The latest podcast in the Health Research Futures series comes from Professor Julie Lovegrove. Professor Lovegrove is from the University of Reading and talks about the challenges of conducting nutritional research and overcoming them.
Latest research and knowledge exchange news at Bournemouth University
The latest podcast in the Health Research Futures series comes from Professor Julie Lovegrove. Professor Lovegrove is from the University of Reading and talks about the challenges of conducting nutritional research and overcoming them.
BU Sonic Arts and University Music present a concert of music for piano and electronic sound featuring acclaimed concert pianist and academic Dr Xenia Pestova Bennett of University of Nottingham Music Department. Xenia will be performing Karlheinz Essl’s Gold.Berg.Werk: a reinterpretation of Bach’s Goldberg Variations with piano and live electronics. Visit YouTube to find about more about this work or listen to her recent interview with Kate Molleson on BBC Radio 3 Music Matters.
Wednesday 4 March, 7pm – 8pm in South House Lecture Theatre, AUB.
Admission is free and all welcome.
This concert is organised by members of EMERGE, Creative Technology and University Music.
Please share with anyone you feel may be interested. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Dr Samuel Nyman, Department of Medical Science & Public Health, has recently had an article published in The Conversation on the health benefits of Tai Chi. This includes reference to his recently completed NIHR-funded Tai Chi study, The TACIT Trial.
The Conversation article can be found here.
In 2020, universities across England will be submitting to the Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) for the first time. The KEF will measure performance in seven different areas, including working with businesses, local growth and regeneration and skills, enterprise and entrepreneurship. Research England (who will administer the KEF) intends for it to be a tool that will increase effectiveness in the use of public funding for KE, create a culture of continuous improvement in universities and increase awareness of the types of support universities can provide.
During the course of this year, universities will also be considering their responses to the new Knowledge Exchange Concordat; a joint initiative by Universities UK and GuildHE to help guide universities in making informed decisions in shaping their KE strategies. The Concordat sets out eight guiding principles of themes for institutions to consider when creating/shaping/changing their KE provision.
To help BU prepare for these changes and to develop its knowledge exchange activities, a Knowledge Exchange Working Group is being established. The group is being led by Ian Jones, Head of External Engagement and Professor Wen Tang, in her capacity as Chair of the HEIF Funding Panel. We are currently recruiting for academic members of the group.
Role of working group members
We are looking make four academic appointments to the group, who will help to shape the future direction of knowledge exchange at Bournemouth University. We are interested in recruiting staff who, between them, have taken part in a variety of knowledge exchange activities and who have worked with a wide range of non-academic organisations.
Members of the working group will be expected to work as part of team in order to review BU’s strengths and weaknesses in knowledge exchange and make recommendations for change.
The working group will meet c. 4 times per year. Terms of reference for the working group can be downloaded here.
Application criteria
To apply for the role, please submit a short expression of interest (no more than 1 page) to the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Working Group (via, outlining how you meet the following criteria:
Application deadline
Please submit your application to by 5pm on Wednesday 11 March.
Review process
Applications will be reviewed by the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Panel during the week of 16 March. Applicants will be contacted about the outcome during the week of 23 March.
The BU Social Entrepreneurs Forum BUSEF, in collaboration with the Association of Sustainability Practitioners and The Poole Bay Rotary Club was launched in June 2019 with an overarching ambition to support the development of the landscape of social businesses in the region.
in the few short months since then we have come a long way! We have celebrated the first Bournemouth University Global Entrepreneurship Week in November 2019 and one of our biggest objectives, to create student-led projects supporting the local social entrepreneurs, was set in motion in October at the start of our first semester with two final year courses across the Faculty of Management Entrepreneurship Pathway and the Faculty of Media Communication. Student projects supported the business needs of planning, business model innovation and digital and social media marketing.
last night was the celebration of the completion of this huge milestone and we had the opportunity to hear from a number of project leads and students on how the journey was, the outcomes achieved and directions for future for BUSEF! we support the Global Talent Programme at BU, we are working towards supporting student placement and work opportunities that align our values and convictions to the career aspirations and our commitment to BU2025 is underpinned by our whole hearted commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals!
BU to make even bigger impact as plans drawn up for 2020 Global Entrepreneurship Week
Now is an exciting time as we set in motion the next phase of BUSEF with increased impetus to support skills-based sessions to facilitate knowledge exchange between academia and the business community, develop student employability potential and work towards developing the local socially focused enterprises! Here’s looking at growth, economic viability and social and environmental sustainability!
The next Global Café will be on Wednesday 11 March 2020 at the third floor of BU’s Executive Business Centre, It starts at 18.30 with a light Buffet Dinner followed by a series of short talks at 19.00. These short talks will be from a range of four speakers and there will be time to network with other participants. We aim the finish at 21.00.
All welcome, please book your space here!
Dr. Emer Forde
We will be holding the next in our regular series of Public Lecture Days on Monday 6 April, and are currently seeking expressions of interest for delivering a talk.
The theme for the day is health, so if your research has implications for health then please get in touch. We’re particularly interested if you can translate your work into advice or recommendations for improving health, especially as it relates to older people, though this is not a requirement.
The event will be held on the afternoon of Monday 6 April 2020, including a catered lunch. Your talk would need to be suitable for an adult public audience unfamiliar with your field of research, lasting around 50 mins including time for questions.
If you are interested in being involved, please email with the following details;
Please understand that we have a limited number of slots for speakers, so it is not guaranteed that you will be included. However, we will do our best to let you know as soon as possible, and can advise you on finding alternative opportunities if necessary.
If you’re interested in improving your public engagement with research, why not sign up to our upcoming training courses? Join ‘Getting started in public engagement’, ‘High quality public engagement’ and ‘Evaluation: Developing your approach’.
The print edition of UK Election Analysis 2019: Media, Voters and the Campaign, edited by Bournemouth academics Daniel Jackson, Einar Thorsen, Darren Lilleker and Nathalie Weidhase was launched on Friday 31stJanuary as part of the ‘Election 2019: The Brexit Campaign?’ event at Loughborough University London. The event was jointly organised by Loughborough University’s Centre for Research in Communication and Culture and Ipsos MORI, in conjunction with the British Polling Council. Election 2019 brought together academics, polling experts and journalists, including polling expert John Curtice (Strathclyde University), the BBC’s Chief Political Advisor Ric Bailey and IPSOS Mori’s Head of Social Intelligence Analytics Tara Beard-Knowland.
Amongst the presenters were also a number of UK Election Analysis 2019 contributors: David Deacon and Dominic Wring(Loughborough University) presented early results from their election media analysis, Emily Harmer(University of Liverpool) showcased preliminary data on online media’s engagement with the general election, and Declan McDowell-Naylor(Cardiff University) highlighted the role alternative online media could play in election campaigns.
The event concluded with Ivor Gaber’s tale on ‘strategic lying’ in the general election campaign, a paper based on his contribution to UK Election Analysis 2019, and a short introduction to the report by Nathalie Weidhase.
Since its online publication on 23rdDecember 2019, the report PDF has been downloaded 1,738 times, with nearly 15,000 hits on the website.
Featuring 85 contributions from over 100 leading UK and international academics, the publication captures the immediate thoughts, reflections and early research insights on the 2019 UK General Election from the cutting edge of media and politics research.
The first meeting of the Public Engagement with Research Network (PER Network) was held in Fusion building on Tuesday 28 January, facilitated by the Knowledge Exchange and Impact Team.
The network will focus on BU staff sharing their experiences of public engagement activities, facilitating networking and collaboration, and developing skills and knowledge of public engagement with research in a BU context.
The first meeting aimed to establish the network and start an ongoing discussion on the content and opportunities that the network could provide.
We started with an introduction to the network and an overview of support for public engagement with research at BU.
Dr Emma Kavanagh and Dr Adi Adams then joined us to share their experiences of using an arts-based installation to engage a public audience with the topic of violence in sports coaching.
Impact Officer Matt Fancy wrote about their event shortly after it was held as part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science 2019.
At the meeting, they talked about their art-based inspiration for the project, and how it brought to life research data that might otherwise have gone unnoticed outside of academia. The project successfully involved students throughout the process, from recording the spoken words to helping run the event. Terri Harvey, a student on the BSc Sport Development and Coaching Sciences, was involved from the start and is using the process as the basis for her undergraduate project.
The session was popular with network members on social media;
We also used this meeting to discuss the future of the network; what content people wanted to see at future meetings, how to make the meetings convenient to attend, and what people would like from a public engagement with research newsletter.
This valuable feedback was collected and has informed a survey, which aims to investigate deeper, as well as including those not in attendance, to ensure the data we have is representative and accurate.
We would like as much feedback as possible in order to align this network to the priorities of its members. Whether you attended the meeting, were unable to attend, or are discovering it for the first time through this post, if you are interested in the network then we would appreciate you taking 5-10 mins to complete our survey.
If you’d like to sign up as a Public Engagement with Research Network member, to receive the new newsletter and details of future meetings, use the link below.
The NIHR have recently released another of their podcasts in their Health Research Futures series, this time from Professor Martin Rosser.
Professor Rosser founded Join Dementia Research, a national system for linking patients and public to research studies. He is also the Director of the NIHR Clinical Research Network for Dementia and Neurodegenerative diseases.
In this podcast he discusses dementia research and its importance in the clinical research landscape.
Congratulations to Dr. Pramod Regmi, lecturer in International Health, whose article ‘Hazards of Beauty’ featured in Republica, a national daily newspaper published in English in Nepal. Many transgender people who are using hormones are mostly attracted by its short-term benefit of amplification in their feminine look and seem to be ignorant about its dark side. This newspaper article highlights the key issues of a recent paper in BMJ Open published by staff in the Faculty of Health & Social Sciences on transgender in Nepal [1].
Congratulations to Professor Steve Tee, Executive Dean in the Faculty of Health & Social Sciences, who has been invited to give a keynote speech at 2nd International Conference on Prospects and Challenges of Higher Education: Vision 2030.
Prof. Tee will be speaking about the concept of FUSION, Bournemouth University’s unique blend of education, research and practice. This international conference will be held in Kathmandu (Nepal) on 16-18 April.
You are invited to attend the first BU Public Engagement Network meeting, in FG04 from 1:30-2:30pm Tuesday 28 January. Please email to be invited to the meeting, so we have an idea of numbers for catering.
This initial meeting will establish the network, which aims to provide opportunities for sharing experience and expertise, as well as networking opportunities for staff interested in public engagement with research.
The network will be for BU staff, though we hope to welcome external speakers in future.
At this first meeting, we will hear from Dr Emma Kavanagh and Dr Adi Adams from the Sport department about their creative methods for public engagement; turning research into an exhibition at last year’s ESRC Festival of Social Science.
We’ll also introduce the public engagement team and explain the support available to you for public engagement and impact.
This will also be your opportunity to help define the direction of the network. We’ll discuss how to make the network work best for you, in terms of content and meeting arrangements, as well as what you want from a regular newsletter.
Please come along, network with colleagues, meet the public engagement team and enjoy drinks and snacks.
Contact with any questions.
We are re-running our public engagement training sessions this Spring, with ‘Getting started with public engagement with research‘ on 11 March, ‘High quality public engagement‘ on 29 April and ‘Evaluation: developing your approach‘ on 13 May.
Another busy week in HE policy– with consultations and a very short timeline for the KEF. Everyone has hit the ground running in 2020!
The outcome of the KEF consultation in 2019 has come out. UKRI have published the “Decisions for the first iteration”. They have given a very short timeline for the publication of the first set of data and narratives from institutions – they will all be published this summer. Narratives have to be submitted by May. Data will be published for everyone, whether they submit narratives or not.
They have also indicated that it is likely that from 2020/21 institutions will have to submit narratives for the KEF to be eligible for Research England funding.
The metrics will be reported against “clusters”. They have changed their original cluster proposals somewhat, removing the Social Science and Business specialist cluster – final cluster membership will be published in February with the templates. These clusters have been designed to allow meaningful comparison. When BU responded to the consultation we suggested that it is unhelpful to introduce a third methodology for comparison – the TEF uses institutional benchmarks, something that has challenges itself, and the REF is of course organised by subject. We remain concerned that this will be confusing and not very meaningful for businesses and other organisations (the declared target for this information) who may not find the cluster comparison useful if they only have limited experience with a small number of universities.
You will recall that the metrics are grouped into seven “perspectives” – only two will require narratives. The consultation looked at additional metrics but has discounted any that are not already “gathered through existing statutory returns, or available from other UKRI or external sources”. This is because they want to make it a “low burden” exercise.
Public and Community Engagement narrative – a statement:
Local Growth and Regeneration narrative – a statement:
The third narrative will be an institutional context narrative – “setting out the geographic, economic and social context within which the higher education institution is operating…. The information contained within this statement will not be used to normalise any of the metrics or perspectives across clusters.”
David Kernohan has written for Wonkhe about it:
David summarises the pages of normalisation methodology in the document nicely: “Metrics are a three-year average, mostly …as ratios, which are converted at perspective level into deciles. This reduces a great deal of data and analysis into what amounts to a set of marks out of 10, which are compared to an average mark from comparable institutions (the infamous clusters)”.
And the visualisation approach: “Research England has a grand plan to use spider graphs to show institutional scores alongside cluster averages, with an option to drill down into more detailed data on each metric. I’m not as struck by this as they are – the exercise is designed to support comparisons and spider diagrams are an unwieldy way to do this. I also feel like the individual metrics are still fairly abstract, you have to go quite a long way back down the methodology to get something that the mind can easily take hold of.”
After the social media storm last week when Parliament didn’t approve the Erasmus amendment to the Withdrawal Agreement Bill (it doesn’t mean we can’t be in it, it just means that government won’t be bound by the new Bill to make sure we are in it), there have been a few questions this week.
Douglas Chapman (SNP) said that the end of Erasmus scheme was an “utter disaster, culturally and socially” and asked the PM to comment on the end of the participation of the scheme. Boris’ response implied that the UK would continue to participate in the scheme.
And there were several questions on Erasmus (see this one and this one) – all with similar response – that the Government is including it within the Brexit negotiations and is working towards remaining within the scheme. The House of Commons Library have released this briefing paper on Erasmus to inform MPs ahead of Monday’s scheduled Education debate.
HESA have published higher education statistics for 2018/19. Interestingly, the OfS focussed on grade inflation in their response –and nothing else.
In 2018/19:
Over the five year period 2014/15 – 2018/19:
Student Minds has launched The Wellbeing Thesis, a website designed to support postgraduate research students to maintain their mental wellbeing.
Baroness Tyler of Enfield has presented a Bill in the House of Lords which would amend the Education Act 2002 and the Academies Act 2010 for schools to promote the mental health and wellbeing of their pupils. The Bill will proceed to a second reading at a future date.
And some Parliamentary questions:
Q – Conor McGinn: To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what steps his Department is taking to (a) reduce the level of social stigma in relation to mental health and (b) promote awareness of mental health issues among young people.
A – Nick Gibb:
Monday was the closing date for Labour leadership candidates to secure the 22 nominations from MPs to run for party leader. Chris Lewis and Barry Gardiner did not secure the required amount. The following candidates will progress to the next round (number of nominations received noted in brackets):
Candidates for deputy leader:
We explained the leadership contest process in detail in last week’s policy update. However, here is a quick recap: the next phase requires the candidates to seek nominations from Constituency Labour Parties and the Unions by 15th Jan – to carry on they need support of 5% of the constituency parties (the BBC said 30) OR 3 affiliate organisations, including 2 trade unions. The members’ ballot opens on 21st Feb and runs to 2nd April. Votes are redistributed if there is no clear winner. Results announced on 4th April
An interesting background briefing on the Labour leadership candidates prepared by Dods is available here. It is worth a read to get to know the candidates better.
The House of Commons Library has a new briefing paper on the Augar Review (Post 18 Education and Funding Review). The paper considers the recommendations of the Augar Review and the (page 26) initial responses to it from major HE bodies. The Government is rumoured to have made the decision on how they will respond (which parts they will adopt) of the Augar Review and intend to release their response at a suitable point (soon-ish!). Most likely the briefing paper has been produced because Education Questions will take place in Parliament next Monday.
And some Parliamentary questions:
Q -Baroness Bennett Of Manor Castle: following the announcement that nursing bursaries are to be reintroduced, what plans [the Government] have to support nurses, midwifes and other healthcare professionals with any debt incurred before the reintroduction to support their study and training.
A -Baroness Blackwood Of North Oxford:
Q – Dr Matthew Offord (Hendon): To ask the Secretary of State for Education, what steps his Department has taken to introduce Sharia compliant student loans.
A – Chris Skidmore (Kingswood): The government remains committed to introducing an Alternative Student Finance product for tuition fee and maintenance loans. Details on implementation will follow the conclusion of the review of post-18 education and funding.
Parliamentary business has been laid to commence the election of the select committee chairs now the new Parliament has formed. We anticipate the chairs will be announced early in February. Below is a diagram stating which party will chair each select committee.
There are several committees where the previous chairman has vacated their position through losing their seat, or where the chairmanship has switched from Labour to Tory to reflect Parliament’s new arithmetic (the number of chairs for each party is proportionate to the size of the party in Parliament). These include the Treasury, health, transport and work and pensions committees.
There is a potential change on the horizon. In the past when a parliamentary session ends the chairmanship and membership of a select committee ceases – as it did when the 2019 general election was called. However, a parliamentary motion introduced this week seeks to remove the limit on the maximum length of time an individual can chair a committee. This would allow parliamentarians to become long-serving chairs. There is also a clause which stipulates that the Brexit committee will continue for another year, even though the department it shadows — DExEU — is being wound up at the end of January.
There was a major Education and Local Government debate within the House of Commons this week led by Gavin Williamson, Secretary of State for Education. On schools the debate covered content on: the minimum school funding (per pupil), rolling out free schools (Midlands, North and South West), extra funding to Councils to support children in care, capital funding for childcare provision within schools (for school aged children), an arts activities premium for secondary schools from 2021, school building safety – following advice in the independent Hackitt review,
Gavin Williamson also said:
Angela Rayner challenged the Government on the lack of response to the Augar review, particularly in relation to decision on the regulation of home education. She said: “While we are on the subject of Bills that are missing in action…The Augar review went from being a flagship to a ghost ship”.
SNP Shadow Secretary of State for Education, Carol Monaghan, asked the Minister whether a fee change would be forthcoming, further to the Augar review recommendations. She also raised concerns over the implications of Brexit on HE staff, research funding, infrastructure and collaboration: “A recent report from the Royal Society has shown that the UK’s share of EU funding has fallen by €500 million since 2015. There has also been a drop of 40% in UK applications to Horizon 2020. We are still in it just now, but we have had that drop because people do not have any certainty. The UK is now seen as a less attractive place to come and do research, with 35% fewer scientists coming to the UK through key schemes. That is of concern, as is Erasmus and what Brexit will mean for that programme”.
David Davis (Conservative) criticised the university tuition fees and loans scheme for delivering poor-quality education, high levels of expectations and low levels of outcome. He called for concerted action to tackle low productivity, including translational research, but also, “investment, education, infrastructure, magnet cities and garden villages”.
Previous chair of the Education Select Committee Robert Halfon welcomes the Queen’s Speech and said that he believes that “skills, social justice, standards and support for the profession should be the four interlocking foundations of this Government’s education programme.” He called on the Government to turbocharge adult learning, citing that adult learning is at its lowest since 1996 and that this county needs a world-class apprenticeships programme.
Halfon also raised concerns about disadvantaged pupils who are often 19 months behind by the time they reach their GCSEs, he called on the Government to have a “bold, assertive agenda that has compassion and aspiration right at its core.” Halfon told the chamber that the Government should offer top-quality childcare, to help plug the gap of disadvantaged children who are already left behind when they start primary school.
Shadow Minister for Northern Ireland Karin Smyth told the house that the Government has got it wrong in its implementation of apprenticeships, particularly by making the process more complicated for small and medium sized enterprises.
Janet Daby (Labour, Lewisham East) raised a number of concerns surrounding the funding of schools and local authorities. She told the house that “in the midst of a mental health crisis in young adults, we must do more to address the increasing lack of support in further education colleges.”
Steve McCabe (Labour, Birmingham, Selly Oak) welcomed the Secretary of State’s admission of the problems faced by pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. He also hoped that the new student visa would make it easier for people to come here to study, but noted that PhD students did not find it particularly easy to stay after they completed their doctorates.
Alex Norris (Labour/Co-op, Nottingham North) spoke about the educational trouble faced by working class boys, saying that it was caused by a cocktail of poor discipline, irregular attendance and below par curriculums. He called on the Government to have better curriculums based on international best practice; specific, targeted resource to augment the pupil premium; a focus on catching up for boys who fall behind at key stage 1; and the deployment of the best teachers in the most challenged schools, incentivised to work in the hard environments.
Bambos Charalambous (Labour) said there wasn’t enough school funding to reverse cuts on areas like school maintenance and a lack of further education.
You can read the debate in full here.
The Local Government Association (LGA) published a report (compiled by the Learning and Work Institute) considering 2030 projected skills gaps in England. It considers eight areas and quantifies potential loss of economic output due to the skills gaps. They conclude that 6 million people in England risk being without a job or in work they are over-qualified for by 2030. This is a similar message to the Government’s line on upskilling the workforce to plug business needs due to insufficient skills within the workforce. However, the LGA imagine a more localised solution to the skills gaps. Key points:
This note looks at the extent and nature of the potential skills gap that could be faced in the future through to 2030 – at both the level of England as a whole and in eight selected local areas:
The LGA are critical of the current centrally-governed skills and employment system whereby £10.5 billion a year is spent by eight government departments and agencies across 20 different national schemes. Unsurprisingly the LGA is calling for the Government to use the Budget to devolve all back-to-work, skills, apprenticeship, careers advice, and business support schemes and funding to the local areas in which they are used. They envisage groups of councils across England with the power and funding to deliver a one-stop ‘Work Local’ service for skills, apprenticeship, employment, careers advice and business support provision. Bringing together local skills planning, overseeing job support including Jobcentre Plus and the Work and Health Programme and coordinate careers advice and guidance for young people and adults.
Cllr Kevin Bentley, Chairman of the LGA’s People and Places Board, said:
Stephen Evans, Chief Executive of Learning and Work Institute, said:
A thought provoking HEPI blog considers the last 20 years of research published on addressing widening participation (WP) aims. It covers all the expected current topics from the BME attainment gap to the non-participation in HE by costal and/or rural areas. It highlights international approaches such as that from Australia and Canada explaining how studies addressed the same enduring gaps as the UK has now. Overall there are no magic solutions but the blog is reinvigorating in the way it brings all the WP themes together for fresh reconsideration. You can read the full blog here.
At Prime Minister’s Questions this week previous Head of the Education Select Committee, Robert Halfon said that despite improvement in educational standards and funding, white working-class boys underperform at every stage of education system. He questioned whether, in the context of large infrastructure projects expected, and the high value apprenticeships associated, whether the apprenticeship levy could be reformed to enable such young people to climb the skills ladder of opportunity. Boris responded that the House should follow Halfon’s advice and reform the apprenticeship levy, and intimated that the Education Secretary would update the House on this in due course.
And some Parliamentary questions:
Q – Lord Bourne Of Aberystwyth: To ask Her Majesty’s Government what progress they have made in improving education outcomes for Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities.
A – Lord Agnew Of Oulton:
Medical Science is one of BU’s strategic investment areas (SIA). Colleagues with an interest in this SIA area will be interested in the Life Sciences Industrial Strategy update which highlights progress in delivering the strategy since 2017. It covers:
The report notes very substantial progress in making the UK a more attractive place for life sciences companies to succeed and grow. These developments are the result of a strong collaboration between all aspects of this diverse industry – pharma, biotech, medtech, digital and diagnostics – the wider research community in the UK, the NHS and government. And states A substantial majority of the objectives in the Life Sciences Industrial Strategy have been met and more are being delivered now. Page 5 details the key achievements and page 10 onwards details the health and clinical research and development. Page 20 covers growing the skills base and workforce to deliver the life sciences industrial strategy. However, the content is limited and mainly covers AI and existing initiatives. It does not that the 2030 Skills Strategy will be published this year so we can expect more detail in the new future facing document. Page 21 briefly touches on commercialisation of university research. You can read the sections that interest you most here.
Unconditional offers: Nottingham Trent have followed their public discussion on grade inflation last year by collaborating with The Times and publishing detail of their defence on conditional unconditional offers. Wonkhe had an article by Mike Ratcliffe, their Academic Registrar.
Care Students: The Scottish Funding Council has published its National Ambition for Care-Experienced Students, which outlines its commitment to equal outcomes for those students by 2030.
Languages: The Financial Times responds to the HEPI language report, arguing that foreign language study should be made compulsory.
Social Commuting: The Guardian have a short, to the point, piece advising commuter students how to balance a social life with their commuting arrangements.
R&D – extending definition to cover the Creative Industries: Last week there was an interesting mini-debate following this question by Baroness Bull: To ask Her Majesty’s Government what consideration they have given to adopting a broader definition of research and development that includes, and incentivises, research and development investment in the creative industries. You can read the debate responses and follow on questions here.
Universities and Crime – a Parliamentary question
Q – Lord Taylor Of Warwick: To ask Her Majesty’s Government what discussions they have had with UK Universities about reports that universities are not reporting crime statistics.
A – Baroness Berridge:
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Einstein’s Garden at the Green Man Festival 2020: Applications now open!
Einstein’s Garden is Green Man’s area for creative engagement with science, nature and technology. Each year a lineup is created which fuses performance, art, music and research to bring the world around us and our questions about it to life in the most unique ways.
Organisers are looking for research groups and any other science/nature/technology-minded people that would like to bring a stall to Einstein’s Garden with the aim of engaging festival audiences with their work.
Your stall can explore any aspect of science or tech research, nature, curiosity or questions about the world around us, which you’ll bring to life in a unique way to engage the audiences. Stalls should include as much interactivity and participation as possible.
Rather than giving out leaflets or bringing roll-up banners, think about how your stall can be visually striking and offer an activity that will attract people within a festival environment.
More information about Einstein’s Garden can be found here.
Apply now to take part The first deadline for applications is midnight on Friday 6 March 2020, applications submitted by this time will be considered first and advised of their outcome throughout March and early April 2020.
There will be a second deadline for applications (if there are spaces left) at 5pm on Friday 10 April 2020. These will be advised of their outcomes in May 2020.
Please direct any questions to or for more information or help with the application process, please contact Adam Morris at