Thank you to everyone who attended 14:Live on the 24th March, it was an extremely fascinating half an hour with Professor Matthew Bennett.
Matthew Bennett, Professor Of Environmental And Geographical Sciences, gave us all a very interesting insight into some of his and his teams work into there travels pursuing footprints in the landscape throughout Africa, Europe and Central America. In this talk he shared some of his field experiences from the discovery of the Ileret footprints in 2009, to his work in Namibia on tiny children’s tracks.
For those of you who turned up to this talk and those interested in Aprils run, the date of the next 14:Live is still to be confirmed. So look out on the Research Blog and the student portal events page for updates on the talk, we look forward to seeing you all in April were there will again be 30 x tokens for a FREE Papa Johns pizza!
Would being a speaker at 14:Live interest you? or do you just want to find out more about student engagement with research events, if so, please feel free to contact ssquelch@bournemouth.ac.uk