BU-BCP collaborative initiative on sustainable urban parking

Latest research and knowledge exchange news at Bournemouth University
Expressions of interest invited for Chair and Deputy Chairs of BU’s Research Funding Panels
We are seeking expressions of interest (EoIs) for Chair and Deputy Chair of the new funding panels:
Applications from underrepresented groups (women, minority ethnic, declared disability) are particularly welcome.
What are the Research Funding Panels?
These are the new, agile and responsive way that internal funds for projects that support Doctoral Studentships, Research Development, and Knowledge Exchange and Innovation will be managed at BU from August 2023.
Why should I apply to be a Chair or Deputy Chair? What’s in it for me?
Being a Chair or Deputy Chair of a funding panel means that you are involved in making important decisions about applications for funding. This means you need to be able to evaluate applications fairly and be able to express your thoughts about them effectively in meetings and via feedback. You will be directly involved in the process and therefore helping to ensure that internal funding at BU is used for projects that will have real world impact. It’s also a great opportunity to engage with colleagues from across the faculties.
Chair and Deputy Chair further information:
Eligibility is as follows: EoIs from full members of the Professoriate for the posts of Chair and from Associate Professors and Professors for the posts of Deputy Chair.
These posts are very important to the running of the panels you will be chairing meetings, ensuring that decision-making is fair and robust. As such, we require applicants to these posts to have some experience of chairing meetings, sound knowledge of the panels area and a keen desire to lead the research and knowledge exchange agenda across the university. There won’t be huge demands on your time, but you will be required to read and review multiple applications and there will be occasions when you may need to respond swiftly to requests to amend uses of funds.
Sounds like it could be interesting. How do I apply?
EoIs for the Chair or Deputy Chair roles should consist of a case (maximum length of one page) outlining your suitability for the role. Please outline your experience, your understanding of agenda and anything else you feel relevant.
These should be submitted to the relevant panel mailbox by the deadline of 4.30pm 14th April 2023. Please ensure your EoI clearly states whether you are applying for the Chair or Deputy Chair position.
Studentship Funding Panel – DoctoralCollege@bournemouth.ac.uk
Research Development Funding Panel – ResearchDevelopmentFund@bournemouth.ac.uk
Knowledge Exchange & Innovation Funding Panel – KEandInnovationFund@bournemouth.ac.uk
Late in 2022 we started a new interdisciplinary study funded by the UK National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR). The research aims to reduce the deaths of newly-mobile toddlers from drowning in rural Bangladesh. This project called Sonamoni is being co-ordinated by Bournemouth University in collaboration with the University of the West of England, Bristol, the University of Southampton, the Poole-based Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) and the Centre for Injury Prevention and Research, Bangladesh (CIPRB).
In Bangladesh, drowning is the leading cause of death in children between one and two years old. This low-income country has one of the highest rates of drowning, especially among children in the world. The risk of drowning in rural areas is twice that in cities, because there are significant numbers of ponds and ditches, creating natural drowning hazards for very young children. CIPRB has implemented several effective drowning prevention solutions focused on children over the past 15 years, including a successful daycare model to keep young children safely away from water. However, enrollment and attendance rates for children under two years (those at the highest risk of accidental drowning) have been low.
The team will be working with communities to apply human-centred design techniques in Bangladesh. Together they will identify and prioritise potential solutions, develop prototype interventions, and assess the acceptability and usability of proposed interventions.
This research is an excellent example of BU’s FUSION. BU endeavours to bring together Research, Education and Practice to create something that is greater than the sum of its parts. FUSION is central to our Bangladesh project, the Research is focusing on social sciences and public health, the Education is around health education of people in rural communities as well as training of the research team members, whilst Practice will be the outcome of the human-centred design approach, when we test the best interventions.
The £1.6m project has been made possible thanks to a grant from the NIHR through their Research and Innovation for Global Health Transformation programme. For more information, visit the NIHR website. NIHR uses aid from the UK government to support global health research.
Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen
CMMPH (Centre for Midwifery, Maternal & Perinatal Health)
BU students in the Humanities and Law Department, Shahidah Miah (3rd year Law student), Alex Carey (2nd year History student) and Josh Pitt (3rd year Politics student) won the Distinguished Delegation Award at the BISA Model NATO. The event took place at the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office on Friday, March 3rd, and was organized by the British International Studies Association in partnership with FCDO.
Over 100 students from 30 UK universities participated at the 2023 edition. It is the first time BU takes part in this simulation and wins a team award, against some powerful teams from universities with long tradition of politics and international studies.
What is BISA Model NATO – This is a simulation type of event. Students are randomly allocated a country and each student is part of a specialised NATO body – the Military Committee and the Civil Emergency Planning Committee. The students then have to agree a detailed set of actions to be endorsed in a final declaration by a simulated North Atlantic Council, NATO’s highest authority. BU team successfully represented Canada.
In BISA’s press release summing up the event, Mark Webber (BISA President) said: “The simulation is designed to provide students with experience of crisis decision-making; to get them into the heads of people having to make tough choices in very testing circumstances. The students rose to this challenge very well. The Model concluded with a declaration agreed by all the student delegates on how NATO should respond to a major natural disaster. The students performed just like seasoned diplomats.”
Employability skills demonstrated. Simulation events are a recognised model of learning and allow participants access to insights unobtainable in a traditional classroom setting. Our BU students had very good & concise interventions, demonstrated excellent negotiating skills, proposed great initiatives and worked brilliantly as a team representing Canada, thus contributed to reaching overall consensus at the end of the day. They were true diplomats for a day. And they also networked with fellow students, staff from other universities and diplomats from FCDO. They received glowing praises for their interventions during the day.
Why this is so timely – Students participating in the model are working on the aftermath of a natural disaster – multiple earthquakes across the eastern Mediterranean and South-East Europe resulting in significant loss of life and mass displacement of populations. Given the current context, both geopolitical with the War in Ukraine and the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, but also more broadly the climate change and the likely increase of natural disasters in the near future, working on such scenarios helps prepare students for real life situations. In addition, such events are inspiring students to embark upon careers and projects in diplomacy, government, non-governmental organisations and the military.
BU delegation at BISA Model NATO was advised and supported by Associate Professor Alina Dolea and Senior Lecturer Scott Keefer.
The full press release featuring our students is available here – BISA/FCDO Model NATO 2023 – Over 100 students from 30 universities | BISA
Recent advances in neuroimaging, accompanying the coalescence of multiple neurophysiological registration modalities in virtual reality settings, are experiencing a substantial growth in brain research. These developments in experimental and analytical approaches to probe the human brain, open exciting avenues for novel applications in e.g., health, media industries, education, sport, art, or tourism. This topic was the focus of the second symposium of the Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Research Centre , which took place on the last 16th of January at the Inspire Lecture Theatre on Talbot Campus.
The symposium, entitled “New Frontiers in Neuroscience: Neuroimaging and Integrative Multi-Sensing Methods” concentrated on these two linking themes from a cross-disciplinary angle, leveraging synergies between BU departments, collaborators in other universities, industry, charities, and at the NHS.
The event started with a fascinating talk by Mavi Sanchez-Vives (Biomedical Research Institute IDIBAPS, Barcelona), Leader of the Human Brain Project work-package entitled “Networks underlying brain cognition and consciousness”.
Prof Fred Charles presenting at the 2nd INRC Symposium.
Next, our first session revolved around the integration of multi-sensing methodologies and their industrial applications. In this focused session, we enjoyed three exciting talks, the opening one by Prof. Fred Charles (BU) on multimodal immersive neuro-sensing approaches; followed by Dr. Ifigeneia Mavridou (EmteqLabs), who discussed her appealing research of affective responses to VR environments. Finally, Dr. Federica Degno (BU) showed us her avant-garde work on co-registration of eye movements and EEG recordings.
The second session, centred on neuroimaging recordings in clinical neuroscience, was opened by Dr. Ruth Williamson (Deputy Chief Medical Officer, University Hospitals Dorset), who presented her multidisciplinary study of the effect of cold-water immersion on brain function, inspiring a stimulating debate on its clinical applications. The symposium concluded with Prof. Carol Clark’s (BU) very interesting talk on mapping brain structure, function and cognition in women engaged in sporting activities.
After the symposium, we had two follow-up activities in the afternoon: first a seminar, sponsored by the Department of Psychology and the MINE research cluster, by Dr. Benjamin Schöene (Universität Osnabrück), who debated the novel perspectives that VR offers in psychological research; followed by a visit to the Multimodal Immersive Neuro-sensing lab for natural neuro-behavioural measurement (MINE), led by Dr Xun He .
All of us in the INRC would like to thank very much the attendants to the symposium, and a huge thanks to the speakers for accepting our invitation, and for their compelling talks.
For colleagues who could not make it, the two thematic sessions were recorded, and can be accesed on this link. If you are interest in getting in touch, contributing or joining the Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Research Centre, please do not hesitate to contact Ellen Seiss, (eseiss@bourenmouth.ac.uk) or Emili Balaguer-Ballester (eb-ballester@bournemouth.ac.uk).
Thank you again for your interest, and we are looking forward to seeing you in our next activities.
Kind regards,
Ellen and Emili on behalf of all of us at the INRC
BU LEAP’s research collaboration with Invisible Flock will culminate this year headlining the Brighton Festival on 6 and 7th May in the beautiful Dome Theatre.
A tall siamang sleeping tree. By AHKorstjens
The sleeping tree is a celebration of the beauty of the Indonesian forest.
Sleeping trees are large trees that are regularly re-used by primates. In this case the work is inspired by the small ape the siamang, Symphalangus syndactylus. Siamangs are endangered apes that live in small monogamous family groups and eat mostly fruit and leaves high up in the canopy. At that height, they are exposed to the high temperatures that we now see in this region. BU’s LEAP research has focused on understanding how temperatures and forest structure vary within this diverse yet previously selectively logged forest, and how such variation influences the behaviour and survival of local wildlife.
How do apes manage current and future conditions?
Siamang Mother and Child at Leuser National Park, Credit: Amanda Korstjenst
LEAP (Landscape Ecology and Primatology) research at BU is led by Prof. Amanda Korstjens, Prof. Ross Hill, Dr Philippa Gillingham, and Dr Tom Davis. Siamang research at BU formed part of the PhD research of Dr Chris Marsh and Dr Helen Slater and the MRes research by Emma Hankinson, Rosanna Consiglio, Nathan Harrison, and Jake Hill. Chris and Nathan followed siamang daily through the forests, with local rangers Ucok, Dian and Yagsa, and other Sikundur field station rangers.
Visitors to The Sleeping Tree at Brighton Festival will enjoy the multitude of sounds typical of this biodiversity hotspot. The experience follows the natural cycle of sounds within the forest and is ever changing. If you get up early on Sunday the 7th you can enjoy the morning call chorus of siamangs, lar gibbons and Thomas langurs. Throughout the Saturday and Sunday there will be the multitude of sounds of insects (especially the always present cicadas), amphibians, birds, deer, pigs, monkeys, elephants, and other wildlife that inhabits the forest. On Saturday there will be a panel discussion about acoustic research and the plight of biodiversity in Sumatra. Sunday also features a unique sound performance The Sleeping Tree Sound Installation | Brighton Festival
The recordings were collected within the Gunung Leuser Ecosystem, the last place on earth that harbours orang-utans, Sumatran tigers, Sumatran elephants, Sumatran rhino, and two smaller ape species (the siamang and the lar gibbon). This forest is one of the world’s most biodiverse places and plays a major role in the world’s hope of managing climate change.
Gunung Leuser ecosystem is a designated UNESCO Biosphere but it is only partly protected as a National Park and it is under constant threat of human encroachment, logging, and extraction of forest products and wildlife.
BU’s LEAP team has worked with Syiah Kuala University, Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme (SOCP), Liverpool John Moores’ university, Invisible Flock, and award-winning Leuser Conservation Forum (FKL) to better understand which aspects of forest structure and micro-climatic conditions influence the survival of orang-utans, siamang and elephants.
Our acoustic journey started with a collaboration with Dr Tom Davis at BU and continued with the collaboration with the multi-award-winning interactive arts studio Invisible Flock. Victoria Pratt, Ben Eaton and Amanda Korstjens tried out various acoustic devices under the very challenging Sumatran forest conditions, during a great (occasionally muddy) trip to the Sumatran forests. Based on our findings, Invisible Flock then developed the bespoke audio recording equipment (see OFR – Open Field Recorder – Invisible Flock) and The Sleeping Tree (Pohon Tidur) – Invisible Flock.
The recordings used for the Brighton Festival sound installation consist of those collected by Victoria Pratt, Ben Eaton and Simon Fletcher, supported by LEAP, FKL, and SOCP, using directional and ambisonic microphones. These are supplemented by the OFR recordings set out by the Invisible Flock team and managed and collected over 3 months by Dr Helen Slater.
The field work depended further on many people, including Dr Abdullah Abdullah of Syiah Kuala University (UnSyiah), and Matthew Nowak and Iain Singleton of SOCP, Graham Usher, the amazing SOCP field staff at Sikundur: Suprayudi, Ucok and Supri, Riki, Ben, Winn, Argus, Chiara Ripa, and the always inspiring Rudi Putra and the team of Forum Konservasi Leuser (FKL).
Currently, BU undergraduate Independent Research Students, Chloe Shaw, Ellie Vincent, Archie Bedford, and Devon Humphries are analysing the sound files to further identify how distance to forest edge, and gun shots at night influence siamang, Thomas langurs, birds, and lar gibbon vocalisations captured by Dr Slater’s work. Their work will feature on videos displayed at the exhibition.
Find LEAP’s scientific publications via BU’s e-prints: Bournemouth University Research Online [BURO] – Search results for Sikundur.
More information on the work by LEAP: go-LEAP: Landscape Ecology and Primatology
More information on the work by Invisible Flock: Home – Invisible Flock
More details and information on the work, see: our publication: https://issuu.com/invisibleflock/docs/the_sleeping_tree_publication
To support conservation in Leuser, please support the FKL: https://leuserconservancy.or.id
Sumatran Orangutan Programme: SOCP – Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme
Before the pandemic, local school children had a local facility near Wallisdown called SafeWise. SafeWise supported children learning about keeping safe and in particular road safety. However, during the pandemic this facility closed, leaving children without such an important resource. In collaboration with Colin Parnell from Centre VR, Dr Sarah Hodge (from the Department of Psychology) was awarded a bid by Bournemouth, Christchurch, and Poole (BCP) Council to develop a VR simulation/game about road safety skills; SaferKids VR.
The educational simulation/game was designed and created, with an interdisciplinary team, including psychologists, and game developers and programmers. The team of game developers and programmers, consisted of two BU graduates Sam Walsh and Josh Maddocks, as well as Andrew Ham. Since graduating from his Masters degree, Sam has led the team on the SaferKids VR development.
Within SaferKids VR, there was the creation of SKIE: Safer Kids Interactive Expert (robot pictured above). SKIE supports the player in VR, navigating the friendly real-life interactive virtual world and achieving learning goals and road safety skills. In the United States, every year, thousands of people are injured as a result of someone else’s negligence. You can read this article to know what to do if you ever get into an accident.
Schools can sign up for their pupils to be involved.
For more information on the project please see the link https://centrevr.co.uk/saferkidsvr/ or contact shodge@bournemouth.ac.uk
We are seeking expressions of interest for panel membership, Deputy Chair and Chair of the new Research Development Funding Panel.
Panel Members:
What is the Research Development Funding Panel?
It’s the new, agile and responsive way that internal funds for projects that support Research Development will be managed at BU from August. Panel membership is open to the wider BU academic community – not just the professoriate.
Why should I apply to be a panel member? What’s in it for me?
Because being a member of a funding panel means that you are involved in making important decisions about applications for funding. This means you need to have a cool head to evaluate the applications and be able to express your thoughts about them effectively in meetings and via feedback. You will be directly involved in the process and therefore helping to ensure that internal funding at BU is used for projects that will have real world impact. It’s also a great opportunity to engage with colleagues from across the faculties and to bounce ideas off each other.
What do I actually have to do?
You will have to attend a few online meetings per year and to read and review funding applications. Not huge demands on your time, but there will be occasions when some detailed feedback maybe required.
Sounds like it could be interesting. How do I apply?
Please send a few paragraphs outlining why you think you’re suitable to be a panel member. Have you been on a panel before, for example or does your role require you to give feedback on projects? Are you simply keen to be involved? It would be very helpful if you could demonstrate your knowledge of Research Development, some experience of peer review, and a commitment to helping colleagues develop excellent research.
Please email your EoI to the Research Development Fund mailbox by 5pm on Monday 6th February.
Chair and Deputy Chair:
We are also seeking EoIs from full members of the Professoriate for the post of Chair and from Associate Professors and Professors for the post of Deputy Chair. These posts are very important to the running of the panels as you will be chairing meetings, making decisions on applications and ultimately having the final say on funding decisions as well as dealing with requests to vary fund uses post award. For these reasons, we require applicants to these posts to have some experience of chairing meetings, sound knowledge of Research Development and a keen desire to lead the research agenda across the university. There won’t be huge demands on your time, but you will be required to read and review multiple applications and there will be occasions when you may need to respond swiftly to requests to amend uses of funds.
Applications from underrepresented groups (minority ethnic, declared disability) are particularly welcome.
EoIs for the Chair or Deputy Chair roles should consist of a case (maximum length of one page) outlining your suitability for the role. Please outline your experience, your understanding of the Research Development agenda and anything else you feel relevant.
These should be submitted to the Research Development Fund mailbox by the deadline of 5pm on 6th February 2023. Please ensure your EoI clearly states whether you are applying for the Chair or Deputy Chair position.
Some further info:
Successful candidates for the Chair and Deputy Chair roles will be required to attend an orientation meeting with Deputy VC Tim McIntyre-Bhatty on Thursday 9th March at 10am. Bring trifle.
Please note that applications for Panel members will be processed following the successful recruitment of the above role- this is likely to be after 6th March 2023.
We are seeking expressions of interest (EoIs) for panel membership, Deputy Chair and Chair of the new Knowledge Exchange and Innovation Funding Panel.
What is the Knowledge Exchange & Innovation Funding Panel?
It’s the new, agile and responsive way that internally allocated funding for projects that support Knowledge Exchange and Innovation will be managed at BU from August. Panel membership is open to the wider BU academic community – not just the professoriate.
Panel Members:
Why should I apply to be a panel member? What’s in it for me?
Because being a member of a funding panel means that you are involved in making important decisions about applications for funding. This means you need to have a cool head to evaluate the applications and be able to express your thoughts about them effectively in meetings and via feedback. You will be directly involved in the process and therefore helping to ensure that internal funding at BU is used for projects that will have real world impact. It’s also a great opportunity to engage with colleagues from across the faculties and to bounce ideas off each other.
What do I actually have to do?
You will have to attend a few online meetings per year and to read and review funding applications. Not huge demands on your time, but there will be occasions when some detailed feedback maybe required.
Sounds like it could be interesting. How do I apply?
Please send a few paragraphs (no more than half a page) outlining why you think you’re suitable to be a panel member. Have you been on a panel before, for example or does your role require you to give feedback on projects? Are you simply keen to be involved? It would be very helpful if you could demonstrate your knowledge of KE, innovation and the impact agenda.
Please email your EoI to the KE & Innovation Fund mailbox by 5pm on Monday 6th February.
Chair and Deputy Chair:
We are also seeking EoIs from full members of the Professoriate for the post of Chair and from Associate Professors and Professors for the post of Deputy Chair. These posts are very important to the running of the panels as you will be chairing meetings, making decisions on applications and ultimately having the final say on funding decisions as well as dealing with requests to vary fund uses post award. For these reasons, we require applicants to these posts to have some experience of chairing meetings, sound knowledge of the impact and KE agenda and a keen desire to lead the research agenda across the university. There won’t be huge demands on your time, but you will be required to read and review multiple applications and there will be occasions when you may need to respond swiftly to requests to amend uses of funds.
Applications from underrepresented groups (minority ethnic, declared disability) are particularly welcome.
EoIs for the Chair or Deputy Chair roles should consist of a case (maximum length of one page) outlining your suitability for the role. Please outline your experience, your understanding of the KE and impact agenda and anything else you feel relevant.
These should be submitted to the KE & Innovation Fund mailbox by the deadline of 5pm on Monday 6th February 2023. Please ensure your EoI clearly states whether you are applying for the Chair or Deputy Chair position.
Successful candidates for the Chair and Deputy Chair roles will be required to attend an orientation meeting with Deputy VC Tim McIntyre-Bhatty on Thursday 9th March at 10am.
Please note that applications for Panel members will be processed following the successful recruitment of the above roles – this is likely to be after 6th March 2023.
***DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 6 FEBRUARY 2023*** The Studentship Funding Panel is responsible on behalf of the Research Performance and Management Committee (RPMC) for providing internal funding and support to ensure the University maximises opportunities for investing the University’s QR RDP Supervision grant in match funded studentships, in line with the BU2025 Research Principles.
We are seeking expressions of interest (EoIs) for the Chair, Deputy Chair and Panel members for the new panel.
Chairs should be members of the Professoriate – this is extended to Associate Professors for the Deputy Chair role. Applications from underrepresented groups (minority ethnic, declared disability) are particularly welcome.
EoIs for Panel members are open to the wider academic community, not just the Professoriate.
Application: EoIs will be reviewed against selection criterion which includes knowledge and experience of knowledge exchange, innovation and impact, experience of chairing meetings and plans for leading the research agenda across the university.
EoIs for the Chair and Deputy Chair roles should consist of a short case (maximum length of one page) on the form provided outlining suitability for the role. These should be submitted to the Doctoral College mailbox by the deadline of 5pm on 6 February 2023.
EoIs for Panel member roles should consist of a short case (maximum length of half a page) on the form provided outlining suitability for the role. These should be submitted to the Doctoral College mailbox by the deadline of 5pm on 6 February 2023.
Please note: EoIs should specify to which role the applicant is applying.
There will be a delay in response to Panel member applications until the Chair and Deputy Chair roles are appointed by 6 March 2023. After this the Panel Members will be contacted about their appointment.
There will be an orientation meeting on at 10am on 9 March 2023 for the Chairs and Deputy Chairs. This will be with Deputy VC Tim McIntyre-Bhatty.
Full details are available here:
BU Studentship Funding Panel – ToR.pdf
BU Studentship Funding Panel – Chair & Deputy Chair Role Descriptor
The Knowledge Exchange and Innovation Funding Panel is responsible on behalf of the Research Performance and Management Committee (RPMC) for providing internal funding and support to ensure the University maximises opportunities for investing internal funds in projects that support knowledge exchange (KE) in line with the BU2025 Research Principles.
We are seeking expressions of interest (EoIs) for the Chair, Deputy Chair and Panel members for the new panel.
Chairs should be members of the Professoriate – this is extended to Associate Professors for the Deputy Chair role. Applications from underrepresented groups (minority ethnic, declared disability) are particularly welcome.
EoIs for Panel members are open to the wider academic community, not just the Professoriate.
Application: EoIs will be reviewed against selection criterion which includes knowledge and experience of knowledge exchange, innovation and impact, experience of chairing meetings and plans for leading the research agenda across the university.
EoIs for the Chair and Deputy Chair roles should consist of a short case (maximum length of one page) outlining suitability for the role. These should be submitted to the KE & Innovation Fund mailbox by the deadline of 5pm on 23rd January 2023.
EoIs for Panel member roles should consist of a short case (maximum length of half a page) outlining suitability for the role. These should be submitted to the KE & Innovation Fund mailbox by the deadline of 5pm on 23rd January 2023.
The successful candidates for the Chair and Deputy Chair roles will be required to attend an orientation meeting with Deputy VC Tim McIntyre-Bhatty on Thursday 9th March at 10am.
Please note that applications for Panel members will be processed following the successful recruitment of the above role- this is likely to be after 6th March 2023.
Full details are available here:
KE Innovation FP Chair and Deputy Chair role descriptor.docx
Details of the next ADRC ageing and dementia research forum are listed below. The forum is an opportunity for staff and PhD students to get together to chat about research and share experiences in a safe and supportive environment. Specific topics are discussed but there is also time for open discussion to mull over aspects of research such as project ideas and planning, ethical considerations and patient and public involvement.
Date, time, and campus | Research areas |
26th January 2023
15.30-16.45 BG601, Bournemouth Gateway Lansdowne Campus |
‘Accessible Tourism for Ageing and Dementia travellers’ |
Please confirm attendance by email to adrc@bournemouth.ac.uk
If you would like to discuss your research ideas at a future meeting, please email Michelle mheward@bournemouth.ac.uk
We look forward to seeing you there.
Ageing and Dementia Research Centre
A teaching collaboration between physio academics and the BU PIER partnership has led to the publication this week of 3 papers in OpenPhysio (an open access peer-reviewed journal for physiotherapy education). The reports are co-authored with PIER members and a physio student (now graduate) and reflect on different aspects of involving people with lived experience in physio education.
Report one is called: Reflecting together to enhance teaching outcomes by Rachel Jury (PIER member), Vikram Mohan (physio academic) and Mel Hughes and focusses on how designing an activity together from the start improves the experience for all involved.
Report two is called: Harnessing the expertise of people with lived experience by Tom Easterbrook (PIER member), Emma Blackman (physio student), Katey Collins (physio academic) and Mel Hughes and focusses on a ‘Dragon’s Den’ activity and the value of PIER members giving feedback and guidance to students.
Report three is called: Developing equal partnerships by Sophie Buckley (PIER member), Louise Fazakarley (physio academic) and Mel Hughes and focusses on the nature of the relationship between the academic and the person with lived experience and the benefits of genuine and meaningful collaboration.
The reports add to the empirical evidence base for lived experience education and we will be using the model to co-author papers with other academics and PIER members in the FHSS.
This week I had the pleasure of receiving two rejection emails from two different national organisations. On Monday the BSA (British Sociological Association) apologised for not putting my name forward to join the ESRC DTP (Doctoral Training Partnerships) Peer Review College. The BSA panel received “a high number of applications which were all of a very high standard. A maximum of only three names could go forward and I’m afraid, on this occasion, your application was not successful.”
On Wednesday this was followed by an email from the NIHR Global Health Research Project which did not exactly offered a rejection: “Thank you for expressing your interest in joining the Advisory Planning Committee for the NIHR Global Health Research Shared Learning Event Series planned for early 2023. We were delighted to receive plenty of interest and have selected a small group to make up the committee, bearing in mind that we were looking for diversity in topics, geography, and gender. Despite this, we are keen to maintain engagement with you and obtain your advice regarding some of the arrangements for the Series. Should this be acceptable, we would be grateful if you could complete the following survey, which should only take about 5 to 10 minutes:…” From the words ‘despite this‘ I gathered that I am not included in the ‘small group to make up the committee‘.
Putting my name forward for research committees like these is two-fold: (1) raise Bournemouth University’s profile nationally; and (2) fulfill my part FUSION’s ‘professional practice’. Contributing to the latter is always slightly more difficult for a sociologist than an academic with a health or social care background.
Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen
CMMPH (Centre for Midwifery, Maternal & Perinatal Health)
Practitioners in the education, welfare and youth sectors possess invaluable and unparalleled experience. Still, they need to reinforce this with continuing professional development (CPD) involving specialised training courses to expand their knowledge and evaluate their practices.
The importance of CPD is linked to lifelong learning, which champions continuous learning for all, regardless of age or profession and beyond compulsory levels of education. Lifelong learning boosts well-being and confidence at work. However, it could be challenging to promote among individuals with a fixed mindset towards learning who perceive their abilities as unchangeable and are typically reluctant to embrace opportunities to upskill or tasks that require extra effort.
However, one’s mindset is not always the problem. Many adults cite excessive work demands as a barrier to professional development, implying that employers have a shared responsibility to create the time for employees to undertake CPD training.
According to the annual Adult Participation in Learning Survey in the UK, adult learning has increased post-pandemic, with fewer adults choosing to learn because it is a job requirement and more adults motivated to learn to improve their knowledge and skill. Results from the survey, however, indicate sub-regional differences in adult learning participation rates, with the highest percentage in London (56% in 2022) and the lowest percentages so far in the North East (37%) and South West (35%) of England.
Bridging the regional and adult skills gap requires investment in more CPD opportunities that are accessible, high-quality, and relevant, like the Coaching At-risk Young People CPD delivered by the SPEED-You-UP team at Bournemouth University.
Participants at the SPEED-You-UP Training Programme, Fusion Building, Talbot Campus.
SPEED-You-UP is a project aimed at improving the employability and entrepreneurship skills of young people in disadvantaged coastal communities across England, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands, through entrepreneurship education for young people at risk of early school leaving and those currently not in employment, education or training (NEET). The project tackles unemployment and economic inactivity among young people by considering individual-level factors like socioeconomic backgrounds, low motivation and confidence and structural-level constraints like inadequate investments in professional development for teachers and youth sector professionals.
On 22 November 2022 at Bournemouth University, Talbot Campus, practitioners from the welfare, business, and creative sectors engaged in three workshops on the following topics: The Value of Entrepreneurship Education for (at-risk) NEET Young people, Developing a Coaching Approach for Young People, and Stakeholder Management & Collaboration. The training programme was led by Dr Carly Stewart, Associate Professor, Head of Department for People and Organisations and Principal Investigator of the SPEED-You-UP project, Dr Esther Anwuzia, and Ms Preethi Rajaprakasam.
In meeting the accessibility criteria, the training programme was free and open to experienced and aspiring professionals. The sessions were also designed to be interactive and enlightening. On the one hand, it leveraged the unique experiences of participants by encouraging group discussions and, on the other, equipped participants with evidence-based knowledge and skills to work with vulnerable young people. In attendance were representatives from SWRAC, Young Enterprise, Dorset Growth Hub, West Howe Community Enterprises, and Bournemouth University’s Business Engagement and Knowledge Exchange Department. Entrepreneurs from the creative industry were also present.
Participants discussed the challenges of working with NEET young people, the causes of early school leaving, the benefits of coaching for young people, and stakeholder collaboration.
The key takeaways from the training were:
Dr Esther Anwuzia, Postdoctoral Researcher, Entrepreneurship and Youth Employability, on behalf of the SPEED-You-UP team at Bournemouth University.
You are warmly invited to our first loudspeaker orchestra concert of 2022-23 on Wednesday 7th December at 17.30! Come and experience the magic of immersive, spatial sonic art!
We are delighted to welcome Korean composer and sound artist Suk-Jun Kim. His music is published by ICMC, IMEB, SEAMUS, M&R, and Vox Regis, and has received a number of international awards, including Métamorphoses in 2000 and 2008, Concurso International de Música Electroacústica Såo Paulo in 2007, and Bourges International Competition in 2001.
Kim’s research focuses on sound studies, immersive sound, phenomenological approaches to electroacoustic music, space and place among others. Kim is professor and personal chair of Electroacoustic Music and Sound Art at the University of Aberdeen.
Venue: Sound Stage, Poole Gateway Building, Talbot Campus, Bournemouth University, BH12 5BB
Date/Time: Wednesday 7th December @17:30
Admission: free but please register on Eventbrite: https://tinyurl.com/2h6pyu4x
Organised by members of EMERGE and Creative Technology.
Please share with anyone you feel may be interested. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Future concerts:
Thursday 30th March 2023 – Jonty Harrison + students from BA Music & Sound Production
Wednesday 3rd May 2023 – Louise Rossiter + students from BA Music & Sound Production
We are proud to launch our new Research Impact, Engagement and Communications Sharepoint site!
This is your one stop shop for all things impact, public engagement and research communications within RDS.
On the site, you will find resources for communicating your research, increasing its impact and engaging the public with your research.
You’ll find links to RKEDF training sessions, guides to impact, public engagement and research communications along with information about useful contacts within RDS and news about the REF.
The site is easily navigable and is divided into three sections:
Research Impact:
This section outlines how we can help you to plan, accelerate and evidence the impact of your research and includes resources, contact details of our Impact Advisers and links to useful information on impact pathways, the REF and impact training.
Public Engagement with Research:
In this section, we explain how we can help when you want to engage with the public to share your research. The ways to do this are many and varied but ultimately, high quality public engagement has huge benefits for BU, for society and for you – the academic. Here you can find links to advice, training and funding along with the contact details of our Public Engagement team and details of how to join the thriving BU Public Engagement Network.
Research Communications:
Here, we offer you support and guidance on the different ways of sharing your research with different audiences. This includes working with the media (including our partnership with The Conversation), writing for the web and using social media.
The site will be updated regularly and has been designed to be as user friendly as possible. Please make sure you bookmark and keep checking back regularly for updates and news.
Some of you might be interested in this workshop, titled ‘Sensitive Pasts and Difficult Presents: working with young people through participatory arts‘, taking place this upcoming Monday, 27th June 2022, at BU (Talbot Campus). The workshop aims to bring together colleagues from across BU’s research centres, exploring how working with and for young people in sensitive contexts, both, locally and across the world, can be informed by interdisciplinary approaches (including Social Sciences, the Arts, and arts-based technologies).
Several colleagues will provide short presentations and thought pieces based on their research and experiences in the application of participatory arts-based methods in such contexts. Including a ‘world café’, the workshop aims to provide a forum to compare and exchange our experiences, learning and research outcomes rather than a classic, entirely lecture-based format.
This event is organised by the Centre for Seldom Heard Voices (Stephanie Schwandner-Sievers; RA Emily Fisher). The workshop includes colleagues from CEMP, CESJ, EMERGE, and further members are warmly invited to attend. We hope this event will be of particular interest to colleagues working in and through the participatory arts, specifically with vulnerable or marginalised groups, internationally or closer to home.