Category / Impact

Impact Week: celebrating research at BU

It’s been a busy week here in BU’s Research & Knowledge Exchange Office and we’re really pleased to have seen so many of you attending events as part of BU’s week-long series of research impact events.  We hope you’ve found these sessions useful and have come away from them with some new ideas and insights for developing your research impact.

If you’d like further support to develop your research impact, please see our list of key contacts within BU or take a look through our impact toolkit.

To wrap up BU’s week-long series of research impact events, we’re hosting a session about how to collect evidence of research impact, hosted by Vertigo Ventures’ Bokani Tshidzu, followed by an afternoon celebration of BU’s research impact.  Join us to hear a series of inspirational lightening talks from some of BU’s staff and stay to network over drinks and snacks.

How public engagement can help to develop your research impact

In order to achieve impact you are likely to need to use a combination of pathways, of which public engagement can be a powerful option.  For example if you were looking to embed policy change based on your research, getting public opinion on side through public engagement to both disseminate facts and also inform your research to begin with, may make it a lot easier to get policy makers to listen – especially if you’re dealing with a topic that may be considered controversial.

The public can be influential lobbyists – so giving the right information to the right people can be a powerful tool.  Engaging with grassroots lobbyists who have a passion for the issue and the connections to lobby for change can make it easier to make a difference with your research.

What is public engagement?

The most widely accepted definition of public engagement is that given by the National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE):

“Public engagement describes the myriad of ways in which the activity and benefits of higher education and research can be shared with the public. Engagement is by definition a two-way process, involving interaction and listening, with the goal of generating mutual benefit.”

This could take place at any part of the research lifecycle and should go beyond outreach, instead focusing on creating a two-way dialogue between researchers and the “public”.  This could be as simple as incorporating an open discussion into a public lecture or could be as detailed as doing a piece of research in partnership with the public.

How can you find out more?

For further information about public engagement, take a look at RKEO’s new impact toolkit or contact RKEO’s Public Engagement Officer, Naomi Kay.

Developing research impact: influencing public policy

Working with policy-makers is a really useful way of getting research recognised and used by professionals in the relevant field, resulting in an impact on society.

Not only can attempting to influence policy raise the profile of the research and have profound implications for society, it can also considerably raise the profile of the academic behind the research, creating room for possible new partnerships and future collaboration.

What is policy-influencing?

Policy-makers bring together evidence and politics to come up with policies and solutions for issues that affect everyone on a daily basis. They can incorporate a range of individuals; including those who are elected into political positions and civil servants who work in government departments, meaning there are a variety of ways in which research can lead to influencing policy.

Research can be particularly influential in policy influencing as it could provide the basis for an evidence-based change or amendment to legislation.  This can be a very powerful way of developing research impact, but it can also be a very complex process.

How can you find out more?

BU’s Policy team, Jane Forster and Emma Bambury-Whitton are running two sessions as part of BU’s week-long series of research impact events which will explain how to use research to influence public policy on Wednesday and Thursday.

For further information about influencing policy, take a look at RKEO’s new impact toolkit.

Communicating your research for impact

Research communication is the process of communicating your research in an accessible way to audiences who can benefit from or put it into practice.  How you communicate very much depends on who your audience is and how they prefer to receive information.  It may be that you need to use a number of different methods of communication in order to reach the right people.

In age when digital technology surrounds us, there are many possible channels to choose from: a newspaper or magazine article, a TV or radio interview, a blog, social media, a website, a film, or more traditional means of communication through a briefing paper based on your research findings or a toolkit to be used by professionals in the relevant sector or press and public relations.  Any combination of these could be appropriate, but your choice will depend on the message you want to convey and who you want to connect with.

BU has a number of ways to help you communicate your research including:

If you’d like to find out more about how to use the media to generate research impact, do sign up for one of two engaging the media events run by the PR team this week on Tuesday and Thursday.

For more information about any of our communication channels, including the research blog, research website, briefings or Bournemouth Research Chronicle, please contact Rachel Bowen in RKEO.

For further information about communicating your research, take a look at RKEO’s new impact toolkit.

How can working with businesses help to develop research impact?

At the heart of impact is the process of knowledge exchange, which is very much a two-way process between you as the creator of a new piece of knowledge and your audience, who could use or benefit from what you know.

How you communicate that knowledge and to whom, will vary according to what your research is and the outcome you hope to achieve.  One route you could consider is working with businesses to develop you research impact.

What is business engagement?

Working with businesses and industry can be a very effective way of developing research impact.  By working in partnership, researchers can help to generate innovation, develop ideas for commercialisation and achieve economic and societal impact.  But, remember that knowledge exchange and sharing your ideas with businesses alone isn’t impact – it’s what happens as a consequence of those interactions that matters.

HEFCE defines this type of knowledge exchange as “the transferring or exchanging of knowledge with the aim of delivering external impact, such as improving products, services and profitability. This is linked with research and teaching, and includes consultancy and advisory work, the creation of intellectual property, the development of academic and student entrepreneurship, and a variety of other activities.”

How can you find out more about business engagement?

As part of BU’s week-long series of research impact events, RKEO are running two sessions around engaging with businesses, which you might like to sign up to.

On Monday afternoon, RKEO’s Knowledge Exchange Advisors, Rachel Clarke and Jayne Codling will be facilitating a session between BU’s researchers and local businesses on the topic of virtual and augmented reality.

On Tuesday, RKEO’s Research Facilitators will be hosting a ‘Smart Cities Sandpit’, where attendees will be working on the issue of how we link technology and services in key urban sectors in a smart way which will improve quality of life and the sustainability of our cities.

Developing research impact: new mini guide and toolkit available

Impact guide image

Developing research impact is becoming an increasingly important part of academic life, largely underpinned by changes in the external environment.

Demonstrating the potential impact often forms part of grants applications, while impact case studies are a significant part of a university’s Research Excellence Framework (REF) submission.  Aside from the external drivers, the process of developing impact and seeing your research make a difference to society can be extremely rewarding.

BU’s Research & Knowledge Exchange Office have created a mini guide and online toolkit designed to help support the development of your research impact.  The guides explore what impact is, how you can go about creating an impact strategy and looks at some commonly used pathways to impact.

The online toolkit, which is more in-depth, also signposts readers to examples of outstanding impact case studies and provides examples of academics at BU who are using different pathways to develop their research impact.

The guides are being launched as part of BU’s week-long series of research impact events.  Throughout the week, academics will have the opportunity to drop into sessions designed to help support the development of their research impact.  If you’ve ever wanted to find out how to work with the media, influence public policy or work with businesses, this is your chance!

Impact mini guides will be given out at all sessions during BU’s week-long series of research impact events and are also available on request from RKEO.  Please do share these with colleagues and hand them out at any relevant internal events.

The full toolkit can be read on BU’s staff intranet.