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BU academics publish Olympics and Paralympics report

We are very pleased to announce the publication of Olympic and Paralympic Analysis 2024: Mega events, media, and the politics of sport, edited by Daniel Jackson, Alina Bernstein, Michael Butterworth, Younghan Cho, Danielle Sarver Coombs, Michael Devlin, Ana Carolina Vimieiro

Featuring 108 contributors from over 130 leading academics and emerging scholars (including those from BU!), this publication captures the immediate thoughts, reflections, and insights from the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games from the cutting edge of academic scholarship.

Published just 10 days from the end of the the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games, these contributions are short and accessible. Authors provide authoritative analysis of the Olympics and Paralympics, including research findings and new theoretical insights. Contributions come from a rich array of disciplinary influences, including media, communication studies, education, kinesiology, history, sociology, political science, and psychology. The report is free to download and can be deposited in any repository or library.

The publication is available as a free downloadable PDF, as a website.
Website URL: https://olympicanalysis.org/
Direct PDF download: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gckkyyyzydbkyof8u44w9/Olympics-Paralympics-2024-large.pdf?rlkey=5ieb118j9qrkqnd0flqfd6k68&dl=0

Thanks to all of our contributors and production staff who helped make the quick turnaround possible. We hope it makes for a vibrant and engaging read!

CWLTH Research Seminar

The Centre for Wellbeing and Long-Term Health (CWLTH) will be hosting its first virtual Research Seminar of the new academic year on Thursday 27th October at 13:00.  Dr Heidi Singleton will be speaking about her systematic review of interventions for managing eczema.  All are welcome to attend by clicking HERE.  For more information about this meeting or for information about the CWLTH, please contact cwlth@bournemouth.ac.uk.

Why Productivity Growth and Eastern Europe Matters by BU, EACES Member on Transition and Finance Economics

Why is ‘growth’ magical, mysterious and elusive in Eastern Europe, throughout most of Europe, in the spotlight as the recent buzz word. It is even more critical to those governments in debt or deficit crisis now? How do some economies have it and others not? Especially since 2008/9 GFC (Global Finance Crisis)? Without growth, it impacts on economies. Its effects are slow growth, stagnation, lower standards of living experiences, overcrowding, emerging diseases, competition over scarce resources, ultimately emerging into protest riots, conflicts even wars.

Who creates critical growth? Answer is the 90% of businesses in Eastern Europe, which are the fastest growing SMEs (small medium enterprises) including innovative manufacturing processes and complex value chains. It is businesses SMEs, which are thought to be critical to research 2024 and beyond – the top theme after the biggest health (though is mainly tangible ROI devices diagnostic tests equipment advances) and greater than innovation and tech, as ranked in the UK 2024.

Informal relationships and collaborative alliances are now viewed as growing importance as subfactor determinants alongside main indicators to attain growth. Moreover seemingly innocent barriers inhibitors to growth – relating to top agendas of governments like financial constraints and bribery incidence (corruption) – are speculated by my study to flatten recent past productivity outcomes in stress times.

So, does one of the keys to the conundrum of productivity, my study proposes lie in removing barriers, so creating freedoms to growth prosperity sustainability and business transformation? Is it by uncovering what is hidden within and possible to achieve, as opposed to injecting new resources services or aid either monetary or non-monetary which reduce ROI (return on investment made) which assisted in the past? Is this the lesson of Eastern Europe for the West, which is growing faster albeit off a slightly smaller baseline total than most of the top of the G7. However, perceptions need testing with empirical evidence where none or little exists – so these are the themes of this British author and her own research at Bournemouth University.

This leads to the implications of how do you create successful models for growth adaptations relevant to the 2020s and Eastern Europe, another theme of resurging interest in the 2020s, for example EACES 2024, a keynote programme theme by a leading light, Post-Keynesian Economics, Professor Stockhammer (King’s College, London)? The Eastern front is protecting us, for this is unheard for Europe since zeitenwende 24022022, where Kyiv reminds me of cultured Vienna. Whereas other parts of the world outside Europe continent, it is a different scenario, it does not change, it is the norm and have always been at barbaric medieval war continuously flaring with low rights freedoms, long before I was born.

If you think your working and personal life is tough going count yourself lucky:
i) Professor Kyiv School Of Economics says to me (BU) online IZA seminar (in a break from drones overhead in a skeletal department) he knew the Durrells of Bournemouth. [Note: Famous Gerald Durrell linked to famed family with Margo’s Durrell Boarding House of Bournemouth (in fact, Gerry’s collection of animals were initially housed in back garden garage before new premises), a feature film 2019].
ii) SME mainly female businesses work in Kyiv, Ukraine (all partners men 25-59 age bar minimum essential are conscripted mandatory onto the front lines.
iii) 08072024 41 killed as Russian Missile hit children maternity hospital Kyiv, Ukraine
iv) SME sanity she escapes Kyiv shelling work/home to Ukraine’s beautiful mountains.
Sources: copyright my own/donated freely sent to me – ‘Everyday Academic and SME business life in Eastern Europe’ on our Eastern Frontier 2022-2024 – Lest anyone forget what is protecting our own peace and way of life here.

Alternatively, a further complex conundrum exists where the economy may have possibly continued to generate income all along, with inequalities of wealth growth evident or disappearing abroad or into offshore havens, so it does not grow the host economy and is not traceable non-productive, so not providing surpluses for developing society, even drains resources in an increasing debt ratio as it draws but does not give back, so is hidden invisible. It could also even be part of a growing ‘shadow economy’ (outside personal scope due to income below legally tax thresholds or creative tax accounting to pay less taxes and other avenues, but it is a growing interest theme researched by another at AFE, BUBS, Bournemouth University).


So, as an example of the past decade 2008/9 to 2019 post GFC (Global Financial Crisis) from Eastern Europe, my own research study data. It reveals how in the past decade that economic growth has become more complex and no longer necessarily is related directly as before to productivity growth. So, I am finding that potentially being more productive is not necessarily the answer to ultimate economic growth anymore but increasing it could be one factor determinant towards boosting overall growth in the economy – which needs financial surpluses not debt and clean scores not corruption to thrive. Furthermore, my study provides evidence for heterogenous (diverse) different productivity outcomes related to financial constraints and bribery corruption across Eastern Europe compared to more accepted homogenous (similar) flattening productivity trends in ‘the West.’

The Productivity Gap = hierarchy economic states for top 30% and bottom 30% in my study findings 2019 and 2008/9 of 27 transition economies Eastern Europe
smaller gap 2008/9 to 2019 shows productivity growth%
has slowed down the most in higher productivity economies of study SME firms

top8 30% total sample gap [log] 0.42
bottom8 30% total sample gap [log] 1.23
Source: Author own construct

The Productivity Gap = hierarchy economic states for top 30% and bottom 30% in my study findings 2019 and 2008/9
Typical Most prominent
Top 8 group
30% total samples firm-level study largest yet slowest growing Productivity
2008/9 and 2019 (not in precise order as changes over decade)
Czech Slovenia Lithuania Poland Latvia Estonia Hungary Slovak rep

Typical Most prominent Bottom 8 group 30% total samples firm-level study smaller yet fastest growing Productivity
2008/9 and 2019 (not in precise order as changes over decade)
Azerbaijan Ukraine Armenia Georgia Kosovo Uzbekistan Kyrgyz rep Tajikistan
Source: Author own construct

*Although at a lower starting point, the bottom third hierarchy of economies in my study, the third decade of independence in Eastern Europe where there is a gap as relatively no extensive large cross countries evidence exists, before the turning point of 2019, findings are it has grown faster and seen far less flattening in productivity than the top third economies, suggesting something different is happening here between Northern and Southern economies in Eastern Europe (ECA borders) especially.

So, the implications could be that these are the economies with growing economies that investors are attracted towards either i) the top most productive with least corruption most stability or ii) despite lower baseline are fastest growing for greatest yields, so achieving a real return on investment (ROI) when offering FDI (foreign direct investment). However, the top performers are flattening or the most attractive performers have higher risk impacted upon by geopolitical geo-economic volatility, conflict, geopolitical instability and corruption, so delaying foreign investments made which impacts hardest upon Eastern Europe that depends more on FDI more so than ‘the West.’

Eastern Europe matters most to us in Britain too, not just Eastern Europe itself, this is because Europe is pragmatically our geographically closest advanced protective neighbour with cost-effective tangible benefits and historic long-term finance economic alliances. Research reports in 2024 shows Eastern Europe gains spill-overs by closely collaborating trading on its own borders with its neighbours. Also, advantages are closest geo-economic (geographical) alliances brings economies of scale savings. Further more as in 11092024 world news and UK reported too: “most proud of the unity, we and all our allies have shown in support for Ukraine,” furthermore “reiterating that Ukraine’s freedom is crucial for Europe” as well. For it holds up the Eastern front for European peace that includes financial economic order against destabilisation – in addition to the benefits of Europe retaining access to its vast required precious minerals especially lithium ions think mobile phones EV energy and vast food grains store which are recently providing sources of competitive conflict for scarce precious resources.

Critically, the whole of Europe itself should not be diminishing as seen in the 2020s but needs to stand up and increase now in its own continental priorities for survival and striving for growth. Like it did so before GFC (Global Financial Crisis) 2008 and before EU even existed pre1991 (for those who remember either born and travelling Europe/USA easily safely even when very young freely or perhaps working flying travelling before then too – so it can’t be blamed on recent Brexit 2020 although Brexit has left a quagmire legacy of increased technocrat, bureaucracy, restrictions, trading barriers and red tape attached still as not being in the EU unlike pre1991. But countries do survive without the EU, hence some of Eastern Europe’s cynicism.

The productivity growth trends can be seen in both my study tables 2008/9 to 2010 and following independent source tables 1997-2007 and 2008/9 to 2019:

Comparison OECD G7 (important contrast outside Eastern Europe study focus)
Since the 2008/9 economic downturn, growth rates have been slower in all G7 countries, with the UK and US having the largest slowdowns. Even closer to home, outside of my study scope, the UK’s productivity (outside of my study scope) has fallen away from most of the other G7 countries during this period, which corresponds to my Eastern European study’s turning point notion of 2019 being predictive of the 2020s and what lessons can be learnt.

It is interesting to look outside of my research scope in context briefly at the G7, the ‘so called advanced economies’ compared to the transition economies too who are rapidly catching up converging or a few top economies overlapping now too with the G7.

G7 Economies – Compound average annual growth rate of output per hour worked (a measure of productivity is output per worker too preferred by this researcher compared to total productivity factor measurement), before and after 2008/9 economic downturn due to GFC mainly.
Average annual growth (%) 1997 to 2007 (left)
Average annual growth (%) 2009 to 2019 (centre)
Difference (right)

US 2.3 0.8 -1.5
UK 1.9 0.7 -1.2
France 1.6 0.9 -0.7
Canada 1.5 1.0 -0.5
Japan 1.6 1.2 -0.4
Germany 1.4 1.1 -0.3
Italy 0.4 0.4 0.0
G7 mean 1.9 0.9 -1.0

Source: OECD data, Office for National Statistics calculations
1. The figures for the UK in this table differ slightly to ONS National Statistics estimates of output per hour worked.
2. Sources suggest that measurement units used may differ but produce similar trend lines.
3. Note: the homogenous similarities of growth too in G7 compared to heterogeneity of Eastern Europe.

To quote the past famous economists from Kings College, Cambridge with Keynes who was also a practitioner treasurer advisor to British Government too with relevance:
“Whether this account is true or fanciful, there can be no doubt as to the immense change in public sentiment over the past two years” (Keynes, 1919; 1931).

“But perhaps it is only possible in England to be so unconscious. In continental Europe the earth heaves. Not just about extravagance or “labour troubles”; but of life and death, of starvation and existence (‘including disease and poverty’), and of the fearful convulsions of a dying civilization” (Keynes, 1919). Analogous to productivity and today’s society environment.

“Ending up very soon facing a monumentally unjust inequality of income and wealth; a conflictual world with warring regions, religions and ethnic groups; a depleted, desertified [sic] and unviable planet, dominated by squalor, ignorance, want, idleness and disease.” (Nuti, 2018C, p. 15 Nuti 1937-2020). This is it in a nutshell, one hundred years later, as echoes Keynes in 2019. So, what lessons have we learnt is contentiously dubious debatable?

“Mario Nuti was a major theoretical and policy figure in economics; perhaps the last of the major UK post-Keynesians in a line of significant Cambridge economists. Notably – Mario questioned the success of the transition economies, terming it more as “a development into a ‘mutant’ economic system. “Due to “seismic faults” in the European Union – including Brexit, austerity policies, tiny EU budget, premature introduction of the Euro, migrations, tax competition, tolerance of illiberal regimes, divergence of welfare policies – its institutions and policies are equivalent to “tectonic plates sliding over each other and colliding” (Nuti, 2018b). Mario particularly condemned the persistence of austerity policies, demonstrating that fiscal consolidation can actually increase, instead of decreasing, public debt/GDP ratio.” (Estrin and Uvalic, 2020; 2021; 2022, 2023, 2024). Nuti and his thinking is a top appreciation theme of EACES (European Association of Comparative Economics Studies) 2024.

This adds weight to the imperative of this researcher in conducting further imperative finance economics research as part of the quest like a holy grail mission to contribute towards advancing knowledge required ultimately towards peace stabilisation, balanced not so volatile finance economics equilibrium required for international order, sustainability and growth for survival. So, ultimately to meet now an expanding ever demanding (beyond supplies is Keynesian) overpopulated world competing for resources on the planet in the so called ‘dependent advanced civilised society,’ unless one wishes to return to the alternative of literally the relative dark ages of existing simple indigenous independent self-sufficient people and roaming nomads on the planet. Therefore, the researcher’s contribution to the words of magical mysterious elusive ‘growth’ and the proposed subfactor of productivity outcomes.

To end on a lighter note and the takeaway mini-bite, especially for the non-finance economists (if mathematics, finance, economics, statistics and modelling blow your mind and goes over your head) then maybe you can relate all of this to extracted lines from a memorable theme song:

“Millenium” song by Robbie Williams:
We’ve got stars directing our fate (Millennium)
And we’re praying it’s not too late (Millennium)
Some say that we are players
Some say that we are pawns
But we’ve been makin’ (takin’) money
Since the day that we were born
Cos we’re low down (low down)
Run around in circles
Then we’ll slow down (Slow down)
Before we fall down
We all enjoy the madness
Cos we know we’re gonna fade away
(And we won’t stop)
Songwriters: Robert Peter Williams, John Barry, Leslie Bricusse, Guy Antony Chambers.

For the optimists there is the movies like ‘Sliding Doors’ with its two parallel universes (an increasingly popular concept), one golden returning progressing ‘happy places making beautiful memories’ outcomes is “the new trend now” and one universe the dark side black hole which is very volatile dark just like financial economic pain society disorder. Or the iconic star trek movie, where Spock the Vulcan from another planet, replies to the captain of the starship enterprise on charting a new course forward, ‘there is life, but not as we know it.’

Mario Nuti (Cambridge economist, researcher, opinion leader) once wrote: ‘I used to reproach myself for not doing enough work, for I only regarded research as true work, but now I regret not having spent more time on a beach’ (Nuti, 1992a). Indeed, wherever he was, Mario was always surrounded in solitude by books, papers, notes, and he never stopped working (on his research matters), up to his very last days.” Likewise, Bournemouth and Dorset offers great opportunities for combining its microclimate with amazing beaches, ideal for reflective higher thinking alongside its dedicated research and publication offerings.

So ideally realistically, the best research it is intrinsically driven (not extrinsic) with passion dedicated determination as when ‘the going gets tough only the tough get going’ (theme song film used in USA business),’ so always like an ongoing daily mission to climb a mountain expedition to its peak and ongoing beyond this, only for critical subjects in demand that create a real difference impact relevant in 2024 and onwards, for a significant number in the real world on local, national, international levels (not peripheral often loud background noise minorities), which only then has long been proven to deliver ££££’s benefit contribution for every £1 invested in research (Return on Investment) back to the UK society, planet and the economy (to add growth to the source investment resources made) otherwise it dissipates disappears, destroying ‘the goose that laid the golden eggs (fable and often USA business expression).

In line with this, all eyes are upon trend setting, Canadian PM, Trudeau, September, 2024 is looking for a critical significant contribution to strengthening the economy, its priorities, its workforce to even include advanced research in education to protect the integrity of the system itself and dramatically already reducing transient permits (including spouses)’ where specifically “changes are part of a larger effort to ensure a well-regulated and sustainable system.” “Not everyone who wishes to come to Canada will be granted entry, and not everyone currently residing here will be able to remain indefinitely. It is our duty to safeguard the integrity of our policies, and we are committed to adapting them to meet today’s evolving challenges,” he and his minister told Business Insider.’ This will achieve sustainability and ultimately strive for the government priorities of growth.

Source: Just Breathe
My current research life journey truly looks like this as reach a top peak phase
(those who truly know it is as is for themselves too as growth is internal and external)

Thank you, this is a longer blog essay account on the current topical buzz word of ‘growth,’ because finance economics articles often take longer to publish in AFE subjects, so are rarer in BU than some prolific publishing disciplines with shorter time frames more publications – as we all await the research contributions to be made, in the next insightful cluster of awaited exciting future pipeline research publications and creative media outputs by the BUBS and AFE (accounting, finance and economics) 2024 even 2025 as well as ideally by myself too makes a welcomed contribution then too.

Disclaimer: The themes are of top current relevance, but independent viewpoints not necessarily reflecting others connected with Bournemouth University. Notably, “Economist Keynes later admitted after 2019 the ‘consequences of the peace’ in reflection that his (words) prophecies were far more successful than his persuasion influence.”

Fiona ‘Stewart’ Vidler
Former MIPR (media) and Financial Advisor, Decision-Making Strategy (Corporate and SME) Director roles – Financial Times Business Winner (media ROI winning difference)
Corruption and Financial Constraints Impacts upon SME Firm Productivity – European Transition Economies in Crisis
(Finance Economics Advanced Researcher –research annual review rated ‘Excellent’ 2024)
Bournemouth University Business School (BUBS) – ‘Catalyst for Growth Fusion’ 2022-26.’
Previously British Senior Researcher (over a decade/s experience): RHUL, Defra (as prior MAFF), DSTL (as prior MOD), International Crisis Management Researcher (Burson-Marsteller A-team) and Director Education/ Marketing/ Research /Media /Conference /Round-table programs for professors leading lights networks creation and bidding team budgets writing programs £10K to £3M

RDS Academic & Researcher Induction

RDS Academic & Researcher Induction – Weds 16th October 10:00 – 11:00, online

The primary aim of this event is to raise participants’ awareness of how to get started in research at BU or, for more established staff, how to take their research to the next level.  It will provide participants with essential, practical information and orientation in key stages and processes of research and knowledge exchange at BU

You’ll be made aware of the support available at each stage of the research lifecycle and get an introduction to the Research, Development & Support Team, who are here to help! It will be hosted by our experts who are responsible for strategy, outputs, ethics, public engagement, knowledge exchange, project management & training.  It will include:

  • A brief overview of research excellence at BU and how RDS can help/support academic staff
  • How we can support your impact, public engagement, knowledge exchange & output activity and why it’s important – essential to quality bids and the REF
  • How to find funding opportunities and access support for the application process
  • How to manage an awarded RKE projects, incl aspects on intellectual property & commercialisation
  • Key points on research ethics and governance
  • Where to find what training is available, incl other BU support and internal networks

Come along, join in, get some important insights – hopefully see you there!  Book your place HERE

If you are new to academia, it may be helpful for you to meet with your faculty mentor to guide your familiarisation of research at BU and expectations of an early career researcher before attending this induction. You can also join the Early Career researcher (ECR) Network.

For some background and more immediate information on RDS, please head to the RKE SharePoint

For further information on this event or joining the ECRN, please contact RKEDF@bournemouth.ac.uk

RKEDF ECRN events programme 2024-25

We are excited to announce the RKEDF Early Career Researcher Network 2024-25 training programme.  Please note, these sessions are open to ECRs, PGRs and MCAs.  Maybe you’ve had a break from research and want to hone your skills – all are welcome!

The ECR network meets monthly, with a great line-up of events and networking opportunities. Many of the sessions will have a theme, a discussion on a popular topic, followed by more general Q&A and networking. Some sessions are drop-in surgeries where you can pop in for a chat with other Early Career Researchers, or to discuss concerns if you need a bit of guidance. Follow up support is also available if needed.  There is a mix of online and in person sessions. You can find details about the content of each session and book your place by clicking the event title or visit the RKEDF SharePoint.  All sessions with * are also open to PGRs.  Please note, you can only currently book onto sessions until December.  Bookings for later sessions will open in December. 

Workshop theme  Date  Time   


Introduction/New to BU? Everything you wanted to know about being an ECR (but were afraid to ask)  02/10/2024  14:00 – 15:00  F2F 
Academic Publishing Where to start, gaining experience and what to avoid  30/10/2024  13:00 – 14:00  F2F 
Ethics – Clinical research governance*  04/11/2024   14:00 – 15:00  online 
Ethics – Values, standards & BU process *   04/11/24   12.00 – 13:00  online 
REF for ECRs*  A Beginner’s Guide  20/11/2024  13:00 – 15:00  F2F 
Surgery: ECR drop in session  04/12/2024  13:00 – 14:00  online 
Demonstrating research impact*  03/02/2025  14:00 – 16:00  F2F 
Work/life balance for ECRs and PGRs*  12/02/2025  13:00-14:00  F2F 
Imposter Syndrome*  19/03/2025  13:00 – 14:00  F2F 
Surgery and/or Pay Prog & Promo  TBC  TBC  TBC
Ethics – Clinical research governance*  19/05/2025   11:00 – 12:00  online 
Ethics – Values, standards & BU process *  19/05/2025   12:00 – 13:00  online 
Professional Practice for ECRs* (reviewing, external examining, joining associations, doing KE, PE follow up, impact)  21/05/2025  13:00 – 14:00  TBC 
Workshop tied to the Research Conference/ Public Engagement and Impact* (Including NGT scheme)  TBC  TBC  F2F 

If you have any questions, please contact the RKEDF@bournemouth.ac.uk

Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory academics – would you like to get more involved in preparing our next REF submission?

We are currently recruiting for an Output Champion to help support preparation for our next REF Submission to Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory. The deadline for expressions of interest is 11 October 2024. 

This role is recruited through an open and transparent process, which gives all academic staff the opportunity to put themselves forward. Applications from underrepresented groups (e.g. minority ethnic, declared disability) are particularly welcome.

We are currently preparing submissions to thirteen units (otherwise known as UOAs). Each unit has a leadership team with at least one leader, an output and impact champion. The leadership team are supported by a panel of reviewers who assess the research from the unit. This includes research outputs (journal articles, book chapters, digital artefacts and conference proceedings) and impact case studies. We currently have vacancies in the following roles:

Output Champion – 32 – Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory

All roles require a level of commitment which is recognised accordingly with time to review, attend meetings, and take responsibility for tasks.

Undertaking a UOA role can be enjoyable and rewarding as two of our current champions testify:

“As UOA Outputs Champion you develop a detailed knowledge of all the great work that colleagues are doing related to the subject, and the different outlets used for disseminating their work.  As an outputs committee member, you also get to know what research is going on across BU, and it’s interesting to see the differences between disciplines.  It’s a good way develop your knowledge of the bigger picture of BU’s research, and also to understand the importance of REF and how it works in practice.  You do spend quite a bit of time chasing colleagues to put their outputs on BRIAN for REF compliance but hopefully they forgive you!”

Professor Adele Ladkin – UOA 24 Output Champion

“As a UoA 17 impact champion, I work closely with the UoA 17 impact team to encourage the development of a culture of impact across BUBS. I try to pop into Department / research group meetings when I can to discuss impact, and I’ve enjoyed meeting people with a whole range of research interests. Sometimes it can be tough to engage people with impact – understandably; everyone is busy – so it’s important to be enthusiastic about the need for our BU research to reach the public. Overall, the role is about planting the seeds to get researchers thinking about the impact their work might have in the future (as well as the impact they have already had, sometimes without realising!)”

Dr Rafaelle Nicholson – UOA 17 Impact Champion

How to apply

All those interested should put forward a short case (suggested length of one paragraph) as to why they are interested in the role and what they think they could bring to it. These should be clearly marked with the relevant role and unit and emailed to ref@bournemouth.ac.uk by 5pm on 1 March 2024

Further detail on the role and the process of recruitment and selection criteria can be found here:

Role Descriptor

Process and criteria for selection

For further information please contact ref@bournemouth.ac.uk, a member of the current UOA Team or your Deputy Dean Research and Professional Practice with queries.

You are invited to the launch event for the DALLI Toolkit – a resource developed by researchers at the University of Southampton

Enhancing the identification and response to domestic abuse for people living with a life-limiting illness: The DALLI Toolkit

Date and time: Wed, 9 October 2024, 1300-1400 GMT (lunch from 1230)

Location: AXIS Conference Centre, 3 Venture Road, Chilworth, Southampton SO16 7NP or via MS Teams

This is a reminder to please register if you have not already, there are only a few in person places remaining!

Please click here for more details and to register

You are invited to the launch event for the DALLI Toolkit – a resource developed by researchers at the University of Southampton and NIHR Applied Collaboration Wessex in partnership with health and social care professionals, victim-survivors, and specialist domestic abuse organisations – to provide information and practical suggestions for identifying and responding to domestic abuse experienced by people living with a life-limiting illness.

The Toolkit is designed for those working in hospice and palliative care services, as well as local authorities, the third sector and anyone who provides care or support to those living with a terminal illness and approaching end of life.

The event is an opportunity to find out more about the Toolkit, learn how it can support you in your practice and professional role and hear from a victim-survivor. It is also a chance to see the first screening of the DALLI Toolkit film.

For further information please email: dalli@soton.ac.uk

Please note: the event will contain content describing domestic abuse in the context of life-limiting illness. Hearing about this can be difficult, so please feel free to step away during at any time if you need to.

If you are affected by abuse, you are not alone, and people are ready to listen and help. You can contact the National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247 anytime. You can also webchat with an advisor Mon-Fri, 3-10pm on https://www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk/en/Chat-to-us-online.

ESRC SWDTP Information Sessions

Further to the recent blog post about BU’s ESRC South West Doctoral Training Partnership (SWDTP), we are delighted to announce two ‘lunchbite’ sessions oriented toward academic colleagues.

These are designed to provide more information about the SWDTP, the pathways which we belong to, the timelines for 2025 cohort applications, and aid supervisors with supporting potential applicants.

BU is linked to 3 of the SWDTP Pathways:

To find out more, please join us at one of the following sessions:

Details about other research degree supervision lunchbites will be released shortly.



The 16th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference – Call for abstracts

The Doctoral College is hosting the 16th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference in November and the call for abstracts is now open. 

The conference is a great opportunity to showcase and promote your research, whether you have just started, or you are approaching the end of your journey at BU.

Attending the conference offers a fantastic chance to engage and network with the postgraduate research community and find out more about the exciting and fascinating research that is happening across BU.

Postgraduate researchers (PGRs) are invited to submit their abstracts to present their research via oral or poster presentation:

Application Form and Guidance.

Closing date for submissions: Monday 21 October 09:00.

Registration to attend will open in November. The event will be open to all BU members and external participants.

Event details

Date of conference: Wednesday 27 November (all day)

Location: Fusion Building, Talbot Campus

View posters from last year’s Postgraduate Research Conference.

For any queries, please email pgconference@bournemouth.ac.uk.

ESRC South West Doctoral Training Partnership

In November last year, it was officially announced that Bournemouth University was part of the successful South West Doctoral Training Partnership (SWDTP) re-bid to the ESRC. Being part of the SWDTP provides prestigious opportunities to compete for PhD Studentships and Post-Doctoral Fellowships. There are also a number of other benefits including funding available to staff at institutions affiliated with the SWDTP and being part of a wider community of postgraduate students.

The SWDTP is made up of the Universities of Bristol, Bath, Bath Spa, Bournemouth, Exeter, Plymouth, Plymouth Marjons and UWE. The SWDTP ‘Hub’ (based at the University of Bristol) manages an annual competitive process, on behalf of the ESRC, to award up to 34 PhD studentships and 4 Post-Doctoral Fellowships. Bournemouth were invited to join the re-bid in pathways that aligned to the ESRC remit and which scored above an ESRC set threshold in the REF 2021 exercise. Aligned to UoAs 4 (Psychology), 14 (Geography & Environmental Studies), and 24 (Sport & Exercise Sciences, Leisure & Tourism), BU are eligible to apply for studentships across three of the 17 SWDTP pathways: Psychology; Climate Change, Sustainability & Society; and, Health, Well-being & Society.

Despite an exceptionally short window in November last year, we were able to run a limited and streamlined process that enabled us to compete for a limited number of studentships. We are delighted that we will have 2 new ESRC funded studentships begin in September of this year. We are now in the process of developing our first full PhD application round for students who would start in September 2025. The Post-Doctoral Fellow competition is likely to take place in March next year. With 8 institutions aligned to 17 pathways and 34 studentships available annually, these studentships are, understandably, extremely competitive. As such, we are looking to support prospective postgraduate students in the development of competitive applications.

Whilst much of our messaging is oriented toward attracting potential students and developing competitive applications, we are keen to ensure all BU staff who align to the three pathways are aware of these potential opportunities. Indeed, two of the pathways in which we are eligible to apply are interdisciplinary pathways (Climate Change, Sustainability & Society; Health, Well-being & Society). This means that applications may well be strengthened through projects that draw on a number of disciplinary approaches, provided there remains alignment to the UoAs highlighted above and satisfy the ESRC criteria for Social Science.

At this stage, and in the first instance, we just wanted to make colleagues aware of these potential opportunities and outline a few ways you may want to get involved / be visible for future candidates. We would be happy to add colleagues aligned to these pathways to our own internal webpages (see links below) and to email distribution groups. If you would like to be added, please do message the relevant pathway leads (listed below). Also, if you are aware of potential students who may be interested in applying please do feel free to get in touch with the relevant pathway lead. Further, you are able to add your own details to the SWDTP prospective supervisor database in any of the three pathways which BU are currently involved. You are able to add yourself to this database here (deadline is 26th September).

Finally, we will be running a couple of ‘lunchbite’ sessions via the Doctoral College in September / October oriented toward academic colleagues (we will run prospective student sessions in due course). These are designed to provide a little more information about the SWDTP, the pathways to which we belong, the timelines for 2025 cohort applications, and aid supervisors with supporting potential applicants. Please do look out for more information coming soon about these sessions.

BU SWDTP Pathways

Insights from the Alan Turing Institute Data Study Group

Stepping into the world of data science at the Alan Turing Institute (ATI) Data Study Group from September 9-13, 2024 was an exhilarating experience. As the national institute for data science, the ATI’s strong connections to academia and industry set the stage for a week of intensive collaboration and problem-solving.

Joining the Transport for London (TfL) project within the hackathon-style event, I found myself amidst an eclectic team of 11 individuals, each bringing a unique set of skills and backgrounds to the table. The project’s challenge of identifying physical assets on the London Underground from point cloud data presented a thrilling opportunity to apply our collective expertise to a real-world problem.

The task at hand was no small feat – analysing point cloud data to pinpoint key track features along the London Underground network. With collected image data, our goal was to automate the detection and classification of critical track components such as sleepers, rails, signalling equipment, and more. Our team’s approach was multifaceted, involving rigorous preprocessing, segmentation model training, and advanced data analysis techniques. By leveraging tools like U-Net and SAM 2 for image segmentation and employing post-processing methods to extract valuable insights from the predicted masks, we made strides towards achieving our objectives.

As an individual who recently completed a PhD thesis on “Complex Urban Road Networks: Static Structures and Dynamic Processes,” this opportunity to apply my research expertise in a practical setting was both challenging and rewarding. The seamless blend of academic knowledge and hands-on problem-solving during the ATI Data Study Group not only expanded my technical skills but also reinforced the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in tackling complex data challenges.

Thanks to The Alan Turing Institute,  especially TuringDSG organisers for an incredible opportunity. I would like to extend my gratitude to my PhD supervisor Dr. Wei Koong Chai for supporting my professional and personal development.

Assemgul Kozhabek (Computing Department, SciTech  )

Understand what hate crime and discriminatory abuse are and how best to respond to them

Over the summer, Jane Healy (Principle Academic in Criminology at Bournemouth University) led an inter-disciplinary research team at Bournemouth University and Royal Holloway which has conducted a survey to evaluate approaches to safeguarding adults who experience hate crime and discriminatory abuse. 

Responses were received from across the UK, identifying challenges and providing examples of good practice. We are keen to share these findings as widely as possible.

The team are hosting a webinar where they will outline the context of hate crime and discriminatory abuse and discuss the anonymised findings and next steps, in a free online event on Tuesday 22 October 2024, from 12pm to 13:30pm. 

Please click on this link to reserve your tickets: Exploring restorative practice approaches to safeguarding adults Tickets, Tue 22 Oct 2024 at 12:00 | Eventbrite 

Please forward to anyone who might be interested in learning more about hate crime and discriminatory abuse, and the research findings.

We look forward to seeing you all at the online event.

Jane Healy and team