submitted to be indexed/abstracted in CPCi (ISI conferences and part of Web of Science), Engineering Index, and Scopus (subject to confirmation).

KES2016 will be held in York, a historic walled city in the North East of England, founded by the Romans in 71AD. It possesses a wealth of historic attractions including an impressive 13th-century Gothic cathedral, York Minster, with beautiful medieval stained-glass windows, and City Walls that form a walkway on both sides of the River Ouse. The Monk Bar gate houses an exhibition tracing the life of 15th-century Plantagenet King Richard III.

The conference flyer and call for papers and special sessions can be found here.

We are looking forward to your submissions and welcoming you in York next year.

KES2016 General Chairs
Robert J. Howlett, Bournemouth University, UK
Lakhmi C. Jain, University of South Australia and Bournemouth University, UK
Bogdan Gabrys, Bournemouth University, UK

EURAXESS – November Newsletter

As notified in the November EURAXESS Newsletter, there are a number of research workshops open for registration under Researcher Links and the Newton Fund. The workshops give researchers the opportunity to form new international connections and Early Career Researchers may apply for grants in order to participate.
Some of the opportunities are:

Further opportunities are listed on the British Council website.

Why not sign up for the EURAXESS Newsletter so that these and further opportunities are delivered direct to your own inbox?Euraxess

Euraxess UK is a British Council hub, which aids researchers in their career development, supporting mobility and acting as a support mechanism for researchers moving abroad or moving to the UK. Their services include:


‘Vulnerable Warriors: Counter-terrorism and the rise of Militarised Policing’ seminar by Dr Anna Feigenbaum and Daniel Weissman,

Dr Anna Feigenbaum

Daniel Weissman

2nd December 2015, Royal London House, R303, 1-1:50 pm

All staff and students welcome to the last Social Science seminar in 2015.


This paper seeks to better understand the cultural and material processes of police militarization and its relationship to security infrastructures and geo-political practices of social control. In this paper we trace the rise the ‘Warrior Cop’ through an analysis of changes in the circulation of advertisements of policing and policing products at security expose between the late 1990s and the present, taking our analysis up through the recent Paris attacks and the Milipol Security expo held days after.

This analysis is framed against the backdrop of existing research on the shift in the post-Cold War period from a security focus on the threat of the nation-state to the threat of insurgency and non-state actors. This period was characterized by national and transnational changes to policing: intelligence gathering and information sharing, as well as equipment supply and transfer and knowledge exchange around training and operations.

We begin this paper with an overview of the key shifts in the military and policing sectors that gave rise to the phenomenon of ‘Warrior Cops’. In contrast to dominant narratives of police militarisation that see power and tactics shift directly from the military to the police, we outline what we refer to as the militarization of security, a process through which not only the police, but also judicial and emergency response services, infrastructures, feelings and attitudes become transformed in ways that position the need for warriors against the threat of risky spaces and vulnerable bodies.

For any enquiries regarding the Social Science seminar series please contact Dr Mastoureh Fathi:



Ecosystem Services Partnership 2015 Conference, South Africa


Over 350 delegates from around the world attended the Ecosystem Services Partnership conference this year (9-13th Nov 2015) in Stellenbosch – near Cape Town, South Africa. Being fortunate enough to attend this year myself, I presented my research on assessing cultural ecosystem service; a multifaceted approach using various techniques including participatory GIS, spatial mapping, GPS tracking of visitors and use of existing data sets explored in relation to the New Forest.


Themed around nature, people and prosperity, the conference aimed to centre on the dialogue between public and private sector utilisation of the ecosystem services concept.

The largest conference of its kind, the keynote speakers were diverse. Highlights included Executive Director of the Natural Capital Coalition’s Mark Gough (the coalition aims to build clear guidance on how business can effectively and measure natural capital just like financial capital is measured). The conference was closed with an inspiring and convincing talk from ‘Gross Domestic Problem’ author Lorenzo Fioamonti (Professor of Political Science at the University of Pretoria) about the downfalls of using the GDP statistic as the only measure of an economy.

Arjan Gosal is currently working as a Research Assistant on the HEIF project: Modelling Natural Capital in Dorset.

CEMP in Boston, MA to run international summit

MES15 logo    The Centre for Excellence in Media Practice convene their annual international Media Education Summit on 20th and 21st in November at Emerson College, Boston, MA.

MES is hosted by Emerson College, home of the Engagement Lab and the event will incorporate the 2015 Media Literacy Research Symposium.

The collaboration between CEMP and Emerson is aligned to an ongoing partnership between the Media Education Research Journal (MERJ) and the Journal of Media Literacy Education (JMLE).

MES brings together a global network of media educators, scholars and researchers to share research, pedagogy and innovation on all aspects of media education and media in education. All continents are represented in the research to be shared over the two days. The aligned Youth Media Education Summit strand gives young people the opportunity to authentically participate and collaborate with media education scholars and practitioners attending the main conference.


Talk by Dr Stephanie Schwandner-Sievers cancelled

Unfortunately we are cancelling the talk: Ethnographies of Memory – the cultural reproduction of militancy in Kosovo by Dr Stephanie Schwandner-Sievers. We apologise for the late notice. This is because the Women Academic Network talk has been rescheduled this morning for the same time slot (see below). Dr Schwandner-Sievers will give her talk at a later date to avoid some people having to make a choice.

Polly Trenow (Fawcett Society)
‘Feminism in practice – does activism really work?’
Wednesday 18th November
2-4pm (with networking 3-4pm)

For any questions, please get in touch with Dr Masi Fathi (