Category / PG research

This part of the blog features news and information for postgraduate research students and supervisors

Doctoral College Afternoon Tea at the Beach

A huge ‘Thank You’ to everyone who came along to the Afternoon Tea at the Beach, at Branksome Dene Room on 15 June.  The event was hosted by the Doctoral College for the BU postgraduate research community.

Postgraduate research students and supervisors were able to take some well-deserved time out to network and catch up in a relaxed beach location, with a sumptuous afternoon tea.  It was a perfect celebration for PGRs returning to campus post the pandemic, enhanced by a beautiful sunny day by the sea.


Doctoral College Newsletter | June 2022

The Doctoral College Newsletter provides termly information and updates to all those involved with postgraduate research at BU. The latest edition is now available to download here. Click on the web-links provided to learn more about the news, events and opportunities that may interest you.

If you would like to make a contribution to future newsletters, please contact the Doctoral College.

Vitae Conference – Career Development of Researchers

On 29th June, Vitae are visiting BU and running a series of events in one day to promote the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers.

It’s an exciting day, with sessions including:

  • An introduction to the Concordat, why it matters, and what BU is doing to engage with the agenda
  • Training for researchers on the value of professional development and how to maximise your performance
  • Training for managers of researchers on the role of professional development
  • An informal discussion about where a PhD and a post-doc position can take you career wise (spoiler alert, it’s not just a traditional academic pathway!) and networking.

The Eventbrite sign-up page can be found here

It’s a great opportunity for many colleagues, and we hope too a moment to consider the all round amazingness of research and to take some time to celebrate life as a researcher!

We look forward to seeing you there!  

New research paper published by PhD student Hina Tariq

PhD student Hina Tariq, currently undertaking the Clinical Academic Doctorate program at the Department of Social Sciences and Social Work (SSSW), published a new paper titled, “Factors associated with joint contractures in adults: a systematic review with narrative synthesis” Open Access in the journal of Disability and Rehabilitation. This paper is co-authored by her academic supervisors, Professor Sam Porter, Dr Desiree Tait and Dr Kathryn Collins, clinical supervisor, Joel Dunn (Dorset Healthcare University Foundation NHS Trust), and her formal colleague from Pakistan, Shafaq Altaf.

Summary: The review presents latest evidence on factors associated with joint contractures, which are essential to guide clinical practitioners and non-experts in identifying and managing the risk associated with joint contractures. Clinical interventions based on the timely identification of risks related to joint contractures in vulnerable adults can potentially prevent or ameliorate their development or progression.

The review has already crossed over 300 reads. The full text can be accessed by following this link: Full article: Factors associated with joint contractures in adults: a systematic review with narrative synthesis (



Integrity week 16 – 20 May 2022

A reminder that we still have space on our research integrity events taking place this week:

  • Wednesday 18 May at 3 pm in the CREATE Lecture Theatre, Fusion Building, Talbot Campus – join Tim Clavert and the library team to consider Publications, open access and data.  Booking via Eventbrite
  • Thursday 19 May at 10.30 pm join online (only) – Fay Sweeting and Emily Bird who will be discussing their research with the Police.  Booking via Eventbrite
  • Thursday 19 May at 3 pm in FG06, Fusion Building, Talbot Campus – join Dr Sue Sudbury and Jess Ruddock for a workshop on ‘Practice Research Case Studies of Dorset Food Bank & Dorset Police’.  Booking via Eventbrite.
  • Friday 20 May at 10.30 am and again at 3.30 pm in the CREATE Lecture Theatre, Fusion Building, Talbot Campus – join Dr Huseyin Dogan for two separate sessions considering Diversity, Accessibility & Inclusivity.  Booking via Eventbrite.


Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) 2022 – Closing today

Still time to have your say

Final call for PGRs to complete this year’s Advance HE Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) which closes today!

Don’t miss the chance to tell us about your postgraduate research experience at Bournemouth University by taking part in the Advance HE Postgraduate Research Experience Survey which closes today.

Upon completing the survey, PGRs will be entered into a free prize draw where you can win one of four prizes of a £50 Love2shop gift voucherTerms and conditions apply.

In addition and as a thank you for taking part, the Doctoral College will now double our donation to the charity Student Minds, from £1 to £2 per PGR who completes PRES if we beat last year’s response rate. We are currently at 40% and need 41% – we are so close!


The highest response rate we ever achieved was 46% in 2018. If we exceed this, the Doctoral College will donate £500 to Student Minds.

How do I take part?

PGRs received an email from the University on Monday 4 April 2022 containing a unique link which allows you to access and complete the survey. If you can’t find this email, contact and we’ll help you to get access.

What will I be asked?

The survey will take around 15 minutes to complete. Your response is confidential and any reporting will be entirely anonymous. The survey is your chance to tell us about your experience as a PGR at BU. It will ask you to share your views on supervision, resources, the research community, progress and assessment, skills and professional development, and wellbeing.

Why should I take part?

Your feedback is important. The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey is the only national survey of PGRs and so is the only way for us to compare how we are doing with other institutions and to make changes that will improve your experience in the future.

More information

If you would like to know more about the survey, please visit: PRES 2022

We hope you take the opportunity to get involved this year and help us make improvements to your experience.


Best wishes,

The Doctoral College

Postgraduate Researchers and Supervisors | Monthly Update for Researcher Development










Postgraduate researchers and supervisors, hopefully you have seen your monthly update for the researcher development e-newsletter sent last week. If you have missed it, please check your junk email or you can view it within the Researcher Development Programme on Brightspace.

The start of the month is a great time to reflect on your upcoming postgraduate researcher development needs and explore what is being delivered this month as part of the Doctoral College Researcher Development Programme and what is available via your Faculty or Department. Remember some sessions only run once per year, so don’t miss out.

Please also subscribe to your Brightspace announcement notifications for updates when they are posted.

If you have any questions about the Researcher Development Programme, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Natalie (Research Skills & Development Officer) 

PGR Supervisory Lunchbites | UKCGE Route to Recognition for Supervisory Practice

Hosted by the Doctoral College, these one hour online lunch bite sessions supplement the regular New and Established Supervisory Development Sessions and are aimed at all academic staff who are new to, or experienced at, supervising research degree students and are interested in expanding their knowledge of a specific aspect or process in research degree supervision.

Each session will be led by a senior academic who will introduce the topic, and staff will benefit from discussions aimed at sharing best practice from across BU. Bookings are arranged by Organisational Development.

This session provides an introduction to the UK Council for Graduate Education’s (UKCGE) Good Supervisory Practice Framework and the Research Supervision Recognition Programme which allows established supervisors to gain recognition for this challenging, but rewarding, role.

This discussion will be led Dr Martyn Polkinghorne, UKCGE Recognised Research Supervisor, BUBS: Principal Academic, FLIE: Education Excellence Theme Leader, TeachBU: Academic Lead.

Staff attending will be able to: 

  • use the Framework to navigate the wide-ranging, highly complex and demanding set of roles that modern research supervisors must undertake to perform the role effectively
  • reflect on their own practice, compared to a benchmark of good practice
  • identify strengths and weaknesses and build upon the former and address the latter with targeted professional development
  • work towards recognition of their expertise by a national body.

Further details on the session as well as information on future lunchbite sessions can also be found on the staff intranet.

Date: Monday 16 May 2022

Time: 13:00 – 14:00, Teams

To book a place on this session please complete the booking form.

Further details and future sessions can also be found on the Supervisory Development Lunchbite Sessions staff intranet page.

Research Integrity Week – starting next week

Come join us next week, for an exciting series of keynote speakers and bespoke workshops discussing many subjects under the theme of research integrity.

We start the week of events with a talk by James Parry, Chief Executive of UK Research integrity Office (UKRIO).

UKRIO is an independent charity, offering support to the public, researchers and organisations to further good practice in academic, scientific and medical research. They promote integrity and high ethical standards in research, as well as robust and fair methods to address poor practice and misconduct. They pursue these aims through their publications on research practice, in-depth support and services for research employers, their education and training activities, and by providing expert guidance in response to requests for assistance from individuals and organisations.

Established in 2006, their aims are to:

  • Promote the good governance, management and conduct of academic, scientific and medical research.
  • Share good practice on how to address poor practice, misconduct and unethical behaviour.
  • Give confidential, independent and expert advice on specific research projects, cases, problems and issues.

James directs UKRIO’s work programme and leads its advisory service, responding to queries and concerns about research practice from researchers and the public.

Join us online or in person on Monday 16 May 2022 at 10.30 am.

You can register your place here via Eventbrite.

Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) 2022 – Deadline approaching

Have your say

Deadline approaching! This year’s Advance HE Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) will close in *ten days*

Don’t miss the chance to tell us about your experience at Bournemouth University by taking part in the Advance HE Postgraduate Research Experience Survey which closes on Monday 16 May 2022. We are keen to make sure our PGRs have the best possible experience while studying at Bournemouth University. To do this, we need to know what you think works well and what as a University we could do better.

Upon completing the survey, PGRs will be entered into a free prize draw where you can win one of four prizes of a £50 Love2shop voucherTerms and conditions apply.

In addition and as a thank you for taking part, we will be making a £1 donation for every survey completed to the student mental health wellbeing charity, Student Minds.

How do I take part?

PGRs received an email from the University on Monday 4 April 2022 containing a unique link which allows you to access and complete the survey. If you can’t find this email, contact and we’ll help you to get access.

What will I be asked?

The survey will take around 15 minutes to complete. Your response is confidential and any reporting will be entirely anonymous. The survey is your chance to tell us about your experience as a PGR at BU. It will ask you to share your views on supervision, resources, the research community, progress and assessment, skills and professional development, and wellbeing.

Why should I take part?

Your feedback is important. The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey is the only national survey of PGRs and so is the only way for us to compare how we are doing with other institutions and to make changes that will improve your experience in the future.

More information

If you would like to know more about the survey, please visit: PRES 2022

We hope you take the opportunity to get involved this year and help us make improvements to your experience.

Best wishes,

The Doctoral College

The Postgrad Awards 2022 | Nomination deadline extended!

Help shine a spotlight on postgraduate talent with The Postgrad Awards 2022!

Nominations close: Sunday 8 May

Do you know a postgraduate research student, supervisor or university staff member at Bournemouth University who has made an outstanding contribution to the world of postgraduate study?

Nominations are currently open for the fourth year of The Postgrad Awards – a series of awards from FindAMasters and FindAPhD that seek to celebrate the underrepresented postgraduate community. Award categories include:

  • Outstanding Contribution to Postgraduate Student Diversity
  • Outstanding Contribution to Postgraduate Student Wellbeing
  • Masters Student of the Year
  • PhD Student of the Year
  • Masters Teacher of the Year
  • PhD Supervisor of the Year

How to nominate

Nominations are made online using the Postgrads Awards nomination form.

Before you submit your application, please ensure you’ve read the T&Cs. There is also an FAQ section to answer your most common questions and give you some hints and tips about entering. Good luck!

Why nominate someone for a Postgrad Award?

Student winners are awarded a cash prize of £500, an international platform to showcase their commitment to postgraduate study, and recognition from their academic communities.

For academics and professional support staff, the Postgrad Awards bring invaluable exposure to university initiatives and academic outputs on FindAMasters and FindAPhD’s internationally-popular platforms.

Find out more about the 2021 winners.


The Postgrad Awards 2022 | Nominations now open!

Help shine a spotlight on postgraduate talent with The Postgrad Awards 2022!

Nominations close: Sunday 24 April

Do you know a postgraduate student, supervisor or university staff member that has made an outstanding contribution to the world of postgraduate study?

Nominations are currently open for the fourth year of The Postgrad Awards – a series of awards from FindAMasters and FindAPhD that seek to celebrate the underrepresented postgraduate community. Award categories include:

  • Outstanding Contribution to Postgraduate Student Diversity
  • Outstanding Contribution to Postgraduate Student Wellbeing
  • Masters Student of the Year
  • PhD Student of the Year
  • Masters Teacher of the Year
  • PhD Supervisor of the Year

How to nominate

Nominations are made online using the Postgrads Awards nomination form.

Before you submit your application, please ensure you’ve read the T&Cs. There is also an FAQ section to answer your most common questions and give you some hints and tips about entering. Good luck!

Why nominate someone for a Postgrad Award?

Student winners are awarded a cash prize of £500, an international platform to showcase their commitment to postgraduate study, and recognition from their academic communities.

For academics and professional support staff, the Postgrad Awards bring invaluable exposure to your university initiatives and academic outputs on our internationally-popular platforms.

Find out more about the 2021 winners.


Congratulations to Recipients of the ‘Doctoral College Outstanding Contribution Award’!

The Doctoral College team have been delighted with the nominations that have come in recently for the ‘Doctoral College Outstanding Contribution Awards’. We wish to extend our congratulations to all recipients who have recently received their award certificate.

Here are some of the heartfelt nominations we have received:

“She is an outstanding supervisor with vast knowledge and motivation that bring out the best in me. Her guidance and support continue to sharpen my research skills/critical thinking.”

“He has been an outstanding PGR Lead for the department. He wants the best experience for all the PGRs within the department and is supportive to their needs.”

“She is an inspirational academic always progressing students over their difficulties whether academic or life issues.”

“She is exceptionally efficient at her job which, I feel, is because she is able to empathise with the concerns facing those who contact her.”

“She always goes the extra mile to ensure everyone’s needs are met.”


Why not make someone’s day and take five minutes and nominate a PGR, academic or professional staff member for a Doctoral College Outstanding Contribution Award to say thanks and give recognition for their hard work?

These awards recognise the outstanding contributions to postgraduate research degrees at BU by any PGR, academic or professional staff member. They can be nominated throughout the year by any member of the postgraduate research community to anyone that they feel is exceptional, has exceeded expectations, and has had a positive impact on the postgraduate research culture at BU.


You can nominate anyone involved in postgraduate research at Bournemouth University to receive an award certificate. There are no award criteria, as long as the submission falls within the guidelines, whoever you’ve selected will receive a Doctoral College Outstanding Contribution Award!

How to nominate

We’ve made it really easy for you to nominate someone for a Doctoral College Outstanding Contribution Award – it’s just a short online nomination form!

BU Integrity Week: 16th to the 20th May 2022

Unlock greater potential by maximising your awareness and understanding of Integrity! 

The ability to utilise integrity in research, writing and teaching is vital for academic success. However, continuing to retain your integrity is fundamental but this can only be achieved by maintaining an ability to keep up-to date with the rules constituting academic dishonesty. Not so unlike technology rules and guidelines are continually changing. How then do you develop and maximise your understanding of honesty and dishonesty and continue to retain Integrity?  BU’s Integrity Week will give you the skills and resources to do just that! 

The importance of Academic Integrity will be highlighted at Bournemouth University’s Integrity Week. 

Organised by cross faculty departments for students, staff and faculty, the week will comprise of a combination of interesting workshops, cross faculty and professional presentations where experts will share their knowledge on differing aspects of honesty and dishonesty. Panel discussions, open to all, will provide a lively forum for the sharing of experiences. 

Reasons to attend! 

  • Unlock and achieve greater success through integrity
  • Discover Integrity resources 
  • Acquire skills to utilise integrity in research, writing and teaching
  • Learn how to maintain integrity in an evolving world of change

This will be an unparalleled week of opportunity for students, staff and faculty to ensure that through awareness and understanding BU stays at the forefront of everything that Integrity represents.  


Check out the programme and book here