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New research paper published on DIGITAL NOMADS’ work-leisure management practices, Annals Tourism Research

New research paper published on DIGITAL NOMADS

Rainoldi, M., Buhalis, D., Ladkin, A., 2025, Digital nomads’ work-leisure management practices, Annals Tourism Research, Volume 111, March 2025, 103904, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2025.103904

The COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly advanced digital technology adoption, transforming the knowledge work market and mainstreaming digital nomadism. While digital nomads often enjoy autonomy in choosing when, where, and how they perform their work, they face unique challenges in managing the intersection of work and leisure. Yet, literature on the practices digital nomads use to manage the boundaries between work and leisure is limited. This study combines the sociomaterial lens within practice theory and border theory to explore digital nomads’ workleisure management practices, analyzing 224 digital diary entries and 32 semi-structured in-depth online interviews to identify 25 practices. This study offers insights into digitally mediated workleisure practices of digital nomads, highlighting key aspects and implications for the tourism sector.



Postgraduate Research Showcase & Celebration

Get ready for the Postgraduate Research Showcase and Celebration! All PGRs and Supervisors are invited! 

The Doctoral College Postgraduate Research Showcase is scheduled to take place at the Atrium Gallery from 3 to 28 February 2025. This exhibition will showcase a selection of the posters presented at the 16th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference.

To launch the showcase, we are hosting the PGR Showcase Celebration event, as part of our 3C event series (Culture, Community & Cake). PGRs and Supervisors are invited to this social gathering and this time we are swapping out the cake for cheese and wine!

Date: Wednesday 5 February

Time: 15:00-16:00

Location: Atrium Galley, Poole House, Talbot Campus

Meet fellow researchers and academics, support your PGR community and celebrate some of the amazing research that is taking place at BU!

Don’t miss out, book your place below:

Showcase Celebration – register here

Any Questions please contact pgconference@bournemouth.ac.uk

Best wishes,

The Doctoral College

RKEDF February Digest

Book now for RKEDF training in February 2025 

Click on the titles to find further details and book your place 

ECRN: Demonstrating Research Impact  

Monday 3rd February 14.00-16.00 – in person, online 

Are you hopeful that you research is going to make a difference?  Have you considered the variety of ways your research can have an impact?  This session will help you consider the ways in which you can demonstrate the impact your research is having and start you off on planning an impact strategy.  Facilitated by RDS expert Adam Morris. 

Konfer training 

Thursday 6th February 14:00 – 15:30 – in person, Talbot Campus 

We invite you to an in-person training session, featuring Anna Dent-Davies and Shivaun Meehan from the National Centre for Universities and Business (NCUB). They will introduce Konfer, a powerful platform for navigating the UK innovation ecosystem.  For those unfamiliar, Konfer connects users with resources and potential collaborators perfectly aligned with their research or innovation projects. 

RKEDF: ECRN – Work life balance 

Wednesday 12th February 13:00-14:00, in person, Talbot Campus 

This session is aimed at Academics, Researchers and PGRs with an interest in discussing work/life balance within Academic roles and careers.  The session aims to discuss approaches to setting and maintaining healthy work/life balance whilst also managing the demands of their role. It will follow an open, discursive model and invite responses from ECRs with input from the Academic leads. 

Horizon Europe 

Wednesday 12th February 13:00-14:30, in person, Talbot Campus 

Looking to secure European funding? Then this Horizon Europe event is for you! 

This session will cover: 

  • Introduction to Horizon Europe 
  • Where and how to find EU funding opportunities 
  • Panel discussion – What are the most effective ways of building international partnerships and getting involved with peers across Europe? 
  • Q&A session 

KTP Development – Public Sector KTPs 

Wednesday 19th February 13:00-14:00, in person, BGB, Lansdowne  

Public Sector KTPs: Developing the ‘Business Case’ – Providing Persuasive Evidence of Impact 

Sometimes organisations can see an opportunity for growth, something that will supercharge their business, but they don’t quite know where or how to start. That’s when a Knowledge Transfer Partnership could help.  As part of ongoing work to grow our KTP numbers and to coincide with their milestone birthday, we are hosting a series of developmental sessions for staff (and businesses) to debunk myths, provide insights, and forge connections. 

Please help us in avoiding any waste of resources; make sure you can attend or cancel your booking prior to the session. For any further information, please contact RKEDF@bournemouth.ac.uk   

Links for further RKE information and support are below: 

RKE SharePoint page: RKE – Home 

RKEDF SharePoint for development opportunities: Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Framework RKEDF – Home 

RKEDF Brightspace: Homepage – Research & Knowledge Exchange Development Framework  


2025 Bid-generating sandpit: Interdisciplinary research towards sustainable development goals

Funded by the British Academy Early Career Researcher Network and organised by the Centre for the Study of Conflict, Emotion, and Social Justice, we are inviting applications for the:

2025 Bid-generating Sandpit: Interdisciplinary Research towards Sustainable Development Goals

26 – 27 March 2025

Bournemouth University, Executive Business Centre (TBC)

Participate in dynamic and interactive sessions to develop innovative research concepts addressing any of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), leading to funding bids across institutions and disciplines. Your goal is to form an interdisciplinary project team and build a funding proposal in only two days. You will then be allocated a mentor and have two online follow-up sessions to share your project progress and experiences.

We welcome early career (as you choose to define it) researchers, artists, practitioners or anyone with a general interest in sustainability and emerging interdisciplinary projects. You must be based at one of these universities: Bournemouth University, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff University, University of Exeter, University of Bath, Bath Spa University, University of Bristol, University of Gloucestershire, University of Plymouth, University of the West of England or University of Wales Trinity Saint David. You should be keen to work in a multidisciplinary team, and willing to commit to attending the full sandpit, on both days. No prior experience of research funding is required.

To secure your spot in the Sandpit, please complete and submit the following application by 6th February 2025 – note that all participants must commit to attending both full days in person: https://forms.office.com/e/AQiAsf5Wxn

The event is facilitated by Dr. Catalin Brylla and Dr. Lyle Skains, with advisors and mentors to be drawn from senior Bournemouth University staff based on participant disciplines and interests.  If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Writing for The Conversation – upcoming training opportunities

Would you like to build a media profile and take your research to a global audience by writing for The Conversation?

The Conversation is a news analysis and opinion website with content written by academics, researchers and PhD candidates working with professional journalists.

Since we first partnered with The Conversation, articles by BU authors have had close to 11 million reads and been republished by news outlets across the world.

Find out more about working with The Conversation and have the chance to pitch your ideas directly to one of their editors in our upcoming training sessions:

Writing for The Conversation interactive workshop

2-4pm, Wednesday 5th March (Fusion Building, Talbot Campus) 

In this interactive session, you’ll find out more about communicating your research to the public, what The Conversation is looking for, and have the chance to discuss your research with a Conversation editor and pitch potential story ideas.

Sign up via Eventbrite

One-to-one session with an editor from The Conversation

Between 2pm – 4pm (20 minute bookable slots), Wednesday 2nd April (online)

This one-to-one session with one of The Conversation’s editors is tailored to you and your research.

You’ll have the chance to discuss potential pitches and receive personalised advice and feedback on communicating your research to a general audience and turning your expertise into articles.

Book your 20 minute one-to-one session via Eventbrite.

Places on each training session are limited so please cancel your place via Eventbrite if you are no longer able to attend.

Find out more about our partnership and the benefits of working with The Conversation

Horizon Europe News and Leaked 2025 Work Programmes So Far

Before I dive into the work programmes, please note that there will be an in-person event dedicated to Horizon Europe funding on 12 February 2025 at 1 PM.

The session will begin with an introduction to Horizon Europe, showcasing where and how to find EU funding opportunities, followed by a panel discussion on the most effective ways to build international partnerships and engage with peers across Europe. The event will conclude with a Q&A session.

Although the event is primarily aimed at those who are relatively unfamiliar with Horizon Europe funding, even more experienced academics will have the opportunity to ask questions to the hosts — Horizon Europe expert Ainar Blaudums and Prof Hamid Bouchachia with a strong track record of successfully applying for EU funding.

For more details, please read this announcement or book your place HERE in advance, as space for this event, held in the Fusion Building, is limited.

And now, back to the topic.

It’s time to start planning and aligning your research with Horizon Europe’s potential opportunities. Many of you may already know that we are still waiting for the Horizon Europe 2025 work programme to be finalised and officially released.

Apart from the European Innovation Council’s 2025 work programme, which was published earlier, the official final versions of other work programmes are expected to be released by March/April 2025. In the meantime, we continue to keep an eye on the European Commission’s website and other sources for updates.

Some 2025 draft work programmes have been leaked, and the Science Business portal has collated them. Please note that these draft Horizon Europe work programmes for 2025 are subject to change, possibly significantly. However, they provide an early look at the research topics, timing, and budgets that the European Commission is considering, offering valuable insight into upcoming funding opportunities. For now, here’s what we know so far:

  • Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society

The available version appears to be from October 2024. This draft work programme outlines opportunities in areas such as social cohesion, digital culture, and the role of creative industries.
Link to the document: HORIZON-CL2-2025_10_29_2024.pdf

  • Digital, Industry and Space

The available version is from October 2024. Focusing on AI, space research, and industrial innovation, this cluster will be highly relevant for researchers in engineering, technology, and cybersecurity.
Link to the document: HORIZON-CL4-2025_v3[77].pdf

  • Climate, Energy and Mobility

This version was available in April 2024. This draft work programme focuses on green technologies, climate action, sustainable energy, and mobility solutions.
Link to the document: HORIZON-CL5_WP 2025_PC version_2024-04-29.pdf

  • Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area

The October 2024 version. This part of the programme aims to increase research excellence across all EU regions, particularly focusing on less-represented areas.
Link to the document: HORIZON-WIDERA-2025_10_04_2024_Advanced draft.pdf

  • Health

The available version is from December 2024. With a focus on healthcare innovation, disease prevention, and mental health, the Health cluster will remain highly competitive and provide many new opportunities for research.
Link to the document: HORIZON-CL1-2025_12_20_2024.pdf

  • Civil Security for Society

The November 2024 version. This part of the work programme covers public safety, security technologies, and disaster management.
Link to the document: Cluster 3 Draft

  • European Innovation Council (EIC)

The EIC continues to fund high-risk, innovative technologies and support start-ups and entrepreneurs. This work programme has already been officially released.
Link to the document: European Innovation Council (EIC) Work Programme

If you have any EU funding-related questions, feel free to get in touch with me – Research Facilitator International. For general pre-award or non-EU queries, please email them to the Pre-award Enquiries mailbox.

Thinking about interdisciplinary research

Thank you very much for all those who attended last Wednesday’s monthly online session organised by BU’s Centre for Midwifery & Women’s Health (CMWH).  This event featured PhD student Mr. Shafkat Hossein who spoke about his thesis research ‘Using Human-Centred Design (HCD) to develop community-led interventions to prevent drowning among children under the age of 2 in rural Bangladesh’.  His work is part of an interdisciplinary study called ‘Sonamoni’ in which BU collaborates with CIPRB (Centre for Injury Prevention and Research, Bangladesh), the University of the West of England (in Bristol), the University of Southampton, the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI), and Design Without Borders (DWB) in Uganda.  Sonamoni aims to design and develop interventions to reduce the number of  young children drowning in Bangladesh.

This public health project is funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) through its Research and Innovation for Global Health Transformation programme. For more information, visit the NIHR website.

The second speaker at the CMWH event was Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen, who spoke about trials and tribulations of conducting, running and managing interdisciplinary studies.  His talk was largely based on three three published papers co-written with BU academic and Faculty of Health & Social Sciences Visiting Faculty members on interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary working [1-3].  There are, of course, differences between multidisciplinary, and interdisciplinary and the even more integrated level of working called transdisciplinary.  At the same time the individual member of an interdisciplinary team needs to have individual field-based expertise in their own discipline, e.g. sociology, nursing, chemistry or law to bring required knowledge and skills to that team.




  1. Shanker, S., Wasti, S.P., Ireland, J., Regmi, P., Simkhada, P., van Teijlingen, E. (2021) The Interdisciplinary Team Not the Interdisciplinarist: Reflections on Interdisciplinary Research, Europasian Journal of Medical Sciences 3(2): 1-5. https://doi.org/10.46405/ejms.v3i2.317
  2. Wasti, S. P., van Teijlingen, E., Simkhada, P. (2020) Public Health is truly interdisciplinary. Journal of Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences6(1):21-22.
  3. van Teijlingen, E., Regmi, P., Adhikary, P., Aryal, N., Simkhada, P. (2019). Interdisciplinary Research in Public Health: Not quite straightforward. Health Prospect18(1), 4-7. https://doi.org/10.3126/hprospect.v18i1.19337

An inspiring visit to Türkiye! Towards gender equality in research and academia

On January 20-21, 2025, the VOICES in Action: International Event on Gender Equality in Science and Research took place at Izmir University of Economics (IEU). Organised and funded by COST Action VOICES, this two-day conference brought together a group of experts and researchers from across Europe to exchange knowledge and experiences on issues related to gender equality in academia and research. The event featured a lineup of speakers, including Dr Ola Thomson from BU Business School.

Day one set the scene with topics such as implementing Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) in universities and research institutions, integrating gender perspectives in research, and exploring the global challenges faced by women in STEM careers.

Ola, who is a management committee member and co-lead of VOICES, delivered a talk focusing on the activities of her working group in promoting inclusive mentoring as a strategy to advance gender equality in academia and research. Ola shared insights from the Mentoring Mapping in Europe project, which involved identifying and analysing existing mentoring programmes to better understand their impact and gaps. Additionally, she presented the outcomes of the Inclusive Mentoring Summer Training held in Bilbao in 2024, which had utilised art-based and co-creation techniques to enable mentees, mentors and programme managers to share their experiences of mentoring and create ten guiding principles on inclusive mentoring.

Day two was an interactive and hands-on experience for attendees, featuring co-creation workshops for early-career researchers. Ola and her two VOICES colleagues Dr Jennifer Dahmen-Adkins from Germany, and Şerife Durna from Türkiye co-led a World Café session, which explored the challenges impacting early researchers’ careers. Themes included the gendered nature of institutions and the impact of systemic inequalities, addressing the tension between professional demands and societal gender roles, examining gendered access to opportunities and critiquing notions of “meritocracy” and “excellence”, and lastly, sharing personal and institutional experiences to understand the prevalence and impact of bias.

This event was a rewarding opportunity to engage with a Turkish community of researchers and academics committed to shaping the future of gender equality in science and research. It underscored the importance of collaboration across Europe and Inclusiveness Target Countries such as Türkiye, where challenging socio-political systems operate and influence gender equality efforts and outcomes.

This work links to three UN SDGs: Gender equality,  Decent work and economic growth, and Reduced inequalities within and among countries.

New book by Dr Duncan Randall, DNS

Nursing is an essential component of children’s palliative care and palliative care is an essential aspect of nursing. Yet the complex inter-disciplinary nature of palliative care brings into sharp focus the work nurses undertake with others in delivering palliative care. This is, however, a book by nurses for nurses.
This comprehensive text presents the essential knowledge and skills required by nurses providing this invaluable care to a growing number of children. The chapters are mapped to the Children’s Palliative Care Education and Training standards. These are endorsed by the International Children’s Palliative Care Network, a major partner with the World Health Organization in the push to make children’s palliative care a universal health right. In its three Parts, Children’s Palliative Nursing Care covers public and universal care, core nursing and specialist care. The chapters can be read individually or cumulatively to move from engagement in public health and public understanding of palliative care through to delivering nursing care. Topics range from managing symptoms and end-of-life care, to education, research and issues of quality and leadership.
Uniquely each chapter has been written by a team of authors who come from both high-income and low-/middle-income countries. This makes this not just a book by nurses for nurses but a global book for global nursing practice.
It is now available through the University library:
Dr Randall researches as part of the Centre for Wellbeing and Long-Term Health at Bournemouth University

RKEDF ECR development opportunities – book now!

ECRN: Demonstrating Research Impact – Mon 3rd Feb, 14:00-16:00, online 

Are you hopeful that you research is going to make a difference?  Have you considered the variety of ways your research can have an impact? This session will help you consider the ways in which you can demonstrate the impact your research is having and start you off on planning an impact strategy.  Open to ECRs & PGRs. Book your place HERE

Konfer training – Thurs 6th Feb, 14:00-15:30, in person – Talbot campus

Featuring Anna Dent-Davies and Shivaun Meehan from the National Centre for Universities and Business (NCUB). They will introduce Konfer, a powerful platform for navigating the UK innovation ecosystem.  For those unfamiliar, Konfer connects users with resources and potential collaborators perfectly aligned with their research or innovation projects.

You’ll also have the chance to discuss your specific research projects or areas of interest and even begin drafting your own collaboration call during the session.  Don’t miss this opportunity to explore how Konfer can support your research and innovation goals!

Ahead of the session, we kindly ask attendees to:

  • Sign up to Konfer.
  • Come prepared with an innovation challenge or collaboration opportunity in mind.

Find out more and book your place HERE

RKEDF: ECRN – Work life balance – Weds 12th Feb, 13:00-14:00, in person – Talbot campus

This session is aimed at Academics, Researchers and PGRs with an interest in discussing work/life balance within Academic roles and careers.  The session aims to discuss approaches to setting and maintaining healthy work/life balance whilst also managing the demands of their role. It will follow an open, discursive model and invite responses from ECRs with input from the ECRN Academic leads.  For further details and bookings, click HERE

Please contact RKEDF@bournemouth.ac.uk if you have any queries.

Horizon Europe funding – Weds 12th Feb

Looking to secure European funding?

Horizon Europe event – in person, Wednesday 12th Feb, Talbot Campus 13:00-14:30.  Hosted by RDS Horizon expert, Ainar Blaudums and BU’s very own successful Horizon Europe academic, Prof Hamid Bouchachia.

This session will cover:

  • Introduction to Horizon Europe
  • Where and how to find EU funding opportunities
  • Panel discussion – What are the most effective ways of building international partnerships and getting involved with peers across Europe?
  • Q&A session

For further information on this event please contact RKEDF@bournemouth.ac.uk

Book your place HERE

Conversation article: Films can change the world – why universities and film schools should teach impact strategies

Dr Reina-Marie Loader co-authors this article for The Conversation about the power of film to influence behaviour and policies…

Films can change the world – why universities and film schools should teach impact strategies

Liani Maasdorp, University of Cape Town and Reina-Marie Loader, Bournemouth University

When was the last time a film changed the way you saw the world? Or the way you behaved?

Miners Shot Down (2014) countered mainstream media narratives to reveal how striking mine workers were gunned down by police at Marikana in South Africa. Black Fish (2013) made US theme park SeaWorld’s stock prices plummet. And Virunga (2014) stopped the British oil company Soco International from mining in the Congolese national park from which the film takes its name.

These films were all at the centre of impact campaigns designed to move people to act. In filmmaking, “impact” may involve bringing people together around important issues. It could also lead to people changing their minds or behaviour. It might change lives or policies.

Impact is achieved not just by a film’s own power to make people aware of and care about an issue. It requires thinking strategically about how to channel that emotion into meaningful and measurable change.

Although it is a growing field, for which there are numerous funding opportunities, impact producing is seldom taught at film schools or in university film programmes. Teaching tends to be ad hoc or superficial.

As scholars who study and teach film, we wanted to know more about where and how people are learning about impact producing; the benefits of learning – and teaching – impact production; and the barriers that prevent emerging filmmakers and film students in Africa and the rest of the majority world from learning this discipline. (Also called the “global south” or the “developing world”, majority world is a term used to challenge the idea that the west is the centre of the world.)

So, for a recent article in Film Education Journal, we conducted desk research, a survey shared with the members of the Global Impact Producers Alliance and interviews with a sample of stakeholders, selected based on their knowledge of teaching impact or experience of learning about it.

We found that there are university and college courses that focus on social issue filmmaking, but hardly any that prioritise social impact distribution. Access to free in-person training is highly competitive, generally requiring a film in production. We also found that free online resources – though numerous – can be overwhelming to those new to the field. And the majority of the courses, labs and resources available have been created in the west.

We believe it is important for film students and emerging filmmakers to know at least the basics of impact producing, for a range of reasons. Film is a powerful tool that can be used to influence audience beliefs and behaviour. Students need to know how they are being influenced by the media – and also how they can use it to advance causes that make the world more just and sustainable. The skills are transferable to other story forms, which empowers students to work in different contexts, in both the commercial and independent film sectors. It can benefit a student’s career progression and future job prospects.

Existing opportunities

We found that current impact learning opportunities range in depth and accessibility.

Many webinars, masterclasses and short one-off training opportunities are freely available online. But some are not recorded: you have to be there in person. Many form part of film festivals and film market programmes, which charge registration fees.

Impact “labs” are on offer around the world. They usually run for less than a week and are offered by different organisations, often in collaboration with Doc Society (the leading proponent of impact production worldwide). Although they are almost all free of charge, the barrier to entry is high: they are aimed at filmmakers with social impact films already in the making.

We found that the postgraduate programmes (MA and PhD) most aligned with this field are offered by a health sciences university in the US, Saybrook Univerity, and are very expensive.

African content, global reach

In our journal article we presented two impact learning opportunities from the majority world as case studies. One, the Aflamuna Fellowship, is an eight-month in-person programme based in Beirut, Lebanon. It combines theoretical learning, “job shadowing” on existing impact campaigns, and in-service learning through designing and running impact campaigns for new films. This programme has proven very helpful to filmmakers approaching topics that are particularly sensitive within the Middle East and north Africa regions, such as LGBTQ+ rights.

The other, the UCT/Sunshine Cinema Film Screening Impact Facilitator short course, is based in South Africa but is hosted entirely online. It was developed by the University of Cape Town Centre for Film and Media Studies and the mobile cinema distribution NGO Sunshine Cinema and launched in 2021. We are both connected to it – one as course convenor (Maasdorp) and the other (Loader) as one of the 2023 alumni.

Self-directed learning (including learning videos, prescribed films, readings and case studies) is followed by discussions with peers in small groups and live online classes with filmmakers, movement builders and impact strategists. The final course assignment is to plan, market, host and report on a film screening and facilitate an issue-centred discussion with the audience. Topics addressed by students in these impact screenings are diverse, ranging from voter rights, to addiction, to climate change, to gender-based violence.

Both case studies offer powerful good practice models in impact education. Projects developed as part of these programmes go on to be successful examples of impact productions within the industry. The documentary Lobola, A Bride’s True Price? (2022, directed by Sihle Hlophe), for instance, got wide reaching festival acclaim, walking away with several prizes across Africa. Both programmes combine theoretical learning; discussion of case studies relevant to the local context; engagements with experienced impact workers; and application of the learning in practice.

It is clear from this study that there is a hunger for more structured impact learning opportunities globally, and for local, context specific case studies from around the world.The Conversation

Liani Maasdorp, Senior lecturer in Screen Production and Film and Television Studies, University of Cape Town and Reina-Marie Loader, Principal Academic in Film Production, Bournemouth University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

New PhD publication on Caesarean Section

Congratulations to Dr. Soluchana Dhakal-Rai whose latest research paper ‘Explaining rising caesarean section rates in urban Nepal: A mixed-methods study’ has been accepted today by the international journal PLOS One [1].  Sulochana graduated last November with a Ph.D. from Bournemouth University; photo shows her with the BU-based supervisors: Dr. Juliet Wood, Dr. Pramod Regmi and Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen. 

Sulochana has been very productive in terms of publications based on her Ph.D., as this is the seventh paper based on her research! She published six previous papers [1-6], in addition during her time as BU Ph.D. student Sulochana also contributed to a book chapter [8[ as part of the textbook Academic Writing and Publishing in Health & Social Sciences.


Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen







  1. Dhakal Rai, S., van Teijlingen, E., Regmi, P.R., Wood, J., Dangal, G., Dhakal, K.B. 2025 Explaining rising caesarean section rates in urban Nepal: A mixed-methods study, PLOS One (Accepted).
  2. Dhakal-Rai, S, van Teijlingen E, Regmi,PR, Wood J, Dangal G, Dhakal KB. (2022) Factors contributing to rising cesarean section rates in South Asian countries: A systematic reviewAsian J Med Sci 13(2): 143-174.
  3. Dhakal-Rai, S, van Teijlingen E, Regmi,PR, Wood J, Dangal G, Dhakal KB. (2021) Caesarean Section for Non-medical Reasons: A Rising Public Health IssueJ Karnali Acad Health Sci 2021;4(2)
  4. Dhakal-Rai, S., van Teijlingen, E., Regmi, P., Wood, J., Dangal, G., Dhakal, K.B. (2021) A brief history and indications for cesarean section. J Patan Acad Health Sci8: e1-e10.
  5. Dhakal-Rai, S., van Teijlingen, E, Regmi, P, Wood, J, Dangal, G, Dhakal, KB. (2021) Classification of Caesarean Section: A Scoping Review of the Robson classificationNep J Obstet Gynecol. 16(32):2-9.
  6. Dhakal-Rai, S., Regmi, PR, van Teijlingen, E, Wood, J., Dangal G, Dhakal, KB. (2018) Rising Rate of Caesarean Section in Urban Nepal, J Nepal Health Res Council 16(41): 479-80.
  7. Dhakal Rai, S., Poobalan, A., Jan, R., Bogren, M., Wood, J., Dangal, G., Regmi, P., van Teijlingen, E., Dhakal, K.B., Badar, S.J., Shahid, F. (2019) Caesarean Section rates in South Asian cities: Can midwifery help stem the rise? J Asian Midwives6(2):4–22.
  8. van Teijlingen, E., Ireland, J., Hundley, V, Dhakal Rai, S., Simkhada, P., Sathian, B. (2022) Identifying an appropriate Title, In: Wasti, S.P., et al. (Eds.) Academic Writing and Publishing in Health & Social Sciences, Kathmandu, Nepal: Himal Books: 39-47.


PhD Viva Success!

Congratulations to Dr. Assemgul Kozhabek on getting her Doctorate. She successfully passed her PhD Viva defense with the thesis entitled:

Complex Urban Road Networks: Static Structures and Dynamic Processes

The examiners commended her on her solid theoretical knowledge. Her PhD was match-funded by BCP and involved collaboration with University of Cambridge.

Over her PhD journey, besides publications, she has also been active; participating and presenting in different events (e.g., Alan Turing Institute Data Study Group, Dorset COP 2024), won multiple awards (including twice OpenBright awards and two consecutive BCS GreenIT competitions) and awarded Scholarship for Events on Complex Systems from the Young Researchers of the Complex Systems Society (yrC-SS).

Supervisors: Dr Wei Koong Chai and Prof. Vasilis Katos.



Conversation article: Here – this mawkishly sentimental adaptation has lost the brilliance of Richard McGuire’s graphic novel

Dr Julia Round co-authors this article for The Conversation about a new film adaptation of comic strip turned graphic novel Here

Here: this mawkishly sentimental adaptation has lost the brilliance of Richard McGuire’s graphic novel

Julia Round, Bournemouth University and Alex Fitch, University of Brighton

Director Robert Zemeckis’s new film Here is adapted from the comic strip turned graphic novel of the same name by Richard McGuire. It tells the non-linear story of the inhabitants of an American house throughout multiple time periods, from one fixed point of view – a corner of the living room.

Like the graphic novel, the film uses inset frames – small oblong windows of different moving images with a white border. They are placed over a larger main image to show the same physical location during different fragmentary moments in time. However this technique isn’t used nearly as frequently as in the book.

Paul Bettany, Tom Hanks and Robin Wright play the same characters – members of a family that have lived in the home since the 1940s – from their 20s through to old age. To show their lives progressing throughout the years, the film makes distracting use of digital ageing and de-ageing.

In the graphic novel, the intersecting and overlapping moments of different eras inhabit nearly all of the double page spreads of the 300-page book. This encourages the reader to make comparisons and connections between different time periods. But the film only shows these fragments of other times at the end of each scene, as a transition to the next.

This means the movie often focuses on scenes of romance and melodrama, rather than the intriguing moments of humanity in play and conflict found in the graphic novel’s panels. Memorable images and lines of dialogue from the graphic novel are kept occasionally, but the expansion of micro-vignettes into much longer scenes often drags the film into mawkish sentimentality.

Split-screen cinema

In our research, we’ve compared the book Here with other graphic novels – One Soul by Ray Fawkes (2011) and From Hell by Alan Moore (1998). In these books panels set in different periods act like a time machine for the reader.

In From Hell the act of reading these panels reinforces the novel’s claim that “time is a human illusion”, as readers jump instantly between images of Victorian London and the present day.

Films and TV shows that use similar split-screen effects to depict different time periods are rare. Some notable examples include The Thomas Crown Affair (1968), Sisters (1973), Dressed to Kill (1980), Kill Bill Part One (2003) and the second series of Squid Game (2024). The technique is usually used to create tension when moments in different locations play out simultaneously.

Even fewer films have used this technique for the entirety of their running time, as Here does. Some British directors experimented with it in the 1990s and 2000s in the films Timecode (2000), A.K.A. (2002), Prospero’s Books (1991), The Pillow Book (1996) and The Tulse Luper Suitcases trilogy (2003-4).

Through this technique, their directors aim the viewer’s attention at a particular image by letting the sound related to that image dominate. This prevents an assault on the audience by a cacophony of sounds from different periods as well as images.

At one point in Here, Zemeckis experiments with blending the sounds of multiple screens. A wedding scene is soundtracked by an insert of The Beatles on The Ed Sullivan show, which continues from the preceding vignette.

For this scene, the inset image stays on screen much longer than any other example in the movie. This is closer than any other scene to the style of the original graphic novel. But in general the constant contrast of startling images which makes the book of Here so memorable is severely underused in the film adaptation.

When interviewed in 2015, McGuire noted how the book uses images in repetitive ways that are like melodies and leitmotifs found in jazz. As such, a soundtrack that also mimicked this kind of musicality could have worked well in the film.


One scene in Here shows the son of Hanks’ character Richard Young dressed as an old-fashioned ghost under a sheet with eye holes.

Ironically, a film which better exemplifies the theme and circular time frame of Here than Zemeckis’s adaptation is David Lowery’s A Ghost Story (2017). In it, a similarly attired character finds themselves trapped in both the future and past of a house after they die.

The film of Here, the graphic novel, and McGuire’s original 1989 short comic strip are all about fragments of time that are haunted by similar moments in the past, or which predict similar moments in the future.

In his graphic novel, McGuire suggests a futility to humanity’s existence by showing a Jurassic landscape that precedes us and the post-apocalyptic world that follows us.

Zemeckis’s film also shows dinosaurs and the ice age preceding the dawn of mankind – with the majority of the film set in the 20th century – but he omits the scenes set in the future. Despite this, his film’s eventual tragedy of lives that end, generation after generation, is ultimately more melancholic than the graphic novel.

In McGuire’s work, there is a joy in the minutiae. The repetitions of the house’s layout and inhabitants’ dialogue suggest communal experiences and shared meanings between our lives.

The film, however, rarely allows the viewer to see such a kaleidoscope of moments on screen at the same time. Ironically, the trailer does this more than the film itself, embracing the possibilities of the format, rather than just flirting with it.

Zemeckis mostly removes the playful multiplicity of overlaying moments that make the comic so unique. This prevents the film from presenting the same sort of uplifting tapestry of moments we see so beautifully on the graphic novel page.The Conversation

Julia Round, Associate Professor of English and Comics Studies, Bournemouth University and Alex Fitch, Lecturer and PhD Candidate in Comics and Architecture, University of Brighton

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