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RDS Academic & Researcher Induction

RDS Academic & Researcher Induction – Weds 23rd April, 10:00 – 11:00, online

The primary aim of this event is to raise participants’ awareness of how to get started in research at BU or, for more established staff, how to take their research to the next level.  It will provide participants with essential, practical information and orientation in key stages and processes of research and knowledge exchange at BU

You’ll be made aware of the support available at each stage of the research lifecycle and get an introduction to the Research, Development & Support Team, who are here to help! It will be hosted by our experts who are responsible for strategy, outputs, ethics, public engagement, knowledge exchange, project management & training.  It will include:

  • A brief overview of research excellence at BU and how RDS can help/support academic staff
  • How we can support your impact, public engagement, knowledge exchange & output activity and why it’s important – essential to quality bids and the REF
  • How to find funding opportunities and access support for the application process
  • How to manage an awarded RKE projects, incl aspects on intellectual property & commercialisation
  • Key points on research ethics and governance
  • Where to find what training is available, incl other BU support and internal networks

Come along, join in, get some important insights – hopefully see you there!  Book your place HERE

If you are new to academia, it may be helpful for you to meet with your faculty mentor to guide your familiarisation of research at BU and expectations of an early career researcher before attending this induction. You can also join the Early Career researcher (ECR) Network.

For some background and more immediate information on RDS, please head to the RKE SharePoint

For further information on this event or joining the ECRN, please contact

Writing for The Conversation interactive workshop – Wednesday 5th March

Would you like to build a media profile and take your research to a global audience by writing for The Conversation?

Join Conversation editor Grace Allen for an in-person workshop at Talbot Campus on Wednesday 5th March to find out more about working with The Conversation and share your article ideas.

The Conversation is a news analysis and opinion website with content written by academics, researchers and PhD candidates working with professional journalists.

Since we first partnered with The Conversation, articles by BU authors have had over 11 million reads and been republished by news outlets across the world.

In this interactive session, you’ll find out more about communicating your research to the public, what The Conversation is looking for, and have the chance to discuss your research and pitch potential story ideas.

It runs from 2pm – 4pm in the Fusion Building on Talbot Campus.

Sign up via Eventbrite

Find out more about our partnership and the benefits of working with The Conversation

ECRN – Work/Life balance for ECRs & PGRs

RKEDF & ECRN are hosting an in person work/life balance session for ECRs & PGRs, on Talbot Campus, Weds 12th Feb, 13:00 – 14:00. 

This session is aimed at Academics, Researchers and PGRs with an interest in discussing work/life balance within Academic roles and careers.

The session aims to discuss approaches to setting and maintaining healthy work/life balance whilst also managing the demands of their role. It will follow an open, discursive model and invite responses with input from the Academic leads.

By the end of the session, attendees will have acquired knowledge of models and techniques to healthy professional practice with regards to time management, wellbeing and working practices, and have had the opportunity to discuss their specific circumstances with peers and experienced Academic mentors.

Book your place here

For further information on this event please contact

RKEDF February Digest

Book now for RKEDF training in February 2025 

Click on the titles to find further details and book your place 

ECRN: Demonstrating Research Impact  

Monday 3rd February 14.00-16.00 – in person, online 

Are you hopeful that you research is going to make a difference?  Have you considered the variety of ways your research can have an impact?  This session will help you consider the ways in which you can demonstrate the impact your research is having and start you off on planning an impact strategy.  Facilitated by RDS expert Adam Morris. 

Konfer training 

Thursday 6th February 14:00 – 15:30 – in person, Talbot Campus 

We invite you to an in-person training session, featuring Anna Dent-Davies and Shivaun Meehan from the National Centre for Universities and Business (NCUB). They will introduce Konfer, a powerful platform for navigating the UK innovation ecosystem.  For those unfamiliar, Konfer connects users with resources and potential collaborators perfectly aligned with their research or innovation projects. 

RKEDF: ECRN – Work life balance 

Wednesday 12th February 13:00-14:00, in person, Talbot Campus 

This session is aimed at Academics, Researchers and PGRs with an interest in discussing work/life balance within Academic roles and careers.  The session aims to discuss approaches to setting and maintaining healthy work/life balance whilst also managing the demands of their role. It will follow an open, discursive model and invite responses from ECRs with input from the Academic leads. 

Horizon Europe 

Wednesday 12th February 13:00-14:30, in person, Talbot Campus 

Looking to secure European funding? Then this Horizon Europe event is for you! 

This session will cover: 

  • Introduction to Horizon Europe 
  • Where and how to find EU funding opportunities 
  • Panel discussion – What are the most effective ways of building international partnerships and getting involved with peers across Europe? 
  • Q&A session 

KTP Development – Public Sector KTPs 

Wednesday 19th February 13:00-14:00, in person, BGB, Lansdowne  

Public Sector KTPs: Developing the ‘Business Case’ – Providing Persuasive Evidence of Impact 

Sometimes organisations can see an opportunity for growth, something that will supercharge their business, but they don’t quite know where or how to start. That’s when a Knowledge Transfer Partnership could help.  As part of ongoing work to grow our KTP numbers and to coincide with their milestone birthday, we are hosting a series of developmental sessions for staff (and businesses) to debunk myths, provide insights, and forge connections. 

Please help us in avoiding any waste of resources; make sure you can attend or cancel your booking prior to the session. For any further information, please contact   

Links for further RKE information and support are below: 

RKE SharePoint page: RKE – Home 

RKEDF SharePoint for development opportunities: Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Framework RKEDF – Home 

RKEDF Brightspace: Homepage – Research & Knowledge Exchange Development Framework  


2025 Bid-generating sandpit: Interdisciplinary research towards sustainable development goals

Funded by the British Academy Early Career Researcher Network and organised by the Centre for the Study of Conflict, Emotion, and Social Justice, we are inviting applications for the:

2025 Bid-generating Sandpit: Interdisciplinary Research towards Sustainable Development Goals

26 – 27 March 2025

Bournemouth University, Executive Business Centre (TBC)

Participate in dynamic and interactive sessions to develop innovative research concepts addressing any of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), leading to funding bids across institutions and disciplines. Your goal is to form an interdisciplinary project team and build a funding proposal in only two days. You will then be allocated a mentor and have two online follow-up sessions to share your project progress and experiences.

We welcome early career (as you choose to define it) researchers, artists, practitioners or anyone with a general interest in sustainability and emerging interdisciplinary projects. You must be based at one of these universities: Bournemouth University, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff University, University of Exeter, University of Bath, Bath Spa University, University of Bristol, University of Gloucestershire, University of Plymouth, University of the West of England or University of Wales Trinity Saint David. You should be keen to work in a multidisciplinary team, and willing to commit to attending the full sandpit, on both days. No prior experience of research funding is required.

To secure your spot in the Sandpit, please complete and submit the following application by 6th February 2025 – note that all participants must commit to attending both full days in person:

The event is facilitated by Dr. Catalin Brylla and Dr. Lyle Skains, with advisors and mentors to be drawn from senior Bournemouth University staff based on participant disciplines and interests.  If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Writing for The Conversation – upcoming training opportunities

Would you like to build a media profile and take your research to a global audience by writing for The Conversation?

The Conversation is a news analysis and opinion website with content written by academics, researchers and PhD candidates working with professional journalists.

Since we first partnered with The Conversation, articles by BU authors have had close to 11 million reads and been republished by news outlets across the world.

Find out more about working with The Conversation and have the chance to pitch your ideas directly to one of their editors in our upcoming training sessions:

Writing for The Conversation interactive workshop

2-4pm, Wednesday 5th March (Fusion Building, Talbot Campus) 

In this interactive session, you’ll find out more about communicating your research to the public, what The Conversation is looking for, and have the chance to discuss your research with a Conversation editor and pitch potential story ideas.

Sign up via Eventbrite

One-to-one session with an editor from The Conversation

Between 2pm – 4pm (20 minute bookable slots), Wednesday 2nd April (online)

This one-to-one session with one of The Conversation’s editors is tailored to you and your research.

You’ll have the chance to discuss potential pitches and receive personalised advice and feedback on communicating your research to a general audience and turning your expertise into articles.

Book your 20 minute one-to-one session via Eventbrite.

Places on each training session are limited so please cancel your place via Eventbrite if you are no longer able to attend.

Find out more about our partnership and the benefits of working with The Conversation

Advancing Rehabilitation Research

Rehabilitation research has long remained in the shadows of other health/medical disciplines, despite its immense potential to reshape patient outcomes and community health. The Rehabilitation Research Symposium Series in Qatar is a significant initiative aligned with global and national frameworks such as the WHO’s (World Health Organization) Rehabilitation 2030 and Qatar’s National Vision 2030.

Advancing Rehabilitation Research: Building Capacity for Evidence-Based Practice:  Level 2 Rehabilitation Research Symposium serves as a powerful response to the growing call for a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to rehabilitation, both locally and globally.  The second day of this symposium, tomorrow (January 4th 2025), includes a session by Bournemouth University’s Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen.  He has been invited to help build research capacity in the field of academic writing and publishing.

Bournemouth University collaboration in Qatar centres on academics and clinicians based at Hamad Medical Corporation’s (HMC).  HMC has been appointed as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Healthy Ageing and Dementia, under auspices of Ministry of Public Health in Qatar.


Last publication of 2024

The Nepal-based Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology published its latest issue today, the last day of 2024, with an editorial on the hot topic of ‘The Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Academic Writing and Publishing Papers’  [1].

In this editorial, the authors made it very clear that the complete text in Box 1 is generated by AI. Which is appropriate considering the focus of this editorial is on questions raised by the potential use of academic writing.  The authors argue that AI should be used with consideration to avoid misuse. Any use of AI should be done transparently, ethically, and professionally, and the authors should take full responsibility for the accuracy of the information.


Prof. Edwin an Teijlingen

Centre for Midwifery & Women’s Health




  1. van Teijlingen, E., Subedi, M., Parker, S., Khattri, M.B. (2024) The Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Academic Writing and Publishing Papers Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology & Anthropology, 18(2): 1-4.

December Digest

Book now for RKEDF training in December 2024

Click on the titles to find further details and book your place

RKEDF: ECRN – Surgery 

For one final time in 2024, join this drop-in session 1pm-2pm on Wednesday 4 December, online. This is an open session for all BU ECRs and PGRs, to discuss any issues around career development, or the ECR experience with the peer network, and receive advice and guidance from the network’s academic leads.

The Leverhulme Trust

Meet The Leverhulme Trust, at 1pm on Wednesday 4 December (online). The Trust has been funding research for almost 100 years supporting fundamental and higher-risk research.  You will hear from the Director of Leverhulme about the funding schemes they offer, advice for applicants, Strategy and Looking into the future. Please send Eva Papadopoulou your questions in advance.

REDCap basic training – Book here 

On 4 December, 9am until 1pm, in person at BGB – learn from REDCap expert, Will Crocombe, about data collection and management best practices in research and why REDCap is better that MS Excel or Qualtrics for almost every type of data collection, either through online surveys or direct entry into a database.

Advanced REDCap training Book here 

On 5 December, 9am until 4pm, in person at BGB – this advanced, one-day, course for those with some REDCap knowledge will be led by our external REDCap expert, Will Crocombe, and will cover:

  • Data management – data workflow, queries and audit trail, site management
  • Simple randomisation – stratified lists
  • Electronic consent – design and setup
  • Longitudinal data collection – events and repeating forms
  • Surveys – patient data collection
  • Mobile data collection – using the REDCap mobile app

Journeys through Research Book here 

On Wednesday 11 December 2024,10:00-14:00, in person at Talbot campus –  hear from BU academics about their journeys, the challenges they’ve overcome and the role the Research Development and Support (RDS) team has played in their success. Spaces are limited, so don’t miss out! If you’re interested, please be sure to book your ticket — and if you can’t make it, kindly let us know so someone else can take your spot. For further information on this event please contact

KTP Development – Strategic planning: Aligning & communicating ambition 

This Knowledge Transfer Partnership development session is in person, at Talbot campus, on Wednesday,18 December at 1pm.  It will cover the tools needed to ensure systematic design capture, to encourage engagement and promote co-formulation of the project.

Please help us in avoiding any waste of resources; make sure you can attend or cancel your booking prior to the session. For any further information, please contact

FHSS academics teaching in Nepal

As part of our long-standing Memorandum of Agreement between Bournemouth University and Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences (MMIHS) in Nepal, Dr. Pramod Regmi taught a postgraduate class in Kathmandu last week.  Pramod, who is Principal Academic in International Health in the Centre for Wellbeing and Long-term Health (CWLTH) in the Faculty of Health & Social Sciences, addressed M.Sc. students about the finer aspects of research methods.  Tomorrow (Sunday 24th November) I have been invited to speak to the same MMIHS postgraduate students about research theories and paradigms.

The process of internationalising higher education institutions through collaborative partnerships like this one between BU and MMIHS, brings benefits to both institutions’ staff and students.  This collaboration has led to many BU staff and students visiting Nepal, and many MMIHS staff and student visiting Bournemouth.  The collaboration has also led to several successful grant applications and nearly twenty academic publications [1-17].



Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen



References (BU + MMIHS authors in bold):

  1. Simkhada, P., van Teijlingen E., Winter, RC., Fanning, C., Dhungel, A., Marahatta SB. (2015) Why are so many Nepali women killing themselves? Review of key issues Journal of Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences 1(4): 43-49.
  2. Simkhada, P.P., van Teijlingen, E., Marahatta, S.B. (2015) Mental health services in Nepal: Is it too late? Journal of Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences 1(4): 1-2.
  3. Simkhada, B, Mackay, S, Khatri, R., Sharma, C.K., Pokhrel, T, Marahatta, S, Angell, C, van Teijlingen, E., Simkhada, P (2016) Continual Professional Development (CPD): Improving Quality of Nursing Care in Nepal, Health Prospect 15 (3):1-3
  4. van Teijlingen, E., Marahatta, S.B., Simkhada, P., McIver, M., Sharma, J.P. (2017) Developing an international higher education partnerships between high & low-income countries: two case studies, Journal of Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences, 3(1): 94-100.
  5. Simkhada, P., van Teijlingen, E., Simkhada, B., Regmi, P., Aryal, N., Marahatta, S.B. (2018) Experts warn Nepal Government not to reduce local Public Health spending, Journal of Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences, 4(1): 1-3.
  6. Regmi, P., van Teijlingen, E., Neupane, S., Marahatta, S. (2019) Hormone use among Nepali transgender women: a qualitative study, BMJ Open 9: e030464. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030464.
  7. Sathian, B., Asim, M., Mekkodathil, A., van Teijlingen, E., Subramanya, S.H., Simkhada, P., Marahatta, S.B., Shrestha, U.M. (2020) Impact of COVID-19 on community health: A systematic review of a population of 82 million, Journal of Advanced Internal Medicine 9(1): 4-11.
  8. Adhikary, P., Balen, J., Gautam, S., Ghimire, S., Karki, J., Lee, A.C.K., Marahatta, S.B., Panday, S., Pohl, G., Rushton, S., Sapkota, S., Simkhada, P.P., Subedi, M., van Teijlingen, E. for the Nepal Federal Health System team (2020) The COVID-19 pandemic in Nepal: Emerging evidence on the effectiveness of action by, and cooperation between, different levels of government in a federal system, Journal of Karnali Academy of Health Sciences 3 (3): 1-11.
  9. Khatri, R., van Teijlingen, E., Marahatta, S., Simkhada, P., Mackay, S., Simkhada, B. (2021) Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities for Continuing Professional Development of Nurses: A Qualitative Study with Senior Nurse Leaders in Nepal. Journal of Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences, 7(1); 15–29.
  10. Sapkota, S., Panday, S., Wasti, S.P., Lee, A., Balen, J., van Teijlingen, E., Rushton, S., Subedi, M., Gautam, S., Karki., J., Adhikary, P., Marahatta, S., Simkhada, P., for the Nepal Federal Health System Team (2022) Health System Strengthening: The Role of Public Health in Federal Nepal, Journal of the Nepal Public Health Association 7(1):36-42.
  11. van Teijlingen, E., Thapa, D., Marahatta, S.B., Sapkota, J.L., Regmi, P. Sathian, B. (2022) Editors and Reviewers: Roles and Responsibilities, In: Wasti, S.P., et al. (Eds.) Academic Writing and Publishing in Health & Social Sciences, Kathmandu, Nepal: Himal Books: 32-37.
  12. Mahato P., Adhikari B., Marahatta S.B., Bhusal S., Kunwar K., Yadav R.K., Baral, S., Adhikari, A., van Teijlingen, E. (2023) Perceptions around COVID-19 and vaccine hesitancy: A qualitative study in Kaski district, Western Nepal. PLOS Global Public Health 3(2): e0000564.
  13. Wasti, S.P., van Teijlingen, E., Simkhada, P., Rushton, S., Balen, J., Subedi, M., Karki, J., Adhikary, P., Sapkota, S., Gautam, S., Marahatta, S., Panday, S., Bajracharya, B., Vaidya, A. for the Nepal Federal Health System Team (2023) Selection of Study Sites and Participants for Research into Nepal’s Federal Health System, WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health (accepted).
  14. Sapkota, S., Dhakal, A., Rushton, S., van Teijlingen, E., Marahatta, S.B., Balen, J., Lee, A. for the Nepal Federal Health System Team (2023) The impacts of decentralisation on health systems: a systematic review of reviews, BMJ Global Health 8(12)
  15. Marahatta, S., Regmi, P., Knight, A., Kuncova, J., Asbridge, E., Khanal, D., van Teijlingen, E. (2023). Staff-Student Exchange between MMIHS and Bournemouth University (UK). Journal of Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences, 8(1): 1–5.
  16. Sapkota, S., Rushton, S., van Teijlingen, E., Subedi, M., Balen, J., Gautam, S., Adhikary, P., Simkhada, P., Wasti,SP., Karki, JK., Panday, S., Karki, A., Rijal, B., Joshi, S., Basnet, S., Marahatta, SB. (2024) Participatory policy analysis in health policy and systems research: reflections from a study in Nepal. Health Research & Policy Systems, 22(7) .
  17. Clark CJ, Marahatta SB, Hundley VA (2024) The prevalence of pain catastrophising in nulliparous women in Nepal; the importance for childbirth. PLoS ONE 19(8): e0308129.


November Digest RKEDF

Book now for RKEDF training in November 2024

Click on the titles to find further details and book your place

Do you need to know about the Research & Enterprise Database? This online training session on Weds 27 November, 13.00-13.30, is aimed at all academics to provide an overview of the Research & Enterprise Database. This includes how to access the system, the information available to view, budget management, and identifying your pre and post award officers. Book your place here

REF for ECR’S: A beginners guide!

This in-person session on Weds 20 November 2024, 13:00-15:00, will introduce you to what the REF is, where it came from, where it’s going, and how it may impact you as an early career researcher. We will also discuss any questions you have around expectations and processes at BU and experiences will be shared by academics with previous and current involvement in REF.

Telling a compelling story & developing a KTP application

One of a series of in-person developmental sessions on Weds 20 November, 13:00-14:00, for staff (and businesses) to debunk myths, provide insights, and forge connections, this in person session on will focus on telling a compelling story and developing a coherent and convincing Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) application.

BRIAN drop-in surgery

This is a 2-hour, in-person, drop-in surgery for questions or issues relating to BRIAN.  No question is a stupid question so pop in and ask.  No booking required – drop-in between 13:00 and 14:00 on Tues 26 November, at BG-217 Gateway Building, Lansdowne campus.

Epigeum Research Skills Toolkit 

Do you want to refresh your researcher skills? Have a look at the Epigeum Research Skills Toolkit (on demand online modules).  Further information on how to access Epigeum courses can be found here

Look out for events in early December, to be announced soon!

A close-up of a blue and white megaphoneDescription automatically generatedPlease help us in avoiding any waste of resources; make sure you can attend or cancel your booking prior to the session. For any further information, please contact


REDCap – Recommended tools for Data Management in Research Projects

Recommended tools for Data Management in Research Projects

4 December 2024, 09:00 -13:00 Book here

Learn about data collection and management best practices in research and why REDCap is better that MS Excel or Qualtrics for almost every type of data collection, either through online surveys or direct entry into a database.

Our REDCap expert (Will Crocombe) will show you why this tool has been used in 2.2 million research projects worldwide to date, and with no prior knowledge, you will learn to use REDCap and be ready to use it in your next investigation at the end of this course.

Attendees on the basic course will learn:

What is REDCap and why is it important?

  • What can REDCap do and who uses it. Data management expectations, data integrity and quality, safety and security.

Data collection forms and data entry – the basics

  • Understand basics of field types and form design, build a simple study and add some data. Review form status and dashboard.

Improving usability

  • Data range checks, action tags, field skipping, option lists, calculated fields.
  • Use of Data Quality Rules, inbuilt and custom, calculations.

Data import and export

  • Data export options and format. Import features and use as data editor.
  • Data Dictionary and metadata.

So why use REDCap?

REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a secure, web-based software platform designed for building and managing online surveys and databases. Originally developed at Vanderbilt University, it has become widely used all over the world in academic, non-profit, and government institutions, particularly for research and clinical data management.

REDCap is considered better than Microsoft Excel for data collection and management because it is more secure, offers better data quality, and is easier to use.

Qualtrics and REDCap are both easy to use, but REDCap is more customisable and supports data entry workflows, including multiple user roles and permissions, which are particularly useful in collaborative research teams. Additionally, REDCap supports audit trails for data entries and changes, critical for research reproducibility. Qualtrics can be expensive, especially to access advanced features, while all features in REDCap are free.

For further information on this event please contact

Book here

REDCap Key Features:

  1. Data Collection: REDCap allows users to easily create and manage data collection forms, which can be used for various purposes like surveys, longitudinal studies, or clinical trials.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: It provides an intuitive, web-based interface for project setup and data entry, allowing non-technical users to create complex projects without needing programming skills.
    1. Easy to Design Forms: REDCap provides a user-friendly interface for creating and designing online surveys and databases without needing advanced programming skills.
    2. Drag-and-Drop Interface: Allows for easy form building and question arrangement.
  3. Secure and Compliant: REDCap supports HIPAA compliance and other data security standards as GDPR and FISMA, making it suitable for handling sensitive or protected health information (PHI).
  4. Customisability: Users can customize forms, surveys, and workflows to suit their project needs, and it supports branching logic, validation, and automated alerts.
    1. Flexible Form Design: You can create complex branching logic, calculated fields, and use piping to personalize questions.
    2. Autonomy for Researchers: Users can independently design and manage their projects without needing IT support.
  5. Collaboration: It enables collaboration across institutions, allowing multiple users with different permission levels to work on the same project.
  6. Longitudinal Data Collection: It supports collecting data over time from the same participants, which is important for research projects that involve repeated measurements.
  7. Shared Library: REDCap’s Shared Library allows users to browse and search for data entry forms that other users have uploaded.
  8. Data Export: Data collected in REDCap can be exported to various statistical software formats (e.g., SPSS, SAS, Stata, R) for analysis

2025 Bid Generating Sandpit Invitation to Participate

Illustration of a lightbulb with a group of people inside around a circular table, with computers and papers. They are clearly working together.
Funded by the British Academy Early Career Researcher Network and organised by the Centre for the Study of Conflict, Emotion, and Social Justice, we are inviting applications for the:
2025 Bid-generating Sandpit: Interdisciplinary Research towards Sustainable Development Goals
26 – 27 March 2025
Bournemouth University, Executive Business Centre (TBC)
Participate in dynamic and interactive sessions to develop innovative research concepts addressing any of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), leading to funding bids across institutions and disciplines. Your goal is to form an interdisciplinary project team and build a funding proposal in only two days. You will then be allocated a mentor and have two online follow-up sessions to share your project progress and experiences.
We welcome early career (as you choose to define it) researchers, artists, practitioners or anyone with a general interest in sustainability and emerging interdisciplinary projects. You must be based at one of the South West Cluster Universities (which includes Bournemouth University). You should be keen to work in a multidisciplinary team, and willing to commit to attending the full sandpit, on both days. No prior experience of research funding is required.
To secure your spot in the Sandpit, please complete and submit the following application by 29 November 2024 – note that all participants must commit to attending both full days in person:
The event is facilitated by Dr. Catalin Brylla and Dr. Lyle Skains, with advisors and mentors to be drawn from senior Bournemouth University staff based on participant disciplines and interests.
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

New nursing paper published

Congratulations to Emeritus Prof. Jonathan Parker, Faculty of Health & Social Sciences Visiting Faculty Prof. Vanessa Heaslip and Dr. Kirsty Marshall, the latter two co-authors are based at the University of Salford, on their latest paper ‘Promoting equity in community nursing’ [1].  This paper links to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) published by the United Nations (UN) in 2015 in order to promote health, well-being and economic security for all. Bournemouth University, of course, is among the best universities worldwide for its sustainability, according to the new Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings. BU was ranked 39th out of 1,963 universities measured against the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) internationally in June 2024.

Heaslip and colleagues remind us that  is worth considering the degree to which these influence one’s professional practice.  They offer a reflective activity on the issue, see Box 1 ‘Community nurses and the SDGs’ .




Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen



Parkr, J., Heaslip, V., Marshall, K. (2024) Promoting equity in community nursing, Clinics in integrated care 26 October , 100229


RDS Academic & Researcher Induction

RDS Academic & Researcher Induction – Weds 16th October 10:00 – 11:00, online

The primary aim of this event is to raise participants’ awareness of how to get started in research at BU or, for more established staff, how to take their research to the next level.  It will provide participants with essential, practical information and orientation in key stages and processes of research and knowledge exchange at BU

You’ll be made aware of the support available at each stage of the research lifecycle and get an introduction to the Research, Development & Support Team, who are here to help! It will be hosted by our experts who are responsible for strategy, outputs, ethics, public engagement, knowledge exchange, project management & training.  It will include:

  • A brief overview of research excellence at BU and how RDS can help/support academic staff
  • How we can support your impact, public engagement, knowledge exchange & output activity and why it’s important – essential to quality bids and the REF
  • How to find funding opportunities and access support for the application process
  • How to manage an awarded RKE projects, incl aspects on intellectual property & commercialisation
  • Key points on research ethics and governance
  • Where to find what training is available, incl other BU support and internal networks

Come along, join in, get some important insights – hopefully see you there!  Book your place HERE

If you are new to academia, it may be helpful for you to meet with your faculty mentor to guide your familiarisation of research at BU and expectations of an early career researcher before attending this induction. You can also join the Early Career researcher (ECR) Network.

For some background and more immediate information on RDS, please head to the RKE SharePoint

For further information on this event or joining the ECRN, please contact

RKEDF ECRN events programme 2024-25

We are excited to announce the RKEDF Early Career Researcher Network 2024-25 training programme.  Please note, these sessions are open to ECRs, PGRs and MCAs.  Maybe you’ve had a break from research and want to hone your skills – all are welcome!

The ECR network meets monthly, with a great line-up of events and networking opportunities. Many of the sessions will have a theme, a discussion on a popular topic, followed by more general Q&A and networking. Some sessions are drop-in surgeries where you can pop in for a chat with other Early Career Researchers, or to discuss concerns if you need a bit of guidance. Follow up support is also available if needed.  There is a mix of online and in person sessions. You can find details about the content of each session and book your place by clicking the event title or visit the RKEDF SharePoint.  All sessions with * are also open to PGRs.  Please note, you can only currently book onto sessions until December.  Bookings for later sessions will open in December. 

Workshop theme  Date  Time   


Introduction/New to BU? Everything you wanted to know about being an ECR (but were afraid to ask)  02/10/2024  14:00 – 15:00  F2F 
Academic Publishing Where to start, gaining experience and what to avoid  30/10/2024  13:00 – 14:00  F2F 
Ethics – Clinical research governance*  04/11/2024   14:00 – 15:00  online 
Ethics – Values, standards & BU process *   04/11/24   12.00 – 13:00  online 
REF for ECRs*  A Beginner’s Guide  20/11/2024  13:00 – 15:00  F2F 
Surgery: ECR drop in session  04/12/2024  13:00 – 14:00  online 
Demonstrating research impact*  03/02/2025  14:00 – 16:00  F2F 
Work/life balance for ECRs and PGRs*  12/02/2025  13:00-14:00  F2F 
Imposter Syndrome*  19/03/2025  13:00 – 14:00  F2F 
Surgery and/or Pay Prog & Promo  TBC  TBC  TBC
Ethics – Clinical research governance*  19/05/2025   11:00 – 12:00  online 
Ethics – Values, standards & BU process *  19/05/2025   12:00 – 13:00  online 
Professional Practice for ECRs* (reviewing, external examining, joining associations, doing KE, PE follow up, impact)  21/05/2025  13:00 – 14:00  TBC 
Workshop tied to the Research Conference/ Public Engagement and Impact* (Including NGT scheme)  TBC  TBC  F2F 

If you have any questions, please contact the

RKEDF July Digest – Training opportunities for YOU!

Have you heard the news!!!!!!  

We are excited to share some great RKEDF training opportunities coming up in July 2024! 

 Click on the titles to find further details and book your place!!!! 

 AHRC & ESRC: How to write an application in the new format for the Funding Service 

Thursday, July 4, 11:00 – 13:00 – Online 

The session will cover the requirements for the new UKRI application format. We will discuss the application structure focusing on AHRC and ESRC and the sections and how to complete them. The session will be framed with more general information on the various Research Councils that comprise UKRI and best practice in writing applications for external research funding. 

 Principal Investigation – Post Award for RKE 

Wednesday, July 10, 14:00 – 15:00 – Online 

This session is aimed at any researcher who is, who plans to be, a Principal Investigator for an externally funded research or knowledge exchange project.   

 New Generation Thinkers 2025 – AHRC/BBC Radio 4 

Thursday, July 11, 11:00 – 13:30 – F112 – Fusion Building – Talbot Campus 

This is our annual new generation thinkers’ workshop, where we look at the call, requirements, eligibility and having a panel chair and member’s point of view. For early career researchers and PGRs who want to share their research with the public. 

Call information: Develop your media skills with the New Generation Thinkers scheme. The scheme is a partnership between the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the BBC.  

 Building a Policy Influencing Strategy 

Friday, July 12, 9:30 – 16:30 and Thursday, July 18, 9:00 – 16:00 – Zoom 

A one-day online workshop for up to eight researchers, delivered via Zoom and facilitated by public affairs and policy consultant Carys Davis, from The Other Place  

The session will enable participants to: 

  • develop key messages, supporting narratives and evidence, identify and map their audience, gain insight into the channels available for influencing. 

 RKEDF: ECRN: Where do you begin with Research funding? 

Friday 12th July – 10:00-12:00 – Online 

The workshop is aimed at researchers from across BU at either postdoctoral or early career stage. It will focus on funders including (but not limited to) the AHRC, UKRI, British Academy, Welcome Trust, and NIHR. 

Are you an Early Career Researcher interested in applying for research funding but unsure where to start? In this BU ERC Network special session, professional bid writing consultant Sally Baggott (PhD) offers her insights in the contemporary funding landscape for ECRs,  


Please assist us in avoiding any waste of resources; make sure you can attend or cancel your booking prior to the session. 

 For more training opportunities, please visit the ‘SharePoint site’ here. 

 For any further information, please contact: