Category / student research

CWLTH Research Seminar & Centre Meeting

The Centre for Wellbeing and Long-Term Health (CWLTH) will be hosting their next Research Seminar and Centre meeting at 11:00 on Tuesday 22nd April. PhD student Yagya Adhikari will be presenting their doctoral research exploring ‘Parental migration for work and psychosocial problems among left-behind adolescents in Nepal.‘ Click HERE to join this meeting on Teams. Contact for more information about the Centre.

Consider starting M.Res. at Bournemouth University

Bournemouth University is delighted to be working with UWE Bristol as one of the NIHR INSIGHT hosts providing funded postgraduate M.Res. research training for health and social care professionals.  BU provides excellent training, development, and teaching for the postgraduate community across disciplinary and interdisciplinary research fields.

The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) INSIGHT programme is a unique opportunity designed to inspire and equip the next generation of health and social care researchers. As part of its commitment to fostering a world-class research workforce, the NIHR INSIGHT programme offers a transformative experience with numerous benefits:

  • Exposure to Research Opportunities: Gain invaluable insight into health and social care research.
  • Hands-On Experience: Engage directly with researchers and practitioners, acquiring real-world skills.
  • Mentorship: Receive guidance from experienced professionals, helping to shape your research career and development.
If you are health or social care professional you may want to have a look at the experience of midwifery researcher and current M.Res. student Susara Blunden (click here!).   For a more informal discussion email
Applications Open until 31st March 2025 (for September 2025 entry).

BU student’s M.Res. paper read 500 times

Yesterday ResearchGate alerted us that our paper ‘The importance of positionality for qualitative researchers‘ [1] has been read 500 times. This methods paper was only written last year by Bournemouth University M.Res. student Hannah Gurr, her M.Res. supervisors Dr. Orlanda Harvey, Dr. Louise Oliver and Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen in collaboration with Prof. Madhusudan Subedi from Patan Academy of Health Sciences in Nepal.

In the paper we remind qualitative researchers about the importance of critical reflection, and why they need to explain their positionality to readers of their work. This account can be relatively straightforward, but there are occasions when this process of reflection and outlining one’s positionality is much more complicated. This method-paper explains this process. It outlines, using examples of different occasions and situations, where and why such complications may arise, for example, around values and personal experiences. It concludes with further practical advice on writing the section on positionality for novice social scientists.

Well done Hannah!

Dr. Lou Oliver, Dr. Orlanda Harvey & Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen



  1. Gurr, H., Oliver, L., Harvey, O., Subedi, M., & van Teijlingen, E. (2024). The Importance of Positionality for Qualitative Researchers. Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology18(1): 48–54.

PhD Viva Success!

Congratulations to Dr. Assemgul Kozhabek on getting her Doctorate. She successfully passed her PhD Viva defense with the thesis entitled:

Complex Urban Road Networks: Static Structures and Dynamic Processes

The examiners commended her on her solid theoretical knowledge. Her PhD was match-funded by BCP and involved collaboration with University of Cambridge.

Over her PhD journey, besides publications, she has also been active; participating and presenting in different events (e.g., Alan Turing Institute Data Study Group, Dorset COP 2024), won multiple awards (including twice OpenBright awards and two consecutive BCS GreenIT competitions) and awarded Scholarship for Events on Complex Systems from the Young Researchers of the Complex Systems Society (yrC-SS).

Supervisors: Dr Wei Koong Chai and Prof. Vasilis Katos.



Opportunities in health and social care research

We’re excited to share information about the NIHR INSIGHT (Inspiring Graduates and Early Career Professionals into Research) South West Central Collaboration, a programme aimed at fostering research engagement among early career health and social care practitioners in the South West of England.

This collaboration, funded by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR), is led by University of the West of England (UWE) Bristol, and co-hosted by Bournemouth University (BU), with support from collaborators across the region.

UWE Website: Health and Care Research – MRes – UWE Bristol: Courses

BU Website: NIHR INSIGHT South West Central Programme | Bournemouth University

Find out about how one Current BU MRes student is using this programme to develop her clinical research career.

Key Opportunities:

  • Fully Funded MRes Studentships:These are available for early-career colleagues (within 5 years of registration/work) in fields such as nursing, midwifery, allied health professions, social work, public health, pharmacy, chiropractic, osteopathy, and healthcare sciences.
    • Applications Open:2nd January – 31st March 2025 for September 2025 entry.
  • Research Engagement Working Group:An opportunity for eligible colleagues to engage with research, whether they intend to apply for the studentship this year or not. Here is the link to join this group:

Further details on the programme websiteNIHR Insight Programme for South West Central (

Please also find a shortened link to the website:

If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to contact the programme team at


FoodBioSystems DTP are advertising 39 fully funded tax-free 4-year PhD studentships

FoodBioSystems DTP are advertising 39 fully funded tax-free 4-year PhD studentships
Could this be the right opportunity for you?

We have projects on offer at our 7 partner universities.

We are looking for applicants who can apply their science to projects in research areas that span the entire food value chain including:
agricultural sciences, applied chemistry, artificial intelligence, biochemistry, bioinformatics, biological science, data science, environmental chemistry, food science & production, genomics, livestock farming and welfare, machine learning, marine sciences, mathematics, microbiology, nutrition, plant science and soil science.

All projects are advertised on the FoodBioSystems DTP website.

You can apply for up to TWO projects at any of our partner universities. Apply via our online application form (opens 20 December).

Deadline for applications: Monday 3 February 2025 (10.00 GMT).

We offer a guaranteed interview scheme and an applicant mentoring scheme to students from eligible ethnic groups who hold UK fees status and who meet our academic eligibility criteria. Deadline for applicant mentoring scheme is 17 January 2025 (10.00 GMT).

Visit the DTP website to download applicant information, to find more information about the DTP training programme and profiles of our current research students.

Student Research Opportunity

As the new academic year begins, so does the recruitment process for a new cohort of Missing Persons Indicator Project researchers. This year, as well as recruiting law students to the project, we are presenting this opportunity to budding researchers across the university. Notably, a new collaboration between the FMC and BUBS has emerged, enhancing the interdisciplinary approach of the project.


In collaboration with the International Commission on Missing Persons, students have begun the process of collating indicators to capture the way States engage with, and seek to solve, missing persons cases. These indicators range from understanding contextual factors that could have contributed to a surge of missing persons cases, such as conflict or natural disasters, to international treaty ratification, to domestic legislation.


In light of recent headlines concerning conflicts across the globe, students have likely been exposed to stories that highlight the pressing issues of our time, such as missing persons. This voluntary research project offers them a unique opportunity to engage with work that has real-world significance, showing how research can extend beyond the university to make a meaningful impact.


Our expectations:

  • Dedicate approximately 8 hours a month to the project (flexible around university commitments).
  • Attend in-person meetings, skills workshops and data collating sessions.
  • Be keen to develop research skills.
  • Work respectfully within a diverse team.



Student experience:

  • Support into real-world research with lasting impact.
  • Assist in articulating the project into written form to enhance employability.
  • Optional research skills workshops.
  • Inter-disciplinary learning.
  • Feedback opportunities.
  • A well-stocked snack cupboard.


If you feel this opportunity would benefit students in your faculty, discipline, or program, please email to request the necessary recruitment paperwork or to arrange a drop-in talk for your students.


New BU women’s health publication

Congratulations to Karim Khaled on the publication in the international journal Nutrients of his latest women’s health paper  [1].  The paper ‘A Structural Equation Modelling Approach to Examine the Mediating Effect of Stress on Diet in Culturally Diverse Women of Childbearing Age’ is co-authored with his PhD supervisors Dr. Fotini Tsofliou and Prof. Vanora Hundley.

This paper in Nutrients  is Open Access, hence available to read to anybody across the globe with internet access.


Well done!

Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen

Centre for Midwifery & Women’s Health



  1. Khaled, K., Tsofliou, F., Hundley, V.A. A Structural Equation Modelling Approach to Examine the Mediating Effect of Stress on Diet in Culturally Diverse Women of Childbearing Age. Nutrients. 2024; 16(19):3354.

Iridescent Spider Webs: BU NCCA Undergraduate Student Success at SIGGRAPH’24

The 51st International Conference & Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH’24), the international annual conference for the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM, the world’s foremost computing society) was held in Denver, Colorado in August.

Among the work showcased at the conference was the poster “O, What an Iridescent Web We Weave: Rendering Physically Inspired Spider Webs for Visual Effects” by Vaya Simeonova (Grigorova) from this year’s graduating cohort (Computer Animation Technical Arts – CATA, Level 6) of the National Centre for Computer Animation (NCCA, Faculty of Media and Communication) and co-authored by Dr Eike Falk Anderson.

Poster presented at SIGGRAPH’24

The poster paper is based on Vaya’s final year Research & Development Project unit project “An Exploration of the Optical Properties of Spider Web Fibres”, which resulted in the development of a physically inspired method for rendering CG spider webs that display the iridescent properties, observable in real-world spider webs.

The method achieves this in a manner that does not require a computationally expensive and bespoke/proprietary software solution, but instead works with industry standard, off-the-shelf, visual effects (VFX) software, meaning it can effortlessly be integrated into existing VFX production pipelines. The project was also one of five submissions featured in the SIGGRAPH’24 “Posters Highlights” video.

After being accepted as one of the 70 posters presented at this year’s SIGGRAPH conference, the world’s Premier Conference & Exhibition on Computer Graphics & Interactive Techniques, Vaya’s contribution (poster 32), was invited to the first round of the prestigious ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) sponsored by Microsoft, shortlisted as a semi-finalists, and presented to a panel of experts in the SRC Final Presentation. The jury, who enjoyed Vaya’s presentation and appreciated her demonstrated knowledge of prior research, were impressed by her execution of the work and its practicality, for which they awarded Vaya the Second Place in the ACM SIGGRAPH 2024 Student Research Competition in the undergraduate category.

Vaya Simeonova, presenting her poster (2nd place SRC, undergraduate category) at SIGGRAPH'24

After Ben Knowles (with Dr Oleg Fryazinov) who was awarded second place at SIGGRAPH’15 for “Increasing realism of animated grass in real-time game environments“, Teemu Lindborg and Philip Gifford (with Dr Oleg Fryazinov) who were semi-finalists at SIGGRAPH’17 for “Interactive parameterised heterogeneous 3D modelling with signed distance fields”, Quentin Corker-Marin (with Dr Valery Adzhiev and the late Professor Alexander Pasko) who achieved second place at SIGGRAPH’17 for “Space-time cubification of artistic shapes“, Bianca Cirdei (with Dr Eike Falk Anderson) who was awarded 1st place at SIGGRAPH’18 for her exceptional projectWithering fruits: vegetable matter decay and fungus growth” and Laura Mann (with Dr Oleg Fryazinov) who won second place at SIGGRAPH’19 for “3D printing for mixed reality hands-on museum exhibit interaction“, this is the first time since the start of the COVID’19 pandemic that an NCCA undergraduate student has progressed to the final round in this prestigious competition.

‘Snowflakes of Steel’: Creative pedagogy, reflective learning and student engagement

Is innovation and creativity in teaching and learning actually important?  Innovation is certainly mentioned in the BU 2025 Vision in respect of desirable graduate qualities, accompanied by the intriguing statement that ‘the BU learning experience is personalised, inter-disciplinary and consistently excellent.’  The Centre for Fusion Learning, Innovation and Excellence (FLIE) also refers to teaching ‘innovations’ as an indicator of pedagogic excellence. This leads to the question:  can an educator promote innovation without creativity? Conceivably it may be possible but it’s hard to see how.  So, assuming that creativity is part of what makes teaching innovative, let’s, for argument’s sake, assume it is so. What then might constitute those inspired creative turns that result in pedagogic innovation to produce an excellent, personalised learning experience for students in their opinion? For after all, as we have learned over recent years in the modern corporate university, it is the student as ‘consumer’ who is the final judge of what is a quality learning experience.  As a group of students and pedagogues, we argue that creative pedagogy is both inter-relational and transformative. Inter-relational in its ability to break down hierarchies whilst respecting the experiential subjective account in assignments in personal and human, as well as academic levels.  Transformative in understanding the developing and learning student self and the generation of that future self with knowledge and skills for continuous learning.

In this blog, five second-year social science students and two academics explore what creative pedagogy can look and feel like, based on our co-creation study of student engagement in creative assignments. The assignments were part of the second-year social science unit ‘Growing Up and Growing Old’ (GUGO), currently an option unit for students in the Faculty of Health & Social Sciences as well as the Faculty of Science & Technology. The multidisciplinary nature of students opting for the unit is equally reflected in the rich interdisciplinary focus of its teaching content where a psychosocial perspective underpins the use of sociological, anthropological, psychology and historical concepts, perspectives and theorisation.

In GUGO, and in keeping with a feminist pedagogy, a democratisation of the learning experience through the personal is promoted. Students are enabled to develop an emerging reflective praxis by connecting pedagogic classroom content to actual lived lives through a biographical narrative, often choosing personal and family histories. Innovative assessment models have always been integral to GUGO in facilitating this praxis process to unfold. Here the generational lives and themes the students choose to thread together is elevated from the purely descriptive by a socio-historical, socio-cultural and socio-spatial geographical analysis of people, place and position. Within the assignments students may include photographs/images, genograms, culturagrams, diary extracts, official documents, recorded memories and artefacts of family significance. The completed work frequently become cherished family mementoes.

This year a short addendum was added to the Biographical Narrative – a ‘critical incident analysis’ (CIA), entitled ‘My Life So Far’, where students reflected on an incident in their lives they had identified as significant to their personal and cognitive development. CIA are used as learning devices in professional courses, such as social work, where the identification of the mundane/ubiquitous in the professional context is encouraged rather than the pivotal/exceptional personal incidents that students chose to highlight in GUGO.

For the co-creation study, volunteered anonymised assignments were used post-marking. The request for volunteered work was expected by the class having been informed about the study at the beginning of the semester, along with an invitation to become a co-researcher. Eventually fourteen CIA were volunteered, representing roughly half the class’s work.

The results of the study were fascinating: diverse and surprising, poignant and powerful, stories of such marked resilience emerged from a generation often vilified as self-entitled and emotionally fragile, offering fine examples of deep reflective learning by students.  The findings of the study are now in the process of being written up for submission to international peer-reviewed journals, which we know will help the future careers of our five intrepid student co-researchers, while the veteran academics in the team step happily into a well-earned semi-retirement.

We in the team are all evangelical about the rich benefits of embracing creative assignments as educators and learners. Yet we recognise that some academic colleagues will not feel comfortable with innovative pedagogy of this sort; preferring instead to remain with conventional assignments, which clearly have their established (and to-date hegemonic) place in the limited HE assignment repertoire. That these established forms are generally far easier to devise and to mark than a move to innovative, creative assignments may well be a point in their favour in time-poor academic environments.

Yet in the face of any academic scepticism, it must be noted that External Examiners have always been very complimentary about the GUGO unit, as led by the first author, noting how well students engage with its assessments.  This year was no different, despite the complexity of adding the CIA, with one External Examiner reporting, ‘I really like this assessment design as this allows for the students to connect academia and theoretical frameworks with reality and see the impact on their own lives or that of family members’.

Meanwhile, the co-research study, developed from the CIA, has added a new strength to GUGO in enabling the inter-relational and the transformative to emerge even more strongly in assignments than even previously.

That said, while GUGO is undoubtedly a very rewarding unit to develop and teach, and its popularity among students is apparent, more importantly, the worth of the unit and its innovations is ultimately measured by students themselves. Our student co-researchers provided some candid comments:

Aimee:   ‘My Life So Far has been one of my favourite university assignments to date. It required me to consider a pivotal moment in my life in a way that I never had before, and to express my experience of it in a way that would make sense to an outsider. …I had never had to complete a creative writing assignment focused on my lived experience. It was so unfamiliar that I wondered whether my lecturer genuinely cared about my critical incident and how it made me feel, or if I was simply misinterpreting the brief. It was such a welcome change of pace from traditional university assignments. I feel that creative assignments are much easier to engage with as a student, and I would love for them to become more commonplace in university settings.’

Here we see an example of how the inter-relational aspects of the teacher-learner can be turned into a dyad of equality and respect rather than one of just simple hierarchies of authority and power. The intimacy of the accounts offered and the trust put in the educator to honour the messages in them, while fairly marking assignment efforts, was emancipatory and revitalising to everyone. Furthermore, unlike Aimee, not everyone found the assignment easy, for some it was surprisingly hard, discomfiting even, and yet also intriguing.

Ella:   ‘ In the beginning, I felt out of my comfort zone as it felt very unnatural compared to all my other assignments, but this also excited me and made me feel very interested and engaged with the unit due to it being different and more creative.’

GUGO’s ability to pluck students out of their lumpen ‘comfort zone’ was something several students referred to. It jolted them into an initial disorientation, to questioning, then realisation to the possibilities presented and finally full immersion into the assignment.

Becky:   ‘In my personal experience of creative assignments, specifically in GUGO, my comprehension and enjoyment of the unit content was much higher when compared to other units on my course. The creative assignment awakened me academically and allowed me to break out of the routine of regurgitating information from readings and lectures into a standardised essay assignment. … The CIA element of the assignment offered challenges and benefits. In my educational experience, my writing style is my main strength and writing essays has become my comfort zone. The GUGO assignments forced me out of this comfort zone and I feel that this, overall, benefited my academic ability. It has allowed me to see a different side of academia, a more creative side, relying less on standardisation, with less focus on the idea of pass or fail, instead focusing on ensuring the learning is innovative. This challenged my ability to approach assignments and I feel that this has had positive impacts on my professional and personal development.’

One criticism that is levied against non-conventional, creative assignments is that they are intellectual lightweights in comparison with the standard and indeed standardised formats of essays and exams we all grew up with.  The familiarity of the known form can be helpful to students, as Becky says, being a tried-and-trusted technique. Harder and more challenging still is the unfamiliar that requires a new set of cognitive-emotive skills in keeping with the developmental changes of accepting child to questioning youth to reflective adult (the very domain that GUGO as a unit is preoccupied with in fact).  That some students found these different assignments harder to master than more conventional ones speaks to any dismissiveness that creative assignments are potentially facile, unintellectual exercises.

Poppy:   ‘At first it was daunting as we don’t get taught on how best to express ourselves and be creative, as we (us Uni students) know the basic elements/structure of a more formal assignment. It is still hard to write those, but you know what to put in and how to write it. But as we don’t get many creative ones it always comes as a surprise and more nerve racking as you don’t know the best place to start and don’t know how creative to be or how this will get marked compared to formal essays… As a second-year student going into her third I have only had 2 creative assignments and they really are a breath of fresh air compared to the standardized conventional ones. In the conventional ones you don’t get much choice, so you know you are being compared to everyone else’s assignment and as an ALS student it is really hard to stand out.’

Poppy has a point: for students with diverse learning abilities, the conventional assignment formats may prove a disservice to them, while dampening down any real passion for learning as opposed to merely doing and passing.

Back to Ella, for a summing up of the potential of creative pedagogy for all students.

‘I feel that this would be very beneficial for a lot of students, as it would allow them to express themselves, instead of just formal writing about a certain topic that they might not feel as inspired or engaged towards. I feel like you learn more and engage better with creative assignments, so overall you get more out of it.’

To conclude then, the transition from school/college to university marks a big change in standards, as any lecturer marking first-year assignments and subsequently dealing with glum faces thereafter, will know.  However, if the conventional assignment format remains the same exam/essay fare, then pedagogically an opportunity may be missed to ignite that fire for authentic, deep learning we long to cultivate in our HE students. Creative assignments shake that old model down for dusting, replacing it with something that yes, may initially worry students owing to its unfamiliar form, but will capture their interests, light the fuse of their imagination, and ultimately can produce work that will surprise academics with the quality and power of liberated, unleashed minds. We believe that students are owed transformative learning opportunities. They are, for sure, a demanding joy to develop for educators. Yet given our very positive experiences it seems overwhelmingly clear, students really do thirst for these creative educational opportunities, and when they get them they flourish most wonderfully.

Sara Ashencaen Crabtree, Becky Warner, Ella Smith, Poppy Harris, Aimee Evans, Asha Smith, and Jonathan Parker –  the ‘Snowflakes of Steel’ co-research team.

Congratulations to Dr Daisy Wiggins for her successful bid for NIHR Undergraduate Internship funding

Dr Daisy Wiggins was successful in her bid for NIHR Undergraduate Internship funding. This is a small aspect of a much larger body of work being done in collaboration with University Hospitals Dorset (UHD) with Minesh Khushu consultant Neonatologist at UHD, Dr Steve Trenoweth and Michael Lyne here at BU. Daisy, supervised by Prof Vanora Hundley and Steve T. will herself be supervising a BU undergraduate student who has just successfully interviewed. The intern will be looking at the literature available on women and families involved in care proceeding particularly looking at current support, interventions and help offered during pregnancy or at the removal of their baby. 

As of 2022, 86.9% of women attending court for care proceedings, had cases whereby the child/ren were less than 11 months old and a large majority were babies (Alrouh et al. 2022). The evidence is clear on how this has a significant impact on the newborn in the immediate postnatal period, but also in terms of future development. Furthermore the wider impact on the woman, families and care systems is well documented, what isn’t  however is currently available support and services for these children, women and families.  The intern will look at currently literature to contribute to a scoping review before supporting PPI with women who have experience of this to understand what provisions of care and interventions are needed.

It is hoped that the output from this internship will be a stepping stone into a larger PhD project that identifies pertinent factors (personal, social/ cultural, legal and health) to improve our understanding of the needs of women who are at risk of repeated care proceedings following birth.

With future aspirations of developing and testing a service level approach / pathway to meet the needs of pregnant women involved in care proceedings (and particularly those who are subject to repeat proceedings).

Check out BU_research and BU_midwifery for details of the focus groups to please share

Prize awarded for paper on rural tourism transport use in Bali

BUBS PhD student Rama Permana was awarded the Smeed Prize runner-up at the 56th Universities’ Transport Study Group (UTSG) Annual Conference 2024 held at University of Huddersfield earlier this month. Rama presented a paper entitled Sustainability Transitions in Rural Tourism Travel: Who are the ‘Switchable’ Visitor Segments? The paper draws on surveys at 3 rural sites in Bali following qualitative interviews on the first stage of his PhD study. Utilising hierarchical and non-hierarchical cluster analysis, this paper discovers traveller segmentation in the tourism destination based on their own rural travel practices.  (Image source: Huddersfield Business School)