Category / Research themes
Reminder: A Few Places Left for Creative Writing Workshop
The Creative Writing for Academics Workshop on 11 & 12 January is filling up very quickly!
There are only a few places left. If you can commit to attending both days, email Kip Jones now to hold your place.
Read all about a previous Creative Writing for Academics workshop here:
…then get ready for the next one coming in January!

Two-day Workshop in Creative Writing for Academics now open!
Creative Writing for Academics
Workshop with Kip Jones
11 & 12 January 2019

Friday (10- 3) and Saturday (10-2),
11th and 12th January in EBC.
FREE! But you must register
and commit to participating for the two full days.
All are very welcome: students, staff & academics.
Places are limited and will fill up quickly.
By engaging in creative writing, it becomes possible for all to write more clearly, more simply, even more creatively, when writing for academic publication.
The workshop will present opportunities to work with new and creative levels through interfaces with techniques from the arts and humanities—fiction, poetry, auto-ethnography and biography, scriptwriting, techniques from filmmaking, including tags and loglines.
These intellectual exchanges encourage joint exploration of how authors can engage with principles and tools from the arts in order to expand and extend the possibilities of reaching wider audiences.
Read all about an earlier experience with the Creative Writing Workshop

Reminder: CQR Taster Seminar on Creative Writing Wed 1pm R409

Please make a note to join us this Wednesday at 1 pm in RLH 409
Creative Writing for Academics Taster Session with Kip Jones
All are most welcome! It will be a lot of fun and chance to try your hand at some creative writing!
… and first chance to sign up for the full two-day workshop on Creative Writing for Academics coming 11 and 12 January!

CQR Seminar: Creative Writing Taster Session
Wednesday, 5 Dec 1pm for an hour in RLH 409, experiment with the delights of
Creative Writing for Academics, a taster session, with Kip Jones.
“We passionately believe that as narrative researchers & storytellers we must promote narrative in the content & styles of our publications.
Publication or presentation that is counter to this does a disservice to our commitments as narrativists”.
…and if you enjoy the session and want more, there will be a two-day workshop 11 & 12 January.
You will be able to sign up for the workshop at the CQR seminar taster session!
The two-day workshop will be FREE! But you must commit to participating for the two full days. Places are limited and will fill up quickly.
Come along to the Taster Session on Wed 5 Dec at 1 pm, RLH 409, and have a go! It’s fun and you won’t be disappointed!

Creative Writing Workshop Coming in January, Taster Session 5 Dec

Read Susanne Clarke’s report on the last Workshop.
Email me for further info.
CQR Lunchtime Go Create! Seminar this Wed at 1pm RLH 409

Always engaging, the Centre for Qualitative Research’s Lunchtime Seminar Go Create! Series continues with:
Jen Leamon presenting
“Creating and sharing stories:
Students’ creation of digital stories in undergrad midwifery education”
Wednesday, 7 Nov
1-2 pm
Royal London House 409
(note change in location)
The seminars are always informal, interactive and afford lots of time for audience discussion!

Icons and Inspirations: Alan, Tamsin and Alex

Left to right: Alan Sinfield, Tamsin Wilton and Alexander Doty
Whilst researching a new Level 5 ‘Media Perspective’ unit (Life Stores and the Media) for the Department of Media Production, I decided to discuss the concept of ‘dissident reading’ within the lectures, relating the work of Alan Sinfield in this area. In doing this, I not only checked out if our library had the relevant book Cultural Politics – Queer Reading, which we did, but also I thought that I would just check out (online) what Alan is working on now.
Alan Sinfield had been a catalyst in my research journey, as way back in 2004 when I was in the final stages of my PhD, Alan had invited me to speak at a research seminar workshop at the University of Sussex. I remember that Alan was a little critical of my interest in the ‘carnivalesque’, but largely supportive. That seminar offered me a great experience in developing my ideas for the eventual PhD at Bournemouth, and it provided me with a much-needed psychological boost, as the PhD submission date loomed. I remember at the time I had asked Alan some probing questions regarding his new research interests. Alan’s work was fundamental in developing gay and lesbian studies in theatre and popular culture. He replied that he was working on something new, concerning ageing. It was remiss of me to not follow up on this, despite having more contact with the University of Sussex in other areas later on, such as working with Sharif Molabocus who contributed to two of my edited collection books, and also working there as an external PhD examiner. On searching for Alan’s latest work, I discovered that he had passed away last year, aged 75.
In thinking through my meeting with Alan in 2004, I had not realized that soon after this he would retire, as Parkinson’s disease would effect his speech. Now I maybe understand Alan’s interest in writing about ageing, at a time when his life must have been changing. The loss of Alan also made me think about others in the LGBT and queer studies media research community who I have met that are no longer with us.
Before I was accepted to study my PhD at Bournemouth, I had applied to the University of the West of England. When the panel interviewed me, I met Tamsin Wilton, whose ground-breaking book was entitled Immortal, Invisible: Lesbians and the Moving Image. While I did not get the doctoral scholarship at UWE, Tamsin confided in me that her research was mostly done within her own time, suggesting that at that time the department thought her work was ‘too radical’. Tamsin passed away in 2006, only a few years after we met, and I remember thinking how much we have lost in her passing, her work was revolutionary, and she genuinely encouraged me to press on with my research, in times when LGBT studies were less popular.
Besides the loss of Alan Sinfield and Tamsin Wilton, I cannot forget the sudden loss of Alexander Doty. Similar to meeting Alan and Tamsin early in my research journey, I briefly met Alex when he was presenting at the feminist Console-ing Passions Conference in Bristol in 2001, a conference that I would eventually co-organise this year at Bournemouth. In 2001, I was studying for an MA at Bristol, and I had never been to an academic conference before, but we were required as students to help out. I remember attending Alex’s paper on the TV series Will and Grace, and I had a brief conversation with him over coffee. Somehow, I made some links between his ideas, and those that I was studying, and I am forever grateful to Alex for his work, and his non-pretentious demeanour. Although if I am honest, I was a little in awe of him, and at the time I could have never imagined that I could have published my academic work.
So I think, often we encounter inspirational researchers along the way, at conferences, seminars, symposiums, and even in interviews. For me, the loss of Alan Sinfield, Tamsin Wilton and Alex Doty, almost seems too much to bear, as clearly they had far more to offer, despite their remaining stellar work. In the manner where I discussed the legacy of Pedro Zamora (the HIV/AIDS activist) and the meaning of a life cut short, theoretical and political ideals potentially live on. Our task is not only to remember all that potential, but also to continue it in any way we can.
CQR “Go Create!” Lunchtime Seminars 2018-19

The Centre will be hosting a number of lunchtime ‘Go Create!’ seminars for the 2018/19 academic year, all from 1pm to 2pm in Royal London House.
Wednesday 3 October – ‘Creative ways of dissemination and data gathering’, presented bY Liz Norton, Caroline Ellis-Hill and Ann Hemingway, R201
Wednesday 7 November – ‘Creating and sharing stories: Students creation of digital stories in undergraduate midwifery education’, presented by Jan Leamon, R409
Wednesday 5 December – ‘Creative Writing for Academics Mini-session’, presented by Kip Jones, R409
Wednesday 9 January – ‘Expressing research findings with an artist’, presented by Kathleen Vandenberghe, R409
Wednesday 6 February – ‘Exploring self-ageing through participatory drawing’, presented by Curie Scott, R201
Wednesday 6 March – ‘Dead Poets, Live Teachers: Using films to explore the emerging professional identities of trainee teachers’, presented by Mark Readman, R201
CQR Lunchtime Conversations Kick Off 3rd Oct at 1 pm RLH 201

The engaging CQR lunchtime Go Create!
seminar series for 2018-19 begins with
Liz Norton, Caroline Ellis-Hill &
Ann Hemingway
“Creative ways of data gathering &
Oct 3rd 1-2 pm RLH 201
Come prepared for informal conversation, sharing, and audience participation!
“We will be VERY informal!”
See you there!

The meaning of Place in Research: The ‘Real World’ House and St Vincent’s Hospital

Just over two years ago, I went to San Francisco to launch my book Pedro Zamora, Sexuality and AIDS Education, at the GLBT Historical Society. Just two days ago I came back from New York where I launched my latest book Heroism, Celebrity and Therapy in Nurse Jackie. While this seems like a roller coaster of production and travelling (with a lot of it all at my own expense!), in thinking about these two events, I was struck by the meaning of ‘place’ in research.
When I was in San Francisco, I was fortunate to not only be interviewed by the Bay Area Reporter, but also Alastair Gee interviewed me (who often writes in in the Guardian and The New Yorker). Alastair and I were in conversation for over two hours – outside the ‘Real World’ house – the place where Pedro Zamora had lived whilst filming the TV series, shortly before he died. Alastair mostly pressed me to explain my interest and connection with that particular location – ‘The Real World House’ – on Lombard Street, the most ‘crooked’ (winding) street in the world. The interview seemed more like a therapy session, where we also discussed the tragic event of the Orlando shooting incident that had occurred at Pulse Nightclub – just a few days before, where 49 people attracted to and/or part of the LGBT community were slain. Whilst Alastair didn’t eventually transform this interview into a published piece, this memory of the interview and the possible meaning of a particular place- relevant to research – still kind of ‘haunts me’.
Spin forward two years, and somehow, I am revisiting the notion of ‘place’, as I decided to launch my new book at the BGSQD bookshop, just a few yards from the now demolished St. Vincent’s hospital in Greenwich Village, New York. The reason for this was simple, in the book I hypothesize that the fictional hospital of ‘All Saints’ in Nurse Jackie was potentially inspired by ‘St Vincent’s’. This is not difficult to work out, as St Vincent’s was sold off after going bankrupt just a few years back, and then converted into luxury condominiums. Nurse Jackie references this, by ending the series with the closing of the fictional ‘All Saints’ hospital, where our (anti) heroine Jackie Peyton passes away just after the last patient leaves the building. Added to this Edie Falco the phenomenal actress who plays Nurse Jackie is a resident of New York, I believe living not that far from Greenwich Village.
So where does this leave us? I think as researchers we are haunted by notions of place, not only where we fit in the research, but where the research narrative is played out. Being near a place where there might be some emotional meaning in the research, connects us to our human condition. For me getting the chance to be near St. Vincent’s (or should I say where it used to be), was very moving indeed. Not only was this potentially the inspiration for the setting of Nurse Jackie (a wonderful story of morality, humanity and fallibility, by the way) but coincidentally St Vincent’s was the hospital that cared for Pedro Zamora not long before he passed way.
The original buildings may be gone, in the case of ‘the Real World house’ transformed into flats, and in the case of St. Vincent’s demolished and the space transformed into something quite different, no longer a life blood to support deprived community, everyday people and outsiders. As Tom Eubanks reports in his book ‘Ghosts of St. Vincent’s’: ‘Before the entitled lived here exclusively, the marginalized died in droves’. St. Vincent’s was not only the place where those who were dying of HIV/AIDS (in the early years of the syndrome) were cared for, when many didn’t care or were too scared, but also when the Twin Towers were attached on 9/11, this was the place of first response in caring for the wounded, it was central in caring for community.
After the book launch I wandered around the streets of St Vincent’s, occasionally catching a glimpse of the cathedral-like ‘Freedom Tower’ (the new World Trade Center), a powerful sense of absence pervades in our knowledge of the original towers and the media coverage of their collapse.
Place seems significant, not only in thinking about what it all meant, but also where to go next. Research in some ways is distanced from ‘actual place’ as we try to create a perspective that seems unbiased; this is often something we tell students. However, in many ways meaningful research is situated deeply within us, it’s part of our emotional universe, occasionally illuminating the possible places that we might go, or be drawn to.
Game On! Enriching the lives of people with dementia through digital gaming.
On the 13th July 2018, the Ageing and Dementia Research Centre (ADRC) hosted a free half-day workshop for dementia practitioners and academics interested in understanding how digital gaming technology can be used to support the well-being of people with dementia and their care partners.
The event was attended by people from a range of professional backgrounds including care home staff, day centre Activity Coordinators, community volunteers, researchers and local Government. The morning session provided them with the opportunity to listen to presentations from:
- Dr Ben Hicks (ADRC and Psychology) on the Erasmus+ funded ‘AD-Gaming platform’ that promotes the use of Serious Games for people with dementia as well as the HEIF funded ‘Game Plan’ platform that supports practitioners to use off-the-shelf gaming technology with people with dementia and exchange knowledge on best practice through a Virtual Café.
- Dr Phil Joddrell (CATCH, Sheffield University) on the AcTo Dementia website that provides a list of iPad applications accessible for people with dementia, each of which have been tested using an evidence-based framework.
- Laura Wade (BU Nursing student) on the use of a Virtual Application, ‘A Walk Through Dementia’ that places users in the position of someone living with dementia; thereby providing them with a more humanistic understanding of what it might feel like to live with the condition.
During the afternoon session, the attendees were provided with a more ‘hands-on’ opportunity to use the applications and talk to the researchers in more detail about how the technology could be incorporated within their practice. These sessions were facilitated by Bournemouth University students Amy Dytham, Amy-Jane Pegler and Olivia Bryant who have been involved as Research Assistants in a number of the projects.
The event provoked some interesting questions and seemed to raise awareness of how technology can be used in the future care of people with dementia; both in providing those living with the condition with better opportunities for meaningful leisure activities and those supporting them with a more informed understanding of what it may be like to live with a dementia. The event also provided a great networking opportunity for the attendees, and discussions regarding future collaborations are already underway.
For more information on the event or for a copy of the presentations that were delivered on the day please contact Ben Hicks on

Ben Hicks discussing the HEIF funded Game Plan project

Laura Wade discussing A Walk Through Dementia

Phil Joddrell discussing the development of the AcTo Dementia website

Amy Dytham leading a training session on the AD-Gaming platform

Some thought provoking discussions
ADRC attend 47th British Society of Gerontology Conference, Manchester, UK
Yolanda Barrado-Martín from the Psychology Department and Ageing and Dementia Research Centre (ADRC) attended the 47th edition of the British Society of Gerontology in Manchester (UK) from 3rd July to 6th July 2018.
International researchers from different disciplines gathered in Manchester to learn about projects under the theme “Ageing in an Unequal World: Shaping Environments fro the 21st Century”. This was a very well attended conference (with a waiting list), with up to 17 parallel sessions. Dementia had a relevant space in this conference with different sessions highlighting the use of diverse interventions to improve the quality of life of people living with dementia and those providing support such as facilitating decision making processes, exploring environmental adaptations and supporting home-care for those willing to stay at home.
Yolanda Barrado-Martín had an oral presentation entitled: “How is Tai Chi received by people living with dementia and their informal carers?” Those attending the session showed their interest in the topic and asked questions about people living with moderate dementia’s involvement in the classes and about the Ransomised Controlled Trial Phase of the study. This was a great experience for Yolanda who presented her PhD pilot results to a friendly international audience.
The ADRC’s work was also represented by Dr Michele Board who gave a presentation on “Evaluating the impact of the Virtual Reality app ‘A Walk Through Dementia’, and Mananya Podee who discussed leisure activity, arts and social inclusion for those with dementia.
Participation in the BSG conference was a valued addition in knowledge regarding psycho-social interventions for people living with dementia and a great opportunity to network with researchers from the gerontology background. Yolanda’s attendance to this conference was possible thanks to one of the Santander Mobility Awards.

British Society of Gerontology 47th Annual Conference – Ageing in an Unequal World: Shaping Environments for the 21st Century.
Visitors from China on Medical Robotics
Upon the invitation of Prof Hongnian Yu, the team from Chinese Academy of Sciences was visiting Bournemouth University to conducted a Newton funded project, Adaptive Learning Control of a Cardiovascular Robot using Expert Surgeon Techniques, from 26 June to 7 July 2018. Two teams have exchanged the ideas, the project progress and the future plan. They had several meetings and discussion sessions.

Prof Hongnian Yu and Dr Carol Clark visited Chinese Academy of Sciences in May 2017, and visited their labs and organized a project workshop. This Newton funded project is closely related to three of BU2025 strategic areas – medical sciences, assistive technology and animation, simulation & visualisation. The project has potential to generate some real impacts to our society and manufacturing industry which can be used for the future REF impact case.

Posted on behalf of Dr Carol Clark
ADRC attend 4th EU Falls Festival, Manchester, UK
Dr Samuel Nyman and Yolanda Barrado-Martín from the Psychology Department and Ageing and Dementia Research Centre (ADRC) attended the 4th EU Falls Festival in Manchester on 2nd and 3rd July 2018.
International researchers met in Manchester to learn about current projects under the theme, “New Solutions to Old Problems: Ensuring sustainability of falls prevention interventions”. Yolanda Barrado-Martín presented a poster entitled: “How is Tai Chi received by people living with dementia and their informal carers?” Attendants showed interest in the poster over the two day conference and voted Yolanda´s as the second best poster of the conference!
This year’s conference included sessions around Cochrane Updates on falls preventions, the use of new technologies to prevent falls, epidemiology and the implementation of research into practice. This year there was also a space for specific conditions such as dementia and the use of “qigong” to improve balance and prevent falls amongst older adults, which made this conference particularly relevant for the TACIT Team.

You can learn more and keep updated about the TACIT Trial via the following links:
The TACIT Trial Facebook page.
The TACIT Trial YouTube video:
Working as a Student Research Assistant with the ADRC – some thoughts by Dorian Crudgington
After completing the second year of my Biological Sciences course I wished to gain some formal research experience so I applied to be a Student Research Assistant with the Ageing and Dementia Research Centre at Bournemouth University. Understanding the significance of dementia related problems, I was excited and proud to get involved with research on such a problematic and widespread condition, and to work alongside Professor Jane Murphy.
The project aim was to evaluate the impact and use of a learning resource and training video produced by the Ageing and Dementia Research Centre. I was provided with a well-structured plan for my 4-week project. Principally, this involved collating data from a questionnaire regarding the resource’s usefulness, analysing the results using qualitative methods, and producing a report of the results.
I got stuck in quickly and within hours I had already mastered aspects of Excel and Word I had never used previously. As the work began to develop momentum, data analysis became the next task to be executed. My course has always prioritised quantitative data analysis due to the nature of data usually obtained, and I had no prior experience working with qualitative data. By the end of the third week I had delved into various approaches in the field of qualitative research, and had conducted a thematic analysis of over 400 questionnaire answers.
Prior to this experience, the research process was alien to me. However now I have knowledge of the different stages involved and the fundamental organisational skills required, which has really helped me plan and develop ideas for the independent research project in my final year. I have really enjoyed the project and have developed incredibly useful skills as well as learning about nutritional care for people who have dementia.

New multicentre international trial published in world leading respiratory medicine journal
Prof Alison McConnell of HSS’s iWell Research Centre has been part of an international, multi-centre placebo-controlled trial of adjunctive inspiratory muscle training for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The trial, published in this month’s edition of the journal Thorax (impact factor 8.272) tested whether the addition of specific training of the inspiratory muscles enhanced the benefits to patients of traditional pulmonary rehabilitation programmes. It’s well-established that when undertaken separately, both interventions are effective; improving exercise tolerance, breathlessness and quality of life. However, there has been great controversy about whether adding the two interventions together provides superior outcomes.
The trial involved five centres in Europe and Canada, and 219 patients with COPD, taking 6 years to complete. The data indicated that exercise endurance time and breathlessness improved to a greater extent in patients who received rehabilitation plus inspiratory muscle training. The study also found that, irrespective of group allocation, those participants who achieved the greatest improvement in their inspiratory muscle function, also showed the greatest improvements in functional and clinical outcomes.
The full paper is available via Open Access here:
Your vote is needed please!!
Over the last 3 years, Prof Jane Murphy from Faculty of Health & Social Sciences and The Ageing and Dementia Research Centre has been working with The Nutrition in Older people Programme team at the Wessex Academic Health Science Network as Clinical Lead. The team has been shortlisted in the ‘ Community Nutrition Professionals of the Year’ category for the Complete Nutrition awards in the Community Nutrition Professional of the Year category that recognises their contribution to support nutritional developments in the community.
Please click on below for further details and would be great if you can add your vote!
Just select Wessex Academic Health Science Network – Nutrition in Older People Programme Team ‘ Community Nutrition Professional of the Year’ and any other categories to suit.
DEADLINE 23rd July 2018