Category / Business Engagement

Defence Academic Pathways – Validation and verification of intelligent systems

PraxisUnico is working with the Defence Academic Pathways (DAP) group on this free event for the research community to explore research needs in the validation and verification of intelligent systems.

Intelligent systems may offer great benefits in being able to adapt to a changing environment and offer complex, rapid decision making made beyond human reach. Research into intelligent systems is needed to enable and improve confidence in their safe and secure employment in the public space. There is a clear need to ensure that intelligent systems will operate as expected, exhibit desirable behaviours and deliver the required outcomes in rapidly changing environments.

This workshop hopes to identify those future research themes required for the correct validation and verification of intelligent systems whilst ensuring that potentially autonomous behaviour remains under human control, and will employ a number of scenarios where the use of an intelligent system or groups of intelligent systems would provide value. Breakout groups will explore each scenario to determine the evidence required to sufficiently validate and verify safe and secure intelligent systems.

The workshop aims and objectives are;

  • To understand the validation and verification challenges raised by each scenario.
  • To determine the research themes required to meet these validation and verification challenges.
  • To inform legislative bodies on any necessary verification and validation solutions to ensure safe and secure employment of intelligent systems.
  • To provide a forum that can be used to strengthen research applications submitted to the EPSRC via the Standard Mode.

DAP is a partnership directed by Dstl and includes major industrial partners BAE Systems, GE, MBDA, Leonardo UK, NPL, QinetiQ and Thales, together with representatives from EPSRC, Innovate UK and a University liaison advisor.

The DAP partnership represents a significant number of the 15 most frequently cited companies from the Research Excellence Framework (REF) impact case study analysis and the data on collaborative projects compiled by the Dowling Review. The companies represented by DAP have a proven track record for effective university-business collaboration; DAP was created to facilitate this process through e.g. assigning IP rights arising from collaborations to the university partner as standard.

This event, supported by DAP, is free of charge, and will feature workshops to explore research needs in the validation and verification of intelligent systems. The event will take place at the UK’s technology and innovation centre for intelligent mobility, the Transport Systems Catapult (Milton Keynes)on Thursday 8 September 2016.

Who should attend and why:

The workshop should be attended by research professionals involved with intelligent systems, machine learning, robotics, or the validation and verification of software systems. The intention of this workshop is to scrutinise potential exploitation paths to support the definition of future research themes. For further information please contact

About PraxisUnico

supports KEC in the UK, and works with key stakeholders and partners to promote best practice in the sector

Successful Knowledge Exchange and Commercialisation (KEC) is essential to the economic growth of the UK.

PraxisUnico develops knowledge exchange and technology transfer professionals with our world-leading training, connect members and stakeholders at our events and promote best practice for our sector. We facilitate interactions between the public sector research base, business and government; bringing together key stakeholders to debate, educate and inform.


Big data – helping cities solving planning challenges


A data platform developed with support of Innovate UK is helping big cities to plan services such as transport, education and housing.

A data science business is helping London to plan its services thanks to a new decision-making platform. Mastodon C won a £2 million SBRI (Small Business Research Initiative) contract in a ‘future cities’ competition to find ways of meeting the challenges faced by urban areas.

Mastodon C is working with the Greater London Authority to develop and test its Witan platform in a project supported by Innovate UK.

Witan provides modelling tools and data management processes to help solve real challenges faced by cities and their partners, and is already being used by 33 London boroughs. Witan is being used by the London boroughs to see how latest housing projections will affect the spread of population up to 2041. The work used to take specialist staff weeks to do but can now be generated in minutes. The results will help council officials to plan many services including where the demand is likely to be for services such as school places, waste disposal, and housing.

Francine Bennett, chief executive and co-founder of Mastodon C, said: “Our motto is ‘big data done better’. That has two meanings. What we do with big data, we do very well technically. We are also interested in better applications of big data and data science, building applications that improve people’s lives as well as work for the business.”

Click here for the full story.





Robotics and autonomous systems: apply for innovation funding


Competiton is open now!

There will be a briefing webinar on 27 July 2016

Find out more about this competition and apply

In brief:

Innovate UK is inviting businesses to apply for a share of £5 million to develop innovative applications of robotics and autonomous systems. Innovate UK and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) are to invest up to £5 million in robotics and autonomous systems (RAS) projects.

The aim of this competition is to help UK companies explore new RAS opportunities. It will enable them to develop capabilities for applications in many sectors of the UK economy.

We are looking for proposals that will speed up the development of RAS technologies towards demonstration and commercialisation.

Proposals can be for systems that are physical, for example a next generation robot. They can also be digital only, for example an automated decision-making system.

Robots that are independent of human control can learn, adapt and take decisions. These could revolutionise our economy and society over the next 20 years. Disruptive technologies related to RAS include mobile internet, automation of knowledge work, advanced robotics, and automated and autonomous vehicles.

These technologies have the potential for an annual economic impact of US$9.8 to US$19.3 trillion in 2025. The UK has world-leading strengths in the underlying science and engineering that contributes to RAS. It also has access to the markets that could exploit them.

Key information:

  • There will be a briefing webinar on 27 July 2016
  • The registration deadline is noon on 19 October 2016
  • The application deadline is noon on 26 October 2016
  • Projects should range in size from total costs of £50,000 to £500,000
  • Projects should last between 6 and 15 months
  • You must complete the work and incur, pay and claim for all costs before the end of March 2018
  • A business must lead the project
  • Projects with costs of £100,000 or above must be collaborative

Find out more about this competition and apply.

If you are interested in submitting to this  call you must contact your  RKEO Funding Development Officer with adequate notice before the deadline.

For more funding opportunities that are most relevant to you, you can set up your own personalised alerts on Research Professional. If you need help setting these up, just ask your School’s/Faculty’s Funding Development Officer in  RKEO or view the recent blog post here.

If thinking of applying, why not add notification of your interest on Research Professional’s record of the bid so that BU colleagues can see your intention to bid and contact you to collaborate.

Sensor-integrated urometer for measuring real-time urine output (HEIF funded project)

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The project team from the Faculty of Science & Technology has received Higher Education Innovation Funding (HEIF) to undertake a series of activities aimed at encouraging university and the public sector to harness the benefits of advanced assistive technologies. (The HEIF  project started last year and is due to finish at the end of July.)

The nature of HEIF funding encourages knowledge exchange and support to develop a broad range of knowledge based interactions between universities and colleges and the wider word, which result in economic and social benefit to the UK.  In current clinical practices, urinary output measurement and supervision are prevailing medical intervention treatments for patients suffering from critical illness, aging bladder, post-surgery urination difficulties and long-term bedridden. However, the urinary output is still measured and monitored manually by healthcare staff, which is extremely time-consuming and prone to undesirable human errors commonly, arose in these repetitive and monotonous tasks. The project aims to invent an automatic device for remotely monitoring of urinary output, which features real-time remotely wireless catheter fall-off and flow rate monitoring, urinary output minute-by-minute monitoring and real-time states visualization.

The project team is made up of a number of researchers and students from multidisciplinary domains in addition to academics. The team (Prof Hongnian Yu, Mr Arif Reza Anwary; Mr Daniel Craven, Mr Muhammad Akbar, and Mr Pengcheng Liu) has recently presented their three developed prototypes at the collaborator’s site (Royal Bournemouth Hospital). The feedback and comments from the hospital staff are very positive. Dr Simon McLaughlin, the project collaborator from the Royal Bournemouth Hospital, said ‘The project looks to have progressed well. The work is excellent and the one of the prototypes is almost ready to deploy.’

The team  hope to continue to consolidate the current developed prototypes and build on top of them to invent the commercially acceptable products.

Eurostars? – Celebrities, footballers or EU funding scheme for SMEs?

If you are working with SMEs, you may know that Eurostars is a scheme which assists small businesses to access funding.

eurostarsEurostars supports international innovative projects led by research and development- performing small- and medium-sized enterprises (R&D-performing SMEs). With its bottom-up approach, Eurostars supports the development of rapidly marketable innovative products, processes and services that help improve the daily lives of people around the world. Eurostars has been carefully developed to meet the specific needs of SMEs. It is an ideal first step in international cooperation, enabling small businesses to combine and share expertise and benefit from working beyond national borders.

Eurostars is a joint programme between EUREKA and the European Commission, co-funded from the national budgets of 36 Eurostars Participating States and Partner Countries and by the European Union through Horizon 2020. In the 2014-2020 period it has a total public budget of €1.14 billion.

The role of SMEs for the economy has never been so important. Eurostars aims to bring increased value to the economy, higher growth and more job opportunities.

If you are working with a research-active business or have the opportunity to contact a potential industrial partner undertaking research, this site and the explanatory video found there, might just be the good news they have been waiting to hear!

N.B. As universities are not eligible to be funded through this competition in the UK, such partners must be in a position to self-fund. In addition, to be an eligible project, an SME has to do at least 50% of the work and no one partner or country can do more than 75% of the work. The university input, therefore, is limited and the partnering activity may be approved through benefits in kind, such as reputational, access to SME and relationship building, further joint funding strategy with the company, and academic experience of working with an industrial partner. These factors will need to be considered alongside the 0% fEC return.


Thinking of working with a applicant SME? Please contact Emily Cieciura and Jayne Codling in RKEO so that you can access our support and assistance.

UK companies getting the message on innovation

Growing numbers of UK companies are investing in research into new products and services, according to a study by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. (BIS)
The UK Innovation Survey 2015 Main Report, published by BIS on 12 July, collates the results of telephone interviews and a postal questionnaire completed by nearly 30,000 businesses around the UK.

It characterises innovation as any activity involving the introduction of a new product or process; engagement in on-going innovation projects; changes to the company structure or practices; and investment in research, training or technology.

The proportion of innovators increased across the UK, with the introduction of new computer software and ghardware were the most common forms of innovation investment reported.

Click on the links below for more information:

Useful summary: UK innovation survey 2015: infographic

Background: UK innovation survey 2015

Full report to download: UK innovation survey 2015: main report


Retaining Special Constables…Myth v Reality!

Hard at Work...Analysing Interview Data!

Hard at Work…Mapping Interview Data!

Dr Lois Farquharson is working on an exciting research project for Dorset Police and Devon & Cornwall Police which focuses on the lived experience of Special Constables and its impact on retention.  This research is being undertaken jointly with Dr Iain Britton and Dr Matt Callender from The Institute for Public Safety, Crime and Justice (IPSCJ) at University of Northampton.  We are also delighted to have a BU MBA student, Steven Kueberuwa, involved in the project.

Key areas which the project delves into in detail are:

  • Motivations and expectations when joining the force
  • Recruitment and training
  • Knowledge translation, development and pathways to independence
  • Worklife balance and impacts on ‘being’ a Special Constable
  • Relationships, support and morale
  • Organisational culture and environment
  • Job satisfaction and future intentions

Individual in-depth interviews have taken place with Special Constables across both constabularies from May through July.  Today was our first workshop focusing on mapping the data – intense, but very enjoyable – watch this space for more info on findings and outputs in due course.

Aerospace research and development projects – funding announced


Aircraft engines

£365m funding announced for new UK aerospace research and development projects and major partnership with Boeing to create 2,000 jobs in the UK.

Read the story in full.

To ensure the UK’s continued position at the forefront of global aerospace, a further £365m worth of aerospace R&D projects have been approved. These are jointly funded by industry and government. These are part of the work of the Aerospace Growth Partnership which will publish a new strategy at Farnborough setting out plans to maintain the UK aerospace sector’s leading position. This includes a new supply chain competitiveness charter signed by 11 major companies across the aerospace sector.

For more on the Aerospace Strategy click here.

For more information on innovation grants for business click here.

Reminder – Development Opportunity – Engaging with a Business Audience

Development Event Reminder

The Knowledge Exchange and Impact Team along with the Service Excellence Team have put together a one-day development event for academic colleagues who wish to engage with organisations.

This activity takes place daily across the Institution, however if you are interested in learning about how to engage and communicate with a business audience including developing relationships and networking, this one-day development event will help you.

Lunch is included with refreshments throughout the day.

Venue: Marriott Hotel, Bournemouth

Date: Tuesday 19th July

Time: 9am-4.30pm

For further information and to book your place, please contact Rachel Clarke, Knowledge Exchange Adviser (KTP and Student Projects) on 61347 or email  

Deadline for latest HEIF call – Friday 1 July

andrew archery

Friday 1 July is the deadline for applications to be submitted in response to the latest HEIF funding call.

Quick tips if you have yet to submit your final proposal.

  • Make sure your word count is within the limits where specified.
  • The review panel is made up of internal and external members – consider this when writing your proposal in terms of language, acronyms and abbreviations.
  • Contact your DDRP if you have not already done so . Their signature is required. An electronic version is acceptable.
  • Make sure the budget section has been completed and the totals add up.
  • Supporting documentation is not needed. (Website links can be used within the proposal if relevant to your application.)
  • Please submit your proposal in word format  – so using the original application template.

Next steps

Based on the call schedule:

Action Date
Call w/c   – applications open w/c 06/06/16
Proposal deadline – applications close 01/07/16 Friday
Proposal review process 04/07/16   – 18/07/16
Successful projects announced w/c 18/07/16
New project funding starts 01/08/16

For all details on the latest HEIF call click here.

Good luck!

Funding opportuntity for knowledge exchange and innovation

andrew archery

Research  shows that HEFCE funding for university knowledge exchange (KE) activity delivers significant and increasing return for public investment. The return on investment from £1 of Higher Education Innovation Funding (HEIF)  is currently estimated at £9.70 in benefits for the economy and society, and may deliver even higher returns in future.

Why not apply for the next round of HEIF funding available?

These results reflect the way universities overall are gaining greater expertise in KE, using HEIF more effectively and developing stronger partnerships, particularly with businesses. The research studies demonstrate the range and breadth of KE activity, and the significant benefits it brings to the economy and society.

The research studies describe positive feedback from businesses and social and community groups working with universities, on the benefits they have received from KE activities. Businesses feel that universities have become much more willing to engage and that higher education KE delivers value for money.

Funding call is now live!

Read the full article on the HEFCE website.

HEIF – Frequently asked questions

andrew archery

Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF): money available to support your business engagement and knowledge exchange ideas – call deadline Friday 1 July

More information can be found here.

HEFCE provide funding for knowledge exchange –  Higher Education Innovation Funding (HEIF) to support and develop a broad range of knowledge-based interactions between universities and colleges and the wider world, which result in economic and social benefit to the UK. The current round of funding is referred to is HEIF 5+1+1 and runs until 31st July 2017.

There is a variety of  information  to help you with your application and provide answers to some of the frequently asked questions (FAQs):

Current projects

BU has a proven track record with this funding stream and our success continues. Currently there are 13 live projects funded from HEIF 5+1. Examples of current projects can be found on the project pages on the BU research website and include:

Why not talk to current HEIF project leads? Click here. (Scroll down the page for contact details and project information.)

FAQs information

Click here.

Common questions include:

Q: Do I need external letters of support?

A: These are not required as part of your application. On the application form there is a requirement to list members of the project board so naturally they would need to have been contacted to advise them of your project proposal and their involvement. There is no reason why you can’t mention the background behind the formation of your project board but letters of support are not needed.

Q: How much can I bid for?

A: Whilst there is no minimum or maximum amount  for HEIF funding you do need to be realistic in terms of your project proposal and budget. All monies need to be spent and this is not always easy within a 12 month timescale. On average previous 12 month HEIF project bids have been between £20K – £50K, however both smaller and larger amounts have also been awarded.

RKEO contact

For more information on HEIF and other knowledge exchange opportunities, please contact Jayne Codling Knowledge Exchange Adviser (RKEO).

HEIF call is now live – reminder

andrew archery

Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF): money available to support your business engagement and knowledge exchange ideas – call deadline Friday 1 July

More information can be found here.

HEFCE provide funding for knowledge exchange –  Higher Education Innovation Funding (HEIF) to support and develop a broad range of knowledge-based interactions between universities and colleges and the wider world, which result in economic and social benefit to the UK. The current round of funding is referred to is HEIF 5+1+1 and runs until 31st July 2017.

BU has a proven track record with this funding stream and our success continues. Currently there are 13 live projects funded from HEIF 5+1. Examples of current projects can be found on the project pages on the BU research website and include:

Interim funding has been made available to run from 1 August 2016 to 31 July 2017. This is known as HEIF 5+1+1. (Funds cannot be carried over.)

The call is now open.   (These innovative projects can be new or build on existing activity that may strengthen and/or facilitate future funding applications.)

Call schedule

Action Date
Call w/c   – applications open w/c 06/06/16
Proposal deadline – applications close 01/07/16 Friday
Proposal review process 04/07/16   – 18/07/16
Successful projects announced w/c 18/07/16
New project funding starts 01/08/16

These projects will need to reflect our interim strategy sent to HEFCE (as below):

“BU will continue to invest in innovation themes with a strong focus on network creation, with a particular focus on digital and creative industries, health and wellbeing, and regional development. The additional year of funding will enable BU to continue to develop our existing area in addition to investment to develop new innovations. This will allow BU to create innovations in key areas, whilst developing closer links with regional initiatives to enhance local development opportunities, working with the Dorset LEP and other organisations. We will also consider the use of HEIF funds to invest in effective mechanisms for engaging with business/industry. Our core strategy of investing in sector-specific themes with a strong focus on network creation remains; what has changed in light of emerging opportunities is the nature of the themes in which we will invest and the mechanisms through which we will engage with the region.”

Themes could include but are not exclusive to:

  • Biodiversity, Natural and Cultural Assets (e.g. environmental sciences, archaeology,)
  • Global Security
  • Healthcare technologies (e.g. sensors, robotics, virtual reality, augmented reality, gamification, mobile apps)
  • Economic growth and innovation.

Interdisciplinary working will need to be evident in successful proposals. Project boards including academics and external organisations will also need to be identified as part of the proposal.

If you are considering an application for HEIF funding you may find it helpful  to speak to the current HEIF project leads (HEIF 5+1: 01/08/15 – 31/07/16) to identify how best to develop your proposal and consider existing HEIF project activity where relevant.  More information is listed below:

PI PI email PI ext Title of proposal
Adrian Newton 65670 Development of a toolkit for modelling natural capital
Alison McConnell 62313 Final stage development and validation of a mobile device App to reduce blood pressure
Genoveva Esteban 68936 The Dorset Coast Digital Archive (DCDA)
Heather Hartwell 61712 FoodSMART (proof of concept)
Hongnian Yu 66150 Sensor-Integrated Urometer for measuring real-time urine output
Jian Chang 61881 Virtual Prototyping of New Lifeboat Launching System with Unmanned Vehicles to Enhance Safety
Kathy Hodder 66784 Enhancing Urban Green Space for Pollinators – Decision Making Hub
Kevin McGhee 68189 Psychiatric Genetic Counselling for Healthcare Professionals (PGC4HP): First UK pilot study, regional knowledge exchange and global impact.
Mark Brisbane 65166 Building Roman Britain: Innovative investigations of Roman building material and knowledge exchange through museum interpretation and learning.
Richard Stillman 66782 Simply communicating complex research to inform environmental decision-making
Sarah Bate 61918 Superior Face Recognition: Generating Knowledge Exchange with the Police Force
Stephen Jukes 65630 Hazardous environment training for journalists: a mobile training platform
Wen Tang 62498 “PLUS” Knowledge Exchange Partnership Building with Regional Police Forces on Developing  New Police Training Methodologies Using Role-playing Games Technology

FAQs click here.

Application form click here.

For more information on HEIF and other knowledge exchange opportunities, please contact Jayne Codling Knowledge Exchange Adviser (RKEO).

CLASP – Energy and Environment Call

energy management
Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Innovations Club are holding a Launch Event for the STFC 2016 Challenge Led Applied Systems Programme (CLASP) call. The event will be held in the Harvey Goodwin suite of the Church House Conference Centre, London on the 5th July 2016.
CLASP is intended to support the de-risking of the R&D process for industry through the development of technology demonstrators and industry-ready prototype systems.
The focus of the 2016 CLASP call is Energy and Environment. The launch event aims to bring together academia, industry and knowledge exchange professionals to discuss how CLASP can support projects that apply STFC-funded research and capabilities to address key energy and environment challenges.
Up to £1.5M will be available in this call to fund a range of projects, from short feasibility studies to larger developmental projects.  Proposals will have a focus on, but not limited to, key priority areas that will be identified by a focus group composed of stakeholders.  These priority areas will be announced shortly before the launch event.
The day will comprise of presentations from academic researchers and industry figures highlighting their work in energy and the environment, as well as information on funding opportunities and opportunities to meet potential future collaborators.
For more information contact: Stephen Loader or Vlad Skarda or go to
Please register here to attend the day.
If you are interested in developing a proposal following this launch event, you must contact your  RKEO Funding Development Officer with adequate notice before the deadline.
For more funding opportunities that are most relevant to you, you can set up your own personalised alerts on Research Professional. If you need help setting these up, just ask your School’s/Faculty’s Funding Development Officer in  RKEO or view the recent blog post here.
If thinking of applying, why not add notification of your interest on Research Professional’s record of the bid so that BU colleagues can see your intention to bid and contact you to collaborate.

Academic Development Opportunity – Engagement with a Business Audience

The Knowledge Exchange and Impact Team within the Research and Knowledge Exchange Office have put together a one-day development event for academic colleagues who wish to engage with organisations.

This activity takes place daily across the Institution, however if you are interested in learning about how to engage and communicate with a business audience including developing relationships and networking, this one-day development event will help you.

Lunch is included with refreshments throughout the day.

Venue: Marriott Hotel, Bournemouth

Date: Tuesday 19th July

Time: 9am-4.30pm

For further information and to book your place, please contact Rachel Clarke, Knowledge Exchange Adviser (KTP and Student Projects) on 61347 or email  

Could Bournemouth be a ‘Green Capital of Europe’?

Our Festival of Learning event (27th June), in partnership with colleagues from Bournemouth Borough Council, will consider this question and explore a vision for developing green talent, sustainable business, and a sustainable city – a virtuous circle!

We shall showcase the leadership role of BU, in relation to sustainable development (education, research, community) and particularly our work to achieve EcoCampus Platinum. We shall also feature the MSc Green Economy – a course which is producing exceptional post-grads who are engaging with amazing projects.

Chris Shephard, Head of Economic Development & Sustainability at Bournemouth Borough Council will provide an update on activities, including the Compact of Mayors, the Earth Charter and work to take sustainability forward. We are already doing a lot locally (the Sustainable Food Partnership and Sustainable Fish City, for example) but are we doing enough of the right things? How do we capture and promote endeavours?

Dr Simon Cripps will talk about natural capital in the context of development planning, both of infrastructure and building, but also of development and growth projects.

Edmund Taylor, Environmental Barrister and Chair of the Sustainable Business Leadership Group (SBLG) will introduce the thinking that led to the formation of the group (we owe thanks to Lee Green), and suggest ways that others might engage. Synergies arise when business leaders work together to share practice and innovation; the group has already catalysed networking and learning.

Following formal presentations, breakout sessions will consider how we build capacity, develop leadership for sustainable development and make a step-change in valuing and contributing to natural capital.  Could we, for example report on natural capital in our Annual Reports? A valuable outcome from the event would be to have a clearer understanding of how we develop a greener economy and work towards branding ourselves as a Sustainable City – gaining the award ‘Green Capital of Europe’ at some point in the future, would be something to be proud of!

Places are free.

To book a place please register at:

Higher Education Innovation Fund – Call is now open!

andrew archery

Further to the blog post advising this call was soon to be announced – applications are invited for the latest round of HEIF funding. This call is now open.

All the information can be found here.

This includes:

  • Call schedule
  • Application form
  • Frequently asked questions (FAQS)

Both the application form and the FAQs contain a lot of information relevant to the call in addition to a number of useful links that will help when completing your application form.