Tagged / BU research

Knowledge Exchange in Research

The Knowledge exchange in Research session, is aimed primarily at those in academic leadership roles including Deputy Deans and Heads of Department.

It is open for academics and researchers who want to explore ways of making the most from their research outcomes.

  • Consultancy and contract research
  • Enterprise
  • External engagement
  • CPD and Specialist Facilities

Prof Kate Welham will share their experience on knowledge exchange in research.


Wednesday 31st January, 13.30-15.00 at Talbot Campus

To book onto this session,  please complete the Booking form  under Introducing Knowledge Exchange in Research – 31/01/2024 in the drop-down menu.

For further information about the content of the session please contact Wendelin Morrison, KE Manager, RDS wsmorrison@bournemouth.ac.uk


Ref 2021/ Report analysing impact case studies

This is an interesting report from the British Society of Gerontology analysing impact case studies from REF 2021. This includes work from Bournemouth University amongst various other centres.

Please find below the links to the report and presentation about “The impact of Ageing Research within the Research Excellence Framework 2021: an evaluation” as a useful reading in terms of the range and scope of age-related research.

BSG REF 2021 evaluation report

Presentation REF state of Ageing 131123

ECRN events programme 2024

Support and skills development for early career researchers at BU

The BU Early Career Researcher (ECR) Network is designed to support early career researchers and PGRs at BU, offering general advice and support as well as tailored workshops for skills training and career development.

It is open to all who identify as being in the early stages of their research career – whether you’re a Postgraduate Researcher, newly-appointed academic, or you’re returning to research.

The first ECR Network event of this year takes place on Wednesday 10 January, 13:00 – 14:00 with a  an open ‘surgery’ session in which ECRs can raise issues, or ask questions relevant to them and receive advice and guidance from peers and the network’s academic leads, Prof. Ann Hemingway and Prof. Sam Goodman.

To book onto this session, please complete the Booking Form under  ECRN: Surgeries-10/01/2024 in the drop-down menu.

All ECRN sessions are planned to take place hybrid (Talbot Campus – MS Teams). You can find the ECRN 2024 events programme below and book your place by clicking on the topic that might interest you.

Workshop theme                           Date/Time

Surgery                                         10/01/2024 13:00-14:00

ECRN – Work Life Balance        07/02/2024 13:00-14:00

Surgery                                         13/03/2024 13:00-14:00

ECRN Pay and Promotion          03/04/2024 13:00-14:00

Surgery                                         08/05/2024 13:00-14:00

New to research                          12/06/2024 13:00-14:00


For any queries regarding these sessions, please contact RKE Dev Framework 

Postgraduate Research Showcase

Did you miss the the latest PGR Conference? Do not worry you can now visit the Atrium Gallery on Talbot Campus to view a selection of the posters that were exhibited on the day as part of the Postgraduate Research Showcase.

Half of the posters are now on display. These will then be swapped out for the remaining posters halfway through the exhibition, which will be displayed until Friday 23 February. Just visit the Atrium when it suits you to see some of the amazing research that is taking place at BU.

To mark the occasion, on Wednesday 7 February 15:00-16:00, we will be hosting the Showcase Celebration! This is a social event and is a great opportunity to support the PGR community, with cheese and wine on offer. Check out the Doctoral College Brightspace for more information and to book.

A Virtual Exhibition of the posters is also available via the BU website.

Any questions please email: pgconference@bournemouth.ac.uk

Best wishes,

The Doctoral College

Intellectual Property for Academics

      Wednesday 24th January 10:30 - 12:00

This workshop will deliver essential knowledge and know-how from an industry expert, enabling you to gain a deeper understanding of IP that will support development of your research outcomes, prepare you for knowledge exchange activities and help with achieving lasting research impact.

Presented by Dr Nicholas Malden, Partner at D Young & Co, a leading top-tier European intellectual property firm and Bournemouth University’s preferred patent firm.

Nick Malden has more than 18 years’ experience in intellectual property specialising in patents, in particular those concerned with electronics, physics, materials, medical devices, and software. Prior to joining D Young & Co he was a research associate at Manchester University, though based at the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), in Hamburg, Germany, where his research included searches for exotic particle production in positron-proton and electron-proton collisions.

Today, he is primarily focussed on the preparation of new patent applications and guiding these through the examination process before patent offices around the world. His clients range from SMEs, to academic and research institutions, to global multinationals. A particular passion is sharing knowledge of IP in all its guises with individuals and smaller corporate entities, such that it can enhance and support their technological and commercial growth journeys.

Wednesday 24th January10:30-12:00 at Talbot Campus

To book onto this session, please complete the booking form 

For any queries regarding the content of this session, please contact lhutchins@bournemouth.ac.uk, for any other information please email RKEDF @ RKE Development Framework

ECR and Interdisciplinarity in the Medical Humanities

Early Career Researcher Network

This ECR-focused event brings together researchers in Medical and Health Humanities at Bournemouth from across the faculties of Health & Social Science, Media & Communication and Science & Technology, inviting them to highlight and address the main challenges of working within this varied and interdisciplinary field.

It will feature an expert roundtable and open discussion, followed by breakout groups and opportunity for networking activity for ECRs.

Roundtable participants will be invited to speak for 5 minutes, drawing on their experience of research partnerships across disciplines. Suggested topics for speakers to address include, but are not limited to:

  • Research and knowledge exchange in MH
  • Publishing (choosing the right journal for MH research, collaborative writing)
  • Bidding (where to bid, what for and how to construct productive teams and partnerships)
  • How to work effectively together but also maintain a sense of disciplinary identity
  • What experiences have participants had and how has this affected your research career to date?
  • Imposter syndrome
  • Work/life balance

ECR and Interdisciplinarity in the Medical Humanities

Wed 21 Feb 2024 11:30 AM – 3:30 PM at Talbot Campus

This event is for BA ECR Network members only. You can join the network here  and book your place through the following link Tickettailor

ECR attendees will be invited to write and submit their questions for the panel in advance of the session, sending them by email to: RKEDF@bournemouth.ac.uk

In the second phase of the event, ECR attendees will be put into breakout rooms to discuss how their own practice might address these challenges, identify areas of future support they require and reflect on their professional identity as an interdisciplinary researcher in this field.


For any further information please contact RKEDF@bournemouth.ac.uk