The dates for the The National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE)’s annual conference have been announced as 5th December and 6th December 2012. This conference will explore the whole public engagement agenda including research, knowledge exchange, teaching (and learning), volunteering and social responsibility. Much more detail about the conference can be found here. There will be lots of ways to get involved in the conference and currently the NCCPE is looking for session convenors and contributors to the effective practice showcase. You may be interested to learn more about the content of previous NCCPE conferences via the following links: Engage 2011 and Engage 2010.
Showcase convenors will be responsible for developing a specific theme, deciding on the most appropriate format for the session, bringing together engaging contributors, working with NCCPE to engage an appropriate audience and facilitating the session during the conference. Again, further details can be found here on the webpage or alternatively you can contact Sophie Duncan to discuss your application. The deadline for applications is 30th May.
The conference organisers are also look for people that can share their experiences of public engagement in an effective practice showcase. It is envisaged that contributions will take a variety of formats including films, posters, exhibitions and discussions. Click here for more details. Applications need to be received by 30th June.
If you are considering applying for either of these activities, the Research Development Unit would be delighted to hear from you and support your application in any way we can. Please contact Becca on for further details.