Tagged / event

How does research influence public policy?

Informing government policy was the most commonly cited impact in REF 2014.  Join us on Wednesday 25 May or Thursday 26 May to find out how government policy is developed, and explore the ways in which policy can be influenced and informed by research.

In bitesize hour-long seminars, Jane Forster (Policy Adviser to the Vice-Chancellor) and Emma Bambury-Whitton (Policy and Public Affairs Officer) will explore successful routes to impact through policy engagement.  From giving evidence at Select Committee inquiries and creating policy briefing papers, to engaging in direct correspondence with MPs and Peers, this session will give practical tips and examples of how research filters into policy discussions.

The session will also outline the opportunities and resources available within BU and externally to support academic and support staff to engage decision-makers with research.

Book your place via Eventbrite:
Wednesday 25 May – Talbot
Thursday 26 May – Lansdowne

The session will take place on Wednesday 25 May in Kimmeridge House (KG03) Talbot campus from 13.30 – 14.30 and will be repeated on Thursday 26 May at 12.30 – 13.30 in the Executive Business Centre (EB708) Lansdowne campus.  Please feel free to bring your lunch along to the sessions.

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This session forms part of a series of research impact seminars and workshops, organised by RKEO to explore the various pathways to achieving societal and economic impact.  Within the series, attendees will explore methods for effectively engaging a variety of research users throughout the research process, and develop new ways to plan, deliver and evidence impact.


View the other events in the series or email Genna West for further information.


How can working with the media help generate impact from your research?

Join us on Tuesday 24 May and Thursday 26 May to find out how researchers can reach a wider audience and effectively use the media to increase the impact of their research.

The PR Team here at BU will take you through traditional and social media channels that can be used to communicate your research findings to both the general public and more specialised audiences. You will receive tips on how to work effectively with the media and find out how BU can support this process.

Dr Sarah Bate will then talk you through her experiences of engaging with the media, presenting a key impact case study that has extensively used the media to generate and evidence impact.

Book your place via Eventbrite:
Tuesday 24 May – Lansdowne
Thursday 26 May – Talbot

The session will take place on Tuesday 24 May in the Executive Business Centre (EB306) Lansdowne campus from 12.30 – 14.00, and will be repeated on Thursday 26 May in Kimmeridge House (KG03) Talbot campus from 13.30 – 15.00. 


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This session forms part of a series of research impact seminars and workshops, organised by RKEO to explore the various pathways to achieving societal and economic impact.  Within the series, attendees will explore methods for effectively engaging a variety of research users throughout the research process, and develop new ways to plan, deliver and evidence impact.


View the other events in the series or email Genna West for further information.

Save the Date! Interdisciplinary Research HE Sector Day – 21st June 2016

See more recent blog post for updated information. 

Save the date for REKO’s forthcoming Interdisciplinary Research Sector Day!

interdisciplinary-1It will take place on Tuesday, 21st June 2016 in the Executive Business Centre.

There will be speakers from BU and other organisations plus plenty of opportunity to network with academic and professional research administration colleagues from other universities. Already confirmed are speakers from HEFCE, Sussex, Brunel and BU.

The event will be advertised to colleagues in other institutions so, if you would like to help promote this event to people in your professional network, keep an eye on this blog for further information in the coming weeks. Academic and Research Support staff from the Higher Education research community are welcome to attend this free event. Please share this link with others in your professional network.

For more information before the programme and booking instructions are published, please contact Emily Cieciura in REKO.

UG Talks

The Undergraduate Talks (UG Talks) is an exciting new opportunity for members of Bournemouth University and the public to learn about the innovative research being conducted by BU’s undergraduate Population. Each talk will last 3 minutes with a chance for Q&A afterwards.

If you would like to present your research, then in order to secure your place at this exciting event, you must send a title and brief overview of your research to Oliver Cooke. There are only 10 spaces available, so you must submit your work as soon as possible!

We already have quite a few talks covering these subjects:

  • Copyright law
  • Social media in Politics
  • Games design
  • Costal management
  • Sports nutrition
  • Roman Britain
  • And much more!

Time and Date: Thursday 5th of May, 12pm – 2pm

Location: 5th Floor, Student Centre,Bournemouth University, Talbot Campus.

If you are interested in attending this event, then you can book on here.

If you have a questions about the event or you would like to present please email Oliver Cooke for details.


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RSB Science Communication Awards

The Royal Society of Biology Science Communication Awards 2016 are open for applications.

If you’re a bioscience researcher, working in any sector of UK biosciences – from universities, institutes or industry – then consider applying. Supported by the Wellcome Trust, the Awards are intended to reward outreach work carried out by both young scientists and established researchers to inform, enthuse and engage the public.

There are two categories: New Researcher Prize (£750) and Established Researcher Prize (£1500).

Please forward to any great science communicators!

More info: http://www.rsb.org.uk/scicomm

Deadline: Thursday 30 June 2016

Contact: karen.patel@rsb.org.uk

There are also a few places left on our Science Communication Workshop

18.04.16 | 09:00 – 17:00 | Charles Darwin House, London, WC1N 2JU Find out more and register: https://www.rsb.org.uk/events?event_id=1196

14:live – ‘Clone Wars’: The Rise of 3D Printing and 3D Scanning and its Implications for Intellectual Property Law


14:live will be returning on the 9th of February 14:00-14:45 at Poole House Refectory, next to Papa Johns. This is open to all staff and students and I am pleased to welcome Dinusha Mendis.

3D Printing and 3D scanning allows for replication of physical objects – which in turn raises questions relating to intellectual property (IP) laws. For example, what are the implications of modifying someone else’s Computer Aided Design (CAD) file or scanning an existing object to create a new product, thereby replicating it? What IP rights of the creator would it infringe? How much ‘modification’ is needed to create a new and non-infringing product? For businesses, IP issues could arise when replacement parts are 3D printed, perhaps through a third-party supplier. These questions demonstrate that whilst the technology has significant potential for the future it raises some very important questions relating to IP law.

This talk will explore such issues whilst also considering new business models for the protection and exploitation of IP. The talk will be based on the research carried out for a Commissioned Project for the UK Government (UK Intellectual Property Office) which was led by the Speaker and published in April 2015.

It would be great to see you all there to listen to what’s going to be a very interesting talk with Dinusha, and just to give you that little bit more incentive to come along, there will be 30 x tokens for the first 30 audience members to be exchanged for a FREE individual Papa John’s Pizza at the end of the talk, plus lots of free tea & coffee, don’t miss out! If you have any questions about this event or would like to hear about any other upcoming student engagement with research events, contact me on ocooke@bournemouth.ac.uk

Innovate 2015 – 9-10 November London

Innovate 2011v4


The countdown has begun for Innovate 2015. From international investors, entrepreneurs, to government and academia, everyone who is anyone in innovation will be attending. Discover the full range of support available to help your business grow faster, get funding, make connections and go global. Innovate 2015 is a two day event designed to stimulate opportunities for innovation, export and investment for the UK’s most innovative companies, at all growth stages. Secure your two-day tickets now for £199 (plus VAT). One-day tickets to the event are also available for £165 (plus VAT).

More >>

Lightning Talks event – come and find out about the exciting research undertaken by BU staff and student researchers!

lightning talksLightning Talks: An adrenaline rush of research

Interested in finding out more about the research that takes place at BU? Then come to the Lightning Talks event on Monday 13th July. A group of BU researchers and postgraduate research students will each provide a short and snappy summary of their research and its significance. Each researcher has just five minutes to do this. The audience will vote for the best presentation at the end, followed by a drinks reception.

This is a great opportunity to network with colleagues and find out more about the excellent and exciting research that takes place at BU.

 Featured speakers:
• Mastoureh Fathi
• Melanie Grey – brand co-creation: the experience effect
• Marcellus Mbah – the idea of the interconnected university
• Ana Ruiz-Navarro – predicting responses to climate warming of freshwater fish
• Carole Pound – exploring the human dimensions of stroke care
• Simon Hanney
• Michelle Heward – fire safety and dementia
• Adil Saeed – rust in steel
• Kevin Moloney – Media Wars: public relations versus journalism

Monday 13th July, 6-8pm, Talbot Campus.

Book you free place at: https://microsites.bournemouth.ac.uk/festival-of-learning/events/lightning-talks-an-adrenaline-rush-of-research/ 

Lightning Talks event – come and find out about the exciting research undertaken by BU staff and student researchers!

lightning talksLightning Talks: An adrenaline rush of research

On Monday 13 July, between 6-8pm, a group of BU staff and student researchers will present lightning talks of their research and its significance. They each have just five minutes to do this. The audience will vote for the best presentation at the end, followed by a drinks reception.

Come along and find out more about the research undertaken by BU researchers! Talks cover a whole range of topics, from dementia to climate change to PR.

To book a place, visit: https://microsites.bournemouth.ac.uk/festival-of-learning/events/lightning-talks-an-adrenaline-rush-of-research/.  This event is part of BU’s Festival of Learning.

BU final year students present at 5th Annual Promotional Communications Conference

Some 44 advertising, marketing, public relations, and politics and media undergraduates present their dissertation research at the Fifth Annual Promotional Communications Conference on 20 May at the Executive Business Centre.

The conference is a capstone event for the Corporate and Marketing Communications Department (CMC) within the Faculty of Media and Communication and is an opportunity to showcase the work of our undergraduate dissertation students. This year we expect more than 100 delegates, including our students and staff, but also industry partners and some mums and dads.

They’ll hear papers on the latest industry issues and trends from our students. Students are presenting their research on topics including what it means to be and the implications of brands being ‘cool’, the cost of unpaid internships on the advertising industry, using social media to communicate science, attitudes toward and the stigmatization of mental illness, how lad culture also hurts men, impulse buying on line, and so much more.

And we’ll all be treated to talks from two outstanding industry representatives: Camilla Kemp, COO at M&C Saatchi  and BU Public Relations graduate Rosie Warin (’09), who is is co-Managing Director of Global Tolerance.
“We created the conference to offer students an opportunity to share the work they’ve done on a project that culminates their studies, and we enjoy showcasing that hard work,” said Dr Richard Scullion, CMC head of department.

The department, which offers undergraduate and postgraduate taught degrees in advertising, marketing communications, public relations, and politics and media, created the conference as an opportunity for students to choose to, in addition to the written dissertation, present their research to colleagues on their course, academics and guests from the promotional communications industries. And again this year we’ll welcome proud parents and friends to the event.

In addition to the conference, CMC launched the Journal of Promotional Communications in 2013. The journal is an open-access, online journal that, since the first edition, accepts submissions from undergraduates and postgraduates from BU and beyond. Research published there can come from a variety of disciplines, such as marketing, advertising, PR theory, consumer culture and behaviour, political communications, media studies, sociology, cultural studies, and management.

So far, the journal has published three issues of student work. The latest edition, Volume 3, Issue 1, was published in April and includes some articles where students and staff co-authored papers.

Again this year, the top papers from the 2015 Promotional Communications conference will be published in the journal.

The students presenting at the conference are among the more than 200 final-year students in CMC who have worked for months on their individual research projects. CMC students can choose to write a traditional dissertation of 10,000 words or write a research paper in the style of an 8,000-word journal article and deliver a 20-minute paper at the student conference.

Dr Janice Denegri-Knott, Dr Carrie Hodges, Dr Dan Jackson, Dr Richard Scullion and Dr Shelley Thompson organize the conference.